whatisgrass · 2 years
more hamilton ships and my ratings on them.
Ah, yes, more than half a year later, we're doing this again. Part 2 from this post.
(Reminder, again, these are MY opinions, I'm not forcing you to agree with me.)
Thaurens: 0/10. These two never met in real life. Laurens would have probably whooped Jefferson's ass if they did though. Don't ship.
Jamilams: 0/10. No. On god no. (Note: if you're confused, it's Jefferson x Hamilton x Laurens.)
Hamgelica: 6/10. Eh. I don't ship it. It does give girlboss x malewife vibes.
Lafamilton: (Note: this ship is Lafayette x Hamilton, I just don't know the ship name.) 6/10. I don't ship it but there's some evidence it could have been real.
Washington x anyone but Martha: -∞/10. I shouldn't have to explain myself.
Washington x Martha: ∞/10. I will not explain myself. Pure ship.
King George III x anyone: 0/10. No. He's too iconic in the musical to be shipped with anyone.
Eliza x Laurens: 1/10. It only seems like they met once in real life. If Eliza actually found out about Lams, I don't think she would have been too fond of him.
Anyways, the only ships I truly ship from the Hamilton Fandom are Lams and George x Martha.
Every other ship is either eh, no, trash, or nightmare fuel.
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vmpirevnom · 2 years
-has a fake mustache on again- I’m... er.. Mr. Fishissippi. That’s dumb- Opinion on Jamilams good sir?
Meh I’m not really a big fan of it since in the musical (and I think historically) Hamilton and Jefferson were considered enemies
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That moment when you get a fanfic update just when you're about to head to bed.
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asktheunittiencrew · 4 years
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Asks are opened
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toawtd365 · 4 years
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Cat John Laurens thanks to @gentlemenpaws cat!au
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ultrahamilham · 4 years
Writing Prompts
Hey there! 
I’m going to start accepting writing prompts for Hamilton fics! The prompt can be a word, sentence, or even a full blown plot! It doesn’t matter, and neither does the pairing! I will accept anything, and I will do my best to deliver.
I will be writing ficlets mostly, but if the writing bug hits, like it usually does, it may just turn into a full blown fic! So just hit me up with your prompts, you can send as many as you would like, or request multiple pairings for the one prompt. Just ask away and I will deliver!
I look forward to seeing the amazing ideas you guys have!
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hamilton-one-shots · 5 years
Trans Alex w/ Jamilams?
(Edited by: @daflangstlairde-writes)
(TW: Slight homophobia)
John gave Alexander a sympathetic smile as the other looked around the water park. “Are you sure about this?”
Alexander took a deep breath, but nodded.
Thomas put a hand on Alexander’s back. “If anything happens, we can leave as soon as you want.” He kissed his cheek and the three made their way towards the current river.
Normally, the three spent these hot summer days at their friends’ - Hercules and Lafayette’s - pool, but with Lafayette being sick, it didn’t seem fair. So, Alexander had suggested a water park and the other two had agreed, on the condition that Alexander would be open about his potential discomforts.
“I’ll be okay,” he assured as they got in the water. “I do have my shirt, which really helps.” Even if the curve of his chest was still fairly obvious. Alexander was definitely a little irked by it, but he wasn’t going to ruin the day over it.
Besides, it was kind of fun. Just wading through the water and floating along with the current, nothing interrupting but the occasional relaxed hum or the sound of the current speeding up for a second. Eventually, though, Alexander wanted to try something else.
“Let’s try a water slide,” he suggested. “I’ve always wanted to go on the ones where the bottom drops out.”
John smiled. “Those are great! I’d love to go with you.”
“Me too,” Thomas piped up, getting them out at the next exit.
The three walked over to the ride and climbed up the many stairs to the top, finding the line to be pretty short.
Once they got to the front, the person running the ride stopped Alexander. “I’m sorry, but you can’t wear a shirt on this ride.. It’s a safety hazard.”
