#the writers knew that none of those girls(save veronica
I do not understand this bizzare narrative around himym thats formed in the decade since it ended claiming that ted mosby is a Nice Guy™. The trademark characteristic of the Nice Guy™ is that he never actually gets laid because he puts forth zero effort and feels entitled to sex just for Being Nice™. This could not be more antithetical to ted mosby's character. Aside from the fact that the man has a new woman on his arm every fucking week, the entire gag of ted is that he tries way too hard with every woman he meets and ends up getting in his own way. He has never once in his entire life rested on his romantic laurels. Plus, he has an iota of self awareness, and is occasionally capable of acknowledging when he has been/is being an asshole, something that is impossible for the prototypical Nice Guy™
Ted's actual toxic trait is that he created an imaginary perfect woman in his mind, and then projected the image of that perfect woman onto every single person he dated, and then resented them for all the ways they don't measure up to his fantasies. Then, instead of actually addressing the problems he has with his partner head on with them, or learning to compromise, or god forbid just quitting while he's ahead, he just ignores these irreconcilable differences, hoping they'll just one day magically go away, until inevitably everything boils over and he goes through a nasty breakup. EVERY serious girlfriend ted has on the show has a massive, obvious incompatibility with him, usually one that was abundantly clear from the millisecond he meet them, but he without fail ignores it, does everything he can to woo a girl he shouldn't be with, and then when everything goes up in flames he just chocks it up to "she wasn't the one!" and hard banks on this imaginary friend he's come up with for himself materializing into his life out of thin air. He'll work hard to get the girl, but he won't do anything substantial to actually keep her. He's so caught up in this fantasy of a perfect partner that he wastes the prime years of his life chasing after women that he pretty much knew from the jump would never want to be with him long term, in the hopes that they would change to fit his fantasies and everything would just magically work out because "destiny." But that doesn't fit into a 2-word soundbite so you don't really see much discussion of it online
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staliasjeronica · 6 years
Headcannons for Famous Jeronica
A/N: This is day three for @everything-jeronica‘s Jeronica week, and the prompt is famous Jeronica! I might have went overboard or done too much information, but that’s mostly because I have never really done these for any fandom I’ve been in. 
Jughead is a famous writer
Veronica is a famous singer, dancer, and business owner
Jughead started out writing a book for Betty Cooper
It was about mental illness, how it affected her life and everyone around her, and of course he asked for her permission first.
Veronica sang and danced to many different genres of music. She made music for different types of genre’s
Mostly, Veronica sang and danced to Pop, Hip-Hop, Latin American, and R&B music, but her most popular was Pop and Latin American music.
After his book “Saving The Inner Demons” was published, it blew up, and many sent him messages about how grateful they were for the book, how it helped them. He was proud, but he also yearned to write something else, write something fascinating and so engrossing that they had to force themselves to put it down. Something along the lines of what he used to write about before he became dedicated to helping girls like his friend
That was when he wrote a five-part series of books about a different crimes that inter-weaved by the last book, which in itself should have been turned into a TV series; he was still working on that, though
At some point in his career, Jughead heard about the beautiful Veronica Lodge, giving her a try after his friend Fangs convinced him to give her a listen
His first thought when he brought up her sensual video of “Garden Rose” captivated him by the way she moved. The way that she glanced in the camera almost seemed to be just for him. Ultimately, he found out about how successful she was, and wondered if was truly a good person and wanted to help, or if she just craved the fame.
He decided to make a book about her, even though it wasn’t really in his specialty.
He learned all that he could about her, like some humongous fanboy. She was an incredibly enticing singer, the way she danced was all self-taught, and considering how she could almost immediately suck you into a daze, Jughead was absolutely stunned. And, to top it all off, she juggled all of that while also being a business owner, owning a franchise of dance studios, a fashion line, and many buildings that held her classes for many different abilities
Such as becoming a fashion designer, how to handle business, dance lessons of all kind, etc.
Jughead wanted to know more about her, but he couldn’t deny the fact that he also wanted to do this book to get into contact with her
Eventually, after a whole year, he managed to meet with her, pleading with her publicist and manager to get the go-ahead to write about her life
Come to find out, Veronica was the one who wanted to do the book. She wanted to get her story out there, tell young girls and boys everywhere that they could do anything that they out their mind to
A few months into the book, after getting to know the real her, he officially realized that his reason for writing this was answered. None of what she did was a front to boost her up higher on the celebrity sphere
Jughead knew that this book had to come out, ever since Betty’s book, he had the ability to help people again, and he loved seeing those messages that told him their stories, how much his book helped them or someone that they loved, and realizing that he actually had a true purpose in life
Veronica and Jughead spent a lot of time together, she took him to every tour, and they simply talked about anything and everything almost every day. However, he was still slightly confused considering he didn’t actually have to be there with her every day to write his book
According to Veronica’s best friend, Cheryl Topaz, it wasn’t really a secret that she brought Jughead because he was cute, and she knew he wouldn’t make up lies to gain publicity for himself and wreck her career, all because he could and had the power to do it. He truly was in this as much as she was, and Veronica adored that. Many men she came across just wanted to use her, but not Jughead
On one celebratory drunken night, Veronica found out that Jughead had partially started the idea of the book to meet her, she giggled and ruffled his hair, not angry at all. She found it adorable.
Veronica was the first one to initiate a kiss between the two a week after finding out his purpose for the book; she knew he would never make a move first because then it would seem that he was only doing this to get into the princess’s pants, which he wasn’t
They kept their relationship secret until about a year after the book went out, which of course also blew up everywhere, not just the US like Jughead’s books normally did. People were obsessed with her, much like Jughead was, and they wanted to get a sneak peek into her private life. Who wouldn’t?
They both worked together as a power couple in Hollywood, throwing out hit after hit, trying to make people think about the world differently.
Sometimes, Veronica even helped Jughead with his ideas, bouncing plots off of him. It was a shock for Jughead to find out that she was also not that bad of a writer, at least when it came to plots and how to keep a book interesting.
One day, he tested her writing skills, and was absolutely shocked that she probably could have added “Writer” onto her resume
Veronica even helped Jughead get that TV show for his crime five-part series, it became a hit on the CW, and they both made sure that they wouldn’t screw up his characters and the plot for the sake of views
After they got together, it was truly the only time where they felt their most complete, and they would continue to take the world together, as a couple, as best friends, and as (sometimes) colleagues. They were a force to be reckoned with
A/N: Please have mercy on me, I have never made one of these that was okay, but I wanted to challenge myself (much like my aesthetic for yesterday) into making one. I hope it’s alright!
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