thepariahcontinuum · 1 year
Listen to any good music lately?
Apocalypticism by Moonwalker.
Monster in Paradise by Gunship.
Rogue by DizzyEight ft Johnald & KBN Chrollo.
Baddadan by Chase & Status and Bou ft Irah, Flowdan, Trigger and Takura.
Anti-Hero in the style of Korn by Anthony Vincent....Another cover that has no business going S hard as it does.
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cainenterprisesllc · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Disney Pixar Toy Story Men’s Size XXL Black Short Sleeve Crewneck Shirt.
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sexy-lee-min-woo · 2 years
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2021/2022 Junjin - Altoran - list of episodes
20211003 Altoran E355 https://mega.nz/file/OyoVQKBT#D_qbyD44JaZIItgwOLPXa1rtpS5uqqgXPm5k3ne8QV4 20211128 Altoran E363 https://mega.nz/file/rGYRXSgI#f_n5WhIlrI-TT1-TaGGhyTJYEzGdTI2mhHDv65R2OZQ 20211205 Altoran E364 https://mega.nz/file/aepjxAYL#xVuV78t0wLig87Rp08jIePiMNf3sXdPLOBxYnBiSqfw 20211212 Altoran E365 https://mega.nz/file/uepgBJCI#8n4yC4b_qRgYZNn3Yz_gkeH941v7Nm_6eFe1eweC__A 20211219 Altoran E366 https://mega.nz/file/PSQWDBQR#Qeruy-0RtWN5-FnIK3-3-yZFQvQlUQsP2QAR_KQ-Gl0 20211226 Altoran E367 https://mega.nz/file/DfYwyRLL#h4kbgvzUJgc2B0BiXh2-4qlHiBs56JhddU4ejq-S8d0 20220102 Altoran E368 https://mega.nz/file/aC4kCI6Y#J2jSk8bx7Ku1UyS4m6sGlyK9oeu_I3B-qaZ-SNX3PJo 20220109 Altoran E369 https://mega.nz/file/rHBWXLZD#uccnMvtKfLqI8LMZVZzEYt_zYx-bJrdUOJUq0lcyNq0 20220116 Altoran E370 https://mega.nz/file/SfgS2DKa#0GbFY0nAYVorQTtUqgrvDiUvbbnHgPJcEdTQ_j9NT_o 20220123 Altoran E371 https://mega.nz/file/3e4jXYJQ#Q1uBIB5pU91M8mjnuVAPFMwS6xdcdfqYgW2H-PV8hMk 20220130 Altoran E372 https://mega.nz/file/yOgABQzY#-DwcrbbyqPbaloNpHCJfta6nopQIR7ev0qbf2hvKhnE 20220206 Altoran E373 https://mega.nz/file/yLJElTJb#hsM9ecHVlhcaNJ9Z4ytYatrcCT00scN--1dFah2oBvg 20220213 Altoran E374 (with Dongwan) https://mega.nz/file/2dIGAZ7D#qOGX_acCWQuHUuRbwRF86mq2WCdBPiYNYQmJ-icEdvg 20220220 Altoran E375 https://mega.nz/file/3TZwibYJ#A2IsYy4gA_PBJSsz6p85-QVgxoJB2PyxJnCFfrWtIRw 20220227 Altoran E376 https://mega.nz/file/vCRGiRaC#pghkJ1DWS1lrpKyiSQMaJJdnaXkdGN_EKwCCJK-Fg9k 20220306 Altoran E377 https://mega.nz/file/SPZjCCbB#JgxbKLwISMT3DZAbxfklf5sK1PgMoXMVpnX4tTdpY5w 20220313 Altoran E378 https://mega.nz/file/qUwBySKC#ab-NmR6JqbwW8Go9D-hoX8biM7d8ylD46GAPdfP1jmQ
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mfdfwdtx4697214 · 2 years
new entry
Shooting 1 11/21/2022 16:36:18 E364 1600 Herald St 344 2187 At Scene
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從MBUX到EQ Boost 認識全新的賓士
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全新大改款A-Class最令人好奇的配備就是它所搭載的完整MBUX(Mercedes-Bez User Experience)系統,這套系統將全車所有車輛設定和娛樂項目一次整合,搭配中央10.25吋螢幕以及觸控手寫版,能以最直覺的方式進行設定及調整。
另外系統所主打的語音辨識功能也相當靈敏,只要按下啟動按鈕,喊出一句〝Hey 賓士〞或是〝你好 賓士〞,接著告訴系統你所需要的操作(例如:我想去某某地址、我想吃漢堡…等口語化指令),系統就能完成需求,無需太制式化的語言邏輯,只需以生活化的方式提出需求即可,人性化程度令人感到驚奇。
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C-Class小改款大學問 EQ Boost加身
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C-Class是Mercedes-Benz品牌旗下最暢銷的車型,作為品牌的當家門面,小改款的W205車系可不是只有外觀拉皮或小針美容而已。這次的小改款一共更動了6,500項全新零件,其中動力系統更佔比高達80%,而最主要的更動除了換上全新的1.5L動力單元之外,就屬EQ Boost技術的導入了。
