Some sad news today, those who have followed this blog from earlier days may remember the Bunny Photoshoots I did as we hit follower milestones. Cindy was frequently pictured as she loved the camera and a cuddle. Today, Cindy has passed away peacefully, she was happily munching treats and snuggling right up until the end. I believe it was simply old age catching up with her.
Rip Cindy 2015 - 2024
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It her.
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I have bunny content. Who want?
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Official Bunny Voting Post!
That’s right peeps. Leave a comment here, or send me a message with your chosen bunny! The top 2 will be our models in the official 2.5k followers reward photoshoot. Voting closes March 16th!
If you’re new here and don’t know what that is, it’s very simple. I go ham with a camera and spoil you with cute bunny pics as thanks for supporting this blog! What do you have to loose? Nothing! So with that said,
please vote because the bunnies deserve it.^^
 Choose your fighter:
Mr. Bingley: (I know he looks weird but he put himself there)
these were outtakes from the previous shoots
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Ebony (lol her pic’s so bad here but it’s all I had on me. As you can see she’s turned brown for summer)
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Popcorn: (also crap photo, IT’S LIKE THREE PIXELS AND DOESN’T DO HIM JUSTICE MY POOR BBY but I’ll link the previous shoots so that you can see him properly.)
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Now, as some of my older followers will know, my girl Pumpkin suddenly passed away much to my shock not long after the previous shoot.
After her passing I named a cactus in her memory and jokingly posted, saying it could join in next time as a memorial to her. I wasn’t joking Pumpkin lives on in our hearts, ok!
(No kidding, if plant Pumpkin wins I’ll add her to the photoshoot, and do her up all fancy with bows ‘n stuff)
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What’s this, a fancy voting post with pics for the first time. ^^
Links to previous shoots:
300 follower reward: https://terrible-my-hero-academia-aus.tumblr.com/post/185464504375/the-winner-of-my-300-followers-reward-was-pumpkin
600 follower reward: https://terrible-my-hero-academia-aus.tumblr.com/post/186248436835/the-winner-of-the-votes-was-ebony-ebony-is-our
1000 follower reward, pics under cut: https://terrible-my-hero-academia-aus.tumblr.com/post/187018660500/bunny-photoshoot-1k-special?is_related_post=1
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Sneak peak! Photoshoot about to be posted!
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The winner of the votes was Ebony! Ebony is our colour changing bub, as you can see below, she starts to turn brown in summer.
Magnum was our runner up! Only one vote behind.
Ebony and Magnum are actually siblings, with Ebony looking more like their dad and Magnum a spitting image of their mum! 
The main issue with this shoot is that both bunnies like to just sit and sleep when inside, meaning it’s awkward to get photos were they are not loafing all the time.
Once again, I assure you that the accessories were very loose and only on a bunny for a few seconds, they were very happy to munch on snacks while photographed!.
Thank you for 600 followers! 
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Bunny Photoshoot: 1K Special!
Few~! Boy did narrowing the pics down take ages! I had a total of 220 photos to sort through...yeah.
No bows or flowers this time, it was already hard enough to get nice pictures with so many bunnies hopping around at once. Pictures under the cut! It’s a long one!
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She Nom.
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Pumpkin is squashed.ft ridiculously photogenic Cindy 
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Hewwo again
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A family that loafs together.
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Cuddles featuring: “Derp dog wants to be a bunny too.”
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He groom the ears
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“Mum I wanna be in the photo too!”
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Bunny pile!
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*licks ear*
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*stares into soul*
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Attempting a line up!
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But they want the munch...
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^from left to right: Popcorn, Pumpkin, Mr Bingley, Ebony, Cindy, Magnum.
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Majestic Boi
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I wanna eat the camera
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*finally decides to pose*
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*licks foot*
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The great and the small...
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*comes over to bother mum*
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I sees you human.
