divinitybreathed · 5 years
starter call. | @thedestrcyer.
                 he’s disassembling. routine too often a welcoming for death’s arrival, a state of vulnerability wherein his prized form of protection is rendered useless. but he needs to clean it, and she radiates an aura of security that allows him to proceed with only minimal shoulder checks. it’s not trust, but maybe something along the lines of knowing their mutually beneficial arrangement means he’s better to her alive than dead. quick hands, he’s had to learn to work fast, but no less efficiently. one sloppy move could mean a jam, one jam could mean the other guy wins. 
                    “   so uh, boss -  “   pause to scratch along the side of his jaw, relieving a subtle itch before resuming his work. the motions come so naturally now, an extension of himself, he’s able to divert his gaze to her briefly.   “  any reason for being out here, specifically? i mean, i’m not complaining. i just know that a lot of sh - bad people hole up around these parts. we lookin’ for something?  “ 
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afraidofchange · 5 years
It's a simple kiss on Shepard's forehead. Just this soft thing when Ripley walks by, fingers on either side of the woman's cheeks to keep Shepard in place. She's pulling cigarettes back out of her jacket though when she finally walks by. Probably finding a corner of the Citadel to hide.
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  Shepard doesn’t exactly expect a kiss from Ripley, though her lips form a smile regardless when the older woman’s hands touch her cheeks, and the Commander reaches out for just a moment to her arm, a silent thank you before Ripley walks off into the crowd. Favour for a favour, she figures, but they needn’t mention it again.
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alwayscutoff · 5 years
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                ❛    oh  yuck !    why  does  everything  that  bleeds  green  have  to  ruin  my  stuff ?     ❜
@thedestrcyer  liked  for  a  starter .
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thanatophobix-blog · 5 years
@thedestrcyer liked for a starter!:
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“You know, don’t think that we’ve met yet. I’ve been so busy trying to get used to this new Earth that I haven’t found the time to introduce myself to everyone.” Quentin extends his hand for an introductory handshake, a mild smile on his face. Pleasantries, all of it, just a handful of common courtesies. “Quentin Beck, and you are?”
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withinycu-arch · 5 years
@thedestrcyer stands before the Queen of the Monsters
   It is not the sky that glitters overhead nor are those stars that shimmer and weep of light. They are her wings gliding overhead, observing the one below. This is a sacred space, the island blossoming and becoming fruitful because she wills it too. 
   Even when those great wings contract she still appears robed in stars as she steps upon the ground, the graze growing higher and thicker to carpet under her feet. 
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      “You have been changed.” 
   She knows her mother and her creations having watched them grow since the first dawning of time. This one is like clay that has been mixed and formed by something foreign, strangers as separate from this world as the stars and planets above their heads. 
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hawkinsninth-a · 5 years
thedestrcyer replied to your post: "Help me understand."
WHOA HEY, it’s fine. ripley’s already adopted 9.
Listen. Listen. Do it.
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careol-arc · 5 years
"I'm fucking exhausted and I really want a cigarette." Ripley's just sitting there, that leather jacket of hers dirty. As if it's ever clean anymore. Elbow on her knee, fingers pinching the bridge of her nose. Just sit with her, Carol. They both deserve a moment.
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          ❝ 𝑺𝑶 𝑻𝑯𝑨𝑻 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑪𝑨𝑵 𝑫𝑰𝑬 𝑭𝑨𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑹 ? ❞  comes her question.  cigarettes will kill you, she knows that.  yet she too has smoked some in her lifetime.  finally she’s at peace and doesn’t need them as she once did.  rather incredible how she can quit cold turkey as she has.  ❝ we finally did it.  we beat this war.  maybe now we can all finally be happy. ❞
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salvatoraem · 5 years
There’s a dirt streak across Ripley’s forehead. Turning wrenches for once. Who says an officer doesn’t like to get dirty? “Do you want to turn it on? Let’s see if it’s still blowing dust.”
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❛      Giving   me   the   honors ,   eh ?         ❜   Jane’s   mechanical   skills   left   something   to   be   desired ,   that   much   was   certain ,   but   she   would   certainly   lend   an   extra   pair   of   hands   when   it   was   needed .   Sometimes   a   problem   would   solve   itself   with   a   little   applied   muscle  .  .  .  not   often   but   sometimes .   Flipping   the   switch   and   returning   her   hands   to   her   hips   to   fill   out   a   curious   pose ,   she   turned   back   to   the   task   at   hand.    ❛      Well   at   least   it   stopped   making   that   god - awful   noise.        ❜
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telegion · 5 years
hello......... i still just always love seeing you on my dash. have a great night!
 i’m  so  late  to  reply  to  this  ,      but  that’s  funny  ,      but  i  also  love  seeing  you  on  my  dash  !!!  and  i  know  i  follow  you  on  your  multi  too  ,      but  i  love  seeing  you  around  on  ripley  .      glad  to  see  you  around  her  blog  again  !!!  i  have  always  loved  seeing  you  write  her  ,      so  .      bless  you  okay  ,      thank  you  so  much  for  sending  me  this  ,      it’s  so  sweet  !!!
