#then she got shot with the arrow and gained powers which terrified the HELL out of her
loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
Lying in bed, thinking about how shitty Caroline's life actually became and how much she sacrificed for others
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#oc: caroline kujo#man this girl developed some severe ptsd at the ripe age of 17#she almost killed herself from extensive use of Saint trying to keep everyone alive after Dio decided to go on a murder spree#not to mention how many times she was targeted during the trip to egypt itself#and after the trip her ptsd changed her personality#her kak and jotes became inseparable in school#until she left them at the end of the school year to go back to cali#then she had to sacrifice her dream to become a surgeon because jolyne was born when her and jotaro were 21#so she had to settle for the job of physician#it was hell to finish med school and go through residency AND raise a daughter#when jotaro got his phd and was already world famous caroline had barely started to work as a true doctor#the whole business in morioh made her want to tear her hair out#then she got shot with the arrow and gained powers which terrified the HELL out of her#she got a heart attack when darya called and cried how polnareff was on the brink of death after fighting diavolo#during her second pregnancy polnareff called for her help to heal buccellati's team and she dropped everything and flew to rome asap#she raised jomei basically all by herself but held no resentment towards jotaro#she knew why he was away yet it still killed her#then they separated#then jolyne's problems started#and finally stone ocean happened#she kept healing jotaro's body knowing full well it was killing her#and BOY the rage she felt when she stabbed herself with the arrow to kill pucci#I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS FOR MY BABY GIRL ;___;#the world took everything from her yet she kept giving
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zenithlux · 4 years
Cadence CH 7
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Catch up on the story here!
In which Roxy shows Vergil what she can really do.
Still is my soul My blood drawn cold I gain control
Oblivion - THE PRIMALS
The second Vergil stepped out of the portal, the latent demonic energy in the area snapped at him like a pack of rabid wolves unaware that he was the much more dangerous predator. He heard Roxy suck in a sharp breath, followed by a cautious coo from Aki as he hopped up onto her shoulder. “What is it?” Vergil said, genuinely curious if she felt something similar. V had some awareness of demons around him thanks to Griffon and Shadow, but a single month wasn’t enough to explore the possibilities of the familiars’ power. A decades-long connection with Aki must have given her something.
Then there was the matter of her second demon. He couldn’t sense it, but that didn’t surprise him. Familiars had no true form when contained within their pact-maker. He’d felt Nightmare at the back of his mind, but had never tried conversing with it. He wasn’t even sure if it was capable of normal speech. Maybe her’s wasn’t either. 
“There’s a lot of demons around,” She said with a frown. “More than I’m used to.” 
“Can you tell anything about them from here?”
Her look turned quizzical. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
Vergil realized he didn’t have a good response to that, as any explanation he could provide would likely give away his own demonic nature. He wasn’t sure what the right time to share that was, but the first day of an actual acquaintanceship probably wasn’t it. “We need to find Nico,” He said. Nico was smart enough to stay away from the more dangerous fights, but if the portals had caught her off guard…
He heard the van long before he saw it. And whether it was the screeching of tires, the clear panic in the echo of Nico’s voice, or his demonic sixth sense, he pulled Roxy towards himself and dashed to the side. He heard her gasp, but it was drowned out by the engine of the van as it whirled by them both. It spun to the side as it skidded, and nearly toppled over before somehow landing on all four wheels. In her wake were at least five demon corpses, including the one who’s bones cracked under the van. Roxy’s ragged, terrified breathing echoed in his ears, and her heart was beating so loudly that he could feel it as if it were his own. “What was that!?” She said. 
“Nico,” Vergil replied
“Is she crazy?”
“It’s highly probable.”
“I knew he’d save ya,” Nico said as she hopped out of the driver’s seat. “Well, I didn’t know you’d be here, but figured it would work out.” Vergil glared at her, but Nico didn’t pay him any mind. Instead, she kicked at the head of the dead empusa beneath her van three times before it dislodged from whatever had impaled it. “I haven’t heard from Nero or Dante since we got a call about this place, so I’m assuming they’re fine. But another portal opened up near here that you should be able to take out before they get back.”
Vergil wasn’t certain if that was a casual remark on how quickly he could fight, or a warning: Nero will be back soon.  “What’s causing it?” Roxy asked. 
“Not sure,” Nico said. “They might know more by now but…” 
She flinched as a series of varied shrieks echoed on the horizon. Of course, Vergil heard more than she ever could. “There’s a lot more than just demons around,” He said simply as he clicked Yamato in his hand. 
“Humans caught up in it?” Roxy said. “We could try reaching…” Her voice trailed off as a black line appeared in the air before expanding into an uneven square; a shredded portal that was nowhere near as clean as the ones Vergil could open. The demons that spilled out were the expected variety of rabble. Empusas (hell seemed to have an abundance of those)  Hell Cainas with their skeleton bodies and incredibly long scythes, and a few Hellbats with the usual chamber of explosive flames mounted on their backs. These weaklings weren’t a concern. Vergil could kill them all with a set of summoned swords if he wanted. Though that would make hiding his demonic nature a bit more difficult, so a few quick slices would have to do. 
A trio of arrows pierced the empusas first, draining their blood as they crumbled. The arrows vanished in a spark of purple light and the energy returned to Roxy’s hand. She took a deep and satisfied breath, though Vergil could see the twinge of worry in her eyes. “These bugs are always nice to see,” She said. “Easy targets. Plenty of energy to harvest. A hunter's dream.”
“They’re called Empusas,” he said.
She hummed in thought. “Not the name I would’ve given them. But sure, let’s go with that.”
“There’s plenty of books on the topic.”
“Not in any library I’ve been to recently.”
“Your father studied demons, didn’t he?”
“The important ones, sure,” She said with a dismissive wave. “I also don’t think those particular demons existed while he was still alive considering they showed up when that tree did.”
Vergil hadn’t thought of that, nor did he want to talk about that particular tree. Instead, he silently grabbed Yamato, lurched forward, cut down the Hell Cainas and shot a bat out of the air with a summoned sword from close enough that she shouldn’t see it. He slid away from the explosion, taking great care to not instinctively teleport. 
Acting human was a lot more difficult than it should have been.
“So you fight them up close and I’ll shoot down whatever I can.” Roxy said cheerfully.
He almost snapped a quick “I can handle this myself”, but bit his tongue. Sure, he could. But handling itself meant he wouldn’t get to see her other demon, and she would have used all of her energy for nothing. But not trusting himself to express that the right way, he simply nodded as more demons spilled out of the portal. This time, the empusas were replaced by the lizard-like Riots. Nothing that concerned him. He surged forward without a second thought, forcing himself to weaken what he could without outright killing them.
That too was something much more difficult than it should have been.
But Roxy kept her word. Every almost dead demon he left behind, she shot in a heartbeat. He tried his best to move on before absorbing the essence himself. However, he realized quickly that he didn’t have to worry, as her arrows drained the demons on their own. A clever evolution for Aki. Vergil wondered if it was something her father had taught the demon or something it had picked up on its own over the years. 
Once that portal vanished, Vergil was confident he had seen enough. “Check on Nico,” He said as he sheathed Yamato and scanned the area for any more spikes of energy. There were still a few demons around, but the human screams in the area were gone, and the only blood he could smell was demonic. If any humans had died, they weren’t here. 
But whatever pride he might have felt at such a thing (which wasn’t much given the simplicity of the task) dissipated the second Nero arrived.
Every time Vergil saw Nero, he was always struck by the impossibility of it all.  He really should have been Dante's son, not his. He knew from the occasional drunk conversation that Dante had considered it when they first met. (Dante being drunk, not Vergil. He'd be a corpse in the ground long before he partook of that infernal drink). His brother's escapades with women during their teenage years were far more frequent than Vergil's, seeing as he'd been with one person and Dante couldn't give him a definitive number. But Dante had joked that Vergil must not have considered any form of protection, and Vergil had been too stubborn to ask what he meant. 
Now he knew, but not through his brother. He tried to avoid his brothers smug, know-it-all grin as much as possible. 
But he and Nero were nothing alike, physicality aside. Vergil was calm and kept his thoughts mostly to himself. Nero was brash and spoke his mind. Vergil avoided most human contact whenever possible. Nero embraced it, even volunteering at the orphanage in his spare time. 
Nero had his life together. Vergil, regrettably, did not.
“What are you doing here?” Nero said as he reached for the sword on his back. Vergil wasn’t sure if that was a self-conscious decision, or if his son truly intended to fight him right now in the midst of a demon invasion.
“I am here to help,” Vergil said. “Just as you are.”
“Sure you are,” Nero said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you were the idiot who summoned all these things.”
Vergil’s eyes narrowed. “I did nothing of the sort.”
Nero snorted, rolling his eyes. “I wouldn’t put it past you.”
“You know nothing about me.”
“And whose fault is that?”
Both of ours, Vergil thought, but he stopped himself before he said it. Vergil refused to blame anyone else for his predicament, even though he didn’t think there was much else he could do. Nero seemed to take his silence as an admission of guilt and continued. “Thankfully for you, Dante already found the guy. Some old man in his basement. But don’t you dare think this makes anything better. People are dying out here and you went on a date.”
“You didn’t call me,” Vergil said. “Nico did. And it wasn’t a date. It was a meeting.”
“You were supposed to be on surveillance.”
“Wasn’t it your goal to keep me away from this part of the city to begin with?”
Nero was seething now, and Vergil was surprised one of them didn’t burst into flames. “There are portals over there too, asshole. I had to send Lady and Trish in your place.”
“How many?”
“Does it matter?”
“Yes it does,” Vergil said. “As I am more than capable of dealing with the influx of portals here. A single, coincidental one over there would be a waste of my time.” It was simple logic really, but Vergil didn’t say so. 
A scream from Nico knocked them both out of the petty feud. In the distance, a pack of Riots surrounded her, stalking from all sides. Another demon, a gangly Baphomet that Vergil hadn’t seen in a long time, hovered just in front of a new portal, chanting something in an old demonic language. And while Nico scrambled for the van, Roxy stood in front of her, calm and collected. A small blue light hovered over her palm, and Vergil realized that the demons were moving much slower than they usually did. 
“Nico!” Nero shouted
“Wait,” Vergil said.
Nero’s head jerked toward him in protest, but Vergil ignored him. Roxy’s fingers twitched and the light rose just a bit higher before snapping into a new shape. An orb of ice hovered over her hand like an otherworldly snow globe called from the aether. A single glass snowflake hovered within, glittering with a swirl of light blue. It was enough to quiet Nero’s panic beside him. Even the demons consumed by a desire for human blood had gone still. Her eyes flickered to him, and her tight-lipped expression shifted to a small smirk as she looked back at the monsters before her. 
“Come forth, friend.”
Her voice was a whisper, but the air around her responded to her call.  The orb pulsed once as she raised her hand toward the sky. It lifted far above her head before it pulsed again. Shards of ice shot out from its smooth surface as its perfect form expanded into a jagged, powerful conglomerate of magic. The blue in her hair bled out, and a matching glow radiated through her clothing. An impossible flurry of snow rose from her feet, swirling upward around her body until it reached the ever-expanding orb above her. Her hair turned a deep shade of red. Her skin paled. Energy pulsed again. The demons broke from their stupor, each one charging with desperate abandon.
Vergil grabbed Nero’s arm seconds before the younger devil hunter lurched to her aid. “I said wait,” Vergil said, calm in the face of the pure rage that followed as his son tried to escape his grasp. 
“You’re just going to let them die?” He snapped.
“The situation is under control.”
“You don’t know that you fucking…”
A resounding crack silenced him. When they looked back, the orb shattered. But shards that should have gone in all directions turned to snow, and the energy alone shot the demons backward. Some shattered the moment they touched the ground. Others survived but were slow to get up. The Baphomet began mumbling its familiar shield incantation, but Vergil knew that wouldn’t save it from her.
“Kuraokami,” She said. The snow surged backward forming a tornado flurry. A massive tail with overlapping scales of ice curled out around her and slammed against the ground. Two arms twice as tall as Roxy followed, with one on either side of her. Pauldrons of white ice formed on its shoulders and talons pierced straight through the concrete. Vast wings of sharpened icicles snapped outward and the tornado dissipated. A large dragon head stretched out over her with four horns curving backward and multiple layers of ice protecting its back. Pale blue eyes snapped open and the demon roared; a haunting sound that echoed all around them even though there was nothing to contain it. 
