#the worst part of only giving two forms of your pronouns is when you don't know the proper way to use the rest of the pronouns
gojosoath · 1 year
wilted grace — nanami/gojo fic
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pairing: nanami kento x gojo satoru x fem!reader (uses she/her pronouns) x poly relationship
tags: romance x angst x smut x polyamory x AU (no sorcerer stuff in this au, nanami and gojo are just normal dudes living in a normal world, lol)
warnings: a bit of an age gap (everyone is a consenting adult fyi) x implications of SA done to Y/N x Y/N has a panic attack x dissociation summary: (AU) The story follows Y/N, Nanami and Gojo in a polyamorous relationship; the three of them navigating the new dynamic relationship for the first time in their lives. The three of them begin exploring aspects both emotionally and sexually, finding themselves on a complex journey of facing their inner demons and also healing themselves.
Table of Contents // my ao3 // taglist form taglist: @adequate-superstar ; @chifuxu ; @moonlightchildz ; @crown5 ; @frankiesteins-world ; @peachytears11 ; @chaneleden ; @soumies ; @nanamingojo ; @sunfairyy ;
a/n: umm so sorry for not updating in a while. my writers block is the worst...i have no excuses, forgive me yall. enjoyy x :)
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Part 11: One, Two, Three... (wc: 3.1k)
8 hours earlier
“Mr. Kento, do you realize what you have done by leaving early and not even attending the conference you were supposed to lead?” The boss’ voice is sharp and cold, making Nanami pinch the bridge of his nose. He paces the hallway, letting his boss bite his head off for leaving the business trip too early.
“I notified you that it was an emergency, something came up,” Nanami reminds him.
“Last minute,” His boss retorts, “it did not give us enough time to send in a backup.”
“I know, I know,” Nanami rubs the back of his neck hoping that it will somewhat give his tense muscles some relief. When he gets to the end of the hallway, he stops in his steps when he sees you and Gojo in the kitchen; you are crying in the high chair while Gojo is kneeling, both of your guys’ hands together. Nanami tunes out his boss continuing to give him a hard time, while he continues to watch the two of you. He doesn’t hear what Gojo says but he sees his lips moving. For some odd reason, Nanami doesn’t feel jealous but rather…thankful? Even though Nanami doesn't fully understand it, he feels he should be jealous. 
“...I’m expecting you in the office tomorrow, we will talk about the details then…” Nanami hears his boss say.
“Hmm,” Nanami hums, his mind completely occupied with something else. The call ends, and Nanami is left standing there, phone to his ear and watching as the two of you continue eating breakfast. 
Nanami walks back into the kitchen, coming up to your side and placing a kiss on top of your head. Your eyes are red and your cheeks slightly wet but you still smile at Nanami, making his heart feel like it’s melting. 
“You doing better?” Nanami asks you.
You sniffle, “Yes, thank you,” You whisper to him. Nanami glances at Gojo and he seems preoccupied stuffing his face with pancakes. 
“I can take you back to your dorm,” Nanami tells you, his hand rubbing gentle circles on your back. 
Your club dress is in a plastic bag that Gojo had secured for you to take home. You sheepishly thank Gojo and Nanami notices the light blush spread across your cheeks. Nanami takes you downstairs to his car, you look awfully tired. The drive to your dorm consists of you two holding hands, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on your hand. 
At a stoplight, Nanami continues to reassure you, “Don’t worry about my job, everything is going to be okay.”
“But is your boss mad at you?” You press on. 
Nanami sighs, “He’s not the happiest.”
“Please, just be honest with me,” You plea wearily.
The light turns green and Nanami steps on the gas, “He’s pissed off,” He finally says. 
You nod your head, “That’s the feeling I got…” Your voice trails off, and then you add, “is he going to fire you?”
“No,” Nanami consoles, “I’m probably just going to get an earful.” 
You inhale shakily, looking out the window, “I’m sorry, Nanami.” 
Nanami brings the back of your hand which he holds to his lips and presses a soft kiss, “Nothing to be sorry about, you always come first.”
You turn your head to look at him, eyes shimmering with tears, “It means a lot,” You whisper. Nanami parks the car once he’s made it to your dorm parking lot. He looks calm on the outside, but you know that he’s wanting to talk to you about something. You’re the one to initiate it, “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m worried about what happened last night,” Nanami voices. 
“Are you suspicious something happened between Gojo and me?” 
Nanami shakes his head, “No, not you two. It’s about what happened at the club. Do you remember how you ended up on the second floor?” 
You look lost in thought when Nanami asks you the question, face becoming pale. He doesn’t push it any further, he embraces you in a hug. You find yourself crying into his chest again, his lips against the crown of your head. 
“It’s okay,” Nanami says softly, his hands rubbing circles on your back, “we don’t need to talk about it right now. Just know I’m here when you’re ready.”
“I’m sorry,” You blabber into his chest, “I’m so sorry,” You have, your body trembling in his hold.
“What are you sorry about?” Nanami holds your face in his hands, his thumbs wiping at your tears. “You haven’t done anything wrong, my love.”
You’re hyperventilating again, tasting nothing but the saltiness from your tears, “I’m sorry,” You keep repeating. 
“Baby,” Nanami persists, “hey, look at me.”
“I’m sorry!”
“For what?” Nanami asks, his brows pulled together in concern, his brown eyes scanning your face. 
“I don’t know what is wrong with me!” Your voice cracks and your fingers are wrapped around Nanami’s wrists where you squeeze them. 
“Hey, Y/N, look at me,” Nanami continues to try to ground you, “you’re okay, I’m here.” 
You finally bring your gaze to meet him, biting your bottom lip to close off any more cries that threaten to fall past your mouth. You don’t know what it is, and your heart stops for a moment, you love Nanami but there’s more space in your heart than you know it; 
“I think I like Gojo, too.” Nanami is silent, his gaze doesn’t break away from yours. You can’t seem to put a pause to what’s spilling from you, “I like you…I like Gojo, too.” 
You hold your breath, you’re expecting Nanami to retaliate in disgust, in anger. Instead, he surprises you when he hugs you again, pressing a kiss to your hairline; “That’s okay,” His voice vibrates against you, “I accept all your feelings.”
“I don’t know why I feel this way,” You say wearily into his chest, closing your eyes as he gives your body a light squeeze, “it’s not possible, right?”
“I don’t know,” Nanami says, “we’ll figure it out together.” 
“Are you mad at me?”
