#theo abott
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OC Pride Challenge 2023 ⍚ WEEK TWO (June 8th—14th): LGBTQIA+ TROPES ⍚ Subverted Tropes
inspo by @squirrelstone    x    
Ft. Jacob Venturi, Azalea Dursley, Marti Venturi, Theo Abott, Remy Potter.
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littlemissnoname13 · 3 years
hi could you please make a part two to feeling colors, i LOVED your writing in it. no rush :))
Hiii nonnie! 💕 I did end up writing a second part for the fic after all. I hope you like it as much as the first. X
Feeling Colours - Part Two
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!Reader
Word count: 2500 give or take
Summary: Draco’s feelings for the reader start to grow
Warnings: fluff, excessive drinking, mentions of throwing up, kissing, nothing explicit, Draco being a softie (lmk if this needs more warnings)
Masterlist | Part One 
Your eyes fluttered open to find Draco Malfoy sitting on a chair next to you, breathing quietly like sleep was finally hitting him. Ruffled blond strands of hair fell over his weary eyes and he’d used his suit jacket as a makeshift blanket. 
Your first instinct was to silently lift up your covers and check if your clothes were still intact and thank Merlin they were. 
“Have a little faith Y/n.” Draco grumbled, startling you in the process as he struggled to lift himself into a more comfortable position. “I would never take advantage of a drunk girl.”
Fragments of the previous night came back to you when you heard him say that. 
The party, the burn of the booze, the dust-filled broom closet, the throwing up, the taste of soup and the strong and sturdy arms of the boy now looking at you with a sheepish grin on his face.
You eased at the sight of his smile. There came a certain type of comfort after someone had seen you throwing your guts up. 
“Thank you for last night Draco.”
“Like I said before Miss raging alcoholic, Don’t make a habit of it.” He let out a small yawn and started to smooth out his hair but much to his dismay, the strands refused to cooperate. 
You couldn't help but laugh at the displeased look on his face. “Here, let me—”
“NO. I absolutely refuse to let you touch my hair.” He protested, grabbing both your wrists before your fingers could make contact with his precious hair. 
“Come on Malfoy.” You pleaded, now fully out of bed and trying to break free from his hands. “I swear I can fix it for you.”
“Nope.” He said firmly as he tried his hardest to maintain a straight face. “Stop it—No please not the sides—no..”
“Please, just a bit more...ah okay….there we go.”
“Haven’t you done enough Hufflepuff?!”
“Oh. that rhymed.” You laughed, still touching his hair when the two of you accidently tumbled onto the chair he was originally sleeping on. 
Draco was agile in cushioning your fall with one of his hands balancing himself on the armrest and one hand wrapped around your waist.
It was only the second time he’d saved you from falling and you were already getting used to it. 
Something inside of you was immediately hoping that Draco would be there to break your fall for a third time too. 
It felt good with him.
It felt safe with him.
Alone at the school courtyard in the afternoon of the next day, Draco sat down in a far corner to rearrange his cluttered thoughts about you into tidy little compartments in his brain. 
It should have been easy for him. He was a natural occlumens after all.
But for some bizarre reason, he couldn't find a way to erase your name, the sound of your voice and your scent that was slowly dominating all four lobes of his brain and all four chambers of his heart. 
Even with the sun still in the sky, the occasional gust of wind made his hands turn cold so he instinctively shoved his hands into his blazer pocket to warm up. 
It was only then that he realised that he’d completely forgotten to give your locket back to you. 
A few days had now passed and Draco had gotten several opportunities to give your necklace back to you. 
First it was at the great hall.
He watched you intently from the Slytherin table, waiting for the perfect opportunity to talk to you while you nibbled on a cupcake.
His Adam's apple bobbed as he watched you lick the powdery pink frosting off your Peony lips.
He wasn’t all that fond of those cupcakes you were eating but he’d have done anything for a taste of the frosting from your lips. 
Before he could even manage to walk over to you, you stood up and walked away with your friends.
When you were close to the exit however, you paused and turned towards the Slytherin table to give him a tiny smile.
He quickly reached into his pocket to look at the locket, it was the exact pink shade of the frosting. 
The second time he tried to return it was at Potions class. 
Theo had so graciously agreed to switch partners with Draco and Snape did not seem to mind as long as the potions were brewed right. 
“Crush the petals as best you can before dropping them into the cauldron.” Snape instructed and you quickly grabbed a fistfull of rose petals. 
Draco watched in awe as you crushed rose petals in your hands, releasing the floral aroma into the atmosphere. The scent caught onto clothes and a flush crept onto his face.
“Well, are you going to help me, Malfoy?”
Draco silently copied your motion and stirred the cauldron till the potion was simmering and ready.
Returning your locket in the middle of Severus’s class did not seem like a smart idea so he decided to come up with a better one. 
“We are having another party in the dungeons on Friday. You should come and bring Abott if you’d like.”  Draco shrugged it off like it was the most casual thing ever. 
“Will there be elf made wine?” You wiggled your eyebrows at him and he let out a rather loud scoff earning the attention of the sulky potion’s master.
“Malfoy, Y/l/n.” Snape called out, looking as unimpressed as ever. “Detention.Saturday.”
“Incorrigible.” Draco muttered and you nudged him in the rib with your elbow. 
“Two Saturdays.” Snape said, before dismissing the entire class. 
On his way out, Draco discreetly sneaked a peak of the necklace in his pocket because he already knew what colour it was going to be. 
It was the exact same pink of the rose petals you were crushing. 
Two days had gone by since potions class and Draco was no longer fazed when the necklace emulated the same shades of pink from the bubblegum you were blowing or the fuschia ribbon in your hair. 
Draco also didn’t think it was necessary to make another attempt to return your necklace until Friday.
He already had a lot of things preoccupying his mind like actually planning the party. 
There had been no Slytherin Party planned for Friday before Draco invited you and now, He was getting his friends to help him arrange one. 
