#she was unfortunately truly just meek slave girl in this
spacepunksupreme · 2 years
I just watched The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1973) and can’t get over this bit where, for some reason, they decided to pretend Caroline Munro was unattractive to like make Sinbad look like a really good and deep guy for finding some kind of unseen beauty in her. Like they introduce her with her character’s slave master noticing Sinbad looking at her and going “augh you like that plain, boring little slave girl? That simple, ordinary girl? Well, if you find something appealing about her—I don’t know what—youre welcome to have her, I have no use for her, with her being so butt-ugly and all”
meanwhile Caroline Munro is standing there looking like this
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dainty-baneberry · 4 years
Prompt #19: Where the Heart is
“Oh shite and bollocks.” Jessie cursed fluidly, seeing the smirking Au Ra sitting on the counter.
“Jessie.” Cid Garlond frowned, scolding the co-president of Garlond Ironworks for her rudeness. “Yeah, yeah.” Jessie groused, rolling her eyes at Cid and leveling a finger at the Warrior of Light. “Dainty and the Scions come first. I know! Jes have him back before dinner!” “Best I can do is tomorrow, lunch time.” Dainty retorted, jumping nimbly down from the counter where she had been chatting to E'bolaff, a pretty white haired MiqoTe woman. Jessie, her fury as red as her hair, went stomping off in a fine pique at having to do both her own and Cid's work for the day while the man himself was off playing “Hero”. If it wasn't for the fact that Cid playing Hero very often meant that Dainty was empowered to save their entire damn Star from what would serve it ill Jessie would have a lot worse to say than “shite and bollocks.” “I was not expecting to see you today.” Cid observed as Dainty approached him. Despite the fact he claimed her as a lover he rarely knew where she was at any particular time. He had learned well to expect her when he saw her. “I need you t'take me near t'Moraby Drydocks in the Enterprise.” Dainty explained, occasioning Cid to frown. “Moraby Drydocks? They've an Aetheryte...” “I said near to.” Dainty stressed. “Ah. Right.” Cid nodded, quickly calculating that he could set his personal airship down in the cliffs of the Empty Heart, just to the southwest of the Drydocks which would allow her to proceed to the docks on foot. And unseen. For some reason or another she was desirous to get into the small port town without anyone being any the wiser. Were she to teleport in via Aetheryte twelve or more merchants, maelstrom troops and citizens would know of it instantly. He could not help but wonder what sought of fight would require her to enact such secrecy; “Is everything alright?” “Oh yes.” Dainty smiled lightly at him, tucking a long mint green lock of hair behind one cranial projection as they boarded the aircraft. “Tis a personal mission today.” This was stated with a little gesture at her attire and Cid noted she wore a simple dress of black linen that, despite its lack of ornamentation, fit her body exceedingly well. His confusion kicked up a notch leading Dainty to add with a giggle. “I seem to recall you asking what a girl like me was doing a-bed with a man like you the other night.” Cid, who had just approached the wheel of the Enterprise to take off started violently.
“You heard that?!” He had thought her wholly asleep. Dainty smirked and flicked one of her horns. “I hear everything.” The noise of the Enterprises engines prevented further conversation and the airship was soon churning smoothly through the air, heading for La Noscea. The only witnesses to their arrival was a couple jackals, that quickly scattered as the airship came to rest near a wind worn stone arch. Dainty tucked her hand into Cid's to tug him from near the wheel, indicating that he was to join her on this trip into the Drydocks. “What are you playing at?” Cid couldn't help but wonder, the light sea breeze momentarily fluttering his bone white locks. “You'll see.” Dainty grinned, leading him to a white stone wall that marked the edge of the township that was built into the seawall itself. She climbed over it neatly, and dropped onto a simple, mud tiled roof. Cid followed her lead and within a few moments they were standing on the rough stone balcony that skirted one of the upper level dwellings of the Moraby Drydocks. Below them the general inhabitants of the town had no idea so illustrious personages as Cid Garlond and the Warrior of Light were in their midst, and Dainty aimed to keep it that way. She moved quickly to one of the simple, unfussy dwelling doors and knocked on it. Cid believed he could hear the sounds of a party from within. There was certainly someone bellowing quite loudly about someone needing a fresh drink. A large seawolf Roegadyn man pulled open the door, a scowl fixed upon his features. With green skin and pale eyes he looked quite startling, glaring across the threshold until he suddenly recognized one of the persons  on the doorstep. “Dainty Baneberry!” “Hello, Sterrthuv Rostyndynsyn.” Dainty greeted, pronouncing his name flawlessly. She did not need to ask for entrance as the man instantly backed up, turning and fully running into the dwelling to yell “Everyone! Everyone! Dainty Baneberry is here!” Dainty gave a giggle, and led Cid in fearlessly. They had barely made it through the narrow hallway when a Hellsguard Roegadyn male, one of the largest Cid had ever seen, came barreling towards them at an unseemly speed. “DAAAAIINNTTTYYYY BAAANNEEEBERRRRYYYY!” Laughing Couerl howled, his delight to see his sister, conspirator and partner in crime was truly boundless. Completely oblivious to Cid's presence Laughing Couerl seized Dainty around the waist and swung her up onto his shoulder, as if he a pirate she his parrot. He then returned in the direction whence he came, with Dainty balanced in place, and laughing madly