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前氣壩處也更改為可讓氣流通過的Air Curtain設計,不再只是造型好看而已。
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C300使用新款M264引擎,1,991c.c.的排氣量能輸出258hp最大馬力與37.7kg-m最大扭力,較改款前大幅增加47hp/ 7.1kg-m,不過目前僅有C200採用EQ Boost系統,C300並未使用。
〝EQ〞是Mercedes-Benz最新的純電能品牌,而目前旗下車款所採用的EQ科技大略可分成三種類型:第一種是〝EQ Boost〞,採用輕型複合動力,以48V電力系統整合發電機與啟動馬達,也就是這次W205 C-Class所採用的系統;第二種則是〝EQ Power〞和〝EQ Power+〞,這其實就是我們所熟悉的PHEV插電式複合動力系統;而第三種就是以純電為動力的〝EQ〞,前些日子所發表的EQC將會是第一款搭載此動力系統的賓士車款。
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如上述,全新的EQ Boost系統最主要的變革就是採用了48V電力系統,而48V電力系統目前又區分為四汽缸的M264引擎所搭載的〝BSG〞與六汽缸的M256引擎所使用的〝ISG〞兩種不同架構。
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聽起來有點複雜嗎?其實很簡單,以全新C 200所搭載的M264 BSG四汽缸引擎為例,全新架構將啟動馬達與發電機整合在一起,並以皮帶驅動,以額外的14hp馬力和16.3kg-m來填補小排量渦輪增壓引擎低轉速域的渦輪遲滯問題。
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而整合式啟動馬達與發電機最大的優點就是沒有啟動時的壓軋聲音,能如啟動3C產品般直接且順暢地發動車輛;另外EQ Boost系統在ECO模式下,於時速40km/h到160km/h的範圍內開啟滑行模式,且引擎會直接熄火,以獲得更佳的節能表現,然而空調與其它電子系統均不受影響。
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本次W205車系小改款除了將引進傳統的三廂四門Sedan車型、雙門Coupe車型及旅行車之外,也將首度導入A205軟頂敞篷車型,而四種車型也都將導入AMG C43版本。小改款之後的C43車系沿用原本的3.0L V6 M276引擎,最大馬力小漲23hp,達到390hp,相當令人期待。
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cainenterprisesllc · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Disney Pixar Toy Story Men’s Size XXL Black Short Sleeve Crewneck Shirt.
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rafaelduarte87-blog · 4 years
What is the relation between the past and present emotional state of the population and the relationship with their parents?
After looking through the codebook of the AddHealth study, I’ve decided to answer the question – What is the relation between the past and present emotional state of the population and the relationship with their parents? My hypothesis is that there might be a proportional relation between some of the variables related with this two topics. After searching for literature about the effects of the relationship between parents and their children, I found that there are many studies that prove how influent the parents behavior affect their child’s behavior. References: “Relation between parents' and children's smoking behaviour and attitudes.” (https://jech.bmj.com/content/39/2/169.short) “The Relationship Between Parents’ and Children’s Television Viewing” (https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/132/2/e364.short) “Relationships Between Parent and Child Emotion Regulation Strategy Use: A Brief Report” (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10826-011-9497-5) 
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internutter · 6 years
Challenge #02193-E364: Baby Steps Please
Welcome to wizardry, where people with awful ideas and no social skills invoke supernatural forces to gain power and respect. Almost makes you want to tap out and start a little shop selling healing potions, huh? -- Anon Guest
They say that anyone could be a wizard. They never say whether or not anyone should be a wizard. This was zipping through Lady Anthe's mind as she raced after Melvin and the phantasm he had conjured. She was the fastest of the group and Melvin had Wraithvine's wand.
