#then we have pac tubbo and etoiles who havent really logged in but when etoiles has he is always talking in meta which is clear bc you know-
guckies · 9 months
I went back to watch the moment about Bad bringing up purgatory and really it’s just that everyone is confused and Bad needs to explicitly say if he is canonically on or off the island without some weird loop hole that gives him both lores on the both islands for one character to know.
Now the mini events aren’t always like a lore canon thing but the eggs are in lore majority of the time. This is cause the eggs are lore/rp characters the same way Cucurucho is and the only way they aren’t is when they explicitly say it or the cc says that the info they’re saying is out of rp.
But this is what happened -
Bad brought up first that he saw Tubbo that day to sunny who had been with Fit the entire day. Then Richarylson questioned him saying “Aren’t you meant to not be spiritually projecting rn” and he said “I don’t know what you’re talking about” which is just as confusing as what Richas said to him.
Then the others asked a general question just saying how was it and if he was winning not anything about any of the lore aspects. He then later brought up the quesadilla lore stuff with Phil despite it not really being the time or place, as well as him not supposedly being there to the other characters (specifically Fit and Phil think he’s kidnapped because he hasn’t clarified and they honestly act like they can’t be bothered asking anymore about it which not gonna blame them on) who all think that he is kidnapped because Bad has evaded the question and not given them an explicit answer.
So the eggs, current quesadilla islanders and the viewers are very confused.
Cause none of it make sense and Bad’s “1/3 is in purgatory”(which is the spiritually projecting thing richas is eluding to) is a struggle rp wise too because how is he meant to participate in lore or rp when he’s giving so many mixed signals if he is or isn’t canonically on the island.
Like he’s telling the eggs about their parents when they’re always meant to be in lore, then telling the other islanders that he’s on vacation which implies he’s not doing lore. So then it looks like meta gaming (because the eggs are just being told info randomly without knowing they’re getting told ie like a twitch chat that a streamer reads except eggs can’t really ignore it) from the pov of someone who has no clue if it’s in rp or not especially when it’s told to the eggs who are in rp 24/7. But then even the eggs don’t know if he’s actually there or not so they have to come up with a rp opinion about it and now think he’s lying about their parents because they aren’t meant to know about it really.
Along with this how come he can only just now separate himself in parts like this(yes things are secret but that raises the question how come he didn’t preemptively do this in purgatory 1), how is he getting the info back and forward from each “part” of him, how is it even a different part/version of him if he’s still in the same dimension(cause travelling back and forward from the island defeats the whole purpose of purgatory 1 and he isn’t a slime so how would he be able to make a clones/another version) and then why is he even telling the kids that information when they are separated from their parents which is just going to make them sad(but it is giving the eggs a rp struggle because not all of them are going to know if they are meant to know that info or not).
But really the real question is why does bad have to be involved in both lores and knowing everything. It’s not as if the others are going to keep everything from him and not tell him. Like when has anyone not ever told people about lore that affects everyone, he will be told everything all he has to do is ask. By the time he’s back the photo if the eyed workers will probably still be up as well all he has to do is ask them about it and they’ll give him an answer.
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factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
*flails hands of warning* I am being depressing here!!! Fatalistic even! I'm trying to words why I'm enjoying this less than other murder minecraft! I'm talking about concerns I have! Please don't read if this is going to upset you!!! Or if you wanna fight! I'm just hashing out my thoughts!!! Because I can't go back to watch and enjoy and chill until I've been through with them! Gotta pour salt on the ground before I can fill the bottle up with sugar! This is only me talking shit not me talking about bits I've liked which have absolutely existed and if I was having no fun I'd just turn the ducking streams off and not come back! It's just morning and I hurt anx so I'm grumpy!
tbh my biggest concern with purgatory is the knock on effects after it for ccs who genuinely seem not to be having fun. Like they can just not play more, but IC bridges are still burnt (often with OC friends which is miserable to play long term), and like... I'm not actually sure how long Etoiles even if he drops now could still enjoy stuff if q!phil still has issue with q!etoiles after. And I'm pretty sure at least some of them would back off to let those who did have fun continue trajectories it sent them on, and I would miss them?
And it sucks because I know there is fun to be had here, but it's not to everyone's tastes? And it's the people who aren't or weren't having fun who get the biggest consequences after? Because it's an RP reward for a PvP event?