“Not for a moment,” Nanami reassures you, giving you another kiss, “I just want you to be happy.”
Nanami walks with you up to your room, and thankfully your roommate is already in the room. She is relieved to see you, hugging you the moment she sees you and explaining how sorry she was that the two of you got drifted away. Nanami helps you get into bed, tucking you in and sitting beside you until you’re drifting off into sleep. Nanami doesn’t leave without a kiss on your forehead and then heads out where he knows he will have to meet up with Gojo to talk with him. 
“What?” Gojo asks.
“She said she likes you…that she likes both of us.”
Again, Gojo says, “What?”
“That's why I asked you if you liked her,” Nanami says, “again, it’s okay if you do.”
Gojo's palms are sweaty, “She is very pretty,” He confesses, attentively watching Nanami’s reaction. 
Nanami agrees, “I know, she’s gorgeous.” 
“She seems nice,” Gojo continues, “so…I might like her?” Even Gojo is confused, he’s not sure what he feels either.
“I know this is a lot,” Nanami steps in, “I just feel we should get together and talk about this,” he shrugs his shoulders. 
“Look, you can like multiple people at the same time,” Gojo retaliates, “so, I’m sure it’s just a crush that will fade away.”
“Can I be honest with you?” 
“Yes, of course.”
“I don’t think I’d mind her dating the both of us…” Now it’s Nanami’s turn to attentively watch for Gojo’s reaction, and Gojo is caught off guard. 
“You want her to date me?!” 
“If she wants to, I’d be okay with it,” Nanami clarifies, “would you be okay with that?”
“I’ve never…” Gojo’s voice trails off, and then tries again, “I’ve never been in a relationship with more than one person.”
“Neither have I.”
“Is this what Y/N said she’s willing to try?” 
Nanami says, “I was thinking the three of us would go out for dinner and discuss it.” 
“If you two are comfortable with that, sure, we can do that,” Gojo agrees. 
Nanami and Gojo hold each other’s gazes, the two men sharing an undeniable silence between the two of them. Brown eyes holding blue ones, they take a sip from their drinks in sync as the world around them continues to rustle. 
You’re awoken by your phone vibrating with a text message. After Nanami had dropped you off, you were lights out. It feels as if you’ve been sleeping for days but when you take a look at the time on your phone screen, it’s only been a couple of hours. You have a text message from Nanami; 
Nanami: Hey love, just got back to my place. Hope you’re sleeping well. I miss you and love you
You sit up in bed, rubbing your eyes to adjust to the brightness on your phone screen. You receive another text from Nanami;
Nanami: I also talked with Gojo earlier, know we both support you
You feel your heart beating fast, at the thought of Nanami and Gojo talking about you — were you being narcissistic? It wasn’t that, it was something else. Something that had crossed your mind and heart several times; you wanted to be with both of them. You’re pressing Nanami’s contact icon and putting the phone to your ear, which he picks up in a heartbeat;
“Y/N,” His deep voice reminds you of home, “how are you doing? Did you sleep well?”
You bring your knees up to your chest, warmth making its way up to your cheeks, “Yes, I did. How are you?” 
“I’m good, just worried about you.”
Your fingers play with the edge of your blanket, “Can I see you?” 
“Of course,” He says, “it’s pretty late, too. Did you want to stay over?” 
You nod eagerly, “Yes, I do.” 
“Get your stuff ready, I’m on my way.”
The two of you don’t talk about the elephant in the room on the car ride to Nanami’s place — at least, not yet. Once you two got into his place, Nanami hugged you. His scent overwhelms your senses, his arms around your waist tightening. You allow yourself to relax against his figure, feeling through his work shirt the defined muscles that lie beneath it. You feel that you could melt into him for how safe he feels as his arms engulf your figure. The two of you put your foreheads against one another, you can feel the heat radiating off from his body. Your hands are placed over his chest, your fingers fidgeting with the desire to remember how he feels until that’s all you can breathe.
“I know I’ve already said this,” Nanami’s hands move up to either side of your jaw, his fingers laced behind your ear and in your hair. He guides your head up towards him, “but I’ve missed you so much.” 
You sigh, “I’ve missed you, too…so badly,” you’re the one to lean in so your lips meet his. The kiss is sensual and soft, the two of you taking your time drowning in each other’s taste. Nanami leans his head to the side for more access and you mirror his actions, opening your mouth for him. You feel him shudder as he slips his tongue into your mouth, lapping against the top of your tongue. Your hands grip the material of his shirt by his shoulders, his other arm inviting you to clash against his body by pushing your lower back into him. 
You can feel his hardened bulge against your lower half, which makes you let out a strained whine into his mouth. Both of you pull back to catch your breaths but you have more in mind. You don’t waste time, you get down on your knees in front of him, your hands placed onto his thighs, and push him until his back comes in contact with the front door. Surprise is plastered across his features at your brazen ways, your nails running down his thighs as you say;
“Can I?” You motion with a nod of your head towards his bulge. You see Adam's apple go up as he swallows, still looking taken off guard. His eyebrows furrow in submission, eyes softening as his hand goes to the back of your head, his fingers threading throughout your hair. 
He breathes out a ‘yes,’ and your fingers work at his zipper and button. You’re practically salivating at the thought of having him in your mouth, but that’s the thing, he deserves you to take your time with him. You push his pants down past his knees, pooling down by his ankles. You press your palm against his clothed bulge, making his hold on your hair tighten followed by a muffled moan. You press the flat of your tongue against his clothed bulge, your eyelids fluttering close with heavy pleasure. 
Nanami doesn’t mean to, but due to the friction of your tongue against his aching cock makes his hips jerk forward. He knew himself to always be composed, being able to stay rigid no matter what circumstances went around him. But with you, with your hot tongue against his bulge and how you look on your knees for him — he was falling apart at the seams. Your fingers made their way to the top of his boxers and pulled them down, with his hardened cock springing up and falling against your already open mouth. You had your tongue out, too. Nanami wasn’t even aware of how hard he was panting, sweat building by his temples. 
“Put it in your mouth,” He finds himself saying, pulling your head back by the hair so that the tip of his penis comes in contact with your tongue. You make his wish come true and wrap your sweet lips around his head, looking up at him, and Nanami understands. “Suck on it,” He instructs you, your cheeks hollow as you do so. He puts his cheek against his shoulder, a shaky breath dancing out from his lips. 
