eyeless-smiles · 2 years
alt! gimme someone 🗡️
Alternate Muse:
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The leather clad punk cautiously side eyes the well dressed stranger. Lighting a cigarette within the privacy of his cupped hands. Giving the appearance of holding a lighter, but the spark that ignites the end of his cigarette comes from a dancing flame on the end of his finger.
"Bit too fuckin' dark for sunglasses." He comments, raising his attention once again while he exhales a plume of tar smoke.
"You ain't human. Ya don't give off the kinda heat one does." He gestures vaguely towards the Corinthian's body.
"I can sense that shit. Heat signatures, y'know? And your ones fucked, hermano."
The Experiment is silent for a long moment while he contemplates the uniqueness of his company's unusual aura. Eventually, he extends a hand.
"Call me Dhon."
Featured muse: @theirfirstexperiment
((This is a veeeeery old OC I have had for years on tumblr lol. Don't piss him off he got a firey temper uwu))
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masterofthespade · 4 years
@theirfirstexperiment Unfinished Business
Keeping tabs on someone isn’t hard, especially considering what the tall man got up to once the sun set. The fact that Dhon walked out on him wasn’t something that wasn’t expected, but the fact that he did during the middle of the meal was something that set him off. A fire burned inside him to have.. what the hell did he want? It wasn’t revenge but, something else. 
Once word reached the Caporegime that Dhon was heading his way, his lips split into a wide grin. Mentally, he had rehearsed this moment for the past week, waiting for his opportunity. That was the thing about being a musician, diligent attention to detail and patience allowed it to spill out into every facet of his life. 
Inhaling deeply, his back was pressed to the brick wall of the alley waiting. Seeing Dhon go by, he reached out, grabbing the back of his collar and yanked him back into the alley, throwing him against the brick wall. Slamming his hand on the wall next to his head, he leaned on his forearm and snarled down at the other man. 
“Fuoca,” he purred, running his tongue along his teeth. “We have some unfinished business.” Leaning down, his head tilted to the side a bit. The hand on the wall wrapped around Dhon’s chin, tilting it up to him. “Last time I checked running out on the person paying for brunch is rude. Even worse with knowing what I get up to. Pray tell how you plan on making it up to me.”
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((To all my new followers, I also have an rp blog for a fiery douchebag punk over at @theirfirstexperiment , basically the complete opposite of Miach 🙏
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merchantofwhispers · 4 years
Long nails tore into the dirty lapels of a dead man’s jacket. His final breaths were ragged, his lips bruised from bites, and yet the clouded gaze in his eyes was one of blissful surrender. Rare was it that she struggled to find a willing subject, so eager to chase the high that came with pretty legs straddling a lap that they surrendered their blood to a thirsty tongue. In the end they died happy, unaware of deceit, and in the arms of something deceptively tender. 
It was easy to excuse murder as ones own way of survival when every throat seemed so willing.
She withdrew the blade carefully driven into his gut, a tactic she’d taken to in order to help hide herself, and then let his body slump down the dingy brick wall that still pulsed with the noise of the bar on the other side of it. Gemina had only just turned to face the exit where the light shone brightest, her grey eyes reflecting back like a stray cat in the alley, when she spotted a shadow watching her. 
Her nose twitched in agitation. She couldn’t smell anything past the gasoline she assumed was puddled in the dark, but there he was -- living, breathing. The faint cent of cigarettes' blending in with it all, and -- wait. 
“Can I help you?” 
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cornelthecursed · 4 years
Send one for my muse to… ☀ - spooning your muse from behind, in their sleep, and grinding against them @theirfirstexperiment
It had been a while since he had anyone in bed. Since he had a relationship really, but he welcomed the heat radiating off of the sleeping figure next to him. Subconsciously he shifted in the bed they shared towards the other man, wrapping his arm around the other’s waist and pressing against his back. Face snuggling in the soft hair that was now all over the place, not held by the gel as usual. “mmm.” Stirring softly but definitely not waking up, he rolled his hips to get more comfortable, not really realizing how close their hips where. The result? Him grinding against Dhon’s ass and only accentuating the pesky morning wood he had. 
