#then I can have my dope ass eyepatch
eggs-can-draw · 2 years
hi story time I have a lazy eye, which means that one of my eyes is REALLY BAD and just kinda turns off sometimes (aka its a lot weaker than my other eye and cant stay open as long, also means that sometimes if I'm overstimulated I can only have one eye open at a time) 
so this eye will just kinda wander when it gets tired but currently the best method to get it to stop (and prevent permanent or long lasting damage to my eyes) is to close the bad eye so it can go sleepy sleep.
SO LONG STORY SHORT to stop myself from majorly fucking up my eyes I have to make this face 
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Hidden Familiar asked: What do you like most about baiken
Morgan here. Here's a list (spoilers for stuff that happens in Guilty Gear Strive btw): 
 -She's fucking badass; look at her sick eyepatch and scars and how her katana sheath has like a special little thing where she can hold it in her teeth. That's raw as fuck. She'd be an A+ character for that alone. 
-Her special intro in Strive is really dope and it's done up like an old samurai movie complete with black and white narration. I have the English translation of said narration memorized. 
-Her like flirting-fighting thing with Anji is couple goals kinda. 
-I like how she's basically time-displaced. Not literally (some GG characters are but she isn't one), but she acts like she was born in the wrong era and I think that's pretty interesting. 
-The fact that she spends her whole life pursuing revenge and then gives it up once she finds someone that she thinks is truly worth protecting - Delilah, Bedman's sister - is just really cool and excellent character development. I would protect Delilah too, she's small and has an arrow on her head. They kind of become a family after that which is really awesome and it's a super good like "happy ending" for the character more or less. 
-She's fun to play as in Strive (I haven't really played many of the older GG games to comment), I like trying to read what my opponent is doing and punishing them for fucking up. I don't actually manage to do it THAT often but hey practice makes perfect. 
-"Baiken" is a cool name. 
-Her taunts in Strive are super funny. 
-She's hot as fuck. 
-She has like a huge mane of hair. I wish I had that much hair on my head. I bet it's a pain in the ass to comb though. 
-The fact that her boobs have gotten bigger in every subsequent game means you can hc her as trans and on estrogen and there's nothing anyone can do about it. 
 -the Baiken walk --> 
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 ADVERTISEMENT TIME: follow me at @TransBaikenMain on twitter and at transgender-baiken-main on tumblr if you ALSO think Baiken is super fucking cool.
 [Smile or comment on the answer here](https://retrospring.net/@planetJane/a/110238318544212733)
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attourney-at-lycan · 2 years
can u give me some zane headcanons. or some things about zane that will be in ur rewrite. love ur work
i did smthn like this before but zane is such a dope ass fucking character i gotta do more so here are random shit i have for him
he has like, chicken scratch handwriting that only he and like.... his closest research assistant can read.... somewhat.
i have a whole post about it half written, sitting in my drafts, about zane's idea to steal irene's relic comes from religious trauma. as a teen, early in his priesthood he's had horrible nightmares about irene and the fact that he's not worthy to "serve" her. i never rlly figured out what exactly was the turning point in him going "fuck it im becoming god" BUT IM GETTING THERE-
zane knows he's a bad person, and admits to the bad things he's done but he's too far deep into this to go back now. plus, he's doing this for the good of his kingdom. gods are dead, someone must take their place and unify the world. at least, that's what he says he's doing. yknow, ends justify the means yknow?
i keep thinking how zane has ppl that help w/ his research- i just imagine them as like.. henchmen that just chase after him constantly and scatter like mice whenever he's pissed off
when kids ask zane what happened to his eye in public, he always makes up so many different convoluted stories that keep the children interested. so it's like a thing in o'khasis where they try to figure out what happened. some are funny stories, some are like cute happy, some are used as cautionary tales. he wears an eyepatch to cover it and i havent come up w/ a reason for the eye thing.
when he's stressed as fuck and decides to finally take a break, he goes to his room, gets on bed. and fucking knocks out for almost a full day at times.
this is all i could think of atm!! hope u like them i have fun coming up w/ shit like this!
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The Big Question™
Quick disclaimer: Covex’s dialogue will be written as I always write it, bolded and italicized. Thalia’s dialogue will be bolded but not italicized. Not that there should be any confusion with how the story flows, I just wanted to put that out there.
