#them struggling with the scripts was SO funny 😭
deadghosy · 7 months
Hungry for some kidneys 😋🏃‍♀️
prompt: an eyeless man gets dared to go inside of a cartoon for some free “food”
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Ben had dared you to go inside of this cartoon show that was becoming popular. You said hell no of course….but then he said the impossible…
“Would you either go in the cartoon for kidneys or listen to me tell you the whole script of the new movie.” Ben says with a knowing smirk at which one you would chose.
Never in your life have you jumped into a tv before so quick. But here you are as you stand in the middle of a red twin with dead bodies around. So you smile behind your blue mask and got to work.
You were so busy kidney hunting, you didn’t notice a tall red figure behind you smiling intrigued at how you were only looking for kidneys with your scalpel. You felt skinny hands touch your shoulders as you immediately tried to stab the hand quickly. But it was a wrong move because you got pushed by some green magic.
“Quick reflexes. Amazing my friend! You would do good for this hotel im helping” the man said as you stared at him. Before you could protest you got transported to a damn hotel.
I imagine Angel one time seeing you use your tongues to eat a kidney that was in disguise and Angel had so many dirty jokes for you.
“Omg, I bet you’re a woman pleaser aren’t you?” Angel says suggestively as you just raise a brow at him not knowing what he is saying.
Charlie would try to get you to wear brighter colors, but you literally deny it as if you are still stuck in your emo phase making Charlie get war flashbacks to her own emo phase.
Imagine taking your bluemask off and scaring sir Pentious into thinking you are a ghost to steal his eyes😭 so evil but so funny.
I can see husk literally side eyeing you as you just eating. Like he is just so confused how you don’t bite on none of your other tongues.
I know some people draw ej with black fingernails, but what if Angel had painted them for you instead 💗
Imagine a cartoony moment where Angel is like “ah shit I lost my wallet..” and STARTS TO LOOK FOR IT IN YOUR EYES 😭 straight up digging his hands in ya eyeless holes to look for it and he actually did find it with a smile saying “ah Hah found it!”
Legit Angel will remind you of Ben as Angel will shove his phone in your face saying some dumb shit like. “Do you see it? Do you see it ? Do you see it?” As he has a stupid smirk on his face. You snapped grabbing Angel by his throat as the crew tried to pull you off of Angel as he struggles to breathe. “It was worth it…”
I headcannon EJ! Reader and Alastor being compatible friends because they both eat from human meat. But both different as EJ! Reader just eats the kidneys as Alastor eats the whole things
“No no, you use the little fork and the knife to cut it.” “….I literally eat with my hands.”
Just two hungry boys staring at each other while discussing flavors to make out of people.
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The egg boiz likes to bring you dead sinners as you had promised them to read them bed time stories for kidneys..I mean a fair trade is a fair trade. 🦆
Idk but for me it makes sense for EJ! Reader to bite someone’s hand while sleeping cause in the fanon! slender house they are use to pranks being pulled off so many times.
Literally husk was trying to wake you up cause it was your duty to do the bar tendering and you ALMOST bit his whole hand off if it wasn’t for Husk’s scream.
I can see Lucifer trying to show you his ducks because he found how amusing how quiet and blunt you are as he practically shoved a duck in your face forgetting you don’t have eyes.
“Do you see how cute and amazing this is?! It’s a duck that can do the splits while shooting fire!” “I see.” *awkward silence* “I’m so sorry-” “sorry for what.”
I can see how your dynamic with Lucifer is like “I think I forgot something x I have it in my hand..”
Charlie once had you in red as you actually just stood there while she took photos of you. It was like you were ready for the first day of school as Charlie squealed happy to see her new staff wearing red.
“SMILEE!” Charlie say excited as you just stand there trying to smile but it came out strained showing all of your sharp teeth. “Yeah don’t ever smile again.” Angel said in the background as you jumped at him like foxy in fnaf 2 😭
I imagine you just standing there as Alastor puts his arm on your shoulder like an arm rest. Literally you are “😐 what?” face as Alastor is obviously “😄 what a lovely day!”
I can see you and niffty just playing random games during break time as husk just cleans glasses at the bar. It’s a relaxing sight for once without you trying to get someone’s kidney.
I imagine you and Adam having so much beef as he is annoying asf to you.
“Why are you eyeless? So you can’t see how ugly you are?” “No, so I can’t see how fat you basically are so it won’t affect me.”
I can see the Vee’s trying to get you on their side but you would probably just flip them off as you eat a kidney.
I can imagine Vaggie trying to find out why there is black goo on the hotel stairs to find you are crying since Charlie banned you to scalpel anyone’s kidneys.
