#then my mom said something that made me feel bad about being with my birb
someone-online · 5 years
Hi I like birds better than people bc birds dont make me feel bad for being uncomfortable talking on the phone and birds dont constantly remind me how I struggle to make friends bc of how socially stupid I am and birds dont point out with disgust how I prefer to talk and be with birds over people and birds dont make me feel bad for my interests
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annakie · 4 years
Are we out of the woods yet?
Hey all, haven't been on tumblr in a few days!
I have been living through what so many other Texans have been living through, so I thought I’d write a bunch of words about it, for posterity.  My story isn’t nearly as bad as so many others, but hey, it was still a fairly major historical event so... writing it for my own memories. :)
Post title because that particular Taylor Swift song was stuck in my head for most of the last few days, for obvious reasons.
So the last week has been an adventure! Last Friday I got my first Moderna Vaccine, and I posted about it a few times, but by Monday was feeling pretty good. Of course, it snowed overnight. I'd been so out of it all weekend I didn't realize quite how bad it was going to be, but when a friend who lives nearby told me his power was out I kinda went "uh oh", baked myself a box mix of orange cranberry bread, fortified some windows with blankets, and crossed my fingers. Also starting that morning I'd reduced the temperature in the house, and shut off and unplugged everything non-essential.
I was feeling pretty happy when the power stayed on all day. My friend's power came back that evening so I thought I was out of the woods.
And then at 10pm... plunged into darkness.
I threw some more blankets into areas where the cats hang out and my bed, let some friends know, and tried to go to bed, hoping for the best in the morning. Couldn't fall asleep for hours, worrying, as the temperature was plunging to the negatives for the first time in living memory in Texas. Finally fell into a restless sleep, and woke up a few hours later, no power.
The worst thing about no power is like, all the things you can't do. My phone started at 100% charge and I'd charged all my devices including my backup battery, but still tried to conserve power. The scary thing was hearing that this could last for days. And boy the news that day was bleak about the possibility of having power again anytime soon. The house, however, stayed at about 51 degrees the entire day. So, it was cold, but very bearable with a few layers and blankets. Whichever cats I was near were very cuddly though.
I was really glad to have the cranberry orange bread because it was tasty and easy to eat. Also had a sizeable amount of beef jerkey, and chips, and I'd bought about 48 bottles of water at the start of the pandemic that I never drank, so I had no worries about what to eat for the time, luckily. I figured, worst case, I'd figure out a way to do soup over a candle to have a hot meal eventually.
I’d been dripping the bathtub and checking the other faucets regularly.  I’ve never had a burst pipe in the normal cold we have, and was hoping for the best this time as well.  All seemed well the entire day.
I slept a lot when I wasn't scrolling twitter and nextdoor for information. And early afternoon there was a knock on the door. My mom literally called the cops to do a wellness check on me because I hadn't answered texts in a few hours, lol. I thanked him, and called my mom. Internet had been spotty and her calls weren't going through, nor notifications when I got texts. So that was... notable.
I tried doing some reading, and playing on my Switch but to be honest, I was so anxious about everything that I couldn’t relax and keep my mind on anything but the lack of power and when it’d come back.  I did take about four naps though. Considered bringing some of the cats into the car with me to warm up but realized I’d have to lift the garage door manually to run the car without, you know, dying, and instead just turned it on for less than a minute twice that day to keep the battery fresh...er... without carbon monoxide poisoning.  (My garage door is solid wood.  Even with good springs... it’s heavy.)
By the time it started to get dark, I started to worry about how much longer this would go on. I have a friend who has a 4-wheel drive... idk a land rover or something. He lives about 30 minutes away normally. It'd probably take well over an hour for him to get there now, especially since there was another storm coming that night. Since learning my power was out, he'd been asking if he could come get me, and they had steady rolling blackouts in their neighborhood, several other people I knew nearby were also saying their blackouts were rolling along.
I resisted, because I really didn't want to move the cats but I would never ever abandon my pets. But also it would be very difficult to move them. Patchy doesn't get along with any of them -- she stays in the master bedroom 100% of the time. There was a short period of time last year she would explore the house, but she got along with everyone else, especially Fry, so poorly that she decided she did not want to explore the house anymore. Fry sometimes wanders into the master bedroom and if they're both on the floor there's lots of hissing and yelling, and maybe swatting. She also has nothing but hissing for Pemily and Leela if she sees them. The master is her domain, the rest of the cats can have everything else.
Everyone else can be mean to Leela, though she gets along OK with Pemily most of the time. 
