#then again Smiler and Alice actually ask him for those a fair bit
victorluvsalice · 1 year
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And the special deals didn’t even stop there -- as Alice went scavenging along the edges of the fairground (as digging up cool stuff with your bare hands is part of the fun of being a werewolf) and Smiler joined everybody outside for the dance party, Kim approached Victor, told him he was her Fairing Friend, and gave him a present! Which consisted of some milk and a couple of spicy mushrooms! :D I was very pleased. Though, sadly, Victor was unable to pass the favor on, as he didn’t know enough of the Henford-On-Bagley regulars to give them presents, and couldn’t really keep up a conversation with any of them at the dance party. Plus giving presents to the mayor, aka the judge of the competition, probably wouldn’t have gone well. Shame. Maybe I’ll go have him hide something at Sophie the Snail again. . .
Anyway -- around this time, Victor and Alice were starting to feel peckish, so I sent them inside to get some food from the bar. Alice got a meat pie, naturally, while Victor tried the mushroom soup, as it was a touch chilly at the fair. They had a good meal and a good chat -- Alice DID annoy Victor slightly by pestering him for juice-fizzing tips, but he quickly got over it, and they were back to flirting and exchanging compliments before too long. :) Once done with the meal, Alice went back to scavenging and dancing (maxing out the Dancing skill in the process, nice); Smiler headed over to the fishing spot nearby to see what they could catch (just the one goldfish, but that IS a plasma pack!); and Victor took up practicing magic in the middle of the festival while the mayor finished her judging (learning Decursify! Now that’s handy!). All good stuff -- but how did Victor actually do at the fair?
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