#marti venturi
privatehousesanatomy · 3 months
because for some reason i am back in my "life with derek" brain rot and am writing a fic i need to be stopped
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witchysith · 1 year
Life with Derek
this is pretty simple. I'm sharing a link to a petition to renew/continue Life with Derek/Life with Luca. I'm back in the fandom so I thought I'd share this.
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lwdconfessions · 1 year
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In my head Life With Luca is okay because Edwin and Lizzie and Marti are there.
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fanaticforlife · 1 year
LWD - Derek & Marti
The cutest and most precious relationship <;3 @mslyragw
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OC Pride Challenge 2023 ⍚ WEEK TWO (June 8th—14th): LGBTQIA+ TROPES ⍚ Subverted Tropes
inspo by @squirrelstone    x    
Ft. Jacob Venturi, Azalea Dursley, Marti Venturi, Theo Abott, Remy Potter.
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vampiredulac · 2 years
marti & derek’s relationship is something still so special to me
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darkcrowprincess · 2 years
Dasey hocus pocus au
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: the witches cast a type of love spell on dasey because they can tell the two teens have feelings for each other. The spell makes them act on their intense feelings for each other and not pay attention to anything else around them, so they can take away their siblings. They act flirty, hold hands, Derek even plays with Casey's hair a little bit, but still themselves. But before they can kiss thye see Zackary the cat, and are both quickly reminded of the kids. Their love for their siblings are stronger and breaks the spell.
Casey's Halloween costume:
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Derek's Halloween Costume:
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Edwin's Halloween Costume:
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Lizzie's Halloween Costume:
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Marti's Halloween costume:
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carewyncromwell · 1 year
A song for Marti if youre still doing em?
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Marti Venturi ~ "Sharada" by Skye Sweetnam
Marti darling!! <3 I just knew whatever song I picked for this dearie had to be something bright and youthful, but with a bit of attitude to it, and this song just really captures that vibe to me! Marti is definitely the sort to live by her own rules and screw the haters, but she's still so amiable, outgoing, and good at making friends, and true to a Slytherin, she'll chase her dreams to the horizon and beyond.
Send me a character, I’ll give you a song!
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Marty is literally dressed as Cupid in the theme song, why did I never notice that before.
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thisisadaseyblog · 1 year
Venturi-McDonald clan and how much they pick up on the Dasey
Lizzie: is fairly perceptive. probably notices dasey once in a while but can't decide whether it's real or not. definitely has understood by vacation with derek even if derek and casey do not.
Marti: too little to care at the beginning of the show. probably thinks flirt-fighting is normal stepsibling behavior. when she's older she grows closer with lizzie and they whisper about it sometimes.
Edwin: snoopy but not very accurate in his estimations. would probably not guess unless and until his sisters filled him in, and then he'd be all over it.
Nora: blissfully unaware.
George: may have been wary when casey first moved into the house that derek would be inappropriate, but like nora, cannot read the subtext.
Abby and Dennis: who are casey and derek?
Felicia: completely aware and furious (but by the end of the movie she's one of us.)
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irish-urn · 4 months
Hi Ive been reading your LWD posts. I was wonsering what your thoughts were on George and Nora as parents ( if youre up to sharing them) >>
Greetings! Welcome to my blog! Would you like a cup of tea? A blanket? A lot of conversation? I noticed you reblogged one of my posts with a note that Derek Venturi is YOUR blorbo too!!!! What a shithead. Gosh I love him.
So. You want to know my thoughts about George and Nora as parents. I have a lot of thoughts, actually. Some of them are conflicting.
This is gonna get long, so I'll put it under a Read More.
I guess my first question is: Have you read any of my fics? This isn't me plugging my work; I ask mostly because I think you get a decent idea of a lot of my thoughts via my kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight series, which is basically my idea of what happens after LWD and Vacation with Derek (but NOT Life with Luca).
But basically: I think that George and Nora are good people with good intentions and a lot of heart who aren't actually very good parents (that may make some people upset. oops). I think they love their children very very much. I also think they're very human. And I think their parenting skills are lacking in different ways.
