deadeyemarkxman · 1 year
"let it be known. you come within FIVE FEET of my mo- i mean Silver. Its on sight. You hear me, zombie boy??? ON. SIGHT. "
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“Who’s sassy lost child is this?”
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"Oh my god. I'm going to kill him, this stupid IDIOT-"
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fastfists · 1 year
" sleepy echidna, huh? " the darkling smiled.
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"Mhm, just ah bit...keepin' ah floatin' island safe 'n secure ain't exactly easy 'ere."
Course, that didn't mean he ever shirk his duties either — he was always diligent about them. Making sure that his home was safe and secure was his top priority after all, make sure everyone who called it home was safe and cared for. Didn't mean it couldn't be tiring though.
Having finished a while ago and decided a nice nap was in order. Plus, he would give his aching leg a rest — might need to grab his brace to let it have a break. Than again...he didn't feel like getting up right now and the pain wasn't that bad right now, just sore.
"Did you need somethin' from me?"
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menac3s · 1 year
the darkling was worried about the alternative. so he popped up on small boulder, swaying his legs back and forth in silence before looking at Sanctum. " .. are you okay? "
   Needing some fresh air, the armored hedgehog was standing outside, letting his legs carry him. He had no plan on where to go; just let his body carry him where it felt like going. With the alien speaking, he jolted and whipped around, a spear of icy blue electricity forming in his fist.
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   "Who are you?!"
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" MS. LEIN-DA!!!!! Hiiii!!!"
"Oh! hello, little one." The more Lien-da looked at him, the more he reminded her of someone she knew, many years prior. Perhaps were they related? Bah, it was no use dwelling in the past. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
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somewhereinchaos · 1 year
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@thedarklinglove: He's rolling down a very large hill, stuck in a barrel. His wittle feets are kicking frantically. "HELP!"
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          ╳ ┊ u l t i m a t e  »  Oh, this has got to be a joke. "Chaos Spear—!" Shadow destroys the barrel into little pieces, freeing Eclipse, but he doesn't bother stopping him from rolling down the hill. "...."
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diffxrentwxrlds · 1 year
His feet are kicking frantically.
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{{ L }} "Daaaamn, that's crazy." Not her problem.
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familylightfox · 1 year
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@thedarklinglove asked:
" heyyy Volt? in theoryyyyyyyyyy. how would you take down an unhinged alien that legit is beyond clever and has a mutant girlfriend that her power is super strong screams that can kill you? "
a pause. " just asking. for science. "
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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Maybe he was taking the question a bit more seriously than he let on, but Volt seemed to think it over before giving his best answer.
"Stick with something ranged and heavy hitting. The range'll give you a chance t' have the screams lose power with the distance. Recommend lookin' into some earplugs if need be or noise-canceling headphones just in case." With his mind still working, he went over a few different ideas in his head before continuing. "If ya were lookin' t' take it down... I recommend aimin' for any vital organs and try t' make it quick."
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aeniqmata · 2 years
"I uh. I am sorry for the Master Emerald thing by the way." (for Knuckles!) || @the-darkling-love​ || unprompted asks ( always accepting )
“ It’s not the first and won’t be the last time I shatter the Emerald. “ It was his duty to keep it safe, and he knew how to put it back together if needed be. Doesn’t mean he likes breaking it into hundreds of pieces.
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“ Just don’t plan on using it for anything, and you’ll have no issues from me. “
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"Speakin a' Parents. I gotta go Scold one(1) Darkling DUMBASS. Hold please."
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forgettingpetal · 1 year
Don't get involved. Zielo made his stance clear.
Stubborn man.
A sigh as she walked. before pausing.
Eclipse was gone again. And this time. This time something screamed to follow. So she did. Making her way past the trees and tracking the darkling.
Before she came upon a terrifying sight.
Eclipse, on the ground, coughing up blood and struggling to fight something inside him back. The teen whimpered.
".........W-What's happening?" he sobbed before dropping to his knees.
"Eclipse!!!" she raced forward and within a moment, her arms were around him. He protested, trying to push her away.
"Eclipse. Eclipse, please. Let me help you...It's okay."
"D-Dad...I don't wanna make him mad. Or stressed. Or anything!"
"Oh sweetheart. You are his son. I know....he's done bad things. And I know people are wary and afraid of him....But I don't care what anyone thinks or says. Zielo would never feel that way towards you. Especially when you're scared and confused. Now...come here, dear."
The darkling only stared. Before he finally let Whisper wrap her jacket around him and pull him into her arms.
"I-I don't know what's happening. I was just trying to protect you guys."
"I know, dear. I know."
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fastfists · 2 years
@the-darkling-love​ { ✧ }
Eclipse be like: .....How does one process this?
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“...you’re welcome t’join, you look chilly.”
His attention turning to the other who seems to be thinking over the sight of him covered in Chao. Kind of adorable if he was honest.
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f3nrlr · 1 year
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" whats your deal, cat? stop following me. "
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"Sorry about that.... Couldn't help myself but be curious.... Considering, I haven't seen anything like you before." Slinger replied, giving a sheepish smile, whilst rubbing his neck.
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within MERE SECONDS , the teen is by her side.
.... he doesn't like the tenseness that Knuckles threw her way. He glanced over towards her. " you shouldn't make judgements on someone .... but you also didn't deserve that. "
Lien-da winces. "Listen, you don't have to intervene in my favor. I can take care of this. I..." She's really not good at this, she thinks. Her ego is bruised enough as it is, but seeing eclipse about to get chewed out - in her name no less - was more than she could take right about now. "I.. I'll explain you later, alright?"
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neonwebs · 1 year
@thedarklinglove // scurries in here. past curfew.
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ᴜɴᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛᴇᴅ || ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴀᴄᴄᴇᴘᴛɪɴɢ!
I just sat down in bed, what the hell is making that noise?
When I step out of my room, I just barley miss the shadow running around my kitchen on all fours. Following it under the counter in the kitchen. The eyes startle me for all but a second before I realize who they belong to.
"Eclipse?" I know I told him he could stop by whenever but- I didn't think he'd be show up here this late at night. "Kid, I'm supossed to be asleep at this hour. What are you doing here?" He's not hurt again, is he?? "Come on out, you're not in trouble."
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deadeyemarkxman · 1 year
s q u i n t s .
stay away from his "mom". aka. silver.
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