#then i'd suggest u look up the definition of bully
Idk abt lore but have u ever considered muu and amane parallels
They both mention either “magic of sorry”( according to google translate) or “sorry spells” respectively, and sorry seems to be a recurring thing for both of their first trial songs, tho muu more then amane
Theyre both rlly childish and while amane was raised in an actual cult muu was in kinda cult of personality situation. Amane asks if shes a good girl and if she can be weak/spoil herself while muu does both those things on her own terms and wonders if shes a bad girl.
Both of them seem to admire their parents a lot, etc
Also, according to the amane minigram abt her parents, i kinda wonder if her dad was one kf the four leaders if it translates to “his people”. If thats true then it wld imply that tho amane holds a lit of respect and admiration for him, she doesnt see him as a father, thus why he appears like a robot thing in magic
Also while on amanes mv i definitely agree that riyone staged the accident but i think her more official role in the cult might be rituals, or more specifically healing ones, bc her pigtails are bandaids and shes the kne who first suggests praying for the orange cat.
Also the four faces behind the hurt orange cat seem ro be colorcodes for the four leaders praying for him, maybe suggesting that the cult believes that the four leaders can heal any wounds?
That wld mean that amanes treatment not only goes against the cults beliefs but the leaders authority as a whole
Anyways just some randkm thoughts that have been fermenting srry!
Hello again!
I definitely think that there's high overlap between Amane and Mu. They're also similar in the fact that they both had to endure a lot of pain (seemingly emotional and physical) before they got to the point of murder (Mu with the endless bullying, Amane with being literally tortured for indoctrination). I think that a lot of Milgram prisoners have some parallels between them; honestly, I think it could be really fun to take a look at how I could pair the prisoners up in terms of similarities, so thanks for that idea!
I'm not sure about translations and such, but I've always been under the impression that Amane's dad was away a lot? I don't remember where I got that from, I feel like she mentioned something about it though. I'd thought it was a "I respect my dad but he's always busy so these other people (the four robot leaders) basically raised me."
I think that Riyone running rituals makes a lot of sense! My interpretation of the prayer scene isn't necessarily that they believe that the leaders can heal all pain or anything, but rather that everything happens for a reason/God can injure and heal as desired so they shouldn't mess with it. Instead of using medicine, which is considered evil, they should pray and ask God to handle it for them. That's definitely what the cult leaders were preaching, though, so either way, Amane was definitely directly opposing them by healing the cat (you can especially tell because she puts a finger to her mouth as if to say "it's a secret" right before she's found out).
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llazyneiph · 5 years
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@meinkatz​ CoronaSale aside, this statement on your website raised some red flags for me for a few reasons.  1. Are you buying a commercial license for them or personal licence? Personal licenses have a sales limit on them so how are you applying that to each individual model? Especially since you have multiple tiers (all extremely and unreasonably expensive. Like seriously dude, your highest tier is ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY DOLLARS. That is almost THREE HUNDRED Australian dollars.) But you also appear to sell these models as one off purchases. (I saw $2.50,  $5.50 & $7) And touching again on personal licenses, all some artists ask is to be credit and I cannot find a single instance of that on your website. (I am not talking about the brand)
2. Asking people to pay for models you have just converted is quite absurd. The price you are asking versus the product you are delivering does not add up.  You’re charging hundreds of dollars for a process I learnt in half a day when I didn’t even know how to use blender. Plus, charging for conversions is not well received in this community at all. I know I am coming off an asshole (as per usual) but I live and breathe this industry, I’m still a student but I spent my whole last semester learning about the legal system in regards to the game industry. I had to spend an entire term learning about creative licensing and situations just like this. It’s the reason why I stopped converting from other games (altho I never charged for that). So please listen to me about this, I actually do know what I’m talking about. You need to know if your income is (or will) exceed the personal license sales limit which is entirely possible considering your prices.  Most especially since you seem to wanting to build somewhat of a brand here, you can find yourself in legal hot water very easily.
you can choose to ignore this or just brush me off as a ‘hater’ and continue to do this, but then my only suggestion is to keep your subscription money to pay your possible future legal fees. Block me if you wish, it doesn’t make a lick of difference to me, you just need to know the hole you’re digging for yourself.
Here is a fantastic online course that I first took when I started learning 3D modelling, it can help you get into it yourself.
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hwanchaesong · 2 years
OK NVM i saw ur hongjoong imagine (i cried a little, then smiled so big i tell u) so imma change my request if thats okay! since you’ve already done less of you, i’ll request for strawberries and cigarettes intead. yk like that kind of vibe where seonghwa is a next door soft boy who’s always admired u as he watches u do shit he never imagines himself to do, but it just happens and it turns out the other party likes him too 🥺🥺🥺 just some late night sneaking out running away from whatever and theres this part he just stares and realize wow, he’s so in love AAAAAAAAAAA the genre is up to u bff hehe
a/n: this request is unique pls, i'm sucker for reversed roles 🤧 here ya go, tho i'd still want to do the jongho one if ever- @jonghoya 🥲🥲
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👤: ATEEZ Park Seonghwa
📼: Strawberries and Cigarettes - Troy Sivan
genre & warnings: fluff, sprinkle of angst, slightly suggestive, mentions of alcohol, smoking, two curses
word count: 1.1k
for anyone who wants to, don't be shy and send me asks based on Prompts Request Song Version. Thank you so much!