So, as you may have noticed — or maybe you didn't; it's cool either way — I am doing a re-watch of LWD (very slowly because I am very busy and prefer to write and hate watching things by myself) and I'm about halfway done Season 2. And I think they're both lacking in different ways, which in part affects their children but also their lack may be because of their children's personalities.
George: I genuinely think George likes his kids. I think he loves them. I also think he has pretty much given up on raising Derek, and it's only Nora's guidance that is keeping Marti from being a total brat. I think we can assume that the advice and discipline that he gives Marti is the same kind he have Derek and Edwin — I mean, that only makes sense, right? You usually IMPROVE your skills on the younger children, actually, as you get more practice and see the results of the older kids, so he may have actually been even MORE lax with Derek and Edwin. When George DOES discipline Derek, he tends to overcompensate, and it's clear to me from Derek's body language, his reactions, and his lack of respect, that George picks and chooses when he disciplines Derek. It's very inconsistent, and it seems to be based more on when Derek inconveniences GEORGE or costs him money. Inconsistent discipline is, like, the worst kind you can raise a children with: you have to choose a strictness level and then try to stick to it, even if it's super relaxed. It's the inconsistency that's problematic!!! George's parenting style has raised three brats — and I love the Venturis. I really do. But my GOSH are they bratty!!!
I think George mostly enjoys being a dad, but likes the fun parts a lot more than the rotten parts. I think George really likes how grown up and easy Casey and Lizzie are compared to his children. I think he's gonna be an AMAZING grandpa. I have a LOT of HCs about Derek's childhood that get incorporated into my fics, including this idea that Abby got pregnant with Derek before she and George were married, and George felt the need to grow up FAST to be a dad, and just... Didn't really finish the job. I think he sees a lot of himself in Derek, and a lot of the the things he sees are the parts of himself he doesn't like.
Nora: I think Nora loves her daughters and her new stepchildren. I think, however, that her divorce to Dennis was BRUTAL. Unlike Abby and George's, which I've always imagined as more mutual, there's something about the way Nora panics with Dennis comes to visit and how Casey and Lizzie act around him that gives the impression that it was a NASTY divorce. I think Nora probably leaned a lot on her two girls (understandably so), and I think the three of them saw each other as a team. I think Nora started to see Casey as a combination of her best friend, right-hand man, and almost redemption for the mistakes of her marriage. I think, by accident, Nora puts a lot of pressure on Casey (and Lizzie), and the two of them react accordingly (I also think Casey tries to shelter Lizzie from this when she can. Casey is VERY much an example of parentification).
What does this mean? Something I've noticed is that Nora cares a LOT about how their family is viewed. When Lizzie makes them take the quiz about the children and they fail, Nora is upset -- but doesn't actually do anything to solve the problem? When Lizzie points out about their carbon use, Nora is worried what it will look like to the OTHER moms. I think Nora loves her girls and is doing her best to raise them... I just also think she's tired. Sometimes the way she reacts to Casey is like, 'Oh my, she's just being a dramatic teenager' which, while true, does not invalidate Casey's feelings and problems!! I think Nora does a lot more parenting that George, but doesn't always hit the finish line. Sometimes, she just sees it and calls it good enough.
What does this mean? I think it means they tried. I think it means they're human. I think they have full time jobs and five dramatic children and past-marriages that have left scars on them. I in NO WAY think the five/six children are abused whatsoever. I just think that sometimes Lizzie is so good that she slips through the cracks; I think Derek has done a lot more raising of BOTH Edwin and Marti than anyone is willing to admit. I think Casey has anxiety because of the parentification. I think Derek's distaste for authority and his faux-casualness is his reaction to George (and Abby)'s inconsistent parenting style.
So, tldr: I don't think they're good parents. I also don't think they're BAD. I just think they could've been a lot better.
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cursedvaultss · 1 year
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HPHM OC Profile: Calliope Black
"No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world."