But Fry is just... hoo boy he is nothing but a problem child I don’t want to subject on others.  He’s a bully and an asshole and yells loudly when anything doesn’t go his way.  He would really, really not take a new environment well.  He hates the outside, and runs away when I even open a door.  And getting him to the vet involves kitty sleeping pills, though he also still fights through it enough to freak out the entire time he’s in a carrier badly, yeowling the entire time and literally rips all his nails off trying to get out, still trying to dig his way out with bloody paws.  It’s a nightmare.  So the thought of getting all four of them into carriers at the same time, then putting them all in a car for well over an hour (and the entire trip would be nothing but all four of them crying the entire time with Fry being the worst), then bringing them into someone else’s house, and needing two separate rooms because I can’t put Patchy in the same room as the other three... and trying to keep them all calm in a whole new situation when none of them were used to any other environment than my house (aside from yearly trips to the vet) man... moving them was a last resort.
But around 10pm when I had been sitting in the dark for 24 hours, I texted him and said in the morning, if the power wasn't on, we'd talk about him coming to get me and the cats in the morning.
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I fortified Leela’s bed with a blanket fort.  (Pic above was from later, when I got power, and was way more open than I kept it when it was cold.) I couldn’t get her to move anywhere else... it actually worked pretty well. 
I fortified the master bedroom with blankets over the sliding glass door on Monday and then put Patchy’s cat bed on the bed and fortified IT with more blankets.  After she was settled in I managed to get her covered up.  Then I went into the living room, which is the smallest room in the house and a room most would use as a bedroom, and snuggled into the couch with Fry and Pemily, the door cracked for ventilation, and four candles burning. 
Fell asleep around 10:30.
Around midnight I was woken up by a terrifying sound... running water.  Honestly thought I was dreaming for a moment, had to work to pull myself out of my dream, and my heart froze in terror that I may have a burst pipe.  And then I heard a very, very good sound... the furnace turning on. 
POWER!  26 hours later.. POWER.  The running water sound was the cats’ water fountain.
Got out of bed, nuked myself a small frozen pizza, checked around the house for everything and everyone being OK, plugged in all my portable devices to recharge, and went back to sleep.  Woke up around 4 and still had power.  I thought... I really wanted a hot meal and should cook something that wouldn’t be bad as cold leftovers for lunch, as I’d finished the cranberry orange bread when I woke up at midnight.  I didn’t want to use too much power so uh... I made Fettuccine Alfredo, and ate half of it... at 4am.  What?  It was good.
Also... I hadn’t seen the stray cat I’d been taking care of since Sunday night.  He hadn’t even visited because there were no tracks in the snow.  Checked the backyard randomly and he was there!!!  So he got food and water.  I was very happy.
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THERE’S THE BOY!  I call him Patchy’s Boyfriend.  Taken through the blinds as to not scare him.
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Animal tracks in the snow!!  I was glad some birbs got some water, too!
Went back to bed in my own bed.  Woke up a little later than normal for work with the power still on.  Texted my folks to tell them the good news.  Got up and went into the kitchen, started contemplating coffee and pancakes for a hot meal.  Opened the fridge for the first time and checked the milk.  Sadly, it didn’t survive, and realized I was a dumbass for not just.. putting the groceries... in the garage... where it was cold...
And just as I sighed and started to decide if I wanted coffee without milk... the power went back off.  Aw, damn.
My spirits were lifted, though, at having power and a warm house overnight.  I checked in with work and let them know I’d be out again unless the power came back, told my friends and said NOT to come get me, decided NOT to tell my mom the power was off again, because all that would do is make them worry about me all day again, checked on the cats and tucked them in, and went back to bed.  Got some more sleep.
Relaxed more that day, with the house taking longer to cool down.  Actually played some Switch, read the first couple of books in the Mass Effect Comic Collection.  Had cold Alfredo and an apple with peanut butter for lunch.  Scrolled twitter a lot more, not afraid to have to go to my backup battery if needed.
Right around the time I’d usually be knocking off for work... the power came on again.
And it didn’t shut off.  Yay.
In total I was without power somewhere around 34 hours.  It sucked.. but also... I didn’t have my pipes burst... they didn’t even freeze.  The house never dipped below 50, thanks insulation!  My water was always running, though for a few hours it was very low pressure, and always clean.  My city government and congressman were both very involved and communicative, doing their best to help people and get the word out.  City had two warming centers should I have needed them, one of which was pet friendly.  I had plenty of food and water, enough for a week or more easily.  I had friends willing to put themselves at risk and through inconvenience to make sure I was taken care of.
A lot of people had it much, much worse.  So yeah.  I don’t ever wanna do that again, but for me, it wasn’t all that bad.
Shoutouts to:
My nearby friend Eric, who would have let me stay at his place if needed.
My far-away friend Marcus for offering to come and get me, and suffer the inconvenience of my cats.  Other friends would have if I’d asked, too.
My queen sized purple fleece blanket for being so warm and comforting.
My warm fuzzy bathrobe, messy bun beanie, and fuzzy slippers for making sure I was never all that cold.
My cats for weathering things well.  They also learned that maybe they DO like being under covers now.
My LED Headlamp for providing hands-free light for hours and hours.