But Vergil felt the strength behind that sound alone. An arch-demon; one far older than himself. His demon-half wasn’t intimidated, but it acknowledged the untold amount of years between them. And, given Nero’s dumbfounded expression, Vergil assumed he felt something similar, even if he didn’t know what it was. 
But Vergil… Vergil was impressed. This human woman, whose body seemed to shift between perfectly healthy and broken in the blink of an eye, had made a pact with an arch demon. And given the way its power quite literally radiated off of her, Vergil was certain this partnership had lasted far longer than he would have ever guessed without seeing it for himself. 
Now, with this ice dragon towering over them all, he realized he’d judged her far too soon. He had taken her for someone who had made a pact on a whim and was still struggling to control it. It explained the back pain and the temporary paralysis, so he hadn’t considered this second demon to be any more than an unruly mess. Aki had been a gift from her father, so surely she couldn’t have made a strong pact on her own. 
Vergil now understood how wrong his assumptions had been. She stood with pride, staring down the demons before her with the confidence of someone who had fought similar battles hundreds of times. And the way her hand drifted along the dragon’s icy scales with great fondness… She was clearly an experienced summoner, and this pact was no accident. A single month with three arguably weaker demons had nearly broken him. He couldn’t imagine what she had given up for such a beast. 
Now, Roxanna had Vergil's full attention, and he was certain she knew it.
“It is good to see you,” Roxy whispered as she glanced up at her companion. The dragon growled in response, and she laughed. “It has been a rather long nap for you, hasn’t it?” The portal across from her widened, and a new batch of demons surged outward. But her smile didn’t fade. “Destroy the source, and I’ll handle the rest.” The dragon huffed, and a puff of white snow billowed from its nostrils. Roxy shook her head. “Child’s play for you, yes?” She held her hand out and Aki vanished as the bow appeared. This time, it crackled with purple lightning, surging outward stronger than the last time he had seen her. 
I hunted yesterday, She had said. How many demons had she needed to kill to achieve this? Surely he and Dante would have heard about such an infestation. 
And how had she done that alone in what he assumed was a weakened state?
Vergil swallowed a sudden strange feeling of excitement. A part of him thought these questions shouldn’t matter. Her abilities were there for all of them to see. But he realized very quickly that he wanted to know how she had accomplished such a feat. He wanted to understand how this power of hers worked, and why her strength seemed to wax and wane at seemingly random times instead of a steady decline. 
The Baphomet’s shield appeared as Roxy threw her hand out. “Shatter!” The dragon’s head snapped forward at her call and a beam of pure ice swept through the demons. Each one turned to ice. The demon struggled, but a series of quick arrows killed them all. The essence flooded into the dragon as it fired another shot straight into the portal. Ice billowed out, swirling around the edges until only a small hole remained. Vergil heard the shrieks from the other side; one more shot would end it. But when Roxy reached for another arrow, she flinched. Her hand twitched toward her back, but she stopped and forced herself to stand up as straight as she could. “Impossible,” She muttered. “How could yesterday not have been enough?” 
A shard of ice shot out of the portal. The dragon’s tail knocked it out of the sky, and Roxy found a smaller arrow to shoot at a second. A Riot slammed into the ice, shrieking as it tossed itself into the barrier over and over again. Vergil heard the grating sounds of metal claws scratching on the surface, but it had yet to break through. But as soon as he heard Roxy’s labored breathing, he knew she couldn’t hold the dragon’s power much longer. “He’s slowed the demons inside,” Roxy said. “But I can’t close it myself.”
Vergil moved without another word, and long before Nero had the chance. The Riot’s head emerged from the hole, cracking the barrier. But when Vergil slashed across the ice, the portal snapped shut. The lizard’s head hit the ground and turned to dust. He sheathed Yamato with a satisfying click and looked to her. 
Except what he got was a very very angry Nero. 
“What was the point in waiting?” Nero said. “You risked their lives for what? Your amusement?”
Vergil’s eyebrow shot up. Did Nero truly believe he couldn’t have intervened? Or that he wasn’t ready at any point to step in? “They were fine.”
“Bullshit!” Nero said. “You didn’t have a clue what she could do.”
Now, Vergil was baffled. Wasn’t Nero the one who wanted humans to learn to fight for themselves? Or had he misunderstood Dante’s descriptions of the boy? “She is a grown woman, Nero. She’s fought demons before and wanted to do it again. Who am I to stop her?”
“Wonderful!” Nero snapped. “Let’s just risk the lives of even more humans so Ms. Ice Queen over there can summon a demon!” He paused for a moment, before glancing at her and mumbling a quiet “no offense.” She shrugged, but the pain in her eyes was more alarming than her lack of response. 
“You closed the other portals, yes?” Vergil said.
“Of course I did,” Nero said. “Because unlike you, I’m not a useless asshole.”
Vergil stared at him, fingers tightening on Yamato. He felt his jaw clench and quickly fought to bury any other reaction to his son’s words. He expected to be angry or find a reason to fight. Vergil assumed he would have something to say to such an accusation. But any response he might have had vanished before it reached his tongue. Instead, a deep stinging pain pierced right through his heart. His mind flashed to his imprisonment, and he tore his gaze away before it consumed him. He would not let Nero see his weakness. Not now. Not like this. Not when Nero already hated him, and not when Vergil didn’t know how to fix it. 
But what could he do? Nothing he said could fix this. Nothing he did…
His eyes snapped to Roxy’s as she pulled away from a very worried Nico. The dragon was gone, and her hair had returned to its light blue hue. Aki hovered toward Vergil with a concerned chirp, but Roxy whistled and the demon returned to her shoulder. And as she slowly made her way toward them - no slump, but a slight limp. Clearly in need of more demonic energy- Vergil wanted to walk away. He didn’t want the questions, nor did he know what to tell her. This was all moving too fast, even for him.
This was a mistake. He couldn’t even get along with his own son. What right did he have to make friends with someone like her? How did he dare consider pursuing this new information when he hadn’t atoned for all his past mistakes? But how did he tell her this? How did…
Then, she turned to Nero and bowed her head. Vergil froze, surprised. Nero stared at her, confused. “It was my fault,” She said. “Not his.” Nero’s eyes widened and his mouth opened to respond, but Roxy continued. “I should have been able to handle it, but I misjudged the amount of energy I was carrying.” When she lifted her head, her back spasmed, but she held herself together. In fact, Vergil was certain Nero hadn’t noticed a thing. 
“It’s not… that…” This was the first time Nero had ever looked embarrassed as far as Vergil could remember, but his anger had completely diminished. “I didn’t mean to doubt you,” He said hastily. “I mean that demon of yours is pretty cool… no pun intended,” He chuckled awkwardly.
“Come on, devil-boy!” Nico said as she dropped her arms over both his and Vergil’s shoulders. Honestly, he was more annoyed that he hadn’t noticed her move between them. “Let’s go check in on your uncle. Your old man’s got plenty to take care of himself.”
Nero frowned as he pulled himself out of Nico’s awkward, three-man hug, but he didn’t look at Vergil again. “Fine,” He said. “It was nice meeting you.” Vergil could hear his voice crack, caught between the genuine desire to be nice and his anger toward his father. He finally gave up and hopped into the passenger seat and slammed the door, flinching as he did so. 
Nico gave a dramatic sigh as she pat Vergil on the back. “You’ll take care of your Ice Queen, right V-man?” She winked at Roxy who blushed and looked away. Vergil paused, his mind drifting back to his worries. Was this… alright? Was this… fair? Should he continue on with this friendship after everything…?
He twitched when Nico quite literally smacked him upside the head. “Excuse me?” He said, glaring at her. 
“Restarting those gears in your head,” She said as she followed after Nero. “See ya later, right Rox?” 
The woman blinked before her gaze fell to the other woman. “As long as I get to drive,” She said. 
“Hell no!” Nico said with a laugh. “I’m the best driver around.”
Roxy looked like she believed that about as much as she believed she could jump to the moon. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Her small smile was genuine, at the very least. That was much better than Vergil could manage at the moment. At least the tightness in his chest was starting to ease the more he had time to breathe. And Roxy stepping toward him was… comforting. That same, interested spark returned when she stood beside him in Nico’s place, and the pain in his chest vanished completely when she met his gaze with that same confident smile.
“How do you do it?” Vergil muttered.
“I’ve had a lot of practice.”
Vergil blinked, unaware he had spoken aloud to begin with. He glanced at the van one last time, but Nero didn’t look back as Nico drove away. Vergil took a long deep breath, and he could almost hear Griffon’s voice pulsing in the back of his head. 
Ya ain’t gonna give up like that, right, my lady?
Vergil shoved the bird aside and looked back at her. “You need more essence, yes?”
She sighed. “Seems that way. Guess I miscalculated.” 
“There are some demons left behind,” Vergil said. “I can weaken them for you, but you’ll have to find the strength to kill them yourself.”
She nodded. “Lead the way.”
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eternaldarkness55 · 5 years
Snow Twins
(StoryInfo)(Lyanna Stark had twins instead of one child Jon and his sister Jasmine. The stories about Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapping and raping her are true but Rhaegar didn't just kidnap Lyanna he took her away from husband Mance Rayder. On the night of the feast between Lannisters and the Starks Benjen and Ned tells Jon and Jasmine everything and tells them that they need to be with Mance.)
Jasmine and Jon loved their family and Ned and their siblings love them. But with the two of them being bastards they feel like such outsiders. Catelyn Stark makes it worse. She never shuts up how the two of them are just some whore's babies that Ned came home with one day. She even makes fun of Jasmine's beautiful long silvery blond hair and how it makes her stick out. Jasmine is a gorgeous young girl who men and gay women of every age fall for immediately. Men, women, and children love her beauty, fighting skills, brains, amazing leadership skills, beautiful singing voice, beautiful heart, fierceness and bravery, amazing dancing skills, her hot body, and her sense of humor and fun. Every time Jasmine makes a new friend or has someone flirting with her Catelyn makes a comment on how Sansa will never make friends or get a lover with Jasmine around. Catelyn makes both her and Jon feel bad but she makes Jasmine feel worse and hates her more. It's because Jasmine feels like such an outsider that her and Theon are so close. In fact he has a huge major crush on her. Out of the Stark children Jasmine feels the closest to Robb. And despite Catelyn's comments about Jasmine Sansa loves Jasmine. Jasmine and Jon depend on each other and love each other with all their hearts with being outsiders and each other's twin. That morning after her, Jon, and Robb did a round of arrows they tried to teach Bran as Ned and Catelyn watched.
Jasmine: Go on, father's watching and so is your mother
Catelyn has given her and Jon too much disrespect for Jasmine to care if her siblings or father hear her not call their mother her mother. Bran shot the arrow and missed again causing Jon, Robb, Jasmine, and Rickon to laugh.
Ned: And which one of you was good at ten? Go on Bran
Jasmine: You're thinking to hard Bran, take a deep breath. You can do it.(Put her hands on Bran's shoulder's)
Before Bran could shoot an arrow flew into the target. Everyone saw it was Arya and laughed as Bran chased her.
Jasmine: Run Arya!(Laughed)
She and Jon saw Catelyn sneering at them as they put the arrows away with Robb. Right after they and Bran traveled with Ned to take care of a Night Watch deserter. After that they traveled into the woods where they found baby direwolves.
Jon: You want to hold one?(Handed one to Bran)
Jasmine picked one up to and held it. They were too cute and she loved animals especially the animal of her house.
Bran: Where will they go? Their mother's dead.
Ned: Better a quick death, they won't last without their mother.
Theon: Right give them here
Jasmine: No! Theon please!(Cried)
Bran: Please father
Ned: I'm sorry Jasmine and Bran
Jon: Lord Stark, there are five pups. One for each of the Stark children. The direwolf is the sigil of your house. They were meant to have them.
Ned: You'll train them yourselves, you'll feed them yourselves, and when they die you'll bury them yourselves.
Theon and Robb picked up the rest including the one Jasmine was holding. Bran felt bad for Jasmine and Jon.
Bran: What about you two?
Jon: Were not Starks, go on
Jasmine and Jon were about to follow when they heard whining and stopped.
Robb: What is it?
Jasmine picked up a black pup and Jon picked up a white one.
