#them flirting while someones dying in the bg
dandelion-roots · 1 year
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no hurry guys, it's not like they're getting DEVOURED over there
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celestial-sapphicss · 3 years
bbs ep. 8 in screencaps, in honour of frigay!
this episode was brought to you by pran's dimples
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ok so first off, this is exactly the kind of flirting and romance you'd expect/have from friends (or frenemies at best) who start dating????
like the teasing, the awkwardness and not knowing how to act as a couple because you've never been like that, or cringing at yourself and your antics, CUTEST!
their love language is annoying each other 😂
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an exhibit on how to be bad friends (+ pat counting mosquito bites, i cried. that boy is precious)
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these photos just scream IN LOVE and you can't convince me otherwise
also, this dialogue. not only is pran talking about himself and pat in terms of their faculties & families being enemies, but also how its just embodies queer/non cishetallonormative relationships.
"Do you really believe Pat will accept you? In the end, you have to keep your relationship a secret.
It’s an exhausting relationship.
It’s so hard just to see each other.
It’s tough just to talk to each other.
No turning back.
No moving forward because it’s a dead-end.
It’s a kind of relationship that I always avoid."
my heart 😭💔
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okay so this scene somehow mirrors the nevia/tissue scene in ep. 7 (3/4)
while in the nevia scene (yes, I'll call it the nevia scene, the product placement of p'aof is genius) pat just goes to pran's dorm to tease him, in this scene pat actively reaches out (which again, very healthy!!!! instead of internalising your feelings, you reach out for help, love to see it)
both pat (in the nevia scene), and pran in this scene sense that the other person's mood is off and try to make them smile/happy/less gloomy by doing stupid antics
now, both pran (in the nevia scene) and pat in this scene are faced by situation that can't necessarily be solved by them, or are not upto them
like as for pran, he's dealing with an actor who doesn't care and is rude, while being extremely overworked & burnt out
and pat, crumbling under the weight of unrealistic expectations of his father, and him pushing his dreams on him, w/o asking whether pat actually wants to follow them
so the next best thing (as opposed to solving the problem at hand) that they can do is make their s/o happy, without forcing them to talk about it, and making them the stresses of the world, if only for a minute
and while they'll still have to face these problems in the future, the feeling of knowing that there will be a person helping you get through it is extremely calming
while in the nevia scene, in the end pran was indeed happier (b4 that mf wai came), it did end with pat (and hence pran) being sad
but in this scene, both of them are happier in the end and thats growth and oh my heart 🥺
also, pran mimicking pat's "heyyyy" in a mocking sad way had me dying. just look at his expressions 😂🥺
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the hurt caused by others
petition to ban pat's dad from everything that brings him joy
okay so pran, in the sound booth (? is it what that's called??? unfortunately im not a theatre gay, I'm a photography gay, ink is me, i am ink) almost looks angry???? like obviously first of all why would random people gossip about someone's love life like that. also maybe the fact that i think somehow pran also wants to just be free and out in the open and hearing this interaction makes him realise that that's not possible??? idk my brain is mish-mosh
i'm still in shock over how the episode ended
now, ik it has already been confirmed i guess but i hope it's not wai who dropped the curtain because
i don't want pran to be once again deceived by people he trusts (eyeing you pran's mom)
there's literally no justification/redemption arc possible for wai post that
i don't want a villan plot line or a wai likes pran plot line
can't wait (frightened) as how p'aof handles this
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no thoughts, head empty, just crying over this scene
so much red!!! so much hurt!!! i am not okay 😭
the scene with the staring, and the flashbacks and the bg score of the that xylophone, and the setup of pat expressing his anger in the for of riam expressing his anger, i can't y'all.
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the making up
i absolutely LOVE how they spend almost no time in making up with each other
the healthy & clear communication, consent, and the lack of ego & resentment, chef's kiss!
the sometimes unknowingly hurt each other, they realise their mistakes, the apologise & make up, and they move on. EVERYONE LEARN!
also how dare they steal their hug from me, I'll cry, no more virtual hugs 🥲
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in conclusion, best boys
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dalishious · 6 years
Could we hear a little about your Andras and how you roleplayed them? How different is she from your HOF? Did you complete Witch Hunt with her also?
I would be happy to share! Just a fair warning though: Ithera’s BG is darker than most of my characters. 
Also no, I have not done Witch Hunt with her. Hmm, that might be interesting.
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Ithera was born into a Dalish clan on the 2nd of Solace,9:08 Dragon, and grew up wandering the Dales outside of Montsimmard. As achild, Ithera was frequently ill, to the point where the clan assumed shewouldn’t make it past her tenth year. But things suddenly changed when sheturned seven. Ithera became healthier than ever, and stayed that way. Insteadit was her parents who grew debilitated. Unbeknownst to all, she had beenunconsciously draining the life energy from her family. When the two eventuallyperished, the elderly woman who took Ithera in grew weak as well. The clan soonspread whispers of the young girl being cursed.
