#theo’s hogwarts professor dr
astheos · 10 months
i truly hate the fact that i am not in my dr atm & it sucks 🤕 like what do you mean i can’t hold my baby?
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amortentiashifts · 3 months
Slytherin DR Background★
‎ ═════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═════
𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖣𝖱 𝖿𝗈𝖼𝗎𝗌𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖽 𝗆𝗒 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗀𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗉 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖲𝗅𝗒𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗇 𝖻𝗈𝗒𝗌(𝖬𝖺𝗍𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗈, 𝖫𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗓𝗈, 𝖳𝗁𝖾𝗈𝖽𝗈𝗋𝖾, 𝖡𝗅𝖺𝗂𝗌𝖾, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖣𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗈), 𝖺𝗅𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖯𝖺𝗇𝗌𝗒 𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗌𝗈𝗇, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖣𝖺𝗉𝗁𝗇𝖾 𝖦𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗇𝗀𝗋𝖺𝗌𝗌. 𝖠𝗅𝗌𝗈 𝖿𝗈𝗅𝗅𝗈𝗐𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺 𝗆𝗒𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗒 𝗌𝗈𝗅𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗉𝗅𝗈𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗅𝗅𝖾𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗀𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗉 𝗍𝗈 𝖿𝗂𝗀𝗎𝗋𝖾 𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗎𝗇𝗌𝗈𝗅𝗏𝖾𝖽 𝖽𝗂𝗌𝖺𝗉𝗉𝖾𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝖺 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝗒𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝖻𝗈𝗒 𝗂𝗇 1923.
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𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆
During my summer between year six and seven, I spent most of my time with my twin brother(Mattheo Riddle), my best friend(Pansy Parkinson), and my brother’s best friend(Theodore Nott). We spent most of our days at my family’s summer house, occasionally going on small trips like to the beach and other things together. Everyone else in our friend group came and went during summer, as they went on big vactions and trips with their families. Leaving just the four of us to hang out together.
Pansy and Theo, even if we weren’t doing anything special would stilll come over to Mattheo and I’s house just to have company and get away from their families, coming over nearly everyday. All though we were around each other for most of summer, Theo and I had a very strained relationship. Our hate for each other started back when we first met.
My first year at Hogwarts, I was a shy, quiet girl, but very intelligent. I was able to speak 2 languages(German and English) from an early age, and always scoring very good grades in my classes. During my early years at Hogwarts i mainly kept to myself, often hiding behind my twin brother, who was much more out going than I. We were both sorted into the Slytherin house, that’s when we met Theodore and our friend group. Quickly they broke me out of my shell, revealing how i was very strong willed and confident once i felt comfortable.
Shortly after meeting Theo, Mattheo and I formed a small, tight knit, trio with him and spent most of our days together. Whether it meant studying, playing games, or just lounging around, we were always around each other.
For the first few months at Hogwarts, Theo, Mattheo, and I excelled in our classes, picking up information very quickly. Especially when it came to Potions, where we often worked together as a group along with Pansy Parkinson.
One day during potions, Professor Snape gave us a different potion than the rest of our classmates, noticing how we were all advanced on the subject for our age. Feeling confident on my abilities in Potions and having the highest grade out of anyone in my class, i took the lead. During the brewing, Theo noticed a mistake in the instructions i gave him for his part in the assignment but was hesitant to correct me out of respect for my confidence.
As things unfolded the potion exploded, leaving our materials broken, shattered, and spilled across the classroom. And also disrupting the others in the classroom working. Professor Snape was furious and deducted a few points from our house. He blamed us for our carelessness and not being able to follow the directions given.
My confidence left broken from the explosion and Professor Snape, who had pulled me aside after cleaning the mess. He had expressed to me how disappointed he felt about my failure to lead my group and successfully complete the potion.
Shattered, i stormed out of the class. I cried as i made my way to my dorm room, because for the first time ever i knew what it was like to feel like a failure.
That evening, I confronted Theo. I accused him of sabotaging the potion by not speaking up when he noticed something wrong. Sparking an argument between Theo and I. Theo defended himself, saying that he was trying to help, but my pride and stubbornness led to disaster. In the heat of the moment, I accused Theo of being jealous of my abilities in potions and that he was trying to sabotage me. Hurt and angry he argued back, saying that the real problem was that i was arrogant and refused to listen.
Mattheo tired to mediate but ended up not picking a side. When asked who he sided with, he always answered with “I don’t know, both sides have their strong point.” He didn’t want to cause any more problems between Theo and I. But at the end of the day he sided with me, not because i was right but because i was his sister.
The argument lead to the fallout of our trio, Theo distanced himself from Mattheo and I. But it wasn’t long after the argument when Theo and Mattheo became friends again, this time even closer than they were before.
A month or so after the disaster, Mattheo tried getting the two of us to apologize to each other in hopes of the trio coming back. But I was stubborn. I refused to apologize, fully convinced that Theo was in the wrong. The strong hatred for each other growing, fueled by a misunderstanding and pride. But not only that, Theo and I were top students, our rivalry extended to academics too, constantly trying to outdo one another.
Throughout the rest of our years at Hogwarts, Theo and I remained in the same friend group. We were able to come to a small agreement to not let our hate for each other tear apart a friendship between 8 people, but our mutual dislike for each other became well known to anyone who was around us. Sometime we would falter and argue, our friends caught in the crossfire before having to drag us away so we wouldn’t try strangling each other.
Despite our hostility, there was always tension between Theo and I. Our arguments often intense, showing that our feelings might be way more than just a simple dislike. Both of us being to proud to admit to mistake or show any deeper emotions, keeping our relationship strained.
❥Hogwarts DR
❥Slytherin DR
❥About me
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Let No Man Steal Your Thyme - Chapter Eight (sfw)
I hope those few of you who follow this blog even remember this story!! It's being posted on here as a WIP, so technically you're all my beta readers :). Sorry it's taking so long to work through, but I'm really busy with other writing work, plus actual work, and some life stuff, but it's not abandoned!