Thomas put a hand on his back. “I can walk back down with you..”
Alexander shook his head. “No.. No, I can handle it. Besides, it’s not like it’s forever, right?” he said, sure of himself. He smiled back at Thomas, who visibly relaxed.
“I guess you’re right.” He kissed Alexander’s cheek and watched as he and John got into the two tubes.
Alexander pulled off his shirt and held it in his arms as he crossed them over his chest, smiling even wider as the ride door closed. He wasn’t going to let stupid dysphoria ruin his day. Not that easily. He listened to the countdown and yelped when he was dropped early, closing his eyes and letting gravity take over.
Once they reached the bottom, John and Alexander were both laughing, the adrenaline rushing through their veins as they slowed down and got out of the water.
“I can’t believe I did that!” Alexander cried as he put his shirt back on, going over to John. “That was too cool, we should come more often.”
John kissed Alexander’s cheek, just glad that he was so comfortable there. “You’re right, we should.”
Thomas wasn’t nearly as graceful, screaming most of the ride down and vowing never to go again as he got out, stumbling as he joined John and Alexander. “What you two see in these kinds of things, I’ll never know,” he said, wringing some of the water from his ponytail.
“Oh, lighten up,” John teased. “Come on, Alexander and I are going to go on a few more rides.”
Alexander nodded. “Whether you join us or not is your choice.”
Thomas tutted and found himself back in the current river a few minutes later, opting out of the rides. They just weren’t for him, and Alexander and John respected that, getting him once they were done with their fun.
All three of them were pretty tired by then, ready to go after a quick shower. They went to the changing rooms and rinsed the pool water and whatever else was in there off of themselves before changing into dry clothes. John was the first one out and he was the one who watched, reacting a second too late as someone walked in on Alexander.  
“Oh, god, sorry! But this is the men’s room, sweetheart,” the stranger reminded him, shutting the curtain.
John glared lightly. “That’s my boyfriend you’re talking to,” he warned.
The stranger tutted. “I don’t mind calling him what he wants, but for him to date another man,” he commented, muttering the second half. 
“Excuse me?” John scoffed.
“You heard me.”
“Say it out loud, you-”
“John,” Thomas said sternly, grabbing his boyfriend’s shoulder. “Come on, drop it.”
“But he-”
“I know. But fighting won’t get you anything but trouble. Let’s just go home once Alexander’s out, okay?”
John grumbled, but calmed down. “Fine…”
Once that stranger was gone and the room was mostly empty, Thomas told Alexander and he came out of the changing room. He was clearly upset, but wasn’t quite to the point of tears yet.
“I’m sorry..” John said. “I should’ve been watching out for you.”
Alexander shook his head. “It wasn’t your fault.. I just hate people like him..” 
“Me too.. But, it’s like Thomas said.. Maybe we should just go home.”
He nodded and the three went back home, piling into the bathroom for a proper shower.
As Thomas washed John’s hair and John washed Alexander’s, the smallest man couldn’t help but sigh.
“I wish I didn’t have to deal with those kinds of people… I wish you guys didn’t have to deal with them.”
“It was just a stupid homophobe, we already deal with them,” John pointed out.
“And there are people who hate that we’re polyam,” Thomas added. “Even if it had been a transphobic asshole, we can handle them.”
“But you shouldn’t have to.”
“Nobody should have to,” John corrected. “It shouldn’t matter to them what you have in your pants or what you were born as, you’re a man. It shouldn’t matter to them who you love, either.”
Alexander sighed. “You’re right… It’s just… It’s frustrating..”
Thomas nodded. “I know.. But we’re happy. And they can’t take that away from us, no matter what names they call us or whatever bullshit points they bring up.”
That alone was incredibly reassuring. Alexander nodded and accepted that as he and John finished up with their shower, Thomas staying behind to deal with his hair. And who knew how long that would take?
