cryptidsncurios · 2 months
@the-android-and-the-wielder sent: C-creechur…. 0v0 Xigbarrrrrr….. haiiii (screamy henlooo :>)
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Picking her up like a claw machine by her head and transporting her a couple more feet away.
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"What'cha wantin', girlie? Or are ya just here to be a nuisance, as usual?"
Don't worry, he's just teasing.
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continued from  [ X ]
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The Grim Reaper, hmm? It certainly would not be the first time that Kuja had been accused of bearing a resemblance to a being so utterly foul, despised, and reviled, and yet simultaneously oh-so very powerful and entirely unstoppable. And, if he had any say in events, it obviously would not be the last time.
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“Why,” lithe fingers lifted to his lips, the pointed index tapping upon the painted lower curve, “I suppose you might say that I am,” and then, extending that threatening hand away from himself and towards the little girl, his fingers curled---one by one, from one end to the other, like the deadly talons of predator toying with its helplessly miniscule prey. “And I can only suppose your dear daddy would have been smart enough to teach you that it would be unwise to trifle with such creatures that could dispose of your life with naught but a touch, yes?”
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thefatalmarksman · 2 years
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Xig had a birthday on the 22nd whoops and if you wanna send him gifts, you should
@the-android-and-the-wielder​ sent:  Syntha: *beeps and whirs excitedly* Happy birthday Xiggy!!! I asked the Superior to give you the day off!!
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Of course, when it came to being a part of the Organization, there was really no such thing as a “day off.” Numero Uno probably just told her that to quell the noise of all that mechanical cacophony---he was the sort of guy that preferred silence for all that brooding, after all.
Still, if Xigbar could get just a few moments to himself, he’d be nonetheless grateful for it.
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“Nice work, sweetcheeks, ya done good,” and he clapped a hand on her shoulder in congratulations for her efforts---but a pointed grin slyly began to stretch over his jagged features. “So what’s the next part a’ my gift, now that I’ve got the day off, huh? Ya bake me a cake or anything? Since it is my special day.”
Sorry he’s a bastard, Syntha.
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lordofoblivion · 3 years
One could ask, what a Nobody cared about a garden. Surely it had more important things to do than to tend to one, but Marluxia thought different. Even if he could use his habilities to make sure it was always green and healthy, there was something calming about working on the dirth and just seeing the garden florish naturaly. Familiar almost.
That and because that allowed him time to stay away from the other Nobodies from the Organization. Despicable boot lickers, all of them.
That was, until he noticed something was amiss.
“My my, I believe there is a little rat in my garden.”  He spoke out loud.
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eyesofparoxysm-a · 4 years
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the-android-and-the-wielder said:
*a young, wide green eyed girl with black twin buns stared at the hooded figure in awe from behind a tree and cautiously stepped out* “Uhm... I’m kinda lost and...you sem very knowlegable so.. do you know the way back to town Mister...???”[have a smol keykid uwu]
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The hooded figure had been collecting leaves from the tree, a basket in hand that has a few other leaves peaking out from it. Most likely going to be using them for experiments that he had written down earlier in the evening. That and a few flowers thrown in the mix as they were a good base to use! 
Pausing in the gathering to hear the little girl speak up. Glancing over to see her staring up at him.
“ I do know the way back, but first, how did you get all the way out here? It’s pretty far from the pathways “
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@the-android-and-the-wielder continued from [ X ]
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Kuja had never been the sort to be helpful, unless he could readily perceive there was some reward to be had, and he very well could not see a sensible reason to aid this little whelp in seeking out her father. And yet, he currently had very little else on his plate, and perhaps he would be able to find some other source of entertainment along the way---even if it did involve abandoning the girl to the wilds.
“Very well,” was his exasperated response, a flippant sweep of his hair with a taloned hand. “Do you happen to know from which direction you traveled? We could then backtrack your steps and, hopefully, discover the point from whence you began your wayward journey.”
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thefatalmarksman · 2 years
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@the-android-and-the-wielder​ sent:  *peers up at MoM with inquisitive eyes* so.. my daddy said that you can see the future. I wanna know mine!! (Bby Lillian. Just… just a smol gremlin gorl 😌😌)
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no. no you don’t.
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thefatalmarksman · 3 years
definitely no longer at the laundromat but I’m on my phone at work and have time to kill so here’s more doodles | accepting!
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@the-android-and-the-wielder ARE U EATING BUGS?? xox
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thefatalmarksman · 3 years
@the-android-and-the-wielder​ replied to your post: *Russian accent* yee haw
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thefatalmarksman · 3 years
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Outfit Meme | Not accepting
@the-android-and-the-wielder​ said:  2b uhhhh ffviir Syntha? If not then 2B Marluxia
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breaking news: luxu literally won’t leave a good meme alone
also i gave them both bras because equality across the board
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thefatalmarksman · 3 years
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random sentence starters | not accepting
@the-android-and-the-wielder​ sent:  “  maybe if you listened instead of running your mouth, you’d know what i was talking about.  ”  (FFVII R AU || random sentence meme thingy)
“Wuh-hoah, Miss Priss, where’d this lil outburst come from, huh?” though Luxu’s tone held no actual offense at her unwarranted---or, at least, what he might consider to be unwarranted---snippiness. 
Not that he hadn’t been demonstrating his own share of snark, of course, but that was utterly beside the point.
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“Arighty, then if you’re gonna be showin’ your ass,” a heavy seat on the nearby barrel, followed by the punctuation of crossed legs and a cocked head, “then lay it on me, Sparky.”
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thefatalmarksman · 3 years
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new ask game send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want | accepting!
@the-android-and-the-wielder​ asked: 🌻
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“Ya ever just... look at the back of a compact disc and feel like you’re staring into the eye of god?”
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thefatalmarksman · 3 years
@the-android-and-the-wielder​ replied to your post: 
B ur n
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“Soon enough, the sun won’t be doin’ any more a’ that.”
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thefatalmarksman · 4 years
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@the-android-and-the-wielder just a couple a’ trouble-mites 👌
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thefatalmarksman · 3 years
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new ask game send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want | accepting!
@the-android-and-the-wielder​ said:  🌻(:>)
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“Ever think about your own funeral---what it’d be like? I tend to, sometimes---but ultimately I always imagine what it’d be like if I spring-loaded my coffin. Could you picture the guy who opens that lid up to loot my corpse? Too bad I wouldn’t be able to see it, since there’s a chance I might be dead.”
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thefatalmarksman · 4 years
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v important first post of the night
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