#theo was so right for ignoring him for so long lmfaooo
mattodore · 1 year
omg i’m so sorry if this appears again in your inbox but i think i had problem with sending previous ask
i want to ask about matthias type, what is he looking for in relationship? also is he prefers open love life or closed relationship? how is he in relationships?
i love your acc and i’m here everyday
no you're good!! i didn't receive more than one of these! and you're so lovely ty for asking abt my evil little guy and for being here <333
and hmmm. speaking on appearance, matthias's type has always been pretty boys. he likes soft cheeks, long lashes, and dark eyes. he likes when men wear makeup or dress in a way that would offend the delicate sensibilities of the heterosexual community. he likes it when he touches them and their skin quickly gets hot and flushed. he notices eyes first when he spots a man he wants, so if there’s something there… a tortured look about them… then he’ll go over; he takes a lot of pleasure in making men who wear their sadness like a second skin come apart only to be put back together with fevered eyes and loose smiles. personality-wise he wants someone intelligent who can offer stimulating conversation and a sparring repartee. it sounds awful because it is, but if he’s with a sexual partner and they’re making him bored he can normally shut them up easily enough to ignore it, but he prefers intelligent men in his bed who can hold a conversation about things that interest him. he likes when men are forward with him, too. games are only fun if he's the one playing them.
before meeting theo, matthias isn't looking for a relationship. in the same way he’s never desired love from his parents (...hm), he doesn't desire a relationship. mostly because he's always thought them to be tedious and he doesn't see how a relationship could benefit him...
obviously his tune starts to change after meeting theo 😒 matthias covets and desires a relationship desperately. he naturally leads but he wants to follow someone for once. he wants someone to excite and intrigue him. he wants someone to push back against all of his money and social status in favor of looking at him as a person and denouncing his hellacious character—and then he wants to be wanted anyway. he wants there to be a reason for him to wake up in the morning. he wants a kind of sex that finally feels fulfilling. he wants a connection that he can yank at and prod and investigate. he wants something he doesn’t understand how to hold from how new it is to him. he wants to be dragged around by the collar. he wants to be put on his knees for something and to understand prayer.
when he gets it, he wants to possess it. he's quick to obsession and will degrade himself for it—which is a fun contrast to how proud he normally is. he’d want to be the only romantic partner, but he’s not against an open sex life so long as he’s there too and can direct the scene how he wants. he’s not a jealous man at all (he’s very confident in himself… like, in his mind, he lacks nothing. he has good looks, an active mind, money, status, and he’s good in bed), however he is possessive. he never grew out of the childlike stinginess that had him breaking bone because someone wanted to borrow one of his things. lord there is just so much wrong with this man… anyway. matthias is very devoted and romantic inside the relationship. he would do anything for them and with his amorality that well and truly does mean anything. it’s not just a turn of phrase to say that he would kill for them. he’d enjoy it very much, actually… it’d feel like a sacrificial offering to his own personal god...... um. moving on. he’d like finally having a reason for all his wealth. he’d spoil them. he’d be at their beck and call. i said it the other day but he's literally theo's attack dog... honestly he'd probably love being collared if theo held the key.
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