Crabbe and Goyle were tasked with getting more liquor,  Blaise and Theo were responsible for music and food while Draco was responsible with the overall logistics like silencing charms and getting the word of the party out. 
“All this for a girl.” Blaise mocked. Theo took this moment to whisper something to Crabbe who then whispered something to Goyle. 
“Care to say it out loud, Nott?” Draco seethed as he watched his friends clutch their stomachs and laugh out loud. 
“Theo called you a simp.” A teary eyed Goyle spluttered. 
“A what now?”
Friday’s party topped the previous one. 
More people, A wider selection of liquor, wine varietals, good food and music blasting so loud that the floors were vibrating. 
As per usual, Hannah had already disappeared into some dark little corner with her paramour leaving you all alone with a group of Slytherin girls. 
“I love your dress!” Exclaimed a tipsy looking Daphne Greengrass who herself was wearing a gorgeous turquoise number. 
“Thank you.” You replied, giving her your most polite and friendly smile. 
“Come now, let's go and dance already.” Pansy crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at the interaction. Although it wasn’t super obvious, you sensed that Pansy wasn’t too pleased to have you there. 
Daphne intertwined her hands to yours and pulled you into the dancefloor with herself, Pansy Tracey Davis and Millicent Bulstrode. 
Daphne’s surprisingly amiable nature took you by surprise but you decided to go with it. It was a party after all. 
When she placed her hands on your shoulders, you mirrored. When she swayed her hips, so did you. 
“He can't stop staring at you now, can he?” Daphne shouted into your ear over the music as you both continued to dance together. 
“I’m sorry who?” You shouted back. 
“Malfoy.” Daphne giggled. “ He’s been watching you all night actually. Why do you think he hosted this party in the first place?”
You stole a quick glance at Draco when no one was looking. He was sipping on a glass of whisky and watching you from a distance.
He had ditched his all black attire for a white button down shirt. The top two buttons were undone and his hair had a sort of laid back look to it
“See?” Daphne shouted again. “Hasn’t even taken his eyes off you once. It's driving Pansy nuts.”
Just to confirm if Daphne was in fact telling the truth, you tilted your head to the side to get a bitter view of him and the minute you did, your eyes met with his.
Heat spread all across your cheeks and he raised his glass to you as an acknowledgement before quickly turning away. 
After that, it was just an intense and tactical little gambit of who caught who staring. 
He covertly watched you sway your hips and you secretly noticed the way he tapped his fingertips on the glass he was holding.
Both of you refused to relent to whatever game this was up until the point where he grabbed a bottle of fire whisky and started to walk away. 
You didn't even need to think twice about where he was headed. 
“Go on.” Daphne nudged encouragingly.
Draco pulled the closet door open and stepped inside with a smile playing at his lips.
The last time he was there, he was introduced to you, your scent, your smile, your eyes. 
Before that night in the closet, he took colours at their face value. They were nothing more than visual representations of light—what amount, what hue, what saturation.
It was strange how things had changed for him. 
Not only did you make him see colours in a whole new light, you made him feel them, you made him hear them.
As Draco settled down with his drink, he saw the door creak open. 
It was still dark but he could already tell that it was you by the scent of your perfume. Oh, he could never ever forget that aroma even if he tried. 
Draco held his wand in front of him and allowed himself to turn to his side to get a better view of you. 
Never had he ever seen someone glow the way you did under the lumos charm. The radiance in your eyes, the pearlescence of your skin and the curvature of your lips made him lightheaded.
“I feel like this closet is going to be a recurring thing for us huh?” You beamed at him and he found himself swooning. 
Salazar Slytherin. Nott was right. He was a simp.
“I guess so.” Draco quickly answered, Blaming this dizziness on the lack of ventilation while taking a big sip of his drink. 
“I don’t mind.” You said and twisted open the bottle of wine you’d brought with you. 
“Don’t tell me you brought another bottle of that god awful wine in here.”
 “It’s actually not that bad and it gets you drunk way quicker.” You shrugged. 
“Why do I feel like I might have to walk you to your dorm again?” 
He watched you take a long slow sip of wine and couldn’t help himself from noting that your lips were slowly getting stained red with the fruity nectar. 
“Might?” You shook your head. “Sorry to break it to you, but this wine is going to catch up with me soon.” 
Draco jokingly palmed his face, earning a laugh from you. It seemed like the perfect time to hand you your lost possession back. 
“Atleast, I’ll know when you are going to be sick though.” Draco said as he fished for the locket in his pocket. 
“How come?” 
“Because of this.” He explained, holding the necklace out. “I’m sorry I should have given it back sooner.” 
“That’s okay.” You murmured softly and pushed your hair away from your neck and he instantly took this as a cue to drape the necklace back to where it belonged. 
“Ah…there you go.” He whispered into your ear before shifting back to look at the gem. 
Draco expected it to be pink but to his astonishment, the gem had already turned a vibrant red. 
A new colour.
He could see red in the apples of your cheeks.
He could feel red pumping through his veins and hear red in the way his heart was rapidly beating. 
 “It’s red.” You commented and he slowly nodded. 
Even though he knew what red was for him, he needed to hear your interpretation before making his next move. 
“What does red mean to you y/n?” 
“To me, well…..red represents um..passion, something fiery, something that burns bright, leaves you breathless.” You whispered looking as if you were feeling almost as breathless as him. 
Draco swallowed hard when he noticed just how close your face was to his. 
“If I kissed you right now, would you kiss me back?”
He noticed that your breathing was progressively getting shorter. You looked startled at his sudden question but held his gaze nonetheless. 
“I guess you’ll have to see for yourself, Draco.”
He couldn’t help but let out a hoarse chuckle before pressing his forehead to yours. “Is that an invitation hm?” 
You didn’t say a word but the deepening red color of your necklace gave everything away. 
