#s/o severus snape
astheos · 10 months
i truly hate the fact that i am not in my dr atm & it sucks 🤕 like what do you mean i can’t hold my baby?
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HP boys when Their s/o gets Drunk
Warning: SFW, Fluff
Feat: Severus Snape, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Neville Longbottom
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Severus Snape
-Severus Snape, known for his solemn demeanor, would likely react by showing concern for his partner's well-being.
-He would be mindful of their safety and would prioritize ensuring they were taken care of.
- While Snape may not show outward emotions, he would quietly work to sober them up and prevent any potential harm.
-Once they have sobered up, Snape might have a serious conversation about responsible behavior and the consequences of excessive drinking.
Fred Weasley
- known for his mischievous and fun-loving personality, would approach the situation with humor and light-heartedness.
-He would likely tease his drunk partner, making jokes and lightening the mood.
- Fred would try to make them laugh and enjoy the moment, but would also keep a close eye on their well-being.
- He would ensure they were safe and supported, and would probably have a good laugh together the next day as they reminisced about the drunken antics.
George Weasley
- like his twin brother Fred, would approach the situation with a playful attitude.
-He would use humor to diffuse any potential tension or worry, creating a cheerful environment for his partner.
-George would take care of them, ensuring their safety and well-being, but also take the opportunity to lightheartedly poke fun at their drunken behavior.
-He would likely join in on the fun and may even share a drink with them once they've both sobered up and recovered.
Neville Longbottom
- with genuine concern and worry for his partner.
-He would prioritize their safety and would want to make sure they were taken care of. Neville would gently encourage them to slow down or stop drinking, trying to help them regain control. He would likely be the responsible one, ensuring they got home safely and providing comfort and support.
- Neville would likely have a heart-to-heart conversation afterwards, expressing his worries and discussing responsible alcohol consumption.
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poitionsprince · 2 months
"Snape × Lockhart is just so fun and silly"
Untill you remember Geilderoy's memory loss.
Meaning he'd forget his time with Severus.
And everything regarding it.
Leaving Severus to not know how to deal with the situation.
And it can go very cute from there.
Like in '50 first dates'.
But then the war comes around and Severus dies.
Leaving Gilderoy to ask daily where is his s/o.
And just getting his heart shattered each day.
Over and over again.
They're still silly tho look at them <3
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ashdreams2023 · 7 months
Lucius malfoy and severus snape (poly) with a s/o who likes sweets and candy and anything that has sugar but somehow the slimmest person between them? Like not skin and bones thin but like still thin for how much sugar they eat (bonus points if they still eat normal food)
- @vivian-the-fanfic-writer
Of course!
Severus snape x reader with a sweet tooth x lucius Malfoy (poly)
Lucius was the first to notice your liking to sweets first since he met you inside an ice cream shop
"You stacked every flavor they had I was both concerned and amused at the same time"
Lucius also likes to take you to different bakeries around France when you get the chance to go with him on business
Severus on the other hand found out about your appetite when he started noticing the chocolate frogs in his desk drawer missing
He wasn’t mad, he just preferred you told him you wanted to take from them instead of acting like a little thief, candy thief
You start your day with something sweet in your breakfast, you don’t over do it but it’s noticeable that you go for extra sugar and cream or buy a pastry filled with something like cream or chocolate
Lucius buys you the best chocolates when traveling around Europe
Severus makes sure when you’re over for tea or something to have a sweet treat for you ready
"Don’t think much about it I’m just being decent" "whatever helps you sleep at night sev"
When you’re all three dining together lucius makes sure the house elves go all out, especially for dessert and severus usually gives you half his share since he’s not that big on sweets
Severus doesn’t like the high sugar consumption for you health but doesn’t comment on it since you do equally eat other more reasonable foods
Severus does like to sip hot coco with you in the dungeons during winter time
Lucius and severus always remember to bring you a souvenir when you can’t tag along their trips
Severus has to remind lucius that you actually eat other food and don’t survive on sweets and the power of the son
"Sev is right you don’t have to scan the dessert menu every time we plan to go somewhere, honestly I’ll be fine"
Severus is much like your condition, he eats as much as you if not more but his weight never changed and stays the same unlike lucius
One time he took a two month vacation and by the end of it gained 13kg (30 pounds)
You like to call it relationship weight, lucius thinks he let himself go, he looks at you and severus with angry envy and yells at the house elves for making him eat this much (it’s completely his fault)
When you want to snack away on a sweet treat you go and snuggled underneath Severus’s cloak just because you can and no one would dare steal from you like that
Lucius nicknames you sweetness, because you’re already sweet and you eat things that make you sweeter
But although they have no issues with your consumptions they do watch out for your health a little extra
Catch severus sneaking in vitamins into your gummy bears and lucius making his house elves add extra veggies and more nutrients ingredients into meals
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 month
I have a headcaon that sev knows how to tell the twins apart
LMAO ME TOO. I actually headcanon that Sev was quite fond of the Weasley family.
Bill was a smart student, who, according to Ginny, didn’t like Snape. But I doubt Snape cared about what the students thought of him, I think he just cared if they did well in his class or not. Given that Bill was a prefect + Head-Boy and got 12 O.W.L.s, he definitely didn’t get in trouble that much and was a clever student, so Snape probably tolerated him.