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"You see that?"
A five year old Seonghwa looked up at his mother who is currently pointing towards a young girl, ragged clothes and messy hair, bullying another kid in the playground.
It's his neighbor since birth, the girl next door that never does anything good.
"Don't be like that when you grow up, okay?"
Seonghwa remembers that scene clearly, he promised to his mother and to his self that he will never be a bad person.
He did his best to make his mom proud, he steered away from trouble, had good grades, he grew up so well that most parents wanted to adopt him.
Maybe that's the reason why he's confused right now, 23 years of experience and knowledge yet he doesn't understand why he's standing in front of your figure, nonchalantly leaning in your car, expressionless but your eyes spoke something else.
"You're early, Park."
"They already went to bed so.."
His voice trailed off, not sure on how to continue his sentence, making you laugh at his innocence.
"I get it." you lifted yourself off of your car that you were previously leaning on, walking towards the passenger seat and throwing him your keys.
"Now, let's get you to drive."
The man fumbled around the keys, flustered when his reflexes told him to catch it, glaring at you afterwards.
"This is illegal, I still haven't gotten my d-"
You rolled your eyes, opening the car door and situating yourself inside, "Get on, Park, don't make me wait or else." you warned, clicking your tongue and raising an eyebrow to emphasize your statement.
Seonghwa couldn't help the sigh that came out of his lips.
He really doesn't know how he ended up like this. He doesn't want to disappoint his parents, but the thrill he feels when he's with you is different.
A kind of change that he didn't know he'll need until he got a taste of it.
The night you first interacted with each other, asking him to light your cigarette had him running, scared that he'll go astray with his path, not until you cornered him. Flashing your car's headlight at the dead end he put himself into, calling him a 'fool.'
Everything was like a blur, you're the one who drinks whiskey and beer, you're the one who inhales weed like it's free real estate, although in the end, he was the intoxicated one.
So, so addicted to you that he finds himself sneaking outside just to meet up with you. Hiding and lying from his parents about his whereabouts at night, when in reality, he's out there giggling his ass off because you forgot your keys inside your car, locking both of you out in the cold.
It was a memorable moment, a daydream in the middle of a long night.
"Aren't you cold?" Seonghwa asked you meekly, noticing your exposed skin due to the crop top and shorts that you're wearing.
It was chilly, breeze blowing and the ongoing transition of winter to spring is definitely not helping.
You looked down at your outfit, chuckling at him, "What? You're worried?" you quipped back, "If you are, then let me borrow your jacket."
A warm, soft cloth was wrapped around you, it was too sudden and the only thing that you can register is his minty breath and large, sparkly eyes.
He's close.
"Here you go, I-"
Cut off by your lips suddenly, he couldn't get a word out, disbelief yet enjoyment enveloping his veins at the thought of kissing you.
Full blown making out in public? No, that's not his cup of tea.
With you though? He'll beg to differ.
He has admired you for a long time. He thought that it was him being jealous of your carefree nature, laid-back and nothing to worry about. Then that kiss happened, he needed that to realize that he has the longest crush on you.
Your bright smile, bold attitude and fearless persona are the things that he would always find in other girls.
You are his standard and he is yours.
Especially when the two of you got a bit heated during that kiss, thankfully, a stray cat decided to interrupt your session before the two of you do something that you'll surely regret.
Alright, he'll drive as long as it makes you happy.
You both arrived at a camping site, courtesy of you teaching him the directions and encouraging him throughout the ride that he's doing well.
"Come sit with me." you ushered him to make himself comfortable in your car's hood.
"Look up, aren't they pretty."
You were pertaining to the stars, shining down upon your statures, screaming for you to be honest and be upright about your feelings.
"They are, but it's kinda cloudy, we can't see them well." Seonghwa muttered, making you slap his arm.
"You're so pessimistic," an idea popped in your head, fingers slithering towards his, holding his hand tightly in yours, "we'll see them soon enough, you just have to wait for the sky to clear."
His head turned to look at you, a childlike wonder on your face that he always made his heart skip a beat.
During the years of knowing you, he understands that you were misinterpreted by a lot of people. They see you as a bad influence yet he sees you as a girl full of sadness but still hopeful for your future.
You decided to change yourself up for the sake of protecting your sanity, your emotions, your everything from the harsh world.
Isn't it ironic?
A girl wearing all black, ripped clothing and a man donning a fluffy hoodie and jogging pants under the moonlight, clicking like they're soulmates.