Vaggie and Charlie give you the angel dust treatment and try to find any scalpels you have in your room
I can see after the battle of the heaven and hell, you would just stand there like “🧍🏾what the fuck just happened..” as you try to scalpel a few angels only for vaggie to pull your blue hoodie away from one.
When Lucifer first met you, he thought you was a teen demon who just got hired. He wasn’t wrong for the hired part, when you first spoke that man thought he heard god himself as his eyes were wide at you.
I can headcannon Alastor bringing a sinner to your door with a note that say, “eat well <3” and you just stand there like….. “did I just get adopted by a cannibal..” you said picking up the unconscious sinner and grabbing a scalpel.
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1eos · 4 months
your manager needs to calm down... in an alternate universe it would be so funny if you dragged in a rocking chair to your desk. like what is she gonna say now. its honestly a testament to your work ethic that she can only complain about your posture LMAO. sounds like she is reallyyyyy digging deep for reasons to get angry.
but onto my real question. mx kendra when you are developing your original story, what process do you go about designing characters + outlining plot, etc? is it in random bits and pieces or do you try to plan it out chronologically? im not very talented at constructing stories but i do have a few OCs and ideas, but i feel overwhelmed by the idea of planning everything out. i know i ultimately need to sit down and write but i would love some advice or insight if you have any! thank you!
her head would fucking explode if i brought in a rocking chair lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo 😭😭😭😭 and she's scraping the bottom of the barrel and she knows it bc some ppl got 1 on 1 meetings abt their vagues and she couldn't even do it to me bc it would sound so silly to tell someone to sit still
but omg planning a whole story is SO overwhelming. i developed all my stuff in bits and pieces so trying to organize everything has been so daunting BUT not too long ago i became determined to get everything down and i found some youtube videos that really got me together. im doing a comic and struggled with taking the oc lore in my head and merging it into the chronological story i want to tell. bc i have sooooooo much background on a character but that background may not come out until way later in the story u know? and then bc my lore is in prose but the final content would be visual right? so i did some digging and stumbled upon this video!
basically her process is writing everything down in a story format. like just write every detail that comes to mind then create ANOTHER document where u take your prose and start breaking it down into a script like format adding in a bunch of visuals u want and THEN you storyboard from the script. it made a lot of stuff click
and then i edited the process to work for me as someone who's super scattered w my lore. so what im doing now is taking where i want my story to start and just writing. and as each character or story detail is introduced i go to a special section of the document called notes and write out a random bit of lore associated with that. and i'll even write out future events i know i want to happen so when i get to them in the actual chronological story prose i can take what ive already written and insert it into the timeline
so for example when as im following one stream of conscious as to how i want the first chapter to open and i get to an oc's introduction i bold the oc's name and then make a section where i then dump all of the character history that bounces around in my head. and then i go back to the chronological story. and another thing that's helped is when im plotting my story when two characters have an interaction or a character has an interaction w something important that explains a bit of their character i write a breakdown on that moment in that point in time.
for the longest ive tried to do everything chronologically and only write something down once it comes up in the timeline but im accepting that it is NOT the best way for me to work 😭😭😭😭but its been soooooo nice to let myself run free. i'll write out a character's whole backstory in my random tidbit document and then sprinkle it in bit by bit in the chronological timeline document
and it really helps stave away the feelings of being overwhelmed/pressure to be perfectly organized as u write on the first go. ik my process is specifically for comics but even if ure writing a novel maybe this can be of some help 💖
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sunf10wer8 · 2 years
Getting to know your BL mutuals - 2022 Edition
Simple, answer the questions. @ some people. Include the tag 'g2ky BL mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answers!
Thank you to the lovely @sunflower-lychee for tagging me! I never get @ in these so I’m very happy 🥰
(Truthfully this year I have been kinda slow with watching new shows BUT I will do my best!) 
What has been the BL that took you by surprise this year?
Love In The Air!
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I remember watching the pilot trailer when it aired but truthfully I forgot about this show until everyone started talking about it again 😅 Anyways... I fell in love so fast it’s not even funny. My mental health has been meh at best the past few months and I needed a show like LITA to just watch without having to really think :) Also the cast? Like?! In love with all four of them (especially Noeul).
The Eclipse!
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I watched ep 1 when it first came out but never continued the show because I wasn’t feeling it (little did I know 🤡). Everyone was hyping this show up so I made myself sit down and watch it... ended up binging all 6 (aired) episodes and safe to say I was hooked... I mean if anyone on here saw my blog you were probably fed up of me talking about this show (very sorry). So yeah... It’s now one of my favourite BLs. We won’t talk about the cast because I will never stop, lets just say I am now a Neo and khaotung fanpage!  