So, John and Alexander put on warm clothes and got comfortable in bed, putting on a movie. 
“Are you going to be okay?” John asked, kissing the top of his boyfriend’s head.
Alexander nodded. “I’m fine.” After all, he knew what Thomas said was true. They were happy. Nobody could take that from them.
(Is it late? Yes, but in my defense, it was on time when I queued it I say as if anyone besides me keeps track of when I post.)
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darkartist98 · 5 years
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An OC as Elizabeth Schuyler
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thedeepdeepvoid · 5 years
Hey! I’m takeing request!
I’ll write anything besides smut!
My fandoms
DBH(Conkus,Hannor Sarkus, reed900)
Marvel (Stony,Symbrock)
Be More Chill ( Boyf riends
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anatraart · 6 years
Don’t Let Go (Teaser)
~Six Years Ago~
“Alex, are you sure he’s going to want to go out with us? I mean, not many people are open to that kind of thing…” John said, holding his arms to his chest. Alexander knew it was to hide the small bumps from his breasts, and also knew how much he hated them.
“Of course John! Come on, I’ve talked to James, he said Thomas was open to things like that, and he’s always flirting with you!” Alexander hugged his boyfriend, kissing his head. “Why would he say no to you when you’re so beautiful?”
John blushed, burying his head in Alexander’s shoulder. “What if he thinks I’m a girl though? What if that’s why-”
“John, nobody but me here knows. That’s why we decided to make that longer commute, remember? Nobody here thinks you’re a girl. All they’ve ever known you as is John.” Alex kissed his boyfriend’s head one more time before stepping away. “It’s going to be alright, okay? I’ll be right there with you.”
With a nervous nod, John took Alexander’s hand, hiding his fear while the pair walked up to Thomas.
“Oh, hey John! Hey Alexander.” Thomas said when the two approached. He was smiling, Alexander giving John’s hand a quick squeeze of encouragement.
“Hey.” Alexander gave him a small smile.
“H-Hey, Thomas.” John’s face was bright pink, but there was a small smile on his face. Alexander glanced at him, giving him an encouraging grin.
“S-so I was wondering i-if you wanted t-to go on a d-date with us s-sometime?” John’s voice got small at the end, his nerves quite clear.
“With both of you?” Thomas asked. John couldn't see, but Thomas was smiling, a light blush on his face. Alexander nodded, a slight smirk on his face. “Well then of course.” John looked up and smiled, shoulders relaxing.
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Jamilams Is My Ship And IDC What People Say
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dusty-nao · 6 years
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Hamilton doodles
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katsanova · 6 years
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Photobombing and background practice.
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Also a hamilton magical girl doodle.
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hamilton-aus-blog · 6 years
Love Enough for the Three of Us: Dark Past: part 2
Alexander dropped his phone when he read John's text. Thomas ran over to his lover to see what had caused him so much distress. He Picked up the phone and read the text message his face falling.
"Baby it will be okay I promise, I will get Hercules to ping his phone and I will spend all of my money to buy him if it comes down to it. Look everything will be okay baby boy. I love you and I will do anything for you." Alex started crying.
"Daddy I should have gone to them sooner maybe then none of this would happen!" Alex has become a sobbing shaking mess at this point. "Daddy I think I love him and I wasn't there for them! What if someone rapes him?!" Thomas held the smaller man stroking his back.
"We won't let that happen. A virgin slave sells for a lot more money than a used slave. Its okay baby boy we will get them here and safe." Thomas pulled out his phone and explained everything to Hercules. They tracked John's phone to an abandoned warehouse in South Carolina.
Thomas called into the airport and had them start up his private Jet. It would take them about an hour before they reached South Carolina. Better than the 7 and a half hour by car. He would be putting out a lot of money but honestly, he didn't care. John made his little Alexander happy in ways that Thomas couldn't and Thomas didn't want Alex to be sad. In all honesty, Thomas had become fond of John as well. He would talk with him every once in a while and the kid had lots of spunk and wanted to help people. Thomas drove himself to the airport. If it were up to him he would have left Alex at home but the stubborn man insisted in on coming. Hercules was going to meet them at the airport.