Any remaining doubt in his mind went away when he felt you caress his cheeks with your cold hands. 
He gently let his fingers slip into your hair as he closed the distance between your lips. 
The kiss was reminiscent of the rush of first love. The innocence, the giggles. 
The kiss paid homage that perfumed night in the broom closet that had started it all. 
The kiss was bleeding, seeping, trickling In various shades of red and he was drinking every drop. 
Draco Malfoy could finally tell what the colour red tasted like. 
It tasted like your wine stained lips. 
He backed away and placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head and you gave him a shy smile in return. 
The two of you spent the remainder of the party inside the closet. 
Drinking, talking, laughing and more kissing.
So much kissing. 
“Alright y/n, let’s get you to your room now shall we?” Draco sighed when he noticed that you were getting more and more inebriated by the minute. “Come on.” 
You struggled to step out of the closet and almost tripped on your own two drunken feet.
“As if I’m going to let you fall face first.” He mumbled to himself before lifting you up in his arms. 
You let out a small laugh before looking up at him. 
“I know you said to not make a habit of this but unfortunately for you, I already have.” 
Draco fluff/general tag list: @maybesandohnos @justfangirlthingies @dlmmdl @desiredmalfoy @trainintersection @wh0re4blaise @marrymetheonott @quacksonsssandtea @letoof @rvaldez7569 @lolooo22 @emma67 @berriemalfoy @thegaudess @itchywitch33 @lunar0se10 @savagelysarcasticslytherin @fleursbabe @teawineaddict @malfoyxxdraco23 @fantasyfairysworld @trashyvicks @h0ggyw0ggyh0gwarts @l0vely-lupin @linasylveon @dracomalfoys-wh0re @dracomalfoyisindahouse @the-bisexual-bitch @sycathorn-slush @lalunemoonstone @supermisunderstoodoceans @belladaises @riddleswh0r3crux @justreadingficsdontmindme @axdxis @97santoki @laceycallisto @haroldpotterson @thetipsysaquatch @darlingmalfoy @letsmariya @malfoysbiitch @turn-to-page-394-please @malfoysgem @m4lf0ym1lk3rs @ameliasbitvh @slythermuf @wolfstar_lb @underappreciated-spoon-321 @yiamalfoy @youreso-golden @dracoscum @mvdbldd @naisnape @o-rion-sta-r @arianagreyy @carnationbasement @dilf-lover21 @louweasleymalfoy @fa-me @dracoswhore007
(sorry if I missed anyone. Please look into your privacy settings if I was unable to tag you. x )
Join my tag list here .
Alternatively, you can message me if you’d like to be added or removed from my list.
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Hello lovely, congratulations once again🥰🥰 Can i pls have a ship? 🥺👉👈 i'm a Hufflepuff, i like swimming, dancing and singing, although i study public policy lol (kinda political sciences); i like reading although i haven't read much lately (thanks uni). I'm very emotional and passionate, i never shut up, i'm very protective over my friends and i struggle a lot with mental health, also i'm a hugeeee procrastinator. I like cooking, i'm trying to go vegan again and i curse a lot, lol. 🥰🥰
I ship you with Blaise Zabini!
okay hear me out
I am a sucker for SlytherPuff couples and i feel like you two are peRFECT
once upon a time.... Ok im kidding it all started when Blaise caught you singing alone at night
he was patrolling as he was a prefect (cmon this dude hAS to be a prefect look at him) and he accidentally saw you singing in one of the empty classrooms
Now, Blaise isn't familliar with love at first sight since *cough*his mom*cough* but there was a tingly feeling on his chest as he watched you singing your heart out (you must've forgotten the 'muffliato' charm)
He recognized you as you two shared classes occasionally, he only knew your name, Alyssa.
You didn't notice him at all actually, he didn't come forward to reprimand you or anything, he just watched from afar, admiring your voice.
Starting from there, Blaise noticed you everywhere
You would be in class laughing at your friends and he would look at you, his heart went badump badump at your sight
Or reading at the fountain with your hair almost covering your face as your head was so down low to the book you had on your lap, he would have stared at you for hours if it wasn't for Crabbe and Goyle shoving him to move quick
Boi wasn't familliar of these feelings at all, so he was very confused as of why his heart decided to beat faster whenever you smile or laugh with your Hufflepuff friends
So he asked Pansy about it (because god forbid if he asked Draco, he would rather drown himself)
"So your heart beats faster whenever you see her?" Pansy asked, intrigued. It's not everyday Blaise would talk to her, let alone for something like this.
He nodded, furrowing his eyebrows, "Am I sick? Should I see Madam Pomfrey about it?" He asked, his voice concerned for himself despite his stoic expression (he's bad at expressing emotions let him live syaf).
Pansy chuckled, knowing immediately what's wrong with Blaise. "Maybe not Madam Pomfrey, perhaps go see the blood traitor Weasley Twins instead,"
He shot her a ridiculous look, "What? Why?"
Pansy rolled her eyes at him, he's so oblivious sometimes, "Because, Zabini, they're selling love potions."
Poor Blaise still didn't follow, "What does that had to do with anything?"
"Salazar Slytherin, Blaise," Pansy sighed out, annoyed now.
"You like that Hufflepuff girl. Romantically."
And Hell breaks loose for Blaise.
See, Blaise hates the idea of love, his mother proved that, so when Pansy said that, he didn't know how to react
Like, AT ALL
Pansy had to see him went through 7 stages of grief in 15 seconds
He stormed to his room so quick, slamming the door shut and that night he didn't sleep at all, he processed everything
He had thought he's asexual; he had no interest in love or sex before
And then this Hufflepuff girl, Alyssa came into his life and he's in shambles trying to recognize himself again
He had avoided you ever since then, he didn't want to feel it again (poor boy lemme give u a hug)
Well, it worked until Draco (that slimy git) had pushed your friend, Hannah Abott to the ground for being in his way one day.