This technically doesn’t count but I finally watched Bad Buddy this year and I’m mad at myself for waiting so long.
What has been the BL that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
Cutie Pie- I didn’t dislike it but I found myself getting bored and skipping a lot, especially towards the end... shout out to Perth in that black shirt tho😏 Also loved the side couples
Even Sun- Listen I will do anything for BounPrem but lord I was struggling with this one. Why was the intro so long?! also who wrote the script because ooft. Skipped everything apart from the BounPrem scenes. 
What has been your favourite BL this year?
KinnPorsche- Lets all act surprised! This show was my entire personality all summer and the reason I came back to tumblr lol. Met so many lovely and amazing people because of this show and it will always have a special place in my heart. It also gave us the masterpiece that is Why Don’t You Stay aka my most played song of 2022. Again the cast is everything to me! 
Semantic Error- No explanation needed for this one really. I swear Seoham has been in the military for years! Why is it going so slowly?! 
Between Us- Are we only 4 episodes in? Yes. Do I care? NOPE! After waiting almost 3 years they could just stand in that locker room arguing for 12 episodes and I would still watch every second! As much as i tried not to, I did and still do have high expectations for this show BUT so far everything is perfect- I don’t really care about Team’s friends as characters or the relationship between Bee and Prince? but I also don’t hate it.
Favourite BL couples (not just of 2022)?
This is so hard to narrow down 😭 (I will refrain from going into detail otherwise we will be here all day)
WinTeam (I mean ^) 
RamKing (My Engineer) 
Sangwoo and Jaeyoung (Semantic Error)
PatPran (Bad Buddy)
VegasPete (KinnPorsche)
RainPayu and SkyPrapai (Payu and Pai are THE perfect boyfriends) 
AkkAyan (I truly can’t tell if it’s because I love the characters or if I am just down so bad for First and Khao 🥲)
There’s definitely more couples who should be on this list but my brain isn’t working rn
If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be?
Not Me- Everyone needs to watch it at least once in their live
Young Royals- It was actually my friend who doesn’t watch BLs that recommended it to me 
We Best Love- Maybe It’s just me but I adore that show
Also Where Your Eyes Linger so there is someone else who can suffer with me about how short it was! 
What's your non-BL favourite for this year?
This spot is strictly for Alice In Borderland 2 (when it airs) 
Until then... Business Proposal and Bridgerton.
This was so much harder than i thought it would be omg... anyways my aks are always open and I love talking about anything with anyone so feel free to say hi :) 
Tagging: @ahdriking @kurtstiel and @aleng-neng (and anyone else who wants to join in)
(If any of you already did this and I missed it, I am sorry 😅)
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butterballbuttnakey · 2 years
So I finally saw Black Panther.....
This being the first movie I see after burying a family member that should not have died is..... a choice. And it hit me HARD during the funeral scene in the beginning: the slow-mo shots of Shuri & Ramonda as they look around hit WAYYY deeper than I was prepared for; like yeah funerals are celebrations of life and as you look around at all these happy-ish people who are celebrating your loved one & yeah it feels nice to be surrounded by love and support but you would rather have your person with you and it just be a regular day. And then as they raised his casket & it stopped for a moment and saluted the crowd..... yeah I was done for. And then it faded straight into the silent, Chadwick-only Marvel logo????? Tears
Do I agree with Ramonda's decision after the bridge situation? No. And her rash, emotions-driven actions ultimately [train horn]
ALSO the fact that nobody believed Okoye after the bridge is weird af. The Elders not believing her bc they weren't there...fine, whatever. But QUEEN RAMONDA not believing her after seeing Namor come out of the water???? And speaking to him???? And hearing him say he had a big ass army (granted he never mentioned they were blue lol)???? Out of character tbh. And that ultimately contributed to [train horn] too
I saw some people saying that the nighttime scenes were too dark. I agree, the scenes on the beach in particular were really hard to see
Namor's little joke to Shuri like "the pressure would kill you almost instantly. Your blood would become poison.......or you could wear a suit. Come on, we have some 😊" *chefs kiss*
Also namor had like two little jokes and they fit in with his humor (from the comics) & his character so well 😭
I love that this movie wasn't overly comedic? Yeah there were jokes (mainly from Riri) but it fit within the context of the movie and the plot & it didn't feel like the script took a detour just to tell a joke where there didn't need to be one (looks at the Thor movies)
I also saw some people say that the slow-mo was a little heavy handed; I also agree. We don't need it every time a waterbomb explodes lol
Namor punching M'Baku into 2135 then going about his business was funny tbh
I would love to rewatch this movie in a crowded theater to hear audience reactions bc the two people next to me were WILD lmao
Somebody in the balcony of my theater yelled "I KNEW IT" when some info was revealed during the mid credit scene
I would've opted to stay with namor immediately. Not only because he's fine as hell, but because I too carry rage everywhere with me & I always have time to burn everything to the ground
Namora was setting little fires with Namor's emotional ass & I loved it
The suits Shuri built look like Sonic/blue Knuckles. That's all I saw 🤷🏾‍♀️
I have a feeling Tenoch has a thing for being on his back at a woman's feet bc this isn't the first time we've seen him like this 👀👀👀
Some people said the CGI was a little dodgy? I agree & it was only dodgy in the deep-dive suit & the ships which is wild bc those types of shots have been done so many times in the MCU?? Why did they struggle with it?