"Daddy, why do you look so uneasy?" Alex grabbed Thomas's thigh in a comforting way. He had calmed down quite a bit but Thomas knew there was a hurricane of emotions swarming inside his head.
"Do you know why you have never met my dad?" the works came out cold, a dark look overcoming Thomas's face.
"He died?"
"Yes, well there's something else. He was put to death." Alex squeezed Thomas's thigh in a comforting manner but instead of being sad Thomas seemed angry. His grip on the wheel was turning his knuckles white.
"I'm sorr-"
"Don't say you're sorry you will regret it. Just let me finish" Alex pulled his hand away and sunk into the seat. He had never seen Thomas like this. Alex saw his face soften for a second before it went back to its dark stony demeanor. "My father worked as the head of a sex ring. Largest sex ring in the world. He sold men, women, children. He had slave trainers. He had me as a slave trainer. You know how most 16-year-olds get a car for their birthday? I got a slave. She was 14 Alex. She was beautiful. Long black hair in dreadlocks, beautiful dark mocha skin, but her eyes were this dead hazel color. My dad made me force my way onto her. She begged me to stop but I just kept. I tried. But my dad he put a gun to my head. I told him to pull the trigger but then he put it to her head- I should have stopped him- I should- I am so sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorr-" He let out a scream and with one hand tugged on his hair as if he was trying to pull the memory out of his head. Tears streamed down his face. Alex sat there dumbfounded cowering away from Thomas obviously scared of his behavior and what he had done. He was never like that with him, but what if he had gotten that way? Thomas calmed himself down so he could continue driving. "After that, I went to the police. I had to turn my dad and myself in, I remember that night I took a shower and rubbed my skin till I bled. I couldn't get the feeling off of me. The police arrested my father and I. I wanted to be put to death or been thrown in jail for life so someone would use me and kill me painfully. But when the trial came Sally came to the stand and she testified in my favor. She told the court that the sex was not consensual for both parties and that I shouldn't be charged. She and I became friends afterward. And then when I made it big I made sure that she would also have to not work another day in her life. I just I feel so bad for doing what I did to her I still think she should have left me to die. For years I refused to have sex with anyone. And then you came along. You made me want to live for myself. And I understand if you don't want to ever see me again. I will still make sure you live a comfortable life and that you will never have to work a day in your life if you do not want you can have anything you want. I just. I know I should have told you but I really fell for you and Alexander I am just so in love with you but I get if you are repulsed by me and I am so sor-" Alex had snapped back to reality, his Thomas was back.
"Thomas, you did it to save her life. What you did was terrible but you didn't do it to save yourself. You didn't want to do it. You are still trying to make up for it. I have seen your high school photos you wouldn't have been able to fight off your dad. It's not like you wanted to have sex with her." Alex gulped and looked at Thomas with his big hazel eyes. "Right?"
"Of course not! One I am not attracted to women in that way, two I would never want to force anyone into sex. It's not right." Alex grabbed Thomas's hand and squeezed it.
"You know that's the first time you told me you loved me without having sex" Thomas's eyes widened.
"Well, I really don't see you like my sugar baby anymore, more of my baby like a romantic relationship. I mean I never wanted you just for sex to begin with but I never thought I would fall in love with you the way I have and I should really stop because this isn't part of the contract and-"
"Daddy you need to learn when to shut up. I love you too you big goof" Thomas smiled and leaned over to kiss Alex.
"I am so glad to call you mine baby boy"
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toawtd365 · 4 years
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Just some vent art
I am actually kinda ok at the moment
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Art Give away
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The first picture for my art give away for @anatramain Jamilams.
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