And oh boy, were you furious
"What was that bloody for, Malfoy?" You spat as you shoved him back, before glancing at Hannah who was helped by your other friends.
Blaise was surprised, normally when Draco pushed someone away, they would cower in fear for his father. But you; you didn't give a single fuck.
Draco narrowed his eyes at you, scoffing in disbelief, "You dare to push me? You filthy little mudblood!" He shouted at you.
You scoffed, "Learn to have some human decency, Malfoy. Wrinkles look bad on you."
A sudden snort interrupted Draco from hexing you.
It was Blaise, and he was trying so hard not to laugh. You looked at him in confusion; you never saw him smile before.... he has a nice smile.
"What are you laughing at, Zabini?" Draco sneered and Blaise rolled his eyes, his mood flattens down immediately by the platinum blonde, "Let's just go, Malfoy, class is starting soon." He said, glancing at you who had already looked at him.
There it is. Badump badump.
Draco huffed, "He'll hear about this for sure," and walked away, purposely shoves Blaise in the shoulder while on it. Blaise rolled his eyes at the childishness and turned to you, "You alright?"
That was the first time he ever talked to you.
You gave him a polite smile, "I had him earlier, you know. But thank you anyway," you said, suddenly got flustered as Blaise returned the smile.
He scoffed in amusement, "I know you did, but then again it wouldn't hurt to save someone from getting hexed at."
You rolled your eyes playfully, "If he hexed me, I would simply hex him back, so don't you worry."
A lingering smile on his lips, amused by your fiery personality. His mind was screaming to get away from you, but his heart had made him stayed put, stayed close to you.
"Say, are you free this weekend?" He suddenly asked, a sudden confidence was surging through him.
You shrugged, "Depends on what activity, why?" You never realized this but Blaise was quite... Handsome.
"I'm taking you to Hogsmeade, heard there's a new dessert at Three Broomsticks." He said smoothly, slowly Blaise took a liking at the fast heartbeat his heart made.
You smiled, shocked at the sudden confidence the boy in front of you had.
"Saturday, 8 am. I'll wait you at Zonko's." Was all you said as you turned around and left, leaving him speechless.
And that was the start of your beautiful relationship with Blaise Zabini.
He was a complete gentleman, smiling at you who was shocked, he arrived there sooner than you.
The Hogsmeade date was a complete success, you had shared the said dessert with him; only to find out later on he doesn't like dessert at all, but tried one anyway because it's with you
He was stoic and had difficulties to express his feelings through facial expression, but when he's with you; it became easier.
You're passionate at the things you love to do, and he loves hearing you talk about it, your eyes twinkled so much he wished he could store the twinkles for himself
That day Blaise smiled for the whole day (creeping out Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Theo, although Pansy only smiled)
You would sing him to sleep whenever he sneaked into the Hufflepuff dorms to see you, and he loves to hear it.
"I've actually liked you even before I asked you to Hogsmeade," "Oh really? What have I done?" "I caught you singing at night one day, and my heart started to beat faster. I didn't understand what it was then, but Parkinson told me I like you." "Well, do you?" "Darling, I like you more than I like my friends." "Good to know, because I like you too."
The first time he realized he loves you was 2 weeks after that, you two had spent time a lot together, and he had never shared so much information of himself to others before.
You made him feel safe.
You made him feel loved, he barely had that since his mother is too busy finding a new husband
You taught him that love is indeed real, and love is indeed beautiful
And that's why he loves you.
To him, you are love.
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welcometotheocverse · 4 years
Harry Potter Ocs
Hphm Era:
Name: Martha -Marti- Beatrice Venturi
Story: Smarti At Smogwarts 
Faceclaim: Emily Rudd
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Summary: Being Jacob Venturi’s sibling sucks. That’s the lesson Marti’s learning. From the moment she got to Hogwarts there’s been gossip about her, about her missing brother, and about the cursed vaults. To say nothing of how certain people ( both teachers and students) treat her or how much her brother’s disappearance still hurts her. Still Marti’s determined to have a good time and make her own story at Hogwarts with friends Rowan and Ben. 
Of course she didn’t count on the cursed vaults being real and for everything else that followed their reappearance. 
Follows the gameplay of HPHM
More about her can also be found at  hphm blog Smarti At Smogwarts 
Golden Era 
Name: Lucinda Aguilar-Palmero
Story: tbd 
Faceclaim: Madison Reyes 
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Summary: Ever since moving to London for her father’s job Lucinda Aguilar-Palmero has been adapting. She’s adapted to separating from her cousins and extended family. She’s adapted to a different language. She’s adapted to a different climate and different foods and different...everything. An she likes to think she’s done so with very little complaining.
So when she finds out she has to move again this time alone and to a castle in Scotland because of the magic in her blood she thinks she’s entitled to complain a little bit. 
Oh yeah, and there’s a flippin war. 
Name: Suzette-Suzy- Macallister.
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Aislinn Paul
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Summary: tbd
Name: Theodosia Jane Abott
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Saoirce Ronan
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Summary: Theo Abott was the product of a pureblood’s “indiscretion” with a muggleborn wizard. Something her very pureblood family has never let her forget. They kept her, fed her, made sure she knew the proper way for an Abott to act, but there was no affection to this and Theo sometimes wondered if it wasn’t only out of duty that her family did all this. After it becomes obvious that Theo who dresses in boy’s clothes, never keeps a comment inside her mind, and buckles against the propriety forced upon her more and more as the years pass is not going to be changing to fit what her family thinks she should be; it’s decided to send her to Hogwarts where she’ll at least be kept out of sight. ( and hopefully out of trouble)
She’s out of sight alright, but out of trouble...not so much. 
*More about her can also be found at Smarti At Smogwarts 
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biliusrweasley · 7 years
Unexpected Dances. please read and give me feedback.