Alex Livinalli is *chefs kiss*
Mabel Cadena? Hot, gorgeous, stunning, amazing, incredible, outstanding, talented, never been done before, we love her
The two white people in this movie were largely unnecessary..... especially that white woman. And I have a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't Ryan's idea to include them 🤷🏾‍♀️
Everyone in this move (except the two white people bc they shouldn't have been there) deserves an Oscar IMMEDIATELY bc they were ACTING THEIR ASSES OFF LIKE RENT WAS DUE
I hate to say it but I forgot Nakia was even in the movie until she popped up 😭😭😭
All in all, this was a 10/10 movie for me I will absolutely be seeing it again (hopefully in a more full theater bc there were like 10 of us in mine) and I will be streaming when it drops on Disney+
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honeyedheartss · 11 months
making a separate post for this so I don't hijack a gifmakers post but
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@burntstay u literally have no idea! the entire past 2 years have been insane so excuse my rambling post
1. I went to see Dan last Nov and Dec. I went in November when he came to Seattle and got SO excited to finally meet him after so many years that I stumbled all over the MnG and couldn't respond to his very gentle kind compliments. So I flew to Oakland to see him again 😭 It hurt my bank account but not only did I meet him at that show during the MnG but he talked to me during the show too (interactive comedy show and I said I'd fuck the cinnamon toast crunch mascot bc he's a twink. he booed me but then brought it up several more time 💀)
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November and December, respectively. (yeah he did accidentally get that fucking silver marker on my arm 💀)
2. Also in November, I had the opportunity to catch Kurtis Conners set he was doing in Seattle :] I went to the early show in the balcony bc it was what i could afford and Loved it sooo much but couldn't see bc I didn't have glasses at the time and at the end when I was calling my friend to talk about it, someone offered me 3rd row tickets because they had to cancel for a family emergency. I took them, could see the set, and it was just as funny the 2nd time!
the next day I'd taken my friend to Pikes Place (popular indoor/outdoor multi-vendor permanent market in Seattle) and ran into him and Jenna in the comics store!
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^ me being so insanely happy but embarrassed bc I was partially non verbal and was trying so hard to communicate with him. (he was so incredibly kind and patient and then I helped him find the script he was looking for 😌 <- I do not work at that store)
now rapid fire! I also got to finally see Cirque! my old boss at the club had an extra ticket and brought me along!! (I have tried to sew Cirque THREE times and circumstances have always gotten in the way. mostly me moving abruptly like a week before the date they were in town)
In April, I got to see Hippocampus (one of my FAVE indie bands idc idc) and the guitarist Nathan gave me a pick! I also got to see Conan Gray again (saw him in 2019 without knowing who he was and got obsessed) and Cavetowns show with Tessa Violet. and Tessa RECOGNIZED ME which would have been insane anyways but I look SO different from the past times I've seen her!! I also saw some smaller bands and they were some of the most lovely kind caring people ever!
and then in June I saw 5SOS for the first time. I've been listening to them since I was a little tumblrina in 2014 and I cried so hard during their show. pure unadulterated nostalgia and joy. it was a really good show too (and that month my BFF who I usually go out to Philly to see once a year was able to come to ME because of a work conference 🥹 and my partner came up for our yearly 1 month together!)
also that month I met a comedian I ADORE!!! I found him by accident on Dry Bar Comedy in maybe 2015? and have watched his stuff on YouTube and followed him on Twitter since and I randomly ran into him in a vintage store in Tacoma??? And of course the first thing my dumb ass said instead of "oh wow it's Shayne Smith!! I'm a huge fan" no... I said "YO it's the guy I showed u that one time when I was drunk!!!" to my sister 😭😭 He luckily is a really dope guy, thought it was very funny, and danced around with me
In October I went to a music festival out east and saw a BUNCH of my favorite bands and King Princess said I looked hot, so highlight of my compliments fr (and saw mitski!) Lorde was coming but her set got massively delayed due to faulty tech and I had to make the last train so I didn't get stranded and did not get to see her.
