#ship if you dont want to. youre your own woman you dont answer to any one and I’ll kill any of my crew who try to order you around!!!
riggedtraps · 3 months
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Hi, I'm Amanda. Or you can call me Mandy, I don't care. I'm 29. I guess I'm a woman, but I don't care about that either. She/her or they/them is fine, maybe even he/him if you want. Definition of the 'mean lesbian' stereotype.
I work for Jigsaw, so watch what you say around me. He helped me and maybe He can help you, too. DMs and asks from anyone is fine.
I should probably mention I have BPD. Petulant, impulsive and self destructive. So if I'm rude, it's probably me being a cunt, not you.
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that intro better be in character or ill cry </3
anyway ooc introduction!!
i'm gia, i use they/them pronouns. im agender (and so is amanda, she just doesnt know it yet!). i also have bpd too, so yes, will be accurate to my experiences. im a minor so nothing too nsfw or gross.
literally anyone can interact! whether ur a rp blog or not, i will literally roleplay with anyone, even oc blogs (y'all are so cool). send me asks or dm me, whatever works. any ships too, i dont mind, though ofc mandys only romantically interested in women and nonbinary folks, but platonic ships with anyone works! :3C
i'm making this because im obsessed with saw rn its my special interest and i kin amanda so hard <3 first ever roleplay blog ive ran, so excuse any mistakes. gonna try keep amanda in character as much as possible, but may add a few headcanons in here and there. if she's ooc, please excuse that too. 🙏
of course, it's amanda so there's gonna be triggers for self harm, suicidal tendencies, mental health, and then general triggers for the saw franchise. will tag things such as self harm with 'tw self harm' or 'tw cutting' so block those if you don’t wanna see it.
also gonna reblog stuff i think amanda would like, so stuff like punk, goth, music stuff—but also blood, weapons, horror. not full gore but implications of it. will trigger tag them, so block those if you don't wanna see it.
gonna use ❪ ❫ for when out of character. e.g ❪hii!! :3❫
'꩜—mandy rants' : making in character posts
'꩜—gia rants' : ooc posts
'꩜—mandy answers' : tag to keep track of answering asks
'꩜—mandy rps' : for roleplay threads
'꩜—mandy writes' : short stories i imagine amanda wrote as a hobby/vent
my main blog: @messyscarletdreams
'♫—mandy's playlist' : songs i associate with amanda/think she'd like
each blog i interact with will have their own tag of their user for easier tracking
each character i interact with has a tag with amanda e.g '❪ john & amanda. ❫'
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my saw oc blog: @poor-impulsecontrol
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franflam (they are not sisters)
ahahahahaHAHA this is exactly what i was expecting people to send in when i said "controversial ships". no one is ready for one of my signature franflam tangents
under the cut:
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you know the last time i did this ship bingo thing someone asked me about franflam too and i just flat out refused to respond because i didnt want to touch the discourse with a ten foot pole. either me putting my opinions here will get me cancelled or it will summon some people hopefully sane about this discourse. i love gambling
to preface, my honest opinions on the matter are that whatever the hell those two got going on in canon is queerbaiting. i say this as someone who bought star allies on a whim at gamestop as their very first kirb game like two years after it released, not even knowing kirby still made games at that time, and thus played the game with zero biases towards anything but yeah those two were written with a weird attachment to each other and it would be stupid to outright deny that. do i think franflam is canon though?: absolutely not and also i hate everyone who claims that with a passion. you could make a claim with a reasonable amount of evidence for either side of the argument and the fact that its even remotely possible both could be true at once, along with kumazaki himself either refusing to elaborate or confirm, or giving even More support to Either side is absolute bullshit and any sort of grey area here is totally his and the writers faults so hey can we all stop arguing about what the "correct" answer is when there literally isnt really one
anyways with that out of the way, heres all of the reasons i hate franflam without mentioning "potential incest" as a concern even once
their dynamic in canon is stereotypical angry black woman is overprotective of stereotypical dainty elegant white woman. hate that. gives me bad vibes. the whole "to show one character is in love with the other, they talk about their love interest nonstop every half second" trope is absolutely HANDS DOWN my absolute least favorite romance trope EVER. it drives me absolutely insane. thats the #1 way to get me to hate both of the characters and their relationship the fastest. holy shit shut up and focus on the story and whats happening around you instead of shoehorning mention of the other person into your words nonstop. hate that. i also hate the "person a is overprotective of their love interest" trope too, esp when it extends into jealously of the other person hanging out with others (sparkling pupupu world does this, for example). feels gross. can feel infantizing. if people see that as romantic good for you but i can not see it ever. its overly possessive. i think having a trio of mages and having two of them being separated and off fucking around on their own all the time as their "happy ending" is bad writing, especially when it comes to zans character being so heavily affected by her isolation from others and how hyness treated her AND YOU JUST GO AND SEPERATE THEM INTO FRAN+FLAM AND ZAN+HYNESS ALL THE TIME FOR SOME REASON HELLO. JUST MAKE ONE MAGE CHARACTER IN THAT CASE IF TWO OF THE TRIO HAVE NO DEVELOPMENT OR PURPOSE OTHER THAN TO FUCK OFF BY THEMSELVES. and then people who ship franflam also often end up shipping hynzan cause of that EWWWWWW GROSSSSSSS. also fran+flam being more close because the jambacult is a broken family that needs to heal Or them being more close because flam is an overprotective older sibling are INFINITELY more interesting to me as concepts than: "fran+flam are closer to each other and not zan because theyre dating and thus inherently dont care about zan as much because platonic relationships are always secondary to romantic". hate that. and the fandom. oh my God as people might be able to tell by all of the arrows on the bingo sheet i have fucking FEELINGS about this this needs a whole new paragraph
okay so. so 😍. i have this thing i call "red flag ships" where the ships are fine as a concept on paper but for some reason the shippers are just absolutely Rancid and that throws me off from liking the ship in its entirely and i get really sussed out by anyone who ships it. franflam is a red flag ship. i think the shippers have gotten so used to being yelled at by people who think theyre siblings that theyve pavlov'd themselves into being insanely hostile and aggressive to anyone who doesn't ship them. at least thats what i can tell from anyone whos Open and remotely loud about shipping them. istg i am not joking in the slightest when i say 95% of my interactions with people who Happen to be big or even decently into shipping franflam have been godawful. the convos dont even have to be around franflam i just think the ship inherently attracts awful people because its only aggressive toxic people who arent scared about shipping it openly. is that generalizing?: Yeah but thats just my personal experience. i have never met someone loud about liking franflam or who makes content for it that wasnt an awful asshole or yikes person in some way
that said, people who really like the ship but are quiet or lowkey about it usually end up being super chill and cool. its just the goddamn Fandom i have an issue with really. so anyone whos normal about it i am so sorry for you lmao
in a somewhat unrelated manner, i used to be somewhat close with someone who had franflam as their ultimate otp and God they fucking sucked. apart from redirecting every convo ever to be about franflam, they were also insanely nasty to anyone who even remotely saw them as siblings because they inherently saw it as an attack against franflam, so theyd always be making comments like "can you believe anyones stupid enough to see them as siblings" and "kinda misogynistic and lesbiophobic that metadede and marxolor are more popular than franflam when franflam is so blatantly canon" and yadayadayada they would say that shit completely unironically even right in front of me when they knew i hc'd them as siblings. i could complain up enough of a storm about that person and all of the insane things they said and did to fill up another 10 paragraphs but in general they were awful and really awful to me and multiple friends and you know what. i fucking hate the ship because of that too. sue me i cant stand seeing it around and i get grossed out by it.
on another note if i see anyone trying to push franflam as canon i will kick your ass. it might seem like im complaining about a problem that doesnt exist since tumblr is very anti-franflam, but on other sites its the opposite and if i had a nickel for every stupid "franflam is definitely canon and the only canon option and here's why" argument ive ever heard and could Easily debunk i could buy a fucking mansion. how to tell franflam shipppers its Okay if their ship isnt canon challenge: impossible (generalizing ofc, this whole rant is generalizing. take with a grain of salt. man i hate franflam)
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elfdyke · 1 year
do you have any nica pierce and tiffany valentine headcanons?
letting this ask age like fine wine until i got to the perfect point to answer it which is right now i guess <3
im not sure if you were asking for them separately or as a ship but uhhhh ill just cover all my bases ^_^
when nica was in college she was kind of a heart breaker. she hadn’t dated very much in highschool, probably just some boy for a few months, mainly out of a feeling of obligation, but she really hits her stride in college. it helps because shes finally on her own, she can spread her wings without the burden of feeling like the pitiful disabled girl with the mentally ill mother. in college she gets to be witty and charming and make friends who dont know her dreary backstory. also in college she realizes she is in fact a lesbian.. <3 (insert obligatory changing my major reference thank you kora)
nica’s kind of reveling in the discovery of women and kissing women and being with women and well she is all about that but i fear that she is a huge commitmentphobe is the problem. the list of messy exes and ghosted one night stands is something that honestly embarrasses nica but well you see they were too clingy ! (wanted to sleep over after having sex) they were too pushy and nosey! (asked about her childhood)
basically um. well imagine growing up and your mother drills it into you over and over again that the scariest most dangerous thing you can do is fall in love with someone. that no matter what nica does, dont love another person. dont open yourself up to the hurt, the pain, the loss. and nica rebuffs it because of course she does. she resents her mother for thinking nica cant handle herself, handle possible loss or pain, but she grew up on this, this fear and anguish seeped into her brain and now she herself is terrified of that possible loss. so she simply does not open herself up to that! which is actually what is so funny but also perfect about tiffanica to me. nica so resistent and fearful of commitment and mutual love that it takes another woman literally keeping her in their house like a wounded bird for her to get the kind of exposure therapy she needed to see that maybe being loved is not the terrible thing she grew up thinking it would be
oh also i really believe that sarah pierce has had a few suicide scares in the past, and that was particularly hard when barb was away from home (nica would be 12-18 all by herself with her mother). nica feels extremely responsible for her mothers mental health and keeping her safe. in fact i genuinely believe that the reason nica is at home in curse is not because of her own health reasons but because sarahs mental health took a pretty drastic drip and, of course barb refused to take care of her (she wanted to send her to a care home/or a ward), so nica swallowed her pride and gave up her independence to move back with her mother and keep an eye on her while she got better. i genuinely believe this is canon i wont lie, i feel like its very well supported in the text and implications of the movie.. but im just throwing it in here because i like spreading the good word
so for tiffany its pretty much canon that she meets chucky when shes uhhh 19 if we are being generous. shes very young. and hes in his late 20s </3. so well for tiffany i think she had a very messy time in her teenage years. a lot of intense relationships that were not good for her at all, she wanted to feel something, feel alive and in control but these men dont really wake that feeling up in her. she’s not careful with herself, i wouldnt call her suicidal but shes not very concerned with her life. visiting bars and hooking up with dangerous looking men for a thrill, shes kind of just waiting to get murdered about it the rate shes going. but when she meets chucky the pieces just fall into place. their relationship is so turbulent and exciting and dangerous and everything tiffany thought she wanted. but chucky is on a level above tiffany, hes colder, more calculating, more manipulative and dangerous, despite how badly tiffany wants to be just as despicable as him.
