#them being canon to the gameverse is annoying sorry
pand1on · 1 year
listen you can make shadow being actually slow interesting but personally in my serious non meme brain I don't find it that compelling. the whole ultimate lifeform, being good at everything, thing is kinda. key to his character. and the interesting part of sonic and shadows dynamic is that they're matched in physical ability but there's a secret third thing that distinguishes them from each other. my point is he's fast I think he's naturally fast.
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infernalpursuit · 1 year
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aka a list of questions and jokes ive got Too Much of my pokemon muses.  I will not answer to these questions anymore, and if these jokes will be used in our threads consider me kind of.  Outtie. i heard them one time too many.
they’re in blog alphabetical order!
@gnzma questions!
if you could go back in time and change anything, what would you do?
Guzma just wouldn’t. He knows that he is who he is now because of whatever happened in the past, and is afraid of what could be different if he could go back and change anything, even as a hypotetical.
do you want to kiss Plumeria and/or Kukui?
no. it’s written in the rules, go reread those.
@mnstcrbnll questions!
Riku, why did you join Rockets?
just because he was bored. his life was generally okay, if not a bit boring; he joined Rocket out of boredom, and felt like it was a good carreer choice! :)
@missingstarter questions!
would you kill your dad / the executives / jax / anyone?
No. Silver has thanatophobia, and wouldn’t kill anyone.
is Blue your sister? What do you think about Pryce?
sorry, but Silver is strictly gameverse! While canon-divergent, I generally don’t follow PokèSpe’s lore
@oakliing questions!
haha five minutes champion!
congratulations for being annoying
do you hate your grandpa?
short answer: no. Long answer: I personally consider Oak’s “i’m disappointed in you” speech canon and something that created a rift between them for a bit. Of course, it’s something I like to talk to other Oak RPers with
is Raticate dead?
raticate isn’t dead!! he went to Lavender town because he heard about Rockets being around, and was overall a douchebag picking a fight in a cemetary.
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