In this chapter, which is a bit of a filler chapter, Hermione gets a pleasant surprise visit at the Kneazel and Quill, and she learns what Draco is doing with himself all day at the Manor, and why he has the hands of a potion master. Meanwhile Draco is quietly freaking out about what Scorpius will think of his kindling relationship with one third of the legendary Golden Trio...
As always, looking forward to hearing your reactions and thoughts!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six (nsfw), Part Seven (nsfw)
The bell above the door of the Kneazel and Quill jangled, and Hermione looked up to see a very familiar figure wearing practical, Muggle clothes, and a tired but genuine smile.
“Harry!” she shrieked in delight, rising and scuttling around the desk. “When did you get back? I thought you were on assignment in Sweden til —”
He raised his eyebrows. “Wednesday? It’s Wednesday today, Hermione.”
“So it is,” she laughed, and pulled him into a hug. “Cup of tea? You look wiped out.”
“I’m only staying if you’ve got custard creams…”
She snorted. “I must have known I’d need them — I stopped at the Tesco Express on my way in this morning.”
“Maybe Professor Trelawney was wrong about you and ‘the sight’ after all?” Harry grinned and she shook her head, curls bouncing everywhere for want of a hair-tie.
Seated in the cramped back room of her second hand bookshop, Harry looked at her and cocked his head slightly to the side.
“What?” she asked, dunking a biscuit into her tea.
Quietly, Harry said, “There’s something different about you.”
“No there isn’t,” she retorted, scoffing her custard cream down and reaching for another. “I’m the same washed up old hag I’ve always been. Now, tell me about Gothenburg! I’ve wanted to go back ever since we went there for that conference — must be, ooh, what, twelve years ago now? Gods, how time flies.”
“Ok, first of all, you’re nothing like a ‘washed up old hag’, so don’t you dare talk about yourself like that, and secondly, Gothenburg was amazing.”
She smiled, and let him tell her what he could about his assignment.
“Bet Ginny’s glad to have you back,” she said.
Harry’s face shifted into what Hermione called her favourite ‘Harry being soppy for his wife’ expression, and he flushed. “Yeah, probably. Apparently Lily’s been flying around the garden at Grimmauld and it’s giving Ginny kneazles. Lily’s been pretending to be the next seeker for the Harpies or something…” Raking his hand through his messy hair, he sighed. “Who’d have ever thought I’d be sitting in your bookshop, talking about my daughter learning to fly, eh?”
She smiled, but Harry’s expression cracked a little.
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
Hermione scowled fondly and reached across to take his hand in hers. “Harry… we’ve been over this a thousand times.”
“I know. I just…” he drew in a long inhale and then said, “So are you going to tell me what’s changed in your life since I’ve been away? You’re practically glowing. Did you meet someone?”
Hermione bit her lip and drew back, cheeks heating damnably.
“You did? Who is it? Do I know them?”
“Yes,” she said carefully. “You do. But if I tell you who it is, I need you to…” she puffed out her cheeks and finished off in a rush, “I need you to promise not to freak out first of all, and then promise you won’t tell a soul. Not even Ginny just yet, ok? It’s really important.”
Harry looked wary and worried at that.
Taking one more breath for courage, she said quietly, “It’s Draco Malfoy.”
For a moment, Harry fell utterly still, his green eyes wide and disbelieving. He looked like he was expecting Fred and George to pop out of the bookshelves with party streamers and tell him he’d been pranked, but when he saw her anxious expression, his shoulders dropped a fraction and he whispered, “You’re bloody serious.”
“How?” he blurted. “I mean… the man’s a hermit by all accounts. How did you even meet him, let alone… you know…” he grimaced and she bit back a snicker. It looked like he’d swallowed a toad whole.
A tiny smile crept onto her lips and she relaxed just a little. “It was back on the first of September,” she said. “I went with Ginny to wave James and Albus off, and —”
“— of course, Scorpius started this year too.”
“Exactly. Draco was there to see him off. Ginny was amazed that he’d left the Manor, but he’s… Gods, Harry, he loves that boy so much.” She paused, recalling Draco's stricken expression as the train had pulled away from the platform, and of his fears about losing Scorpius because of their relationship.
Harry watched her with a quiet intensity for a moment and then asked, “So… Uh… how’d it happen?”
She laughed. “I invited him for a drink at the Leaky, fully expecting him to refuse. I think he surprised himself when he accepted. We had lunch together and honestly…? It was really nice. He’s changed, Harry.”
“I know.”
That surprised her, and she sat up a bit and frowned.
Chuckling softly, Harry ran a hand around the two-day stubble on his jaw. “You remember the attack on the Manor?”
“Little Scorpius yowled in my arms for hours while you questioned his father, Harry. I couldn’t forget that.”
Harry acquiesced with a sideways nod of his head. “Well, he wasn’t the same Malfoy from school in that interview room, Hermione. I don’t know what I was expecting, but when I could get him to focus on something that wasn’t the whereabouts of his son, he was articulate and helpful… Still arrogant and snappy, but…” Harry shook his head. “He’s definitely different.”
Hermione bit her lip to try and stop herself from crying, which failed, and when Harry looked up, his face fell.
“Hermione? What’s wrong?” He set his mug down and rose from his battered old armchair, crossing in two strides to kneel beside hers.
“I was so afraid you wouldn’t understand,” she whispered, shaking and overwhelmed.
All the tension left Harry and he hugged her.
It was awkward because of the furniture, but Harry had always given the best hugs no matter the situation. “You deserve to be happy, Hermione. And you’ve always known your mind. If Malfoy can keep up with you, and keep you happy, then…” he shrugged without letting go, “I’ll support you. If he hurts you though, I will use every curse I’ve ever learned as an Auror on him.”
“Thanks, Harry. You promise you won’t tell anyone yet?”
He nodded.
And then someone cleared their throat from the doorway into the main shop, and Hermione jumped. Harry sprang back, hand going instinctively for his wand, but he stopped when he saw who was standing there.
“Theo!” Hermione exclaimed, smearing the last of her tears off her cheeks. “What are you doing here? I didn’t hear you come in.”
“Too busy sobbing onto dear Potter’s shoulder,” he said without barb. “Everything alright?”