“Fuck,” He grunts as you take him in even further, he can’t help but feel both surprised and proud as to how this is only your second time giving head and you already feel like you’ve been doing it for years. You bob your head up and down, your hand accompanying his heavy balls, giving it small squeezes. 
“Good girl,” Nanami praises you in a rasped tone, “just like that, suck me off like the good girl you are.” 
His words only make you take him in even deeper until it touches the back of your throat and you gag. You pull back, a string of thick salvia stretching from the tip of his bright pink cock and connecting to your bottom lip. Nanami swipes his thumb across your lower lip, your glistening eyes holding his gaze. He has never been this way before; yes, he’s had his cock sucked before by his previous relationship but it was just good. Whatever this was, it was the gates of heaven. His body was burning — no, trembling from the inside, and out. 
Nanami bends down with his thumb and the rest of his fingers pinching your cheeks, your lips puckered out. He gathers saliva in his mouth and says, “Open wide, princess,” and like the good girl you are, you do so. He lets his spit dangling from his mouth and into yours, swallowing all of it. It was like he was a completely different person from you, never in a million years would he think that he would be this…filthy.  
You grab his dick and put it back into your mouth, your other hand going on top of his that continues to hold your hair. You give it a nudge and Nanami pushes some more against the back of your head. At first, you have to take some breaths of air and Nanami is patient throughout all of it, “You’re doing so good,” He reassures you, “you’re making daddy so proud.” 
Once he’s back in your mouth, Nanami finds a rhythm of pushing your head back and forth on his cock. The sounds of you choking are making his vision go blurry, his breath catching in his throat when he feels you drag your nails down his thighs. 
“You should see yourself,” Nanami is a rambling mess, “how good you look…choking on my dick, angel.” You come back to catch your breath, his precum and saliva glistening around your mouth and running down your chin. “As much as I want to cum in your mouth,” Nanami breathes out, “I want to be inside of you more.” 
You nod your head eagerly at him, standing up on shaking legs to indulge in a sloppy, fervent kiss. His strong arms lift you by your legs which wrap around his waist as he brings the two of you to the island in his kitchen that’s right by his front door. His hands roam your body eagerly yet attentively, his lips on your neck that give you open-mouthed kisses. His tongue against your skin sends shivers to tremble you in your bones. You lean your body back, setting your palms on the island counter. 
Nanami’s large hands are all over you, he’s pushing your shirt up and his mouth latches around your nipples. He needs you so badly that he’s impatient. Your back arches into him while his other hand works down at your pants, moving underneath the fabric until you feel his fingers against your clothed pussy. You're unbuttoning his shirt, you’re impatient as well. Both of you are panting messes as the two you undress one another until you’re both bare. Your shirt is pulled over your shirt, while Nanami’s is pushed off his shoulders. Your pants and underwear are thrown somewhere to the side. He tugs at your hardened nipple with his teeth, looking up at you to watch your reaction. You hiss from the pain but it feels so good. Nanami trails kiss down your navel and stomach until his head is between your legs. 
He plunges his face into your wet pussy, tongue licking over your plush nub. You let out cries of pleasure, your fingers in his hair. He lets out a growl against your pussy, followed by plunging two fingers into your wet entrance. Your thighs tremble, not even realizing how fast you’re reaching your orgasm. Nanami can tell, with his tongue working at your nub and fingers curling up inside you. Just as you're about to reach your high, the doorbell rings. 
You and Nanami stop dead in your tracks, nothing but the sound of your heaving breaths can be heard. Nanami’s lips and chin glisten with your wetness. He stands up straight, running a hand through his messy hair (thanks to you). 
“Fuck,” Nanami breathes out.
You ask, “What is it?”
Nanami says to you, “I forgot I invited Gojo tonight.” 
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henqtic · 2 years
fluttery . xavier thorpe x black!reader . wc: 2514.
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continuation of my only girl.
i also decided to write this part with you / your pronouns just because i feel like it’s just be better when writing mostly fluff. it just feels like you’re more there more, you know?
note: the beginning is sort of filler ( i adore filler ) but if you don't, just go to where it says the gift . . . !
·:*₊‧ masterlist . taglist form . request works . ·:*₊‧✩
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opening . . . 
After what happened in his art shed that night, the thing Xavier had been planning to gift to you had become more of an. . . afterthought of sorts.
Not that it wasn’t important or anything – it was initially how he was going to tell you, or rather show you how he had been feeling. But since everything found its way unfolding all on its own, he felt as though it would’ve been overwhelming in a way.
His sketchbook had been an outlet for him, not anything like the other where it was sweet and just things that came to mind. It was about his relationship, or therefore lack of with his father. 
How his mental health restricted so much of him. It went from doing what he wanted to do to feeling how he wanted to feel. Overwhelming insecurities and distrustments that led to him letting a lot of good things pass him right by.
But he wasn’t going to let you slip away, within the millicencond your hands found their way in his hair that night, he made it official.
For every page right in the eye of the spinning hurricane of his mind, was one centering his feelings about you. It was like a diary, a diary that had [ your name ] written in sparkly pink ink with hearts around it. Its existence and the circumstances he used it under, was the reason you had felt so differently that night, and jumped to the worst possible conclusion.
He wanted to share it with you, to explain everything in a way he had never even attempted to before. But it would have been so much all at once.
So he didn’t plan on giving it to you for at least two weeks afterwards, and then those weeks passed, and then the next pair, and the ones after that. And then it just faded away.
He was much too preoccupied with what was in front of his face.
Because it was you.
Your lips, and your hair and your voice, your smile, smell, touch, everything about you was just within fingertips reach. There wasn’t anymore angst or weary about whether or not a boundary in your friendship was liable to be overstepped.
Just simply yearning to get impossibly closer.
That was his favorite part.
The fact that he didn’t completely give up his best friend and that relationship, but finding new things that made you even more inseparable.
You didn't hold back or hesitate anymore. Knitting your fingers together while walking to classes, doing homework, or lying down.
There were mandatory goodbye, hello, and ‘just because you looked very kissable’ kisses. And mindlessly tapping the beat of the music playing through your headphones on to his legs, never noticing the blush that would infiltrate his neck and ears.
Or especially late night when he’d sneak in through your window - your hands never leaving his skin.
Past times were filled with his head snuggled into the crook of your neck, your manicured nails running smooth on his scalp until soft and rhythmic tufts of breath would let you know he’d fallen asleep on top of you.