this isnt so much a headcanon but uhhhh. the fact that tiffany and chucky are together for 2 years before he dies. the fact that chucky kills her mother.. ^_^ um well i think that was probably just about the most fucked up thing. you have no one but me. she was holding you back. she wanted to stop you, but i want to set you free. etc etc etc… AGHH. when youre wrapped up so tightly in another person like that, in such a twisted and desperate and unhealthy way, it really does make sense that tiffany is obsessed with chucky ten years later. especially the fact that in that time she had idealized him so severely, i really believe that tiffany had completely twisted their relationship up in her head in the 10 years he was gone. she convinces herself that what they had was magical, that he was the one for her, that he was more loving than he actually was, that he held a certain amount of tenderness for her that shes emphasized in her mind. that she was the villain in their relationship, the desperate jealous bitch who hurt her loving boyfriend, without even giving him a chance. she gets the chucky heart tattoo when she finds out he dies, revels in the pain. she deserves to hurt after what she did. its less of a tattoo and more of a brand
hmmm kind of headcanon but also kind of implied canon due to jennifer and fiona’s machinations.. but i really like the concept of tiffany and nica having a very complicated and interesting dynamic post cult. the first time tiffany meets nica properly, is after chucky has hurt her. maybe he hit her or said something particularly hurtful, but she swings back and hits him across the face and well. out comes nica. this is how they meet the first few times. nica manages to wrangle her anxiety and panic under control, seeing the way that tiffany is so hysterically upset and anguished. and she comforts her. she doesnt know what else to do, she hates tiffany, cant look at her without hearing “she’s dead, miss pierce” ringing in her ears but the longer tiffany spends sobbing in nicas arms, she doesnt feel that burning hatred in the pit of her stomach. the fear kind of subsides a little too, not by much, but its not the overwhelming blind panic she felt the first time this happened. shes realizing that tiffany is not the cold calculating villain that she had believed her to be. that shes broken, hurting and scared, and desperately in love with chucky, someone who cant love her back the way she wants, the way she needs.. nica pities her
also the rest of my tiffanica thoughts lie squarely in the alternate but better reality where nica never gets dismembered and tiffany exorcises chucky from her body, so them living in tiffanys house together is a lot more like. focused on their dynamic and how they learn to care for each other in a way that makes sense to both of them. its kind of everything to me.. ^_^
OH one additional silly headcanon i have is that barb owned a copy of bound, but she left it at home after leaving to college, and a young nica ends up stumbling upon it and well um. it in fact does affect her in ways.
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gaelic-symphony · 1 year
for the character thingy:
Regina/Evil Queen
No pressure to do all of them though if you don't want to ✌️
For Tara:
Why I like them: She's everything to me!!!! She's kind, strong, empathetic, emotionally intelligent, totally badass, and unbelievably hot. She's my wife and I love her. She's perfect. 10/10 no notes.
Why I don’t: I do not have an answer for this. I literally cannot think of a single reason not to like her!
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Ugh, it's impossible to pick just one! Either Mirror Image or False Flag.
Favorite season/movie: 13. It's a great season for her, and a great season for Temily.
Favorite line: When she refers to herself as "the woman behind the woman (Emily)." I take this as proof that Temily is canon.
Favorite outfit: GREEN DRESS 🥵
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OTP: Temily
Brotp: Talvez (Luke and Tara)
Head Canon: She's a dog person, but has never actually owned a dog.
Unpopular opinion: This fandom's constant sidelining of Tara is deeply rooted in racism and misogyny. The only reason she's not as popular as other characters is because she's a Black woman.
A wish: I wish the fandom would stop treating her like a minor character!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Her leaving the show
5 words to best describe them: The love of my life!
My nickname for them: Wifey💕
For Emily:
Why I like them: Lesbian with mommy issues who just wants to be accepted and loved. She's just like me fr! Also her growth as a character from season 2 to season 16 is absolutely beautiful to watch.
Why I don’t: I don't like fanon Emily. She's nothing like canon Emily.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Demonology!!!!!!!
Favorite season/movie: Hmmm I might have to go with 16 because I love gray haired Section Chief Prentiss! I hate so, so much of Evolution, but for Emily purposes, it's an absolute masterpiece.
Favorite line: I have many, but "I've got a Glock leveled at your crotch" certainly stands out!
Favorite outfit: Cargo pants. Iconic lesbian wear.
OTP: Temily!!!!!!!
Brotp: Demily
Head Canon: Her parents divorced when she was in college, and even though she's not close with either of her parents, she has more of a relationship with her mother than with her father.
Unpopular opinion: Almost nobody in this fandom understands her or interprets her correctly. She is NOT a bumbling incompetent. She is NOT chaos personified. She is NOT comic relief. She would also never talk like a Gen Z TikToker. She's a middle-aged federal employee who excels at her job and has close, caring, mature relationships with the people she works with.
A wish: I wish people would stop butchering her character. This includes wishing they would stop shipping her with men.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Hotchniss. Really any het Emily ship, but especially that one. It's an abomination.
5 words to best describe them: A lesbian for the lesbians!
My nickname for them: Other wifey💕
For JJ:
Why I like them: She's a deep, complex character with so much room for fandom exploration. Also pretty lady make lesbian brain go brrrr 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Why I don’t: I don't really like the direction her character took in later seasons, when she came back as a profiler. I love media liaison JJ, and I love Evolution JJ, but in seasons 7-15, she just doesn't do it for me like other CM women do.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Hmmm probably North Mammon?
Favorite season/movie: 5 was a good look for her! I liked the bangs.
Favorite line: "It's not people, it's men."
Favorite outfit: Her Evolution crop top and leggings combo 🥵
OTP: I honestly don't know that I have one? I love Jemily and Jara, but I think Temily is endgame.
Brotp: JJ and Morgan!
Head Canon: If Henry had been a girl, JJ would have named her Rose, after Rosaline.
Unpopular opinion: Reid stans are way too hard on JJ, to the point of being misogynistic about their dislike of her character.
A wish: I wish the Jeid confession had never happened!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Will becoming a main character on CM.
5 words to best describe them: too complex for this fandom😒😒
My nickname for them: I don't really have one
It's been sooooo long since I was in my SwanQueen era, so I don't think I can answer all of these for Regina, but I'll answer some!
Why I like them: Ummm...she's a morally gray milf? Literally what more do you need?
Favorite outfit: Her in suits 🥵🥵🥵
OTP: SwanQueen!!!!
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thewoodbine · 2 years
Hello there,
I have come to you before and you always gave me the best of advice.
I am female, unhappily married, I have a small kid, and I began an affair with a woman almost 5 months ago. We had our fair share of drama, she is 23 and I am 30. I wanted to leave my husband but I am from a small European country where the life of a woman that divorces her husband for another woman would not be easy. I would most surely lose custody of my kid...
After I asked for a divorce my husband made a 180 turn and has become so affectionate, so attentive... but I feel as if I lost all love for him. I battled with a bad case of post-partum and he was also depressed as life changed with a New born kid...
I invited her over recently, and we were not intimate in that instance because I don't feel I could do it in his and i's home... but I had a moment when she was sat at his chair in the kitchen when it all became real to me... the posibility of losing my family if it all came out... how small she is... how in that moment I missed him so much. And it did not make sense to me. I thought I hated him since he was so absent in my time of need... how selfish he had been...
Ever since that moment I kept feeling this: get out of this affair.. and I keep hearing in my head: this is your Last chance... As if someone is holding something from crashing but the weight is wearing them down ... This morning I woke up at 5:55... numbers don't catch my eyes most of the time but this time... it just felt different. This morning my husband informs me he would like to switch from a 3(mornings, noon and nights) shifts to 2... so we would be always opposite shifts and be able to enroll the kid into kindergarden... if he doesnt work nightshifts I will no longer be able to swing by her place once a week. The kid would be starting in the fall but I jumped the gun and told her and basically called it quits...
I dont understand myself... if I hate him and love her... why do i keep getting the fealing that I need to leave her... like... like I am on a sinking ship but no one else is seeing that... she is lovind and carting and protective and all I could want in a partner ..she has flaws, we all have... but why? Could it be something leading me...?
Please help me... any piece of advice... I always listened to you.
Well, I can't pass any judgment here. I don't know what your experience is like...but I'll do my best to try to give my opinion. Remember though that you already have all of the answers you need, and this is a choice you have to make. I only have this little piece of your life story and this tinnnyy bit of information is the only thing I can weigh in on, so I speak without the full picture. Use your own compass here.
It sounds to me like you've overthought yourself to death. You no longer see the forest for the trees. You've talked yourself into up is down and down is up and then back again and now you don't know anymore- except your gut hasn't been fooled. You already know what you should do.
If it were me, I also think you need to immediately end this affair and go back to your family- and if you're not coming clean to your spouse you should immediately. I'm sure she's very nice but you've made a family. You should think about your happiness, yes, of course, but you should think about your child and your husband too. If they are serving their roles in the family and making you happy and trying their best and you are the one wanting to have both, then that is selfish and will lead to your own suffering. I don't say this to shame. I say this because I truly genuinely believe that selfishness and expectations are the roots of all human suffering. Look how much you are suffering now because of this choice, and how much pain you have caused others. An affair is a horrible thing to do to someone else. I'm trying not to let my personal bias for women and LGBTQ couples get in the way and imagine how I feel about men who have affairs because they are unhappy without communicating that unhappiness to their spouse. I would not be very patient with that person.