She nodded. “Just getting emotional about something as usual. What’s up?”
“Just came to see if you wanted to grab lunch, but I can see that England’s favourite Auror has returned. How was your trip, Potter?”
“Good,” he said, suddenly every bit the awkward boy he’d been at Hogwarts. “I just finished debriefing and thought I’d stop by for a custard cream and a chat with Hermione before I head home. I’m on leave for a week now.”
“Nice,” Theo smiled. “Any plans?”
Harry shrugged. “A few casual rounds of quidditch with Ron and the others,” he said. “Time with Ginny and Lily. Might pop up to Hogsmeade and see if I can visit James and Albus at the weekend.”
Conversation stalled, and Harry rocked back on his heels before putting his mug down and turning to Hermione.
“Look, I’d better get going,” he said. “But… Come over for dinner this week, alright?”
She nodded. “I’d love that. Tomorrow any good?”
“I’ll check with Ginny, but I can’t see why not. I’ll owl you.” He paused and then grinned. “C’mere,” he said, and pulled her into another enormous hug. With a hand briefly on the back of her head, he murmured, “I won’t tell a soul.”
“Thank you,” she said, squeezing him so hard he wheezed.
“See you, Nott,” Harry said with a polite nod as he left.
Once the bell had fallen silent again, Theo turned to her and crossed his arms loosely over his chest. “Everything alright?” he asked again now that they were alone.
“Yeah,” she said and rolled her eyes. “I told him about Draco and bound him to secrecy. I was so relieved when he took it so well that I just burst into tears.”
Theo laughed at that and finally seemed to relax. “I’m honoured to have known before Potter, then,” he said. “And what, pray, are those?” he added when his eyes landed on the custard creams.
“Muggle biscuits,” she said, picking up the plate and holding it out to him. “They’re delicious.”
Theo looked as if she’d offered him a plate of slugs and held up his hand. “Thanks… I’ll, uh, pass.”
“You’re such a snob, Theodore Nott,” she laughed, bustling off to tidy the mugs and plate away. “What did you want, anyway?”
“Lunch,” he said.
“It’s three in the afternoon,” she countered.
“Mmm. I had a deposition that went on forever. I’m starving.”
“Theo, I do actually have a business to run,” she said. “Isn’t today Dan’s day off? Can’t he go instead?”
“He’s already reserved us a table and is probably halfway through his steak and rioja by now,” Theo groused. “I’ll bring you a doggy bag if we have any leftovers,” he added affectionately.
Pausing on the threshold to the back room, Theo fixed her with one of his rare, intense and sincere looks. “I’m glad things worked out with you and Draco. Potter was right; you both deserve to be happy.”
She swallowed thickly, feeling tears prickle at her eyes again. “You won’t tell anyone? He wants to tell Scorpius himself. He doesn’t want it coming from someone else first.”
Theo dragged his thumb across his heart in a cross and nodded. “Drinks on Friday? Draco said he might come.”
“I’ll be there anyway,” she promised, and Theo left with a friendly wink that only he could get away with.
She and Draco continued to see each other, mostly using the seclusion of his London apartment, though they did sometimes go back to hers. There they watched the 1946 Great Expectations. To Hermione’s surprise, however, Draco informed her that it wasn’t his first time seeing a muggle film. That, naturally, led down a whole rabbit hole of questions, ending with the discovery that Draco had built Scorpius a warded playroom inside Malfoy Manor that was shielded from the effects of magic and thus allowed Muggle technology to function perfectly.
“But… you need electricity!” she’d blurted.
Laughing and looking far too smug with himself, Draco said, “Indeed.”
“But… wizarding households don’t have electricity!”
“Granger, you’re glorious when you’re baffled. I must make more efforts to confound that brilliant mind of yours more often.”
“Tell me!” she’d shrilled, pinching him in the ribs as they sat on the sofa together with the end credits rolling away in the background. When he’d just sat back with his mouth quirked into an infuriating smirk, she had straddled him and raked her fingers through the slightly shorter hair just above his hears on either side of his head, scrunching the silver-white waves until he’d groaned and bucked upwards slightly into her. “Tell me, Draco Malfoy, or no more kisses.”
“You drive a hard bargain, my beautiful, brilliant witch,” he purred, slightly breathless as she continued to hold him in her grasp, head tilted back a little, throat exposed. His hands landed reverently on her hips and he closed his eyes, clearly enjoying the contact.
Naturally, Hermione kissed him on the lips and he smiled. “Perpetual shock charm,” he said when she drew back. “I made a generator.”
“That’s… That’s so simple it’s genius. But surely you had to look up —?”
“I’m fairly certain I could get a job as a muggle ‘electrician’ now,” he snickered, chasing after more kisses. “But I choose not to.”
“What do you do with yourself all day?” she asked. “Running Malfoy Manor and the estate can’t take up all your time, surely?”
He went a little tense beneath her at that and then chuckled, embarrassed. “I… I’m on the board of a number of charities,” he said, “And I’m currently conducting research into a number areas in the field of Potions. I did a postal course to get my NEWTs in Potions, and shortly after that, attained my masters.”
“Huh,” she said, sitting back a bit. She reached down and brought his hands up in front of her. Pressing a kiss to each of his scar-flecked knuckles, she murmured, “That explains a lot. You’ve got the hands of a potion-master, Draco.”
“Too many spills and accidents,” he snorted. “And not enough dragon hide gloves.”
“What are you researching?”
“A number of projects,” he said evasively.
“Come on,” she laughed, dropping his hands again and beginning to nuzzle at his jawline and neck. He was utterly weak to that, she’d discovered to her absolute delight, and she was not above using it to her advantage. Beneath her, he shivered and went limp, turning his head with a sigh of pleasure as she raked her teeth over his pulse and then kissed him.
“I’m working on… ah… on a recipe that… oh gods, Granger…”
“Go on,” she crooned.
“A recipe to make the wolfsbane potion commercially viable,” he panted.
At that, she did pause, but only for a moment. Next thing Draco knew, Hermione had flung her arms around his neck and was squeezing the life out of him like a boa constrictor.
