#theo spends way too much time talking about themself
Lack of Fics/Interaction Explanation
Heyyyy, idk if anyone has noticed or actually cares lol, but I wanted to explain my prolonged absence from fic writing/posting, because it's not ending anytime soon like I hoped. As some people may know I have a dizzying array of health problems. One of those is major depressive disorder, which essentially means I'm depressed most of the time. Mine tends to manifest as prolonged depressive spells that I come out of eventually. I've pretty much been caught in a depressive spell for almost half a year with very brief grace periods. Not fun.
Unfortunately, writing takes a lot of energy and I've had little to none for months due to the MDD. What used to take me hours to write now takes me days. Plus my motivation to do anything, let alone write, is just not there. When I do try, I'm slow and usually don't like what I make, which makes me more depressed so I stop writing. Then I'll try to write again a few days later because I feel slightly better and the same thing happens. It's a vicious cycle I've got myself caught in.
Some may have noticed I'm not commenting on/liking a lot of fics lately either. Truth is seeing others write amazing snowbaz fics makes the awful part of me super jealous and more depressed. It's not that I want everyone to be miserable like me, I just want to be able to create again and I'm sad that I can't write like these other incredible authors can. Seeing others do so is too painful for me rn. It's awful and self centred, I know, it's just what my stupid mentally ill brain is doing rn.
Sidenote: I want to send out a general message of love and pride to all you amazing snowbaz writers who's works I haven't been able to bring myself to read. You're doing great and making great things, thank you for contributing to this awesome fandom's fics ❤️
Fun fact: I put way too much pressure on myself. If I'm not writing I feel useless and like I'm wasting my time, which leads to more depression. Basically too much of my identity and self worth is dependent on my ability to create. So now after months of increasing pain, resentment, self loathing, and general sadness, I'm trying to break the cycle because I need to break that toxic mindset. I haven't tried to write anything for four days (a record for me, I used to write everyday) and have just been relaxing, reading comics, watching stuff, trying to not internally punish myself for being unable to write. It's going okay. I still feel bleh but I'm starting to regain perspective and stop being mad at myself for not creating. Hopefully soon, I'll find that spark again and finish something. But I can't guarantee when that'll be. For now I'm gonna keep chilling, maybe even read some snowbaz fics again if I can. We'll see.
So yeah, if anyone was wondering, that's where I've been. Mostly just laying in bed watching cartoons and being sad lol. Hopefully my next update on my Mentally Ill Life will be in a fic note. Anyway, hope you all have a good night 😊
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
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Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Gender of the Reader: female
Word Count: 3.5k
Rating: 18+
Genre: Angst; Fluff; Smut
AU: Historical/Middle Age! AU
Warnings: arranged + forced marriage; gender roles according to the period; sexual themes + sexual language; Praising; Body-Worship; Nipple Play; Fingering; First experience of an orgasm; Loss of virginity (unprotected Sex)
Summary: You're getting married tomorrow and you want to say goodbye to your mare. There you met the stable boy Taehyung for the last time, who's your best friend and childhood crush at the same time. You will experience a stormy night full of love and passion and you'll give the biggest proof of love to him...
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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With a thumping heart you peep around the corner, but the cold hallway with high stone walls lies quietly in front of you, only a few candles in their stands lit up the long corridor. The servants must have finally retired to their own rooms and even the last noises in the courtyard has fallen silent. It must be close to midnight, but you couldn't sneak away earlier. The danger of being caught has been too big. But now you grab the  thin skirt of your white night gown and lift it a little bit up, so that you could walk as silently as possible along the corridor, across the courtyard to the horse stable. Light-footed you quickly put one foot in front of the other, the bright Full Moon guides you with its light the way to the stable. Quietly you open the small side door and slip in, where you’re greeted the familiar smell of horse, hay and leather. 
Here, too, the torches were extinguished late. Just thinking about what a momentous day tomorrow will be will make you sick and silent tears run down your cheeks. Tomorrow you will be your wedding with a man who was already over thirty years old when you were born and whom you didn't even really know. He was here once two months ago so that you two could „get acquainted" with each other. Theobald, as he is called, has a bald head, an ugly potbelly and with every, almost frightening smirk you could get a glimpse of yellow teeth. At your first meeting, he had already patterned you with such a disgustingly lustful look that a cold shudder ran down your back and still makes you nauseous at the thought of it. 
Your eyes are slowly getting used to the darkness, fortunately some Moonlight falls through the small ventilation hatches, so you can reach the last Box without tripping over something. Securely you open the door and gently push the butt of my beloved Grey Mare Estrilda to the side. Curiously, she lifts her big, noble head and turns a little to you. As if she knows what will happen to you tomorrow, she tenderly presses her head against your chest. Until now you had only cried quietly for yourself, but now, you bury your face in her soft, long mane and let your feelings run free. Why didn't your mother, when you were born, take action against being promised to such an old man? 
But every time you asked her, she just shrugged with her shoulders helplessly and murmured softly,"that's just how it is, Y/N. I wanted to talk to your father, but he only saw the opportunity in finally reconciling two hostile Empires. With this marriage. You have to believe me, dear. I was hoping for something different for you. That you will be happier than I am. That you can live your life more in more freedom." 
You have always been different, your curiosity, your stubbornness and your self-confidence do not correspond to the expectations one has of a daughter of the noble family. You love horses and riding, you can't do anything with jewelry, dresses out of expensive silk and velvet or perfumes. You loved to ride in the big hunt at least once a year and go hunting with your falcon Alan. You are not interested in the easy, comfortable life as the wife of a nobleman. You would much rather have helped once in the kitchen and learned how to cook a meal. But this was strictly forbidden to you, after all you are not a maid! Your wish is simply to be allowed to be as you want it to be. You do not care whether it is appropriate for a woman of your rank or not. 
Your body slowly calms down from the convulsion and one last time you take the smell of your beloved mare deep into your lungs. Because she will stay here while you return to his estate with your new husband. That would become your new home. Although the wedding party will be celebrated here... but you will spend our wedding night with him on his castle. Then you will be trapped in the clutches of a sadistic, cruel and heartless ruler. You have heard some whisperings and rumors from the other Kingdom. The thought lies like a bitter, putrid taste on your tongue and your stomach twists at the thought that you have to show yourself naked to this disgusting man. You would rather burn at the stake as a wicked whore than surrender your virginity to him. 
Suddenly, you hear the clatter of a fallen bucket and a dull cursing behind you, which is why you‘re startled and push yourself out of instinct into the darkest corner of the horse box. In vain, because the shadowy figure steps closer and opens the box door. Your heart beats fast, who is that and would he betray you for wandering around in the stable at night? But your anxious heart romptly calms down as you look into the soft and gentle face of Taehyung, the stable boy. 
"Y/N? What are you doing here, wouldn't you have to sleep since a long time? After all, tomorrow is your wedding.", the last sentence spit Taehyung literally out. A relieved smile comes to your lips when you see your only and best friend. "Taehyung...", you murmur and fall into his arms, trying your best to suppress a sob. His  muscular arms are wrapping themself around you, holding you and run tenderly his fingers through your hair. 
The first time you met was on your eleventh birthday when you received Estrilda as a birthday present and he was assigned to look after the welfare of your horse. At that time he had already been fifteen, and now, nine years later, he has matured into a handsome twenty-Four year old man. He is the only one who ever understood you and even offered to run away with him when you found out about your marriage. But you would be looked for all over the country and everything would be more like a deadly skewer, which is why you sadly but thankfully refused. Above all, you do not want to expose your beloved mother to the cruel anger of your father, he would blame her if one morning you could no longer be found. It is inevitable that you must marry this disgusting, sadistic devil, whether you like it or not. But one thing you will decide for yourself...