Name: Calliope Antigone Black
Nicknames: Callie
Birthdate: October 31st, 1972
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio 
Blood Status: Pureblood 
Nationality: British
Sexuality: Bisexual
Callie is not the MC, she's just an OC that attends Hogwarts at the same time as Jacob's Sibling! She's open for friendships and rivalries, etc.
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 1.60cm (5 ft 3½)
Weight: 53kg 
Skin Tone: Fair
Faceclaim: India Eisley
Home: Raven Hall, a modest (by rich people standards) property owned by the Black family in rural England
Mother: Cressida Black, née Rowle
Cressida is a Slytherin alumni. She works at the Wizengamot and leads a seemingly successful life. On the inside, she's struggling though. She's not happy with her life and her unhappiness is affecting her relationship with her daughter. She loves Callie but is misguided in her efforts to make her choices for her and attempt to keep her in line.
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Father: Castor Black, the younger brother of Orion Black
Castor attended Hogwarts as a Slytherin. He's unlike most of his family members in that he is softer and less likely to spout blood-purist rhetoric. However, he is not close with his daughter and his marriage to Cressida is facing some difficulties. He has constantly lived in the shadow of his older brother and doesn't know how to stand up to him.
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Uncle: Orion Black
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Cousins: Sirius Black, Regulus Black, Bellatrix Lestrange, Andromeda Tonks, Narcissa Malfoy
House: Ravenclaw (hat stall with Slytherin)
11-17: Hogwarts Student 
17->: tbd
Personality & Attitude
Callie is the quiet sort who prefers the company of books to people. She doesn't go out of her way to make friends and can often seem cold or even rude to people who don't know her, but she's quite friendly once you manage to break through her surface. Deep down, she feels very alone due to her parents being distant and being an only child. She struggles with creating meaningful connections but craves them deeply.
She responds best to speaking of common interests, like books or music. She's a little bit clueless about the Muggle world and finds learning about Muggle culture fascinating. Callie is creative and sometimes scribbles poetry in the margins of her essays or in little notebooks. She doesn't have ambitions to become a poet as a fulltime job, though.
Priorities: Friends, gaining knowledge, independence
Strengths: Clever, works well under pressure, loyal to loved ones
Weaknesses: A bit of a loner, a penchant for melancholy, can come off as rude
Stressed: When dealing with her family or studying for exams 
Calm/Comforted: With her friends and in the library
Colors: Black
Weather: Rain 
Hobbies: Reading, writing poetry, Wizard chess
Fashion: Business casual, blacks and grays, some grunge vibes
Significant Other/Love Interest: Talbott Winger
Callie and Talbott have been house mates since year one, but they only really started to speak during year 4, when Callie got her pet owl Orpheus and started to spend time in the Owlery. They both enjoy a comfortable silence and the quiet comfort of each others' company.
The two started dating during year 6. They were together until graduation, after which they broke up for a while but reconnected during the Second Wizarding War. They married and have one daughter together.
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Talbott Winger
Badeea Ali
Murphy McNully
Matthew Luther by @hphmmatthewluther
Vienna Brokenshire, Jules Farrier, and Azariah Steele by @cursebreakerfarrier
Cato Reese by @catohphm
Eirlys Knell by @cursedlegacies
Dimitri and Skylar Di Angelo by @nicos-oc-hell
Caiden Solace by @camillejeaneshphm
Isabelle Dubois by @endlessly-cursed
Ruth Lyman, Huck Fitzgerald, Ryan, Cara, Sara, and Conor O'Donnell by @unfortunate-arrow
Marti Venturi by @smarti-at-smogwarts
Merula Snyde (indirectly)
Thalia Winger
Talia was born in 1997. She's a Gryffindor and a Quidditch chaser.
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Callie likes to follow Quidditch although she doesn't talk about it because it clashes with her intellectual bookworm loner brand.
She has an owl called Orpheus
She has fond memories of her cousins Sirius and Regulus
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 2 years
Life With Luca thoughts/reactions
WOW, I really enjoyed that way more than I expected to!