The Keeper did not suspect magic at first, but when therumours began, it finally occurred to her that Ithera was an entropic mage. Asthe Keeper already had a First, Ithera became Second from that point on.
While her clan loved and appreciated the Keeper and theFirst’s magical abilities, the little elf with the affinity for “the deathschool” didn’t exactly sit well with them. Ithera was still largely avoided,and still whispered about. On top of that, she and the First did not get along.He was a boy twice her age, and a natural spirit healer who excelled withstudying, where she was far more interested in learning "practicalmagic," as in the primal school, and how to put her “death magic” to gooduse. The Keeper would try to teach her the importance of theory, and howresearch and knowledge were just as important as magic to the clan. But Itherawould play it off as uninterested.In truth, Ithera just lacked the ability to quiet her head long enough tofocus. She would try to sit and read, but found her attention drawn toeverything around her just as much as the pages, and her mind would wander. Sowhile the Keeper was there to offer a helping hand, Ithera was mostlyself-taught through hands-on practice alone in the woods.
Besides this continuous conflict, life was good. By the timeshe turned eighteen, the clan began to accept her. The First’s teasing was lessharsh and more playful, now confident he wasn’t being replaced. The Keeper hadgiven up long ago at trying to get Ithera to be a ‘good student.’ Ithera waspretty content… Until a band of Chevaliers decided it would be fun to go elfhunting in the Dales. The Keeper told her and the First to run, and so the twodid. But they didn't make it very far before being cut down.
Ithera laid there dying, watching everyone else fall aroundher. She used her magic to siphon the remaining life force from the dead aroundher, enough to cling to life herself. She spent the night hiding under the bodyof the First, unable to move.
When morning came, Ithera was the sole survivor. She foundthe will to get up, scrounged what items she could, and headed off to wanderthe woods alone, in search of another clan.
A group of Grey Wardens crossed her path, returning to theirheadquarters at Montsimmard. Impressed that she had been wandering the Dalesalone, the Commander invited the elf to join them. Ithera said no, not trustingthe band of armed humans. So the Commander conscripted her. Ithera waspractically dragged back with them to the city, terrified and angry. It wasthen her life as a Grey Warden began.
Ithera was never the best Warden, and contemplated runningaway several times. It was only the Commander’s insistence that the minute sheleft she’d be put in a Circle that made her stay. After the Hero of Ferelden’sdeath, Ithera was selected to go to Vigil's Keep purely because the Empressthought sending a young elven mage to replace a dead young elven mage wouldhelp the locals warm up to an Orlesian Warden. Ithera cared nothing of thepromotion, knowing she did nothing to earn it. She just wanted to get away fromher Commander, who grew increasingly too close for comfort. She didn’t knowwhat to expect upon arriving at Ferelden, but it certainly wasn’t what she got.Constantly being compared to the Hero of Ferelden. Constantly being calledOrlesian, against her wishes. Constantly forced to play noble daycare. Itherawas eager to make her own name, and just do the best she can.
When asked how she’s qualified for her job, she simply says,“I’m not.”
Ithera proved to be the opposite of the Hero of Ferelden inalmost every way. She's a punk with loud and obnoxious tendencies, enjoysplayfully flirting, and loves her magic more than anything. She also alwaysfeels like she has something to prove to everyone, stemming from her alwaysplaying second fiddle growing up. This also means she does not handle thespotlight well, but loves to have it. It can sometimes lead her to make dumbdecisions, but she usually comes out on top in the end.
Ithera couldn't care less what anyone thinks of her, as longas they show her respect. She is not bothered by whispers behind her back, oreven to her face. She prefers direct confrontation actually, because it givesher the chance to tell them off.
Ithera gets bored very easily, and needs constantstimulation to stay entertained. It's a good thing life as Warden-Commanderkeeps her busy. Although she hates politics with a passion, and happily shrugsoff those duties whenever she can to someone else. Since she was raised witheveryone around her scared she would leach the life from them, Ithera grew torevel in scaring the shit out of people with threats of casting a curse onthem. Basically, she figures if they’re going to hate her pointlessly, shemight as well turn it into a joke.
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booabug · 7 years
One of my favourite things about the very self indulgent in the first place childhood best friends AU I got in my head is that Marinette has zero chill talking about how hunky Chat Noir is any time Adrien is around.
She purposefully takes off the thirst training weights (yknow like in dragonball, when they take them off and it makes a damn CRATER) to fluster him, which is revenge for how he never has the thirst training weights on and is constantly flirting.
For bg, they both recognized each other from the start, but they don’t know each other knows, so it’s like a double partial reveal. Day to day, they’re so comfortable around each other that Adrien is S1 Chat levels of can u not around Mari, while as CN he’s still a joker but lowkey terrified of anything happening to her so he’s way more focused. Which LB finds highly swoonworthy. So for all appearances, it’s also reverse crush. (Mari/LB behaviour is diff too ofc but not as dramatic.)
