#mun chatter
crimsonqueenmagnus · 4 months
((Everytime I see a new 40k blog I stare at them for like... ages to see if I should interact. I don't wanna bug people who aren't like... cool with interacting with the femme! Primarch squad. Of course I understand if they want to keep with canon so it's no problem but still... I just never know... so if you're down with rping with me then please drop me a message, ask, or whatever))
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starfallandsilver · 10 months
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{ PSA I should've made a few months ago tbh }
I'm sorry for basically vanishing. I wanted to return fully after the previous incident I had updated about, but both my mental and physical health took one hell of a dive. To keep it short and sweet, I wasn't doing super great. Sleep hasn't come easily, and, something I try not to elaborate on too much are my migraines. I have them pretty consistently, have all my life. But lately, they'd gotten worse. Between that and a mixture of finally attending therapy for reasons I really would rather not delve into, I am starting to do a bit better. Even after I got that bit better however, I had to change my computer due to technical issues on top of that. So I completely lost my password to my blog to boot for a while. Its just been one thing after another after another. So while I am back and intend to be more active, I do understand if my absence makes it difficult to pick up threads, or if my health may affect interest in the future. Which I fully understand! Truthfully it was rather hard to write up this post at all, since I feel I've been mia more often than not due to life. In some better news, I will finally be getting a proper look into my migraines this month's end I hope, as I was denied that when I was younger due to 'reasons'. So hopefully I can acquire a proper medicine to get them under wraps. As for my mental health well, there will be good days and bad days, but hopefully now I'll be getting more good days. That said, I am deeply sorry for my sudden extended absence. I look forward to being more active here in the future! <3
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ask-hws-guam · 8 months
Roll for initiative!
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the-expatriate · 9 months
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panickedforcefield · 1 year
*comes into tumblr-ship, falls over, stands up, runs into wall, sees brother form another hotsport poll, insta click* Also me: wtf did I justclick?
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edensexile · 1 year
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still doing my best to get into the proper headspace to write Lilith more often. I’ve been picking up and playing with characteristic from other fictional females that admire.
Lady Dimitrescu is of course iconic and portions of her I’d love to borrow and add to Lilith (not just her towering height/shapeshifting abilities). 
But also Lucy from Cyberpunk Edgerunners. I love that anime so much it makes my heart hurt, but also the distance Lucy puts between herself and the crew, even her love interest is often given the impression that she doesn’t care if he makes it out alive or not. 
That hands off, almost indifferent tone is one I feel Lilith would hold to any and everyone else, save for the select few within her circle: ie Charlie and her husband Lucifer and very little else. 
Lucy also has moments where she’s literally unhinged, which makes sense given the Edge runner trade and Cyberpunk setting itself, whereas Lilith has to be more cool, low key and cultured about her cruelty.
Really ought to spend more time actually writing Lilith and less speculation, but it’s oh so fun to build a fan portrayal from the ground up. 
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dodomedic · 1 year
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@klein-klaus​ in regards to the rp, its been denied and he wants it more. terrible. absolute bird. peek-a-boo would work
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whiterosemilktea · 2 years
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thekavseklabs · 1 month
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"There is a sense of solidity in Appalachia I am from here, I am from the earth I am Adam, made from the soil of this land The trees grow tall above me I name their leaves as Adam named each creature I let the ants crawl over my face I cradle bugs in my hands to bring them outside My mother calls me when she sees them Because she knows I love the feeling Not because she is frightened to hold them herself She is Adam, too.
When the snow comes in, I wonder The ice age is solid in the soil Melted but marked forever Do my winters stay in my bones? Will I always have ice this beautiful? When I am buried I wish to be under a tree I will feed it; I will have no box Let me return to my cradle.
I tell my brother how the sun makes new stars Early in the morning shining off the dew A small universe by my pond from the mullein and hemlock I hold leaves to the sun as I eat clover and honeysuckle I harvest pokeweed and persimmon And my hands are covered in the dirt I was born from.