as he did. “Do not mind that pair. Truly they have been as thick as thieves since the day she fished Laughing Couerl out of the bay.” A softly spoken Roegadyn woman appeared in the space that had been emptied. She was very pretty, with soft ocher eyes and light gray hair. “I am Meek Wind, please do come in.” Confused but good natured enough to be easily adaptable to conversing with strangers Cid allowed himself to be shuffled into a smallish living room where a large assortment of various food stuffs had been laid out. He was provided with a beer before it finally occurred to him what he was seeing. It was a family reunion. Dainty had a family. She had never spoken of them. Not even once in the entire time he had known her. The most she had ever said about any sort of family, or familial connection was that despite her amnesia she had a lingering sense of knowing her parents were dead. That there was no one out there, searching for her. She had never mentioned having been adopted into a large Roegadyn clan but it was undeniably that these people considered her kin. Especially Laughing Coeurl, who was refusing to relinquish his sister to the other siblings so that she could be hugged and given something drink. Cid couldn't help but chuckle to see the interactions, watching Laughing Coeurl and a pair of Doman sisters haggling over Dainty. One of the soundly stomped on Laughing Coeurl's toes to occasion him to drop Dainty, at which point the other swept her away to visit with her. Cid couldn't help but snort with laughter, truly he had seen Dainty pull that exact same trick of stomping on someones toes when arguing 100 times if he had seen it once. “Oi, yer that Engineer fellow, aintcha?” Yet another Hellsguard Roegadyn man spoke these words, there was so many of them, Cid was absolutely certain he would never be able to keep track of all their names but that did not mean he wouldn't try. This one managed to be even larger than Laughing Couerl and had with him two small daughters that were playing quietly with some blocks. “Cid Garlond, at your service.” “Garlond! Thats it. Garlond Ironworks.” “Aye, that's my company.” The sole Miqote among the many Roe faces gave a light whistle and there was a wholly admiring glint to her stilted eyes as she gave Cid a slow once over; “That wanderrrring sister of ourrrs would find such a prrrize to bring home t'Mama.” “You hush, Delicate Willow.” Meek Wind scolded but it was all playful and in good fun. She shot Cid a small, conspiratorial smile. “Dainty Baneberry is the favorite daughter, you understand. Not only did she save Laughing Couerl's life but the gil she sent home saw our Mama cured of the Sweating Sickness.... “.... and not to mention, she's the blessed Warrior of Light, now isn't she! Thal's Balls none of us will ever compete with that!” Defiant Rose added, joining them from outside with a grin.
“Not that we should ever be fool harrdy enough to trry.” Delicate Willow agreed with a little fluff of her tail. “We darrre not even publically acknowledge herrr ourrr sisterrr lest it be used to harrrrm her.” Delicate Willow's head cocked in the exact same way that Dainty's did as she regarded him “Methinks you've an idea of that.” “I cannot deny it.” Cid agreed, seeing no reason to deny what the woman had already deduced. He and Dainty dared not speak of their relationship outside the confines of their sometimes shared bed lest he be used to manipulate her by those looking to gain power over the Warrior of Light. Dainty clearly trusted these people deeply, he had never seen her relax and play so easily except with himself. “Well, Cid getcher drink and come on outside so the others can gawk at you.” Defiant Rose insisted, gesturing at the doors that lead to the small back yard. “I think you mean meet-the-others?” Meek Wind suggested gently and Defiant Rose grinned at her.
“Yeah. Sure.” Cid found himself questioning how often he had heard Dainty say “Yeah, Sure.” in just that same unflappably sarcastic manner in vast amusement. There were even more Roegadyn outside and Cid very quickly lost track of who was who. He believed he had come to understand, however, that today was their “Mama”, Joyful River's name day and her most fervent wish had been to have all her children with her. She had had 5 by birth, two to her first husband and three to her second. Both of whom she had had to unfortunately bury. 14 more children had come to her by way of adoption, of which Dainty was the 14th and final one. There were 5 boys. 2 by blood and 3 by adoption and 14 girls. 3 by blood and 11 by adoption. Joyful River's first husband had been a high ranking Yellow Jacket whom had had a hand in the breaking up of more than one child slave trading ring, which explained why there were so many girls. Joyful River had been sent into Limsa Lominsa for the day, for a visit to the Aesthetician and was due home shortly, giving the children time to lay out a feast. It wasn't until Cid saw Dainty in the context of her family that he realized her name was a Roegadyn one. He had always known her simply Dainty, or occasionally Mistress Baneberry. Only hearing her siblings addressing her wholly as Dainty Baneberry did it make sense that she belonged with this wild, sprawling clan as much as any other adopted child like Delicate Willow, or Pale Dove or Singing Orchid. Seeing they way they all hugged her, lifting her off her feet and twirling her around was incredibly enlightening to Cid. All of a sudden Dainty made sense in a way she never had before. There was little wonder she like it when, in their private bedroom play, he lifted her or otherwise man-handled her. She did not find such behavior off-putting, or demeaning but rather safe and exciting. All the siblings, barring Delicate Willow, the two Doman girls and a Hyur fellow seemed to have some inside joke about hefting their tiniest sister as if she were not a ruthless, steel eyed Warrior. A veritable liberator of Nations.