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30 December 2020
@theirfirstexperiment from this
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firejugglinghobo · 4 years
In the Alley
continued from here @theirfirstexperiment​
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Outwardly, Basta’s smile grew as the Experiment’s skin began to sizzle with heat.  This was a good thing, he reminded himself.  Further proof of his ability.  Further proof of what it could be used for.  Of who it could be used against.
But his heart rate climbed as the heat hit him.  The situation was volatile, and Basta had what he would call only bad memories of heat and fire - all around him, consuming him, melting his flesh down to the bone...
Get ahold of yourself!  The voice in his head was Capricorn’s, his master’s, shaking him roughly like a dog.  What kind of a man are you that you can’t stand a little heat?
“Oh, I’d certainly call it a waste not to be properly compensated for the work you do.”  His calm exterior hardly slipped.  “And I can guarantee you’ll be more than satisfied with what I have to offer.”
Whatever he was into, be it money, women, drugs, extravagant escapism...anything could be found between the pages of a book.
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manstar · 4 years
Seething, the head of the retrieval team aimed her gun at the stranger who stepped between them and their target. A wordless order was given, and bullets flew. Only, they didn’t seem to meet their target. Concern flashed in her eyes before herself and her men were knocked off of their feet and flung through the air like weightless ragdolls.
This was power they were not equipped for.
Groaning, the experiment curled in on himself as the drug took full effect. Dulling his senses and shutting his conscious thoughts down. He felt his body shifting through the spinning depths of his mind, unaware of what was moving him. Through his half lidded, empty stare, he could register colours shifting. A yellow glow engulfing everything.
On the ground, the retrieval team stumbled to regain their footing. The captain leapt to attention the quickest, watching through her lifted visor as their target was carried away by a cosmic being of unimaginable power.
Shrieking with frustration, she spun around to kick one of her fellow soldiers on the side of his helmet as he struggled to stand. Knocking him back into concrete.
This was going to be a tough situation to explain to The Executive.
As they flew across the night sky, Syl brought Dhon closer to him. The light faded as the energy about him dissipated, leaving Dhon to land gently in his arms with his head against Syl’s chest; much as he’d like to keep on in the way they’d been going, it wouldn’t do to have them tracked in the sky.
The way he groaned and the way his head lolled weren’t good signs. Syl frowned, and with one hand moving to check the pulse in his neck, he hoped that Dhon wasn’t too terribly shaken.
The area outside Opal City was striking, if only because there wasn’t any proper transition at all before the rising cityscape became miles and miles of countryside. Syl landed on unused farmland; his car was parked by a tree, and he laid Dhon out on the backseat as soon as he could.
“Dhon, can you hear me?” He wasn’t sure if he’d even recognise his voice at all at this point, but Syl was pulling the blanket out of his trunk and draping it over him. The tranquiliser guns he’d stolen found their place where the blanket had been.
“Look, I’m gonna get you back to Ted’s, okay?”
Syl shrugged his jacket off, tossing it into the passenger’s seat, then pulled the Cosmic Belt he had on out of its loops to stick it underneath the pool of leather.
Then he got the car started and floored it, but he was careful to keep an eye on Dhon through the mirror, too.
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bctgrl · 4 years
Dhon sneered at the young costumed vigilante, a sick grin spreading across his face.
He did not react well when cornered.
"Cus you won't be able to get close enough to do it, puta."
Stephanie scoffed, twirling her bow staff in an unnecessarily complicated manner before bringing it to a proper position. She wanted to make herself look cool and more intimidating. 
“Big words for a guy who looks like he’s about to shit himself,” Well, more constipated, but her banter still (hopefully) made its mark. “Who are you anyways? Why are you in Gotham?” 
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maestro-of-minds · 4 years
👀 (haha hi)
Frederick noticed the man looking at him. He raised a brow, why was..he looking at him like that? The way his eyes seemed to be checking him out. It caused the doctor to purse his lips together and turn away, rolling his eyes in the process.
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violeteyedkiller · 4 years
Continued from x
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Brows quirk above violet eyes. Well. It’s been a while since he’s had this sort of interaction. In his city, it wasn’t uncommon to run into all manner of unnatural creatures, some still used to needing to appear human and doing so, others much more comfortable appearing as their true selves in the everyday. Stan was one of those who still wore his human guise so as to never fall out of the habit of it, especially when outside of his city. He did not leave often, but when he did, he was hoping to avoid such interactions.