Taehyung's masculine smell of sweat and horse calms you down more than ever and you snuggle up sobbing at his chest, steeled muscles from the daily hard work. You let your feelings run free and enjoys the gentle caresses he gives you. He is even more against the wedding than you and you have already guessed the reason for a long time. He develops feelings for you, which would go beyond your normal friendship-relationship. This assumption triggers a gentle flutter in your stomach and you wish you could be even closer to him than you already are. You both knew it, but you have never really said it out loud. For this fact requires no words. You’re in love with each other. 
It was clear from the beginning that this fragile love has no future, and yet it feels so right, even though it is completely wrong. But he gives you the affection and attention that even your own mother could never give to you. Tonight, you want to give something to Taehyung that would belong to himcompletely alone. Nobody could ever steal it from him, this gift is irreplaceable.
It would be your virginity. If you have to marry such a cruel man, you want to give your innocence to someone who has proved to be worthy enough. Taehyung is worthy for it. 
You detach yourself a little from his chest and look up into those beautiful dark brown eyes in which you‘re threaten to drown every time. Your fingers glide up to his strong neck, through his soft, black curls and tug on them gently until he moans softly. 
“Tae... From tomorrow we will not see each other again. We only have this night left. I have already given you my heart, it will remain yours forever. But tonight I want to give you something else... My virginity shall be yours.”, you breathe softly against his lips. 
Taehyung startles and looks down at you in disbelief. "B-But Y/N...I-I could never accept something like this! Such a thing like your virginity belongs to Theo-", he rambles overwhelmed and want to turn your opinion against that idea,but you just press your lips almost violently onto his.
"No. It should never belong to Theobald. If I already have to make the marriage covenant with him, then I want to be able to decide by whom my virginity will be token!", you reply to your lover and bite him hard into the lower lip. 
He is still visibly surprised, but now your passion reaches him too and he respond with the same desire to your kiss. Your tongues find each other and starts a wild catching game. Heat rises in your bodies, reaches every pore of your body and makes this unknown feeling of pleasure pulsate through your veins. You long for Taehyung's love, one last time you want to feel his affection before you go to hell tomorrow. At least once you want to see heaven before you are banished to hell for the Rest of your life. The breath of your loved one becomes faster, he is panting, this kiss alone pushes you both in such a tremendous passion, which you have kept so forcibly hidden from each other otherwise. 
"L-Let‘s go to the hayloft...", Taehyung murmurs at your neck in a deep, hoarse voice. You nod breathlessly, you are completely overwhelmed by the feelings that a simple kiss can trigger in you if you just love someone with your whole heart. Securely, you climb one by one the narrow wooden ladder up to the hayloft and you two throw tightly wrapped up into the hay. Your lips can hardly keep away from each other. The desire and longing for Taehyung increases every moment.
"Please...", you whisper in a whimpering voice, your body feels like it's on fire and this unknown longing for union drags you into a swirl. But Taehyung wants to get to know you and your breathtaking body, trying to memorize as much as possible. He never wants to forget how you look, feel, smell and taste. The cords of your nightgown are opened unnoticed by him, suddenly you just feel the scratchy hay under you and his loving hands on your skin. 
"Beautiful.... So beautiful...", he mutters again and again under his breath. His eyes wanders over your exposed body,  blown out eyes lingering on your breasts. Taehyung admired you silently since you’ve met for the first time, you always took his breath with your beauty away. Especially the last few years he realized what kind of effect you have on him, how you’ve grown up from the little wild princess to a confident young Lady. How his own and your Body has changed of the years and with it, how his maybe not so innocent desires awakened in him. 
You are gorgeous, he can’t even describe your majestic body in words properly, you leave him speechless. You look better than in his sinfully fantasies he has at night, tossing his sweaty and needy Self around in Bed, trying to prevent those indecent thoughts about his own best friend. Well, his love of his life. He shouldn’t think that way about the princess, is he insane or something?! Still, he couldn’t reject his feelings for you, neither you could. 
You both will end up in hell, you’re doing so sinful things right now but why they’re feeling so good? Why is it a sin to have such desires, to have the need to feel so close to each other, why are you sinning when you feel so much love, desire and pleasure that you couldn’t bear it anymore? You couldn’t understand and you would never.
„My royal highness, m-may I ask if you allow me to touch your Breasts?”, stutter Taehyung out, gulping hard and biting his lower lip in desperation. He knows he would hurt you somehow through fusion of your bodies but alone the thought of it hurts him right in his heart. Taehyung doesn’t wants to be the one who’s hurting you, he wants that you’ll keep this night as good as possible in your memory. 
„O-Oh my god, Taehyung... d-don’t call me that, please just call me by my Name. ...and please, oh please touch me, I want to feel your Hands all over my Body!”, you pant out whimpering, arching your spine to encourage Taehyung in his actions. 
A deep, longing moans leaves his lips, finally touching and kissing every conceivable part of your body. For the first time and probably also for the last time in your life, you will learn what this true love is. Something of which so many Minnesingers always sing about. It feels so indescribably good that the tears are just running down your cheeks, you can’t hold them anymore, you feel too good, too loved. Only this night you want to see heaven before you have to burn in hell as a deflowered whore until the end of your life. But this one time is worthy for you to sin. A lustful moan escapes your lips as his lips enclose one of your nipples and caress them tenderly with his tongue. 
Countless whispers and pleads are falling from your slightly parted lips, you’re chanting his name like a mantra. Every noise that comes from your tongue let Taehyung‘s need to pleasure you even more grow. Almost helpless, as if you’re drowning, you grab Tae‘s strong Biceps and look up to him. Your eyes are sparkling from the tears which ran down your cheeks, the unconditional love in them is crushing Taehyung‘s Soul. 
"Oh Y/N, I love you so much... I don’t know how to express them so they would portray the pure feelings I have for you in my chest, in my soul. Please let me show you something else...", he wispers into your ear, nibbling tenderly on your earlobe. 
His other hand glides through the valley of your breasts, over your stomach down your sweet and hot center. You whine softly, you’re a little flustered, nobody touched you down there in such a way before. Almost automatically your thighs want to close again, just Taehyung’s gentle and caressing hand keep you from doing so. 
"Shhh, my precious Angel, don’t be ashamed... you’re gorgeous and so beautiful, you can’t imagine how bad I want you. You smell so delicious, you’re driving me insane! Would you like to continue or should I stop? I will do whatever you want, just tell me..", murmurs Taehyung’s low voice, you can clearly hear the tremble of arousal in it. After you took a few deep breaths to calm your oversensitive nerves, you’re spreading slowly your thighs for him. 
Taehyung‘s eyes are fixated on your face, watching patiently your facial reactions for any discomfort. Now, his hand is coming to life again and moves forward until it disappeared between your legs. His fingertips moves incredibly gentle over your soft pussy lips, slowly parting them and let his fingers soak in your lust juice. They run up and down, teasing your clit and preparing your entrance for his length. 
Waves of Lust electrify your whole Body, every fiber and nerve is pumped full of sexual desire and you’re gasping for air. You’ve never felt that way before, you have no clue what kind of sweet spot that is but you want Taehyung to touch it over and over again. 
Why does sinning feels so incredible good? You’re fallen for the devils work, you love sinning when it feels that amazing. 
"Please, please, please... Taehyung, do that again, it feels so good-", you sob out, holding on his broad shoulders as if your life depends on him. Honestly, it does. 
"Yeah? Does that feel good, my Princess? Do you want more?", rasps your beloved Taehyung. His fingers speeds up, flicking your cute little pearl with his thumb in a rapid pace now. His middle and ringfinger is pounding into your tight, pulsating channel and is stretching you open. His movement creates lewd squelching noises which makes you a little blush. The coil of lust in your abdomen grows unstoppable, you don’t know to handle this unfamiliar feeling. Your Body is shaking, whimpers and choked out whines filling the hay loft. You don’t understand what is happening, just pure unfiltered need and desire clouded your mind and you can’t think straight anymore. 