Theon: Those are yours Snows(Smiled)
In a couple months the Lannisters visited. Of course Catelyn made Jasmine and Jon stay in their room so they kept unseen. And that night when the Starks and Lannisters had dinner together Catelyn made Jasmine and Jon stay outside. Jasmine and Jon took their anger on a training dummy with their swords.
Tyrion: I hear your uncles in the Night's Watch
Jon: What are you doing back there?
Tyrion: Preparing for a night with your family
Jasmine: Your Tyrion Lannister, the queen's brother
Tyrion: My greatest accomplishment, and you two you're Ned Starks bastards aren't you. Did I offend you? Sorry, you two are the bastards though.
Jasmine: Lord Eddard Stark is our father
Tyrion: And Lady Stark is not your mother making you two bastards. Let me give you some advice bastards. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world won't. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you.
Jon: The hell you know about being a bastard?
Tyrion: All dwarfs are bastards in their father's eyes
He walked away Jasmine and Jon went back to hitting the dummy. Benjen who heard the whole conversation came into view and spoke.
Benjen: Is it dead yet?(Laughed)
Jasmine and Jon smiled and turned around
Jasmine: Uncle Benjen!
They ran into his arms
Benjen: Why aren't you two at the feast?
Jasmine: Lady Stark thought it would offend the royal family to have bastards at the feast(Said angrily)
Benjen: I'm glad you two are not at the feast and you'll be too. Tonight is the time Ned and I tell you two something important. The truth, I am and will always be your uncle. But so will Ned, and the Stark children will always be your cousins.
Jasmine and Jon were so confused and a tear went down Jasmine's cheek as Ned walked over.
Jasmine: What are you saying?
Ned: Your mother is my sister Lyanna Stark, she had you two by rape. Raped and kidnapped by Rhaegar Targaryen. But your mother married before she was kidnapped and your step-father is still out there hoping you join him. You two will always be family. We will always love you and you're welcome with us anytime you want. But it's time you be with your father and put his torture to rest. Join and live with your father, join and live with Mance Rayder.
Jasmine couldn't take it, Ned helped both her and Jon sit down.
Benjen: I've been writing to Mance since Ned took you in. He knows what you two looks like thanks too me. He's just waiting to have more then just a description. He agreed it was more safe for you two to go with your uncle after your birth. But he was hoping after you two turned 20 you would come to him. And your name day was three weeks ago, take these letters with you as part of proof that It's really you.
Ned: I know you two want to say goodbye to Robb and the other kids and Theon. But It's best that you to leave right away tonight and I tell them bye for you. Don't worry I'll tell them the truth about everything.
Benjen: And Jasmine there's something you should know that's going to come with you being part Targaryen. There's a prophecy that says on the day the King Beyond the Wall finally pulls his children into his arms the Princess Beyond the Wall will gain the power of fire and wings. You're more special then you already are my Jasmine.
By the time they were done Jasmine was crying and Jon couldn't breath.
Benjen: I know I know(Whispered hugging them)
He kissed their foreheads
Ned: Remember, you don't have my last name but you have my blood.(Hugged them)
He kissed their foreheads
Ned: Go on, we'll tell everyone everything in the morning. Benjen, I, and everyone else loves you. Always have and always will.
As Ned and Benjen went back inside Jasmine and Jon got on a horse and took off. They got to Mance's camp sometime later in the morning after they finally found it. But were seized and pulled off their horse aggressively.
Lord of Bones: Who are you two?! What are you doing here?!
Jasmine: Wait please! Please! We need to see Mance Rayder! It's important! (Cried)
The two of them were yanked up aggressively.
Lord of Bones: Oh you'll see him alright so he can kill you!
He forced them to walk and pushed them hard onto their knees in Mance's tent.
Tormund: What's going on Lord of Bones?(Walked over to Jasmine and Jon)
He could not help himself for falling hard for Jasmine and despite how terrified Jasmine was she felt the same about him.
Lord of Bones: Found them coming into our camp on a horse. The girl was crying about how It was important for them to see Mance.
Jasmine: Please your grace-(Took out her letter)
Tormund: Your grace?(Confused and laughed)
Tormund: You hear that? You better kneel everytime I fart.
Ygritte laughed too
Mance: Stand girl and boy(Mance finally saw what they look like and his heart skipped as he got off his bed)
Jasmine and Jon stood up as Mance walked over to them. Jon started to take out his letter.
Lord of Bones: Hey!
Jon: It's just a letter! It's just a letter! Please!
Tormund took both her and his letter, looked at them, and then gasped.
Tormund: It's them, Mance It's them(Gasped Mance looking at the letters too)
Mance: I knew it was the minute I saw them(Smiled)
Mance: My beautiful girl and boy, you may leave Lord of Bones(A tear went down his cheek)
Lord of Bones left with Ygritte Mance saw the way Jon kept staring at Ygritte. He also noticed the way Tormund and Jasmine kept staring at each other.
Mance: The girl likes you son, you like her back. Her name is Ygritte. This chicken eater you thought was king is my best friend Tormund Giantsbane.
Emotions hit Jasmine again and she started crying
Jasmine: Stark or Rayder were still bastards
Mance lifted their chins and forced them to look him in the eyes.
Mance: So what, you're my children and I love you. I will and would never dare give you a bastard name. You're and always have been Rayder's. I waited for this day for so long my Jasmine and Jon. You have your mother's eyes Jon and your mothers beauty Jasmine.(Rubbed their cheeks)
He hugged them tight finally having a piece of him that he has been missing. Images of the Stark children went through Jasmine and Jon's heads.
Mance: I know you miss your cousins, but you'll see them again. They'll visit, we always welcome the Starks.
A week later Jasmine and Jon finally felt at home and they fitted right in. But that same week Jasmine's prophecy came true. She started being able to blow and shoot fire out of her mouth and hands and grow dragon wings on her back and fly. At first she couldn't control it but Tormund helped her. Two weeks later Jasmine was dating Tormund and Jon was dating Ygritte. A month ended and Jasmine and Jon received letters saying Ned and Robb were dead, Arya, Bran, Rickon, and Benjen were missing, and Sansa was being held in Kings Landing. Mance checked on Jasmine and Jon in their tent. Jon had cried himself to sleep but Jasmine was awake crying hard in her bed. Mance walked over to her bed.
Jasmine: Robb is dead, the rest of them are probably dead too(Crying)
Mance: Come on honey, get some sleep. I'll be right here the whole time.(Rubbed her cheek)
He kissed her forehead then gently ran his fingers through her hair until she cried herself to sleep. In the morning Jasmine and Jon slowly woke up.
Mance: Come on, you two need something to drink and eat
He and them walked into his tent. After they ate Mance finally spoke.
Mance: Here, Benjen told me how good you are with singing and playing. Please play something for us honey I want to hear your beautiful voice. It will make you and Jon feel better.(Handed her a harp)
Jasmine smiled then played the harp while singing " Hands of Gold". When she was done everyone clapped and cheered.
Mance: Wow, Benjen was right that was beautiful(Rubbed her cheek)
He kissed her forehead
Tormund: Beautiful and talented! Where have you been all my life?!
He and Jasmine kissed meanwhile at Winterfell castle Theon woke up tied to some kind of pole. He saw a young man sitting in a chair. Theon was shirtless, shoeless, and very weak.
Theon: Wa…. Wa-
Ramsey: Wa? Water?
Ramsey picked up the cup and dumped the water on the floor.
Ramsey: Sorry no water
He walked over to him
Ramsey: Or were you going to say, what happen? I'd beat you up really good didn't I. My father and I took over Winterfell this morning. I'm Ramsey Bolton, my father is Roose Bolton. We found you but not the two little boys or the two bastards. You told them to run didn't you? Where did they go?
Theon: Yes I told Bran and Rickon to run but I didn't tell them where to run. I just told them to run. I haven't seen Jon and Jasmine in over a month now.(Said truthfully)
Theon: Jasmine and Jon ran away, I don't know why, where they are, or who they're with(Lied)
Ramsey: That's a shame, In order to keep Winterfell I need a Stark queen. Since I can't have Sansa with her being with the Lannisters I need Jasmine. I will find her Greyjoy I will find Jasmine Snow. And if I find her twin brother I will keep him as a torture and rape pet.
Theon: Please don't touch them(Begged)
Ramsey: I so want to do this
Theon: Screamed in pain(Ramsey cut into his right shoulder)
Theon: Stop! Stop!(Crying)
Ramsey stopped and put a bag over Theon's head
Theon: What are you doing? Please!
Theon: Screamed in pain(Ramsey stabbed his right thigh)
Theon: Please please!(Ramsey walked out locking the cell door)
One of Ramsey's soldiers: How do we find the Snow girl sir?
Roose: I already did, tortured it out of Sir Rodrick Cassell before killing him. Jasmine and Jon Snow are still Stark's because their birth mother is Lyanna Stark. But their father is the Widling King Beyond the Wall Mance Rayder. That's where they are and who they're with.(Walked over)
Meanwhile Jasmine was doing some target practice
Orel: What are you doing Jas?
Jasmine: Practicing for Roose and Ramsey Bolton! They took Winterfell and are holding Theon Greyjoy hostage!(Said angrily)
Orel: Jon told me, and Mance told me Winterfell would be safer for us then here. He told you what White Walkers are right?
Jasmine: Yes, and he also told me we have no way of getting to Winterfell until were on the other side of the wall. Jon and I were lucky the Crows listened to Benjen and let us through. My father is right, we need to make peace and friendship with the Crows if were going to survive. We begin our journey to the wall today.
Orel: That's easier said than done my princess
Jasmine: Maybe maybe not, my mother was best friends with a man from a small village growing up. Since Jon and I were thirteen we been staying in contact with the man's son. The son is a Crow at Castle Black and is the Lord Commander. His name is Edd Tollett. Some of us will go to the wall others will move to Hardhome until we are allowed past the wall. Mance will take some of them to Hardhome then camp near the wall tonight. We can talk with him the next morning.
That day Jasmine and Jon went with Tormund, Ygritte, and Orel. And Mance and Lord of Bones took the Widlings to Hardhome. Orel had to much hate for the Crows and vowed to kill Jasmine and Jon in order to stop the peace between Crows and Widlings. Later that day Jasmine and them prepared to climb the wall.
Jon: You ever climbed it before?
Ygritte: No, but my Tormund climbed it 100 times.
Ygritte: You two scared?
Jon: Your not?
Ygritte: No
Jasmine: And neither am I, remember I use to climb with Bran all the time.
Ygritte: Here, put these on(Tossed them something for their feet to help them climb)
They sat down as soon as they had them on Tormund walked over to them and pulled them to their feet. Tormund kept his hands on their shoulders.
Tormund: Stick your metal in deep and make sure it holds before taking another step. If you fall Jon don't scream, you don't want that to be the last thing Ygritte remembers.
He smiled and hit Jon lightly on the back then kissed Jasmine's cheek. Everyone began to climb they were really high by the time someone spoke.
Ygritte: Are you staring at my ass?(Laughed)
A piece of ice fell
Tormund: Look out!
The ice hit Jon making him fall but the rope tightened and he held on.
Tormund: Just seeing if you can take a hit lad!(Laughed)
The ice began to crack making some Widlings fall to their death.
Orel: I'm cutting them loose(Talking about Jasmine and Jon)
Tormund: No!
Jon held on Orel cut the rope and Jasmine fell screaming. Jon grabbed her rope stopping her.
Jon: Take my hand!
She grabbed it and he pulled her into his arms. He helped her above him so she could climb. Soon Tormund helped her to the top then Jon. Jon laid on his back breathing as Tormund held Jasmine. Tormund kissed her forehead then let go. He kneeled next to Jon and put his hand on Jon's shoulder.
Tormund: You alright lad?
Jon nodded yes
Tormund: Come on lad on your feet(Helped him up)
He hugged Jon when they got back down Tormund gave Jon sex advice but also told Jasmine what he was going to do to her when they finally have sex.
Tormund: Most men fuck like dogs, no grace no skill just a few thousand thrusts and done. You need to be patient give her time. Your cock shouldn't go near till she's slick like a baby seal. Then you go in slowly, don't jam it in like your spearing a pig.
He laughed, winked at Jasmine, and lightly hit Jon on the back. They continued their journey. Ygritte stopped when she saw a windmill not knowing what it is.
Ygritte: Is that a palace?
Jon: No It's a windmill
Ygritte: Windmill? Who built it, some king?