He suddenly did not question why she, the prettiest Au Ra he had ever seen, who could have any man she wanted, would desire him, a pureblood Garlean. His height in comparison to her, and his broadly muscular body, would be familiar and reassuring to someone whose siblings dwarfed her so wholly that she could sit on Laughing Coeurl's shoulder, one leg delicately cross over the other. He got it now. What a “girl like her” saw in him. She saw a man cut from the same cloth as her family but given to her same predilections to adventure.
Cid fell easily into conversation with Sterrthuv Rostyndynsyn and some of the others around him. They had many stories about their Dainty Baneberry's exploits during the 5 years she lived at home. Although Laughing Coeurl had been the only sibling technically living there at the time all the siblings were close at hand, and visited their Mama and each other constantly. And they wanted to hear Cid's stories of Dainty. He learned that she rarely spoke of her Adventures across the realm to her siblings and although they respected that they were desperately curious to learn of her most daring triumphs. She rarely spoke at all around them, Cid observed. Her stoicism and silence, at least, was wholly unchanged for being in the company of her siblings despite her laughter being much freer. Cid was more than happy to entertain them with a rendition of battling Omega in the Interdimensional Rift while they all took turns keeping look-out for Joyful River returning home. Defiant Rose quickly hushed everyone when the Matriarch of the clan was at long last seen entering the Drydocks. Everyone quickly fell to silence with the exception of Laughing Couerl, who simply could not be quiet for even a moment. Dainty, finally managing to wrest herself free of the very many hugs her siblings felt the need to festoon upon her, dropped herself into Cid's lap at long last. He put her arms around her unerringly to support her body and allow her to relax for an ilm. He had no fear of being affectionate to her around the wholly physically affectionate family. “Laughing Couerl, I can hear you all the way from the North Gate, my goodness!” Joyful River exclaimed as she entered her home and saw a small mountain of food that had not been there when she left. “And what...is....all this.....Oh!” Joyful River's eyes went wide, seeing a painfully familiar Au Ra sitting in a sea of Roegadyn faces. Her wandering daughter, the one that went Adventuring to the far side of the world and back. Returned home, even if just for a little while.
All the other children faded into the background, as did the white haired stranger. Dainty barely had time to stand before Joyful River had dropped her things to run to her and swept her into a crushing embrace. “Oh! My heart. My heart!” Joyful River cried happily into Dainty's hair, just clinging to her for several moments. “Like we said. She's the favorrrite.” Delicate Willow smirked to Cid. “Just because my heart is where she is does not make her my favorite.” Joyful River insisted, finally releasing Dainty to step back and wipe away a few errant tears. “I have no cause to fret over any of you!” “Favorite.” Defiant Rose insisted, earning her a light scolding from her Mama. “Nonsense! I simply see you all so often and know you all to be hale and hearty! Dearest Dainty Baneberry, however...” “Dearrrest.” Delicate Willow teased and Joyful River elected to soundly ignore them to instead smile once more at Dainty. “Never mind that. I am so happy to see you.” She stroked Dainty's cheek gently, then finally looked behind her to perceive Cid sitting there calmly and smiled, eyes a light with curiosity. “And...who is this young man you've brought to meet me?”
Dainty's mouth curled into a sweet smile.
“Mama, this is Cid Garlond...”
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diwatang-sirena · 5 years
Food For Thought: Is it possible that Daenerys' storyline is going to go a similar route to Darth Vader's?
Now before you guys protest, especially the die-hard Dany stans, just hear me out on this. I’m a fan of both Vader and Dany, and as much as I wish that Dany will not turn into an antagonist, let’s not discount the possibility and try to look at her story in a different perspective. Okay? Then keep reading.
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If you’re not familiar with Vader’s story in Star Wars (but how tho??), protagonist Anakin Skywalker started out as a poor, innocent slave boy who happened to have a very strong connection with the force. He’s even assumed to be the “Chosen One” from the prophecies that would balance the Dark and the Light sides of the Force. So he ends up training to become a Jedi with the hopes of freeing his slave mother whom he left behind in Tattooine, his home planet.
Eventually Anakin grows up to be a good but slightly arrogant teenager who is manipulated further by Emperor Palpatine (who’s posing as a good guy in the Senate). And because he’s fully aware of his natural talent, he’s even pushed further by the fact that the Jedi Council does not fully acknowledge his merits when he deserves them. One of the key moments in his transition is when he finds his mother murdered, which led him to his first act of madness when he massacred the tribe that stole her away.
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But the final straw was when he dreamt that his secret wife, Padme, might possibly die through childbirth. This made him seek even more power to save his wife and unborn child, of which he was unable to do with his mother, and it eventually blinded him from seeing the good that his comrades and loved ones were trying to do to help him. 
At this point, he concluded that by being the most powerful, most fearsome Jedi on earth, he can prevent every terrible fate that could happen to the ones he loved. So he helped the Emperor massacre the whole Jedi Council, including the innocent children, in order to be stronger using the dark side of the Force. And you know the rest, his wife died in childbirth, indirectly because of his actions, and thinking that his mentor and brotherly figure Obi-Wan betrayed him and left him to die, he eventually became reborn as Darth Vader, now completely overwhelmed by hatred. 