"Oh my- Oh my god, Tae... I-I am... I don’t know what is happening-"
"I know Baby, everything is okay, just let yourself go... I‘m here, I will catch you when you’re falling apart..."
It just needs a few more strokes of his thumb on your oversensitive clit until the ball of pleasure bursts open and fills every pore of your body with pure ecstasy. You can’t hold your tears of pleasure back anymore, the small and so precious diamonds are rolling out of the corner of your eye until Taehyung’s Lips are catching them. 
"Baby... are you alright? Did it felt good?", he asks quietly and rubs soothingly over the top of your thighs. Avoiding your center on purpose, he doesn’t want to overstimulate you even further.
"T-Tae... that- that felt so good... h-how did you do that? I-I can’t hold my tears back, I am sorry!" A weak sob leaves your lips and you bury your face into Taehyung’s chest. He caress you gently, whispering sweet nothings and praises into your ear, worshipping you to the fullest. Promising you to show you how you can make yourself feeling that good, teaching you how you can make love to yourself. 
After you came down from your high, you gently grab the soft baby hair in his nape and move his face towards you. 
"Taehyung, I want to feel you as close as possible, I want to merge with you, I want to make love to you- ...I want you.", you whisper and hold his face in your hands, looking him deep into his eyes. 
"Oh, I will... I will serve you with everything you wants,my Dear. Please lay down and spread those beautiful legs for me again...", he answers and smile softly at you. The sweet love names he picked for you makes your stomach flutter und the blush on your cheeks is darkening. Taehyung gives you a last sweet smile full of love before your lips meet again and he pushes into you. 
A short, stabbing pain flares through your body, but that was all. He holds still into you until you give him the permission to move. At first, it was a slow and gentle rhythm but your sweet moans and whimpers encourage him to go faster and in the end he looses all his control over his suppressed sexual needs. Making love to you in the most passionate way possible. 
He shows you the heaven on earth and love takes on a whole new meaning for you. You trust him unconditionally and he shows you that you are equal. You are an equal woman, an equal person for him. He loves and respects you. All this is the most beautiful thing you have ever experienced in your life. You have given him your virginity and he has given you a son with these wonderful brown eyes and dark curls. 
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"Mother, why do you always cry when you see me? I didn't do anything today... ", asks your little six-year-old son and looked at you questioningly with those chocolate brown eyes that bring you to tears every time.
"You look so much like your father. Your real father."you say quietly.
"Did he hurt you, Mommy?", he asks with big fearfully eyes and you quickly shake your head. 
"No, not at all! H-He had been the only man who had ever really loved me...“ 
„...the only one to whom my heart will forever belong."will you bring barely audible over your lips. 
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chocolate-parfait · 4 years
Matchup for @bigwintter
bigwintter , dear, tumbrl ate your ask away and I can't seem to be able to tag you for whatever reason. I hope you'll be able to see this nonetheless!
I match you up with... William!
You two are the embodiment of the dark academia aesthetic tbh✨
During your first encounter, you mostly keep to yourself, but Will can tell that you two are, in a way, similar to each other. It all starts with casual and sporadic encounters where the general ambiance is “Oh God, I’m talking to THE William Shakespeare”, but all that quickly dissolves through time. The writer instantly takes a liking to you, a normal reaction to your genuine love for literature, but the more he talks to you, the more he realizes there’s something more to it.
Your aura kinda works like a magnet. It’s in your little gestures, the way you carry yourself, completely at ease despite a 200 years-wide gap between your time and your new surroundings. Most of all, he’s genuinely amazed each time you give him deep and psychological insight about a recently published novel or sometimes even a piece he has written himself. Sometimes you stumble a bit and don’t exactly know how to convey your thoughts in a precise way, but this makes him all the more curious(he finds it very cute, actually). He truly wonders how come you’re able to give a fascinatingly knowledgeable answer to whatever topic the two of you are discussing, and this ignites an always increasingly burning fire deep inside of him.
He tries (unless SOMEONE cough Theo cough forcefully kicks him out) to visit the mansion more often, other times he invites you over to his residence to have a nice chat over some tea. If you feel like it, he even plans some rendezvous in the city to show you around. It’s very nice of him and he acts like a total gentleman! But... some problems may arise when he starts showing his overly possessive side.
Since you know your fair share of information when it comes to psychology and all that may come in handy to diagnose someone with being a yandere (and whatever type of mental illness Shakespeare has), you notice the signs early on, so at least you’re not completely caught off guard. As to how to act next... well, that’s pretty much up to you. You can ask Comte for protection for the rest of the month and then go back home, or you can try and talk it out with him if you prefer.
Since this is a matchup, let’s pretend you chose to stay in the past and confront him about it. You go to his house and he’s acting like usual, although there’s a glint in his eyes that sends a shiver down your spine. When you finally bring up his weird behaviors a switch in his mind flips the other way. It’s a really intense moment because as he’s explaining all the reasons why he deemed it necessary to “protect” you from others, he suddenly realizes that at the root of the whole problem there’s only his genuine affection towards you. But would he act the same way with Vincent? No, of course not. Then, there must be something else to his feelings, right? And the word he had written so many times, the main theme of most of his stories, comes crashing down on him. Love.
He doesn’t outright say it, but it’s subtle and you already know about it. Once more, you can decide whether to correspond to his feelings right away or wait a little longer, just know that you’ll be in for a lot of therapy sessions. This man needs three things: affection, a LOT of reassurance, and someone to show him how healthy relationships work. You can provide him with all three, and though he might reject the idea of change (perhaps even in a violent manner), with time and care he’ll come to understand where the boundaries of a relationship lie. Surely, there will be times in which he falls prey to his darkest thoughts, but the progress is admirable.
His recovery aside, he’s truly one of the kindest lovers out there, getting slightly rough only during horny times (he wouldn’t be able to withstand the guilt of having hurt you), and he never misses out on important dates and small details. There is a lot of unspoken understanding between you two, and with just a glance, you can convey everything that words wouldn’t suffice to describe. Regardless, he still loves composing little poems on the spot just for you (he later writes them down in a thick book that he gifts you for your birthday), pressing a soft kiss to your lips when he’s done reciting his small part.
As a couple, you pretty much have all the freedom in the world. Living in a house far from prying eyes and unwelcome visitors, you can enjoy your much-beloved solitude from the rest of the world. Even in the same house, he will eventually come to respect your wish for independence and alone-time. Though there is a lot of work behind it, you and William finally reach an equilibrium that few couples would be able to maintain for long.
Second choice: Dazai
Despite being quite the trickster, an unprovoked Dazai is a person that enjoys quiet spaces and his fair share of alone time. You two could definitely get along pretty well, but getting past the acquaintances-who-have-some-idle-chat-every-now and then phase? That could be slightly harder.
Everyone has their bad days, and depending on the person, some may want to let the whole world know about their feelings, whether others prefer keeping everything inside. Well, Dazai is definitely the second case. Just as usual, he puts on his happy mask and clown nose in the poor attempt of shifting his focus on his surroundings, but ever so often his facade slips off completely. Be it a glance, an unhappy comment or the sudden quietness, you pick up on it quite easily.
There are many strong personalities that leave their lasting impressions in the mansion. For each you could find at least 10 adjectives to describe them without you even being close, but what about Dazai? At first glance, he seems like one of the most dual characters in the vampiric group; one side of him is warm and caring, completely in the norm, but most things he says leave a certain bitter aftertaste. One could describe him as a breeze, but you had noticed that this warm spring breeze could turn into a chilly autumn one in the blink of an eye.