Jon: Just the man who use to live here
Ygritte: He must have been a great builder
Jon: Winterfell has towers three times that size
Ygritte: I'm Jon Rayder and I'm from Winterfell my uncle was a fancy lord and I lived in a tower that touched the clouds.(Mocked making Jon laugh)
Jon: If your impressed by a windmill you would be swooning when you see the towers in Winterfell.
Ygritte: What's swooning?
Jon: Fainting
Ygritte: What's fainting
Jon: When someone see's blood and collapses
Ygritte: Why would someone collapse when they see blood?
Jon: Well, not all men are like me or my father and not all girls are like you and my sister. I've known girls who collapse when they see blood.
Ygritte: I bet you love it when girls swoon Jon Rayder
Ygritte: Oh a spider! Save me Jon Rayder! My dress is made with the finest silk.(Fell into his arms and mocked)
Jon: I'd like to see you in a silk dress
She stood up again
Ygritte: Why is that?
Jon: So I could tear it off you(Grabbed her shirt pulling her close)
Ygritte: You rip my pretty silk dress and I cut out your eyes
He laughed they arrived at the wall that night. Edd forced the Crows to let them in and be nice.
Edd: Which one of you is Lyanna Starks kids, Jasmine and Jon?
Jasmine: That would be us(Walked forward with Jon)
Edd hugged them
Edd: It's good to finally meet you in person. So where's Mance Rayder?
Jon: He'll make camp in the woods tonight and we'll see him in the morning
In the morning Jasmine, Jon, the Widlings, and Edd walked into Mance's camp. Mance walked out of his tent.
Mance: You must be Edd Tollett, Jasmine and Jon told me about you.(Shook Edd's hand)
Edd: Yes, and you're their true father, I'll get supplies for us including dragonglass so you can leave for Hardhome then Winterfell. While at Hardhome I and some Night's Watch men will help you.
But then Ramsey and is army charged in killing some Widlings. Mance, Tormund, Jasmine, Jon, and Edd stood weapons ready. Jon pushed Jasmine behind her and Mance pushed Jon and Jasmine behind him.
Ramsey: Which one of you is King Beyond the Wall Mance Rayder?
Mance: That would be me boy, who are you?
Ramsey: Ramsey Bolton King of Winterfell and now Warden of the North. Where's your daughter? I have a deal for her that will save her people, for now.
Jasmine pushed her way forward
Jasmine: What do you want?
Ramsey: Wow the stories are true, you're the most beautiful girl in the North. Here's the deal, marry me and become my queen. You do this and I will leave your people alone. They're more then welcome to come meet on the battle field and try to win you back when they're ready. If I lose I'll have no choice to give you and Theon up. Refuse and I'll take you anyways and your brother Jon and kill all the Free Folk right here right now. Their survival is more important than your pride isn't it Jasmine?
Jasmine: I'm sorry dad, brother, Tormund, he's right. I have to go with him, get the rest of our people and then come save me.
Everyone watched with heavy hearts as Jasmine walked over to Ramsey's horse. He pulled her on and he and his army took off. Later Mance, Tormund, Jon, and Edd arrived at Hardhome and started getting people in the boats right away.
Jon: How many do we have?
Tormund: I'm not good at counting
Jon: Were leaving to many behind
Mance: The Free Folk are stubborn, you know how long it took me to ban them together, 20 fuckin years.
Edd: And you know them better then I ever will
Mance: They're running out of food and there's nothing to hunt. They'll come around(Put his hand on Edd's back)
Not long they saw snow coming from the mountains then they heard screaming. People shut the gates the screaming seized and White Walkers started trying to get through the gates. People ran for the boats.
Jon: If they get through everyone dies!(Grabbed Edd's arm)
Jon, Tormund, Edd, and Mance ran over to the gate
Edd: The dragonglass!(Grabbed Jon's arm)
Orel: Your with me then
Jon: Go!(Pushed Edd lightly)
Edd and Orel man ran off. There was something about Orel that Jon didn't trust anymore.
Jon: I have to go with them!
Mance: Okay go! Please be careful!(Grabbed Jon's arm)
He took off after them, when he found them Orel was trying to kill Edd. Orel knocked Edd on his back. Before Orel could bring his sword down Jon tackled him to the ground and they fought.
Jon: You fuckin traitor! What the hell you doing?!
Orel: The Crows we'll never be part of us! And I will never bow to you or your bastard sister ever again!
Jon cried in pain as he cut him in the stomach. Jon fell on his knees coughing up blood. Edd stabbed Orel through the neck killing him. Mance ran over and helped Jon to his feet. After Jon saw it was just his dad he relaxed.
Mance: Son we have to leave now!
Jon: The dragonglass-
Edd: Fuck the glass Jon! We have to go now!
White Walkers fell off the mountains for a moment they were still then they stood up.
Edd: Oh fuck!
The three of them ran, caught up with Tormund and quickly got in a boat and rolled away. The Night King brought the dead people back to life. A tear went down Jon's face as he saw one of the new White Walkers was Ygritte. That night at Winterfell castle Jasmine married Ramsey and he raped her. Theon comforted her that night as she cried on her bed. A week later Ramsey had Rickon. Two weeks later Ramsey saw 2000 Widlings in the field ready for battle.
Ramsey: Get the soldiers ready, I need to speak to my wife then we get ready for battle.
Ramsey went into Jasmine's room holding a bow and arrow making her stand up.
Ramsey: Looks like your Free Folk are here ready to try to win you back. Seeing how I can't have you running out to get to them or join them in the fight.
Jasmine screamed in pain as Ramsey shot an arrow into her left leg making her cry as she falls on the floor. Ramsey and his army went into the field. Ramsey pulled out Rickon who's hands were tied. Ramsey cut his ropes off and grabbed him.
Ramsey: Do you like games little man? Let's play, run to your cousin. The sooner you get to him the sooner you get to see him. Simple, ready go.
Ramsey pushed Rickon forward but Rickon walked very slow.
Ramsey: No you have to run remember, those are the rules.
Ramsey grabbed a bow and arrows Rickon took off. Jon quickly jumped on his horse and took off towards Rickon. Ramsey missed on purpose three times. Right when Rickon got very close to Jon Ramsey shot an arrow into Rickon killing him.
Tormund: Don't(Whispered)
Jon took off towards Ramsey's army
Tormund: Fight! Fight!
Tormund, Mance, and their Widlings took off towards Ramsey's army. The battle begun. One of Ramsey's men knocked Jon onto the ground. He screamed in pain as the man stabbed him in the right thigh. Jon grabbed a shield blocking the man's other blows. The man knocked the shield out of Jon's hands But before the man could do anything else Tormund stabbed him through the head killing him. Tormund pulled Jon gently to his feet as Mance ran over.
Tormund: Hey! You okay?!(Rubbed his cheek)
Jon nodded yes that he was okay as Tormund squeezed his left shoulder. Soon Ramsey's men with big shields surrounded Jon, Tormund, Mance, and all of their men. Tormund and Jon ran to the front of the group. The men with shields advanced with spears stabbing some men. Tormund and Jon ran forward pulling some men out from behind the shields killing them.
A Widling man: Tormund! Jon! Get back!(Pulled them away and behind him)
The shield men started moving up again. Tormund looked behind him and saw of Ramsey's men coming from the back of the field.
Tormund: Fuck this!
Tormund: Come on!(Ran off pulling Jon with him)
They ran to the back and ended up facing one of Ramsey's men together. Despite Jasmine being in major pain she used her dragon powers to enter the minds of three big dragons. Soon those three big dragons flew over burning anyone who was on Ramsey's side. Tormund, Jon, and Mance crawled up the hill and stared at Ramsey angrily. Ramsey took off Jon, Tormund, and Mance took off after him. Ramsey ran into the Winterfell yard as his solders shut the gates.
Ramsey: Their armies are gone
One of Ramsey's soldiers: Our armies are gone
Ramsey: We have Winterfell, they don't have the numbers for siege all we have to do is wait.
The door busted in and a giant ran in. Jon, Tormund, and Mance ran in. Ramsey shot the giant with an arrow killing it. Jon quickly tossed Mance his sword and picked up a shield blocking every arrow Ramsey shot until Jon beat him up blooding his face. Ramsey was dragged to the dungeon then eaten by his own dogs. The dogs were killed right after. Theon who was back in his cell, tied to the post, bag over his head, shirtless and shoeless, and extremely weak again. He heard someone walk in. The bag was pulled off of his head.
Theon: Jon(Said weakly and relivly)
Jon: Shh, your safe now, your safe, Ramsey and his army is dead.
Jon untied and caught a weak Theon causing him to cry in pain when Jon touched the three wipe marks on Theon's back.
Jon: Which room is Jasmine in?
Theon: I think her and your old room(Said weakly)
Theon groaned in pain as Jon helped him walk.
Jon: Tormund, take him to the nearest bedroom. He needs lots of healing and rest. Plus food and water. My father and I will look for Jas.
Jon and Mance walked away as Tormund helped Theon walk to the nearest bedroom. Jon and Mance found Jasmine on the floor crying and saw the arrow in her leg.
Jasmine: Oh my god father, Jon, It hurts! Please It hurts!(Crying)
Mance:You're okay now honey, everything is okay(Picked her up and put her on her bed)
Jasmine cried in pain as Jon pulled the arrow out.
Jon: I'll get food, water, medicine, and gaze for you and Theon.
Mance took care of Jasmine while Tormund took care of Theon. Theon finally spoke as Tormund put medicine and gaze on Theon's back.
Theon: Who are you?(Asked weakly)
Tormund: My name's Tormund. I'm with Jon, Jasmine, and their father. I'm Mance and Jon's best friend and Jasmine's boyfriend. And you must be Theon Greyjoy, don't worry boy you're going to be okay.
A week later Jasmine and Theon recovered. The Widlings moved into tents in the fields around the Winterfell castle. Theon continued to live in the castle and Mance and Tormund moved inside the castle with Jasmine and Jon. Jasmine and Tormund married and were made and voted Queen and King of Winterfell. It was time to deal with the White Walker threat. And Jasmine needed to let her people know about some letters she received.
Jasmine: This message was sent to me by Edd Tollett, he is a brother of the Castle Black. He is my best friend and one of the men I trust more than anyone in the world. He said another Castle Black brother named Samwell Tarly has found proof that Dragonstone sits on a mountain of dragonglass. I and Jon received this letter from Dragonstone. It was sent to us by Tyrion Lannister. He's now hand of the queen Danerys Targarian. She happens to be mine and Jon's aunt by birth. She intends to take the iron throne from Cersi Lannister. Danerys has a powerful army at her back. Tyrion has invited Jon and I to Dragonstone to meet with Danerys. And were going to accept. We need this dragonglass! It kills White Walkers! We need to turn it into weapons! More importantly we need allies! The Night King's army grows larger by the day! We can't defeat them on our own. We don't have the numbers! Danerys has her own army and like me she has dragonfire. I need to persuade her to fight with us. I have chosen Theon Greyjoy as mine and Tormund's advisor. Theon, Jon, and I will ride to White Harbor tomorrow then sail for Dragonstone. While I'm gone you have the king and you have my father.
Later Jasmine, Jon, and Theon arrived at Dragonstone and were surrounded by Dothraki men. Jasmine and Jon spotted Tyrion and smiled as they walked over to him.
Tyrion: The bastards of Winterfell
Jon: Dwarf of Castly Rock
They smiled Tyrion shook their hands.
Tyrion: I'm Tyrion Lannister(Said to Theon)
They shook hands
Theon: Theon Greyjoy
Tyrion: Missandi is the queen's most trusted advisor
Missandi: Welcome to Dragonstone, if you wouldn't mind handing over your weapons.
Jasmine: Of course
Everyone handed their weapons
Missandi: Please this way
Jasmine, Jon, and Theon followed her and Tyrion
Jasmine: I hear you and Sansa were forced into marriage. Thankfully I also hear she has escaped King's Landing.
Tyrion: Yes she has, thank goodness
Jasmine: Everyone thinks I'm a fool for coming here
Tyrion: Of course they do, if I was your hand I would have advised against it. I hear you and Jon's father is the King Beyond the Wall. I also hear you married a Widling.
He looked at Jon
Tyrion: You know Stark men don't fair well when they travel South
Jon: True, but I'm not only a Stark. I'm a Rayder and apparently Targaryen.