My mom for a bag of candles she gave me YEARS ago I always would see and want to throw out, but didn’t let myself just in case I needed them someday.  I burned many of them and they kept me warm that second night.
Also my mom for... calling... the police... on me?  I know she loves me.  Also that cop for having a sense of humor about it and telling me to call my mom more often lol.  ACAB and all, but I shoulda checked my texts.
My Switch and Mass Effect Comic Collection for being huge piles of entertainment when I could finally relax and read them.
My coworker Monica for suggesting I make something I could snack on easily in case we lost power.  That cranberry orange bread was perfect.
Me for never throwing away a blanket.  I should probably donate some, though.  Between the cats and covering windows and me, though.. I used... a lot of blankets.
4am Fettuccine Alfredo.
My municipal utilities for already saying our bills wouldn’t be drastically higher from this month.  Although, I take it back for being real bad at the “rolling” part of the “rolling” blackouts.
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dnarez · 3 years
Chapter 28 - So Cute!!!
After the doctor check up on the wounds it was hell to get you to eat the hospital food, Hawks tried everything on his arsenal, from begging to ordering, you did not give up.
"That's food for the sick!" you said while pouting, if you could, you would have crossed your arms, but since you were chest down and back up, it was harder to do anything really.
"You ARE sick!" Keigo tried again, this conversation was going on for hours now, since the doctor went out of the bedroom at 5am, and now it was 3pm.
"I already told you! I'm not sick! I'm hurt!"
"There's no difference!" he said flailing his arms around.
"Of course there is!"
Keigo stuffed his face on his hands and shouted, his scream being stuffed by his hands "JUST EAT! OUR I'M GONNA MAKE YOU" he demanded pointing at you.
The shouting was interrupted by an angry nurse grabbing Hawks by his ear "SIR! You are on a hospital!!! You need to keep the noise down! Our you gonna have to leave!" a copy of the other nurse was angrily looking at him, but this one had more of a fox vibe, unlike her sister that have more of a wolf vibe.
"Oh! You must be Amaterasu's sister! Nice to meet you" she looked at you and huffed, letting go of your brothers ear.
"If you don't eat you can't go home... and it's nice to finally meet you too" the fox nurse got closer to the bed and took the tray of cold food "I'm gonna go get you some warm food, and if you behave and eat everything I will sneak you something, deal?" her fluffy tail was swaying lightly.
".... Okay... I will eat it... BUT IT NEEDS TO BE SOMETHING SWEET!"
She chucked and nodded going out of the room.
"Oh my good! That hurt!" Keigo pouted as he caressed his ear "I like her sister more! The other one is also prettier!"
"But... Kei-nii... they are identical..." you look at him with a poker face.
"Nu-uh! they are totally different! The one from yesterday had wolf ears and a wolf tail, this one has fox tail and fox ears, also her eyes are blue and the wolf girl have deep black eyes, they looked like voids!" he flailed his arms around.
"Dude... d-do you have a crush on my damn nurse!?" he blushed heavily at her comment and shook his head.
"No! I-I just though she was cute!" he evaded your eyes.
"Do you want my sister's number?" fox nurse was back with the tray of food in hands.
You almost jumped out of your skin, and Keigo just looked at her with shining eyes "M-may I!?"
She chuckled and nodded as she put the tray in front of you "Can you sit up or do you need to be spoon feed?"
"I need help to sit" Keigo went to you and helped you to sit up, being extra careful with your back.
"Here" the fox nurse put a paper with her sister's number on Keigo's pocket and gave you your food "I need to make my check-up run, and when I come back I want to see this tray empty"
You looked at the food with disgust but nodded "Yes ma'am"
Keigo was busy using his phone as you ate, and while you were finishing the food you looked at him and saw that he had a small smile and was blushing a little. "Hey! Ditch the side chick! Your main hoe is right in front of you!" you put a hand on your chest and gasped dramatically while trowing your head back "Do you have no shame! I'm hurt"
He chuckled and put his phone back on his back pocket "Alright, alright, you won, My focus is totally yours my main hoe" Keigo looked took a backpack from under your bed and put it on his lap.
"HEY! Did you hide that under my bed!?"
"Are you blind?"
"So I don't need to answer that" you clicked your tongue at that as he laughed at you. "Yeah, you're right, I did hide it under your bed" Keigo got serious and pulled a thin photo album from the bag "This... is the only picture album that had photos of you younger... the other ones we will burn it together if you like, but this" he adjusted the arm chair so that now you could see it clearly "this is your photos, this is your history, I didn't look at it, I promise, and my on sidekicks were the ones that looked into the albums"
His stare was intense, like always.
You chewed your bottom lip and asked what you were dying to know "W-what about your pics? The ones that they had of you... did someone saw it?"
He shook his head "No, there weren't pics with my face in it, by the looks of it the burn it, and- I'm sorry, but they told me that this was everything about you, besides your documents and stuff"
You nod and finish eating "Let's see it! I know that I was very cute when I was small!"