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drgrumpyface1 · 5 years
I'd love it if we made it {thedestrcyer}
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The Doctor wanted to go to a place that he’d never been before, he was always excited for new adventures. However, what he hadn’t expected was for there to be nothing when he came out of the time vortex and the thing creating nothing? A big ole black hole. The force it was pulling him and the TARDIS into it was one he was struggling to fix. The TARDIS twirled through the air, getting dragged through space in a way that was even dizzying even to the Doctor. He was rushing around the console, flipping levers and switches, typing co-ordinates into the scanner when all of a sudden the TARDIS let out a heavy groaning sound, as if she was being crushed. His two hearts beat erratically as he gripped the side of the console as the floor beneath his feet trembled with the force. He was sure this was it, this was where he died, crushed by a black hole. Then everything was silent and The Doctor slapped his hands over his chest, feeling himself up in an attempt to check if he was still alive. His hearts were still beating and he was still physically there. What had happened?!
Listening for a moment, the male waited to see if anything would happen, but nothing did. So he flipped the flight lever and let her pick his destination, knowing that she would take him where he needed to go. The engines made a whirring sound and the TARDIS started to rock, bouncing around in the vortex before she rematerialised with a flip of the lever. When the engines had quietened, The Doctor dragged down the viewing screen. It was weird, it looked like some back universe colony planet, a rather early one at that, at least in comparison to the ones he’d seen in the future. 
Leaving the TARDIS, the Doctor headed toward the colony, leaving the TARDIS behind in case it just attracted unwanted attention. He was actually pleased with how put together the coloney was, there were kids and the air was breathable, from what seemed to be some sort of Atmosphere Processor- he really wanted to check that out, to see what sort of components they were using. He was always interested in what sort of technology was being used. Heading in with his sonic screwdriver in hand, The Doctor wasn’t even concerned about how much he stood out from everyone else, too excited to look around.
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alldaddyarchive · 5 years
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w h a t ?  this is so so unexpected. thank you my sweet bb angel. 
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mindthemuse · 5 years
"Hey," so maybe Ripley's not usually all too affectionate, at least not in a romantic relationship (she is with her children). She just needs her moment. Arms wrapping around Clarice's shoulders, head resting atop Clarice's, pulling the other woman in for a tight embrace.
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Hands rest over hands and she cuddles into the warmth of strong arms and Clarice hums quietly in appreciation. Affection that's genuine and honest is always accepted, regardless of rarity. (And part of her adores Ripley because of how Ripley loves children so fully without fear.) Head tips up just slightly - Ripley might be able to feel the motion - and Clarice voice smiles. "Hi, you're cozy, what's up?" Not there's anything wrong with being cozy -- Ripley's just that. Cozy.
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supercatburglar · 5 years
me, squinting: trish......... trish walker
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you rang?
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ragetrusted · 5 years
hello you're gr9 and i hope your day is wonderful !
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casper !!! you wonderful human being !!!  you’re gr10 and i hope your week is wonderful ♥♥♥
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            Timidly so, she peeks around the corner, lithe fingertips feeling the chilled wall. “Mama? -- es seguro?”
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hawkinsninth-a · 5 years
"Help me understand."
@thedestrcyer sent x
It sounds so easy when put like that. As if the whole thing is something that can be tied up with a neat little bow at the end of the day when it’s far from that, even Nine understands that much.
But...she can try. She has to try.
“I can...do things. Other people can’t.” She’s speaking slowly, as if she’s digging each word out of a box and lining them up carefully as she goes; it isn’t as if she doesn’t know the words but being able to use them is something else, something she hasn’t had too much practice with. It takes time.
Demonstrations, though, they’re easier, and eyes flick up to meet Ripley’s for a moment before searching the room, landing on an errant pencil on the desk. Hand reaches out and there’s a pause before it starts to lift, fingers pointed toward the pencil that’s now floating a few inches in the air before she lets it fall again.
“Papa teaches me. Taught.” It’s been so long since she’s seen him and the thought makes her heart ache because it was her fault he left her and she’ll never see him again. Nine knows that. Knows that she wasn’t good enough.
It’s then that she looks up again, scared of seeing the same disappointment in Ripley’s eyes that had been in Papa’s. “I can be good.”
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