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...and that’s all! I managed to narrow 220 down to my favorite 30. Thanks to my little sis for taking most of the nicest photos here! She’s waaay better with a camera then I am! It took us about 20 minutes to get all the photos.The amount of fur that got stuck to my pants was nuts, that’s what I get for cuddling them in shedding season lol. You pick up Bingles and you can SEE the fur floating off him. Sorry for the lack of Ebony, she likes to hide under the others and snuggle.
Thank you all for contributing to this blog.
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The winner of my 300 followers reward was Pumpkin! (More pics under the cut.)
Pumpkin is my big girl weighing in at a plump 4.3 kg last I checked.
 (This is healthy for her breed; please don't worry!) 
She is roughly three and a half years old and I’ve had her since she was a kit. You may notice she has a bit of dirt on her nose in some shots, this is because she is digging a new tunnel in their pen. We had to break in their old one during hutch repairs. It was funny during the shoot because she kept trying to crawl into my lap for cuddles, thankfully she was happy to be distracted by the smell of carrot and other nibbles. (which she didn’t end up eating, btw, only smelling) 
Sadly, she and Cindy had a tussle the other day over their lack of tunnel and roughed each other up a bit. It’s all good now though! We stuck them on top of the washing machine and they’re back to being friends.
The shoot was done and over in about twenty minutes, and I assure you the bows/scarf etc. were very loose and only on her for a few seconds and she was happy the entire time. Thanks to my little sister for taking many of these shots, she is a much better photographer than I am!
Since my followers have been so great recently I have included a bonus! 
As runner up I figured she deserved to be given a little more limelight.
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Ebony is older than Pumpkin, probably about 4 and a bit. and as you can see, she is MUCH smaller, weighing in at around 1.7 kg. She is a Mini lop cross netherland dwarf and in summer(it’s winter here atm) she turns a rich brown! When we got her she was black all over but after a few years lots of white hairs grew scattered through her fur. You can see them in the photos. 
Anyway this post is huge enough so I’ll end it here. Thank you for supporting my blog, perhaps we could do this again when we reach some other milestone, let me know! 
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Pick your fighter:
Mr. Bingley (yep it's from Pride and Prejudice, Commonly referred to as Bingles)  
Cindy (shortened form Cinnamon, but is never really called that)
Magnum (after the ice cream brand)
Pumpkin (Was planning to name her something else right up to when she was brought home, ended up being called pumpkin instead)
Ebony( Legit changed colour as she grew older)
Popcorn (accidently mistaken as a girl for several months).
Remember you can vote for your chosen bunny by:
Commenting the name on this post
Sending me an ask with the name
Reblogging this post with the name.
Edit: I realised that since Magnum has a side note I'd better even things up by adding one for the others. Have fun! I’m tentatively choosing a week for votes to be cast. That may be slightly adjusted depending on how it goes.
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The Winner of the bunnies is...
Pumpkin! With 5 votes!
She was in the lead from the start and held on the entire time.
The rest of the votes were as follows:
Ebony: 3
Cindy: 2
Magnum: 2
Popcorn: 1
Mr Bingley: 0 (my poor baby got none lol, funnily enough he was the one my family was rooting for, they think he poses great XD) 
Thank you to all who voted, Pumpkin and I had a lot of fun doing the photoshoot.
I’m just editing the photos now, the shoot will be up soon! It will certainly be a long post! 
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It’s Time...To Pick Your Fighter.
It is my pleasure to announce that this blog has reached 300 followers! Which is amazing. so, This is how you guys can vote for which of my bunnies I’ll do a photo shoot for.
I will make a post titled BUNNY VOTING.
It will have a list of the bunnies names for you to choose from. 
You can send me an ask with the name of your chosen bunny, (I will not post these publicly, but count them behind the scenes ;) )
Leave a comment on the BUNNY VOTING post with the name. Please don't try to cast your vote on any other posts(like my normal AU posts) because it will make it harder to keep track of votes.
Reblog the BUNNY VOTING post with the name of the bunny you choose.
I’m not sure how long I’ll leave voting open for, maybe a week? but give me your suggestions! I will be reblogging the bunny voting post to make sure it gets seen.
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