Also I got matching tattoos with my other bff who I flew to seattle to stay with me for a week 🥹 hi @catholicdaredevil
which circles us back to the November/December stuff I talked about first cuz I got excited
The rest of the winter was just struggling through till I saw the sun again but I DID get to meet a long term internet friend at the convention in Seattle (s/o to @pjsforestkid for so lovingly dealing with my low energy the whole day)
April I saw Noel Miller live!!! June my partner came up and we traipsed around
and then September and October I got to sew 4 hozier shows, was barricade for 3 of them (and have professional photos for all 3 times I was barricade which is INSANE!!!!!), hozier called me out on stage for my shirt, I got posted on his ig, and I met almost the entirety of a friend group I've had since 2019 AND DanandPhilGames returned from the hiatus
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it's been an insane almost 2 years I finally feel like my life is sorting itself out and I'm so overjoyed
this is such a long fucking post but your tags just reminded me of all the joy and love I have been experiencing and the love that continues!!! I am so happy :)
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autisticlee · 4 months
lee rambles about life and brain nonsense thats nothing more than dramatic autism whining, don't bother reading pls fhfhdjsjjssk
met friends' friend at con. like always, lee hoped to become friends with friends' friend so we be one big happy friend pile. but lee bad at friending and failed. very sad. tried so hard. tried to talk and listen. be friendly, funny, cute, etc. even when everything was very overwhelming and was very hard. firefly cosplay mask can only do so much and stay do long before the autism flings it off and lee brain reverts back to dumb unless autistic that can't social at all. (how to become firefly at all times and not lose her??? she cute and friendly and good at hiding her demons and making friend)
thought lee did pretty good job actually despite how hard. but at end was worthless. when friends' friend left, only said goodbye to them and left lee hanging. lee had prepared script in head and practiced how to say it when given queue to say it. but they turn around and left instead. so lee brain ripped up script, kept smiling, and walked away too. lee liked friends' friend a lot. thought was fun and nice and wanted to be friends too but failed. always ends that way. brain freezes and cool person leaves lee with nothing but crushed dreams
now lee wonders what if....one day having lunch friends told lee stay with them so they can quickly run to VA signing before it closed. but lee also wanted one so argued to run with friends (despite pain and struggle hfhdhhdh) and not stay with friends' friend (and their friends) but wouldn't have made it in time if stayed and went back with them???
so lee wonders if lee just didn't get signed print and stayed with them instead....would friendship happened? did lee mess up and lose chance? did lee offend them by not want saying with them? did that make them hate lee? don't know. but didn't really talk to lee after that and then didn't say bye so big possibility now that lee think about it....lee sorry. just wanted signed print because was last day....wasn't against you promise. maybe should stayed anyway.....maybe could meet that VA in future...
think they have group chat or something and talk every day and hang out a lot lee misses being part of that kinda thing. lee needs that to stay sane and get human interaction that required to not spiral into mental illness abyss. but been so long since having that....thought if lee become friends with friends then maybe join group and have more friends and always someone to talk to! and have happy fun time and laugh and be silly and not lonely depressed blob all day every day struggling to have one small conversation a week. but can't invite self. is rude. tried best lee could to be friend. except leaving to get signed print maybe not good choice? so don't know what else do except be sad. sigh
lee hate exclusion and like being part of things. especially after almost 5 months before this not talking to people because didn't want to be annoying burden and bother anyone (and also bad internet problem) but no one else reached out either and most people lee did try reach out to rejected or ignored lee....so lee just 😭 why lee like being included and not accept lee not included. stupid brain. get over it. is not meant for lee so stop wanting it.
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xxmarzimoonxx · 2 years
it’s funny because the more i look at twitter and tiktok and just think about what we were given in regard to byler this season, the more it kinda seems right? don’t get me wrong, we were definitely queerbaited to an extent, and that’s completely disappointing, and using will’s sexuality to further mileven was just terrible, but i actually feel kinda hopeful for season 5? anyways heres some mixed thoughts on byler that i don’t feel like adding to my pinned post and some will stuff too bc he’s my main guy <3
since the writers revealed that the jopper kiss was planned day of by winona and david, i sincerely believe that finn and noah could convince the writers to allow for smth between their characters, especially considering the way they have their characters act around each other (lip glances, longing looks, etc)
the lighting in the cabin scene? the stick figure drawing and the way it was framed? the dead flowers? these are not coincidences!!