I guess the biggest part of my problem and why I keep thinking there has to be an around or loophole for the eggs it is because it's an rp reward for a mechanics event? And yes all has some rp and some mechanics, but the eggs are most valued as characters at this point. And the fact it's an rp reward means people not having fun are going to have a much harder time stepping away from it.
I'm also concerned about people (red) logging in as much as they are. Because they do not log in that often normally and it's going to burn some of them out.
Idk I want to have fun and I enjoy bloodbaths, but the stakes feel wonky and it's really hard when the people on at my timezome either aren't having fun, are bitching about it, or have potential massive knock on consequences.
If they lose their eggs to this, Fit and Phil are going to be unwatchable. I already can't manage Tubbo. If Fit is miserable Pac is miserable, if Pac is miserable Mike is miserable. For most of the streams I remember it's just those guys hanging out with their eggs. Which we havent had for a while and honestly I kinda enjoy seeing less of them but for the angst because it opens more options, but imagine how fucking intolerable Fit and Phil are going to be near each other if only one of them's egg/s survive? Because the other one did something? Theyd both understand but theyd both be /awful/. Add in that Etoiles is rifted with Phil and oh look theres everything that regularly happens for the PoV that best matches my schedule gone (I enjoy Tazercraft more, but Phil has my exact schedule, so I tend to follow him because no language barrier and I don't miss bits of development for him)
And I know the stakes are the same for everyone, but they're not? Pomme and Richas are basically safe, which covers other morning hours. And Leo and Dapper are also in massive danger, but I don't watch that late normally, so it's less of a concern for me personally?
It's why I have to tell myself the reward isn't the reward, because if it is, everything gets shifted in directions I am not interested in seeing.
Now I think I wonder if part of the reason Phil is depressing to watch is that he's run the same numbers I have, from the same assumption of you can save 4/7 eggs if you win, and realised he can't save both Chayanne and Tallulah even if he wins. Which yeah he has the overthrow the eye thought he did actually share with someone this session but we keep being told it's pure PvP by like Quackity. Which. Tbh pure PvP leads me towards either there is no cursed team or the cursed team is only defined after the fact because??? The stakes??? In terms of reward one team losing is clearly worse???
I also as an aside think it'd really help if the admins were open with the players about how the mechanics work, and had been open in advance about the exact timescale. No hate to them, they obviously want secrets and surprises, but I'm sure Cellbit would be less annoyed if he'd known 2 weeks not like 4 days so he didnt plan and commit as hard to a specific arc plots for himself, or if its had been suggested to wait until after to start something big, and Etoiles would be happier if he could see how scoring worked and knew how shit was assembled so he could more accurate judge what is fair. Shit like beds not working as respawn points and if armour actually is not giving defence should absolutely have been told in advance, though, and to everyone. Admins are new to PvP running so entirely understandable and theres obviously so much work gone into it and they want this to go well and people to have fun, but its misery.
Also splitting people from their friends was obviously intentional but is absolutely contributing to people feeling miserable. Both the ccs who are and the watchers.
Pulling back to morning hours again where dynamics are a huge part (I assume later streamers too but I know these)... Tazercraft are split (potentially interesting but I really really hope they played this in advance especially given how little Mike can get on atm and that they /stream together/ when time allows), and Phil has nobody who shares his stream times and he regularly spends time with on his team (which when we account for afterwards and knock on effects... ow, because people arent going to long term adjust their schedules over this or at least shouldn't). Fit and Pac are managing to still be cute, but can they sustain it over this divide? Tubbo and Fit were already on shaky grounds and this will make them worse. Mike is barely here because life.
Lose any eggs and have the tension from it split up morning hours and honestly I'd rather Phil just streamed hardcore a while because then at least its solo player isolated not cut yourself from your friends and loved ones over a BS AI making you betray each other for what you thought was the sake of your children.
After the first day where I watched Missa farming stream I've only really watched red and green, but blues spawn fucking sucks and is misery itself.
I am begging for team back up hours sometime, but the more Quackity talks the less I expect it.
But, really, my biggest problem is the streamers I enjoy or at least their characters are fucking miserable, when I try change PoV its still miserable, and as far as I can tell they're going to continue being miserable once the event is over.
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