Instead, I'd recommend you to speak to your husband about what made you seek out this affair in the first place and try to work on that. What needs were not being met? In what way did you fail him? How did he fail you? Fix the relationship you have if it can be fixed.
That's my two cents anyway. I really appreciate your trust and honesty and vulnerability here and I really hope it all works out for the best for everyone involved here.
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
i got your ask and i loved it! maybe the seasonal knightfall symbolism was the stuff we made up along the way.
i also wanted to say its so funny (terrible) to me how the idea that sometimes a character doesnt need romance (which i think is fine on its own! i think w/eiss is more empowered by rebuilding her existing family and having friends than she would be with a romantic interest for example) has been twisted so fucking awfully into "any female character i dont want to be happy/i think is getting in the way of my ship/is evil/etc doesnt need romance because she's powerful enough as it is :) im not misogynistic i just want women to be empowered!" im gonna start doing this with male characters actually. cmon guys s/un is cool amd strong enough as it is he doesn't need a love interest :)!! if the writers give him one its just ridiculous 🙄🙄
i just hate seeing people use good points to be fucking annoying to people who like things. i want cinder and salem and every bad evil naughty no good villain woman to get a romance now. and the men can too i guess 🙄🙄 (JOKING they need kisses too. looking at you merc)
if this is rambly im sorry its 2 am again (whoops)
(Now you can see where the previous post I made came from because I was on that seasons shit).
You make excellent points. I think the case with Weiss, though, is that it is actually a textual interpretation of her character, and her parallel with Qrow (her team S/TRQ analogue) is that their character arcs are largely connected to repairing familial relations (and their respective team partner Ruby-Summer). Weiss also gets a different play on Ozlem in her own story (as you pointed out she's almost an even split of their respective roles) which I think is partly being done to show how part of the weakness, say, both Ozlem have is that they don't have supportive, broader connections; Knightfall is the connective tissue, yes, but I do think Cinder being accepted back into the community (... dare I say with the elixir of life) is part of the key to her redemption holistically. But it's ultimately a cop out, otherwise, when this argument is employed, because as you can see it's not about Cinder's character or Cinder's desires.
The problem also here is that Cinder has no friends or family. The overtures of 'friendship' has failured her. How can an orphan have the same character arc as Weiss? It's just nonsensical. Romance for her has been set up as the answer. It has not been dismissed, not at all. Calculatedly so there is a gap in her narrative waiting to be filled.
im gonna start doing this with male characters actually. cmon guys s/un is cool amd strong enough as it is he doesn't need a love interest :)!! if the writers give him one its just ridiculous 🙄🙄
Lol ikr like come on. Make way boys. Then again I've literally seen people say this about Jaune, but Jaune's a special case because he's a victim of being the wrong sort of male character since he has a unique superpower and is my favourite and I am being persecuted in particular.
Jaune if you want narrative armour to protect you from fans being stupid you need to take your shirt off like Sun. (This is the future feminists want).
i just hate seeing people use good points to be fucking annoying to people who like things.
I mean, it's not even really a feminist talking point though, that's the problem, or if it is it's severely misunderstanding the literature. The problem itself is not romantic love, it's a female character being unable to grow beyond that or have her own character. Where I think a real issue is, is so often what we call 'romance' is little more than narrative boon. Narrative boon is itself not the problem: but she acts as a doll-prize, with no crafted character arc, with no justification, with no anything. The romance is not servicing the narrative.
So it's a genre problem.
If anything the argument here I defer to is one of technical weakness, as opposed to simple gender criticism, because I think if you can't write female characters you cannot write holistic characters (and this goes for everyone else). What I think is a serious issue that is overshadowed by discussing fiction as opposed to our actual lives is, you know, what is the role of romance in our own lives? How do we build our lives around it? How do we celebrate reciprocal love? One might say that the objectified portrayal of women in these types of objectified romances comes from the idea that women's needs, desires, and wants are ultimately accessory. The desire is not for reciprocal romance. This is exactly why anons who are bad-faith arguing with me cannot conceive of Knightfall because they don't know what romance actually is. (Take note of the sense of owedness in some of the bad faith anons; this sense that love is transactional, that love is something you are owed, not a gift that is shared, that it is something that is kept as punishment).
Or, were I not arguing from the angle of critical cultural reflection, I might just say they don't... know how to write interrelated character growth that so happens to involve romance. But they do that fine enough in buddy cop shows and film - which is probably the most structurally analogous to romance - so there's something deeper going on here.
In Weiss' case there is a deliberate theme of her Summon - her own familial Semblance - being the one to 'free' her, along with her friends. Given the fact that we have so many other romances that seem inevitable, tying her emotional development - GIVING her that emotional development, not abnegating her - to her family is actually really successful. It means that Weiss can have love central in her life, different types of love, and it gives you narrative space to explore why romantic love is meaningful. It's possible to do with an ensemble cast.
In Cinder's case, romantic love is what's needed. It's got to be one person in particular who can help her. Not just anyone. It's got to be epic and no holds-barred. If anyone could help her, why didn't it happen sooner?
i want cinder and salem and every bad evil naughty no good villain woman to get a romance now. and the men can too i guess 🙄🙄 (JOKING they need kisses too. looking at you merc)
🥺 Jaune can have little a kiss as a treat? And Mercury. Oh, we've not even started on the discourse of Emerald's love for him helping him redeem himself. Well guess what: his love for her already helped free her. 🥰 Now she's going to realise it 🥰 and that gift will be returned twicefold, tenfold, a thousandfold 🥰 since there is no numerical way of quantifying it, as it's magical and special 🥰 and then 🥰 I wonder what OTHER ENEMIES-TO-LOVERS ROMANCE THIS COULD SET UP. I WONDER WHAT OTHER ENEMIES-TO-LOVERS ROMANCE THIS COULD
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spacepunksupreme · 2 years
I just watched The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1973) and can’t get over this bit where, for some reason, they decided to pretend Caroline Munro was unattractive to like make Sinbad look like a really good and deep guy for finding some kind of unseen beauty in her. Like they introduce her with her character’s slave master noticing Sinbad looking at her and going “augh you like that plain, boring little slave girl? That simple, ordinary girl? Well, if you find something appealing about her—I don’t know what—youre welcome to have her, I have no use for her, with her being so butt-ugly and all”
meanwhile Caroline Munro is standing there looking like this
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nyxreads · 2 years
I love your posts about Elain but we ship her with different guy. I think Az do not only lusts for her but it's a redflg that he gave the necklace to another woman something I doubt Lucien would do. Plus, Az and Elain gives a vibe that they are just friends or siblings. I'm not forcing you to like my ship I just think it's being hypocritical of you to stan her but ship her with a lustful guy and who doesn't trust her.
Also, I'd like to say that Az giving the necklace to Gwyn is a foreshadowing of them being endgame.
This is just my opinion and observation. I don't need any fight so if you're going to answer please be respectful. That's all
Ok, streeeetch. I promised before I would never answer anon from other side again, but well.
Okay anon, well, first thank you for liking my posts about Elain. And I really don't care if we ship her with different guy as long as we both know Elain's worth and capabilities.
Second, okay, honestly this is so exhausting. Like idk how many Elriels already explained this one but do you understand what you said "lusting over Elain" and then them being "friends or siblings". I'm gonna explain these two opposite claims tho, (but pls next time try to stick with one claim to debunk Elriel and not always contradicting your own claim)
"Azriel only lust for Elain" first, the guy didn't look at Elain for the very first time and wanted to have her right there and then. No, their relationship gradually moves from friends to lovers (tho not exactly lovers atm). Here's a canon build up between these two. And I'd like you to also read this line from the Bonus Chapter:
So he slept only when his body gave out, and even then only for a few hours.
This is not a guy who only "lusts" after Elain. The man cannot sleep and only when his body gave out, he's clearly suffering. In pain. And it's so obvious why. He said it to Rhysand:
“What if the Cauldron was wrong?”
He cannot sleep, knowing that the girl he loves is mated to another male. If this still sounds only lusts for you, let me clear that Azriel can have any woman he want. He can fuck any woman he want, but no, he wants Elain because he feels more than lust.
And if it's still not enough for you, after smelling Elain's arousal I don't think Az would wait for Elain's permission for him to kiss her if he only feels lust:
Offer and permission. He nearly groaned with relief and need as he lowered his head toward hers.
Not only that, you all always fail to see the build up between them before this sexual tension. Like Azriel offering a smile of comfort, Azriel saving Elain, Azriel showing Elan the garden, Azriel carrying her, Azriel sprawled in the chaise with Elain, Azriel throwing his head laughing at Elain's gesture, Azriel being protective of her in a very normal and rational way and so on and on. They formed a good friendship before this happened :
Until his palm lay flat against her neck. It had never gone this far. They’d exchanged looks, the occasional brush of their fingers, but never this. Never blatant, unrestricted touching. Wrong—it was so wrong. He didn’t care.
So tell me, if this is not a good build up.
Next, "he doesn't trust her" please also remember this scene where Az gave her the TT, if it's not trust then idk. And, again and again, idk what y'all guys are reading but this is a romance fantasy series, and sjm loves her MMC to be protective not in a toxic way, no. Az was afraid of what will happen to Elain because HE CARES. He cares for her. And any man who cares for his girl would never want to expose his girl willingly to darkness.
Next, Elain and Az gives a "just friends/siblings" vibe HAHA, sure. If that's what you wanted to believe. But I dont think this is how friends or siblings act:
Her arousal drifted up to him, and his eyes nearly rolled back in his head at the sweet scent. He’d beg on his knees for a chance to taste it. But Azriel just stroked her neck again.
And all the times Feyre noticed how good they would be together and Nesta seeing the charged glance between them.
Next, "Az giving the necklace to another woman is a redflag." But what's redflag for me is giving a woman a secondhand gift. Lmao. At least, Az bought the necklace thinking of Elain.