A big dragon flew above making Theon and Jon get down. Tyrion gently pulled Jon to his feet.
Tyrion: I'd say you get use to them, but you never really do. Come their mother and your aunt is waiting for you.
Jasmine, Jon, and Theon entered the castle then walked into the throne room spotting Danerys on her throne.
Missandi: You stand in the presence of Danerys of house Targaryn rightful heir to the iron throat. Queen of the Andals and the First Men. Protector of the Seven Kingdoms. The Mother of Dragons, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains.
Theon: This is Jasmine Snow, and as you already know she also your niece and the Widling king's daughter. She's Queen of the North.
Danerys: Thank you for traveling so far my lady. I hope the seas weren't too rough?
Jasmine: The winds were kind your grace
Theon: Apologies your grace, Jasmine Snow is Queen of the North she's not a lady.
Danerys: Forgive me-
Tyrion: Your grace this is Theon Greyjoy
Danerys: Forgive me Theon, I never did receive a formal education. I believe the last ruler of the North was Tarwin Stark who bent the knee to my ancestor Aegon Targaryn. In exchange for his life and the lives of the North Tarwin Stark pledged to House Targaryn. Or do I have my facts wrong?
Theon: I wasn't there your grace
Danerys: No of course not, but still an oath is an oath. And the oath was forever. So I assume my lady you're here to bend the knee.
Jasmine: I am not
Danerys: That is unfortunate, you traveled all this way to break faith with House Targaryn.
Jasmine: Break faith? Your father burned my grandfather alive. He burned my uncle alive. He would have burned the seven kingdoms. I and my brother here are only related to you because your brother raped and kidnapped our mother Lyanna Stark-
Danerys: My father and brother were evil men. On behalf of House Targaryn I ask your forgiveness for the crimes they committed against your family. And I ask you not to judge a daughter and a sister for her father's and brother's crimes. Our two houses were allies for centauries. And those were the best centauries the Seven Kingdoms ever known. Centauries of peace and prosperity with a Targaryn on the Iron Throne and a Stark as ruler of the North. I am the last Targaryn Jasmine Snow. Honor the pledge your ancestor made to mine. Bend the knee and I will name you Queen of the North. Together we will save the country from the people who would destroy it.
Jasmine: Your right, you're not guilty of your father's and brother's crimes. And I'm not held by my ancestor's pledge.
Danerys: Then why are you here?
Jasmine: I need your help and you need mine
Danerys: Did you see three dragons when you arrived?
Jasmine: I did, but that doesn't scare me. I have my own dragon power.
Danerys: Did you see the Dorthaki? All who have sworn to kill for me.
Jasmine: There hard to miss
Danerys: And I need your help?
Jasmine: You haven't stormed Kings Landing, why not? The only reason I can see is that you don't want to kill a thousand of innocent people. So that means you're better than Cersi.
Danerys: Still that doesn't explain why I need your help
Jon: Because right now you, I, Jasmine, Cersi, and everyone are children playing a game and screaming that the rules aren't fair.
Danerys: You told me you liked this man and women.
Tyrion: I do
Danerys: In the time they have met me they have refused to call me queen. They have refused to bow and now they are calling me a child.
Tyrion: He's calling all of us children, figure of speech.
Jasmine: Your grace everyone you know will die before winters over if we don't defeat the enemy of the North.
Danerys: As far as I can see you and your brother are the only Northern enemies.
Jasmine: We are not your enemies, the dead are the enemy.
Danerys: The dead, is that another figure of speech?
Jasmine: The army of the dead is on the march
Tyrion: The army of the dead?
Jon: You don't know us well my lord. But do you think we're liars or a mad people?
Tyrion: No I don't think you are either of those things
Jon: The army of the dead is real, the White Walkers are real. The Night King is real. I have seen them. If they get pass the wall and were fighting amongst ourselves were finished.
Danerys: I was born in Dragonstone, not that I can remember it. We fled before Robert's assassins could find us. Robert was your uncle's best friend was he not? I wonder if your uncle knew that his best friend sent assassins to murder a baby girl in her crib. Not that it matters now of course. I spent my life in foreign lands. So many men have tried to kill me I don't remember all their names. I have been sold, chained, betrayed, raped, and defiled. I was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms and I will.(walked over to Jasmine and Jon)
Jasmine: You'll be ruling over a graveyard if we don't defeat the Night King.
Theon: You don't believe them and I don't blame you. But if destiny have brought Danerys Targaryn back to our shores it also made Jasmine Snow Queen of the North. You're the first to bring Dothraki to Westros and Lily and Jon are the first Widlings to make peace with the Night's Watch. Those things that you don't believe Jon faced them. Jasmine let herself be taken prisoner and forced into marriage in order to protect her people. They risked their lives for their people. If we don't put aside our differences and band together we will die. And then it doesn't matter who's skeleton sits on the Iron Throne.
Tyrion: If it doesn't matter then you might as well kneel. Swear allegiance to Queen Danerys. Help her to defeat my sister and together our armies we'll protect the North.
Jasmine: There's no time for that! There's no time for any of this! While we stand here debating-
Tyrion: It takes no time to bend the knee, pledge your swords to her cause.
Jon: And why would we do that! We mean no offense your grace! But we don't know you. As far as we can tell your claim to the throne rest entirely on your father's name! And our uncle fought to overthrow the Mad King!
Jasmine: The Lords of the North placed their trust in me to lead them. And I will continue to do so as well as I can.
Danerys: That's fair, It's also fair to point out that I'm the rightful queen of the Seven Kingdoms. By declaring yourself Queen of the North you are an open rebellion. You must be tired after your long journey. We'll have baths drawn for you and supper sent to your rooms.
Jasmine: Am I and Jon your prisoners?
Danerys: Not yet
Jasmine, Jon, and Theon left the room. Meanwhile The Hound who rescued Arya from King's Landing and Petyr Baelish who rescued Sansa from King's Landing finally arrived at Winterfell. Luckily the guards recognized the girls. They even recognized Petyr.
A soldier: Wait in the Courtyard, I'll get the king. I'm afraid Queen Jasmine and Jon Snow is not here at the moment.
The soldier ran into the great hall where Tormund and Mance were.
The soldier: My kings Jasmine and Jon's girl cousins are alive. They just arrived in the yard.
Tormund and Mance followed the soldier over to Arya and Sansa.
Tormund: You must be Arya and Sansa Stark, I'm Tormund Giantsbane Jasmine's husband.(Shook their hands)
Sansa: Nice to meet you, and where's Mance Rayder Jasmine and Jon's father?
Mance: That would be me(Shook their hands)
Petyr: Petyr Baelish, friend of the family(Shook their hands)
The Hound: Sander Clegene, also known as the Hound(Shook their hands)
Arya: Is Bran and Rickon here?
Tormund: No one knows where Bran is, but Rickon was killed a couple of weeks ago. I'm so sorry, come on let's get you four something to eat.
By the next day after a lot more talking Danerys finally trusted Jasmine and Jon and they trusted her. Danerys even accepted Jasmine as Queen of the North. Danerys waited on the beach by the row boats for them. Jasmine and Jon walked over to her.
Jasmine: Well if I don't return at least you won't have to deal with the Queen of the North anymore.
Danerys: I grown use to her and her brother
Jon: I wish you good fortune in the wars to come your grace
They left with Theon, Jorah Mormont, and Gendry. They arrived back at Winterfell to talk to Tormund and Mance. The minute they walked into the yard they saw Sansa and Arya. Sansa hugged Jasmine as Arya jumped into Jon's arms. Then Arya jumped into Jasmine's arms as Sansa jumped into Jon's. They all went into the dining hall to eat and see Tormund and Mance.
Mance: Isn't it your job to talk them out of stupid fuckin ideas like this?
Theon: I been failing at that job since they were born
Tormund: How many queens are there now besides you?
Jasmine: 2
Tormund: And you need to convince the one with the dragons? Or the one that fucks her brother?
Jasmine and Gendry laughed
Jon: Both
Tormund: You really want to go out there? Again?(Said to Jon)
Jon nodded yes. Jon, Tormund, the Hound, Jorah, and Gendry began their mission to capture a White Walker as proof for Cersi. Tormund walked over to the Hound.
Tormund: So you're the one they call the dog huh?
The Hound: Fuck off
Tormund: They told me you were mean. Did you trip into the fire when you were a baby?
The Hound: I didn't trip I was pushed
Tormund: And ever since you been mean
The Hound: Will you fuck off!
Tormund: I don't think you are truly mean, you have sad eyes.
The Hound: You want to suck my dick is that it?
Tormund: Dick?(Asked confused)
The Hound: Cock!
Tormund: Ah dick, I like it
The Hound: I bet you do
Tormund: Nope It's pussy only for me, I have a beauty joining us later. Silver hair, blue eyes, the most beautiful women I ever seen. So beautiful. I want to make babies with her. Fighters that concur the world.
The Hound: How did a mad fucker like you live this long?
Tormund: I'm good at killing people
Tormund went up front with Jon but then stopped when he heard something. He and Jon slowly went forward and kneeled and saw White Walkers down below.
Jon: Where's the rest of them?
Tormund: If we wait long enough we'll find out
They captured a White Walker not long after White Walkers charged at them. They ran until they were in the middle of a lake on a small piece of land. The White Walkers didn't charge at them until The Hound threw a rock and hit one in the face. The Hound broke a little bit of the ice making some of the White Walkers fall into the water.
Jon: Fall back! Fall back!
Tormund: Come on!
A White Walker hit Tormund in the face giving him a cut on his forehead. They dragged him to the ground.
Tormund: Help me!
White Walkers started dragging him towards a hole in the ice but The Hound quickly got them off and pulled Tormund up and behind him. A man fell into the White Walkers getting eaten alive. Tormund bumped into Jon but once they saw it was just each other they went back to the fighting. Suddenly everyone ducked when fire blew above. It was Jasmine, Danerys, and Danery's dragons. Everyone got on except Jon. The Night King hit the one dragon that Jasmine was riding making Jasmine fall off and land on the ice as the dragon went down, died, and sunk to the bottom of the lake.
Jon: Jas!(Yelled worriedly as she stood up)
Jon saw that the Night King was about to throw another spear.
Jon: Go! Go now! Leave!(Ran over to Jasmine)
Jon and Jasmine screamed as White Walkers pushed them into the water.
Tormund: Jasmine! Jon!(Yelled worriedly)
Before the spear could be thrown the dragon took off making the spear miss. Jorah fell off but The Hound quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him back up. Jasmine and Jon crawled onto the ice and breathed. They got up and started walking. The White Walkers saw them. But before the White Walkers could charge at them a man on a horse rode through them swinging a chain of fire killing some of them. The man rode over to Jasmine and Jon, got off, and walked over to them removing his hood.
Jasmine and Jon: Uncle Benjen!? How!?(Gasped as Benjen helped them walk over to the horse)
Benjen helped them on the horse
Benjen: Get to Winterfell
Jasmine: Come with us
Benjen: Go(Made the horse take off)
Meanwhile in the Winterfell courtyard Arya and Sansa held each other as they cried. Tormund told them and Mance what happened. Sansa and Arya finally got Jasmine and Jon back and now they lost them again. Mance has already lost Jasmine twice and lost Jon once. Now he lost them again.
Jorah: Your grace It's time to go
Danerys: Just a few more minutes
But soon horns were going off and the soldiers were going nuts.
A soldier: Jasmine! Jon! My kings it's Jasmine and Jon!(Ran up to Tormund and Mance)
The gates opened and two soldiers carried in unconscious, frozen, but alive Jasmine and Jon.
Mance: Get them to their room now!
Mance and Tormund followed the soldiers into Jasmine and Jon's room. Danerys walked in as they were laid in their beds. Danerys removed Jasmine's clothes then covered her and Mance did the same with Jon. Another soldier walked in.
The soldier: You should wait to tell them until they're feeling better. They need to rest and heal. But a letter came for Jasmine and Jon from Edd Tollett. Bran Stark is alive and at Castle Black.
Two days later Jon slowly opened his eyes and saw Mance sitting on his bed holding Jon's hand.