"Don't you mean smaller?" you punch his shoulder and he chuckled.
"You are not that tall!" you huff and look at the album as he open it.
The first picture... brought you sad memories.
"I had tried to run away after the normal 'stress relief' session, I walked on the snow with only the clothes on my body, they had clipped my wings so that I wouldn't learn how to fly... Mo-" you interrupted yourself from calling that woman 'mom' and take a deep breath, holding back tears "that woman... called him and while he chased me she got the camera out..."
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(eyes and hair are just like Keigo's and this is the site that I used to make this https://picrew.me/image_maker/58190 go make your own!!!)
"She took this picture after he dragged me inside... it was really cold that winter..."
"oh my god... you-... WERE SO CUTE!!! Even crying you were cute! Damn it! How could someone just go and hit a child this-... this... ADORABLE!" he huffed angrily.
You giggle and smiled at him "What happen to them anyway?" you turned the page.
Keigo looked at you and smiled "They are in jail, if I could, I would have sent them to Tartarus, but they are just some low level bad guys, and Tartarus is for the really bad guys"
You nodded understanding and looked back at the small photo album. "It's sad that there is only two photos..."
"What happened there? You're smiling, SO CUTE!"
You chuckled "It was the first time that they took me out, I had started making really good food, so they rewarded me with a walk on the park"
"You look cold..." he looked concerned at the photo.
"I did a good job at cleaning and at cooking, at that time I was around... 9? Maybe 8, but at that time they stopped hitting me daily, that's the only clothes I had at the time"
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(sorry, I don't have the link for this one... but it is on the same site as the precious one)
"SO CUTE!!! And what about that red ribbon?" he pointed at the picture.
"Oh! I found it cute, I also was able to hide my own wings at that time, they didn't have excuses to take it from me" you nodded at him
"But what does the ribbon has anything to do with it?" he tilted his head, confused.
"It was the first gift someone gave me... it was for me being a 'good girl', the park was an isolated one, and it was cold as hell! There was no one around to see me... no one to save me... until you showed up!" You kissed his cheek and gave him a big smile "My hero!"
Keigo looked at you shocked, and started to sob as he hugged you "I'm so glad that I made it on time! I was so worried about you! My lil birb! My sister!" he was crying pretty hard after that.
You both stayed like that for a very long time, just hugging each other, you never felt so safe in your whole life, the feeling of belonging was really incredible.
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jynzandtonic · 4 years
asks + answers (4/26)
Yo yo yo! I’ve been working my through my ask box, and wanted a way to answer some of the anon questions without feeling like I’m spamming y’all with bazillions of short info posts.
Instead of “killing two birds with one stone,” my mom would always say “feeding two birds with one seed,” which is a lot cuter, and also who the fuck is going around throwing rocks at birds for fuck’s sake. 
In that spirit, I hope this type of post is a good way to feed the birbs. xoxo
Heyyy! So you have a masterlist?
Yes, or at least the humble beginnings of one! I just got a laptop last week, so I’m excited to finally get my shit together.
Today, I’ve been getting together all the fic links, and I’ll also be including links to browse all posts for each individual boy. The vast majority of what I’ve written is in ficlet/drabble/HC form, aka snaccs and thots, which will prove more timely to catalog. You can always track #jyn z snaccs for HCs and #jyn z thots for ficlets/drabbles if you don’t want to miss ‘em!
feels pretty shitty to see you responding to all these other asks but not the ones I’ve sent. oh well   
I thought about just deleting this ask like I did with the small handful of similar ones I’d received before posting about pausing writing requests to catch up, but considering this came in just a few hours ago, it’s probably worth addressing.
Anon, I am so sorry you’re feeling crappy about not seeing your prompt(s) fulfilled. I would never want to do something to intentionally make you feel bad. 
For the most part, I answer asks in the order they are received--perhaps peppering in others out-of-order to diversify the smattering of characters/kinks/themes. I write around 2k words a day just for asks. Up until a week ago, I was plinking out every word I wrote on a phone keyboard, too.
The reason you haven’t seen your ask posted is this:
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I am just a smol bean. With two opposable thumbs. And a dwindling supply of beer and coffee. I have only been on tumblr for five weeks. I am still trying to figure this whole thing out. I can only write so much. I don’t want to annoy anyone by posting too much shit. I also live with pretty debilitating mental illness... but I don’t need any reason to justify not being able to churn out non-stop content. Yer babe here needs to take care of their basic needs. <3
~~I am try my best~~
Hugs to you. I hope you know you I value you, regardless of how dialed-in I am on this “web blogging” thing.
i loved your thicc thighs snacks and now im listening to lizzo 💖 sorry if this is personal but are you thicc?