And it’s not until the last minute when Luke, his son with Padme, helped bring him back to the Light when Vader chose to protect his son with his life instead of letting Palpatine kill him, ultimately fulfilling his prophecy as the Chosen One.
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See the pattern here? Daenerys seems to be following quite a similar path, with her initially being a poor, helpless girl with a very tough upbringing who eventually gained power to protect the common folk. Not only that, but she also has something to do with the “Azor Ahai” Prophecy about the “Prince/Princess that was Promised”, although whether or not this means her, Jon, or their future child is yet to be seen.
Unfortunately, just like Anakin, Daenerys has been shown to have lingered in between the light and dark at times, such as burning her enemies or using fear to bend people to her will when her patience runs out. Of course I won’t deny that some of these actions are considered necessary considering that some of her enemies don’t do well with peace pacts or respectful discussions, most especially when they go through lengths to disrespect her as a woman.
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But as much as I love Dany, I can’t deny that some of her actions, regardless of where she came from and how she came to be, are not doing her any favors with the Westerosi. Like Anakin, she has been slowly losing sight of what has been her main goal in the beginning of her pursuit; to save the people who suffered like she did and to find a place to truly call home. Now most of her focus is gaining her right to the Iron Throne, while slowly losing bits of emotion here and there especially when betrayal hits her at one front to another.
That is, until dear honorable Jon Snow came along.
Just like how Anakin and Padme’s forbidden love story ended up changing the Jedi forever, Jon and Dany’s love story seems to be a must in breaking the wheel of the current world, not just in politics, but the fate of the world itself. After all, Melisandre has prophesied that both of them have a very important role to play in the Azor Ahai prophecy in stopping the Night King.
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Whether you ship them or not, you can’t deny that these two were bound to have a special connection thanks to their parallel journeys and their secret Targaryen relation. It’s interesting to note that in the beginning, all that Jon ever wanted was to become acknowledged as a Stark, arrogantly thinking that he had it worse than everyone else. Now that he’s constantly given all these burdens and high positions, he’s become more humble and doesn’t enjoy being the leader that people turn to.
Dany, on the other hand, was a meek and afraid little girl, having no idea in the beginning that she was capable of becoming more, no thanks to Viserys’ abuse. But as time went by, she began to grow as her own person and became more and more powerful, which unfortunately led her to become quite arrogant at times. 
While Jon’s been shown to have a harder time killing more and more people out of duty, especially when he began to realize that not everything is in black and white, Dany has been shown to be having an easier time disposing people who defy her, even the ones who used to be on her side. It’s not to say she hasn’t tried doing things the gentler way, but a lot of if not all the peace talks she’s attempted with her adversaries have never really gone smoothly. Not to mention, most of the people she had placed her trust in in the beginning have either betrayed or left her at some point.
To be fair, we can’t have two exact copies of “Jon Snow” in the GOT world. That wouldn’t make much of an interesting story now can it?
With that said, it seems possible that Jon’s role in GOT is quite similar to Luke’s trope as the reluctant hero of the story, the one who saves the whole world by saving their loved one from being completely immersed into the Dark Side.
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Of course, we haven’t seen Dany turn completely mad just yet, and I personally hope it would never happen. But the first two episodes of Season 8 has compelled me to imagine the uncomfortable possibility of what it would be like if Daenerys does end up becoming a villain. Her thirst for the crown has been focused on too many times to deny in the first two episodes of the final season, and it seems that not even her love for Jon would let her set aside her quest for the crown completely, at least not yet.
But there’s also a possibility that their future child, if the constant foreshadowing in Season 7 comes to fruition, might also be a strong factor in changing her mindset, just like how Vader’s love for Padme and his children compelled him to eventually turn away from the Dark Side. Most importantly, their child might also have a huge role in stopping the second Long Night from happening, however possible that is, if he/she/they have something to do with the prophecy.
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Another interesting possibility that’s been pointed out by some fans is that the only person other than Jon that might stop Dany from her road to Mad Queen status is the woman who currently checks up all the boxes of said status.
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Cersei may not have the pure intentions that Dany has, but they do have a common factor of wanting to gain and remain in power no thanks to their past experiences of having their father/brother control most of their lives in the early parts of the series (Tywin with Cersei, and Viserys with Dany). I’d personally wager that Dany is still far from Cersei’s “Mad Queen” level, because at the very least Dany still has a few good and true comrades to help keep her feet on the ground. As Tyrion told Cersei, at least Dany has enough brains and empathy to listen to their advice at times, whereas Cersei would never do so unless it benefits only her.
This Cersei-Dany parallel would be a pretty similar situation with, again, Darth Vader and Luke. Just when Luke battles with his father and was almost on the verge of killing him, he stops when he sees his father’s robotic hand, realizing how similar they actually are and how much the Dark Side has affected Vader in the worst ways, which he himself almost fell into if he didn’t see the truth with his own eyes.
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After the Battle of Winterfell is over, and Daenerys sees the remnants of the Night King's power while also coming to terms with Jon’s status as the rightful heir, perhaps Dany might reconsider and reflect on her true purpose in attaining the Seven Kingdoms. True there's also a huge possibility that she'll turn even darker than before, especially if her close comrades die/leave her, leaving her feeling more alone and out of place. But perhaps after seeing Cersei the way she is, with no true friends, no family, and no love left in her except the crown on her head, this might lead Dany to see the hard truth; The Iron Throne isn’t worth her humanity.