Pairings: Neville/Hermione, Neville/Hannah, Hermione/Theodore, Harry/Daphne, Ron/Pansy, Ginny/Blaise
Hermione rushed around her dorm, looking for her dress and shoes. She had totally forgotten that the Yule dance was tonight. She had promised Neville that she would be his date, knowing that she had no one else to go with. Her and Ron had split up right before school started, they both knew that if they continued dating it would ruin there friendship. A month into their school year, it was announced that Ron was dating Pansy Parkinson. It was quite a shocker for everyone but it was quickly forgotten when it was also announced that Harry and Ginny had broken up. Their excuse was that they weren’t right for each other, and were better off as friends. Around the beginning of November it was made known that Daphne Greengrass and Harry Potter had been seeing each other. Ginny, who didn’t mind it at all had also been shagging Blaise Zabini for a month, both of them refused to label themselves as a couple, even though everyone knew that they were. Had Hermione been seeing anyone in this time period where everyone seemed to be getting intimate with the Slytherins? No, she hadn’t, no one seemed to strike her fancy but that didn’t mean that men had tried she just wasn’t interested in them.
A week before the dance, she was having a study session with Neville when they started talking. It was made clear by the them both that neither had dates, it was a mutual decision for them to both go together. As friends. 
One week later, it was twenty minutes before the dance and she hadn’t started to get ready at all. She could do it, its not like she was trying to impress anyone there so she didn’t really care. She slipped into her dress, which was a spaghetti strap silk fabricated cream garment that she found in muggle London. There was a hint of gold in the fabric which she though was a good representation of the Gryffindor within.  She slipped on her white ballet flats and looked in the mirror. Not bad, she thought to herself, now for make up and hair. She didn’t really wear makeup, it wasn’t her thing but she decided to put a little gold around her eyes to match her dress. She decided that there was no point in trying to tame the mane on her head so she just left it. 
Looking down at her watch she cursed herself, 5 minutes. Grabbing her wand and taking one last look in the mirror she slipped out of the dorm. She lightly sprinted down to the Great Hall. Neville was standing in front of the door nervously fidgeting with his dress robes. He looked quite handsome with his hair slicked back and his scars visible on his face. 
“Neville, I’m so sorry that I’m late, it took me longer to get ready than expected,” She said kissing his check which caused him to blush. 
“Don’t think twice about it, Hermione, it’s fine. Merlin, Hermione you look amazing. Shall we?” He said holding out his arm for her to take. She smiled in return, lightly placing her hand on his arm. There were so many students outside the Great Hall that she didn’t even bother looking for Harry and Ron, knowing their attention would be consumed by their dates. Neville guided her to their seats and they noticed that it was all eighth years. She was seated next to Neville and Dean Thomas who had brought Seamus as his date. Across from her was Theodore Nott who was without a date and next to him was Daphne and Harry. 
Throughout the dance, she danced a few dances with Neville, Ron and Harry. Harry and Ron were caught up with their dates and Neville couldn’t take his eyes off of Hannah Abott. While they were sitting down eating the food that was presented to them, she caught him staring at Hannah.
“Ask her to dance Neville, I don’t mind. Its obvious that you both are infatuated with each other so go ahead. Don’t let me stop you,” She whispered to him making him blush but he gave her a grateful smile and thanked her.
After they finished their food and Neville had danced at least three dances with Hannah. She was sitting at the table not really doing anything when a male voice behind her said, “Would you care to dance?” 
She turned around to see whose voice it was and saw that it was none other than Theodore Notts’.
After a moment of silence where they both stared at each other she said, in a strong voice, “Yes.”
This caused him to give her a lopsided grin which she couldn’t help but smile at. He offered her her hand, which she took and he lead her to the dance floor. It just happened to be a slow song that came on which neither was expecting so it took them a moment to realize. His hand slid around her waist and pulled her towards him. She placed her hand on his shoulder and rested her head on his other shoulder. Neither of them had expected her to do this and were both taken by surprise. while they were dancing she noticed many things about Theo Nott, one was that he smelled of clean fabric and tea, that his eyes had not only every shade of blue in them but green and grey too and that he made her heart beat fast whenever he looked at her with those eyes. 
They didn’t talk much while they danced but afterwards there wasn’t one thing they didn’t talk about. They went on a walk around the black lake and sat on one of the benches by it. When it was obvious that she was cold, he gave her his coat and she took it and wrapped it around herself. Knowing that it would be a while before she gave it back to him.
He walked her to Gryffindor tower where they were both reluctant to say goodbye. Without thinking she leaned forward and kissed him. It didn’t take him a second to kiss back. When they broke the kiss, she gave him a soft smile and dissapeared through the portrait.
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Sorting - next generation
These are highly inaccurate and only representing our (a friend of mine and my) imagination. The difference in age is canonly much bigger. Don’t like, don’t read.
