#thedence rp
Let me be me || Closed rp with vehuhia
“Daddy? When’s uncle Newt coming off the boat?” Cassie looked up at him, her big green eyes filled with wonder and excitement at seeing her uncle again. It was so strange to see someone who looked so much like him, to see his daughter standing next to him. Holding his hand as they waited for the boat to dock and unload.
“Any minute, darling. Just be patient.” He gently ran a hand through her hair, letting her press close to his leg. A lot of people were gathered on the docks, waiting for the steam liner from America to arrive. It wasn’t packed, but it was busy and he didn’t want Cassie to get lost in the chaos. “Just stay close, alright?”
“It’s so big…” Cassie looked at the enormous vessel with wide eyes, jumping up and down as they lowered the walking board and people started coming off. The docks filled with more people, bumping into them here and there. But nothing Theseus couldn’t fend off himself, he made himself broader,  protecting Cassie while keeping an eye out for his brother. With his 6’0 feet, he was taller than most everyone around him and it was easy for him to spot people in a crowd.
Still, he hadn’t seen this guy coming. Someone bumped into him and he instinctively reached out to grab said person. Frowning as he felt a spark of magical energy release from the man’s form. He could sense something was wrong, he wasn’t sure what it was but he knew it wasn’t good. So he made the quick judgement to offer his help. “Are you alright? Do you need help?”
Cassie caught on. “We can help, mister. My daddy fixes anything!”
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About the mun
I got tagged by @deathlesshallows
I’m 5′3
I have a smol scar on the left side of my nose
I have a mole on one of my waterlines
My eyes are heterochromic, they’re blue/green with a brown band around the pupil
My hair is dark blonde but I dye it golden blonde
I have shoulder lenght hair, that is curly/wavy
I have medium-ish hair, kinda like Ezra before they cut the hair for the Credence role. And it’s curly-wavy too.
I wear comfy clothes 99% of the time, sweatpants, shorts, sweaters, graphic t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. I’m basically genderless when it comes to my clothes.
I’m a Hufflepuff, through an through. On nearly every test I take I’m sorted into the house of Badgers. I’m also a pukwudgie. But don’t be fooled, you hurt my friends and I will end you. If you’re cool and nice, I will be your friend until the end of my days.
My Pottermore patronus is a horse, but I personally disagree. My patronus should be a labrador retriever.
INFP-T personality type, the Mediator
I’m a very polite and friendly person and generally a friend to all.
My biggest hobbies are cosplay, writing and video making
I still live at my parents’ house at age 25.
I tend to wait and see what people do, I’m not very assertive and pretty insecure. Although I’m better when in cosplay or on Tumblr.
Thanks to my partner in crime I have a huge celeb crush on both Ezra Miller and Collin Farrel. Other celeb crushes include Eddie Redmayne, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Josh Duhamel, Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Felton, Emma Watson and Grant Gustin.
I’m a fairly decent writer, my grammar and spelling aren’t the best, neither is my sentence structure. But I’m very good at coming up with different scenarios and I’m told my characterization and emotional capacity when writing are very good.
I’m calm, patient and very understanding of people’s view points.
I’m very bad at debating and hardly ever win, but that’s what Slytherin friends are for.
I’m really good with dates and useless facts
I’m fairly decent at coming up with headcanons and theories.
I’m like the muggle version of Newt Scamander, I know my animals and they tend to gravitate towards me.
Reading and RP
Writing fiction
Videography / Video editing
Gif making/ Graphic making
Played field hockey for 18 years
I curse like a motherfucking sailor and I tend to blabber before I think
I babble like crazy and people either love it or hate it.
I am demiromantic and bi/pan-sexual.
I am currently single.
I have one biological sibling
Two adopted sisters and one adopted brother/platonic soulmate @realpercivalgraves​
I go to college and work at Domino’s pizza as a delivery driver.
Worrying means you suffer twice
I love Theseus Scamander and will defend my potato beyond the grave
Thesival/Gramander/Gradence and Thedence are my jam
I don’t like Newtina or Goldgraves (have nothing against those who ship it, you do you)
I’m Dutch but I live in Germany
I tag anyone who wants to do it, and those that I actually tag don’t have to do it. It’s up to you, guys.
@realpercivalgraves, @vehuhia, @ofnifflersandbowtruckles
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