And then, the damn necklace "given" to Gwyn, I tried my best to keep quiet at this never ending argument about this thing but
He found Elain’s necklace amid the pile. He pocketed it. //
That necklace, was always meant for Elain. Azriel bought that necklace for Elain, thinking of Elain and even calling it Elain's necklace. Gwyn is a second choice. The necklace is a secondhand gift for her. So I'm sorry if I prefer a guy who will first think of my girl stan while buying a gift than shipping a girl with a guy who gives her a secondhand gift.
“Look, I . . .” Az searched for the words, his voice becoming quiet. “If there’s another priestess here who might appreciate it, give it to them. But I’m not taking that necklace with me when I leave.”
See here, the guy is desperate to get rid of that necklace. Because it reminds him of his pain, and y'all really here thinking the secondhand gift is a sweet gesture. Imagine, do you think Az could look at Gwyn wearing the necklace he bought for another girl? Wouldn't it remind him of his pain? If Az look at the necklace he'd not be reminded of Gwyn, he'd be reminded of him and Elain's almost kiss and what happened after.
The necklace debate and saying it's showing Gw*n and Az as endgame is, forgive my word, dumb. How are y'all fighting tooth and nails with every Elriel over a necklace that wasn't first meant for Gw/n?
If we are gonna talk about foreshadowing, then I'm afraid Elriel won at that one. Sjm, as an author, would never waste four books of build up only to switch her couples because y'all are being too loud about a necklace that not only meant for Elain but also symbolizes her.
Lastly, I hope my answer is respectful enough for you anon.
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hedonist-heathen · 2 years
Here's hoping there is kindness still out there. I will be putting all information in this post and will not be answering any side questions about it. I'm asking for help and sharing as much as you need to know, or better yet as much as I'm willing to share. Some details are painful, personal, or frankly not your business. You either have a kind heart and can and will help or you won't. Do not message me with more questions on this.
This time last year my looser ex Jason Schweinsburg could not handle the breakup and left my son and I in Vegas without a dollar to my name, then back in San Antonio he took everything I had in this world...to include, my phone which I have charges on him for things he's done with my phone, my drivers license, my clothes, basic necessities, and since I work from home, all my income halted because my equipment and materials were taken as well. Oh, and get this he carried my bag of toys around with him every where he went to for weeks, until he ran off like a little bitch, leaving it behind, when his plug put a gun in his mouth. I'm talking several double dildos, strap on, clit toys. What does a man need with those type of toys? What a fucking loser. Moving on. I spend a year busting my ass starting from nothing and replaced everything from my toothbrush, to my furniture. Which was not easy because he would get online and catfish my businesses by setting up fake appointments and orders, doing foul shit to me online, using my accounts, stole my money, and did all basic loser things. This is all in police reports and can be proved. Anyway, difficult year, but did it on my own. Built my life and was doing well. I stopped dating men after him. It's never worked out well for me when dealing with men anyway. They set themselves up for failure then punish me. I moved out into a tiny home on a 100 acre ranch away from men, away from people and the things they do because jealousy is ugly. Hating me will not make you pretty, or me ugly. Using leverage you think you have on me will not make me date you or fuck you. Simplified in two sentences. They've not been kind with my sin only being pretty, and a genuine person and people hate that. I learned after moving out there I'd been mislead on many different levels about my tiny home and the entire situation. Almost everyday did I have to remind my landlord that I moved out to the counrty to get away from the exact things he began to do to me. He wanted me to move into the main house and become his girlfriend. I reminded him that I made it very very clear that I was not interested in that in any way. He did not slow down with the things he would say and do daily. One day, after spending a night away from the ranch, two hours after returning home my front door was kicked in and I was attacked by a grown man and a woman 3 times my size, while he watched from his porch. My nose is broke, my finger is broke and I have trauma to my chest from the male holding me down with his knee. They stole my money and a few other things. It got dark right after the incident and I was torchered all night. They would surround the tiny house and talk about ways to kill me. The next day when I tried to leave I was met with a locked 8 foot fence and gate. Since I had to climb this fence and walk 5 miles just to get to town, I was unable to take any of my belongings with me. I'm in need of everything you could possibly think of. I'm asking for help. If you have anything you could donate I'll take it. If you put the total it cost you to ship it to me I'll cash app it to you upon arrival. I do a lot of my shopping online, so if you find it in your heart to send me money, things can be worked out for that if need be. So you don't feel like you're giving me money. I'll earn it. This we can have a conversation about, but I will not discuss it until the money is on my cash app so dont even try. Again your gonna help or your not. I'm not going to let you waste my time to in the end do nothing to help.
My cash app is Misfitbitch77. After money is sent, you can then inbox me and will discuss how I earn what you gave.
Anything being shipped, I'll list my sizes and a few things off hand that I know and remember I need quickly. I'm 100 percent serious guys, I don't even have anything to change into. Can't brush my hair or teeth, and could sure use your help.
Dress and top size is 4-8/ medium mostly but can do some small and some large.
Pants and shorts are 6-9,/29 and I'm petite. Barely 5 foot.
Bra size 36D/36DD.
I only wear chucks, saddles, and heels. Size 7-8. High heels are welcomed.
I do not wear greens or browns. Earth tones do not match me well.
I need a Cricut machine and materials. If you know what I'm talking about then you know my needs.
I need a 3rd generation or up air pad for the design space for the Cricut.
All my expensive cleaning supplies and equipment must be replaced for my cleaning business. I need a steam mop, cordless light weight vacuum, cleaning brushes, shower scrubber, you think it, i need it.
I'm an extremely organized person so anything having to do with that im in need of.
All fishing gear, camping gear, and I did my nails at home so any of that.
Purses, bags, suitcases, belts, mirrors, lamps, all kitchen and dining, blankets, pillows, rugs.
Vape, fruity vape juice.
I will also take any gift cards to anywhere. It's a quick, simple way to help.
When you send me a pic of the package you are sending or gift card you are sending I will give you the address to send it to. I cannot put it on here because Jason Schweinsburg is a loser. And again my cash app is Misfitbitch77.
Please help show me kindness still exist and people still have compassion and empathy and will help a lady that has had everything taken by men who failed to take my choice from me.
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Tales of Alcoria: Take it all away (JJK x Reader) (angst)
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Alien!AU, Space!AU, Human!Reader, Catch it! AU
Length: 3k (roughly 10 Min RT)
Tags/Warnings: Oh boy, angsty af, Jungkook focused, who is casper the friendly ghost aka the pale man, we dont know but I accept guesses, did I mention angst, abduction, mentions of violence and injury, mentions of childbirth, mentions of depression and death, dead dove do not eat
Summary: Theres nothing worse for a man of Alcor, than taking away his family.
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Everything went way too fast.
He's frantic, as he runs down the streets, mind scattered as his cat-eyes scan his environment. It's not only you anymore he's searching for- he's searching for you, and the small, tiny and fragile little life growing inside you. It was unfair. How could the world grant him his biggest wish, just to take it away from him like that? It was just not fair.
"Y/N!" He shouts, but there's no one answering. He's unfamiliar with the human earth, he doesn't know where he is- all he really wants is to find you. to have you back, to bring you home, to keep you safe. You don't belong on this withering planet anymore- you belonged at his side, where he can protect you, and look after you. You're his- not as a property, but as a lover, as a heart, as a piece of himself.
It had all happened so fast.
He'd been away from home, just some hours to pick something up- when they had come to his house, taking you away, without his knowledge. He only figured it out after coming home, Namjoon suddenly calling him, unnaturally frantic as he asks if he had been able to hide you. Jungkook had been unsure about what he had meant- until Namjoon had explained to him that a group of humans- a movement of reclaiming the earth as they had said- had captured a ship, a massive cargo ship to 'finally go back home'. They had taken humans by force, having searched for them after stealing information, thinking those who had established relationships or wanted to stay had been brainwashed. It had all happened so fast, that when Jungkook checked the bedroom, the living room, the bathroom and even the kids room- barely any furniture put together yet- but nothing had a trace of your disappearance.
And by now, Jungkook as well as others determined to get their human companions and partners back, had boarded the police ships to help with the search.
But Jungkook had no idea where he was. Maybe he had been placed in an entirely wrong place, he thought; but then he had found the now abandoned cargo ship, and his determination had been refueled after finding your collar in a pile of others, cut through like a visible reminder of what had happened. He's roaming around like a starving animal; cat like eyes scanning every movement he can catch, inner hunter coming to the surface as his instincts take over. He has to bring you back home, has to bring you back to his own safe space, where he can look after you. You're so vulnerable now, so fragile, such an easy target. You're not just his human, his property or partner- you're the mother of his child, keeper of his heart, and meaning of his life at this point.
You're his soulmate, he desperately believes in that.
But you're not there, he can't find you, and he doesn't know how long he can stand this.
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There's silence around him, although the ship itself is loud, roaring as the engines bring him away again from earth- from the planet you came from, and he remembers the day he'd brought you with him.
This time however, he's all alone, apart from other alcorians, woman and men alike, visibly as defeated as he was. Some hold onto the remnants of belongings of their partners, lovers, and friends- others simply sit in silence, and some console each other in their sadness.
He can't look outside the small window, can't do it, as if he's scared of catching a glimpse of you. He doesn't want to believe yet that you're not with him anymore, that you're somewhere he doesn't know. He had promised you again and again that he'd keep you safe, that he'd protect you, and yet he had failed at the end. Not only you, but his own child as well- having failed to even give it a chance to see the world- anything- with their own eyes. He's failed to keep an eye on his family.
Maybe this was his punishment for it.
Jungkook doesn't cry often- Alcorian men rarely ever do, simply because there's no reason most of the time. But in that moment, in the dimly lit section of the ship he's sitting in, he does. He cries, quietly, as it grows silent after breaking orbit. There's no going back, no chance for a movie-like encounter of you running after the ship and barely making it inside. No. You're probably still on earth somewhere, maybe you're hurt-
Maybe worse.
And it hits him even worse as his mind suddenly has to think of the possibility that no, his entire search had been futile after all, because what if you had already passed somewhere, by the hands of cruel mother nature or someone else? He can't think straight anymore, as he lets the emotions flow through him, stars passing by as he curls in on himself.
Just wanting to be left alone.
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The nightmares don't stop for him, not at all.
They continue now more than before, without your form resting next to his in bed to reassure him that you're safe. Because nowadays, he doesn't have that luxury. He doesn't know if you're safe.