OK, so timeline wise the math isn't really mathing for me lmao. Like how do they both have 14 yr olds and Simon being in college already?? The show only ended in 2009/2010 which was 13/14 years ago?? What year is it in this universe??? They both had children the year they went off to college lmao??
But I'm happy to ignore logic since I actually enjoyed the newbies a lot.
I liked that Luca/Skylar weren't just a repeat Casey/Derek dynamic and weren't rivals who full on hated each other but just grew up differently and had some jealousy/hostility toward the other because of that, but actually were a lot sweeter together during more serious moments. I think their personalities perfectly reflected how they were raised - Luca is a bit of a rebel, but he's very much Casey's son, he's trained in First Aid! and has a granola bar in his pocket at all times, albeit stale AF, and takes care of his siblings even if he can be lazy about it sometimes. Skylar is more mature minded but she has the freedom of Derek's parenting so she's not nearly as high strung as Casey is, but she is more organized and put together to make up for Derek's lackadaisical way of living.
I LOVED SIMON!!! He was easily my favorite new character. I can't believe I went from forgetting he even existing to absolutely adoring him. He was so lovable and silly and he must have such a wild childhood being the Venturi-McDonald baby, I would love more backstory on him!
Molly/Kai were adorable and the perfect little chaotic kiddos to round out the ensemble :3
George/Nora - although I wasn't as invested in them, their relationship is so adorable and they're just as dorky and sweet as they were in the series.
The random jewelry heist B-plot was so random, but kinda funny. I'm down for some chaotic hijinx, and I love how it ended with that theif falling through the ceiling XD
The return of Lassiter and Sam were great. It would've been great to see any of the show regulars honestly but I'm glad we got some. I think the return of D-Rock really got me. When they started singing the song I had tears in my eyes. And Ralph as a surgeon was such a great way to explain his absense lmao.
I missed Edwin/Lizzie/Marti. I think that was my only real let down with the movie. They didn't need to be in the whole thing but even a video call would have been nice :/
Career-wise I'm glad they went with Derek as a rock star and Casey as a lawyer. Even though Derek was the hockey guy, seeing him roam around as a rock star with his daughter really just fits his vibe. And I'm so glad the movie course corrected VWD Casey because I was never a fan of her dropping out of college to dance in NY like ?? sure Casey loves to dance but she loves to use her big brain even more!!! Plus fighting for justice?? THAT'S SO CASEY DASEY!!! So it was taboo then, I feel like it's even more taboo now, but had you lived it you would get it! These two always had way too much tension and never quite fell into a sibling-like relationship. They were insanely obsessed with each other making everyone around them uncomfortable, so they were destined to be messed up soulmates <3 It may be an ick for some and that's valid, but for me they'll always be "the exception the the rule" ;) Also Ashley and Mike were always pushing the limit on them, they knew what they were doing! Ok, so now that that's out of the way, I knew that we weren't going to get canon Dasey out of this, but I'm so glad the writers delivered on giving us some great Dasey content regardless. The fact that both Skylar's mom and Casey's hockey husband were both entirely absent and no love interest was given was wise. We basically got to see Derek and Casey play house and be the married vibes that they are which is honestly what us hardcore LWD/Dasey fans want anyway. Mike & Ash didn't miss a beat! That was really Casey and Derek back on my screen and it made me really emotional <3 Maybe the movie didn't have a whole lot of just them, since their children were the focal point but the way it ended, it just made me want more and feel like we were being set up for ...possible canon Dasey? But even if not canon, I think that if the show does get picked up, we can get so much fun Dasey content from it to build from anyway (canon is overrated sometimes lbr) Plus I genuinely enjoy seeing Derek and Casey in parental roles so that would be awesome. And SIMON MORE SIMON PLEASE!!!! <3
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amidstthemists · 1 year
There is something about Derek Venturi and Casey McDonald that just so reminds me of Peter Pan and Wendy Darling… I even see it in how Lizzie, Edwin, and Martie look up to them for guidance more than they do to Nora and George. Derek and Casey are like how Peter and Wendy are the ones that took over by playing pretend Father and Mother to the lost boys.