His lips on the supple skin of your neck, not stopping until a pretty [ purplish / reddish ] hue was speckled all around. He’d spend hours on them if he could. And each and every time he debated whether or not it would show with the uniform; plotted really, conveniently misplacing your concealer in different spots every morning until you started hiding it from him.
For the past four months, you weren’t sure if you had been participating in meaningful conversation with others, or just looking right through them to find each other. And after the first actual big argument, and the tears, and the ignoring, and then bouncing back even better, he decided that there wasn't a better time to finally give it to you.
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the gift . . . 
Getting a text from Xavier early in the morning had become a part of your routine, just a simple good morning and an offer of a plate of breakfast to be brought up to your dorm, or a companion to walk to the dining hall with. 
This morning, though, he sounded a little more hostile; don’t wear shoes you love, old sweater, dark jeans, not the flares. You’ll be upset with me if you mess them up, love you.
When you responded with nothing but a few question marks, he said that it was a surprise and just to go with it. So you did, allowing him to place his hands over your eyes the minute you reached the woods, with the hopes that he wasn’t planning on throwing you in some lake.
No lake, just a puddle. Some upturned roots, rocks hidden underneath leaves, and a few odd looking mushrooms – not that you’d know, he hadn’t let you see anything in about ten minutes and narrated the whole way.
It was a bubbly adventure, to say the least, attempting to stay upright and still keep it all a secret. He was like a direction blind GPS, the only one in your pair who knew where you were going and still somehow giving himself the worst possible directions.
So, when he finally came to a halt that wasn't followed by a sharp breath, your voice was eager, “Can I please open my eyes now?”
“Uhh,” Xavier drawled as he kept his palms in place, tapping his fingers on your face – you could almost feel the smirk on his lips.
He wildly turned your body in a circle — this way, that way; like a birthday girl getting ready to hit the piñata, laughs breaking out from your stomachs.
A curse was muttered under his breath as he almost lost his footing. You stumbled backward, grabbing onto his sweater tightly, not having much faith that this time wouldn’t be the one where he finally made you both fall on your faces.
“Xavier. If you twist our ankles I’ll never even look at you again,” you threaten lightly, your back flat against his broad chest.
“I won’t twist our ankles baby — ”
“Mhm? How about I make it up to you by giving you your sense of sight back?” He offered teasingly, tilting his head down so that his cool breath blew on you, taking the way the fat of your cheeks rose and warmed like a ready cake as a yes.
You blinked rapidly, adjusting to the light as he uncovered your eyes.
He decided that the most appropriate way to give you the gift was as a surprise.
You love surprises. As tedious as they may be, surprise doodles on your arms, surprise kisses, surprise dates, surprise gifts, and hopefully, this surprise would end like all of its predecessors.
Today was a nice day. Sunday, and thankfully, there weren’t any classes scheduled for tomorrow. 
The sun shined exceptionally bright, just to spite the cool wind making the trees sing. The grass was just the right amount of rained on so that it wasn't stiff and sharp, but it wouldn’t leave mud stains on your pants.
It was the perfect spot, littered with beauty he’d never seen in the town before. There were fields of bluebells around in some parts of the grass, along with daisies, mums, and some other flowers he didn’t know the name of. Maybe it was abandoned by the gardening club?
He actually didn’t even know of a gardening club at Nevermore so maybe he was a part of the reason why it potentially got disbanded. Either way, he was happy to see that everything looked nearly untouched. The little date was set up in a clearing by a tree.
“This place is so beautiful,” you looked around in awe of the blooming nature before anything else, gleaming at the setup once noticed.
Two canvases were waiting in front of you, much smaller than his usual ones, paint brushes, acrylic paints, mason jars of water, and a particularly sharp pencil if you created something that needed it.
You continued holding onto his forearms, loosening your grip so that you could turn around and show him your wide grin.
“Xavier Thorpe. Have you decided to reopen my drawing lessons after a full year. . . and a month?”
He was smiling just as, if not more radiantly than you were. Boyish dimples prominent on his cheeks, happy at your excitement at it all. His mouth opened, moved, and closed as if it’d forgotten how to formulate words.
“Yeah. I decided that since I’m such a kind and forgiving boyfriend, I should give you another chance. Even after you not only almost got yourself but two other people mangled by a killer creature.”
He nearly rethought his decision altogether after saying the last sentence with some desperation.
"Oh please, Dabeer wasn’t even that bad, just a little you know, feisty.”
Your attempt at reasoning made a look of disgust riddle his face.
“You gave that thing a name?”
“I gave him a name. He only started rampaging when you said ‘Jesus that thing is ugly.’ You gotta learn to be more sensitive Xavier.”
You scoffed half-heartedly as he shook his head, pushing his chest away lightly and making a run towards the tree.
A bunny had nestled itself in the flowers right in front of your date, peaceful and sleeping, and just the thing you needed to jumpstart your little contest.
It was a thrown game, obviously, he could outdraw, paint, sculpt, and whatever other artistic secrets he had, anyone in Jericho. So he gave you a ten minute head start, most of it just being him looking up the anatomy of a bunny.
“Okay so on the count of three we reveal.”
“One. . . two. . . three!”
Compared to his, yours looked . . . subpar. As expected.
He’d taken it upon himself to draw a bouquet alongside the animal, already animating them just enough for the wind outside to blow them around too.
Yours, on the other hand, was unfinished and very. . . fun looking, to say the least. That was literally the only adjective he could come up with before he hid his face behind his canvas to laugh.
“Stop it, you’re making him feel bad,” you frowned, turning over the painting to take a second look at the animal.
“I’m sorry babe, just- look at it. It looks more like a kangaroo with a deformity than it does a sleeping bunny.”
“You know what?" You challenged with a gleam in your eyes, “I’m gonna take a picture of this and ask people what they think it is. Because it does look like an adorable normal bunny and not something painted by an overachiever.”
“Is it really overachieving if I’m just naturally better?”
You rolled your eyes at the cockiness radiating off of him. Starting to fish for your phone somewhere in your bag, giving him the perfect chance to grab the box from out of his and sit it in the space in between your bodies.
“Here it is,” you exclaimed, opening the camera app, then immediately dropping it right back into the abyss of your tote bag once your attention landed on the neatly wrapped box instead.
“What’s this?”
“It’s a gift.”
“Well yeah it’s a gift, but I didn’t get you anything,” your features softened, “I thought I was gonna be able to beat you to the next date.”
