#theimpalpable ( ft. lexine )
ofgentleresolve-a · 3 years
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@theimpalpable sent in: "would you like something for the pain?" (Patrick & Lexine? 👀) || why yes he might actually ( ft. 400 random dialogue prompts meme )
He leans heavily on his cane as his side aches. He doesn't want to look there because there's a good chance blood might have seeped through his shirt- which is a shame because he really liked this shirt too. If there is one thing that no one ever mentioned about being a VIGILANTE, it's the number of shirts ( and trousers for that matter ) that get ruined. The prices start stacking up after a while.
But he gives Miss Logan a smile; well, it probably looks more like a grimace at this point, but she gets it doesn't she? It's become as Hiro has phrased it, a running joke between them: reading between the lines. Give a truth hidden behind a smile and a casual lie. Maybe she'll let him get away with this one as well? They both know at this point, he's bullshitting it, almost every single time. And yet she still trusts him. A woman who has to know by now he's definitely not making soup or even helping his son with his science project, never chiding him for such and continues to allow him to get away with such excuses.
It's admirable, really, being able to TRUST someone that openly.
"Thank you, Miss Logan, but I don't think that will be necessar-" He winces, another sharp pain coursing through. And then he glances behind him, warily. ANACHRON maybe not be outside the building, but Myungdae considers this person to be just as bad:
Not that HYUK is bad, necessarily, but that the fact he's around and there's no sign of him leaving the perimeter of the building any time soon is already a code red. And even if he threw a smoke bomb, there's no way he'll be able to disappear without a trace. Why'd ANACHRON have to run their dealings in this area of all places? Myungdae sighs.
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"...If that would not be too much a hassle, actually. Perhaps we could go somewhere more secluded?" Myungdae says finally, shoulders dropping in defeat for once. "You...you wouldn't have to give me anything either. I just need somewhere to rest." To hide.
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ofgentleresolve-a · 3 years
👋 for Myungdae & Lex (if you deem this fitting, if not, pLS!! Feel free to ignore; HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY, FERRE :D)
that which is temporary, conditional, and limited in scope, but nevertheless real ( ft. relationship building meme w/ @theimpalpable )
send 👋 for three things that describe our muses relationship.
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1. you know the closed mouth forced smiles that you give to be polite? yeah that's a big thing between the two of them except i think lexine gives it because she knows myungdae is bullshitting and myungdae gives it and makes it look a lot more relaxed because he knows he can get away with it. wow what an asshole jskdlfj
2. and on that note, i also think 'reading between the lines'/ 'read the subtext/margins' are also huge parts of their relationship so far...if one were to print out a manuscript of their conversations and compared it to the actual conversation, you might say the real conversation is actually non-verbal....lots of facial cues and body language involved there
3. burnt cookies? this is more looking into the future, but i do think the more myungdae goes to lexine for help, the more inclined he feels to pay her back in more than just money. and in this verse he's a tad more messy so...he tries to bake cookies for her as a way of saying thanks except he burnt them. he had the theory down, just not the execution...needless to say, he buys her a dessert of some kind or even lunch from then on.
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ofgentleresolve-a · 3 years
⭐️ Ray & Lam + Doc & Lex? C:
that which is temporary, conditional, and limited in scope, but nevertheless real ( ft. relationship building meme w/ @theimpalpable )
send ⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses.
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i feel game nights are a thing the four of them do a lot. they're usually fun, but also stressful because more often than not, ray will bring out his creations and basically, whoever loses the game being played, has to eat his creation....unless ray wins, which then means doc, lex, and lam all have to eat :/
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lex and lam team up a lot in these cases to a. make sure ray doesn't win and b. make sure doc loses...unless it's settlers of catan. that game really brings out the competitiveness in lam- everyone's for themselves there sjdfklsj
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ofgentleresolve-a · 3 years
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@theimpalpable sent in: "I want to (ask) you (why your stories get stranger and stranger but I don't know if that should be the right thing to do)." (Lexine at Myungdae 👀 ; could be breaking the fourth wall here as well UWEDIWHDDEHU) || how about something fun now ( ft. i want to “insert bad joke here” you meme )
"I'm not quite sure what you mean." He gives Miss Logan a smile- it's that one, the one where he knows she knows he's BULLSHITTING it and he's still going to stand by his alibi anyways. This time, he's brought her a clock gear, which could be normal enough, if it weren't for the corrosion stains on it. He stole it when ANACHRON agent tried to throw acid on him. He dodged it for the most part, thankfully although his arm is still aching from the spots where the acid managed to eat through his clothing. Nothing new there.
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"I think it's quite normal to test its durability this way." And when he says 'this way' he means pouring what's probably military-grade acid on a single CLOCK GEAR. "Granted, I'm not the one who suggested it, but it certainly gets you the results faster." He tilts his head, maintaining eye contact with her. Lying is a lot easier to get away with, after all, if one keeps eye contact. "If you're able to tell me what kind of materials it's made from, I would appreciate it, Miss Logan. I'll buy you a meal too in return."