How great is that Lizzo album, right? SHE SHOULDA SWEPT THE GRAMMYS DONT @ ME. Anyway. ^.^ I’m so glad you enjoyed the snaccs! 
And hey, ain’t no thang. I don’t think I’d categorize myself as thicc, but I would say I’m on the muscular side. A suitor once told me I had a “powerful butt,” which is (1) objectively funny, (2) a unique compliment, and (3) the best answer to your q.
In general, I’m a body glorifier. All bodies are good bodies. Anyone who says different can go fuck themselves.
the ‘someone you trust’ interaction in Swiped is very ‘i’m the bosses wife’ from don quixote and i appreciate it
Also hearing Toby say “Yeah, you are the boss’ wife...” makes me rabid.
Nicole really made Charlie’s 6’3 ass sleep on that small couch
There are few things I find more endearing than extremely tall people on furniture that is obviously too short to accommodate them. AD on basically any furniture is in that category for me. 
Also, just to give a quick holler--for personal reasons, I tend to get really squicked by lingering resentment/spitefulness pertaining to the failed marriage of Marriage Story, so I prefer to steer clear of most emotionally-charged conversations around it! xo
You say y’all a lot, are you southern by chance?
Ha! No, I am not Southern. Quite the opposite: Pacific Northwestern. “Y’all” tends to be my default plural pronoun, as it’s quick and gender-neutral. My favorite gender-neutral plural pronoun is “party people,” but that takes a bit longer to type out.
two of my asks in one post! i asked about the baby steps too hehe. would you pretty please tell me about them? i’m so soft for loving daddy clyde 🥺🥺🥺 - 🤠
Howdy, Cowboy! Thanks for being so patient with your Clyde asks xo. I did mean it, though--that gets me a lil’ too soft and emotional right now! Perhaps when I’m not a quarantine sadboi. MORE FILTH TO NUMB THE PAIN!
If I could count down the days until you drop the flip chapter fic I would! I have been absolutely WHORING over him!! Can’t wait to read it!
AWWWWW I am so happy and also JESUS CHRIST ON A FUCKIN BICYCLE FLIP HAS HAD ME WILDIN RECENTLY. I have said it before and I will say it again: something about than man makes my nostrils flare involuntarily and that’s... that’s some shit.
Hello beautiful soul! I've come to ask about my boy Jude? He needs more recognition!! Stay safe!
Hiya, darling dearest! Thank you for your sweet message; I hope you’re safe and healthy wherever you are. Right now, I’m pretty darn stacked with characters to write, and I’ve gotta get my blog footing underneath me more before I consider adding any more boys. In the meantime, stay stocked up on Raisin Bran. ;)
I just have to stop and say you write some of the absolute best HCs and I just love the layout of your snaccs so much
I just have to stop and say that you are the absolute best and I so appreciate you reading and being here. HUGS!
XOXO, jyn z
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iamvegorott · 5 years
Undercover Love Ch. 35
Learning Spark
“Everyone sit down and be quiet,” Chase ordered as soon as one of the screens turned to static on the control panel. Everyone obeyed right away without a second thought, even Dark did as well. Anti popped out of the screen with Blank at his side, the younger Virus’ eyes went wide when he saw the number of people and he began to tremble slightly with fear.
“His name is Blank,” Anti said for the others in the room.
“Hey Blank, I’m Chase.” Chase greeted with a soft and kind tone, crouching down so he was slightly shorter than Blank. “Do you want anything? A drink? A snack?” Blank just looked at Anti as if waiting for permission and when Anti nodded he did as well.
“Some water.” Blank’s voice was barely above a whisper.
“I’ll get it.” Bim offered and stepped out.
“I promise that we’re good people, we won’t hurt you,” Chase said.
“Everyone is the good guys in their own eyes.” Blank stated, but the way he spoke made the words sound like they weren’t his own. “You kill for hire.”
“We do,” Chase admitted, knowing there was no point in lying. “But it’s more complicated than that.”
“Is it?” Blank started to pick at his fingers.
“We only take jobs from those who wish to prevent any more suffering. Who want really really bad guys dead. The kind of bad guys that kill more with just a simple wave of their hand than we ever have in our years doing this.”
“I just want peace.” Blank whimpered, flinching away when Bim walked up to him and held the cup of water out.
“Bim good,” Robbie said from the spot on the floor he sat on. “He’s just fancy.” He added with a giggle.
“Fancy?” Blank giggled as well.
“Why is that funny?” Bim asked.
“I think it’s hilarious.” Anti chuckled and took the cup from Bim, who just sighed and sat back down next to Yandere. “Mom already knows everything that you told me, I sent what’s basically a transcript.”
“Mom?” Blank looked at Chase and tilted his head. “Who’s dad?”
“The man that your creator took, my husband.” Blank went stiff when Chase said the last word.
“Husband? Your loved one?” Blank glanced at Chase’s hands and saw that he was wearing two rings. “He’s your loved one? The one you want forever?”