“Don’t feel bad, it's actually the one I was gonna give you when you first came by the art shed.” A breathy laugh followed.
Your eyes illuminated by as you recalled the memory.
“Why are you just now giving it to me then?"
“Well, just open it. I’ll explain.”
Your eyes followed him for a moment, lifting the top of the box. Inside was a familiar sketchbook. With fraying corners, leather wasting away in some places, and filled to the brim with filled in, ripped out, and additional pages added.
It was his sketchbook, the one you were never allowed to take a close look at.
“Can I open it?” You asked carefully, holding it like it was one of the most sacred objects in the world.
“Yeah, of course.”
In the pages lay drawings, mostly black and white per his usual drawing style. Some were more frantic than others, with scribbles and swirls around a face, more refined and older that always had some look of disapproval. His father, probably. He'd told you enough to understand the strain of the relationship. And then there were the ones of you.
Smiling softly, face scrunched in confusion, disgust, sadness, tiredness, but most of it happiness. Your side profile, hands moving in different positions of your face that proved to say he probably took inspiration from a slow day in class. One of you with the same hairstyle you’d worn some day when you were at the weathervane laughing at someone's dog eating whipped cream out of a water cup.
“Why are you giving this to me?” Your voice was gentle, closing up the sketchbook and placing your hand on top of his.
He quickly flipped his over, allowing your fingers to weave together.
“Well it’s originally how I was gonna confess to you and you know open up about everything — but then everything happened and if I gave you this too then it would’ve been too much. And I didn't want what we had to just end so soon.”
“Why would it be over? This is just as beautiful as your art studio is not more.”
“It’s just, you know, we just found out we’re in love with each other, and if I added this too it was gonna be like some nuclear love bomb and relationships never last that way.”
“That’s what you think?”
“That’s what I know. Have you seen Ajax this past week? He’s moping cause Enid said she needed space. Which isn’t that surprising cause they were always with each other. Like sickeningly, like there was no way they could physically think longer than two minutes. But still, I thought they were gonna last for —”
Your stomach flutters as he opens his mouth to continue on, picking up your rambling trait. So you keep him quiet instead, leaning in to cup his cheek and kiss him. It was different from all the others, slow and sensual like he could feel everything you wanted to say.
“If you gave this to me in the art shed, or an hour after we left it, I would’ve felt just like I do now.”
“And how do you feel?”
“I feel really. . . fluttery.”
“Fluttery?” He gave you an affectionate smile, his dimples carving out his face beautifully as he attempted to understand the descriptions you gave of your emotions.
“Like, flustered. But in a really really good way. I—,” you huffed out a heavy breath, “I love the thought behind this. I love and appreciate the fact that you’re comfortable enough to show me this sketchbook. I’m happy that you’re actually trying not to close me off anymore. I love this and I love you.”
“Thank you, Xavier.”
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🔖— @wxnderingthoughts​ 
thank you for reading, every like and reblog is appreciated  🌷 !
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milkttea · 3 years
don't be scared,don't ask to ask for something about the pee oh the poop.
I would like to request a request about a quirkless!college! AU where hawks is an idiot fuckboy scumbag who harasses the reader and bullying him until the reader can not bear it anymore and decides to take revenge (dom!reader,femdom and ¿¿mommy kink i guess??).
few days ago I read some fics(NSFW)so they involve dabi and hawks some of them were misogynous incels and other they 2 bullied the reader,they all have something in common,the reader defends himself and puts them in their place until they're begging and pleading,yes,it involves dom!reader.
and I loved it,it was very satisfactory to read them and I was a little disappointed when I no longer find more fics like this,where the reader does justice by his own hand.
That is why I was looking for a blog with open orders,to ask for more of this content and feel a pleasant satisfaction,but if this is too much for you then ignore it,just let me know.
Idk your pronouns so I’m gonna refer to you as anon,, anon you are too kind to me 🥺
Now for pure filth😈 I saw the request and just OOOOO I BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE I will gladly put hawks in his place like the bratty little bottom he is.
Warnings: NSFW, smut, mommy kink? Mommy kink, hawks being a sub, femdom, no condoms on oops wrap it before you tap it y’all.
(If you want this to be gender neutral it could be read that way too ☺️, Mommy and Daddy can be used for both genders sometimes👀👀)
Everyone is 20+ remember to stay safe everyone!
𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙏𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙈𝙮 𝙂𝙡𝙚𝙚
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College wasn’t going to be easy and knowing Takami Keigo, or as he commonly went by Hawks (though you never called him that), only made the experience even worse for you. Having known him for the worst part of four years meant that you’ve seen him through his phases of late high school and early college.
He hasn’t changed much, if his douchebag tendencies and fuck boy antics have anything to say about it. You truly couldn’t stand him and would rather not see his face ever again and you really thought you could escape him, but of course life decided to fuck you over once again and have you both go to the same college.
He would personally make it his mission to tease you about being a prude and boring and never doing anything that would bring any danger. Usually these comments wouldn’t bother you, you’d ignore them for two years already, but something about it irked you even more this time.
So you ignored his existence, no responding to his comments, no yelling at him, nothing. It bothered him more than you knew that his favorite little toy wasn’t responding. This is why he wanted to find you at the school library since he knew you would be there and he was right, of course he was right he’s always right.
He went there during the lunch period when he knew you would be there, it was less crowded and you preferred to be in a quieter place where you could watch whatever without judgement. He spotted you walking into one of the private rooms and made his way over to most likely harass you again as he usually does. However, he was stopped as he noticed a guy that followed after you and shut the door.
Said guy was a friend of yours who also happened to have a common friend with Keigo, he was inviting you to a party that would be happening later that day. Now it was a Friday, so that meant no classes the next day and normally you would decline but considering how stressed you were feeling you decided to give in and accept the invitation.
Your friend had left after telling you about the invite, little did he know he was being watched by Keigo the entire time. Keigo enters your room soon after as you sit at the desk in the room with your lap top open working on your latest assignment. You had your headphones in so you didn’t notice him at first since you were so focused, until his feather necklace went over your screen as he leaned over you.
“So, who was that?”
You raised an eyebrow at him before letting out with annoyance.
“Who was what?”
He just stared down at you, the tension in the room raised with something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. You just didn’t know why he cared so much about who your friend was, not like he was close with you or anything, he was more of a constant annoyance to you if you were being honest.
“Don’t act coy with me (Y/n), who was that guy who was just talking to you?”
You stared at him before letting out a scoff.