With that said, whether or not Dany turns into a true antagonist is yet to be seen. Contrary to some fans' predictions of her dying in the end, I actually believe that she'll survive, but not without huge consequences of course, which is carrying the guilt with her for the rest of her life. For some people, continuing to find the will to live can be much harder than dying a quick death. 
Having her killed off easily as a villain without redemption or in childbirth for me is a very big disservice to those who have watched/read her whole journey since Season 1 and the 1st book. I doubt that George R.R. Martin created Dany only to make her a Cersei 2.0 in the end. It would be the such an injustice for the series to conclude with Dany’s faults completely overshadowing the many good things she has done for the ones without power, especially during her time in Essos.
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We have yet to see how low Dany would go to seize power as Vader would, and I’m extremely worried about how much it would affect everyone’s view of her till the very end, especially as a character that was so beloved for the whole 7 seasons, only to have her hated by most without proper redemption at the final season. Yes, as a GOT fan I’m glad that Dany’s being given a wakeup call that her idea of ruling has its flaws and does not suit everybody. But if she is really meant to betray Jon and the rest, I seriously wish that whatever payoff the writers have for Dany will be worth it in the end. Especially when there’re only a handful of episodes left.
And if people really think that Jon would easily leave Dany just like that, then boy, have they not been paying attention to Jon’s character development. Jon has already chosen duty over love several times, with one of those choices leading indirectly to his first love’s death. I highly doubt that Jon would ever leave Dany alone like that, even with all her faults, especially if she’s with child and if they do get married even if out of duty.
Just like how Padme never stopped believing that there is good in Anakin till her dying breath, it’s in Jon’s persona that he would do everything in his power to keep Daenerys from falling completely into the dark and feeling alone. I won’t be surprised if Jon would choose to take the fall for/with Daenerys if she is to be punished for whatever wrongdoing she’s about to do. That’s just the type of guy he is.
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With that said, we have no choice but to wait until Episode 3 and 4 to really see where Daenerys’ morality will be going. As with every season, with every new episode that comes out, anything is possible. I still hold onto the hope that the writers know exactly what they’re doing with Daenerys and that it’ll be true to what George R.R. Martin really intended for her, although I’m already a bit wary at how they’re currently handling her responses. If her path is to go the same way as Vader’s like I guessed, I can only hope that they can do enough justice to make her memory worthwhile.
If not... there’s always hope for the books. And fanfiction.
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awakeningofthedeath · 6 years
Awakening of the Death: Chapter #27
 With one hand holding her pistol, and the other opening the window wider, Hellen found herself closer to the conclusion to the long thirteen year journey towards vengeance for her father.
With her steps silent like a mountain lioness, Hellen climbed through the opened window to what Hellen assumed was the master bedroom. The window was halfway opened to air out the hot humidity from the inside. The room had a large bed with a vanity and a fireplace. As Hellen analyzed the bed, she kept the finger near the trigger as she edged closer to what she assumed was McGriffin’s bed. Yet as she was about to make the kill, she only froze to see the shape of a sickly looking woman that may as well be a breathing skeleton. Lowering he gun and took a breath, Hellen quietly walked away from what she assumed was a working girl. 
Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent. Hellen reminded herself, a habit she’d always had when on a kill mission.
As she passed down the long hallways of rich oak, shining in the now noonday sun, she analyzed the various paintings and mounted trophies of various animals that Hellen assumed came from Africa. The few exceptions were of the large European style mount of a bull elk and a mount of a bison which both were hung near the hallway. As she crept and managed to go across the mansion with little detection and with the assistance of her Eagle vision; Hellen detected McGriffin in a small study that seemed originally private for a student or child in design theory. From what she could analyze was that McGriffin shifted through various documents and maps with opened books holding down the corners of the main map. Hellen took a breath as she pulled the hammer back and crept into the small study.
McGriffin looked upon the documents of the desk, his shoulders weighed heavily as he slouched them down, holding himself by his tired arms upon the desk. Hellen took a silent step. Then another. As she drew her pistol colt upward toward’s the man responsible for her pain.
“So, the wayward assassin has finally found the insides to come in broad daylight.” He said in a tired voice that sounded dangerous to Hellen.
“No different then when you came in between night and day you son of a bitch.” Hellen’s voice was as dangerously low as she held up the gun. Her eyes began to stun as the combination of dry smoke and hatred filled her, causing her voice to shake. “You remember that day? September 30, ‘76? You came to my father and I’s homestead with a band of men with confederate veterans with chips on their shoulders. Ironic that you as a union veteran would have opposite veterans kill a brother in arms. But then again, what good was the color of you’re uniform or skin when you’ve been in a war that had been fighting since Lord knows what!”
“That was a different time Miss Patterson. We fought for control of the rebellions of the south and to give more liberty to all people.”
“Like slaves?” Hellen gave a huff. “Men and women of diffrent color who should be treated as humans more then what people are still treating them as.”
“These things do take time to...” McGriffin stopped as Hellen pulled the hammer of her pistol.