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venturismcdonald · 1 year
Forgive me for the angst, I just watched the Succession finale and it got me thinking (as most things do) about Life With Derek and the cycles of marriage and divorce.
The cycle continues, it never really ends, does it? We can presume Nora grew up with a dad who wasn't really there for her or her sisters (I don't remember ever hearing of or seeing him but could be wrong), married and had kids with a man who neglected her and the girls and then married a man who was either over involved or not involved enough in his children's lives. Dennis is her father, but with money. George is more involved, equally to Nora, but he's still very meh. (I say this as someone who likes George, he's a deeply flawed character and that's what makes him interesting.) He's not a bad father, necessarily, but still has this form of distance with his kids that isn't the healthiest.
Nora, for her own life, becomes her mother in a way: she devotes herself so wholly to a career that sometimes, things like childcare and cleaning and emotional labor fall to the wayside. (Which also doesn't make her a bad character, it makes her an interesting one.) She has Casey and Lizzie (and the Venturi's) in their own distinct boxes and when they step out of them, she falls apart. If Casey wasn't practically running the McTuri household, it would've fallen apart. When Casey's rebelling with Truman and goes through an identity crisis (which she'd been having the entire show), Nora loses her mind a little bit because that's not supposed to happen, that's not who Casey is supposed to be.
Abby, who abandons her children to see them rarely and not really form a relationship with them once she moves out, is still a huge figure in all of their lives.
Casey is forced to pick up a lot of the slack as far as things around the house go as a child because of everything. She cleans, she organizes, she cranks everything up to 12 in the hopes it'll make Dennis love her and Nora doesn't notice. Lizzie is too young and Nora is too stressed to notice. When they move in with the Venturi's, that only changes because she slowly warms up to the idea that she doesn't need to be perfect to be loved. It's a very gradual process and one we can presume doesn't last long. By Life with Luca, she's cranked everything up even higher than it was before, made herself be held to ridiculous standards in the hopes of making things look like they're fine when they're not because Peter's gone all the time and Casey has three kids she's raising all on her own and Luca's acting out and she is drowning. If she can be perfect enough, the perfect lawyer, perfect wife, perfect mom, perfect everything, then Peter will be home more and love her. It makes sense to Casey's mind. If she's perfect, she won't have to go through a divorce and do to her kids what happened to her. If she's perfect, she won't have married her father and she won't be her mother.
Derek took on a decent amount of emotional labor as a kid; did he ever do any physical labor? Haha, no. That's what Edwin's there for. But he has a very significant role in keeping his siblings emotionally healthy and stable. Marti seeks him out, not the parents, for comfort, which is telling: she's the youngest, probably a year old when the divorce happened. George might have buried himself in work or something, but whatever it is, Derek became her safe space. And he's there for Edwin, with mediocre advice most of the time, but Derek tries. Only once he's slowly taught the lesson that it's okay to show emotions and be attached does he actually start to grow as a person. But again, in Life With Luca, we don't necessarily see that. Derek hasn't dated in around 14 years, he lives alone with a whole ocean between him and the family (presumably), his best friend is his kid and he's denying emotions like he's 17 again. Derek procreated with his mother and in his efforts to not become his father, lost a lot of what made him Derek.
The irony is that the only time the cycle seems to break is when Derek and Casey are around each other. They're allowing themselves to seek comfort, even when they "hate" each other, because they're the only ones who know what they're going through so well. Time and time again, they save each other, in more ways than one. It's the consistent presence of each other that makes them realize they can look for better than what they have.
If Life With Luca becomes a show (which I hope it does), it better explore this concept. Derek and Casey can break the cycle (getting together and being normally involved parents who love each other and constantly show the kids they do) but it'd take time.
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smarti-at-smogwarts · 3 months
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Very Very Very Late Father's Day Edit ⍚ Tonyo Venturi & His Sons and Daughter.
If you’re so lucky, you’ll see, the day that your kid is born - no, whenever that happens - your heart, it goes from being inside your chest to outside your body, to this other being it attaches itself to
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