7th year: Evelyn Greengrass, Leila Dosanje, Lorcan Scamander, Oliver Travers, Reighan Ainwell, Stefan Harrel, Teddy Lupin
6th year: Aaron Carrow, Billie Welkins, Chris Avery, Jim Gilden, Neela Raje, Phoebe Bramley, Saige Shacklebolt, Sam Hartley
5th year: Adam Hayward, Archie Hansen, Elaina Nolan, Emelia Shim, Henry Prewett, Jordyn Dealthy, Joshua Gilden, Zoe Longbottom
4th year: Caroline Finnigan, Hugo Granger-Weasley, Macie Turgoose, Mun Carron
7th year: Caitlyn Greengrass, Damon Pleavin, Joseph Welles, Kane Thormbeat, Molly Weasley, Sierra Avery
6th year: Aiden Pinegrave, Alec Rosier, Chuck Beaumont, Mae Yaxley, Nubia Selwyn, Rob Ollivander, Sakura Rosier, Sophia Creswell
5th year: Beth Caranger, Claude Fawley, Enzo Helroy, Francis Parkinson, Joris Lestrange, Seth Abdelghani, Sydney Tulasi
4th year: Albus Potter, Gerwin Finnigan, Kiran Patil, Lana Parkinson, Scorpius Malfoy, Suri Raje, Violet Dadduck
7th year: Ivy Goldstein, Jess Vaughn
6th year: Cassie Prewett, Fred Weasley, Isaac Bogtree, James Potter, Liam McCwobin, Marcel Jorden, Morgan Young, Naomi Finnigan, Rachel Patil, Roxanne Weasley, Savannah Norbald, Sawyer Prewett, Thomas Oldridge, Tyler Abott, Victoire Weasley
5th year: Aisha Lestrange, Amanda McGovin, Basti Holdsworth, Mark Xenkis, Nat Jennings, Nicolas Perks, Rose Granger-Weasley, Theo Zude
4th year: Lily Potter, Ronja Geare
7th year: Coby Crouch, Freya Jonasson
6th year: Annabeth Pearse, Jean Ambrams, Karla O’Connel, Keith Rowle, Liz Harper, Loras Lestrange, Noah Blagdon, Wes Travers
5th year: Camdon Ambix, Derek Malfoy, Dimitri Goodmitt, Dominique Weasley, Emma Donsaje, Hayden Hawthorne, Jason Headcastle, Jasper Inglesby, Leah Brewson, Louis Weasley, Lyonel Caraway, Maria Martínez, Matt Rigg, Raven Yaxley
4th year: Cleo McClure, Lucy Weasley, Lysander Scamander, Toby Giliard
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camnangmevabe · 6 years
Bảng Giá Sữa Similac Abbott Cho Mẹ & Bé Mới Nhất Tháng 5/2018
Bảng giá sữa Similac mới nhất tháng 5/2018 có gì thay đổi so với những tháng trước? Similac có những sản phẩm sữa nào nổi bật dành cho mẹ và bé? Làm thế nào để phẩn biệt sữa Similac thật giả, hàng chất lượng và kém chất lượng?
Hôm nay Mẹ Bé Gạo sẽ giúp các bạn giải đáp các thắc mắc trên.
Thông tin về sữa Similac
Similac là một dòng sản phẩm sữa chuyên về dinh dưỡng cho mẹ và bé của Abbott Hoa Kỳ. Abott Hoa Kỳ là một tập toàn dinh dưỡng lớn với nhiều dòng sữa nổi tiếng như: sữa Ensure, sữa Pediasure, sữa Abbott Grow,…dành cho mọi lứa tuổi. Nói về dòng sản phẩm sữa Similac, đây là loại sữa bổ sung các chất dinh dưỡng cần thiết cho trẻ sơ sinh, trẻ nhỏ và mẹ bầu.
Sữa Similac chuyên dành cho mẹ và bé. Ảnh: Similac Vietnam
Bảng giá sữa Similac cập nhật mới nhất tháng 5/2018
Bảng giá sữa Similac dành cho trẻ sơ sinh cập nhật tháng 5/2018
Tên sản phẩmGiá tham khảo (VNĐ) Sữa bột Similac Newborn Eye-Q 400g249.000 Sữa bột Similac Newborn Eye-Q 900g519.000 Sữa Bột Similac Total Comfort 1 400g264.000 Sữa bột Similac Total Comfort 1 900g499.000 Sữa bột Similac Total Comfort 2 360g262.000 Sữa bột Similac Total Comfort 2 Hương Vani 820g567.000 Sữa bột Similac Total Comfort 3 Hương Vani 360g242.000 Sữa bột Similac Total Comfort 3 Hương Vani 820g545.000 Sữa bột Abbott Similac Eye-Q 2 400g250.000 Sữa bột Abbott Similac Eye-Q 2 900g510.000 Sữa bột Abbott Similac Neosure IQ 400g237.000 Sữa bột Abbott Similac Neosure IQ 850g510.000 Sữa nước pha sẵn Similac Special Care 24 48 ống/thùng645.000 Sữa bột Similac Isomil Eye-Q 1 400g260.000 Sữa bột Similac Isomil Eye-Q 2 400g260.000 Sữa nước pha sẵn Similac Special Care 22 48 ống/thùng650.000
Mua hàng chính hãng tại shop Similac
Sữa Similac có duy nhất 1 shop online. Mọi người có thể tham khảo các sản phẩm kèm theo giá khuyến mãi.
Bảng giá sữa Abbott Similac dành cho trẻ nhỏ cập nhật tháng 5/2018
Tên sản phẩmGiá tham khảo (VNĐ) Similac Eye-Q 3 400g220.000 Similac Eye-Q 3 900g446.000 Similac Total Comfort 3 400g285.000 Similac Total Comfort 3 900g548.000 Sữa Bột Abbott Similac Eye-Q 4 900g435.000 Sữa Bột Abbott Similac Eye-Q 4 1.7kg730.000 Sữa Công Thức Pha Sẵn Abbott Similac Eye-Q4 180ml x 4 hộp68.000
Mua hàng chính hãng tại shop Similac
Sữa Similac có duy nhất 1 shop online. Mọi người có thể tham khảo các sản phẩm kèm theo giá khuyến mãi.
Bảng giá sữa Abbott Similac dành cho bà bầu cập nhật tháng 5/2018
Tên sản phẩmGiá tham khảo (VNĐ) Sữa bột Similac Mom hương vani 400g210.000 Sữa bột Similac Mom hương vani 900g410.000 Sữa bột Similac Mom hương sữa chua dâu 400gr210.000 Sữa bột Similac Mom hương sữa chua dâu 900gr420.000
Mua hàng chính hãng tại shop Similac
Sữa Similac có duy nhất 1 shop online. Mọi người có thể tham khảo các sản phẩm kèm theo giá khuyến mãi.