“Unfortunately I don’t have time.” Hellen’s voice grew cold. “You...” She fought back the tears of anger and grief as she continued her confrontation of this man who stole her childhood innocence and her father. “You took that time away from me! From my pa! I know about the hidden script my father kept secret from the templars. I could’t understand why! My father’s time was too soon! He could of trained me. Tamed me. Fuck...He could of been approached by Jack asking to court me or marry, or whatever normal is! Hell. I’d wage some silver dollars knowing now that pa is looking down, proud that I’d never lost sight of a goal. So i ask you, before I blast your brain into Armor meats, why? Why him? And what was the significance of that script?”
McGriffin took a deep breath, his eyes blinked in thought, yet not of fear. “That, Miss Patterson, I cannot say is for myself; yet for thousands of years people searched for a way to cheat death and retain the youth we once had. Most men search for it for the greater good, or for themselves. I’m doing this for someone and something better than my...”
“Shut the hell up! You’re just wasting your final breath on useless preaching when you should say your prayers. As for the final thing you’ll ever hear. “May you rest in hell you son of a...”
“Hellen!” A voice called out to her, making Hellen turned her head to see Jack coming in, his face covered in splattered blood that was not his own. “You can’t do this! This isn’t how it’s done!”
“Jack step back! McGriffin is mine!” Hellen steadied her hand as she closed her left eye to get a clear shot.
“Killing McGriffin will not bring you peace! You kill him in cold blood, you won’t be no more than what he represents” Jack steps closer, keeping his voice calm and serene.
 “What the hell are you talking about Jack? He’s the one who shot and killed my father! I waited almost thirteen years for this. I want my father to finally be at peace, knowing that this bastard is no longer providing the power and resources to those who would harm this nation.”
“Seems you’ve become a nationalist Miss Patterson.” McGriffin commented with a dry smirk in his voice.
“Shut the fuck up!” Hellen yelled. “This...it ends now.”
 Jack took a breath and took her hand. “Is this how an assassin really kills the target?”
“Things are changing Jack...” Hellen’s voice broke as she tried to pull the trigger.
“Would your father had finished him like that? Did he handle a kill like this? The way he handled Booth?”
“How did...”
“Hellen. The authorities are coming for him, as well as the Marshals. Let justice help your vengeance, don’t stain your soul with further bloodshed. Even if it’s for me. Don’t do this Hellen. Don’t let the hate eating you alive win.” Jack carefully took the gun and lowered it down to the floor.
“Fuck.” Hellen whispered and she placed it back in her holster. Jack took her by the shoulder and lead her away.
“I suppose I was wrong. The little maverick is more meek and molded then what her sire told us in the war. You couldn’t even go through with it.” McGriffin’s voice was that of a low mockery, making Hellen turn on her heels and run to McGriffin. Hellen tackled him and punched his face and making his nose break as the blood tricked down. Angry and struggling to see the humanity in herself and McGriffin, Hellen spat at him and walk away. When Hellen back him, McGriffin took a gun an aim at her, Jack gasped and tried to shield Hellen;  but Hellen already knew the weakness of that move, She pulled out her colt pistol and shoot him down before McGriffin would gun her or Jack down. He was hit on the left shoulder, crying in pain. Before she would make the final kill, Jack took Hellen by the arm and they both ran before she could confirm that he was truly dead.
 Hellen will grunted. Jack just smirk at her satisfied that they had finished it. Yet inside, Hellen was screaming with frustration.
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driftingglass · 7 years
Top Ten Characters Meme Thingy-Ma-Jig.
I was tagged by @godspeedcomplex! Thanks bro! :)
Rules: Name ten of your favorite characters from ten different fandoms then tag other victims to do the same!
And I actually will only pick ten this time... unless they’re tied equally. That tends to happen a lot. 
I’m so excited for this one. :D
And because this is about characters... I have to talk about each one, with at least one bullet point response for each (or paragraphs... who knows). Sorry that this may turn into one long-ass post, but... characterization is my jam. 
‘Kay. Here we go!
1. Killua Zoldyck (very closely followed by Gon Freecss...) from Hunter X Hunter.
Ah, goodness. 
Killua Zoldyck belongs at the top of this list for numerous reasons, even though I struggle to place a number in order for these characters. Truthfully, the top... three or four or so on this list will be pretty much in order. As much as I adore Gon Freecss and his role in the anime, Killua is, by far, the most unexpected turnout of a character I have seen in this medium. 
Killua’s storyline stems from a tragic yet morally ambiguous background, taking into account the many times we’re meant to feel sympathetic for a murderous little assassin child. 
Aside from his marvelous design and relatively innocent appearance, this character is ultimately self-sacrificing in nature for the few (or two, really) people he truly cares for, most obviously Gon and Alluka. 
Without going into a long tangent about the many reasons why this character has subverted many tropes and has created a well-deserved staple in the world of anime and manga, Killua stands out as a passionate, relatable and emotionally vulnerable character who never strikes me as unrealistic in his ambitions. 
There’s an undeniable rawness to him, this sensational connection that few characters have created for me, coupled alongside my constant desire to learn more and more about his mind works and what his relationship to Gon parallels in the world we live in.
He’s also the character I’ve related to the most -- in personality, fears, flaws, and even family dynamics -- even more so than number two on this list...