Jon: Dad(Breathed)
Jon: Jas!(Panicked and tried to sit up)
Mance: No son, shh It's okay. You're both okay, your sister is in her bed.(Gently pushed him back down as Jon looked at Jasmine)
Jon: Tormund and everyone, are they safe?(Asked weakly)
Mance: Everyone you went with is safe and alive
Jasmine: Gasped(Woke up)
Mance: Get some sleep(Rubbed Jon's left cheek)
He kissed Jon's forehead then went over to Jasmine's bed.
Mance: Your okay honey, your okay. You both are, Jon is in his bed. And everyone you went with is safe and alive. You both need sleep okay, get some sleep.(Grabbed her hand)
He kissed her forehead and left the room.
Tormund: How are they?
Mance: Cold, weak, but okay and resting
A week later Jasmine and Jon were all better and in the yard getting ready to leave with Theon, Jorah, the Hound, Tyrion, and Missandi.
A soldier: My queen, Jon this letter came for you from Edd Tollett last week. Bran Stark is alive and at Castle Black. Don't worry we already told Sansa and Arya.
Jasmine: Send five soldiers to Castle Black and bring Bran here. We'll see him when we get back.
The soldier: Yes my queen
As he walked away Tormund walked up to them. They and Tormund smiled at each other.
Jasmine: Don't knock it down while were gone(Laughed)
Tormund: I'll do my best(Laughed)
Tormund hugged Jon
Tormund: Good luck(Hugged Jasmine)
They kissed later Jasmine, Jon, Theon, Jorah, the Hound, Tyrion, and Missandi arrived in King's Landing.
Jasmine: Why did they built it?
Jorah: The dragons didn't know what was there's and what wasn't. Lamb, livestock, children.
Tyrion: I imagine it was a sad joke in the end. An entire arena filled with creatures no smaller then dogs.
Bronn walked over with Kings Landings soldiers
Bronn: Welcome my lords and my lady, I've been sent to escort you all to the meeting
The soldiers parted and the Dothraki men walked forward. Everyone else walked forward. Tyrion walked up to Podrick.
Tyrion: What a pleasant surprise in an unpleasant situation
Podrick: It's good to see you again my lord
Tyrion: Supporting the enemy no doubt
Podrick: Can't blame you
Tyrion: Cersi certainly will
Podrick: I'm glad your alive
Bronn: Come on you can suck his magic cock later
They followed everyone else and walked up to Bronn
Tyrion: Hero's of Blackwater Bay, strange reunion.
Podrick: It is my lord
Tyrion: I don't think I'm anyone's lord any more Pod. Save the titles for Sir Bronn of the Blackwater.
Bronn: I'm sure your new queen will be happy to restore yours once she's on the Iron Throne.
Tyrion: You been thinking about our new queen? Did you ever think about switching sides? Remember my offer, whatever there paying I'll double it.
Bronn: Don't you worry about me I'll be just fine. Looking after myself.
Tyrion: Arranging this meeting you put yourself at risk
Bronn: I put yourself at risk important difference. It's your head she wants and is offering a bag of gold for not mine. Now thanks to me she's got three traitors heads coming right at her door.
There was a pause
Tyrion: It's good to see you again
Bronn: Yeah you too
Everyone walked into the pit not long Cersi, Jamie, and their soldiers arrived. Cersi stared at Tyrion angrily as both sides took their seats.
Cersi: Where is she?
Tyrion: She'll be here soon
Cersi: She didn't travel with you?
Tyrion: No
Everyone stood as Danerys arrived on her dragon then sat back down when Danerys got off, walked over, and took a seat.
Cersi: We been waiting for sometime
Danerys: My apologies
Tyrion stood up
Tyrion: We are a group of people who don't like each other. We have suffered at each other's hands. We have lost people we love at each other's hands. If all we wanted is the same thing there would be no need for this gathering.
Cersi: So we should just settle our differences here and live together and live in harmony forever?
Tyrion: You know that will never happen
Cersi: Then why are we here?
Jasmine and Jon stood up
Jasmine: This isn't about living in harmony, It's just about living. The same thing is coming for all of us. A general you can't negotiate with, an army that doesn't leave corpses behind on the battle field.
Jon: Lord Tyrion tells us you have more than a million people in this city.
Jasmine: There are about to become more than a million people added to the army of the dead.
Cersi: I imagine for most of them it would be an improvement
Jasmine: This is serious, my brother and I wouldn't be here if it weren't.
Cersi: I don't think your serious at all I think it's another bad joke like you two. I mean are you two a Stark, a Targaryen, or a Rayder?(Laughed)
Cersi: If my brother Jamie is correct you're asking me for a truce.
Danerys: Yes, that's all
Cersi: That's all? Pull back my armies and stand down while you go on your monster hunt. Until you march on my capital with twice the men.
Danerys: Your capital will be safe, until the Northern threat is dealt with. You have my word.
Tyrion: There is no conversation that will erase the last 50 years. We have something to show you.
The Hound carried a box up, set it down, unchained it, opened it, and then kicked it over. A dead man ran at Cersi as the Hound grabbed the chain and pulled it away from her and onto the ground. The Hound chopped the man in half then chopped off his arm. Jasmine grabbed the chopped off arm as Theon lite a torch on fire.
Jasmine: We can destroy them by burning them
She lite the arm on fire then dropped the arm. Jon took out dragonglass.
Jon: And we can destroy them with dragonglass. If we don't win this fight that is the fate of every person in the world.
Jon grabbed the dead man and stabbed him in the heart killing him. He dropped him onto the ground.
Jon: There is only one war that matters, the great war and it is here.
Danerys: I didn't believe it either until I saw them. I saw them all.
Jamie: How many?
Danerys: Hundred thousand at least
Euron Greyjoy stood up
Euron: Can they swim?
Jasmine: No
Euron: Good, I'm taking the Iron fleet back to the Iron Islands.
Cersi: What are you talking about?
Euron: I been around the world I seen everything. Things you couldn't imagine. And this is the only thing I've seen that it terrifies me.
He walked over to Danerys
Euron: I'm going back to my island and you should too. When winters over we'll be the only ones left alive.
Euron left
Cersi: He's right to be afraid and a coward to run. If those things come for us they'll be no kingdoms to rule. Everything we suffered will be for nothing. Everything we lost will be for nothing. We will have a truce and help you until the Northern threat is gone.
The meeting ended and Danerys, Jasmine, Jon, Tyrion, and everyone left on Danerys ship. When everyone got back to Winterfell Bran was waiting in a wheelchair. Jasmine and Jon hugged him. Edd and all of Castle Black were there too.
Jasmine: Edd! What are you guys doing here? What happened?!(Ran into his arms)
Edd: The Night King and his army came to Castle Black after your soldiers showed up. The Night King was riding a dragon which burnt down the wall. Most of us and your cousin were lucky to make it to Winterfell alive.
Meera: I'm Meera Reed, I been protecting Bran and I'm the one who brought him to Castle Black.
It was love at first sight for Jon and Meera
Bran: Her and her brother Jojen, but he died
Jon: Your father was Howland Reed. I heard stories about him. Our uncle was friends with him.
Meera: I heard that too, It's nice to finally meet you and your cousins.
Jasmine: In the meantime bring all the Free Folk inside the walls. They're safer in here then out there.
A soldier: Yes my queen
Jasmine took Bran to his old room then sat on his bed.
Bran: I am so sorry for everything that has happened to you since you and Jon left us that night.
Jasmine: What do you mean? How do you know what happened?
Bran: I have visions, I saw everything while you were Ramsey's captive. But you looked so beautiful during the wedding. Especially your and Tormund's wedding.
Jasmine: Okay Bran I'm happy to finally see you again. But that's really creepy so I'm going to go see my husband.
She walked out that night in her and Jon's room Jon was looking at letters of suggestions of what to do about the White Walkers.
Alliser Thorne: Lord Snow, your sister needs you now. She's in the crypt room.
Jon followed him down into the crypt room. He saw Jasmine's body which had stab wounds in her chest and stomach. He also saw two signs one that said " Filthy Widling bastards" the one under it said " Traitor's spawns". Jon turned around and gasped in pain as Thorne stabbed him in the stomach.
Thorne: You filthy Widlings! You reined the North! If you think I'm going to listen to Widlings or let them be in charge of Winterfell you are mistaken! You and your filthy sister will rot in the crypts. And your couson Sansa a true Stark will take over! What happened to Castle Black is you and your bastard sister's fault!
After the filth stab Edd and Theon ran into the room.
Theon: Hey!(Jon fell dead on his back next to Jasmine)
Thorne: You fuckin traitor! You let the Widlings in Castle Black and into the North!(Said to Edd as Theon ran to get help)
Edd: The only traitor is the one who put his knife into his Queen's heart and Lord Snow's heart.
Thorne: For 1000 years Castle Black and the North has held against the Widlings.(Tormund and Theon ran in with five soldiers)
Tormund: Until you
Two soldiers seized Thorne making him drop his knife.
Tormund: Put him in the dungeons where he belongs
The soldiers dragged Thorne away and soldiers picked Jasmine and Jon up, brought them to their room, and laid them on Jon's bed. Crying Edd closed their eyes then rubbed their cheeks.
Edd: Thorne will pay for this(Crying)
Theon: I say we let Night and Ghost rip him apart(Talking about Jasmine and Jon's wolves)
Tormund: No he'll hang, get a nose ready in the yard. He'll hang in the morning.
A soldier: Yes my king(Left)
Edd: Yes, Jasmine and Jon were my best friends. And that fucker butured them. Now we return the favor.
Tormund: Torture Thorne, but not enough to kill him.
A soldier: Yes my king(Left)
Tormund: I'll inform Mance and we'll have our people get wood for a fire. The bodies will burn(A tear went down his cheek)
He, and Edd left leaving Theon alone with the bodies. A red women tried to bring Jasmine and Jon back to life. At first it looked like it didn't work. Until in the morning everyone stood eyes wide as Theon helped a completely healed Jasmine and Jon down the steps. They slowly walked through the crowd until they were in front of Tormund.
Tormund: They think you're some kind of goddess and god, the women and man who returned from the dead
Jon: I'm not a god(Whispered)
Jasmine: And I'm not a goddess(Whispered)
Tormund: I know that
He walked up to them and put a hand on both of their shoulders.
Tormund: I saw your pecker Jon and your breasts Jas. What kind of god and goddess would have a pecker and breasts that small?(Joked)
Jasmine, Jon, and Tormund laughed he pulled them into a tight hug. He kissed their foreheads. Jasmine and Jon spotted Edd. Tormund let go and Jasmine and Jon made their way to Edd and Edd pulled them into a tight hug. When he let go he kept a hand on both of their shoulders.
Edd: Your eyes are so dark, are you sure that's you in there?
Jasmine: I think so
Jon: Hold on burning our bodies for now
Edd: That's funny, you sure that's you two in there?
The three of them laughed, Jasmine and Jon spotted Mance and ran into his arms. He held them close as they cried and kissed their foreheads.
Mance: I thought I lost you two again(Wiped their tears)
Jon: Where's Thorne? I'm going to kill him(Said angrily)
Tormund: You'll be able to(Walked over to them)
Jasmine and Tormund kissed. Throne was hung that morning.
Edd: We should burn the body
Jasmine: I will
She blew fire from her mouth onto Thorne's body.
A soldier: My queen! My queen! White Walkers are in the field!
Jasmine: I know exactly what to do. Get the dragonglass weapons! Bran you enter the mind of the White Walker dragon! Keep it above the yard and everyone will throw the dragonglass into it! I will go to the top of the gate and burn the White Walkers with my powers! Go now!
The plan worked, before the White Walkers could even get to the gate Jasmine set them and the Night King on fire killing them all for good. Bran was not able to enter the dragons mind but Jasmine was. All the soldiers sent dragonglass into the dragon killing it. Five months later Meera and Jon married. Benjen came to the wedding and moved into the Winterfell castle. Jasmine and Tormund gave birth to a beautiful girl they named Ella. Three months later Meera and Jon gave birth to a son and named him Ned after Jon's uncle.
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bbparker · 7 years
I Found You Pt.2 (Loki Laufeyson Soulmate AU)
Summary: (Y/n)’s soulmate tattoo is Loki in Nordic runes and now thinks fate is playing with her and he doesn’t exist because they gave her a mythological god. During the battle of NY (y/n) happens to meet him but what occurs once the battle is over? 
A/N: Helloo beautiful people, i’m back with an update (finallyyyyy) I’m super not proud of this ahaha feels like a bit of a filler but i’ll be back soon with more!