One more thing: I apologize for the lack of IC posts. School and band have been kicking my ass and I haven’t had much time to put IC stuff up. After this, I’ll be sifting through my DMs to put some stuff up on @lady-warnaen-blackthorn​‘s blog if you’d like to check that out when it’s up.
I hope you enjoy reading this, it’s quite the story point for Covex.
I’ll get it out of the way here; mentions are: @thalia-lostwind​. Let’s begin.
Covex actually woke up rather early the next morning, a lot earlier than she normally does, that's for certain. She decided that, for the first time in Gods know how many years, she'd try to cook Thalia something. When Thalia awoke, she'd smell.. a lovely mix of scents. At least 37% burning food, 33% decently cooked pancakes, and 24% decently cooked bacon, and 6% burnt bacon. Turns out she's not that bad at cooking bacon, who'd have thought?
From downstairs, Covex yelled, “Thalia! Get up, love.”
No response.
Covex rolled her eyes.
Once again, “Thalia! Get ya’ lazy arse up before I ‘ave to come drag you out!”
This got a response at least.  Thalia, of course, did not want to wake up. Out if the blue, Daylen had offered to keep the kids overnight so the living could rest. “But Veeeex,” she groaned. Then she smelled food, and she was up.
“I know, I know, you don’t wanna get up. Still, I made you breakfast, so get up, you loser. C’mon, I can’t eat it all by myself, and you’re always hungry.”
“I mean... I am hungry a lo’,” Thalia grumbled as she swung her legs over the bed. “I’m comiiiin’!”
“Well, if you don’t hurry up, I’ll end up tossing it out. If I had to guess, you don’t want that.”
“Noooo! No tossin’ it out!”
“Then hurry up!”
“I’m comin’, damn.”  This asshole strode down with her hair everywhere and her eyepatch in her hand instead of on her face.
Covex looked at her, smiled, and giggled. “Well. Good morning, sunshine, how’d ya’ sleep. By the looks of things.. same as always?”
“Yeh,” Thalia snickered and moved to hug Covex. “Did you cook all this?”
“Indeed I did! Just for you, all of it.”
“All of it? Damn. Aren’t you hungry a’ all?”
“Eh, not really. Have at it, much as you want.”
“Did you eat yet?”
"Not yet, but I will. Don't worry."
“Come eat with me.”
"Thalia, I'll be fine, I'm not hungry."
“Come here an’ fuckin’ eat with me.”
"You're not letting this go, are you?"
"Fine, give me a little, but not a lot."
“Eating is important, yknow.~”
"I know, and I'm not hungry. Just because I’m blonde doesn’t mean I’m an idiot, love.”
“I know, but... still!”
“Just eat it, dummy. I’m not hungry, I’ll eat later, so don’t bother saving me any.”
“Then come eat with me, jus’ do it.”
Covex sighed and walked over to sit at the table, “If it gets you to eat, then fine. Just know I burnt a lot of food trying to make this, so you’d better appreciate it.”
“I love it and you.”
“H-Hey! Since when was that part of the arrangement?”
“How do you no’- Coveeeex.”
“I love you, you actual dope.”
“Hey! That’s rude, I’m not a dope!
“But Covex.” Thalia looked up at her with actual puppy-dog eyes
“What? What do you want from me? What have I done to deserve this torture!?”
“I want hugs.”  Thalia nodded and giggled to herself as she picked something up to stuff into her mouth.
Covex sighed and growled, pulling Thalia into a tight hug. “There, you got your hug, are you happy?”
Thalia nodded as she gave the Covex™ big hugs. “Very.”
“Good.” It was at that moment Covex looked up at the clock on the wall, “Oh, shit! I just noticed the time, I have to go! Meet me at the lake in.. half an hour?”
“The lake? Ah.. sure.”
“If you’d rather go somewhere else, we can, I just thought a peaceful date by the lake would be nice, yknow?”
“I’m just- Fuck, I need a shower.”
“I’d love to take one with you, but I really have to go. Take as long as you need on your shower, don’t feel rushed over me.”
“I don’t wanna smell on my day off, especially if it’s with you.” Thalia propped herself up in her chair, pushing against the table’s main beam with one foot. “You mean the world to me.”