She just shook her head, thinking of what Remus Lupin would say if he knew what Draco was working on now on behalf of his kind. “Why?” she eventually croaked without removing her face from the crook of Draco’s neck.
His hands skated gently up and down her back, the heat simmering back down to something calmer; something fond and affectionate. “Because,” he fairly growled, “Fenrir Greyback tormented my mother when he lived with us at the Manor, and I had no idea that werewolves could be functioning members of society with the right help until I met Remus Lupin. It was just another area where if I’d only known more at the time, it would have made so much difference to my perception of things.”
He sighed and kissed the side of her head.
“I can make a difference now. I’ve got a state of the art potions lab in one of the dungeons at the Manor, and Severus left his entire collection of books and notes to me in his will. He must have known I always wanted to be a potions master, even when I didn’t think I’d live beyond the end of that awful year…”
That was probably the longest continuous speech from Draco she’d heard since they’d started seeing each other, and the emotion in his voice, lingering beneath the surface like a hidden current, moved her deeply.
“You’re a wonderful man, Draco,” she whispered as she kissed his temple. “I wish the world could see you for who you are now…”
“You see me,” he said very quietly. “That’s enough.”
To be continued! Don’t forget to let me know what you think, and help a relative newbie (at least to contributing anyway) to the fandom out by reblogging!
writing masterlist | Ao3
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willowbleedsonpaper · 4 years
Beside You
Theo Nott x Healer!Reader. 
W.C. : 5180
Requested by the lovely @herstory-study​:  Hi again! I have another request for Theodore Nott if possible (bc I always imagine him to be like an absolute babeeee)... anyway, I was wondering if you could do a post war one shot where Nott is just trying to overcome him being on Voldy’s side and the reader defending him against assholes who judge him and helping him move on pleaseeee
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of blood, torture and death. I think that’s it. 
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The war was over, it was finally over. Years of fear and torment at the hands of Voldemort and his followers were just a bad memory you and all your friends could finally start healing from. You had been on the easy side of the war, or more like the least damaging. Staying at Hogwarts and studying under the rule of Snape and the Carrows, although traumatic was nothing compared to what Harry, Hermione and Ron had to go through, as well as his more closest friends like the entire Weasley family, Neville and Luna. They had taken upon themselves to go and find the way to defeat Voldemort and they had done it successfully, after enduring some not so enjoyable moments and the loss of many loved ones. 
You had been there when Harry revealed himself to Snape, Professor McGonagall stepping in his defense as the crowd of students from all houses cleared the way with gasps and heavy breathing, you had been there when Professor McGonagall sent the entire Slytherin house to the dungeons as the rest of the houses helped clear the younger student and prepared for battle. 
You saw students fight, using all the training provided by Hogwarts and Harry himself against Voldemort forces. You saw people cry, laugh, scream, die and run. You had seen things that were now burned into your mind, waking you up in the middle of the night with a choked scream as cold sweat rolled down your forehead. 
You didn't even want to think what Harry and his friends woke up to in the middle of the night. 
But more worrying, you didn't want to know what the Slytherins woke up to in the mornings. 
Two year had passed by since the battle of Hogwarts, you had your life more or less back to normal. Whatever normal meant this days. You were training as healer at St. Mungos, not the easiest job but it payed off for food and your apartment besides the fact that you actually enjoyed it. It was full of surprises. 
"Morning, Y/N." said one of the healers as he arrived to the desk, greeting you with a peck on the cheek as he sign in for the day. 
"Dr. Williams," you said back, pointing to one of the rooms with a file in your hand "You arrived just in time," you handed him the file with an innocent smile "Julie, eight years old. Fell of her broom and broke her right arm." 
He sighed, taking the file from you "The day we get more than broken bones I'll buy you dinner." he winked your way, turning away before you could answer. 
Your shifts usually started at noon and ended late at night. It was going to be a long day. 
And just as you thought the day stretched out like it was a boring class at Hogwarts, the day slow with only three patients, giving a lot of free time to Dr. Williams to shamelessly flirt with you. 
"I've told you before, it's Jason." he said with a smirk, leaning in the desk as the other Healers stared at you two "Dr. Williams sounds too serious." he shrugged, like his title was something he was ashamed of. 
"Well this is a serious environment Dr. Williams, you are technically my boss." you said, not looking up from the papers you had to fill before the end of the day, which was in 30 minutes. 
"Oh, c'mon Y/N!" he exclaimed, a smile always in his face as he took the quill from your hand. 
You lifted your face in annoyance, trying to reach for the quill when he lifted his hand above his head "Jason, I need that." you grumbled tiredly, opening your palm for him to return it. 
He grinned "See? Wasn't that hard to call me by my name." he placed the quill back in your hand, finally finishing the papers. 
You shook your head, gathering everything in your arms to take it back to its place. But the sound of the door bursting open caught yours and everyone's attention, a gasp leaving your lips as you saw the group of people entering the hospital. 
"We need a healer!" said the girl, two man carrying one that could barely stand. He had blood dripping from his forehead and nose, a bruise in his cheek. 
You analyzed the other two as the healers there took the man from them. Clothes blood stained, some parts ripped as if they had pulled harshly from them. They had certainly been on a fight. 
"This isn't the emergency room," muttered Jason as he neared the bed where they had laid the man. He was unconscious, but you were sure he would wake up to a lot of pain. 
"Just shut up and help him," you hissed, starting to prepare him for the healers. 
Jason stared at you in shock, taking a second to react as he draw his wand, muttering healing spells that started to make him regain some color. 
You cleaned his face, his features becoming more visible as you froze "Malfoy." you whispered, capturing Jason's attention. 
"What?" he growled, moving your hand that was brushing his dirty hair out of his face, leaving his pale face out in the open. "Bloody hell, a fucking Slytherin.“
You glared at him, fire burning inside of you as you pushed him with all your force "Get away from him." you growled, drawing your own wand as everyone stared at you, only one of the trained healers kept on working beside you. 
"What the hell, Y/N?!" shouted Jason, slamming the door to the room they had moved him close "You are not a trained healer, I am."