By now, he thinks as he looks at the alarm clock showing the date, Heejin would be born.
He realizes with an aching heart, that he won't be there to see it. He doesn't even know if it will even happen- if it already happened. He's not there to know, because you're far away from him, and he doesn't even care about the tears already falling out of his eyes, staining the pillow underneath his head. He doesn't care about anything, can only focus on your faint scent still lingering on his sheets and pillows.
He's heard about Alcorians loosing their partners before, and it had never been pretty. Most grow depressed for a while, but they move on. But you weren't simply his partner. You're not. You're not only the mother of his child. You're not only a lover.
You're his mate.
And he knows for a fact, that mates can't move on. He has to think about the future, when his sheets and home loose any trace of you, when his entire life will move on without you at his side. He knows he won't be able to just move on, because how could he ever?
His heart clenches at the though. He just wants to sleep.
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If you could see him, you wouldn't recognize him at all.
Sweet and gentle Jungkook, with eyes blood red and sharpened canines on full display, as he pushes his hands down the man's throat, anger his driving force. He doesn't even know why, why it set him off so much, but it did- and now, the poor man underneath him struggles to breathe, nails scratching on Jungkooks wrists- but its nothing for him. He had been outside, going home after a short meetup with Jin and Namjoon- both as sad as he was, but not as bad physically- when he had spotted the pale figure currently fighting against his hold. Its useless.
A human can't just push off an alcorian.
"Fuck- y/N!" He gets out, and Jungkooks eyes widen, as he leaves the man's throat alone, instead standing up as he grabs him by his clothing, easily pushing him against the streetlamp with enough force to make it softly sway. He lets the stranger cough, but watches him with the same eyes- their color nothing you would've ever seen before. They're violent, dark, they're nothing like Jungkook. "She's with- god fuck.." The young man coughs again, rubbing his throat. "She's with Taehyung and Jimin at my place. We hid." He says.
"How can I trust you?" Jungkook says, voice deep and without any emotions. "For all I know, you could be one of them." He says, and the man nods, making Jungkook furrow his brow in confusion.
"You can't. I admit that." He says. "But what am I supposed to do to you, huh?" He smirks, resting the back of his head against the cold metal of the streetlamp, raven black hair falling over his eyes. "I had to find you, but I didn't know-" He clears his throat. "I didn't know where you lived. When I found her, she was heavily pregnant, and confused, weak. I couldn't just drag her out and let her guide me, you know?" He explains. "We had a baby to deliver, shit went down, and finding you moved into the back of my mind, no offense." He says.
Jungkooks eyes widen, features soft and desperate, as his eyes change back to their honeycomb color. "I- How is she? How is my baby? Where are they?!" He hurries out, accidentally shoving the man a little too forceful.
"Ah fuck- break my back and you'll never know." He jokes, and Jungkook moves back, leaving him alone for the moment. "Come on then. I'll explain along the way." He says.
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You hold your hands over your ears as you try and blend out the roaring of the cargo ship departing. You're supposed to be on it- they've cut off your collar, had told you you've been talked into things, that they'd be making everything right again. You had panicked, jumping out the ship last second as you had hid behind a container, scared to death.
Its then, that you can spot a pair of worn down boots stopping in front of your scratched up knees. For a moment you forget that you have your hands over your ears, that you can't hear, but you remember as the person squatted. "Hey- you okay?" He mouths, and its when you spot Taehyung and Jimin behind him, that you let your tears flow, glad to see them. You slowly let your hands fall down as you don't care about anything; falling into the strangers arms in front of you. You may not know his name; but he's a familiar face, and right now, thats all you need. He's a bit stiff, but relaxes after a moment, softly patting your back. "You're alright, we got you. Can you stand up?" He asks, voice low and surprisingly comforting as you nod, hissing a bit as you finally stand.
Your growing belly is making things increasingly difficult these days.
Taehyung is unsure, but clicks his tongue after a second; holding your arm to aid you in walking as you walk together with the small group, the pale man leading the way. Its stressful, and you're unsure for a moment, until you reach the stairway of an apartment building, the stairs too much as Jimin opens the elevator. "We have to be quick, we don't know if theres still people searching." He says, a kind smile sent your way as he pushes some of your hair out of your way.
"Guys." You say, as the elevator rises up. Everyone turns to you. "I know this is horrible- fuck.! -horrible timing, but the baby is coming." You grit out, as Taehyungs eyes widen, instantly looking at Jimin and the stranger for any sign of knowledge in what to do.
"Are you sure?" He asks, and you scoff, unable to hide your demeanor as you try and stay upright.
"I literally have had this child inside of me for months, Taehyung." You say. "If I say I'm about to give birth, I am about to give birth." You say, and Jimin holds your other arm, as the pale man with the black hair unlocks an apartment door- probably his, you guess.
You're scared, and you honestly know for a fact that you almost black out here and there. But once your child begins to cry out, and the human stranger gives it to you, hands careful in holding it while Jimin does his best to aid in everything with the knowledge that Jin had taugh him prior, you can't help but smile. Your child is everything to you, right from the start, and you know, there's nothing you had to worry about. You may didn't have the connection Jungkook had with his child- but you knew, this connection was just as precious.
You slowly turn your head to the side, the young man sitting in a corner, back against the wall as he looks at you. Theres no smile on his face, he looks quite stoic- but his eyes are gentle, they're warm. "You never told me your name." You say, voice barely above a whisper, as you can feel yourself drift off, Jimin chewing on his lip as he tells Taehyung to bring more towels.
The young man smiles, slightly, but you can see it. "As I said, I don't remember." He tells you. "Call me whatever you want, I guess." He says.
"Okay." You say, and the young man smiles, swallowing thickly, as he looks down; you assume he doesn't want you to see him vulnerable. "Thank you." You tell him.
"No." He answers. "Thank you."
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When Jungkook sees you, he doesn't care about the small bandage wrapped around your arm, or the blood stained towels, or the scratches on your knees. He doesn't care about your tired form, skin still a little pale and eyes exhausted. He doesn't care about anything; in his eyes, you're glowing, you're alive, you're existing right there in front of him. Like a goddess herself you're radiating as you sit on the couch, Jimin at your side before he moves away, making space for Jungkook as he slowly walks closer. You've got a small bundle of blankets in your arms, and he knows, instinctively, what it is.
He can feel it.
There's a certain pull, like a magnet that pushes him closer, as he walks towards you. He wants to know how, where, but in that moment, he doesn't care. He only sees you, and the small being in your arm; and he can't take his eyes off of her, that living child that you both have created. Heejin slowly opens her eyes, bright orbs looking at him; her cat-like pupils contracting and dilating as if to train their adjustment already.
She's beautiful.
His hands move slowly, scared even, as if all disappears as soon as he touches. But it stays, and she's so warm, as he moves to rest on his knees, his head falling next to his newborn daughter, resting, for the first time in days, finally close to you again.
"She's done it all by herself." Jimin comments, and Jungkook only moves his eyes towards him in the room, a silent way of telling him he's listening. "When we found her, she was still up and walking." He says, and Jungkooks hands move closer to you.
"I couldn't have done it without you all." You say, and a hand reaches into Jungkooks hair, and he wants to cry, but he's so tired, and you smell so nice, like home. He falls asleep right then and there, uncaring of anything.
He has you back, at his side.
Right where you belong.
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His eyes rip open as he jumps up in his bedroom, window open and his clothes still on.
It had all been a dream, hadn't it?
He sighs out as he laughs bitterly, getting up from his bed as he stumbles over your shoes- a bitter reminder of your former presence in his home. He doesn't care about the light guiding his way, he simply leaves it shut off- his eyes able to see just fine at night as he walks into the kitchen to grab himself a glass of water.
Its when he puts it away and walks back into his bedroom that he stops, as he watches you climb into his bed, stopping midway as you smile at him. "You seemed tired earlier, Jin had to carry you to bed after we came home- go change and come to bed, yeah?" You say, as you look towards the opened door leading into Heejin's bedroom. "She's finally asleep now." You whisper, and Jungkook simply climbs into bed, pulling his shirt over his head with tired arms as he rids himself of most his clothes- needing to be close to you.
"I though I'd lost you." He whispers against your neck as he pulls you close, uncaring about the cold outside air nipping at his now bare skin. "Again." He says. He feels your warm body against him, and thats all he needs, he thinks to himself. You begin to tell him that you're there now, but he shakes his head, lips ghosting over the skin as he speaks quietly. "I thought I'd dreamed it all." He said.
"You didn't." You say. "I'm right here." And Jungkook nods, holding you a bit tighter.
"Right where you belong."
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I'm a thin woman writing a novel about a romance between two teenage girls, one of whom (not the narrator) is plus size. This isn't central to her character or the plot in any particular way, its just how I envisioned her. The plot itself focuses on the grief of losing a parent and attempting to find beauty in the world beyond that sadness, which the narrator finds in Daphne.
I'm a very much show-not-tell type writer, where I spend most my time writing long, flowy descriptions as opposed to short statements, and so I dont want to simply state 'Daphne was fat' or 'Daphne was curvy', however I'm also aware of how in the media fat people are often compared to food items or unflattering objects, which I don't want as this is not good representation.
Do you have any advice on how I can make it clear to the reader throughout the novel that Daphne is plus sized without explicitly stating it, and without making it seem like something unflattering or bad?
Thank you so much <3
Thank you for your ask!
Personally, when I write fat characters I like to identify their size early in the book, so readers don't feel like they spent half the story picturing someone one way only to find out their mental image is all wrong (I do that with all my characters, not just the fat ones). The best way to do this is to make all body descriptions as neutral as possible; be aware of tropes or stereotypes that use fatness as a shorthand for morally corrupt or evil.
Yes, please avoid food-based descriptions for your fat character. While I understand you prefer to write your character descriptions in a more poetic way, don't be afraid to use the word fat. If you go out of your way to avoid using it, it can seem like you as the author are saying being fat is such a bad thing you can't even use the word.
Don't be afraid to describe Daphne's fat body moving in fat ways - for example, if she has a younger child in her life (sibling, nephew, etc) they might touch or play with her arm fat (my kids do this a lot). If Daphne isn't bothered by it and answers any questions matter of factly, that can offer representation in a good light. If possible, please don't make Daphne's character center around insecurity or hatred of her own body. It's very refreshing to see a fat character who is happy in their body.