“Yes, yes, he is.” Chase placed a hand on Blank’s shoulder. “Please help me get him back, please.” The circuits on Blank’s face flashed a quick blue. Chase hissed in pain and yanked his hand away, using his free one to hold it out towards the others when they moved to defend him, all except for Henrik though.
“He’s definitely been with some bad people.” Chase sighed as he moved his fingers, slowly getting feeling back into them.
“Is that the learning spark you were talking about?” Edward asked.
“Learning spark?” Dark gave Edward a disproving look for not talking to him about something.
“Henrik just brought it up the other day,” Edward said in defense. “When Anti was first made, there were a lot of things he couldn’t learn from just looking it up on the internet. Mostly types of emotions that are beyond basics.”
“I still don’t understand,” Dark said.
“Blank was made the same way Anti was, so it’s safe to assume he works the same way,” Henrik stated. “Anti was created with a base form of knowledge due to coming from something connected to the internet. Such as basic history, biology, math, language, and the works that someone that was Marvin’s ago would know.”
“He doesn’t act like the age it looks like he’s been formed into,” Dark said, not catching that Blank shrunk a little at his comment. “He seems young.”
“So was Anti,” Chase said. “He spoke young, acted young because he was young.”
“Blank’s barely been alive,” Anti said, giving Dark a look that told him he messed up.
“What does the spark mean?” Dark asked, changing the subject to get Anti to change his facial expression.
“It just means he learned something new.” Henrik shrugged. “I’m still trying to figure out why it happens, but whenever Anti learns something new, a little bit of electricity comes out of him. He’s learned to control it and have it come out of a different location on his body of someone’s touching him, but clearly, Blank’s not yet learned that and he shocked Chase. He saw what love was by looking at Chase and it was new to him.”  
“I’m sorry.” Blank was on the verge of tears and was shaking again. “I did-didn’t mean t-to.”
“You’re not in trouble, buddy.” Anti gave Blank a smile and Blank shook his head, as if not believing him.
“They say that and they still hurt me anyways.” Blank hugged himself.
“Blank, can you roll up your sleeves?” Chase asked and Blank’s eyes went wide once more.
“I just want to see something, okay?” Chase waited for Blank to look at Anti again and when Anti tugged at his own sleeves, Blank did the same. “That’s what I thought.” Chase sighed when he saw the dark bruises on Blank’s arms. “Are there more of them?” Blank only nodded. “Can I give you a hug?”
“I’ll be soft.” Chase moved close to Blank and wrapped his arms around the small man, confirming his thought. Blank was nothing more than skin and bones, he could practically feel every rib poking into him. He looked at Anti and the two shared a look that they both knew about Blank’s size. “Jackie, make some food for Blank,” Chase said when he let Blank go.
“But I-”
“I’ll eat with ya, I’m starving.” Anti gave blank a smile. “What sounds good to ya?”
“Pizza?” Blank perked up when Anti chuckled.
“Fuck yeah, let’s make some pizza.” Anti guided Blank towards the kitchen and Jackie went with them, Robbie popping up and joining them when Chase gestured with his head for him to.
“Why did you hug him?” Google asked.
“Nothing wrong with hugs,” Bing said with a shrug.
“You wanted to see how big he was, didn’t you?” Henrik asked. “After seeing those bruises, I would have made the same assumption as well.”
“Is Blank not eating?” Edward asked.
“More like he’s not being fed what he needs.” Chase corrected. “He needs a lot more food than you’d think he would.”
“So, it’s hard to guess if he’s being denied food or if they don’t know any better,” Wilford said.
“If they caused those bruises, I wouldn’t be shocked either way,” Chase grumbled. “Anti will be able to tell out of all of us since he’s a Virus as well.”
“What do we do? Feed him and then ask where the others are? Do we really think he’ll do that, he seems terrified of them.” Dark said.
“If they rely on Blank for what I believe they do. They'll be getting a hold of us any second now.” Chase said and soon one of the control panel screens went to static.
“You have something I want.” A voice they have yet to hear stated.
“As do you,” Chase said back, not even facing the screen.
“Give him back.”
“Give him back,” Chase repeated.
“I see we’ve come to standstill.” The voice cleared his throat. “Tell Blank to take you to the First Location, he’ll know what it means and we’ll have a trade-off. I’ll be seeing you with him in twenty minutes. I know you’ll be able to get there in time.”
“What do you think he means by that?” Yandere asked.
“Host suggests we make a plan.” Host stated. “He is unable to tell what exactly it is, but something...fishy is going to happen.”
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theladydrgn · 6 years
Thanks in no small part to @icibue I just spent the last day crafting RWBY/Pokemon AU headcanons. Please keep in mind that this is 50% funny, 50% serious and 100% self-indulgent!
·         Ozpin gives each new student an Eevee egg to hatch and train as part of their course work.