“Aw Keigo, that’s so sweet of you to see who I’m interacting with but, it’s none of your business sweetheart,” the pet name had heat rushing through Keigo with the way you said it in such a demeaning way, “now run along before I make you.”
He was frozen if he was being honest, the way you told him off just did something to him, not that you’d notice as you went back to your work. Getting out of his stupor he left the room quietly without a glance in your direction. Odd to say the least, but it was Keigo what else can you expect.
The interaction you’d had hours before had slipped completely from your mind as you were getting ready to go out to the frat party. You got ready pretty quick, not wanting to take too long unless you wanted your friend to drag you out by your hair.
Arriving at the house that the party was at was as you expected, loud and obnoxious with the smell of alcohol and cheap liquor all around. Truly the college experience. That was for the newbies though, there was always a tamer side where the upperclassmen could be and indeed there was.
You soon found yourself nursing a random alcoholic drink that you poured yourself while you chat with some people you were friendly with. Honestly you weren’t expecting much to come out of this, but the universe just loves to ruin your expectations and lo and behold Keigo Takami was here talking to some random girl. Why it bothered you you didn’t know.
Maybe it was because you knew he was a sleaze or the fact that you wished he could some form of humanity towards you. Truly you don’t know.
He makes eye contact with you and by some weird force of nature you follow him to a secluded area in the hallway, you curse inwardly towards yourself for following him. You’re a fool.
“Well if it isn’t (y/n), didn’t know these kinds of party’s were your thing?”
He holds a drink in his hand, most likely a beer of some kind judging from the lack of variety in the drinks that were in the fridge.
“Well I was invited by a friend and it’s not like I had anything to do today, I’m for once caught up with all my work, ‘m actually a little ahead.”
You took a sip from your cup with a slight smack to your lips as you licked away some of the slight residue of your drink. Keigo eyes the way you lick your lips before tilting his head and focusing on your face. You notice as you lift an eyebrow toward him in confusion.
“I can’t figure you out.”
Your eyebrow goes down as you narrow your eyes at him.
“What do you mean?”
He scoffs, as if to say that you should know the answer already.
“I just know there’s got to be something you like about me, maybe not my personality cause it’s shit and I know it, but I just gotta know what you like about me.”
You let out a scoff of your own as you take a tentative sip of your drink once more, eventually letting out a sigh with your response and with an almost regretful statement you continue with your speaking.
“You want me to be honest? You’re hot.”
Keigo, who had been taking a sip as he waited for your response, choked a bit on his drink as he let out coughs. He honestly was not expecting your response, he knew he was attractive but he wasn’t sure if you thought so.
“Really? You really think so?”
“I’m not blind Keigo, your attractive. Honestly if you weren’t such a brat I’d have fucked you already, but for some reason you just hate me.”
His eyes widen and he has to take a moment to double back and think about your words. Just hearing you call him a brat and thinking about you fucking him sends heat straight to his crotch.
“You think I hate you?”
“HA! I know you hate me, why else would you torment me all throughout high school and through college. You would go out of your way to make sure I was just having a shitty time.”
He gets closer to your form and backs you against the wall of the hallway before whispering in your ear with as much breath as he could.
“Maybe I just wanted attention from you,” and with a particularly breathy moan he says, “Mommy.”
You shiver involuntarily and reach back to the back of his head and grab his hair and pull back, hard, drawing a slight moan from the man in front of you.
“Well baby boy, maybe if you would have asked nicely I would have given it to you.”
He lets out a shiver of his own, his knees buckling slightly as you keep a firm grasp on his hair and pull the feather around his neck. The action seems to spur him on as he grabs your waist and lets out an almost silent moan. To anyone else it may have looked like he was crying and that you were comforting him, but oh they should know better.
You place your knee in between his legs and rub it it up and down his growing erection, as he lets out more whines and whimpers.
“I always knew you could be a bottom Keigo,“ you let out with a coo. He just continues to whine and you knew that you needed to do something quick before this went any further in a hallway within a frat house of all places.
“Baby boy,“ he nods, “I need you to listen to me alright? Your going to walk out of this house and wait outside for me and I’m gonna follow in a couple minutes then we’re gonna head out of here together, okay. Then I’m going to take really good care of you, you’d like that right honey?“ 
He lets out a louder whine as you put your hand around his throat to quiet him and then with a last slow rub on his crotch, pushed him off of you in a slightly rough manner. He takes a minute to compose himself and leaves to tell one of his buddy’s that he’s going to head out, not something out of the ordinary since he dips out more often than not.
You stay true to your word and tell one of your friends that you’ve had your fun and decided to head home, they trusted you to be home on your own, you only had the one drink you’d poured yourself. After waving a final goodbye to the small group you were talking to, you head out the door and look for Keigo, finding him hunched over on a bench nearby. You calmly walk over and see him with his dick in hand and stroking it fast.
“Oh baby, you couldn’t wait for me could you? Well sweetheart, you’re gonna be punished for this, but you know that right,” he let out a strangled whine as you took his hand off his cock and put it back in his jeans very softly making him cry out.
Not soon enough you end up back at your house after a very long, not really only 5 minutes at most, uber ride. The poor uber driver, you made sure to tip him more as Keigo had no shame in moaning in your ear about how badly he wanted you and how badly he needed you to touch him and take care of him. The Uber driver put the music up louder after a pointed stare.
After arriving at the house and exiting the car, with a very sorry look to the driver, you entered your house with Keigo trailing painfully behind you. The minute that you were in your house and locked the door, Keigo had pushed you against the wall with his arms next to your head.
“Don’t tease me, little mouse. You and I both know I could easily ruin you,” he says to you as he stares you in the eyes with a flushed face.
You simply stare back and watch him react as you put your hand on his throat and squeezed slightly. He immediately became responsive as his arms slacked and fell to your hips as you put your mouth near his ear and hummed slowly. The action spurred him to drag you through the house as you pointed out the direction of your room.
Once you reach your room you lock the door and tell Keigo to sit on your bed which he immediately does.
“The safe word is peacock, anything you’re not comfortable with tell me now,” he says nothing and repeats the safe word out loud making you nod your head.
“Get on your knees, now.”
He acts quickly as he assumes his position in front of you and waits for further instruction.
“You know Keigo, you’ve caused me a lot of pain, why don’t you make it up to me hm? Can you do that for me baby boy?”