It can also help to find good representation to see what might fit with your style and inspire you. Some examples I can think of immediately are:
Nina Zenik in The Grishaverse books by Leigh Bardugo at one point she was described as "built like the figurehead of a ship carved by a generous hand".
Derry (the main character as well as some of her siblings in) A Dark and Starless Forest by Sarah Hollowell
Chloe in Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert (many of Talia Hibbert's books have good fat representation)
The (Other) F Word : A Celebration of the Fat and Fierce is a great collection of stories that I highly recommend!
Finally, here's some resources: This one is my favorite, but I put some more that I think offer some useful information below the cut. https://bookriot.com/fat-representation-in-romance/
I hope this helps!
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myonepiece · 4 years
Hello author san! If you are taking requests can you make HCs for Sanji, Kid and Killer. Where the reader has unrequited Love for them. They don't notice the reader until she is gone trying to give up her love. Then they go for her again. Please make it a happy ending. Ignore if you dont wanna write though. Idk why but I truly love angst with happy ending.
Hello!! You’re the one who complements my writing all the time I love you!! Angst with a fluff ending is my favorite!
Also for anyone requesting please tell me if you want me to anonymously answer~
Sanji, Kid, Killer headcanon- You are in love with him but he doesn’t notice or return the feeling until you are gone
Warnings: angst
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•You couldn’t help it that you had fallen in love with someone like Sanji
•You thought he would be smart enough to notice your actions towards him and realize the reason behind them
•Your lingering eyes and touches, you would bring him the ingredients he needs while cooking, help wash the dishes, look for things he would like in the town stores
•But all he did was treat you the same as Nami and Robin when you wanted more, it was painful to pine after him so long and you knew that eventually it would be too much
•So you decided to ask him to dinner and see if he could finally figure out your true feelings
•Sadly, throughout the whole night he showed to signs of realization nor return of your feelings, and that night you knew you would have to stop before you end up hurting yourself or the crew
•You knew it would be painful, but you decided to distance yourself- you stopped helping with dishes unless he specifically asked you, you no longer went out of your way to buy him gifts, no more shared glances when Zoro or Luffy did something
•What you didn’t know, was that Sanji had noticed something missing, he felt somewhat alone and he pondered over it at night- only then did he begin to realize the difference in your actions towards him
•Could it be..? How could be so stupid?! He thought he had only felt towards you the same lecherous way he felt towards all other women- maybe it was because for once you had been the one pining after him- but he didn’t crave their attention or affection as much as yours
•With that he prepared you’d favorite treat and ran out to confess he felt the same feelings that you were trying to get rid of
•Hoping it wasn’t too late, he presented you with the gifts and explained that he had finally realized his feeling towards you, seeing as you were still skeptical, Sanji said you didn’t have to return your feelings right away but that he would win back your heart the right way
•A few days later, you had returned to your original affectionate attitude towards Sanji, and he couldn’t be happier now that he knew what it meant and what he meant to you
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•You hated it, you hated the empty feeling in your heart after a day of attempting to court Kid to no victory. You hated that your heart had to belong to Eustass Kid. Yet you understood why it did- he was powerful, hot, tough, smart, and occasionally nice. He was the complete “bad boy” package
•You would bring him anything he need while he was working, he would even let you sit in the room sit in the room with him while he worked. You would buy his favorite beer, and grab any neat mechanical things you thought he would like
•You would just linger around him, but despite all of your rather obvious hints at your feelings, Kid remained oblivious
•The Kid pirates were celebrating in a bar one night, and you had come back from the bathroom. You looked around for Kid, but when you found him you wished you hadn’t. He was flirting with some girl at the bar, and your heart broke as you realized that maybe it was time you stop pining after someone who would never return your love
•You didn’t know what you had expected, but no more would you go out of your way for Kid. You stopped spending time with him and giving him your little thoughtful gifts.
•Even Kid knew something was missing, usually you were in his room annoying him at night, but now he was alone in the silence trying to figure out what happened. He missed your presence and the little things you picked up for him, he didn’t know what this feeling was- but he hated it
•The next few weeks, Kid spent trying to get you to spend time with him again, giving you missions or orders that placed you in his company. Kid thought it be too weak of him if he confessed to you only to have you reject him.
•He doubted you felt the same feelings for him that that he felt for you, and it took a very long talk with Killer for Kid to understand that you did in fact return the feelings, which is why you had spent so much time with him
•He was angry that you hadn’t just told him how you felt, but to be fair you didn’t know about his feeling for you and he deffinetly didn’t do anything to help
•He grabbed the latest thing he had been working on, a little music box Kid had been saving for your birthday. He ran right to your cabin on the ship and practically threw the music box into your hands as he yelled at you for being to scared to confess to him- then he proceeded with a confession of his own
•You said that you didn’t know how you felt about him now- to say that kind of broke Kid’s heart would be true. Kid said that he would court you this time, and treat you the way you deserve to be treated. It was an extremely soft confession for the usually rough captain, but it melted your heart.
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•Killer’s attitude towards you was the opposite of what you expected a pirate to be, he was kind and gentle, he would cook for you and scold Kid when he was mean to you, so you had quickly fallen in love with the man
•It deffinetly wasn’t a smart idea, but you were too love sick to think rationally about it. You would help him in the kitchen, try to take lookout duty the same time as him, piggyback rides were common with you two, and on top of that you would constantly compliment him
•You thought Killer was a smart enough man to realize you felt something other than friendship for him. You were planning to finally confess to him when the Kid pirates were at the bar.
•You saw Killer behind Heat and went over to ask him to come outside, but as you passed Heat, your eyes fell on the woman Killer was talking to. The realization that Killer didn’t love you hit you like a ton of bricks and you felt the need to show him that you didn’t need his love, even thought he still didn’t know you loved him
•You ended all extra contact with him, only interacting when ordered to. No more lookouts with him, no more assisting him in the kitchen, no piggyback rides from him, nothing
•Killer immediately noticed you’d absence as you had become a large part of his day, not to mention his favorite part. It was during one of his night lookout shifts when he saw you down on the deck making your rounds, the moonlight dancing across you’d face, that Killer finally realized the weight on his heart and identified it as love.
•His immediate thoughts were that someone like you would never love someone like him, but as he remembered your old actions towards him, he began to suspect that just maybe, you had returned the feeling once. Afraid that it was too late he quickly ran down to you
•Killer explained what he felt, hoping with all his heart that you still held some of your feelings towards him. To his luck you still felt something other than friendship, but you were very skeptical. Killer promised to earn back your love the way you had earned his in the first place
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oni-tengu · 2 years
ive basically had my ask box open for months so feel free to send requests but i got a booster today & my shit hurted (arm is sore) so im gonna chill tonight maybe. idk.
aaaaanyway, status aside, i just. man. those asks this morning LMAO ive had to just say shit before (ie getting inc*st shippers in my notifs) & clarify im not down with this shit, so.
i just need to talk, and if you disagree with the following, have any issues at all, question the legitimacy of things listed below, just do me a favor & block. i wont be responding to any potential distaste for anything i talk about, but here's some shit i am against and feel vital to clarify. so you know where i lie and that this blog has no space for awful things, its become unfortunately very important to state certain....things. long post
cw / tw for mature topics in mention (AGAINST the following) : p*dophilia inc*st gr**ming
firstly, the topic of inc*st. hard no, this ALSO goes for anything involving minors in any sexual context, minors with adults in an unreasonable age gap (lets just say the limit is 18 y/o with a 20 y/o as acceptable and i generally avoid thinking about people under 20 anyhow bc im 23 and ive lost relatability with people that much younger than me)
why? the idea that fiction does not affect reality is just something i dont agree with. fiction needs criticism, yes, but having things portraying p*do and inc*st in a sexually gratifying light contributes to brainwashing & grooming, and ive seen it firsthand because i was on homestuck tumblr in 2012 when i was 13 years old and it was NORMALIZED. it was a case of community grooming and it FUCKING WORKED. i feel grateful that i was able to see past it when i got older but it was DANGEROUS and theres a plethora of horror stories of kids at cons & meetups being actively groomed and put into harmful situations in real life. this is just a fact, this all happened, i witnessed it firsthand, and i have friends that were right there with me.
placing the blame on minors and victims is not the response anyone should have. saying to "think critically" about the media a person consumes when someone is being actively harmed by the topics above, is harmful in itself. it is not on the victims to "know better" when they are being groomed, just because it seems easy for others, when this is an active, real life issue. and honestly, fuck you so hard if you disagree with that, or that its not even "real"
i truly have such a hard time believing that people honestly defend literal fucking p*dophilia online under the guise of "its harmless fiction". i think people who agree with that are perpetrating this propaganda, brainwashing, and the minors who think its okay HAVE been brainwashed and they dont even know it. they vehemently defend it, and most people in the REAL WORLD would be horrified and disgusted by this, even afraid for these teens and preteens. i certainly am!
moving on to the next point of discussion, i think sexualities and genders should be respected! youd think this is an obvious one, but hey look, last night someone wanted me to draw dirk strider in a romantic ship with a woman. this goes for fiction and real life, sexuality and gender matter & should be respected. ill be honest, theres some microlabels and identities i dont always understand, but people finding comfort in things, figuring stuff out, its usually just something you should let be, and i try to. i dont believe harassment is the answer & i'd go out of my way to defend someone with an identity i dont understand, if theyre being bullied! as long as youre not being offensive or harmful, this is a safe area for yall
i.e. trans men are men, trans women are women. i've had my own identity questioned since i identify with being nonbinary/agender and a lesbian at the same time, and to me and many others in the community, this makes sense, but to others it clearly does not. as long as youre not encroaching on communities that are not for you, your identity should be respected, and i am determined to reflect that in my creations as well.
to wrap this up, hoping i got the more "controversial" things out of the way, i want to point out that there are nuances to every social topic. i was not born with knowledge of all things, and every year im learning about stereotypes ive never heard of, history that belongs to communities im not a part of! so, i want to say that if im unconsciously adding to or portraying some offensive thing, itd be important to me to be made aware. morals & empathy are two things i care about very deeply and if theres something i should know, then i'd at least LIKE to know.
if theres another social topic that matters to you enough that you want to know where i stand so you can feel comfortable in who you follow, i'd be open to questions. but to reiterate: any bullshit about disagreeing with me, any hate, etc will not be responded to & will be met with a VERY adorable block (: so cute when that block button is utilized. feel free to use it tbh
so. there we are. showing my whole ass here. morality matters and im sticking to my guns
i hate inc*st and p*dophilia, fiction affects reality, non harmful identities should be respected, tell me if i fuck up.