Pairings: Loki x Reader &  Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Crazy fucking reader
[Part 1] [Part 3]
(Gif belongs to @lokitty )
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“Excuse you?” His eyebrows shot up.
“You’re Loki?”
“You weren’t listening,” Loki said this as more of a statement rather than a question. With shoulders dropped and looking as if he regretted talking to her at all, (y/n) huffed in a slight laugh at his demeanor.  
“No! No, sorry I was, I was… it's just… well- “
“Spit it out mortal.” The distance between Loki and (y/n) growing smaller as he slowly advanced menacingly on her. Choosing actions over words, (y/n) turned her head to the side slowly, still unsure if he meant her harm but the thought quickly left her head. This was her soulmate, or so she thought, he wouldn’t do that... would he?  
The distance between them was so short that if (y/n) were to reach her arm out just slightly, she’d be touching him and oh how she wanted to finally touch him. (Y/n) tucked her hair away from her ear and Loki seemed to step ever slightly closer to glance at what she was trying to show him.
A light touch fell behind her ear making (y/n) slightly jump, causing Loki to quickly retract his hand and cough lightly, coming to his senses. 
“Why pray to ask, would you, a Midgardian, have my name in our ancient language behind your ear?”  Loki looked at her in wonder, never seeing such a strange thing on a Midgardian.
Turning so fast that Loki barely had time to move back, suddenly they were face-to-face. Their noses almost touching and for once Loki could do nor say nothing. Looking down into (y/n)’s gaze, he felt ensnared within her eyes. Like her very sights would put him on the verge of madness and set him to go any lengths just to see her look at him that way again.
“Do you truly not know what…” Seeing Loki’s eyes watching hers softly, (y/n) knew that he had no idea what she was talking about but indeed felt something. 
A thought suddenly struck her. Did Asgardians even get a soulmate tattoo? Oh god, her other half didn’t even know he had another half. Loki watched as her expression went from soft and caring to steel and slowly she moved backwards. Ripping himself away from petty thoughts, Loki’s manic smile returned, stalking towards (y/n) in a predator versus prey manner.
“No darling, what I’m more interested in is that small amount of power you seemed to possess, turning into the god of lies is not an easy task. Let alone for a mortal to perform such a trick. So, tell me, where do you hail from? Alfhiem? Asgard? Possibly even Svaltelhiem?”
“What?” (y/n) was so confused and distracted with the idea of her soulmate standing right in front of her, she’d almost forgotten the battle around her and the reason this had all occurred. Tripping over a rock behind her as she tried to back off even further, Loki caught her arm and pulled her into his chest. 
“You’re not going anywhere darling, we’ve only just begun to have fun.” (y/n) began to struggle before suddenly freezing in place and Loki was almost worried for her sudden stillness.
When Loki grabbed her, sudden memories of Luke her grabby co-worker resurfaced, nobody touches her like this; soulmate or no. She was still that strong woman who didn’t need a soulmate. 
Venom dripped from her words as her gaze slowly lifted from his chest to glare at Loki through her lashes. As he watched her, the amount of menace leaking of the small mortal astonished him. That entrapping gaze watched him through her lashes.
Her tone and mouth felt like honey as the words dripped from her mouth, it felt almost foreign, yet familiar. 
“Release me, or I swear by all that is mighty I will tear you limb from limb. God or not, do not test me Loki because you will lose.”  And Loki listened, much to the surprise of both parties. Something in Loki flickered like a flame, what he felt was…odd. Affection, shock, and pride, yet he also felt hatred; how dare a tiny human, a mortal, threaten a God like this! 
She should be punished! Conflicting with himself, Loki said nothing else and grabbed (y/n) again, pulling her to him by her arm. Suddenly her vision was upside down as Loki carried her to his flying chariot. She needed to be studied, for Loki was too curious to let her go. 
This woman had powers, she stood up to him and not to mention (y/n) had managed to speak in the mother tongue of Asgard, which no mortal had ever had the likes to hear or read about; so, how had she done so? It seemed she hadn’t realised it either.
(Y/n) thrashed around trying to get herself released, but nothing seemed to be working. 
“Let me go, you absolute ass-wipe!” Loki let a smile slightly slip at the odd profanity, before masking it in time to settle her on the flying machine and set off.
 “Oh, hell no!” (y/n) was suddenly sitting on the floor perfectly still and holding onto the railing, closing her eyes. He glanced down at her in a bored manner and (y/n) felt the fighting flame within her be extinguished. If there was one thing that terrified her most of all, it was heights.
Loki watched as her hatred seeped away, twisting into pure fear, making something within Loki squeeze. He didn’t like seeing it, but he could do nothing when he was so close to a soldier; not that he would have anyways. 
‘I am a God I do not comfort petty girls who are afraid of heights.’  Shaking his head clear of the wondering thoughts, Loki’s senses tingled and luckily perfectly timed, he caught an arrow in his hand. Looking back to the archer, he seemed to be questioning these mortal’s intellect. An arrow versus a Go-
Before Loki could even finish the thought an explosion and he was thrown off the chariot. Strangely his first thoughts were not of where he was to land but rather what of the mortal? Landing, Loki rolled up instantly and glanced around to locate her and there is where he saw her. 
Loki’s heart hammered too fast to register and his mind flew in a thousand different directions. Yet, he could do nothing but scream “NO!” The curious being he’d failed to ask so many questions. To study her, learn her powers and possibly gain her on his side for the taking.
A red blurry object suddenly flew past the building Loki was situated upon and caught her. Breathing some sigh of relief, Loki stood and began trying to work out his problem with this mortal. 
Why was he so affected by her? Was she an enchantress? Probably. Loki couldn’t consider this too much as a big green force smashed into him, causing him to go flying through the remaining windows of Stark’s tower.
(Y/n)’s P.O.V
When (y/n) finally woke, she felt the stiffness of a bed beneath her and the smell of a sterile environment. 
 “What the hell?”
“I think I should ask you that, (y/n)” She quickly sat up in surprise, wincing before looking over to a worried Clint Barton. 
“Clint, the-the city it’s being attacked, we have to-” 
“(y/n) it’s okay, it’s okay! It’s over, we finished them off.”
“You… finished them off?” (y/n) stared blankly at Clint as he looked back at her, almost guilty. “I haven’t been completely honest with you when it comes to my job. I-” (y/n) suddenly cut him off with a smile.
“Clint, you don’t have to. I’m fine with not knowing, I’m just your coffee gal.” 
“Well you’re going to see it anyway, so might as well.”
As Clint sat and explained to (y/n) his duty as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent (now not so secret) and how Thor had saved her after he blew up Loki’s carriage with her, unknowingly to them, in there. 
“I’m really sorry (y/n) I didn’t know you were with him. Which brings me to the question that’s on everyone on bases minds. What were you doing with him?”
(Y/n) looked guiltily around the room as if her very soulmate tattoo was her own doing and by choice. Clint’s eyebrows came together in a frown as he watched her oddly quiet behaviour. A door opening broke the pair’s concentration as (y/n) looked up to find a certain captain in her doorway. 
“Steve! Hello!” (y/n) behaviour was suddenly upbeat, excited to see him once again. Clint narrowed his eyes in confusion, half opening his mouth and pointing between the two. No one was paying attention to Clint as they were focussed on each other.
“(Y/n), I’m glad you’re up.” Steve smiled softly, looking down to the cheesy, yellow flowers he held in his hand. (y/n) followed his eye line and saw the flowers, gasping in excitement before attempting to sit up. 
Both men moved quickly towards her as she let out a gasp of pain, trying to help her sit up and get comfortable. When she was finally settled, (y/n)’s smile returned again. 
“Are… are those for me Steve?” Pointing lightly with her casted arm to the yellow flowers. “Yeah, I uh figured I’d see how you’re doing after the whole almost world ending thing…”
Scratching the back of his head shyly, (y/n) indicated with her arms that she wanted them. Passing them to her as she cradled and smelt them. Closing her eyes, (y/n) held the flowers close to her. 
It had been a while since anybody (besides Clint, but he never got her flowers so…) had anybody had treated her with so much kindness. Her eyes remained closed as a picture of eyes formed behind her eyelids. They were a mischievous green with subtle hues of blue. Opening her eyes suddenly, she gasped clutching the flowers tighter within her hands. Her vision clouded with the green eyes and her ears pounded with the melodic, deep laugh of her soulmate. 
“Get the doctor, quickly!” She heard someone leave the room quickly a face in front of her but all she could see was green eyes. 
“(Y/n), stay calm. It’s okay, stay with me.” 
“Green.” (y/n) strangled out, it seemed to be the only word her brain could get out as a burning sensation crawled over her body in waves. What she meant was Loki, that’s what she needed. Something was very wrong and (y/n) knew it had to do with Loki. 
“What, (y/n), what’s green?” The face became more blurred as she let out a final scream of 
(Y/n) woke for the second time in the stiff bed with a worried Clint leaning over her.
“Clint? What happened?”
“Hey, you were out again for a couple hours but the doctors said nothing was wrong. Something went very…uh, right?” He couldn’t seem to find the correct words. 
“What do you mean?” (y/n)’s eyebrows furrowed as she stared Clint with her piercing gaze. “You’re almost completely healed, (y/n). The doctors can’t even explain the phenomena that happened, it’s like you’ve been healing for weeks rather than a couple days. Also…”
“What is it?” Sitting up, (y/n) felt less resistance in her once broken arm, though it still stung, she faced Clint head on. 
“You called for Loki.” (y/n) blushed five shades of red, all the way to the tips of her ears and turned away to look outside the window.
“(Y/N) if there’s something you need to tell me, it will stay between us. Plus, I think I already have some sort of clue…”
(Y/n) looked up into her friend’s eyes, water slightly pooling in her eyes. No, she wouldn’t cry over this and so, she sniffed and blinked to clear it away. Her soulmate doesn’t determine who she is.
“Loki, he’s… he’s my soulmate, Clint.”
“Yup, definitely knew it.”
A laugh suddenly escaped her mouth while Clint’s face remained blank. (Y/n)’s face suddenly drawing to a blank as a question popped into her mind. 
“Now, I know this might sound terrible considering he just invaded us and all, but Clint, I have to know, is he… is Loki dead?” Her eyes teared up thinking about the possibility that her soulmate was dead. 
Terrible or not, he was still hers and some part of her still wanted him to be okay despite his flaws. She’d waited too long, cried and suffered too much to come so close and have him torn away. She was a strong, independent woman and having something that you’ve always desired before you only to have it torn away so quickly, is devastating for anyone no matter how strong. 
“(Y/N), I’m so sorry... Both times while you were out, you had constant seizures and we almost lost you twice. We suspect it was your bodies response to his death.” Clint squeezed his eyes shut and looked away as a mortified scream left (y/n)’s lips.  
He couldn’t be! It wasn’t… No!
“No! You’re wrong!” She watched his face, not opening his eyes and not even facing her. 
“ How-? Did you-?” Words failed her as she tried to understand the gravity.
He was there, right in front of her. Close enough to touch.
 Clint looked guiltily at her, “S.H.I.E.L.D. … This morning.”  
“NO!” (Y/N) roared in mortification. If she’d only woken up earlier, explained that he was her soulmate! 
(Y/n) stood up abruptly, throwing the blankets off herself and ripping out the needles and wires, trying to put distance between herself and Clint as he tried to console her with his arms. 
(Y/n) constantly pushed him away, “Stay away from me!” Her voice was powerful, causing Clint to freeze at the sheer power. The door slamming open, (y/n) saw Steve enter the room in a panic. 
“What is going on in here?” 
“I-I can’t.” Clint whispered, abruptly leaving the room, head down while on his way out. Steve watched him leave before returning his sights to (y/n).
“I’m leaving.” (y/n) glared at him. She tried to leave through the door but Steve blocked the door with his body. 
“I’m sorry (y/n), but you can’t.”
“The hell I can’t Rogers. Just watch me.” Steve winced at his last name, it didn’t sound right coming from (y/n). 
“I’m sorry, it’s orders. You’re not allowed to leave.” He attempts to say it softly but there was no way to say it without sounding cold. (Y/n)’s narrowed eyebrows and eyes suddenly smoothed out. 
“I’m not only here because I’m injured, am I?” Steve just stared back with guilt. The feeling seemed to be going around like a fever.