You made as kind with your throat, swallowing all the words you wanted to scream "At least I'll try, you're going to let him die because of his Hogwarts house." you muttered bitterly. 
You heard him grunt, pacing in the room as the door opened. Your actual boss, Healer Whitethorn examined the room with a glare "Williams, out." she ordered, a smile on your face before she set her eyes on you "You too, Y/L/N." she said, stepping in with wand in her hand. 
"Out!" you flinched at her loud voice, her eyes meeting yours "You are on Williams team, he's out and so are you. Check on the other that came with him." 
You huffed, reluctantly going outside as you threw away your lab coat on the chair. Your other coworker ran at your side, giving to a reassuring look before she settled on the three defeated persons at the waiting room. 
"I'll take two of them," she murmured in your ear "Take the bleeding one, I'll take the girl and Mr, Bruises over there." 
She didn't wait for your answer, calling to girl for inspection as you stared back at the bleeding one, according to her. 
"Come with me." you said standing in front of him, his head low and only lifting slightly to look at you when he noticed your there. 
"I'm fine," he mumbled, shaking his head at you. 
"Sir, you are dragging your words and your head is bleeding," you told him matter of factly "I can't let you go if you don't let me at least clean the wound." 
The man at his side nudged him, giving him a small smile "Go on mate, you took one blow for Draco, I just held Pansy back. We need you alive to go find them later."
He looked at him incredulous, his mouth slightly open with a thousand words he wanted to say at the tip of his tongue but decided against it. He sighed, slowly standing up when he stumbled slightly, eyes wide as he tried to focus on something, anything. The only thing he could found was you, both hands gripping tightly at his forearms making him regain his balance. 
"Thanks." he breathed out, returning the safe grip on your arms.
You nodded reassuringly, taking slow steps backwards and into one of the examination rooms. He made it with little problems, slumping on the bed. 
"Do you know your name?" you asked, putting on a new pair of gloves. 
"Theodore, uh- Theo. " he said lowly, not meeting your eyes. 
You hummed, starting your work on the gash in his head. "Last name?" you asked, ignoring the hissing sounds the alcohol pulled from him. He had his eyes closed, and you pulled a chair for you as you stared at him. "Theo?" you called again, fearing he wasn't listening to you. 
You breathed out in relief when one of his eyes popped open, looking at you before he sighed in defeat "Nott." he said, watching you carefully for any reaction. 
He hadn't seen when you pulled a file, writing down his answers "Theodore Nott," you repeated as you wrote it down "Head injury, possible concussion." you said out loud, closing it and looking back at him, clearly he wasn’t eager to answer the questions.
"You're going to have to stay the night just to be sure that the head injury is nothing more than that." you told him, handing him the a bag for his clothes and the hospital gown, closing the curtain so he could change.
Theo reluctantly changed, doing quick work in his clothes to not keep you and his friends waiting. Luckily for him you looked nice, kind. You hadn’t reacted to his name and your attitude towards him was completely professional, not a single hint of judgement in your eyes .
“Mr. Nott?” he heard you call, the door of the room opening with your voice following “Do you need help?”
He breathed out, opening the curtain with his bag tucked under his arm “Ready.” he said lowly. 
You took the bag from him, taking his arm again “Can you walk?” you asked him, standing in front of him he gave you a soft nod and you began walking slowly. The silence was peaceful, but you has thing to tell him, breaking the much needed peace. 
“Technically I should place you in this floor,” you told him lowly, avoiding the looks of any Healer you passed, keeping your chin up and up front “But since your friend is more injured and you are staying the night, the fourth floor is going to be where you stay. I've informed your friends you are staying the night and they said they will be here in the morning.” 
He gave you a questioning look, clearly they were close to each other to be involved in fights together. Or maybe fate wasn't that fair to them but from their interactions you saw before they seemed friends. You could only assume. 
"I sent them home," you explained "They might not be that injured but they will need the rest." 
He looked down at you, the height difference more notorious now that he stood next to you. He gave you a small smile, not one that you saw, your eyes staying in your path at all times.
“Here,” you whispered for him to turn, the room poorly lighted until you could get your wand out, a flick of your hand and the place was properly lighted. “Malfoy would be across the hall. As soon as he wakes up, you and your friends can go see him.” you informed him, helping him get under the covers.
You made sure he ha anything he might need, a glass of water and another blanket close by so he wouldn’t have to move. “Is there anything else you might need, Mr. Nott?” you asked him from the door.
He looked at you, his eyebrows knitted in his forehead “Theo,” he said “Call me Theo, Mr. Nott was my father.” he told you, a nod from you as you neared his bed again.
“Forgot to introduce myself,” you laughed nervously “Y/N Y/L/N, I’ll be taking care of you while you’re here.” you said, getting a positive response from him. 
You made your way out of the room without another word closing the door softly behind you, the last thing you saw being him letting his head fall softly in the pillow, almost in defeat.
“What the hell was that?!” 
You snapped out of your head, tuning in your place as you saw Jason practically run towards you with a glare that you mirrored, turning in your heel and away from him. But he was taller and faster, catching up with you fast as he grabbed your arm forcing you to face him “Answer me, Y/N.” he growled, his face inches from yours.
“Like you don’t know,” you spat, your eyes roaming angrily all over his face “We all know you’re the proudest Gryffindor here, you take the rivalry with Slytherin to a whole new level.” you took his hand with all the force you had, pulling it away from your arm. 
He stared at you, saying nothing and you laughed bitterly “What is it, Jason?” you said with a sardonic smile, saying his name with all the anger you had “You think I haven’t noticed how you change cases with Adams so you don’t have to treat Slytherins? I literally work for you and notice all, listen to everything that comes out of your mouth.”
“You better stop now.” he warned, his eyes hardening. 
“Or what?” you dared, taking a threatening step towards him “You’re going to tell Whitethorn? Let’s go now, maybe you can tell her too why Marie, a Slytherin, hasn’t worked with you and only with Adams.” 
He stared at you, his jaw clenched as he physically fought the shaking anger you produced on him. “Fucking hell.” he muttered, slamming his hand on the wall beside your head before he walked away, your lips letting out a shaky breath once he turned on the corner. 