·         All the schools give different particular pokemon, Ozpin is just very fond of Eevee because of how much it can ‘change’.
·         Mythical and God-like pokes cannot be captured and instead ‘choose’ trainers. Being chosen by such a Pokemon is considered a very high honor but also puts that trainer at risk of being targeted by Salem.
·         Xerneas and Yveltal take the place of the God of Light and God of Darkness.
·         Celebi chose to be Oz’s partner centuries ago and is always the first to find him again after reincarnation.
·         The Xiao-Long family have raised the Kommo-o line of Pokemon for generations and it is customary for a Jangmo-o to be their child’s first Pokemon.
·         The Roses were known for raising Roselia and Roserade for show.
·         The Honchkrows Ozpin and Qrow have are from the same clutch of eggs.
·         Ozpin owns and cares for many pokemon but keeps two teams at the ready. One is a public team that is well known. The other is a private team that contains pokemon he has had through many lifetimes.
·         Because of the presence of Pokemon on Remnant, the world is a little safer for everyday citizens, though Grimm ARE attracted to pokemon just like humans.
·         The Huntsman Academies teach how to hunt Grimm and how to raise Pokemon.
·         Beacon Academy focuses on living in harmony with Pokemon and working together with them. Using pokeballs is optional for Huntsmen who have demonstrated close bonds with their Pokemon.
·         Atlas Academy focuses on Pokemon’s use in military tactics and has an extensive breeding program focused on breeding the strongest Pokemon. Pokemon are not allowed to be out of their pokeballs without military sanction.
·         Haven and Mistral are well known for their Pokemon Contests and shows. Battling is taught at Haven but definitely takes a backseat to the ‘art’ of raising Pokemon.
·         Since law and order is rare in Vacuo, almost anything goes. Having a strong team that can protect you and yours is what gets taught at Shade Academy. Since pokeballs are easily stolen they are very rarely used.
Now for Team Headcanons along with my personal reasoning for why I chose the teams I did. I was getting very tired towards the end of the team building, so I apologize if some teams aren’t as ‘fleshed-out’ as others.
Summer Rose
1.      Shiny Roserade – Obvious choice honestly
2.      Alolan (Menagerie) Cubone – Summer having a poke that lost it’s poke-mom and human mom was too entertaining to not do.
3.      Sylveon – Summer being the ‘heart’ of team STRQ
4.      Blissey – Since Yang described Summer as ‘super mom’ having a pokemon described at ‘nurturing’ seemed fitting.
5.      Gardevoir – The entire Gardevoir line is very sensitive to emotions and I headcanon Summer as being fairly bubbly.
6.      Altaria – I didn’t have any super specific reasons for this one. Just seemed like a poke Summer would have ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Taiyang Xiao-Long
1.      Jolteon – Jolteon fits Tai’s color scheme. Sue me.
2.      Pangoro – A fighting type that doesn’t like it when the weak get picked on
3.      Kommo-o – The only fighting dragon pokemon and it just so happens to fit Tai’s color scheme
4.      Herdier – I mean, it’s obvious isn’t it?
5.      Bewear – Another fighting bear but this one loves hugs
6.      Drampa – A dragon that protects kids
Raven Branwen
1.      Mandibuzz – Specifically said to hunt ‘weak’ prey
2.      Salazzle – Rules over similar pokes and fits Ravens color scheme
3.      Weavile – Hunting in small groups to take down larger prey sounds a lot like the Branwen tribe
4.      Umbreon – The only Eeveeloution that fit ravens color scheme ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5.      Hydreigon – Brutal and destructive
6.      Bisharp – Rules over packs of similar pokes and is called ‘pitiless’
Qrow Branwen
1.      Honchkrow – Do you have to ask?
2.      Absol – A pokemon said to bring misfortune/bad luck.
3.      Umbreon – Fits Qrows aesthetic and the twins having the same Eeveeloution is funny to me.
4.      Alolan Marowak – This is actually Summers Cubone evolved and I felt like Summer wouldn’t have brought a young untrained poke on a possibly deadly mission. Also seems fitting that Qrow would take to raising it since Tai would have his hands full raising his own team and the kids.
5.      Staraptor – A loner birb that leaves its flock after growing up fits Qrow pretty fucking well.
6.      Scrafty – A poke that comes off as rude and actually cares about its loved ones.
Ruby Rose
1.      Scyther – It has scythes for hands, what’s not to love?
2.      Roselia – Wanting to keep Ruby’s family legacy going, Tai gives Ruby a Budew as her first Pokemon
3.      Shiny Eevee – I mean silver Eevee… silver eyes… Also, it hasn’t evolved yet cause Ruby and Eevee are unsure of what they want it to be.
