#then there'd be a big issue where she had to merge all her avatars back at the end and be like damn!! wtf!!!
your--isgayrights · 2 years
hey sorry if youve already mentioned reading this before and i havent seen it yet but have you read trash of the count's family? it has that wholesome found family vibe that i really liked about orv
also what would u think of a crossover between them?
Yeah I read it last summer!
Well, I know its still currently updating but the last thing I read was (SPOILER FOR TRASH OF THE COUNT'S FAMILY)
when they started talking about OG Cale's mom and i haven't had the chance to get back to it. Like I said in the last ask I'm into drama/romance rn and TCF is very firmly like aromantic in my opinion which I really appreciate about it. Like you said, the similarity with ORV is that Cale is like: I'm here to build and maintain a found family, not fuck around. Really scratches my face-slapping/action itch when I have it.
I've never really read fic about it tho, I think that's mainly because most fic I see advertised in the tag is ship fic with Cale getting some and I just so happen to think he's an ace/aro king, comes down to personal preference. I think there's a lot of potential for people to take the TCF characters and make a narrative about how platonic love can be inherently queer and subversive, because in so many cases the one thing that saves the characters from their fates in the original novel is Cale just... knowing about them and caring that they continue to exist, which is sweet.
Then like I said before most of the x-over stuff I like is characterxsetting swaps, not character-character meet-cutes. I think the main difference of ORV characters in the TCF setting from OG TCF is that KDJ as Cale would be just slightly more of a loser, okay? So like they both have these elements of "I know this story so I can seem cool and OP at the start as I slowly start making more and more sacrifices to maintain that image." But I think that Cale's absolutely hilarious POV that's slowly revealed of "actually I'm an apocalypse vet who read one book ever on his day off to try to keep the PTSD at bay" is a REALLY different perspective from Mr. Kim Reader who is obsessed with Ways of Survival and creates the universe by writing self-insert fanfiction. There's also the "I'm just here to slack off because I already lived a life full of trauma and strife" vs the "I've been showing a suicidal lack of care towards myself and don't believe I have a future because I already lived a life full of trauma and strife." Then, critically, I think that both the character of KRS and KDJ are getting something from their new world that they couldn't get in their old one, bonds with other people. ORV, however, in contrast to TCF, asks the question "Am I using these people for my own gains? Is saving them really something they should be grateful to me for? Aren't I the same guy who is alone and deserves to die?" and Cale is just like "I saved you, you're gonna live in my house now, I won't emotionally confront the impact that caring for you has had on my life unless its in a trial of life and death, k thanx bye."
Okay okay, this got away from me... basically what I'm saying is that it's hard to do 1 to 1 roleswaps with these characters, so I think the crossover setting would be a bit complicated.
Luckily, ORV as a narrative is literally constructed to make any crossover narrative ever completely possible. I would like take a point in time in the cannon of ORV, right after the divorce arc where YJH found out he was in a book and then they were put into like a scenario based around a different world (Kaiznex arc or however its spelled idk) and then have those roles be the world of TCF. So like KDJ wakes up as Cale and YJH wakes up as Choi Han and KDJ has to explain the setting to YJH and its like...
KDJ: OH haha this must be one of those books were a regular guy ends up as a character and knows everything about the protagonist so he helps him and...
YJH: ...
KDJ: ...
And then they just keep going, so I know they weren't in the kaizer permanente or whatever but imagine: biyoo as Raon, SYS and LGY as On and Hong, obvi very cute. And then I literally cannot be arsed to recall if there are any couples in TCF so IDK where JHW or LHS would end up that would have the same emotional resonance as the whole two palace people who are only kept sane by each other thing.
and I think HSY should be the white star AND also Choi Han's ancestor who wrote the cryptic books okay next question.
KRS in ORV setting would honestly be just like "oh not this fucking shit again." Literally hanging on by a thread in this universe where he read a book that he thought was a poor fictional history written by someone who wasn't there about "skills" from "stars" instead of having just plain ability users. I think if Choi Han were a regressor, it would be most fun if Cale didn't know and only read the first part where he messed everything up in 3rd and was like I can fix that and Choi Han is like Who?? Is??? this guy??? and then Alberu should be the author because him and Cale are funny like HSY and KDJ are funny. Alberu stealing jobs from women by being a funny bitch smh... Honestly I think that TCF characters in an ORV-like setting is sort of already answered by the Cale goes back in time in KRS's life thing and fixes stuff for them then has to go home bc he's white now.
OK. those are just my thoughts tho its been a while since i read tcf so idk how accurate that is, judge for yourself
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