He’s seemingly a superficial man, but many little details convince you otherwise. Spending a whole month in the past with no one to talk to was out of the question, and mystery man here is the tragic hero that had piqued your curiosity the most so... why not give it a try? You would have to approach him first (he reaches out to people mainly when he sees they're struggling with their emotions), and with the right words here and there his fake smile will crumble away. (you don't necessarily need to be an expert speaker, he's a smart one and will understand what you mean)
Of course, he won't be giving in too easily, but he's quick to notice your genuine interest and curiosity towards him. You'll be going back in a month, so even if he let you see a snippet of who he truly was... it wouldn't be such a bad thing, right? Unfortunately for him, all the romance he has ever experienced in his life was tied to his and his partner's mental health, so with you there to help him out with his emotional state, he's quick to fall for you. (these aren't really spoilers,, its just facts about irl dazai but idk how much they decided to keep in his route tbh, I've only read a general summary)
On the other hand, it may take you some time to realize your feelings, and sometimes you wonder whether your initial reason to get close to him was just your love for psychology. With time, that will all become a secondary matter, for thus you'll start seeing him as a true friend, and perhaps something more.
Oftentimes you hang out in his room and have long discussions while sharing some tea and sweets together. Topics may vary from analysis of fictional characters to more philosophical matter, and a couple dumb jokes here and there: other times the room falls in the most comfortable of silences, the atmosphere warm and relaxed.
Dazai definitely doesn't mind your goofy side, he actually enjoys it quite a lot. You, him, and Arthur could team up and become the most annoying trio of the mansion, much to Isaac's dismay. It's very clear to the Englishman though, that you two have something going on, although you don't seem to be aware of it. He will start teasing you and dropping heavy hints until Dazai eventually confronts him about it. 
When it dawns on you, it doesn't take long before you and Dazai confess to each other and become a couple. If you're both mutually interested then why wait? Your straightforward nature plays a big part in this, despite your communication skills. Dazai secretly admires this aspect of yours, and if you question him about it, he will admit it without embarrassment and the fondest of looks.
As partners, you have a very mature relationship, and neither of you has a problem with meeting the other's needs. The Japanese writer will always respect your wishes and opinions, but every now and then, mostly at nighttime, he will crave your touch and comfort. Old habits die hard, and it's not easy to completely let go of one's past, that is why he seeks your warmth. Offer him your lap, pepper his face with delicate kisses, tenderly stroke his hair; whatever you have to offer will be more than enough for him. These are very intimate and romantic moments between the two of you, in which your bond gets stronger and stronger, although through quiet reassurance and support.
He doesn't necessarily mind PDA, but he'd rather you keep your most explicit gestures to the privacy of your rooms. Nevertheless is a man of great calm and patience, and he's a great actor, too; don't be too surprised if he decides to tease you in public. Generally speaking though, he'll stick to basic stuff like hand-holding and such.
You have dates in the most random of places! The termae, the gazebo, on the riverbank or in some obscure neighborhood of the city. He loves strolling around with you, and he'll get so lost in the feeling of your hand in his that once he snaps out of it he doesn't realize where your feet have taken you.
Another activity that you two could end up doing together is drinking. He takes you to his favorite bar, where he orders his favorite drink, cigarette in hand (he smokes only if you're okay with it) while looking impossibly hot. You can order yourself a beer and then you can have whatever discussion you feel like having. He is not one to judge, and will happily comply and talk about all topics. Whether it's a book you've read or something that happened to someone in the mansion, he will quietly listen to you as he sips on his whiskey or brandy or whatever, adding a thoughtful comment here and there.
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Hamilton High School AU 68
Of course he wasn't. Having Alexander there with him brought John's stress level down dramatically, just like having Thomas there did. It wasn't long before he finally calmed down all the way, sitting up and wiping his eyes. "I'm okay.." he assured. "We should really get to class.."
Thomas checked the time. "We should just stay here until next period. Class started half an hour ago and you know how Adams is."
"Okay.. I'm sorry.."
"Don't be," Alexander told him. "It's not like you did this on purpose. Besides, we're your boyfriends. It's our job to make sure that you're happy." After his night with John, that statement hurt much less to say.
John smiled, both at their reassurance and at Alexander's statement. "What should we do now, then?"
Thomas shrugged.
"Well... Maybe we should have another talk about this. So feelings aren't hurt anymore?" John suggested timidly.
Alexander nodded. "That sounds good.."
John smiled. "You guys do both know I don't have a favorite, right?.. I really do love you equally.."
Thomas nodded. "Of course I know that." He had to watch himself to make sure he didn't put an emphasis on "I".
"I do too. I just... I can't help but get insecure sometimes.."
Thomas grinned a bit, about to tease him, but the look on Alexander's face said that it wasn't the time. He was supposed to try and get along with him, so he said something else instead. "What for?"
"You'd laugh. I know you would."
"Oh, come on. I'm not going to laugh at you. I can be a decent person, you know."
Alexander glanced up at him questioningly before sighing and explaining himself. "I just... You're clearly an attractive guy and you're so much better at treating John romantically, like royalty. I'm just... awkward."
"Well... Yeah, but that's what he likes about me. He likes different things about you, right sunshine?"
"Yeah. Thomas is more romantic, but I love you because you're awkward. Things are so much more relaxed and silly around you and I love it. I don't need to be romanced, but it is nice. You're my best friend.."
Alexander felt a bit better and it showed on his face, but there was always going to be this nagging monster of doubt in the back of his mind.
Thomas swallowed his pride and sighed. "What if I told you there were some things about your relationship with John that I'm jealous of?"
"I'd call you a dirty liar."
"And you'd be wrong. It's like John said, you get along really easily with him. You guys have this natural bond. I'm his boyfriend before I'm his best friend and you get to be both. I don't really do silly."
"Because you're not awkward."
"There's nothing wrong with awkward. Like... Aaron Burr. He's awkward, but he has a great relationship with Theo. Awkward works for some people. And you're not all that awkward around John."
Alexander didn't have a come back for that. It was true, he felt a lot more comfortable around John.
"See? You guys are both insecure about some things. Every relationship has that. Like I said, we're not perfect and neither are me and Thomas."
John kissed his cheek. "What else is there?.."
"Can we do a joint date? Like all three of us? Not to, like, get me and Alexander together. Just so we can both spoil you."
John chuckled and looked at Alexander, who looked a bit hesitant on the idea. "What's on your mind?"
"It's silly.."
"This is a safe place. There is no silly."
"Okay.. If we do that, can we set a budget? I just.. I know I'll feel bad if Thomas, like, rents out a carnival or something and all I can do is buy your lunch."
Thomas snorted at the thought, knowing that it was something he'd do for John. "Alright. I'll chill on the dates. Let's keep it simple."
"Movie and a park picnic?" John suggested.
Alexander nodded. "I like that.. When? This weekend?"
"I'm busy with Heathers all weekend. I'm going to be wiped out. Maybe sometime next week after school?"
"I'm alright with that. Friday? Then we can all get ready to leave so we can just pick up and go in the morning?" John suggested.
"I like that." Alexander smiled. Okay... Maybe this would work better than expected.
"Can I still spoil him when you're not around?"
"I can't stop you."
John smiled. "You guys both know that I really don't care how much you spend? I just care about having a fun time. We could literally just sit and talk and I'll consider that an amazing date."
"Doesn't stop me from wanting to spoil you." Thomas kissed his cheek.
"Me neither. You deserve to be treated like royalty. You look and act like a prince."
Thomas snickered. "Speaking of, have you guys seen Laf with his face shaved? He looks crazy different."
"I haven't, actually."
"Yeah, neither of us have seen them in a bit."
Alexander looked at John. "Them?.."
"Yeah. Laf told me they might prefer they/them pronouns. I don't know if they want to officially come out to you themself since you're their brother, so you're going to have to ask them."
"I didn't know people used that as a pronoun." Thus began another chapter of Alex wasn't an asshole, he just had a bad understanding of people. After the first incident, Alexander referring to giving birth as "shitting out," and the second, Alexander, dating a guy, had no understanding of gay sex, this wasn't a surprise to John.