I have read that Appalachia is older than bones I believe that is far truer than any other wonder For if Adam is made from dirt then that must surely be the bone From which Eve was fashioned as well We are all the mountains. That is why our blood holds iron That is why our bones hold calcium I am a mineral deposit My eyes are the finest gems the mountain could offer me They let me see the wonder.
Appalachia exists in Scotland and China We are brothers of the same old soil. The dissolution of Pangea Was the exodus from our garden. But we find our way home With the elk and chestnut to follow In rocky mountain spring and holler In the den of the snake beneath our porch In the bird’s nests above it In the blooming vegetable garden Appalachia = Eden."
Poem inspired by my professor's sign off for the last email she sent to me in response to my thanking her for a wonderful semester
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crimsonqueenmagnus · 2 days
Ooc: would the mun be up for a muse x muse relationship like the Corvus blog has? If so, who is the likely candidate?
((I'd love to tbh but I don't really know if anyone would be interested. If they are they are free to dm me to work out details and such. My main preference is obviously no one that could be considered "related" to Magnus and someone that I could consider compatible with her.))
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starfallandsilver · 2 years
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Mun Chatter: I wanted to draw Avros as if you had caught a moment with him, a muffled laughter not even hidden behind the attempt of his hand, a faint flush in his face. Also tried something new with how I did his eyes~ 
                                His whole attention locked onto the other, wings unclipped as a rare sight is gifted, laughter and joy displayed without any hindrance. Despite the snow, the moment is warm.  
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ask-hws-guam · 9 months
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Hello, I am not dead, just been so distracted lately! Been so long since I’ve posted so it’s nice to be post on here again, especially now that it’s spooky season! I here by decreee that for all of October, Maiana will be dressed as Fionna from the Adventure Time spin-off Show Fionna and Cake!
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the-expatriate · 2 years
((There’s quite a few new faces here as well as a some long term lurkers so I just wanted so hello and you’re very welcome to drop in whenever you feel comfortable to do so :D
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If there’s anything you need to know from me regarding my muse, Pari or anything else here, just gimme a toot!))
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shadowzgather · 5 months
Just gonna put this here and go back to sleep. Brain won't let me sleep until I put this up. Will reblog a few times tomorrow too.
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rubbcrhosemoved · 11 months
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"♩ D O N ' T stooooooooop me 'cause I'm having a go-oooooood time, having a go-oooooood time! ♫"
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rose-from-ashes · 5 months
It has been said that Solus zos Galvus had never once shed a tear. It had been said that nothing could shock him, that he was a strange man wise beyond his years, that he acted as though he had already seen most things. Most of it was true. But the claim that he had never cried was not.
It was not the day the ordinary young man came home from hunting subtly changed by something no one else had witnessed. It was not his first battle, or his fifth, or the one where he lost near everyone close to him and won the day in a fight so long and gruesome that it had marked the turn of the endless war between Garleans and the world. It was not the day he was married to his cold wife Marcella or the day his first child was born.
It was the day that first child was laid out in his coffin for his father to look upon. Marcella had not been there, and his other son had been out for war. But little Varis had been. He'd seen that single tear roll down his grandfather's cheek. He'd clung to his sleeve, hoping both to comfort and be comfort, only to be chilled by the cold and hate filled gaze shot his way by the man who had always been a somewhat distant but warm and comforting figure before, someone he could turn to when his father was busy.
Varis did not only lose his father that day, but his grandfather too. With that single tear shed, Solus zos Galvus seemed to release the last dredges of his humanity. A cruel grandfather, a strict and harsh ruler, cold and mean and power hungry with a love for vengeance. He sought war with a hunger and Varis had seen on his face the cruel satisfaction when the emperor learned of the calamity in eorzea his people had caused. Varis did not know what drove him, but he knew that though Garlemald prospered, that was only a side effect of Solus's true goal.
It would only be years later, when Solus died and Varis was crowned, that he learned what his grandfather had truly wanted. It was only then when he realized why the man who had raised him could never love him. It was only then that Varis realized he had been the one to witness the last tears shed by an ancient for his mortal son, the one to witness Emet-Selch of the world unsundered lose his faith in the life of sundered mortals.
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