aftgficlibrary · 5 years
I just wanted to recommend the fic “strawberry sweetness and light (doesn’t taste like lies)” I’m pretty sure that’s the title and it was part of the Big Bang. It’s really really good !!
thank u for the rec!!-rachel
strawberry sweetness and light (doesn’t taste like lies) by ephemeralsky (T | 6,193 | 1/1)
The third time Nicky asks him about it, he says, “I am already dating someone.”
This is a lie.
Nicky’s face unfurls like a clearing sky, eyes widening and jaw dropping. “You don’t say! Who is it?”
Andrew’s mind flies in a thousand different ways, grasping for an answer, a diversion, another lie. Out of the corner of his eye, he glimpses Neil walking out of the locker room, hair damp and bag slung over his shoulder.
“Neil,” Andrew tells Nicky, and Nicky gawps, shocked and famished for more information.
“I am dating Neil,” Andrew says.
(or: in which Andrew and Neil - due to purely rational, strategical, and beneficial reasons - convince everybody that they are dating)
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aftgficlibrary · 5 years
Do you guys happen to know if there are any docs where the foxes or even just a random like student tries to pull a prank on Andrew or Neil and it backfires in some way? I love you guys sooo much thanks!!!
here’s a foxes prank war fic! enjoy!-ari
open season by nomadicdeer (someonestolemycoffee) (G | 2,287 | 1/1)
Dan declares open season just before Halloween.
Featuring andreil kisses, misuse of brussel sprouts, Matt in lingerie, and more.
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aftgficlibrary · 5 years
Some Cat!Neil fics please?!?!
this is the only one i know of-ari
curiosity killed the cat. by Idnis (T | 10,221 | 2/2)
FuckNeil wanted to curse,but all his voice managed was a pretty pathetic sounding,‘Meow.’
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aftgficlibrary · 5 years
tiny andrew
he small-rachel
Short People Problems by wonkyjaw (G | 727 | 1/1)
A tiny, baby fic prompted by a tumblr post.
Kevin passive aggressively puts Neil’s coffee on the top shelf and Neil gets Andrew’s help to retrieve it. If only they both weren’t so dang short.
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