#then he immediately has her make him coffee 😭 SINBAD what did we JUST talk about with making her do things ahajfhs
spacepunksupreme ¡ 2 years
I just watched The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1973) and can’t get over this bit where, for some reason, they decided to pretend Caroline Munro was unattractive to like make Sinbad look like a really good and deep guy for finding some kind of unseen beauty in her. Like they introduce her with her character’s slave master noticing Sinbad looking at her and going “augh you like that plain, boring little slave girl? That simple, ordinary girl? Well, if you find something appealing about her—I don’t know what—youre welcome to have her, I have no use for her, with her being so butt-ugly and all”
meanwhile Caroline Munro is standing there looking like this
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