"Yeah, some people don't really identify as a boy or a girl. Like you know how most trans people identify as the opposite?"
He nodded. At least he knew that much.
"Well, some people just don't identify with either. Or they do with both. Or a combination. Gender is weird like that."
"Oh.. So, Laf is?.."
"I'm going to leave that for you to ask them later. Then, if you don't get it, I'll help you explain it."
"Alright." Alexander kissed his cheek. "You're the gay genius."
John nodded. "The gay genius who couldn't accept his own gayness or polyamory until his wonderful boyfriends helped him."
Thomas smiled. "Baby, I'd drive into the sun if you asked. Validating you is just part of my normal routine."
John chuckled. "Thanks. Am I missing anything?"
"What happens if we do argue?.. Or fight.."
"With you two, I can't avoid petty arguments. But, like, full blown both of you yelling arguing... You guys can't come into my apartment until you make up. And I won't go over to hang out with either of you. Either of you caught claiming I did loses even more time with me. I know you guys aren't the best of friends, but I'm just asking that you don't fight. I really think you can do that."
They both nodded. For John, it'd be easy.
"Alright. Now we're done. Right?"
They both nodded again, satisfied with the arrangements of their relationship.
"So, are you two coming to every show we put on?"
John nodded. "I have nothing better to do. Alex?"
He nodded. "I like Heathers and Laf's in it."
"Great." He smiled. "I'm sure you guys will love it. You can have John for the whole week, Alex. But I call him for at least one day next week."
"I'm literally right here."
He chuckled. "Sorry. You know what I meant."
"Yeah. I was actually planning on just painting for the whole week. And I prefer to be alone, if that's okay.."
"Of course it's okay. I'll just stay at home and play GTA or something. You do your thing," Alexander reassured.
John smiled. "You guys are great. Like.. I'm so lucky to be dating you two."
"I have to disagree. We're the lucky ones. Not everyone gets to date a prince," Thomas said with a flirt tone, making John giggle. He knew he loved his cheesy pickup lines. "Well, I guess calling you a prince wouldn't be right. You're definitely a wizard."
"Why? Because I look like magic?"
"Nope. Because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears." He pecked John's lips through his giggling.
John slowly stopped his laughter and looked at Alexander. "Are you okay with us kissing like this?.."
"Yeah, it's fine. As long as you guys aren't, like, making out."
"Okay. So like normal, around other people kissing is fine?"
"Of course."
"Good because these lips won't kiss themselves." Thomas leaned in and stole a few more quick kisses from John, Alexander glancing away awkwardly.
He wasn't particularly bothered by the sight, not much more than if it were anybody else. He was more so bothered by how much he... wasn't bothered. It felt so awkward of an idea to just stare at them, but there was almost a part of him that wanted to.. And it made him feel like a perv. On one hand, John was his boyfriend and it was natural to enjoy seeing him so happy, but on the other hand, it seemed pretty weird that he enjoyed seeing him kiss another guy. Of course, if it was a random guy, he would've hated it, but not with Thomas. It was probably because he was John's boyfriend, too. And, deep down, it was. Thomas was a familiar face and he made John happy and that made Alexander happy.
It was a good thing because John's mind was almost always wiped clean by Thomas's kisses. He hardly noticed the awkward way Alexander was standing, assuming it was just because he was seeing his boyfriend kiss someone else. It wasn't enough to alarm him, not with Thomas kissing him.
And Alexander was okay with that. He just wasn't okay with his own reaction to it.
Thomas got lost in the taste in John's lips and shifted forward so he was standing between John's legs, almost unconsciously trying to push the kiss forward. He stopped the second that John put his hands on his chest and pushed him away.
"Yellow.." he muttered. They were getting a bit too carried away, not only because of the setting, but with Alexander right there.
"I was actually going to go. Thomas has drama all week, so this is, like, all he gets with you."
"Are you sure?.."
"I'm sure." He leaned up and pecked John's lips, then walked out and went to the library, waiting for his next class.
Thomas grinned and turned back to John. "Are you okay now?"
"Kind of.. But I also kind of want to chill a bit. We are still at school after all and this is not where I want to take things further with you for the first time. Or anytime," he added as he saw Thomas's cheeky grin, still smiling himself. "Can we just stick to kissing?"
"Of course we can." He smiled and got back to kissing John, wasting the next hour with him.
Unfortunately, all good things had to come to an end and the pair had to break things up to go to class eventually. They both fixed up their hair before leaving and going to class.
When Alexander walked into the room, he almost did a double take as he saw the person who was supposedly Lafayette. "Laf?.."
They smiled. "Yes, I shaved for my role on Friday since we're having dress rehearsals this week."
"I just... You look so different. I haven't seen you without facial hair since you were, like, twelve." Alexander was about thirteen at the time and had been in the house for a few months by then. Imagine his shock when he saw his brother (... sibling?..) suddenly going from smooth faced to growing a beard. Poor Alexander had been growing through his own awkward changes, though his own facial hair was a lot more patchy, still growing in at the time.
"I know.. I'm growing to grow it back as soon as I can. I already miss it." He sighed dramatically.
"Has Herc seen?"
"No. I'm going to play a prank on him. I'm going to act like nothing is different and see if I can convince him that it's true."
Alexander shook his head and smiled. "Good luck with that. Your beard is part of you. He's going to know it's missing."
"That's what makes it fun! I want to try and convince him otherwise."
"You've been around me too much."
They shrugged. "Maybe that's it."
Thomas trailed into the classroom with an immovable grin on his face.
Alexander scolded himself for the immediate thoughts he had. This was something he really needed to talk to John about, he knew that much...
Thomas plopped into a seat beside Alexander. "No need to worry, we just kissed. A lot. But just kissing."
"I didn't ask."
"Just letting you know." He shrugged.
Alexander ignored him and pulled out his notebook, wanting the conversation to end.
Thomas, thankfully, let it be and got ready for class himself.
Alexander sighed and turned to Laf. "Hey, John told me something about you using different pronouns? He said you might want to explain it to me."
Laf smiled and nodded. "It's not permanent, but, yes, I do want to use they/them pronouns on some days."
"Only on some?"
"Yes. I know it may sound weird, but I kind of switch between boy and agender. You know, like neither boy nor girl."
Alexander nodded, though it wasn't something he'd really heard about before. "So.. What are you now?"
"Pretty much agender. I'll find a way to see if I can make this easier to keep track of.. I imagine it'll get a bit annoying if you feel you have to come to me everyday to ask for pronouns."
"You're my brother. Er, sibling..? If it makes you uncomfortable when I use a wrong pronoun, I won't do it."
"Thank you." They smiled, especially at how quickly Alexander was catching himself.
"I'll keep it in mind, too," Thomas piped up, though his eyes were still down at his phone. "Lord knows Frances would murder me if I called her 'he'. I can't imagine you'd like it, either."
"Thank you."
"No problem."
Eacker walked in and sighed. "Sorry again." The poor man was late for everything.
Thomas spent most of the class texting John since the lesson was all about things he already knew from drama, though Alexander diligently took notes, not knowing a thing. Like why were they called understudies? Why not back up actors or something simpler?
[Hey, sunshine <3 xx]
As expected, John wasn't paying attention to his own lessons either. [Hey, Thomas]
[What are you up to? xx]
[Ignoring my English lecture. I've heard this poetry lesson over and over again for years.]
[Aw, that must suck. xx]
[It does. We get it, if a poet uses the color blue, they're depressed. It's not just a color, got it.]
Thomas chuckled quietly. [Is it ever just a color for you? xx]
[If I'm painting a summer day, the green leaves don't represent new beginnings. They represent the fact that in summer, leaves are fucking green.] [If I draw someone in a red shirt, they're not angry or seductive. It's a red shirt. Not every color matters to me.]
[I see your point now xx]
[I'd hope so, I'm an artist.]