You stayed there, back against the wall as you slide down to the floor with your eyes closed, trying hard to even your breathing but failing. 
“Y/N?” you heard Marie, her light steps sounding closer untils she was next to you “You okay? What happened?” she asked, taking your hands from your face and pulling you to your feet.
You shook your head, keeping it low as you cleaned the single tear that fell from your eyes “Williams is an asshole, that’s what happened.” you said, your voice cracking a little when you said his name.
She gave you a sad smile, knowing exactly what you meant “It’s late, do you wanna stay with me tonight?” she asked. 
It wasn’t unusual for you to stay at each others places, your shifts were practically the same and you lived relatively close. But then your eye catched on Healer Adams getting Draco Malfoy to his room, you thought that maybe staying back with your own patient wasn’t a bad idea.
“Actually, I think I’m gonna stay here for the night,” you told her, pointing to the door behind you.
“You sure?” she asked you with the raise of her eyebrow “I got your favorite waiting for you.” she sang, but you only shook your head and she nodded with a knowing look “Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow.” she said giving you a quick hug before walking to the stairs and disappearing from your eyes.
You took a moment before walking back to Theo’s room, making sure you weren’t too loud. What you weren't’ expecting was for him to be awake, lazily staring at you as you walked inside. 
“Mr. uh- no, Theo.” you said finally, memories of Hogwarts when you had the answer at the tip of your tongue but your brain was going faster than your mouth could and you ended up blurting everything but the right answer came back to you. 
“Did I wake you?” you asked with a tight smile.
He shook his head, pointing at the sofa at the corner of the room “Please, sit.” he said, waiting for you to do so “There was a loud noise and I rarely can sleep this early.” he said.
You looked in confusion at the clock on the wall, returning your gaze at him “It’s one in the morning.” you told him.
He smiled softly, lowering his head again “Still, I can’t sleep.” he whispered, breathing deeply “I would much rather your company, if you don’t mind.”
You smiled more relaxed, making yourself more comfortable "Your on luck, I have to take care of you for the night." 
"The entire night?" he asked with a gasp, his eyes curiously roaming all over you. 
Of course, you had your head elsewhere, his file in your lap. "I'm a healer in training," you said softly looking back at him "We get to the the work no one wants to." 
 "I'm glad is you." he mumbled, catching your attention with immediately "That other man didn't seemed… Nice." he finished, a little doubtful if he did right in telling that to his coworker, but the knowing nod you have him put him at ease. 
You pointed at the wall "The loud noise was him." you said, voice shaky "He is a great healer, probably the best we've got," you paused, looking down at your hands as you bit your lip in thought "He cares very deeply for what happened at the war."
You saw his body stiffened, his arms coming at his sides as he subtly moved to the far side from you. You pursed your lips "I don't, really. I'm sure everyone played their part." you added more cheerfully "Now I need to film your file, do you mind if ask you some questions?" 
"Okay," he said. 
You nodded getting the paper and quill "Great, I have your name and why were you admitted." you said, tapping on the page before you lifted your face "Age?" 
"Twenty," he answered. 
You smiled writing it down "We're the same age. I don't remember you from Hogwarts."
"I-I wasn't that sociable. I mainly stuck to my house mates." he told you. 
"Slytherin?" you asked, watching his eyes widen "Not everyone was friends with Draco Malfoy." you added, and he nodded. 
"Yeah, Slytherin." he said bitterly. 
The night was spent with you two chatting about your lives and the your time at Hogwarts. He talk about his favorite subjects, he's hobbies and friends, how he wanted to travel and get to know  the world and maybe even move. He wanted a fresh start away from the war and what used to be his family. He wanted to go to a place where no one knew who Theodore Nott was. 
You told him about how simple your life was, consisting of basic needs and your training as a healer. Free time was a forgotten concept for you, the few friends you used to have now married or being successful, your only friend being Marie. 
You actually had made a day that night. 
When the sun rose on the sky, it didn't long for the visitors to start arriving. Theo was discharged an o my changed rooms when Blaise and Pansy got there, going to see the Slytherin prince himself. 
A few hours were spent with casual iochat and worried remarks when Healer Adam's told them they had to leave him to rest. Promises were made to return later that day or the next, and you watched from the desk of the fourth floor as they left, a sinking feeling in your heart as they descended the stairs. 
Only they didn't. 
"Y/N? “ your heard someone call softly, the voice that still was recorded on your mind from the previous night  filling the air once more. 
"Yeah?" you smiled, looking up from your food. 
He looked nervous, the tiny smile appearing in his face "I was wondering if I could stop by someday? Maybe go out?" he asked, scratching the back of his head with a nervous yet charming smile. 
You chuckled, covering the blush in your cheeks as you nodded "I would love that." 
Accepting that date was the beginning of the best years of your life. 
You went on that one date and connected instantly, even more than the few hours you talked at St. Mungos. One coffee date turned into dinner and surprise visits when you were working, soft smiles and holding hands while you walked turned into passionate kisses and falling asleep in each other's arms. Talking about your days turned into deep conversations about life and your future. Understatement turned into love. 
Three years has gone by since that first date and you knew you never wanted to leave Theo's side. You knew who he was and were proud of him, even in the days that he wasn't. 
"Theo?" you said loudly, his big mansion requiring the elevated voice for him to hear you from the entrance "I'm home, dear." you said again, paying more attention to the sounds in the house. Or more like the lack of them. 
Your footsteps echoed the halls as the only sign of someone being there. You walked to the study where he usually was, empty with no book open or parchment over the desk. The kitchen was your second guess, his only house elf there welcoming you but saying nothing of the whereabouts of your boyfriend. You started to feel fidgety as you made your way to the stairs to go to his room when your eye caught the fire burning in the living room, the back of his head popping over the single couch there, the place he hated the most in the house. 
"Theo?" you called again, walking slowly behind him. The glass in his hand making little flickers shine on the walls with the light of the fire.
He didn't answer you, barely gave you a side glance to acknowledge your presence before he took a slow sip of his glass. 