But he supposed it wasn’t wholly unexpected to run into someone who could seemingly see through his guise, just as his own senses were working to discern the other. Mouth parted slightly, taking in the scent of charcoal and sulfur clinging to the other. 
He holds up a wallet. 
    “You dropped this.” He repeated. “And you know, that’s a rather rather rude thing to ask a stranger. Though I suppose I could rightly ask you the same.” 
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masterofthespade · 4 years
@theirfirstexperiment from this.
Dhon watched how Lucifer reacted with a twinge pain beginning to stab him in the chest.
God, he felt so guilty. For running out without a word and ghosting him for weeks.
What had made him come back was still computing in his mind. He had bailed almost as soon as they had returned from Miami. The sudden...unexplanable obsession that knotted in his stomach whenever he thought about Lucifer.
It was exactly what he had felt with his first and only partner.
The terror of feeling that again, and losing them. It scared him.
And yet, during the few weeks he had spent trying to forget him, the desire to come back became stronger.
"Hey.." he responded with a weak smile, his voice cracking slightly with the pressure mounting on his chest.
"Yeah, its uh...been a while." He averted his gaze, travelling the distance of floor from Lu's feet to his own, then past the door frame he leaned on and towards the front door for Lucifer's apartment.
"Sorry about your lock...uh... I don't like to knock."
Easier to break in? Yeah. I'm sure Lu would really appreciate him melting the lock off of his door.
“Oh, ah,” he tried, staring down to the lock. “It’s a thing. Things can be replaced, don’t think about it too much.” Hands, what did he do with his hands? Hold Dhon’s. Shut up you. 
“Do come in. You know your way around, I was um-” What was he doing? Seriously, what had he been doing before? “Piano! Ah ha, it was the piano,” he pointed in the air, smiling that he pulled his head out of his ass for a moment. “That’s, ah, what I was doing.” Smooth. Like chunky peanut butter. 
“Did you, um,” Lucifer tried as he gestured for Dhon to follow. Around the corner, to the music room, same as always. “Did you have some pressing matter to attend to? I’m just sad I didn’t have the opportunity to help you with your endeavor.” 
Dhon had always been in the back of the musician’s mind. A small ember that continued to burn. Miami had been wonderful and Lucifer was sure he had read the room correctly, but. Maybe that was why there had been silence. And longing. And hours spent staring into the mirror wondering what the hell he did wrong. 
Sitting down at the bench for the piano, he dusted a fuzz off the keys, lazily playing a scale. 
“I, ah. Take it time has treated you well?” Now is not the time to start getting stupid, just, take a breath and talk to him like a normal human being. 
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((for anyone wondering, this is @theirfirstexperiment 's mun ✨✨✨
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crimson-warrior · 4 years
@theirfirstexperiment continued from here
“I see...”  Hakuro said as he took the picture with a slight frown.  “Well you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”  He gave Dhon a reassuring smile before studying the picture.
Man...poor Dhon...he looked so thin in this picture...  He remembered him saying that he grew up in a facility where they experimented on him.  His heart ached the longer he stared at it.  He wouldn’t blame Dhon at all if he didn’t want to talk about something so traumatizing.
But why did he keep this picture?  Was the lady next to him the only nice person to him?
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dead-beaten · 4 years
"Looks like somebody's havin' a really bad day." ((Hello there!))
Majid shouldered past the man in the door and wiped some blood off his swollen lip. His cheek pounded with the violet onset of a thick bruise. The beating his ego had taken was more substantial, though. He had pulled his hoodie deep into his face to evade close scrutiny but that was tits up now, too, thanks to Captain Obvious over here.
"I know somebody who's having a worse one." He grunted. The guy bleeding out through his nose next to his car, for example.
"You got running water here?"
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pantslessoptimism-a · 4 years
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@theirfirstexperiment​ sent: x (accepting!)
Sophie was pretty sure she was going to die in this alley. She had been stupid, so stupid, for thinking she could handle the fight on her own--when would she learn that she needed help sometimes? Barely able to move her body, the pain radiated everywhere. 
She was still breathing though, which was good, and if she could breath she could scream. It wasn’t loud--it didn’t feel like she had enough energy to really belt, but she must have been able to get someones attention.
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