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aerplain · 2 years
Hiii okay pick and choose or do them all haha :] 001, Catch 22, 002, Girlverse Cathkorn, 003, Girlcart (I'm sure you saw this coming) and your OC Saph :')
HEY MAX thanks for the ask and yes i will do all of them >:}
cut bc it will be very long
Favorite character: Cath... idk. :] he’s so terrible but so dumb and his parts are the funniest to read. Awful person wonderful character. I want another book of just his reactions to Situations bc he’s just such a Guy. The guy ever Least Favorite character: I think the answer for most people is aarfy. and I agree but I'm gonna also say captain black. Aarfy because he was created to function as basically the Worst, and Cpt Black bc i just personally find him annoying. There’s a lot of awful guys in c22 who are fun to read about, but reading these guy’s parts is just “man them again. do they ever shut up”. 5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): 
Kathcorn 4ever </3 
M&W (thanks max) 
clevbar (thanks max)
Yoss/luciana - they’re a classic
space reserved for random joke stuff that has no reason other than “these guy’s names are always mentioned together so they’re a Thing now” (gus/wes or plitchard/wren) there’s no reason for this but its funny
Character I find most attractive: Any character I draw tbh. I think they’re all supposed to be just Guys but i cant help being like “hi 😘″ when i draw them.  Character I would marry: NO ONE. they are so ridiculous Luciana Character I would be best friends with: clevinger maybe. we’re both annoying and like to seem smart.  a random thought: said this earlier but they will never make a good adaptation if they don’t get the cathcart or the milo right. They're so integral to the story and they’re always adapted like “look at this funny guy. he’s going to be a nuisance.😉 now back to yossarian”. and milo is always clean shaven and cathcart is not smoking his opulent cigarette holder? why not?? An unpopular opinion: i dont know what unpopular or popular c22 opinions even are. major major could beat captain black in a fistfight My Canon OTP: Do cath & korn count. I think they should count (has read every part where they’re mentioned like 20 times and morphed it to fit my interpretation) I think heller could’ve meant it in a homophobic way. Gay disney villain korn time. If they don’t count i think the Yoss & Luciana bits were always fun too.  My Non-canon OTP: Milo & Wintergreen just cuz I love your writing for them max. I never would’ve come up with this on my own since I don’t think they really interact cuz the concept itself is so fun. Business rivals>business partners> Love?? Most Badass Character: No one they are all kind of losers. Maybe Orr  Most Epic Villain: same for the last one. they’re all lame. Or the idea of the catch itself and all of it’s enforcers  Pairing I am not a fan of: maybe this is my unpopular opinion but i think yoss & chaplain are not ideal romantically. its the fandom go-to romance bc its the literal first line (and i used to love them when i first read the book) but idk. theyre ok to me and not as fun as all the other wacky and crazy guys out there Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I think duckett should NOT have been into yossarian and her thing should've just been being girlbffs with cramer. love loses. heller has to write every woman the way he does :[ Favourite Friendship: ME and MAX catch22bffs forever <3. real answer i think clev/dunbar/yossarian have the best conversations theyre all so insufferable in their own ways and its great Character I most identify with: nurse cramer. kinda her friend starts dating some guy and she’s like “ok what happened to being girl best friends😒”. and dobbs in the sense that i am kind of bad at a lot of the things i have to do Character I wish I could be: NO ONE for real this time. i can’t think of a single guy who isn’t either awful or has awful things happen to them. or both
Kathcorn :>
When I started shipping them: i remember reading the book the first time and thinking ‘wow they are just like my ocs. theyre dating behind the scenes haha’ and then forgetting about them. And I get back into the book and find a few other people who are Cath n Korn fans, I get really into Kathcorn Kontent, I draw them more and now they're my favorites <3 My thoughts: they’ve got one of my favorite themes, where the relationship isn’t beneficial to their main goals at all really. They both want to rise the ranks and being In Love with your right hand man isn’t really gonna help with that. Korn’s like one of those edgy guys who says he doesn’t want to get attached to people because it’s Just a Distraction from the Real Goal. And Cathcart’s one of those annoying guys who says he doesn’t want to get attached to people because it’s Just a Distraction from the Real Goal. And then both of them would try to justify it in their own silly ways and eventually have come to terms with it. And its also funny cuz they’re both just The Worst.  What makes me happy about them: they are both so lame and evil and sucks that everything they do will be entertaining to me  What makes me sad about them: I dont think they can even exist in a way that isn’t destructive to each other and everyone else around them. Not really sad since I focus more on the silly aspect but it could be. Not that they wouldn’t deserve it but it sucks that they have to drag the entire world into their evil love affair </3 Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Nothing they are ALL good i think to be a korn&cath liker you have to already Understand so all the fanfictions will naturally be good bc of that Things I look for in fanfic: For it to exist and for it to center around their inane interactions and just how awful they are but in a #love way My wishlist: I wish we got a scene inside the farmhouse. Just to see what theyre up to 🤔I wish we got the Korn chapter too Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: no one comes to mind. dreedle and peckem My happily ever after for them: their happily ever after is probably promotion and continuing to ruin lives but i think they really have to end up in the farmhouse. They cant have a farmhouse and not just retire there when everything goes wrong. its too convenient and its perfect
How I feel about this character: genderswap of cath that i got really attached to for no reason. Cathcart is interesting as a hypothetical female character since he’s trying to be this stereotypical toughguy all the time but he’s also so dumb and evil and awful. girlcart, i wuv her. she’s so important. She’s just woman cathcart but there’s the added interest of how she ended up as a squadron commander as a woman in the 40s, her relation with masculinity/femininity, whether she becomes more sympathetic when her problems are not all self imposed.. and we need more loser evil women everywhere Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: could it ever be anyone but girlkorn My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: to be honest she wouldnt have many friends but i think her interactions with milo would be funny. i like what we made up about Girl Milo being very ‘this is my 10 step beauty routine you should do it too. buy M&M skincare’ and cathcart being like ‘eww... makeup, gross” but also wanting to impress milo because milo is Successful My unpopular opinion about this character: She deserves everything ever shes so special. girlcart hiii. she sucks and she’s lame One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: there’s no canon bc we just make it all up. but i think her established storyline is growing up and not really belonging anywhere that a Lady(TM) would typically in the 20s-30s, always being second best in the rich east coast elite world and being desperate for some recognition. I think she deserved a friend who wasn’t caught up in the whole status thing Favorite friendship for this character: does milo count? danby? anyone? Korn’s her only friend and cathcart can’t stand her. I’ll be her favorite friend My crossover ship: what would she even cross over into?? she’d need a kornguy that’s all i know. 
Saph (OC)
How I feel about this character: Spy character for my main story. She's been around for longer than any character i’ve ever liked ever. I made her in middle school and she was a dragon named Sapphire (hence the Saph) and she’s stayed with me through countless story changes. I dont think because of anythign particularly special about the character but she was my first OC and typical toughgirl undefeatable no-weaknesses character made by a 12-year-old. and i think she retains that in sprit but in practice she’s a total mess. I <3 U saph Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Riya, another oc that i made to be saph’s sidekick also in middle school who i recently decided should #love her. I can’t really see Saph in any romantic situations so they’re either in an awkward purely physical relationship that’s really tragic for Riya or its an equally fail unrequited love situation. Riya’s not very outgoing so she’s kind of stuck with Saph and Saph doesn’t tend to get attached to anyone My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Riya again if you count the weird sexual-platonic thing they’d have going on. but she’s also got her spy team of basically a bunch of frat boys and they like to be Dudes together. I don’t like them tho and a lot of them are basically expendable in the story. rip My unpopular opinion about this character: she could fight 1000 demons and 1000 skeletons & not get scared One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: since her spy team is out trying to kill a politician (other side of the story)  i think it would be funny to write the alternate ending where they team up cartoon-style against a Greater Evil. i think the personalities would mesh well (awfully). I think a lot of her problems couldve been avoided too if the spy team had ditched their stupid orders and just gone on the run (which she and riya do in the end anyways) Favorite friendship for this character: i feel like she’s the sort to always Know A Guy wherever they go. but i dont really have anyone specific yet aside from the main characters and their counterparts. So for now im answering Riya for a third time. My crossover ship: i have nothing to cross over except catch 22. im gonna say wintergreen 
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
i dont like sasusaku and not even slightest naruhina, but its weird that you hate sakura as a character and not the creator himself. as much as i hate sakura, i used to love her development but all that went to trash right around the ending. honestly they should've just made narusasu a canon because that made more sense and even sakuino made more sense that some of the hetero pairings 🚮
Apart from the first line of your ask, I somehow disagree with everything, Anon.
Let me tell you why.
First off,
SNS becoming canon by holding hands or kissing or walking towards Sunset.... was never going to happen. So expecting that is kind of extremely childish. I was only unhappy because they wanted to go for this Next Gen shit. That made Kishi to marry off every other characters without any development until Chapter 699.
Second off,
I am immensely happy with what I got. That is NaruSasu became Soulmates. One can't exist without the Other, One complement the Other. Even though they have married those girls and have children, I don't think they will die for their families. And they still love each other more than their own families. Point me one popular Shounen with this kind of Development between 2 male Characters???!!! So, Kishimoto made something extra-ordinary, unusual and I must appreciate him for this from the bottom of my heart. From the way he has written their bond, he really wanted to end with an Open Ending... Like no pairs and trash.
Third off,
What even SakuIno means???? I mean, Sakura was totally going horny over Sasuke's dick and kiss. She was always touching his Body whenever she gets the chance. How can she be paired with a girl??? Same case with Ino. I am not Anti-SakuIno or anything. Probably you ship them for their aesthetics. But both the girls are filtered Heterosexual. They don't have any Lesbian Subtexts like SNS has. Sorry, that is just a crack ship just like SasuHina. They both are friends. That's all.