You took a shaky breath, going to sit on the floor in front of him. You rested your arms in his lap, looking for his eyes with a small smile "What is it?" you asked him and he shook his head "Is something, you're in the living room. You hate it in here." you said softly. 
He couldn't help but look at you, your voice sounding what he imagined an angel's voice was like. He wanted to smile, to reach his hand to your cheek and tell you he loved you. But the voice in his head was right, he wasn't worthy of it. Of you. 
"It's nothing," he murmured, voice hoarse as he spoke "Just a bad day." 
You nodded, taking his free hand in yours and intertwining your fingers with his "You want to tell me about it?" you asked. 
He rose his eyebrows, talking about what was going on inside his head something still so foreign to him. He didn't want to burden you with his problems, even if you knew, knowing and actively being part of them was different. He had noticed how you have him his space, never forcing him to talk and instead taking his mind away from what was bothering him. 
"I can tell you about my day," you offered when he stayed quiet, his eyes softening at your bright smile "You don't have to say anything, just listen." you said, crawling a little closer to him. 
You looked like a little child, moving your arms and making voices and faces as you narrated your day at work. It wasn't even that amazing as you made it sound, but he still found it amusing how you made a harmless spell backfiring on someone sound like one of the trial Hercules went through. 
You saw him smiling down at you, but never point it out and instead carrying on with the story until the end. 
"That's amazing, love." he said, leaning to kiss your forehead softly, lingering there for a little more than usual. 
You stated sadly at him, looking over his fallen features. It hurt you to watch him so defeated, to not be able to do anything for him. You wanted nothing more than to be able to take his pain away for at least a moment, to make him see what you saw. Not a bad man but a changed one. 
"You know I love you, right?" you told him, caressing his cheek with your thumb. His eyes snapped at you both in shock and fear, but he nodded nonetheless and you smiled "And that there is no one I would rather have by my side?" 
He took your hand, stopping your movement in his face "I'm bad Y/N," he said coldly "The things I did, what I became…" 
"You did because you had no other choice." you said strongly, taking a kneeling position as you held his face in your hands "You did it to survive and you did."
"It was awful." he whispered, the images flashing in his head. The students and people that opposed to Voldemort, their bodies laying on the floor of the very same house he lived in, some still whimpering silently as they stated at the lifeless ones next to them. All the cries of pain and screaming begs for him to stop, the fearful eyes staring at his wand as he muttered the words. Those three words that should have him locked away in Azkaban to never see the light of day again, to never see his friend again, so he could have never met you. 
He didn't deserve the happiness you have him when he had cause so much pain, so much suffering, so much death. 
"I don't deserve this." he said, pushing your hands away from him as he stood. 
"Theo," you whispered going after him and taking his arm in your hand "You do deserve it." 
He looked back at you, eyes tormented as he tilted his head "You're just saying it because you love me, and that is exactly my point." he said loudly "Why do you love me? You know what I've done, what has happened in this house." 
You bit the inside of your cheek to not yell, trying to keep clam for the both of you "I love you because you make me happy," you started to say calmly "Because you love me too and care for me as much as I care for you. Because even if you've done things you regret you aren't those things. You have been there for me in my lowest days and you never loved me less for that so I'll be damned if I let you feel like you don't deserve my love or the love of your friends." you ended up yelling, your chest moving fast with your breathing before it  was crushed. 
Theo had launched himself to your arms, silently weeping in your neck as you reacted with the same emotion, wrapping your arms around his chest. He lifted you slightly from the ground but you couldn't care less, he could damped your shirt with his tears and you wouldn't even blink an eye. 
You brought one hand to the back of his head, slowly running your fingers through his hair. "You're a wonderful person, Theodore Nott. And I will make sure you now that every single day." you whispered in his ear, his embrace tightening. 
You pulled from him after a moment, looking lovingly into his eyes, pointing to the glass he had abandoned over the table " Finish that up, darling." you told him. 
He frowned but didn't fight you, downing the glass in one go "Why, where are we going?" he asked following you to the entrance as you grabbed your coat, handing him his. 
"Comfort food." you said with a smile, opening your hand for him to take an apparating in Diagon Alley. 
He had always compared you to a child, a very clever child in the body of a beautiful woman, he said. And you could see why, not fifteen minutes had passed and you were already holding two coffees and a lot of his favorite pastries. 
You sat down on a bench, eating away without a care in the world as the people walked by. 
"You are good with comfort food.' he said to you, a tiny smile playing in his lips. 
"Only the best for you, my love." you told him stretching your neck as much as you could to kiss him. In the end he ended up leaning down and you smiled in the kiss. 
Of course, the world hated you. The characteristic clear of a throat you had come to hate and despise making you pull with a glare. 
"Y/N, is good to see you here."
"It's healer Y/L/N to you, Williams," you said, glancing at Theo when his eyes followed him. 
"I see your still with the Slytherin coward." he said smugly, a grin as he eyes Theo "Did you enjoyed running from the battle, you snake? "
“I don't know Jason, did you enjoy hiding in the Great Hall while everybody fought?" he answered, not even looking amused his face looked void of any emotion a she stood up, standing face to face."You see, I was at the battle and I saw you. Never thought it was worth mentioning but you seem very eager to talk about it now." he told him. 
Jason clenched his jaw, turning to you "You can do better than this." he grunted, with his hand pointing at Theo. 
"Not possible," you said, staring straight into his eyes "Now get out of our sight before I hex you permanently to the fourth floor." you hissed, stepping between him and Theo. 
He had turned furiously, storming away before you call "And Jason? Don't you ever dare say anything to him again. He might be a Slytherin but I am a pissed Y/H/H." 
You left the threat hanging in the air, watching him go as you turned back to Theo. Your face changed so fast he didn't know if it had been real, your shaking face replaced by a sweet smile as you sat back down, handing him his cup of coffee. 
"Theo, you can sit now." you told him, his eyes shining as he did. It took you a moment to realize he was staring at you, a chuckle leaving your mouth as you playfully slapped his arm "Stop looking at me like that." 