(Y/n) knew she wouldn’t get past Steve so she decidedly walked right over the window and looked out into the world. She did this so calmly, that Steve felt a shiver run down his spine, similar to a feeling he got from Loki upon their first meeting. 
She was stuck here because they had already known Loki was her soulmate. They would have seen her tattoo and known instantly as she had. But Loki was gone and she was stuck here with people she barely knew and her only two friends seemed to be betraying her for some secret company.
“(Y/N) …” Steve tried, moving slowly closer. 
“Get. Out.” Steve stood still, not wanting to leave her alone. He knew what it was like to lose one’s soulmate. It was a stab to the heart, an empty feeling that’s irreplaceable, a cold cry into the abyss.
“Please, I don’t want you to be alone.”
Turning to look at Steve over her shoulder she saw the two-way glass situated just behind Steve, opposite her, and decided to stalk towards it with fists clenched. 
“Alone? I’ve been alone all my life and I’ll be damned if anyone thinks they can walk into my life and suddenly dictate what I can and can’t do.” Turning to Steve so quick, it almost made him jump. Tilting her head ever so slightly, (y/n)’ voice was strong and fierce, yet it was spoken slowly; insanely calm that the toughest men would quiver before it.
“I’ve met men like the ones you work for Rogers, they’ve pushed me down all my life, think they can control me, but just watch as I’ll prove every one of you just how wrong you can be.” She smiled menacingly at Steve before retreating back to the window.
Behind a two-way mirror, one Tony Stark turned to an eye-patched man, Fury. 
“They share the flare for drama, don’t they?”
“Stark, I want to know everything about this girl. She says she dangerous, then let’s treat her like she’s the worst damn criminal we’ve ever captured.” Tony looked at Fury in disbelief. 
“Fury, she’s a kid, let her go. She met Loki for all of two seconds and we’ve just told her he’s dead, by our hands.” He didn’t seem to look like it was changing his mind. Tony huffed and turned his back to the glass, looking anywhere else but the broken girl in the room.
“We’re creating enemies faster than we’re making friends. She thinks he’s dead, can you even imagine a sliver of the pain of losing your soulmate? Then sticking her in a room, just after her only two friends are betraying and lying to her, with her thoughts is bound to drive someone mad. Then she’ll find out and all hell will break loose. We already had a witness account of her having some similar magic abilities to reindeer games. The longer we keep her here, the more chance someone’s going to let slip of little magic boy’s interrogation cell downstairs.”
Fury crossed his arms and turned from Stark to the girl, ignoring his little spiel. “I want to know more about her Stark. I’ll give you three days.”
Tony huffed and walked away and as he did the shattering of a glass vase against the wall in the room was heard. Steve moving out of the room quickly avoiding the items being thrown, (y/n) practically storming after him. 
[Part 3]
(Ones with a strike through means couldn’t be tagged) 
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Fire Burns Brighter In The Dark.
Request from @brynnleemua​: Hi um could i ask for an imagine where you're a new avenger and you're the daughter of ghost rider (you have the same powers but you have red hair) and your powers come out when the team is attacked and after they are really surprised and bucky falls for you? Sorry its long but i love the idea
Note: Hope this is okay! I haven’t seen Ghost Rider so I looked up what he could do and I am PRAYING I did okay with this request for you :)
Bucky x Ghost Rider’s Daughter!Reader
Words: 2,251
Warnings: Violence, anger, injury, death and language.
Disclaimer: None of the GIFs used are mine so all credit goes to their creators <3
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Your bright red locks of hair fell in front of your face as you looked down at the briefing you had just been given in the meeting. It was your first one as part of The Avengers team and you hadn’t yet gained the full trust of every member so you needed to make sure you knew every detail of how the mission was going to play out, well, as much as could be planned anyway; when it came to this Hydra organisation you could only assume that even the best of plans would only stretch so far, they weren’t the most predictable of people.
You knew that you had a lot to offer the team, possessed powers that even rivalled those of the Maximoff twins and maybe even Thor himself, but being able to gain the trust of those around you had never been easy. It had always been the same thing ever since you were young; as soon as people found out who you were it was like you were contagious or something….they didn’t want to be within ten feet of you. But that wasn’t what hurt you the most, no, it was the look of sheer terror enveloping their eyes that really stuck in you like a knife to the chest. Never had you done anything to them but that didn’t matter….
….not when you were Ghost Rider’s daughter. He may have fought the bad guys but to most the form in which he took when doing so was the stuff of nightmares. So, instantly, they wanted to avoid seeing you do the same.
It was this kind of attitude that made you determined to change how people would see you. You learned to control your transformation to the point where the only part of you that turned skeletal was your left arm; your hair would still erupt into flames that would then travel down your body but your appearance was far less terrifying than your fathers.
Out of all the people that had been sat around the table in the same meeting as you there was only one who you had truly connected with. Yes Steve Rogers had been quite the charmer, you didn’t even think the guy would so much as squash a spider he was that nice, but even he wasn’t able to hide the look deep within his eyes that she had seen so many times before. The one that gave away the fear he felt. The person you had connected with understood the feeling of isolation and had experienced the same silent judgement from those around him too.
“Doll if you stare at that piece of paper any longer you are going to become it.”
His familiar voice broke through the daze you had let yourself fall into and immediately a whole load of your anxiety dissipated as though it had never even been there to begin with, a smile creeping up onto your lips.
“Hey James.”
He rolled his eyes at the use of his first name before driving a playful elbow into your side.
“How many times do I need to tell you to call me Bucky, hell, Buck even Ghost Girl…James makes me sound like I am talking to my mother God rest her soul.”
You turned the piece of paper over that you had been reading, refusing to look at it any longer, and turned to the brunette as a playful smile finally made its way onto your lips.
“Oh, I don’t know, about as many times as I have told you not to call me ‘Ghost Girl’.”
“Touché. Anyway you going to tell me why you are still sat here over an hour since the briefing ended?”
“Oh it’s nothing I just…..I just got a little distracted that all.”
You pushed your chair out from under the table and stood yourself up, leaving the piece of paper behind, before making your way out of the room. You hadn’t even reached the door when you felt the sensation of metal fingers wrapping around your arm to stop you.
“[y/n] I know we haven’t known each other long, which means you have every right to not talk to me about stuff, but I thought we understood each other? That when either one of us was feeling anxious we would….”
“…confide in the other.” You finished his sentence for him as a heavy sigh rolled from your lips. “I don’t want them to fear me Bucky. I don’t want you to.” Your words must have hit him like a ton of bricks because he swiftly spun you around to face him, his flesh hand reaching out to your cheek to force you to look at him. Never had he been so gentle with you, no one had for that matter, and it felt so good that you couldn’t stop yourself from leaning into his touch more. “You haven’t seen what I am capable of. None of you have.”
“No one will fear you here. Especially not me. Neither one of us would be here if they thought for even a second that we were a danger to others.”
“Yeah well let’s see if you are still saying that once you have seen for yourself.”
You moved away from him now, his hand falling from your cheek as he did, and gave him a rather lame attempt at a smile before making your exit and leaving Bucky stood there with a glum expression on his face.
                                          * * * * * * * * * *
Later that evening you were all gathered in the common room area of the tower enjoying the last few hours of respite you had before the mission. Bucky had attempted to talk to you on numerous occasions but each time you sensed him heading towards you the nearest person to you would become the excuse to not talk to him about the conversation earlier that day.
You could tell it was frustrating him but the last thing you needed, when you hadn’t yet got everyone’s trust, was to have that conversation in earshot of others and having them think you were weak.
The conversation between you and Steve had actually been going really well, even with Bucky throwing daggers at you from the other side of the room, but then the whole atmosphere of the room changed in seconds. The doors to the room were kicked down at the same time ten, maybe even fifteen, black-clad men flew through the panoramic windows sending shards of glass in all directions.
None of the team were prepared; Steve wasn’t anywhere near his shield, Clint’s bow and arrows were at the other side of the room, and the other members of the team had already been taken by surprise by some of the agents. One had made his way towards you but when you turned to face him your red hair had already begun to transform into the blistering flames that dominated the transformation you had inherited from your father and his face drained of its colour immediately.
“I suggest you pull your men out of here before things get a little too…..hot to handle.”
Both confusion and fear was etched all over the male’s face and although it brought quite the satisfaction to you to see the bad guy quivering a little in front of you your anger towards them attacking what was supposed to be your new family was quickly consuming you…..which meant that it wouldn’t be long before you lost all control.
Steve’s panicked voice rang out around the room even above all the noise of the chaos that was ensuing around you and upon instinct you looked over to where his line of sight was only to witness Bucky being dragged away by a number of the agents that had forced their way into the room unexpectedly. He was fighting against them as hard as he could but a glint of something hit the corner of your eye and you could see that his bionic arm, the thing that would have dealt with them all in only a few short blows, was redundant.
They were taking him away……away from you.
Now there was no stopping the anger from taking over every part of you and as your lips curled up into a nasty little smirk your whole body erupted into flames.
“Nobody takes those I care about away from me.”
Every single person in the room had to shield their eyes from the brightness that was illuminating off your blazing form. Nothing had been burned away by the intense flames other than the clothing and the skin on your left arm which was now no more than a skeleton as you proceeded to conjure the hellfire that would fulfil your needs in this situation. One of the Hydra agents had tried to come across brave and come up behind you but his actions were foolish and the only thing he succeeded in doing was sending your left arm out behind you as your skeletal fingers wrapped around his puny little throat.
“Y-You….You think a st-stupid little girl like you ca-can stop all of us?”
Even when the very life was being choked out of him he tried to ooze superiority and because of this inflated ego of his he was completely blind to the fact that you were anything but a ‘stupid little girl’ you could call upon the very fires of hell, destroy the souls of any living thing you wanted to, and you could have him dangling up off the floor with just the strength of your one arm.
He really was a small-minded male.
You didn’t even waste a single word on him as both of your eyes transformed into what could only be described as two black holes and a burst of fire shot out of your hand directly into his throat where it engulfed the entirety of him internally until his very soul was incinerated shortly followed by the excuse of a hell he’d had for a body.
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By now every pair of eyes in the room were on you, albeit still squinting from the intense light that filled the room, but this didn’t faze you. You couldn’t let it. You still needed to sort out every other intruder in this room.
That was when lines of fire started to pour from you like the branches of a tree, sprouting off in different directions, and before any one of them could defend themselves the fire penetrated their bodies destroying every single atom of their being. Each one of The Avengers was perfectly safe from your attack and when the threat had been eliminated every trace of fire disappeared completely, seeming to enter your body but never leave again, your arm transformed back to normal and the flames in your hair simmered down before finally disappearing completely.
The last thing to change back were your eyes as they went from the deepest, darkest, black to their usual [e/c] colour.
“Holy fuck!” Clint’s voice pulled you back down to reality and once you found your mind back in the room properly you could now see that every single one of them were looking at you with looks of shock. Oh shit. They had just seen the closest to a full transformation you had ever allowed anyone to see. They must have been horrified. “You are one serious badass!” He looked over at the only other redhead in the room and nudged her playfully. “Think you may have some competition here Nat.”
A soft chuckle escaped from your lips as a huge wave of relief washed over you. They weren’t scared of you. In fact with Clint’s words alone you felt like they actually appreciated you for what you were capable of.
“A pretty hot badass…..no pun intended of course.” There was the only voice you wanted to hear right now. The last you had seen the agents were trying to take him but now he was stood right behind you and already you could feel his metal fingers wrapping around your hand, squeezing it gently as he stepped himself before you. “You power is something to be marvelled at…..not afraid of. Welcome to the family doll.”
You had been expecting no more than a simple hug from the super soldier you had become so close to so when you found his lips encasing yours you were taken aback for a few short moments before your body relaxed enough to lose yourself in the magic his touch ignited inside of you. There was a chorus of wolf whistles not long after, despite the drama that had just occurred, and although all you wanted was to continue feeling him against you the laugh rolled from you before you were even able to stop it.
“Sorry doll. These guys don’t get enough action themselves so you will have to excuse their immaturity…..” His voice raised itself so that the rest of the team would know that those particular words were aimed towards them but his sharp blue eyes remained on you as he wrapped both of his hands around your waist and pulled you into him. His lips brushed up against your ear as he whispered a remark down it that both amused you and filled you with a lust you never knew you could feel. “….maybe keep the flames out of the bedroom. Things will get hot enough between the two of us…..”
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