He nods as he pulls down your pants and looks at your underwear, a growing wet spot forming that he kisses and sucks on making you pull his hair from the root slightly. Realizing that you’re getting a lot of pleasure he keeps going, making you moan out his name as he moved your underwear out of the way to pay close attention to your clit.
He continues his motions as he goes lower and licks and sucks there as well as your clit. Bearing your orgasm, you push head against you and hold it there as he keeps going steady and then when you finally release everything you let go of his head. He stops with a gasp as he drinks every bit of you and looks up at you with hazed eyes, looking drunk off of you.
“Look at you, pleasuring mommy like the good little boy you are? Want me to return the favor?”
He nods his head, too deep in sun space to form words and you coo at him.
“Get on the bed and take off everything baby boy.”
Moving quickly Keigo strips and sits on the bed waiting for you to do whatever you want to his body.
You walk to him and straddle him, leaning down to plant kisses on his neck as you leave marks. His moans fill the room and he whines when your hand makes contact with his dick and starts to rub slowly, up and down. Not fast enough for his liking, but he doesn’t voice his complaints not wanting to be punished.
“You’re such a good boy, doing exactly what I want. Do you want to cum, sweetheart?”
He nods fervishly as he moans louder when your thumb rubs the tip and swipes the precum down his shaft.
“Use your words, Keigo.”
He tries to let out a word, but doesn’t get the chance as his voice dies when you massage his balls too. The action making him buck his hips up to get more friction from your hand. You instead squeeze his dick as a warning.
“Naughty boy.”
You slip off the bottom portion of your outfit and sit down on him. Moving up and down slowly as Keigo lays back and pushes his head into the sheets as he moans loudly.
You continue riding his cock as he just moans and lets out grunts of your name. He nears his edge and you figure as his back arches and his dick hits a spot inside you that makes your head go back as your eyes close in pleasure.
“Mommy, mommy please move I’ll be so good to you, please just ride me!”
You chuckle as you do as he says and start bouncing up and down making him get closer and closer to orgasming. You stop moving once you also start to get to your high and he cries as you do so.
“Please, please keep moving!”
At this point he’s crying as tears start falling on the sheets. The sight makes you more horny and you bounce faster as you tell him to thrust up and match your rhythm.
He does so immediately and you find yourself cumming sooner as you use your fingers to mess with your clit and massage your nipples. You clench on Keigo, the sensation of both seeing you visibly tense up and then release has him cum harder than he ever has.
He lets out a series of grunts and moans as he comes down from his high. His hands grab your hips as you stay seated on him and rock slowly to get every drop of him out. A moment of silence passes as you both realize what exactly happened.
Yet, you both don’t mind as you both are in your room panting and waiting for your breaths to calm down. The air has shifted and both of you are glad for it. All those years of sexual tension went into this room and moment and it was euphoria.
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Chapter ONE
Me: "I'm going to write this and have it posted by Tuesday"
Also me: *does not do that*
I'm so sorry for the long wait and the fact that this chapter is shit 💔 the other ones will probably be better because they'll be straight porn
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CW: DOM FEM Reader, reader uses she/her pronouns and is a literal monarch, Maxim is a subby medieval bitch boy, no actual smut in this chapter but the rest of the series is so just Minors DNI, poorly researched, historical accuracy? We don't know her, ik I said no smut but dildos, lots of dildos, also Maxim almost slips into subspace at the end if that counts as smut
Under the cut because of smut (not really but it rhymed so whatever)
Sir Maxim Walter was tired.
Not just physically, though exhaustion did seep through his bones, but mentally as well. This was the fourth time this week some old shopkeeper had been covering for a younger fellow selling contraband through the back of his shop. Six barrels of unregistered ale in the back room, and Maxim and his team had been called in to investigate and arrest the smugglers. Now, as Dresten and Quincy pulled the offending parties through cuffs and into the back of the cart headed to the prisons, Maxim was tasked with doing another run through the shop to make sure there were no hidden rooms with more ale.
He stepped through another archway, one hand rested gently on the hilt of his sword, the other running across the wall. A hard expression was settled on his face, eyebrows knitted together in suspicion. He had a twitch in his jaw telling him that the old man was lying when he said that there weren't any hidden rooms.
He stopped when he got to the biggest room of the shop, which had a large square display in the center with nothing around it all the way up to the edges of the room. Things hung on the wall of course, but it seemed off to Maxim that every other room in this place was stocked full but this one was so barren. He took one more step forward.
The floor creaked loudly.
It wasn't out if character, creaky floors. The whole building creaked. But that was different. Louder. More hollow. He stepped again. Same sound.
Kneeling at the ground, he placed a hand on the floor, feeling for some sort of handle to grasp. His leather-clad fingers found the loose board and he pulled, moving aside so the panel could lift, revealing a steep, narrow staircase down to a cellar.
Maxim unsheathed his sword and put one foot on the first step. Sturdy. Another step. Then the next, all the way until he wasn't the bottom. His face knocked into a cord hanging from the ceiling, and he pulled it, letting the light fill the room.
He stopped dead in his tracks. His sword fell to the ground.
Where Maxim expected to see a stack of barrels, or maybe even a person, he instead saw a huge display of-
His brain stopped on the word.
On the wall, laid out unmistakable and clear as day, were about a hundred toys. Polished metal plugs of every size imaginable, and then bigger than Maxim though possible. Gently blown glass phalluses were laid out, some skillfully attached to off rope contraptions, some not.
Maxim stirred in his leather chaps, forgetting for a moment that he wasn't supposed to like this. He was supposed to be the man of the relationship. Dominant. He closed his eyes and imagined a woman who's like to use those upon him. It was when the pleasure emitting from his crotch bordered on pain when his father's voice stirred in his mind.
Maxim's eyes shot open. He pushed aside all his thoughts, reached down to pick up his sword and resheathe it, and marched out of the room, yanking the cord for the light on the way. He closed the door to the cellar gently however, not wanting one of his fellow knights to find it.
He could only imagine what his face looked like to Quincy as he approached. Flushed in arousal and twisted in frustration because of his findings.
"Nothing sir?"
Maxim shook his head. Quincy nodded once and then bowed, then they both got onto their horses and went off, following the prison cart back to the palace grounds.
The House of Walter was not the largest of the noble homes, nor were the Walters part of the Dowster twelve, the elite nobility of Dowster. They weren't very well off either, with only a small fortune. But their two sons were both high ranking military officers, and while the other noblemen and women make faces at them as they passed in the street, they weren't out of favor with the Queen.