[Maybe we can skip in the bathroom, then? <3 ; ) xx]
[We literally just came back from that. We can't just skip every class to make out. I'm just going to sit here and not pay attention.]
[Pay attention to me then xx]
[What do you think I'm doing right now?]
[Exactly. Keep doing that. xx]
John smiled. [Alright. What can we talk about, though?]
Thomas thought for a second. This was what he meant with Alexander. If he had trouble thinking about what to talk about with John, it was because he couldn't choose. Thomas just didn't know what to talk about with him. [Not sure xx] [Maybe we can talk about what we'll do in SC? xx]
[I don't really remember what there was to do. We can talk about that later.]
[Alright. How's your art going for that event, anyways? xx]
[Pretty well. I think James has room to take it all for me, which is good because I am making a lot.]
[You're going to do great <3 xx]
[Thanks.] [I have to go, we're about to have a pop quiz. If you don't see me at lunch, it's because I've died of boredom.]
[Aw, good luck <3 xx] He decided to pay some attention to the class too, though he was hardly listening.
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tessetc · 6 years
Thekos 🌟 how many do I get? How does this work?
I’m gonna give you all them, because I’m generous. You have to copy paste and tell me if you agree or disagree with my judgement though. 
(anyone else just give me a section lol)Disagreements:
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Nikos
Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Nikos
Who actually keeps their word and leaves? TheoWho trashes the house? NikosDo either of them get physical? NoHow often do they argue/disagree? Oddly not much at first, but later maybe. Like way later. Who is the first to apologise? Theo
Who is on top? Theo... but not alwaysWho is on the bottom? Nikos... but not alwaysWho has the strangest desires? TheoAny kinks? Orgasm delay or denial, Who’s dominant in bed? It can go either wayIs head ever in the equation? AlwaysIf so, who is better at performing it? BothEver had sex in public? NoWho moans the most? I think Nikos is vocalWho leaves the most marks? NikosWho screams the loudest? NikosWho is the more experienced of the two? Theo, but only because of past relationships. Nikos has never had a serious relationship before.Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? BothRough or soft? Starts soft, but after time passes, roughHow long do they usually last? Way too longIs protection used? No, they live in nuka worldDoes it ever get boring? Not to me lol. Ava?Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? On the rides. But if anyone saw them Nikos would literally cut their eyes out and murder them. Not figuratively... literally. 
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? Well they don’t plan on it per se...If so, how many children do your muses want/have? They get one. Accidentally. Who is the favorite parent? TheoWho is the authoritative parent? Also TheoWho is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? NikosWho lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? NikosWho turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? BothWho goes to parent teacher interviews? Both but the teachers are afraid of them bothWho changes the diapers? BOTH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAWho gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Both oh my godWho spends the most time with the children? They actually fight over themWho packs their lunch boxes? Nikos Who gives their children ‘the talk’? NikosWho cleans up after the kids? TheoWho worries the most? NikosWho are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Depends where they go. I can see Porter Gage or Arthur Maxson. Ha. 
Who likes to cuddle? TheoWho is the little spoon? NikosWho gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? TheoWho struggles to keep their hands to themself?  TheoHow long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? A whileWho gives the most kisses? TheoWhat is their favourite non-sexual activity? ChessWhere is their favourite place to cuddle? BedWho is more likely to playfully grope the other? NikosHow often do they get time to themselves? A fair bit
Who snores? TheoIf both do, who snores the loudest?Do they share a bed or sleep separately? Together, eventuallyIf they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Both.Who talks in their sleep? NikosWhat do they wear to bed? NekkidAre either of your muses insomniacs? Theo seems the typeCan sleeping pills be found by the bedside? No, I doubt it. Nikos is very squicked by chemsDo they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Side by side, they gradually touchWho wakes up with bed hair? NikosWho wakes up first? TheoWho prepares breakfast in bed for the other? TheoWhat is their favourite sleeping position?SpooningWho hogs the sheets?NikosDo they set an alarm each night? NoCan a television be found in their bedroom? Yeah but it’s broken and full of Nuka ColaWho has nightmares? BothWho has ridiculous dreams? NeitherWho sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? TheoWho makes the bed? TheoWhat time is bed time? LateAny routines/rituals before bed? ShowerWho’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Nikos
Who is the busiest? NikosWho rakes in the highest income? NikosAre any of your muses unemployed? Well, Theo is just a prisoner. Is that a job? But he’s also in the BOS. So neither. Who takes the most sick days? NikosWho is more likely to turn up late to work? Nikos. But he’s the overboss so nobody says a wordWho sucks up to their boss? NeitherWhat are their jobs? Theo’s in the BoS, but has been imprisoned by Nikos, the OverbossWho stresses the most? Nikos is very anxiousDo your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Nikos doesn’t care. Theo, maybe more. Are your muses financially stable? As far as it goes in the wasteland. 
Who does the washing? TheoWho takes out the trash? TheoWho does the ironing? TheoWho does the cooking? TheoWho is more likely to burn the house down just trying? NikosWho is messier? NeitherWho leaves the toilet roll empty? NikosWho leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? NeitherWho forgets to flush the toilet? NeitherWho is the prankster around the house? NeitherWho loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Theo but he blames NikosWho mows the lawn? TheoWho answers the telephone?TheoWho does the vacuuming? TheoWho does the groceries? NikosWho takes the longest to shower? NikosWho spends the most time in the bathroom? Nikos
Is money a problem? NoHow many cars do they own? NoneDo they own their home or do they rent? NeitherDo they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Amusement parkDo they live in the city or in the country? CountryDo they enjoy their surroundings? NoWhat’s their song? I Don’t Want To Set The World On FireWhat do they do when they’re away from each other? Nikos is terrifying. Theo cleans and is boredWhere did they first meet? In the cage How did they first meet? Theo was imprisoned Who spends the most money when out shopping? NikosWho’s more likely to flash their assets? NeitherWho finds it amusing when the other trips over? Theo but he doesn’t let on because he wants to retain his body partsAny mental issues? Nikos is touch averse, a hypochondriac, a germophobe, and a bit narcissistic. He’s also anxious and short tempered. Make of that what you will.Who’s terrified of bugs? NikosWho kills the spiders around the house? NikosTheir favourite place? Shower Who pays the bills? Theo. If it was a modern AU, and Nikos was in charge, the power would get cut off. Do they have any fears for their future? Nikos’ fears are all currentWho’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? TheoWho uses up all of the hot water? NikosWho’s the tallest? TheoWho’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? TheoWho wanders around in their underwear? NikosWho sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? NikosWhat do they tease each other about? nothing, at least at firstWho is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? NikosDo they have mutual friends? LOL HAHAHAHAHAWho crushed first? They both think they did but it was pretty mutualAny alcohol or substance related problems? noWho is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? TheoWho swears the most? Theo
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fandomtrashoe · 7 years
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Thiam / Theo Raeken x Liam Dunbar Hunger Games AU (1/3)
Part 2
I’m not good at writing so I just wrote down all my ideas in notes (I hope it makes sense, tell me if something’s unclear +  sorry for my english):
Specific Panem Instagram: -in the wealthier districs they maybe have that instagram before but normally you get it when you become a tribute so all your fans can cheer on your page (so of cause everybody in the capitol has it) -the mentor and the capitol organize the pages -of cause you need to see which district a user belongs to at the first look, but the logo around the profile picture also works a bit like Instastories. As soon as this tribute enteres the training center or the arena you can watch them live -every Tribute get verified by the Capitol and get’s a profile picture in one of the ugly capitol suits -the bio tells you the most important facts about a tribute
Why I choose the districs: -Theo was trained to become a Peacekeeper at a young age in district 2 and was manipulated to be a hard killing machine (seems familliar doesn’t it?). That’s why his only goal became to win the Games one day -district 7 is a quite ‘regular’ district (supply of lumber and paper) with a not so regular citizen: Liam. His anger issues already caused some troubles but he’s good at letting his anger out at work (he’s a lumber jack) which also makes him one of the strongest and most hard working men of the district. Nonetheless he only has a few people around him cause some people are scared of him
How they end up in the Games: -like I said in district 2 it’s an honor to be part of the games and it’s a goal to win it so Theo just volunteers with a confident smirk -Liam never thought he would volunteer and always kept his head down when it came to the games but when his best friends / Mason’s secret fiancee Corey was announced and he looked in their shoocked faces beside him he didn’t hesitade. He just stepped forward with a loud and clear:”I volunteer as tribute!” Mason and Corey were too shocked to react. Only his nearly girlfriend Hayden Romero screamed his name and tried to stop him.