But he did even listen to you, taking your hand as you looked at him in surprise "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." he told you, bringing your hand to his lips. 
You smiled shyly, blushing slightly that it could be mistaken by the cold air in your face "I love you, Y/N." he said, bringing you to his arms. 
"I love you too." you whispered, nuzzling your head in his shoulder as he held you close to him, and you decided then and there,
You never wanted to leave his arms. 
TAGS: @fanficflaneuse​ @nebulablakemurphy​ @lupins-sweater​ @accio-rogers​ @gloriousrebelrunaway​ @slytherinprincess03​ @not-today-anxiety​ @strawberriesonsummer​ @infinity1o1​ @haphazardhufflepuff​
Shoot me an ask or something if you wanna be tagged!
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astheos · 7 months
so … i shifted ( kind of )
I shifted to a paraelle reality for the first time the other night for two/three hours in my cr time !! 🤭
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astheos · 8 months
hi omg !!
i apologise that it has been so long <3 im still involved in shifting, tumblr is just one of those apps i do not use much ! but im hoping to use it more 🩷
how is everyone’s shifting journey going? is there anything you’s wanna know abt my journey??
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astheos · 11 months
the subject i teach
mastery in herbology & magical creatures
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astheos · 10 months
14. !
ooo interesting question!
symptoms :: i very rarely get symptoms, apart from feeling light. but once i felt someone or something against my thigh like stroking up and down and it really threw me to be honest. i have not felt anything like that since again and AAAAH i miss it
experiences :: my strangest shifting experience was unfortunately a bad one? i wont go into too much detail here, because its traumatic (i'm fine talking about it because it happened ages ago) but i would prefer to talk about it in a separate post, just so i can warn people before? but it was a very strange experience.
another strange experience i got while shifting was the time i actually got to talk to my dr self in my professors dr. they looked really pretty and i was just in awe and it was very strange to be able to see myself in my dr.
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astheos · 10 months
i have never heard of anyone with a professors dr ... what is it? it sounds really interesting
hi omg ! i love talking about this dr <3
overview : basically it is a dr, where i am a teacher at hogwarts. i teach history of magic x magical creatures, in the time period after the second war ( early 1990's ) and i live in hogwarts.
teaching / my classes: i enjoy teaching so very much & i make it interactive, by offering a range of activities which the students can participate in - such as lectures, but also helpful demonstrations.
if you have any specific questions, you want to ask - please do feel free :) i adore talking so very much about this dr and it is my baby.
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astheos · 10 months
17 ?
i do occasionally dream about my drs !! however it is quite rare , but i remember a few dreams ( mostly around my professors dr )
i remember dreaming about seeing my dr self and severus together, and we just talked ( i later got told that it was a mini shift and i now look back on this very fondly ) severus kept watching me from behind my cr self.
my second dream about my dr, would be the time where severus and i just sat and talked together ontop of a hill, about our lives. i know this was a dream as he kept like putting his hand through me kind of thing? if that makes any sense. it was just very pretty.
another dream i had recently, was about the professors room. it was such a pretty room & i loved looking around it kinda thing <3
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astheos · 11 months
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these are a few of the more important & personal aspects of my dr
shifting diary & ramblings about this dr
asks about this dr
teaching at hogwarts
love interest
wardrobe & clothing style
extra parts of my script
back to masterlist
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astheos · 11 months
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— ⭑ hc’s about sev all of them are very personal to me !
» severus loves the rain — wether he goes out in it or he spends time watching it from his office, it helps to calm him down
» his favourite thing to do is read — he can read anywhere, and everywhere. if your ever looking for him, check in corners or hidden away as he will hide to read and be alone
» he really only drinks tea and coffee — he is not one to drink alcohol, he does not like feelong out of control after the war
» severus often ends up trying his hair up — this only happens when he is either alone, making potions or with the people that he trusts the most. he feels vulnerable with his hair tied up sometimes due to bullying when he was in school himself.
» severus is very much a cat person — he will deny it constantly, but you will often find that cats gravitate towards him as well especially when he is out either walking alone or with me.
» severus is nearly always cold — he wears a lot of layers to try & stay warm esspecially in the winter months, but it never works. in his private time, he either spends it in front of the fire or wrapped up in blankets while marking papers or doing research.
» severus enjoys herbology — he likes to spend time with sprout, in the gardens even though he denies it constantly .
» severus has severe depression — but he has some friends who will help to make it beter for him — it got a lot worse in the war and now he is scared to go back to teaching in hogwarts.
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astheos · 11 months
my animagus form
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his animagus form
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our animagus form
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( i love him so much )
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astheos · 11 months
my lovers aesthetic
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astheos · 11 months
worldbuilding in my professors dr
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this dr is a place where i get to teach in a wizarding university, the subjects i teach are history of magic x magical creatures. this dr follows the canon war, however some of the canon events are very different, such as deaths & earlier canonic moments.
— ⭑ notable mentions of different aspects in my dr
my dr is set after the second war in 1998 & it is mostly canon, apart from most of the people who died in the final war. voldermort is not in my dr as he has already been defeated by harry, earlier that year.
it takes place in the scottish highlands, and the new headmaster decides to allow the seventh year students a extra year at hogwarts, to learn what they missed in the battle. everyone is basically a year behind where they are meant to be. this means that i teach harry & members of the golden trio, as eighth year students.
— ⭑ how i fit in to this dr & some of the differences :
i am the youngest professor & teach history of magic & magical creatures. i've made the course interesting by incorporating real life animals into both of the classes, and doing a more hands on look at the history.
as well as the classes you choose to study, between 2 and 5 classes, there are also a range of extra clubs & curricular that you can take part of in order to grow your education & also find yourself as well. some of the more popular options - flying, potions, knitting, muggle studies, arts club, woodwork & a lot of others, which are developed over time.
unlike school at hogwarts, as we are all adults, we have the ability to come and go to hogsmeade as we please. the only rules are that in first year, we have to go out with at least one other person to be safe. in first year, there is a time limit of 11 until you have to be back in the castle , but after first year - there’s no time limit as long as you are able to attend your classes the next day & you are safe.
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