Những sản phẩm sữa Abbott Similac dành cho mẹ và bé
Sữa Similac dành cho trẻ sơ sinh từ 0 đến 12 tháng tuổi
Những sản phẩm sữa Similac dành cho trẻ sơ sinh từ 0 đến 12 tháng tuổi bao gồm:
Sữa công thức Similac Newborn Eye-Q dành cho trẻ từ 0-6 tháng
Giúp bé phát triển trí tuệ và thị giác
Giúp bé tăng cường sức đề kháng
Giúp bé phát triển tầm vóc
Hỗ trợ hệ tiêu hóa khỏe mạnh
Sữa bột Similac Total Comfort 1 cho trẻ từ 0-6 tháng tuổi
Chứa hệ dưỡng chất Tummy Care dễ tiêu hóa, dễ hấp thu
Giúp bé phát triển thị giác, trí tuệ và ngôn ngữ
Giúp trẻ tăng cường sức đề kháng nhờ hệ dưỡng chất Immunify
Sữa bột Similac Eye-Q 2 cho trẻ từ 6-12 tháng tuổi
Giúp trẻ phát triển trí não và thị giác nhờ hệ dưỡng chất đặc biệt Eye-Q Plus và Intelli-Pro
Thúc đẩy sự phát triển của các vi khuẩn có lợi, tăng cường sức đề kháng
Bổ sung canxi giúp xương và răng chắc khỏe hơn
Bổ sung Prebiotic giúp hệ tiêu hóa khỏe mạnh
Sữa bột Similac Total Comfort 2 dành cho trẻ từ 6-12 tháng tuổi
Dành cho trẻ đang có vấn đề về tiêu hóa
Giúp trẻ phát triển trí não, chiều cao cũng như thị lực
Tăng sức đề kháng
Sữa bột Similac Neosure Eye-Q dành cho trẻ từ 0-12 tháng tuổi sinh non, nhẹ cân
Hỗ trợ phát triển não bộ ở trẻ sinh non, bắt kịp đà tăng trưởng
Bổ sung các chất dinh dưỡng đặc biệt cho trẻ phát triển thị giác
Tăng cường hệ chất miễn dịch ở trẻ nhờ Immutify Ingredient
Sữa nước pha sẵn Similac Special Care IQ 24 dành cho trẻ sơ sinh sinh non, nhẹ cân
Bổ sung AA, DHA và sắt cho trẻ sơ sinh sinh non
Bổ sung các chất dinh dưỡng cho trẻ bắt kịp đà tăng trưởng
Dùng cho đến khi trẻ đạt 3,6kg
Sữa bột công thức Similac Isomil 1 dành cho trẻ từ 0-6 tháng tuổi
Dành cho trẻ bất dung nạp đường lacoste
Dành cho trẻ dị ứng với sữa bò
Giúp bé phát triển não bộ, thị giác và tăng cường hệ miễn dịch
Sữa bột công thức Similac Isomil 2 dành cho trẻ từ 1 tuổi trở lên
Dành cho trẻ bất dung nạp đường lacoste
Dành cho trẻ dị ứng với sữa bò
Giúp bé phát triển não bộ, thị giác và tăng cường hệ miễn dịch
Sữa Similac dành cho trẻ nhỏ từ 1-6 tuổi
Sữa bột Similac Eye-Q 3 dành cho trẻ từ 1-3 tuổi
Hỗ trợ bé trong quá trình tập đi
Bổ sung canxi giúp trẻ có hệ xương cứng cáp và răng chắc khỏe
Giúp hệ tiêu hóa của trẻ khỏe mạnh
Sữa bột Similac Total Comfort 3 dành cho trẻ từ 1-3 tuổi
Giúp trẻ phát triển trí não và thị giác nhờ hệ dưỡng chất đặc biệt Eye-Q Plus và Intelli-Pro
Thúc đẩy sự phát triển của các vi khuẩn có lợi, tăng cường sức đề kháng
Bổ sung canxi giúp xương và răng chắc khỏe hơn
Bổ sung Prebiotic giúp hệ tiêu hóa khỏe mạnh
Sữa bột Similac Total Comfort 4 dành cho trẻ 3-6 tuổi
Đây là thực phẩm bổ sung cho trẻ
Giúp hệ tiêu hóa khỏe mạnh, tránh bị tiêu chảy
Giúp trẻ từ 3-6 tuổi phát triển trí não và hệ xương
Sữa bột Similac Eye-Q4 dành cho trẻ từ 2-6 tuổi
Bổ sung DHA và Lutein giúp trẻ phát triển thể chất và trí não
Tăng cường sức đề kháng của trẻ nhờ các vitamin và khoáng chất
Sữa Similac dành cho phụ nữ mang thai và đang cho con bú
Giúp thai nhi phát triển trí não ngay trong bụng mẹ
Bổ sung 24 vitamin và khoáng chất cho mẹ bầu và mẹ đang cho con bú
Giúp mẹ bầu có hệ tiêu hóa khỏe mạnh, ngăn ngừa táo bón
Phân biệt sữa Abbott Similac thật và giả
Các dòng sữa của Abbott Hoa Kỳ đều rất chất lượng nên nhiều cơ sở sản xuất cố tính làm giả để trục lợi. Chính vì thế, nhiều mẹ đang hoang mang không biết mua sữa Similac như thế nào để tránh phải hàng giả, hàng nhái và hàng kém chất lượng.
Để phân biệt đâu là sữa Similac thật, giả, các mẹ làm theo các hướng dẫn sau:
Kiểm tra màu sữa bột Similac: Sữa Similac thật có bột màu vàn nhạt, sữa giả có màu nâu hặc vàng đậm.
Kiểm tra độ mịn của bột sữa Similac: Sữa thật có độ mịn rất cao, sữa giả hạt lớn và thô
Kiểm tra mùi của sữa Similac: Sữa thật có mùi thơm béo tự nhiên, sữa giả mùi hơi tanh và khét.