Female Tribute who’s with them in the Games: -Theo’s partner is Tracy Stewart -Liam’s partner is Kira Yukimura (that ones quite random cause I didn’t knew who else to pick and I didn’t plan anything for her in the future of this Story <3)
Mentors: -Theo’s Mentors are three older brothers that everybody names “The Dread Doctors” cause they all tortued the other tributes in their games -Liam’s Mentors are young man named Scott McCall (of cause) and a women the same age called Malia Hale (I just needed her because I saw Johanna in her)
Before the Game: -Theo loves the attention and finally seeing the Captiol in person -the first moment he finds out that Liam can be triggert easily he takes every chance to trigger him and the peacekeepers have a hard time to keep Liam off Theo in the training center -Theo and Liam just can’t stay away from each other but everyone thinks it’s just the normal hate between districts, Liam’s anger issues and Theo’s dumb smirking -also Scott is having a hard time with Liam because he’s shutting himself off completely (he’s doing the Katniss) -Liam can impress the sponsors with his strenght from years of working ass a lumber jack and throwing axes which earnes him 9 points after he also shows his anger issues when a peacekeeper want’s to shove him out of the room early -Theo can do pretty much everything since he was trained for the games his whole life and get’s 10 points
During the Game: -Theo and Tracy kill a few people right at the start before teaming up with district 1 -Liam menaged to get some food but ran away as soon and as fast as he could, nonetheless a group is hunting him and he needed to kill the girl from district 12 when she ran into him -he knows the woods since he grew up in one so he can move faster and quiter then them -in the third night he makes a trap Scott showed him and it seemed like it worked, there’s one dead boy from district 1 and the rest isn’t following him anymore -Theo got hurt by the trap too and after one day he collapses, causing Tracy to run off -he’s too weak to move so he hides in the bushes hoping to get better -after one more night he wakes up by the smell of fire and he sees a fire wall making it’s way in his direction -unable to move he tries to crawl away from the fire when someone stumbles over him, as he looks up he sees Liam’s panicked face looking at him and then back at the fire -Theo begs Liam for help not sure if he can even hear his wispers but within seconds he feels Liam dragging him with him -Liam brings them on the other side of a river where the fire can’t reach them and Theo is nearly passing out -Liam screams at Theo and slaps him to keep him awake while checking his wounds -Theo’s feels to dizzy from his infected wounds and confused by Liam’s behaviour that he just stares at him -Liam finds a hideout for them and keeps caring for Theo’s wounds as best as he can -suddenly Theo just asks “why are you helping me? Don’t you know where we are?” and what Liam would want to say is that he can live with losing the game but not with losing himself and his humanity even if Theo will probably kill him any moment but he goes with “I’m gonna do exactly what you would do to me…I’m gonna use you as bait!” -Theo:”I’m not dying for you.” -Liam:”I’m not dying for you either!” -Scotts pretty much freaking out since the moment Liam helped Theo -Mason and Corey are not suprised because that’s how Liam is, but they know that his heart is too good for this games -Hayden is just her frowning self -Theo’s questioning his whole life since he got hurt and was all alone and nearly dead an Liam saved him without any reason and suffers through several dreams -Theo passed out a few days but Liam stayed (couldn’t explain himself why) -even when district 6 finds them and try to kill them Liam menage to kill them both, they were only two kids and he breaks down in front of their bodies crying -Theo wakes up and is even more confused to find Liam crying about their deaths. He never saw the games from the loser side because that was never an option -they don’t really talk the whole day but in that night they sit together to watch the new deads at the sky and Liam feels Theos hand touching his carefully while he’s holding back his tears after seeing the kids from district 6 in the sky -Theo just pours out his thoughts and Liam is stunned but can’t comment on it since he isn’t experiencing the same, he never thought the games where cool or wanted to be in them, neigther does he think that he ever had a chance of winning -they spend more days together getting to know each other and noticing that they work well together while hunting for food together (Theo can walk again but the wound at his hand is getting worse) -on one day it’s announced that the capitol will send helpful stuff for each district and Liam want’s to go -Theo wants to stop him but Liam just leaves when he’s asleep -Theo weakes up from the sound of a Canon, which means that someone died and when he can’t find Liam in their camp he runs towards the middle only to run into Tracy -She tries to team up with him again but Theo knows that she’ll kill him as soon as he’s not looking so he reaches fo his knife but Tracy is faster and jumps at him -he’s on the bottom and she’s choking him but them she collapses on top of Theo and Liam is standing behind her with a scared face -Theo sees Liams axe in her back and stares at Liam:”I thought I’m the bai…” -before he can talk on Liam pulls him for a kiss and Theo returns it without even thinking about it -when they seperate Liam startes crying and Theo just holds him close (thinking that he likes Liams anger attacks better than seeing him crying) while Liam lets everything out, finally breaking slowly into pieces and pouring all his emotions into Theo’s ear, including his starcrossed building emotions for Theo -before Theo can say something they hear sounds coming closer and start to run after they see huge dogs coming their way -when they reach the middle of the arena Liam stops and gets in a fight possition -Theo:”Are you crazy? We can’t fight them all at once with a few knifes and an ax!” -he drags Liam to the horn and pushes him upon it -Liam wants to help him up but Theo doesn’t take his hand -Liam:”What are you doing?” -Theo just gives him one of his smirks before turning around:”Being the bait!” -Liam can only scream as Theo is attacked by the dogs but as stubborn as he is he jumps down again to fight with Theo -Theo:”I thought you won’t die for me?” -Liam:”But I will fight with you!” -when the sun rises they find themself coverd in blood with several wounds but alive -they smile at each other but soon realise that they’re the last survivors and Theo drops his knife:”Do it!” -Liam:”No!“ -Theo:”At least you have someone to return to! When I was lying there dying I realised that my whole life was for nothing and then when you saved me…seeing that someone cared showed me what’s important in life. I care now. I care for you so let me die with this new goal: Saving you.” -Liam shook his head and reached in his pocket taking out berries. -Theo gave him a look. He knew that berries. A few days ago they talked about them. -Liam:”Together?” -Theo came closer and nodded, taking a few berries from Liam:”Because I know you’re one hell of a stubborn pain in the ass. Together.” -before they could eat them a voice screams at them to stop and announces their winning
After the Game: -back in the capitol they didn’t really get to see or talk to each other till the interview -Liam isn’t sure whats between him and Theo now. Was it only in the heat of the games? Was it more and if so how is that supose to work when they’re from diffrent districts? Was it justto give the Viewers a Show and survive? He only knows that they were ready to die for each other but as Scott told him that seemed more like a reblellious act than an act out of love to the president -when he sees Theo for the first time again he just gives him one of his famous smirkes, takes his hand in his and drags him up on the stage -Caesar:”How’s your relationship gonna work now?” -Liam has no idea but Theo answers with his professional trained voice:”Guess we know what to use all our money for now.” -Theo would love to move to district 7 since his district is gonna hate him. He didn’t win the games like someone of his district should and that’s not allowed -in the train they have a short time alone -As soon as Scott leaves them alone Theo starts talking:”Did Scott tell you about how President Argent didn’t like our little performance at all? There are rebellions Liam.” -Liam:”Yes but I never wanted that. I just couldn’t kill you.” -Theo leans his forhead against Liam’s and signs:”We know that but it’s still not a bad thing. We should run away. He already killed a few people that were responsible for the games and I’m sure he’s going to come after us. We could jump out of this train when he slows down before my stop. We should run away to district 13. I heard rumors...” -Liam jumps up:”I…I can’t. I have my family!” -before Theo can say something Scott comes back and tells Theo that they’re reaching district 2 in a few minutes -Liam just gives him a quick kiss:”I’m sorry.” and leaves the room with Scott
Back home: -in district 2 no one is really happy that Theo is back except his little sister Tara -Mason and Corey are the first ones to hug Liam, his family already moved in the winner house and Hayden is waiting for him at the dinner table. His whole district is happy but here he also hears about the rebellion rumors and that there’ve been a few incidents with the peacekeepers
OK! This was SO different from the other ones I’m doing (Idk if it turned out like I wanted but I hope so) but I want to make more about Thiam in other fandoms so…
Did you like it? Should I also do the other books / movies?