almost every scene w mike and el has will standing in the background. again, definitely not a coincidence.
i also think that, in regard to season 4, completely fixing mike and wills relationship over the course of two packed finale episodes would have been forced. they have an entire season to work out their relationship now, and i truly believe byler will happen between the hints/parallels in s4, as well as everything finn and Mike have said (keep in mind they’ve seen parts of the script for season 5, and most likely already know how their characters are going to end up!) i have strong hopes, like noah said, i really feel that they’re building it up. we really need to see a post s4 interview w either finn, noah, or both of them. this way we can see how they react in regard to byler.
since filming for season 5 began early and the actors have already seen versions of the scripts and know where their characters are going, i truly believe what noah has said in interviews about byler being “built up” and stuff. it would explain finns behavior during interviews too if he knows smth will happen between them next season.
adding onto this, i feel pretty certain at this point that a lot of the actors be getting confused w what happens in each season 😭. like this would explain why it seems like a lot of them lied abt what would happen in season 4, and why a lot of leaks and hints as to what would happen didn’t. filming two seasons pretty much around the same time has to have had a lot of them confused, because im not sure why else all that would’ve happened…
bro im hyped for main character will next season. i don’t care if he’s a villain. i don’t care if he’s a hero. he can be whatever tf he wants as long as he’s not dead and is the main character (and main character he will be!!!)
my guess is that will gets vecnaed at the start of the season before they do that weird time skip thing. considering noah was in his s4 clothes in the pic w the harness (and that pic was posted around the same time david had said they started shooting early, so it makes sense that it’s for season 5).
im super curious tho as to how they’re gonna handle the time skip? i don’t know how they’re going to make it make sense, and i am worried it’s going to take away a lot from the characters (and no, not just mike and will, literally every character), so maybe they’ll do some sort of two part thing where the first part kicks off where we left off and the second jumps forward? kinda like the season 4 volumes but more evenly distributed.
everyone on twitter saying will might get killed off next season, SHUSH. as much as they like to hurt mr byers, imagine the backlash they would face after killing off one of two queer characters.
i saw someone on twitter say that like the point of wills arc this season was to highlight his emotional struggle and detachment from the group (his friends, johnathan, etc) to lead into his plot for next season. and yeah. that makes sense! and it’s also giving villain vibes 😍
it’ll also be really cool to see everything start with will and end with will. especially if he’s a villain. he would be helping the one thing (vecna/henry) that ruined his life, maybe even finding comfort in him. something about that is kinda cool, and im all down for a will byers villain arc. like imagine him showing mike memories of each time mike hurt him (verbally ofc) or smth like that and be like “look! it’s every time you broke my heart! now ill break yours 🤪💅🏻”. he wouldn’t kill him tho. we still want byler to happen. it would just be very slay of will. OKAY ILL SHUSH NOW.
i might add to this haha but it’s just some thoughts on will in season 5. if more byler stuff comes up in the coming interviews i might add it here rather than my pinned post because it’s just kinda easier. smh for not doing bullet points on that one.
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- Chat noir getting thrown in the bin made me kinda :’(
- as much as I hate ladybug being mad at chat, good for her for standing her ground
- Of all people, I didn’t expect KAGAMI in this episode?? But I’m glad we did and that we got to see her caring for Adrien’s well-being
- Adrien almost getting akumatized???? That was not expected. Why do I feel like that’s forshadowing. Gabe restrained himself this time, but if he’s really desperate, would he actually akumatize adrien???
- Also marinette and Adrien in the park. As soon as that hamster cage appeared I knew it was her imagination agfjajdkv
- It was interesting to see gabe trying to comfort adrien. Like He actually admitted that he’s been distant, so he’s aware that he’s not doing a good job. And smh this man is so fake. “If you ever want to talk I’m here” SHUT UP no you aren’t. It took adrien being so disappointed and heartbroken for you to pay attention to him get outta here. In any other case, adrien would’ve been thrilled to be see his dad expressing concern for him, but his apathy really showed just how hurt he was by the whole ladybug thing. And just wow I thought it was a really interesting scene!!
- The first marichat rehearsal scene was actually amazing I loved it so much. It was so funny
- Post reveal: “wait, so I was ‘buttercup’?”