2. Izuku Midoriya (very closely followed by Katsuki Bakugou...) from Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia.
Similar to my reaction to Killua Zoldyck as a character, Izuku Midoriya is someone who I never believed I could actually enjoy as far as shōnen protagonists are concerned. This character’s flaws are very rare when considering the genre as a whole, but again, his self-sacrificing nature and total lack of self-preservation serve as fantastic parallels to not only his own story, but the lives of the people around him, especially that of All Might and Katsuki Bakugou. 
Izuku is also an incredibly fine example of a young shōnen character with inspiring dreams and ambitions that never seems out of place on someone his age. 
He feels realistic, and I relate to this character so much that it’s almost concerning. I love his design, his motivations, his personality, and his flaws. He is a very well-drawn character with a wonderful drive and incredible development, and most of all... he demonstrates fine ability to be what he wants to be outside of the realm of superpowers, which are so prevalent in the canon universe of the manga in which he stars.
I have not only an intense fondness and analytical love for this character, but admiration as well. Izuku’s dreams feel palpable, and I feel inspired whenever I watch him pursue his ambitions through hard work, determination, work ethic, and a rare dash of humility that is so rare to find in shōnen main protagonists.
A perfect example of a character who is masculine and strong while not fitting into the clean stereotypes that make others in the genre the way they are.
3. Zuko (very closely followed by Sokka and Iroh...) from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
There’s plenty of nostalgia connected to this one, aside from my immense amount of respect for the cartoon in general. Zuko is a character that changed the dynamic of cartoon antagonists/protagonists for many reasons, and his storyline is fantastically paralleled to Aang’s. 
His storyline is one of my favorites I’ve seen in a cartoon/anime, and most likely because it was one of the first I had seen at the time. Becoming familiar with this character and exploring the complicated corners of his personality is an absolute treat, and over the course of the entire show we are able to become familiar with his story, his character, and the immense flaws and strengths that compose him as a whole. 
And I guarantee that the term “redemption arc” mostly stems from this guy. As it should. (Unfortunately it’s led to far too many renditions and rehashings of this idea... *sigh.*)
It was honestly extremely difficult choosing between Zuko and Sokka, as my reasons for adoring both characters are completely different, but there’s something to be said about how difficult this was from the show itself. 
Avatar’s characters explore incredible depth in most of their cast, with both antagonists and protagonists, and Zuko’s storyline is not one to be missed.
4. Severus Snape from the Harry Potter book series.
Ah, this character. 
My reasons for this one are relatively simple, and are more related to the ingenious strategies J.K. Rowling incorporated into making this character believable, sympathetic (depending on the reader -- this opinion fluctuates quite often) and one of the most intriguing characters in the Harry Potter universe. 
From the very beginning there’s an intensity to Snape that is unrivaled with others, littered with constant questions and wondering what his place in the overall story could be. 
With each revelation I found myself continuously fascinated, and as far as I’m concerned, no one could have brought this character to life better than Alan Rickman in the film adaptations. His gravely voice, greasy black hair, intense emotional resonance matched with the subdued reactions expected of the character... I consider it to be legendary, and the best casting choice in the entire film series. 
My admiration for Snape’s storyline is more based on the fact that these continued revelations are woven like a fucking quilt throughout the books, dancing with questions and nagging points that prompt the readers to furrow their brow and wonder where Rowling was going with this guy.
I will never forget the genuine shock and adoration I felt for this character’s depth and incredible complexity, even far past the sniveling, frigid exterior and morally ambiguous background.
5. Daenerys Targaryen (closely followed by Jamie and Tyrion Lannister, and Sansa Stark) from A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones.
Oh my god it was so fucking difficult picking my favorite Game of Thrones character. Jesus. 
I actually didn’t think good old Mother of Dragons would make it to the top of my choices, considering my immense fondness for the characters closely following behind her. (And there are so many characters I admire and love from this universe, so those don’t even scratch the surface). 
But, when it came down to deciding which one outranked the others, I had to take into consideration what made me fall in love with them to begin with. 
Daenerys Targaryen has some of the greatest character development and growth that I’ve seen in any medium. 
This is a rather bold statement. But, as far as growth and development, I found myself consistently fascinated with Daenerys’ storylines, especially in the first two to three seasons. She evolves from this meek, timid, spineless woman sold as a slave to a barbarian warlord, to an incredibly influential and flawed self-proclaimed queen, with a fascinating historical context that elevates her above others. 
Daenerys has grown rather stagnant as far as development in the last season or so, which is what made me hesitate. However, my admiration for her, as the Breaker of Chains, or even the Khaleesi, stemmed from her bold, brave choices and ultimately well-meaning (yet naive) heart. 
So while my feelings for her in general are mixed, my admiration and fascination with her development from the beginning of the series to now is just... unbelievable. To see it progress this far has been a treat, indeed.
6. Mrs. Brisby from The Secret of NIMH.
A bit more of a nostalgic trip here as well, but The Secret of NIMH is one of my all-time favorite films, and a beautiful encapsulation of dark fantasy, magical wonder, family dynamics, motherhood, and the strength in the small against something larger than life. 
And Mrs. Brisby is a character that deserves a place amongst the best for many reasons, and many of her best qualities have to do with her bravery and determination to save her family from a cause that seems far too great. 