It was like a game, he was always wishing for you to change, but now he knows, and he'll forever apologize for wanting to turn you into something that you're not. Promising that he'll accept and support you no matter what.
As he peers into your eyes, an overwhelming feeling washed over his soul.
He remembers his jacket that he lent you back then, your scent lingering in it. The way you held him tightly. Your lips that tasted like sugar and smoke. Every inch and part of you are now engraved on him, and he's not about to let that go.
He fucking loves you.
So damn much that he took the initiative to lean in, closing the gap between and sealing your fate with him.
You did nothing but accept it, of course you would, it's the man that you are head over heels with since the day he decided to drape that cozy piece of clothing on you.
You might tell him this when the right time comes, but a greatest secret of yours is the fact that he made you feel like you're at home in his presence, and that is more than enough reason for you to harbour intense sentiments for him.
Yes, it was always worth the wait. Even with the missed messages and calls, circular clouds that you puff out, unhealthy sugar intake, lighters and 60 kph, not even a holiday and running away can help him.
Park Seonghwa is in too deep and he wanted more of you.
His hunger for that strawberry and cigarette flavor of your lips will never be satiated.
He doesn't need to be like you when he grows up, all he needs is to be with you until death.
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Unrelated St advice. Ik u are a teacher and you seem wise.
Do you have any advice on bullying? I’m not sure what to do anymore. I tell the teachers and they continue they don’t get punished really. Their still their to taunt me and send me messages.
Bullying remains such a challenge, and I'm sorry you're going through it. I feel like these days it's even harder, as cyberbullying can mean a victim can't even have a safe haven after school.
A big problem with stopping bullying is that a lot of bullies are smart enough to not get caught. There isn't a lot school administration can do without proof. I won't lie. Sometimes we adults at schools know we have nothing solid on a kid we know is bullying. It's frustrating as hell.
I do want to go over the definition of bullying before I go further, though. What you describe sounds like it could be bullying, but there are still a lot of misconceptions about it. In order to be considered as bullying, three things must be true:
The behavior is targeted. So it's not some a-hole just going after the first person they see when they're mad.
The behavior is repeated over time. It doesn't happen just once or every now and then.
There is a power imbalance that creates a clear bully and a clear victim. This is what separates a rivalry or feud from bullying. A bully will find a target who feels unable to do anything about it.
The first thing I'd recommend is that you do whatever you can to keep yourself safe. It sounds like it's not physical bullying, at least, so maybe you're in no danger of assault, but that doesn't make it ok. If nobody else is going to help you, then you need to help yourself. Talk to your school's counselor, if there is one. He or she would most likely have the most training in helping you. Teachers, especially at the moment, can be so overworked that a bullying report could fall through the cracks if you tell them.
Next, I'd suggest you work on trying to make it possible for the bullies to get caught. If they're sending you messages, is there a way to trace them back to the bullies? Try to casually stick relatively close to adults in the school. Travel as part of a group, if possible, as bullies generally want to isolate their targets. If they're getting caught and things still aren't being done, then there's a major problem at the school.
Finally, and this will sounds extremely cliché and unhelpful perhaps, is you should try to make it seem like the bullies aren't getting to you. All behavior serves a purpose, and bullying is often done to evoke a desired reaction in a victim (usually to try to enhance one's own social status or self-esteem). If a bully doesn't get the reaction they're looking for, it will begin to seem like a wasted effort. Just be prepared for them to possibly up the intensity in an attempt to get the reaction again.
In an ideal world, you'd be able to rally other people to stand up to the bullies, thus taking away their power. Perceived power is what makes bullying possible. I'm not so naïve as to think this is always a possibility like it is in the movies. It can also be a slippery slope to counter-bullying, which isn't really any better. If there are others who are fed up with the same bullies, though, it could still be helpful. One person accusing someone of bullying might not seem actionable by itself without proof, but a group of people doing it? That should be enough for admin to look into it. You might also find some new friends in the process, which itself can do a lot to counter the effects of bullying.
I do also want to mention that bullies can change, though it usually takes some sort of wakeup call. Like all behavior, bullying is learned. The bullies may be bullied themselves, possibly at home. They may be taught, either explicitly or implicitly, that bullying is the way to get ahead in life. Hell, depending on age and/or mental development, they may not have the appropriate social skills to express themselves properly. It's important for schools to not only assist the victim, but also the bully, otherwise the bully will either find a new victim or just be more careful to not be caught.
Be aware that no matter what you do, it might initially be met with increased bullying. They'll want to stop you from doing anything about it.
I'm sorry I don't have any magic answers for you. Unfortunately, bullying is a complicated problem, and it has been for a long, long time. A lot of people have accepted it as a "fact of life" or a "rite of passage," and this can make it very hard to effectively prevent or stop. The parents of bullies are also very often in denial that their kid is doing anything wrong. Sometimes because they're the bullies to their own bully of a kid.
I hope things get better for you. Feel free to drop me a line if you need someone to talk to.
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