Arthur greeted him at the door, giving Maxim pause. His father wasn't usually one to show overt politeness towards his family.
"Hello to you too father." The words were stiff.
His father gestured to the table, set for a meal. Maxim's mother died when he was young, promoting his father to remarry. Elizabeth, who had the same name as his mother, was nothing like his mother, in looks and personality. She was nice enough, and though her and Maxim got along fine, she was Elizabeth to him, not mother. She didn't push their relationship though, and Maxim enjoyed that. And he could tell they really loved one another.
"Hello Maxim!" Elizabeth said brightly. That wasn't out of the ordinary. Elizabeth was perpetually smiling. "Dinner tonight is a pot roast." She placed the dish in the center of the table.
Maxim took a seat.
"Where's Castian?" Maxim pointed to the empty seat across from him where his brother usually sat.
Elizabeth and Arthur shared a glance.
"Arthur let the boy eat for ten minutes before telling him," Elizabeth chided, serving herself and Maxim each portions of food. Her tone wasn't off, she usually kept Arthur in check, but the concerned, almost sad expression was out of the ordinary.
"He deserves to know Elizabeth," his dad spat. Maxim forced himself not to flinch. That was where him and his dad differed. Arthur had a temper. He was quick to anger and always assumed the worst. Castian was the same. Maxim preferred to sit on the sides until he knew what was needed. Until he was perfectly posed to get in and out as quickly and quietly as possible. He'd be a good stealth guard if not for the heavy clanking of his armor.
Before Maxim could ask what, he got his answer in the form of a knock on the door. Whoever it was didn't wait for an answer though, before bursting through the door, swords drawn. Maxim reached for his own, only so see that he had left it across the room. There was no way he could been able to get it. Upon closer look, Maxim recognized their uniforms. Something about their faces was also familiar, but Maxim couldn't quite place them.
"On behalf of the Queen of Dowster by the Queen's Guard, you Maxim Walter are under arrest for your treasonous actions against the throne and the Queen. You will stand trial for these crimes in three days time at the palace-"
"WHAT?" Arthur roared, cutting off the lead Guard.
The lead Guard glared at Maxim's father for a moment, then began his speech once more, addressing Maxim only, instead of the house as a whole.
This time it was Maxim who cut him off, "I know the speech," he informed them. The lead Guard nodded to another guard and they placed Maxim in cuffs. Arthur was silent now, and Maxim glanced over to see a Guard had his sword drawn right near Elizabeth.
Maxim went in silence as the guards led him to a cage. For the sake of his family's reputation, he lowered his head so no one would recognize him. People stared. He ignored them.
He couldn't say it didn't get to him though. He had always tried so much through his life to be loved by his family, to be accepted. But Castian had always stolen the spotlight. As he thought of his brother, it suddenly clicked why the Guards looked familiar. This was Castian's group. But Castian wasn't with them?
"Where is my brother? Where is Castian?' he asked. The guards stayed silent. They wouldn't talk to Maxim. He was a prisoner.
A lucky one though, if you could really even say that, because the Palace was only a half days trip from his house so it went by quick. He spent a single, sleepless night in a cell in the dungeon, and by the next morning, he was being marched to the throne room to stand before the Queen.
Maxim had never met the queen before, had only heard her words regurgitated by her Guards. But as soon as he stepped into the room he was immediately aware of her presence.
It was hard not to be, she took up most of the room with her presence, even is she was only physically taking up a single person's space. She was sitting in her throne, dressed in the most beautiful garment of clothing Maxim had ever seen his life, draped with rich purple silk. She looked regal. Royal. Beautiful.
Maxim had to pick up his jaw from the floor.
His mind idly drifted back to the room at the Shoppe he found yesterday wondering what it would feel like to have one of those used on him, by her.
He pushed those thoughts away as she began to speak.
"Maxim Walter, you have committed a heinous act of treason against me and my country. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" There was a hint of something in her voice, something familiar to Maxim but so far removed from him he couldn't place it at first. Was she amused?
Maxim gave a cursory bow, taking a knee before speaking.
"Your Majesty, I do not know of what you speak of. I have not committed any crime."
"You presume to know more than I?"
"Of course not, Your Majesty!"
The Queen studied him for a long moment. Maxim felt like squirming under her gaze. He barely held himself still.
"Leave us," she gestured to her Guards. They all shuffled out, leaving Maxim and the Queen alone in the large room.
"Stand and approach me," the queen instructed, standing up in front of her chair. Maxim stepped forward, slowly at first, but at her impatient stare, sped up his pace. He stumbled slightly on his way up to her, but managed to make it so he was on the step right in front of her, the step making up for his height and bringing him to her eye level.
"Did you do it?" She asked. Her voice was soft, quieter, but still just as strong and commanding as before.
"No Your Majesty. I don't even know what crime I'm being accused of." The Queen nodded once before stepping back so her heels were against her throne. She placed her hands on Maxim's shoulders before sitting down, pressing gently so Maxim got the message. He knelt in front of her, head practically in her lap. She removed her hands.
"I see you aren't lying to me." Maxim nodded. "But I don't believe that the rest of the country, nor your family, will see it that way." She stared off as she spoke. "So I'd like to make you a deal." Her eyes snapped back to Maxim's, holding his gaze. Maxim didn't dare to look away. "You will come to me. Live at the palace. You can be my personal guard. You would be free to leave at any time, though I cannot guarantee your safety if you do."
The Queen continued talking, but Maxim's ears were ringing to loud for him to hear her properly. His brain became foggy, vision blurring around the edges. Something about her dominance, the way she spoke as if she'd already made up her mind gave Maxim a twisted high, one he clung to. He felt a hand on his shoulder and snapped back to the Queen, realizing she was speaking to him still.
"Maxim?" she asked. He was barley conscious enough to refrain from begging her to say his name again. The word fell from her lips beautifully, wrapping around Maxim and holding him tight.
"I'm sorry I-" she held up her hand.
"I know." Her tone was soft, kind. Understanding. Maxim was brought back to reality by her touch, allowing himself to focus on her skin against his.
She seemed to know when he was back to himself. "Do you want me to repeat myself?" She asked.
"No Your Majesty." Now that his head was clear, her words came back to him.
The Queen only nodded in response.
"Well then, what do you say?"
Maxim didn't have to think about it, really. He knew his answer.
"I accept."
TAGLIST: @whiiiiplaaaaash
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