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ofgentleresolve-a · 3 years
hahaha, lying?? whatever made u think that ( ft. @theimpalpable​ )
   THE REQUEST SOUNDS A LITTLE strange since the beginning, but shouldn’t she be used to that by now, coming from the always so eloquent Myungdae? Whenever he steps into her office, it seems like he’s ready to offer a more bizarre petition than the last one; his tales being quite...well, doubtful. Like the one at hand, for example. Most parents worried about their children’s diet tend to read labels when shopping; scan nutritional facts, even download those apps where you can take a picture of the product and it tells you if it’s healthy or not. But to bring a sample of an ingredient upon the hands of a biochemist? It’s a bit radical, isn’t it?
  Well, that if she pretends to think he’s telling the truth and nothing but the truth. However, it’s difficult to fully believe him when he hands her not a package of the ingredient, or at least some sort of container normally used within the kitchen, but a syringe. If he’d told her that he’s trying to stuff a turkey with this, that’d be more believable than the whole soup spiel.
 Dainty fingers hold the syringe. She looks at Myungdae and gives him a smile that probably expresses more than what she’ll say about this. He’s a nice one, he is...but he’s...not exactly the best at lying.
  “Why is it in a syringe?” She dares to softly ask; careful hand lifting item up to take a look at it against the light. “Interesting color, too. Is this a different kind of broth that the cool kids use these days?” She amusingly frowns, before giving a small sigh. “So...you want to know what it contains and where...it’s being made? I think that, uhm, can be done. The latter might...might take longer, depending on whether I’m able to find, uhm, unique elements in it or not. I must ask, though, out of...curiosity...”  
  She places the syringe inside a box nearby; neatly so. Preferable to keep it away from the view of others than dealing with questions about why is there something like that peacefully resting on her desk. “Where do you buy your stuff to cook, Professor? Did this come in another mystery bundle?”
Now that she mentions it, it is a good question: why is it in a syringe? Myungdae didn’t think too much about that when he had stolen it. All he knew was that an ANACHRON agent had in a briefcase and therefore it was something worth stealing. Any information from ANACHRON is worth the gamble, even if Myungdae got a nice bullet graze on his shoulder in return. Said shoulder aching, he looks up at the ceiling and considers his options. And then: “I ran out of THERMOS CONTAINERS.”
 Well. That might be the most ridiculous excuse he’s come up with yet. He can only imagine the eye rolls Rook and Pawn would give him for his subpar on-the-fly thinking ( so he is a fool; so he intentionally makes up bad lies. It just makes hiding the important secrets easier if they think he’s irreverent ). Tilting his head, Myungdae beams at her and lets a shallow smile tug on his mouth. Does he know Miss Logan most definitely doesn’t believe him? Why, yes, he does. Is he going to keep up the facade? Absolutely! “I suppose wouldn’t know much about the...food trends young people follow these days. All the more reason to be cautious, no?”
Although ‘young people’ might apply more to his son than his daughter- she’s only a little older than a toddler at this point. Hiro, on the other hand, well, it’s safe to say the former has decided he doesn’t have the patience to teach. “Just your typical supermarket, Miss Logan. And one of new food delivery services. You’d be surprised with what items they tend to add as bonuses.“
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Myungdae does have to wonder though- why does Miss Logan keep humoring him? It’s not like she reaps any benefits from abetting him and even getting him the information fast, cheap, and accurate. If anything, she could easily report him to her supervisor or even the police. It wouldn’t matter who. His smile turns a little more solemn, a little more GENUINE. “If you could get the results to me as soon as possible, I would truly appreciate it, Miss Logan.” A pause. Should he ask now or the next time he inevitably sees her? “I suppose it would be imprudent of me to ask for one more favor? I’ll understand if you refuse; I wouldn’t want to take up more of your time.”
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ofgentleresolve-a · 3 years
and pile on the years ( plotted starter ft. @theimpalpable )
"Do you-" Lamon groans, slipping into the seat across from her at the booth. Most times when he has a stomachache, he blames Ray. Ray and his demon-spawn creations. 65% of the time Ray's fault when Lam's stomach is in some kind of pain. As for the other 35%, well- there's a reason he can't quite look Lexine in the eye. Now that he thinks about it, she's been coming around a lot more frequently...for what reason, he can't phantom especially since it's almost MIDNIGHT and as far as Lamon recalls, doesn't she have a 9 to 5 job?
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Bad arm hanging loosely over the table, he glances over at her. His emptied MILKSHAKE sits on the counter where the waitress will inevitably pick it up. There's no way he can admit that the main reason he's ( currently ) in pain is because as usual, he forgot his lactase pills and insisted on getting a milkshake anyways. What, he was hungry! You can't blame him ( even if Ray will call him a dumbass when he finds out )!
He rubs the back of his neck, sheepishly. She's a RESPONSIBLE person, right? "You got something for stomachaches on you right now?"
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