She is admirable in her courage, relatable in her vulnerability and fear, and inspiring in the lengths she will go to save her little family. 
I admired this character as a little girl, and still do this day as a young adult. With the hundreds of films and television shows I’ve seen (and on top of countless books), there are few characters who resemble the importance of motherhood as well as this one.
7. Roy Mustang (closely followed by Edward Elric and Wrath) from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
Fuck. I broke my own rule. 
Now, Roy and Riza have one of my favorite dynamics in anything I’ve ever had the pleasure to watch (I have never read the manga). Also, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is my second favorite anime of all time, so that made it even more difficult to pick a favorite. Many of the characters are complex and likable, but after some serious inner debate, I had to go for this.
Roy Mustang is a character who could easily display himself as a bit of a pretentious character, especially with his grounding by the hand of Riza Hawkeye. 
His encounter with Lust is one of my favorites I’ve ever seen, and his backstory with that of Maes Hughes and Riza Hawkeye add so much to all three of their developments that it almost makes it impossible not to sympathize. 
Roy’s anger is palpable in this series. Even more so, dare I say it, than Edward’s. As much as I adore Edward (and as fascinating as I find Wrath), and relate to him and just... love his story, there’s something about Roy that calls me back to those fateful moments where he struggles to grasp his need for revenge and the greater good of the situation surrounding him.
His consistent arc as a character, and his connection Maes Hughes, only adds to his development and his wonderful relationship with Riza Hawkeye. I also heavily appreciate his mentor role to Edward, and how easy it is to relate to him within everything else.
8. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III from How to Train Your Dragon.
So, this film series in general is definitely DreamWorks’ magnum opus, and no one can convince me otherwise. The character development with Hiccup is not only relatable and endearing, but admirable as well. He stands out with his consistent decisions and changes, and his incredible attachment and relationship with Toothless is wonderful to observe.
On top of this, I find myself often comparing the character of Hiccup and Izuku Midoriya (which makes me think of an HTTYD AU and as much as I love that idea... gosh, I don’t have the time haha), due to their lacking roles in the society they’ve been born in and their incredible intelligence and awkward mannerisms. Also, they’re both freckled (hooray for my freckled faves)! 
Hiccup’s tenacious attitude and courage is easily combined with his incredibly kind heart and trust in his companions. The development between him and Toothless is rooted in a friendship that we understand through vivid actions and understanding (and relating to) Hiccup’s personality and roles as the outcast/black sheep in his village of Berk.
I adore this character, and the series that has inspired him. Also, there’s something to be said about his ever-changing role in the movies, and I’m so incredibly excited to see where his character is taken with the third impending installment. 
9. Raven from Teen Titans.
Yeah, okay, more nostalgia in this one. Raven is a character that I admired from the very first time I watched Teen Titans, and above all else, I found her backstory, personality, character development and superpowers to easily be the most interesting of the gang. The cartoon is charming and dark and mature when it needs to be (in most cases), and much of the relatable and occasional complex nature to the cartoon involves this character.
Raven’s powers and her empathetic connection to the world around her is an idea that fascinates me each and every day. 
Even with original novels I’ve planned out and magic systems I’ve created, a great deal of my protagonists (usually cycled through on multiple drafts) have been subconsciously inspired by this ability and this general connection to the surrounding world. 
I had no idea how much Raven herself inspired me as a writer and creator until I considered my inspiration for the female characters I normally admire in these mediums. Her flaws are understandable while, at times, both irritating and relatable. Her design is far less stereotypically “pretty” when compared to, say, Starfire. There’s an element to her that screams authenticity when compared to the other Titans that I always found myself drawn to the most.
She deserves the popular following she has, both in the comics (from what I understand) and in this beloved cartoon.
10. Chihiro from Spirited Away.
Ah, this film. Goodness. 
There’s something brilliant about Chihiro and her character in general, but my reasons for liking her so much are mostly derived from the experience that I get to have as the viewer into the world of Spirited Away. This film is... a masterpiece, in every sense of the word, crafted by the ingenious hand of Hayao Miyazaki. And this man truly knows his characters, and is one of the greatest crafters of strong female protagonists I have ever seen.
Chihiro is young, and acts young. She is scared, and acts scared. She sobs, and wails, and trembles, and reacts as any little girl in her dire situation would. 
But, she is believable in her bouts of courage, in her desire to achieve her goal and her willingness to break out of the shell she’s been granted to mature past her years. Her journey in the film rides on her shoulders, exposing her kind, giving heart as well as her unabashed bravery, which makes her easy to relate to and cheer for until long after the film’s credits stop rolling.
She is a character who is so human, so enticing, and so accurate of female representation that I find myself wondering time and time again why I haven’t reviewed the film she’s in yet. 
Chihiro is one of the more complex female protagonists I watched as a little girl, and I admire her journey and personality to this day as a staple in anime. 
Woo. Well, that was a wild ride. Thanks for reading!
I’m going to tag... @decembercamiecherries, @tonerukun, @killushawn, @soulestring, @diggitydamnsebastianstan, and... whoever else wants to! Go for it! And I tagged these people because they were the first ones to pop in mind, so... yeah. You guys don’t have to do it. XD 
Until next time!
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