The good news was that a phantasmal steed was only good for one hour. The bad news was that that might not be the spell that Melvin had accidentally managed to cast. The magic within him had truly erupted in a spectacular way.
Anthe sprang between trees that the... whatever... had had to go around, carrying a screaming Melvin with it. In a handful of leaps, she was on him and screaming, "Tell it to stop! It's yours! Tell it to stop!"
[Be sure to visit internutter (dot) org for a link to the rest of this story, and details on how to support this artist]
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cmweller · 6 years
Challenge #02193-E364: Baby Steps Please
Welcome to wizardry, where people with awful ideas and no social skills invoke supernatural forces to gain power and respect. Almost makes you want to tap out and start a little shop selling healing potions, huh? -- Anon Guest
They say that anyone could be a wizard. They never say whether or not anyone should be a wizard. This was zipping through Lady Anthe's mind as she raced after Melvin and the phantasm he had conjured. She was the fastest of the group and Melvin had Wraithvine's wand.
The good news was that a phantasmal steed was only good for one hour. The bad news was that that might not be the spell that Melvin had accidentally managed to cast. The magic within him had truly erupted in a spectacular way.
Anthe sprang between trees that the... whatever... had had to go around, carrying a screaming Melvin with it. In a handful of leaps, she was on him and screaming, "Tell it to stop! It's yours! Tell it to stop!"
[Be sure to visit internutter (dot) org for a link to the rest of this story, and details on how to support this artist]
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psycheblog-uk · 3 years
Evolution for Everyone: How to Increase Acceptance of, Interest in, and Knowledge about Evolution
Evolution for Everyone: How to Increase Acceptance of, Interest in, and Knowledge about Evolution
Open Access Essay David Sloan Wilson Published: December 13, 2005 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.0030364   Citation: Wilson DS (2005) Evolution for Everyone: How to Increase Acceptance of, Interest in, and Knowledge about Evolution. PLoS Biol 3(12): e364. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.0030364 Published: December 13, 2005 Copyright: © 2005 David Sloan Wilson. This is an open-access…
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sexy-lee-min-woo · 3 years
20211205 Junjin - Altoran E364
Download 720p MP4 1.3GB: https://mega.nz/file/aepjxAYL#xVuV78t0wLig87Rp08jIePiMNf3sXdPLOBxYnBiSqfw
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ildalil · 3 years
Cos’è la pillola anti-Covid e perché può essere la svolta
Cos’è la pillola anti-Covid e perché può essere la svolta
Cos’è la pillola anti-Covid e perché può essere la svolta Fonte: https://www.spreaker.com/user/12742172/cdy-e364 Anthony Fauci, l’immunologo statunitense e consulente della Casa Bianca, ha definito «impressionanti» i risultati della sperimentazione sul farmaco: e infatti le case farmaceutiche che lo stanno producendo hanno sospeso la sperimentazione per chiedere direttamente all’autorità…
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dopestudentpizza · 3 years
3% Off on Black & Chrome Large Spinner Air Cleaner Wing Nut Universal Compatible w/ Chevy. TrueGether is one of the biggest and most trusted marketplaces with over 2M+ products for sale. Free delivery and returns on eligible orders. Buy Black & Chrome Large Spinner Air Cleaner Wing Nut Universal Compatible w/ Chevy at TrueGether.
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songwriternews · 3 years
New Post has been published on SONGWRITER NEWS
New Post has been published on https://songwriternews.co.uk/2021/06/as-long-as-you-love-me/
As Long As You Love Me
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By Justin Bieber
Download now from Itunes
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