Kiểm tra vị sữa Similac: Sữa thật tan chậm trong miệng, rất dính, Sữa giả tan nhanh và rất ít hương vị.
Mua sữa Similac chính hãng ở đâu?
Để tránh mua phải sữa bột Similac giả, nhái và kém chất lượng, các mẹ nên lựa chọn những nhà phân phối chính hãng để mua.
Mua tại các đại lý sữa lớn trên toàn quốc
Mua tại gian hàng online chính hãng do chính Similac đăng bán
Mua hàng chính hãng tại shop Similac
Similac có duy nhất 1 shop online. Mọi người có thể tham khảo các sản phẩm kèm theo giá khuyến mãi.
Trên đây là toàn bộ những thông tin về bảng giá sữa Similac kèm theo công dụng của các sản phẩm sữa. Hi vọng các mẹ đã có thể chọn cho con mình một loại sữa phù hợp nhất!
The post Bảng Giá Sữa Similac Abbott Cho Mẹ & Bé Mới Nhất Tháng 5/2018 appeared first on Mẹ Bé Gạo.
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OC Pride Challenge 2023 ⍚ Day 5 ⍚ Aro/Ace Spectrum OCs ⍚ Theodosia Abott
It’s my life I get all the votes.
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Taghd Lynch & Theo Abott ⍚ Modern Boarding School
"I guess you could say I... reacted badly" With a weary sign Headmistress Weasely turned to the other teenager in her office. "And what do you have to say for yourself?" Theo looked up from doodling on her shoes "I reacted badly after Taghd reacted badly."
@unfortunate-arrow I've been thinking of modern!Theo all day and it made me make this
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🏠 for Theo for the moodboard meme!
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Theo grew up in her grandmother's estate in Godric's Hollow.
 moodboard meme
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Theodosia -Theo- Abott ⍚ You're On Your Own Kid
Something different bloomed, writing in my room. first part to: x
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What does Theo think of her friendship with Danny?
Okay so I had to re read his profile and think about it a bit but on the whole I mean Theo's very grateful for all her friends and Danny would definitely fall under that! She's also generally a protective person so she'd see him as someone to protect too like she does all her friends.
I think she'd find it funny when thinking back that the whole "appearing serious" would work on Theo at first ( shes a bit of a chaos gremlim) and then she learned Danny didn't think anything by it. And then as they get to know each other they're just joking around and theos just "i cant believe i thought you were serious" lol
They're both pretty loyal and I think that's be the thing Theo notices. I think she'd sometimes try to get him to have some fun. Also they would bond over Quidditch!
They have similar pasts with an abusive parent though I'm not sure how forthcoming they'd both be about it maybe it's just something they just Get about each other? I think she'd feel like Danny's someone who understands why she hates going home and why she eventually cuts contact with her mother.
Theo would come to see him as a very dear friend I think and maybe steal his clothes sometimes.
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in a Theo mood
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Theo and Matilda, please?
Matilda Weasely does not get paid enough to deal with Theodosia Jane Abott lmao
Okay so due to my own reservations about the game I had to look her up and so I'm going off wiki pages and other ppls answers about her for this But
Theo would do passingly in Matilda's subject depending on if Adelia Selwyn ( @thatravenpuffwitch ) is there to mom friend her or if she's passing notes with fellow Griffindors Teddy ( @cursebreakerfarrier ) and Taghd (@unfortunate-arrow ) and just in general causing chaos around the school.
The thing is Theo is pretty decent at Transfigurations ( considering I have her become an animagus in secret it would be plot breaking to say she's not) but Theo also has a defiant streak and a "fuck it we ball' streak and thinks jumping into a fray is a good response to someone hurting her friends ( I mean I agree but if I was a teacher I'd...be weary lol) so while her grades are good and Theo can be agreeable and is genuinely kind and I can see her having a good dynamic in some ways I can also see them having a bit of an...not antagonistic but definitely similar to Magonagall and the trio ( "why is it always you three' l,' / you're so close to graduation can you just for the love of everything give me a break and not get in trouble ') sorta vibe.
I'm still debating because I'm so weirdly attached to Theo and the friend circle I've made for her before the game was a thing but in the plot bunny in my head where Theo is friends with Garrett she also is all too willing to sneak Garrett potion ingredients and would probably get in trouble with him too which...yeah pour one out for Matilda.
That being said I think Matilda would pick up on the fact that Theo's defensiveness and defiant issues come from pretty hefty parental issues and while it wouldn't stay her hand at giving out detentions I think she'd sometimes also try to steer her to be better and wouldn't like actually dislike Theo ( to me a good teacher understands that problem students are students With problems and everything I've read so far says she's a good teacher) and Theo herself would value the fact that despite how many headaches she causes her Matilda can still give her praise when she does well and doesn't ever full on antagonize her
After Hogwarts I think if Matilda finds out from Garrett Theo's pursued her passion in writing and made her life away from her mother's family she'd be happy and Theo would look back fondly at their interactions as she's older.
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Niche asks for Theo, please?
a song that reminds me of them: Matilda_Harry Styles
what they smell like: the quiditch pitch/night air and ink most often
an otp: n/a
a notp: Theoxanyone romantically lol
favorite platonic/familial relationships: tlds! theo&Josie
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: n/a
the position they sleep in: on her side
a crossover au i’d love to see them in: tlds always! But also Theo&Danny ( @catohphm ) and Theo&Io ( @drinkyoursoupbitch ) and Theo & Gabriel ( @slytherindisaster )
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn
imma say between below and when she steals Taghd’s plaid shirts. 
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an ask game ft niche questions i don’t see v often
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For the moodboard asks: 💗 for Theo & Cassie, please?
💗 for a moodboard about another significant relationship in my muse’s life
Cassie_ let's talk about how much I love that Cassie's uncledad is a plant dad we love Neville in this house.
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Theo_ Theo may hate her mother but she was stil shaped by her in ways she even doesn't realize.
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 moodboard meme
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