Anyway, the result is that whenever the class talks about him, Marinette is like, “Did someone mention Chat Noir’s fine walnut cracking ass???” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) while Adrien quietly makes dying animal noises in the front.
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milkymilk101 · 7 years
Wanna One’s Hyung Line as Shrek Characters + Gifs
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Well here’s another #WtfRUWriting #BullShitPost 
Other Wanna One WTF R U Writing Bullshit Post (as Construction Workers) 
*Gifs are not mine they belong to their respective owners and I used some quotes from the movie(s) that the characters says soOoOo yeah
Jisung: Fairy Godmother 
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He’s caring 
A mother of 10 of course 
Idk how he got his kids, don’t ask me
Works hard because he’s a fairy godMOTHER 
Wishes your problems away (for free)
Uses the wand to play laser tag with his kids
Zaps them in their booties when they don’t listen
“I don’t care whose fault this was, just get it sorted! And could someone please bring me something deep fat fried and smothered in chocolate!?”
Sings ‘I Need a Hero’ when he’s stressed out 
“Why is Jisung singing that again?” -Daehwi
“Daniel wished for a lifetime supply of milk” -Ong
Uses his wand as a mic while singing in the shower
Probably sings ‘Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo’ every time he makes a wish for someone
It’s his Anthem Leave him be
Has to make a scene
Daniel: OBVIOUSLY Puss
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He’s a cat so??
Does that gif up there every time before he goes to sleep 
With Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake in the Bg
When he flirts
His favorite line is “For you baby, I could be” 
Super cute especially with the kitten eyes when he wants something 
Loves his naps
“Imma take a nap. Imma take a nap right here.”
Milk addict obsessed 
Constantly says 
“I need another drink” *Pours more milk*
Jisung hides the milk because Daniel drinks it all before Jisung or anyone could have any for their cereal
Daniel keeps a small bottle tucked in his boots just in case
When he’s feeling fancy his feather on his hat turns into a straw 
Bam 2 in 1 
Ong: Prince Charming
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More cockier than a rooster
Would probably do that hair flip if he had longer hair
Makes Jisung brush his hair 
But only Daniel could run his fingers through his hair
Uses Shampoo made by only Unicorn mucus 
Conditions it with Mermaid slim
It’s to keep the shine and renew his is luxurious hair from split ends. You should try it
Needs to have rose petals falling from above when he enters in a room
‘Pretty woman’ is his theme song 
Plays it while he’s just walking around the outlets of Far Far Away 
He’s really charming 
Gets charmed by his own reflection
Prince Charming for a reason 
“Mother there’s someone in the bathroom! Hurry”
*Jisung rushes over for his life to check on him*
“Oh wait, he’s handsome. It’s me~”
“Gtfo of my castle” 
“Dont make me wish you ugly” *Fairy pun 
Minhyun: Cinderella
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Minhyun is nice prince(ss)
Blue all dayyy  Crip
Can clean 
The Royal Cleaner(s)
That’s his business
He has to money for the family too
Cleaner by day Assassin by night
Kinda like Robin Hood
Uses Sungwoon’s insoles like the gif above
“Why is there so much blood on my insoles!?” -Sungwoon
“You over use them, so they’re dying”
Can probably kill you with his cleaning supplies
Stuck with Snow White #Minhwan5ever
“Snow White here drink this bleach”
“Just pretend it’s holy water”
Jaehwan: Snow White
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Sweet but can kill you
“Does anyone want to hear me sing?”
Has a thing against apples
Doesn’t like Grandma
“Idk man she smells like apples”
Cleans with Cinderella
Probably sings all the time
Sings ‘Whistle While You Work’ to annoy Cinderella
Purposely gets lost 
Does it so that Minhyun has to sing and then he responds by singing back
Sings to make animals do his bidding cleaning 
Sometimes it works... When they want to 
Probably gets attack by them eventually
“My voice is beautiful why are you shitting me”
“You're just jealous that I was voted fairest in the land."
Part of Minhyun’s Assassination job 
But he has to stand outside and wait
Also says
“Animals attack!!”
It doesn’t do anything because they don’t like listening to him
But uses that as a diversion 
Sungwoon: Lord Farquaad (Sorry didn’t want to have to use him but had to)
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Short and will rule the world
“Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.”
As he tells the others while they play with wooden swords
Probably kicks their shins so he could slice their necks with the wooden sword when they crouch down
Adores the Ginger Bread Man
Says “Run! Run! As Fast as you can!~” 
While he’s crazily chasing the others during sword play like a titan 
“Hmmm, which insole should I wear today”
*Can you imagine Sungwoon in that Reply 1988  Parody wig that HotShot did and running in that Lord Farquaad get up Lmao
Has his personal stool that he carries around
Has a white horse that Jisung wished for him
Doesn’t want help getting on bbuuttttt
Needs Jisung to left him onto his horse lol
Searches up Hotshot Jelly through the Magic Mirror and blasts it out 
Also W1 songs of course 
Has a “Welcome to Duloc” song set up whenever someone enters his room
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