4.      Rockruff – A pup that turns into a wolf, nuf said (it will probably turn into the midnight form…).
5.      Electrike – A speedy boi that gives of showers of sparks as opposed to Ruby’s showers of petals
6.      Zigzagoon – Another speedy boi
Weiss Schnee
1.      Glaceon – Obvious is obvious
2.      Alolan (Atlesian) Vulpix – Pretty snow fox for the pretty ice queen.
3.      Dratini – Of course the rich kid would have something really rare
4.      Furfrou – Fancy dog for the fancy girl
5.      Brionne – A pretty poke that sings? 100% Weiss’s aesthetic.
6.      Braixen – You can only have so much blue and white before you need a splash of color and a poke that uses a wand like how Weiss uses her weapon seemed fitting
Blake Belladonna
1.      Litten – A cat that like to be solitary and doesn’t often display emotion… sounds like Blake to me!
2.      Umbreon – Somehow Umbreon just fits for way too many people but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3.      Purrloin – Cute purple cat
4.      Litwick – Blakes shadow clones kinda remind me of a ghosts sooo purple ghost poke?
5.      Frogadier – Blake is a ninja. She absolutely needs a ninja Poke
6.      Noibat – It’s purple and has great hearing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yang Xiao-Long
1.      Jangmo-o – It’s a punchy dragon and fits her color scheme ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2.      Makuhita – Yellow, punchy, never gives up
3.      Flareon – Yang’s hair literally lights on fire. I would be dumb to NOT give her Flareon
4.      Combusken – I mean it’s fire, it’s fighting, and warn when hugged!
5.      Rufflet – Ok SO Rufflet and it’s eventual evolution into Braviary fits Yang really well. Rufflet starts out feeling like it needs to prove itself and fighting everything it can (including it’s own parents). After evolving it still fights like a champ, but for more ‘noble’ reasons, aka to protect friends and loved ones.
6.      Corphish – JuST hear me out on this one. Corphish are said to be REALLY hardy and able to survive in the worst conditions. They also like to fight a lot.
Jaune Arc
1.      Growlithe – Friendly and loyal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2.      Eevee – His Eevee eventually becomes Sylveon because Jaune is a cinnamon roll
3.      Buneary – Won the egg from cereal box tops
4.      Riolu – Riolu and Lucario are described as loyal and having a very strong sense of justice
5.      Honedge – This one has been in has family for a long time
6.      Skarmory – Jaune only had a team of 5, but when Pyrrha died her Skarmory was the only survivor and Jaune took it upon himself to raise it.
Nora Valkyrie
1.      Jolteon – What did you expect?
2.      Rhyhorn – It has the lightning horn ability for obvious reasons
3.      Flaaffy – Happy, fluffy, pink, and electric
4.      Teddiursa – Cute, loves sweet things, and it’s evolution is a rage bear. Nuf said.
5.      Munchlax – They both have bottomless stomachs
6.      Woobat – If Nora’s heart cannons are anything to go by, she would love this Pokemon
Pyrrha Nikos
1.      Magnemite – Polarity… Magnetism… Magnemite… I’m not very original
2.      Eevee – Pyrrha’s Eevee would have become a Jolteon if she were still alive.
3.      Skarmory – Steel types really are obvious choices.
4.      Nosepass – It’s nose is literally magnetic
5.      Victini – With all of the talk of Pyrrha being ‘fated’ for victory, it would be silly to not give her the pokemon that makes that true.
6.      Buneary – Pyrrha ended up being given one of the Pumpkin Pete mascots
Lie Ren
1.      Espeon – When I think of Ren I think of psychic pokes so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2.      Natu – Calm and cautious like Ren
3.      Nincada – Only other ninja poke that isn’t Froakie
4.      Espurr – Another calm psychic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5.      Joltik – A cute little critter to remind him of Nora
6.      Zorua – Can hide it’s self which is closeish to Ren’s semblance
Ozpin – Public Team
1.      Espeon – Espeon’s tail fork is said to be able to sense danger so it makes sense Oz would keep one around.
2.      Klinklang – I mean, the gear aesthetic it obvious isn’t it?
3.      Mimikyu – I headcanon that Oz can very easily see the worth in literally anyone so giving him a poke that thinks it can’t be loved was a no-brainer
4.      Shedinja – Pokemon with no soul VS man with too much soul
5.      Honchkrow – Oz having a ‘dark’ pokemon and people think he’s shady? No way! (also, I’m a shipper shhhh)
6.      Ninetales – Of course Oz would have a stupidly long lived Pokemon
Ozpin – Personal Team
1.      Celebi – Of course the one person who can be found in almost any time period ever would be chosen by the literal time travel Pokemon… Also, Green.
2.      Dragonite – Dragonite’s are kind, altruistic, and long lived.
3.      Magearna – Man-made poke that has a gear aesthetic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4.      Metagross – Made from fusing two Metang together.
5.      Aegislash – Despite Ozma being a ‘wizard’ he was also a ‘warrior’
6.      Zoroark – Uses illusions and would even sacrifice its life to protect loved ones.
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