#then the promo drops Eddie crashing bucks date
weewoo911 · 2 months
911blr waiting for 7x05
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littlespoonevan · 3 months
I too still want to know Eddie's thoughts about Buck donating sperm. We only got Hen's advice for Buck, but I don't remember anything/anyone else? The only thing we can glean from Eddie's "Idk, it feels weird to congratulate him" and his facial expressions, is... he possibly didn't fully approve. I always felt that storyline was weird for not having Buck talk to more of his family, including Eddie.
yeah it's really strange. like i get him talking to hen about it since she's been the person on the other side with fostering and adopting and i loved their conversation. but for him to not discuss it with eddie at all when eddie is a father and buck's relationship with chris being what it is, it really felt like an elephant in the room that they never acknowledged.
however having rewatched s6 just before s7 aired, i really do think the sperm donor arc was the main one they dropped when things started shifting over the fear of cancellation etc. because up until about 'in another life' the groundwork is absolutely there to dig into it. everything is set up!!!
but then it just doesn't get brought up again until 6x17 when kameron crashes his date with natalia and there isn't really much time then to delve into how buck is dealing with it all
(in contrast i would say the other big storylines of the season - hen and karen's story with denny's bio dad, bobby's arc with wendall, madney proposal - all have very clear and satisfying resolutions)
@mellaithwen and i were discussing it and bc it was mentioned in a s7 promo vid as one of the things to 'remember' from s6, we were saying it's possible they'll bring it all up retrospectively now like they did with eddie's 5b storyline
so if they do i'd really love to see him talk to eddie about it and, in turn, actually see what eddie thought of it all, y'know??
but i suppose we'll just have to wait and see!!
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