#the worst part is that both Matthew and ludwig pretend not to remember their fights
wewerenotthefirst · 5 years
A key feature of my gercan is the idea that everyone else is so confused by pair of them because they can simultaneously bring out the worst and best in each other. Ludwig prides himself on being calm and even-tempered but once Matthew threw the foulest German at him and Ludwig had to be dragged back into the trenches lest he run across No Man’s Land to personally break Matthew’s jaw. 
Matthew has the patience of a saint from dealing with the 3 most narcissistic nations in the world (Alfred, Arthur & Francis) and yet Ludwig once sneezed during the peace conference and Matthew thew his teacup against the wall by Ludwig’s head and called him a plague rat. 
I mean, Matthew learned German just to. make sure Ludwig knew he was insulting him. And its flawless. Ludwig once got Matthew banned from his zoos.
So, yeah, Arthur doesn’t know when they started dating but the last fight they had in public was over who got to carry the new puppy in the baby carrier. So. 
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