- AND THEN THEY WENT ON A DATE ahfhajdjnfjdc
- Riding the bus seemed kinda dumb tho, like they really didn’t need to do that, but I understand that they wanted a way for Andre to see them in a somewhat intimate(?) setting idk
- I liked how they were being really honest with themselves in the theater. Rip to the angry guy behind them tho he was just trying to watch lol
- It wasn’t that special but it also was okay? IT WAS CUTE LET ME HAVE THIS MOMENT AHFHAJCJSBBCN
- It was weird seeing the battle start and end so late into the episode?? Also really confused on how the heck chat and ladybug knew how to fricken drive a lambo?? Esp thinking back to zombizou when chat tried driving a bus (I mean I know they’re v much not the same thing but it’s still a vehicle neither of them should know how to drive lmao) they were driving a bit too smoothly
- But I liked how they established better boundaries!! Ladybug told him what she’s good with and what isn’t okay, and we see him taking that to heart in the next episodes (tho to be fair, we can’t really be sure bc chat/adrien is also dealing with v conflicting feelings in those episodes too??) I just think it’s interesting how this episode was placed right before hack san and rocketear. The writers want us to see how much he struggles to contain his love for her, just to fracture that love in the next few episodes. We still have yet to see any real consequences from rocketear, but I’m v intrigued.
- chat leaving the battle to return to helping marinette felt like every single marichat fanfic ever ahfhajfjks AND THEN SHE GOT RID OF HER SCRIPT AND SPOKE FROM THE HEART 😭😭😭 and chat’s face as he listened?? I’m just 😭😭😭 he’s NEVER seen this side from marinette before
- AND COME ON he spoke to her as adrien just earlier and saw how she was fumbling with her words. And she told him as chat THAT SHE KEEPS MESSING UP AROUND THE BOY SHE LOVES so??? Cmon piece it together buddy
- But anyway I’m a lil confused. By this point, does adrien know marinette and luka aren’t together anymore?? Bc I wanna know who he thought she was trying to confess to
- But also I can’t stop thinking about how chat noir is adrien. That was adrien right in front of her whom she confessed to. They went to the movies together, they rode the bus together, they walked under an umbrella together. That. Was. Adrien.
- Excuse me as I just *deep breath* AHHHHHHHHH
- Also the way he ran away as soon as her dad called for her 😂😂😂
- Also the last scene, where Adrien’s fired up in fencing again. Idk it felt a lil unclear, did he get his groove back bc of ladybug, or bc of marinette??
- kagami and the manga was p funny too! And I hope marinette saying “you should hang out with me more” actually happens bc I miss seeing kagami ;-;
- “Marinette opened my eyes” you can’t possibly tell me he didn’t start realizing his feelings for marinette after hearing her speak so honestly and being so vulnerable!!!
- Also “whoever the boy is that you love, he’s pretty lucky” KINDA SOUNDS LIKE HE HOPES IT’S HIM IDK
- still sad for alya’s collection of ladynoir photos tho but it’s fine bc she’ll have plenty of that once they get together lol
- And tbh?? I’m upset we didn’t get the “do you like chat noir” conversation between alya and marinette like we all hoped 😭😭 pls stop depriving us 😭😭 pls just have marinette acknowledge her feelings for chat that WE ALL KNOW SHE HAS
- All in all this was a great ep. Every marichat shipper’s dream. My ladynoir heart is slightly bruised but i know everything will come together in the end :’)
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oodlyenough · 3 years
psychonauts 1!
I finished the original Psychonauts last night, by which I mean I reached the Meat Circus, instantly flounced and watched the rest on youtube.
I played the PS2 version ported to PS4 on my PS5 just like god intended for undoubtedly the smoothest possible gameplay experience :P "Press Start to begin" on a controller that no longer has a 'start' button really set the tone.
For some context, I first tried this game many years ago (on a Macbook no less), got frustrated by it quickly and quit. I've only come back years later after loving Psychonauts 2 so much. (Psychonauts 2 review over here.)
I am going to try not to make this post one big comparison -- feels kind of unfair, given how much time passed -- but it's uh hard because obviously that's my natural inclination and the context I was thinking of while I played.
Spoilers for game 1 and some nonspecific (tone/etc) spoilers for 2.
The pros:
Obviously the game is very funny. There were tons of lines I wanted to clip, or punchlines that surprised me. The script and story were surprising and full of personality. The game has a tone unlike any other game I think I've played... it honestly reminds me most of Invader Zim, lol.
I was about half-way through the game when I realized just HOW MUCH possible dialogue and NPC interaction there is, something I totally underestimated for a 2005 game. I've since been watching dialogue compilations on youtube, lol.
Because of the above I have to adjust my original opinion that the NPCs (specifically the campers) felt a bit hollow. This was my bad for not seeking them out often enough to keep track of their names and their lovelives, lol. I still struggle to remember any of their names, but I like that all of them had their own little subplots going on in the background of Raz's story, whether or not you paid attention to it.