Covex smiled at this, “And you me. I don’t mind if you smell a bit, you know that.”
Thalia shrugged. "Bu' it's still nice to be decent for the one I love, righ'?"
“That’s fair. Okay, I really have to go, see you in a bit?”
With a single nod, Thalia reached over to pull Covex into a tight hug, “I’ll see you in a bit.”
Covex smiled and nodded, “I love you, and I intend to prove that today.”
"Okay, tha's no' ominous," she chuckled. "Jus' stay out of trouble while you're out, okay? I promise I'll be as fast as I can."
"I'll stay out of as much trouble as I can." Covex gave Thalia a quick kiss then nearly sprinted out the door and into the city. Time went on and when Thalia got to the lake, she'd see Covex in a decorated spot laid out and Covex out of her armour and in the pretty white dress and flower crown she often wears.
Thalia took all the time she could in the shower without running late. She scrubbed her hair, and made sure to clean her bad eye to the best of her abilities. It had felt sore lately, and Thalia, being the worrier she is, of course assumed she was getting some sort of shitty infection. The agent would then dress her best, in a vest and some nice clothes before sneeaaaking out and slipping some gloves on, locking the door behind her. She made her way to the lake and smiled. "Ah- You look lovely, Vex."
“Ah.. thanks. I.. thought I’d do my best to be comfortable but still dress to impress. How’d I do-- on the impressing part?”
“You’re stunning.” Thalia moves closer, plopping her ass beside her gorgeous girlfriend.
"Heh.. Thank you, love. I.. know it's a bit basic and cliché, but I got us some sandwiches."
“Sandwiches are lovely. Thank you, dear.”
“But of course! I had to make it decent for you. I’d feel bad if I didn’t.”
“You did great. I’m a lucky girl.”
“I’m luckier.”
“I don’t believe tha’ for a second.”
“You don’t have to, you just have to know that I am.” Covex smiled and leaned in to steal a kiss from Thalia. “I love you.”
Thalia blushed and embraced Covex tight. “I love you too.”
“Hey, Thalia..?”
“Yeah, Vexxy?”
"I'm not even gonna try to stall this any further, I have a secondary purpose for bringing you out here, aside from just wanting to spend time with you."
“Alrigh’?” Thalia arched one eyebrow. “As long as this isn’t an assassination attempt, I think this will be splendid.”
Covex giggled and smiled nervously, "No, I'm not going to attempt to kill you.”  “ Yknow when I was.. kinda in a rush earlier this morning?" “ Sayin' I had to go pick something up?"
“Yeh, I recall. Why?” Thalia rang stupid, but she didn’t want to jump to conclusions either.
"Well, I did go to pick something up.." Covex visibly started to shake a little as she pulls out a small box, taking a deep breath in and out then handing the box to Thalia.
Thalia took it carefully and held it to her heart. “I’ve never seen you so nervous, Vex. You alrigh’?”
Covex gulped and nodded, “Y-yeah! I'm.. fine.”
“L-look in the box.”
With a slow nod, Thalia pulled the box away from her chest to open it, arching one eyebrow.
Inside the box was a ring with a small diamond on it, Covex looked up at Thalia very nervously, “Thalia Lostwind, I love you very much.. We've been together for nearly a year and I don't regret any of it, so.. I was wondering...  W-will you make me even happier and.. m-marry me..?”
Thalia blinked her good eye, opening her mouth, but she appeared at a loss for words. Finally that one blue eye softened as she nodded. “It would be my honor, Covex Alexander Kingsley.”
"H-Holy shit.. I.. I didn't-" Covex pulls Thalia into a tight hug, "By the gods, I love you so much."
Thalia couldn’t help but let out a joyful laugh as she squeezed Covex tightly. “I love you so much more. Tha’s fact.”
"You're wrong, but still."
“Am I though?”
“I don’t think so.”
"Well I do."
"You're the greatest thing ever, I swear."
"I'm just a regular person, Covex."
"You're the best thing to ever walk into my life is what you are."
"Well, damn." Thalia chuckled. "I'm flattered."
"Not sure why, I'm nothing special."
"You're everythin' to me. You, Daylen, an' the twins."
"Hey.. I told you I'd be giving you my last name in time."
formatting this was an absolute nightmare please end me
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