Fourth off,
Since when did Sakura's character had better development, Anon?? You mean that Sasori fight??? You are calling it as a development, and I am still calling it as a Selfish Obsession on her Sasuke-Kun. Sakura took that fight very seriously only after Sasori mentioned the name of Orochimaru. Sakura thought, if she manage to defeat Sasori, she could get information about Orochimaru which inturn will make it easier for her to retrieve Sasuke. She never fought for Gaara or Naruto, which is what she should've done in the first place. Tell me, how is this called as Development??? Just because she repeatedly punch stuffs???
In part 1, she was a total annoying Asshole and in the end she was even more of an Asshole.
It's not like the Author developed her as some Badass Girl and then dumped her for no reason. She was always written to be hated. At no point, I felt the Author made any conscious effort to make her likeable.
Fifth off,
You are asking me to blame the creator.... And why should I??? If Kishimoto can write amazing women characters like Tsunade, Konan, Kushina.... Why can't he do that for Sakura as well???
Let's take Tsunade
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Her body was splitted into Two Halves. It's really gory to look. I think even Danzo had a pretty nice death... I think she is the only character in Narutoverse to have her Torso separated from her Lower Body....
Even then
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She still wants to save other people with whom she had no proper connection with!! She was still thinking about saving other Kages rather than saving herself.
Tell me atleast one moment when Sakura thought about putting her life on the line to save other people??? Or tell me at what point point of the story, Sakura remotely displayed her selflessness???
You can't.
If Kishimoto can write someone like Tsunade, why can't he make Sakura, a strong person??
Let me tell you... If I am an Author and if I want to make a character likeable, the very first thing I would do is, to make that character be nicer to the Titular Character. This is an inherent and unwritten rule. That's exactly why Hinata was liked by many people.... It's funny, people really liked her a lot in Part 1 (not realizing her inherent shittiness)... But he decided to potray her in a wrong way starting from Part 2. If only Sakura was nicer towards Naruto, I repeat nicer... not to love him... people would have liked Sakura more. But all she did was behaving extremely horny towards Sasuke but showing Drainage-level care towards Naruto. And do you really think Kishimoto don't know this logic?? At no point, I've seen her being completely genuine towards Naruto. Even when she wanted to feed him Ramen, she only did it because of Naruto's devotion towards Sasuke.
Throughout part 1, she was an asshole... Towards the end of part 1, she was nice because she needs Sasuke's dick.... And in the beginning of Part 2, She totally was using him to retrieve Sasuke... She cared him here and there.. In the middle of Part 2, she shamelessly fake confessed him.... In the end of Part 2, she was begging Sasuke to like her... She didn't care about Naruto or Tsunade, who were about to be killed by Sasuke...
Where is this development you speak of, Anon???
I am Sorry, I still feel like you are a big Sakura fan and want to make an excuse by pushing the blame on the Creator. Because Hinata fans also always do this same thing... Like pushing the blame on Kishimoto for writing her that way. They never once realise that the character they like was piss poor because the author wanted it that way.
By that logic, I must criticize him for making Sasuke take certain decision which I am not OK with, too... Right???
If your favourite character don't behave in certain way like you expected, then there's only one thing to do. Blame the Author.
Sorry, I won't be doing it for any other characters in Naruto series. I accept every characters with the way the author has written.
Sakura is a pathetic character and she was meant to be. It was intentional and deliberate from Kishimoto's side. He wants this character to be hated and that's why he wrote her that way... And I know The reason for why he did it... Which is not the point of this post.
Just ask yourself, this question Anon...
If a secondary character like Ino who was very similar to Sakura, got a good development towards the end... There are so many good woman characters inside the Narutoverse. But still, in the end, why Sakura and Hinata alone was shown to have a negative and ugly development??? What makes Sakura and Hinata different from the other women??? Why particularly these two women???
Just give this question a deep thought and you will find the Answer.
People taking the wrong cue about a Character and blaming the author for the Character's shittiness... I am Sorry, I don't support this logic.
I would really appreciate those Sakura fans who completely accept her shittiness, mistakes, flaws and still able to love her... Without blaming the author. Because I've seen such fans but they are very rare to come across.
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lemons3ason · 4 years
Shaman King Cheating Headcannons
*Everyone is aged up*
*Dont y’all dare hate on Anna and Jeanne, I fucking ship YohxAnna and RenxJeanne so hard! THEYRE ADORABLE!*
Yoh Asakura
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-You knew it was coming eventually, he loved Anna and you but from the start you knew Anna was the only one he would ever truly love.
-Truly it didn’t surprise you when you found them on the couch kissing up a storm.
-Of course it hurt, but you just smiled and walked up to your room to pack your things up in order to leave.
-Yoh rushed into the room to speak with you but when your cold dead eyes stared into his no words could come out of his mouth.
-“Stay healthy and strong Yoh, and don’t break Anna’s heart like you broke mine.”, you whispered staying just out of reach from his touch.
-No matter how much he wanted to speak his voice wouldn’t leave his throat, he looked guilty but you simply hugged him goodbye and whispered, “I fucking hate you, Yoh Asakura.”, before leaving.
-Amidamaru couldn’t even believe what his young master had done but he quietly stood by and watched you leave.
-It was rare to see Yoh cry, but as you walked past the gates of his home he couldn’t help but tremble and sob.
-He was never good at handling people disliking him but never once before did he have someone actually hate and loathe him.
-Yoh knew he wouldn’t get to see you again or apologize for his actions but he truly did love you.
Horokeu Usui
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-This one hurt a little more then Yoh’s incident, mostly because Pirika was there to witness him cheating on you with some girl from the city.
-His eyes contained nothing but shock and regret when he realized you and Pirika had caught him in the act, he tried to explain but to your surprise it was Pirika herself who slapped him.
-With him now on the ground from the impact of her hand she grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the room so you wouldn’t shed any tears in front of him.
-You broke down in the halls as you were dragged away, the tears wouldn’t stop no matter how much you wiped them away. You didn’t understand why he would do it.
-“Piri...Piri why? I don’t get it. Why did he do it?”, you cried brushing your tears away.
-“I’m not sure hun. I-I wish I knew.”
-Horohoro was always loyal to you, you were his snow bunny, so why? Why would he do it after filling your head with the sweet thoughts of marriage and family?
-You left that night, you didn’t bother answering his calls or texts and according to your spirit partner he pleaded desperately with them to contact you for him.
-You decided to go back to your hometown and refused to associate with him even as he continued to seek you out.
-Even when you blocked him he still sent you voicemails and messages through Pirika’s phone but you wouldn’t forgive him. Not after how heartbroken the betrayal left you.
-“(Y/n), I’m sorry please let me see you so I can explain. I can’t lose you like this, snow bunny please come back!”
Ren Tao
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-You didn’t except him to ever cheat, you loved him and he idolized you like a goddess so when you found him and Jeanne naked in his office it was hard to stomach.
-“Well I see you’re hard at work my love.”, you spoke just loud enough for them to hear you.
-Jeanne quickly covered up but Ren took his time, he had something on his mind and you were ready to hear it. How much worse could it be, your heart was already broken.
-“(Y/n), we need to end this.”, he simply stated his eyes staring deep into your own glossy hues.
-You always hated his cold glare, you took a deep breath and simply nodded your head, “You fell out of love didn’t you?”, you sighed not waiting for an answer, placing his lunch on his desk before you quietly turned on your heels and left.
-Jun noticed you leaving and smiled brightly at you hugging you as you tried to hide your pain. You were always accepting of others...even if you ended up the most hurt by their actions.
-You whispered goodbye but she didn’t understand why until she walked into Ren’s office to see him and Jeanne.
-You disappeared like nothing, nobody could find you or contact you but when they finally could it was years later and it was Jeanne inviting you to the wedding in an attempt to make amends with you.
-In a way their marriage was a sad day because you never did show up.
Lyserg Diethel
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-He changed, you knew something was going on when you noticed how cruel he had suddenly became towards you.
-It didn’t surprise you one day when you saw him passionately kissing another woman at the front door of your home.
-You tried to stay calm but your inner rage had consumed your train of thought and your body reacted on its own. Before any of you could understand what had just happened his mistress had been pulled down the stairs by her hair and his cheek swelled from the intense impact of your opened hand.
-“(Y-Y/n)?”, he gasped holding his cheek.
-Your groceries were quickly discarded from your hand and replaced by a gun that was brimming with your Furyoku and oversoul, your pointed it right between his eyes and a dead expression etched itself over your face.
-“If you had a mistress you should’ve just told me that you didn’t love me anymore and left.”, you yelled shoving the stupid engagement ring he had given you into his chest as you released your oversoul and entered your home.
-“W-wait I-I-“
-“Get out of my home Lyserg. If you love her then leave with her I’m not stopping you.”, you growled in disgust as he dared to touch your wrist.
-“(Y/n) don’t do this!”, he warned his common sense suddenly returning as guilt flooded his heart.
-You slammed the door on his face and ignored his cries for you, he knew what he had done and you’d be a fool to even consider forgiving him.
-Your patience had run out and it would never return.
Hao Asakura
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-Genuinely you know this man doesn’t care that he’s been caught.
-“Stop blubbering like a child (Y/n), can’t you see you’re not wanted here?”, he’ll growl.
-In a fit of rage you quickly spat back, “Fine if you want a whore as your queen then that’s fine by me! I know my worth and it’s not worth staying by your side!”
-Doesn’t think much of your simple words and continues his enjoyment with the stranger he’s picked up until he realizes your words actually meant something.
-He’s the most yandere and possessive of all the boys.
-Even as you’re crying in pure anger and humility he simply brushes you off and tells you that it’s your fault for walking in when you shouldn’t have.
-When you actually somehow succeed in leaving he’s furious, burning not only the wench that he cheated on you with but also the follower that was supposed to stand guard over you.
-Seeks you out mercilessly killing anyone that stands in his way.
-When he finds you again he’s claiming you his bride regardless if you like it or not, thankfully his family helps protect you and they become your sanctuary until Hao eventually realizes that you were never his because you stopped loving him.
-“Should’ve expected that you would leave me just like everyone else.”, he’d growl feeling sorry for himself.
-“No you just pushed me away, that’s your own flaw.”
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