Originally I wanted to let Theo die but if I want to do the other movies I need him so it’s just as cheese as Katniss and Peeta now… :’D
Credits for the kiss pic on Liam’s account to @robbieamell
Thiam x other fandoms
Thiam Playlists
More Social Media AU’s from other fandoms!
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henrybennington · 6 years
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Neither Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Neither Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Neither Who trashes the house? Neither Do either of them get physical? Neither How often do they argue/disagree? Rarely Who is the first to apologise? David bc Alice is stubborn af
Who is on top? Either depending on what’s happening Who is on the bottom? Either Who has the strangest desires? I feel like probably Alice Any kinks?  Tbh I feel like they’re relatively vanilla but want to be more exciting even though it usually ends with either profusely apologizing for choking/bruising the other which ruins the mood. So probs not.  Who’s dominant in bed? I feel like they’re both too soft to be dominant  Is head ever in the equation? Totally If so, who is better at performing it? They both know what the other likes, but I think Alice prefers giving rather than receiving so she does it more often. Ever had sex in public? definitely at his office and her office and probably at parties if they get drunk enough Who moans the most? Alice, definitely Alice Who leaves the most marks? Alice Who screams the loudest? Alice Who is the more experienced of the two? About the same but probably David because he is a few years older Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? make love definitely Rough or soft? not as soft as Henry & Nina, but still pretty soft. How long do they usually last? They definitely take their time and talk a lot through it so it’s never quick, even after kids, so anywhere from an hour to three.  Is protection used? Every single time without fail, short of purposely trying to get pregnant.  Does it ever get boring? No, they enjoy themselves but I think they sometimes feel the need to sound more exciting, but ultimately when they try they hate it and want to go back to their normal sex.  Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? Alice’s catering truck, behind a church, after they dropped off a wedding cake bc romantics gets Alice going
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? Yes If so, how many children do your muses want/have? 3 Who is the favorite parent? I think it depends on the kid. The girls probably David, and then Theo probably Aice Who is the authoritative parent? David Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Alice Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Both and they think they’re being so sneaky when really neither cares Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Both Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Both Who changes the diapers? David Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Alice Who spends the most time with the children? I think it’s a toss up. During wedding season it’s definitely David, but like during the off season probs Alice Who packs their lunch boxes? Alice Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Aunt Eloise and Uncle Ezra Who cleans up after the kids? Alice Who worries the most? David Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Alice
Who likes to cuddle? I think Alice is more vocal but David enjoys it just as much Who is the little spoon? Alice mostly but like when David’s not feeling well/upset then he is. Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Alice Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  Alice How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? Hours Who gives the most kisses? David What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Cooking Where is their favourite place to cuddle? probably their bed Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Alice How often do they get time to themselves? As often as they can, they’re more comfortable at home rather than with a group.
Who snores? Neither, maybe David when he’s sick  If both do, who snores the loudest? David Do they share a bed or sleep separately? Share a bed If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Cozy up together, Alice is suffocating Who talks in their sleep? David What do they wear to bed? David probably wears sweats and Alice is all about that silk slip life Are either of your muses insomniacs? When they’re busy at work, yes Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Yeah but low level stuff like melatonin Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Alice cannot sleep if she’s not touching David, she’s a stage 5 clinger Who wakes up with bed hair? David definitely Who wakes up first? Alice because she has to be at the shop by 4 Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? David bc he’s sweet like that What is their favourite sleeping position? As close as Alice can get without actually climbing into his pajamas Who hogs the sheets? David Do they set an alarm each night? Yes Can a television be found in their bedroom? Yes Who has nightmares? maybe David? But not regularly Who has ridiculous dreams? Alice dreams of talking cupcakes on the reg Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? probably David but in his defense Alice needs like 2 inches because she practically sleeps on top of him Who makes the bed? David What time is bed time? Alice clocks out around 9 Any routines/rituals before bed? totally cheesy but talking about the highs and lows of their days Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Neither, they’re pretty happy
Who is the busiest? Overall, David because his job constantly has him interviewing/editing/running around. But during wedding season Alice sometimes sleeps in the shop because she’s baking all night.   Who rakes in the highest income? it sorta depends. David has the steadiest income and the lowest overhead. Meanwhile Alice probably makes more but a good portion goes back into the shop so her take home is less than David. Are any of your muses unemployed? Never. They both enjoy working. Who takes the most sick days? David because Alice literally can’t Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Alice regularly shows up 10 minutes late but David has a bad habit of being pretty late the mornings he stops at the bakery on his way to work.  Who sucks up to their boss? I don’t think either but Alice is her own boss so if anyone is sucking up it’d have to be David. What are their jobs? David is a journalist/editor. Alice owns a bakery Who stresses the most? Alice Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Love Are your muses financially stable? Yes
Who does the washing? Alice Who takes out the trash? David Who does the ironing? David Who does the cooking? Alice Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Neither but Alice is the better cook because culinary school Who is messier? Alice Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Alice Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Neither Who forgets to flush the toilet? Neither Who is the prankster around the house? David Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? David Who mows the lawn? David Who answers the telephone? David Who does the vacuuming? David Who does the groceries? Alice Who takes the longest to shower? Alice Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Depending on the day, typically David because Alice literally showers and runs but on special occasions, her by far
Is money a problem? No, they’re both very financially stable individuals when they meet How many cars do they own? Two Do they own their home or do they rent? Own Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Coast Do they live in the city or in the country? City Do they enjoy their surroundings? Yes What’s their song? I’m With You-Vance Joy What do they do when they’re away from each other? FaceTime constantly Where did they first meet? The bakery How did they first meet? Their guardian angel Elaine decided to send David to Alice’s bakery because both were hopelessly single and she thought they’d like each other Who spends the most money when out shopping? Alice, definitely Alice. Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Neither really Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? David Any mental issues? No? Who’s terrified of bugs? I don’t think either of them Who kills the spiders around the house? David Their favourite place? Home Who pays the bills? It comes out of their joint account and any non automatic payments Alice makes when she has to do bakery bills Do they have any fears for their future? How they’re going to manage a relationship with two busy careers Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? David Who uses up all of the hot water? Alice Who’s the tallest? David except when Alice wears heels Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Alice because she got lonely by herself Who wanders around in their underwear? Alice Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? David is the king of carpool karoke What do they tease each other about? I feel like they make fun of each other’s accents and cultures. David mocks her in a horrible french accent and Alice talks about tea with the Queen more than she should. Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Neither they both dress relatively well Do they have mutual friends? their bby Elaine Who crushed first? I think Alice would claim it was her but they both were like instantly smitten Any alcohol or substance related problems? No Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Alice because David, when he drinks, just wants to go home to Alice so he probably only makes it till like midnight before he’s in a taxi home Who swears the most? Surprisingly, Alice 
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