The game is very creative. This was my favourite thing about 2, but the original gets bonus points for being, well, the original and pioneering these ideas in the first place. While I found some of the opening levels kind of bland/disappointing after seeing how grandiose stuff got in 2, Lungfishopolis was the major turning point into some really creative stuff.
Even when I was getting irritated by dying or having difficulty platforming, etc, the creativity of the levels was undeniable. Every level was very unique and distinct, nothing felt like a reskin. Lungfishopolis was probably my favourite from a design standpoint -- so funny -- and Milkman Conspiracy my favourite from a dialogue standpoint, every single line from the G-Men just killed me.
I like collectathon platformers, what can I say. I am a child of the Spyro era. I'm not even a 100%er I just like finding secret passages and ledges full of Stuff.
The matador outfit for Raz in Black Velvetopia was adorable
What the fuck the random turtle at the end of the game fahklfhkl
I thought the Gloria's Theatre level was also super cool, even if I had to look up a lot of the solutions on youtube, lol. Just a really cool concept and fun change of pace.
The cons
I don't want to harp on the clunky controls too much because it's a game from 2005 that I am playing on a 3-gen-later console... so... I try to adjust my expectations accordingly. But holy shit!!! The number of awkward jumps, times double jump just seemed to not work??, wonky hitboxes, the terrible lock mechanic for psiblast attacks, TK throw being awkward af, whew. Very frustrating. That platforming section to get the musket in Waterloo World was CRAZY difficult for me and for what ?? It's basic platforming... 😭 Grab the bar Raz you asshole. I was sitting there ragegripping my controller like YOU'RE AN ACROBAT!!!!
I hated the ammo mechanic and I'm SO GLAD it went away. There was nothing more agitating than ending up in a boss fight with no mental aggression left and being like Guess I'll fuckin die.jpeg
There were lots of "What the fuck" game design moments for me. The Linda bossfight, getting sideswiped by suddenly needing a power or item that seemed optional until now and having to grind arrowheads to do it, the nightmares in the Milkman Conspiracy ?!!?!, these kinds of choices would just tank my enjoyment as soon as they came up. I ran to youtube a lot to figure out a strategy.
The script, while very funny, shows its age in a lot of places. Not "just" in the awkward use of That One Slur or the weird extended "Indian burial ground" jokes, but in other stuff too. Raz and Lili's relationship gets off on a super weird and off-puttingly heteronormative foot basically from jump -- a shame, because by the end of the game, and in 2, I'm fond enough of them, and found some of the "girlfriend" gags funny. Having Raz of all people call Milla the "mental minx" had me like 🥴.
The whole asylum plot felt just kind of icky and insensitive at times, I'd even say kind of ableist.
Also the level design of climbing that fucking tower where if you miss a jump you may have to redo the whole thing I swear to god 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
How come the cut scenes look SO much worse than the gameplay lol? I mean, whatever, I'm not expecting majesty from a 2005 indie, but I don't think I've ever seen a game where the cut scenes look WORSE than the gameplay before.
The concluding scenes in Meat Circus and after felt kinda rushed to me. Not terrible or anything, but they gave me major vibes of "we ran outta budget and we gotta wrap this up asap", lol. In particular I felt like we needed more from Raz and Augustus than we got, and honestly I felt like the game *wanted* to give it to me but didn't really have time so we just got a handful of dialogue and now you gotta punch this giant butcher.
In conclusion
Overall I found the tone of the game more callous than 2... which took a lot of adjusting for me, since the heart and sincerity in 2 is a large part of what I loved about it. I don't think the game intends to be cruel but I also think it doesn't take its own concepts seriously enough to treat them with the kind of sensitivity they need.
A big example for me is Raz just bruteforcing his way into people's minds when they were inconveniencing him lol. Extremely happy they changed this in 2. I understand that in the end what he does in their minds helps them (mostly??? Boyd u good???), but sheesh...
Raz in general feels like he got a, uh, personality update in 2. To be honest I think this change is emblematic of the whole tone shift, as well as the changing sensibilities of 2005 vs 2021. I still liked him in 1 but I don't think I'd feel as attached without 2. It did make me really appreciate [plotline redacted] in 2 more though!
I'm happy this game exists and was able to find enough cult success to eventually lead to 2. It's creative and interesting and funny, but it definitely is showing its age. I feel like 2 took all these good ideas and expanded on them and made them better, which is exactly what you want a sequel to do. I would recommend Psychonauts 2 to anyone who enjoys platformers; I would only recommend Psychonauts 1 to someone who really liked 2 and is willing to suffer through dated gameplay as a result.
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