We don’t know much about Charlie but based on Hogwarts Mystery he low-key likes Snape, so I think they were alright.
I personally headcanon that Percy L O V E S Snape and admires everything he does, he definitely criticises his siblings (*cough* Ron) whenever they say anything bad about him.
Fred and George seem to be amused by him despite thinking he’s a git (though I doubt they took anything he said seriously) and I think they had natural talent in potions. Snape definitely values experimental projects and creativity (considering his spell creations and rewriting his potions book), which the twins have, so despite their troublemaking antics I’m sure he at the very least respected their creativity (this is a headcanon I’ve had for such a long time, I’m so happy I can finally talk about it lmao).
I think Severus mostly disliked Ron because of his association with Harry, his disregard for school rules, and his laziness in class, but I think out of the trio he tolerated Ron the most (they’re also both my fave characters in the series so I just like the thought of them being cool with each other lmao).
As for Ginny, I don’t think he hated her, but he found her mildly annoying because of her obvious crush on Harry in CoS and then in the later books when she came out of her shell. She didn’t complain about him much, the closest thing we get is her saying that “Bill doesn’t like him either” as a reason for not liking him. Plus I always thought Ginny would’ve made a good Slytherin and wasn’t super annoying in class so I think he at least preferred her to Hermione lmao.
I think Snape was okay with Molly (and I think she respected him as a teacher, she liked him enough to correct Harry for calling him “Snape” instead of “Professor Snape”), but I think he probably didn’t respect Arthur’s love of Muggles and thought he was a bit silly, and I think he liked him less than Molly due to Lucius’s influence lmfao.
I know this has nothing to do with your original question, but can you tell I’ve had this headcanon for a really long time and jumped at the opportunity to rant about it? 😭
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severussnapemylove · 11 months
Severus Snape relationship headcanon.
I feel like Severus would take a while to get used being loved. Things like physical closeness, intimacy, emotional openness, it would take him a little while to get used to this. But once he does and he feels safe and comfortable in the relationship, his touch-starvedness would really come out and he'd just crave that affection and actually be able to act on it. Still wouldn't go for much PDA, hand holding sometimes. But in private, he'd be very open to casual touch, giving and receiving. And laying on the couch or in bed, he loves his s/o just laying on top of him, it's the weighted blanket effect.
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greenerteacups · 6 months
The great hormonal storms in book 5 lead me to this ask: let's talk about sex. Or at least sex ed. Does Hogwarts have it (at least in LH'verse)? Is that a nurse duty or a Head of House one? Did Narcissa sit her baby boy down for The Talk, at least to impart how Miss Granger would return to her parents in the same state she left them or at least unimpregnated? Did she outsource that task to Uncle Severus? Did Ron share what his older brothers passed down? What does our favorite victorian-in-spirit know abt sex beyond "lie back and think of the bloodline" and his hormonal daydreams?
I'm l o s i n g it at the idea of Narcissa instructing Draco to leave Hermione "unimpregnated," which, I just — I think the minute she uses those things in the same sentence, Draco hits the road at the speed of Mach Christ. He's gone. He's not here. He's not in the building. Can't have the Sex Talk if you can't fucking catch me, Mom. (For the record, I can fully see Narcissa trying. She's much less prudish than Draco is — gossips about adultery with her 11-y/o son on Christmas morning, references Ye Olde Wilde Times with Lucius, cracks the occasional bawdy joke, etc. — she just doesn't often see the need to discuss it, being aware that Draco, as far as she knows, remains an un-Awakened little Victorian. The Great Granger Debacle of 1995 is likely raising her suspicions there.) That said, Draco knows what sex is; for some reason my mind gravitates to the slightly handwavey answer of "boy's dormitory." I'm picturing him in his four-poster, curtains drawn, pretending to be asleep, while Ron and Harry have a free-ranging, horrifically creative conversation about what Ron thinks sex is (courtesy of the twins). Optimistically, Neville hops in with corrections from Augusta Longbottom's sexual etiquette seminars. Either way, Draco never, ever reveals that he has heard this conversation.
Or, alternatively, he and Theo have a really intense heart-to-heart during that summer before third year, which would do a lot to explain why the two of them are so weird about each other basically for the rest of time. (Raising the question of where Theo/Pansy/Daphne learned it. At age 12, Pansy got an excruciatingly detailed Talk from her mother, who was scared to death of a teen pregnancy pitching their family into ruin; Pansy, deciding it was unfair she had to suffer this and Theo did not, inflicted said Talk on Theo, who was just relieved that he didn't have to ask Sibelius. And Daphne grew up around so many healers that she just badgered them until someone gave in and told her. She's also a stated connoisseur of trashy romance novels, so. Make of that what you will.)
I think that Hogwarts, being modeled in mores and general Vibe from old English boarding schools, probably is not the most forward-thinking with sex ed. I also do believe Severus Snape would sooner jump off a bridge, and I kind of need him for the plot, so I've got to spare him that grave and important duty. Poppy Pomfrey probably gets the question the most of any staff member, and over the years, I think she's honed her answer down to a tight 3 minute-monologue that covers all major topics.
Odds and ends in the same vein:
Hermione gets a sit-down with the Drs. Granger the summer before her thirteenth birthday, so sometime in August, 1992. It is meticulously explained and flawlessly presented, with color-coded diagrams, an index, and a syllabus. It includes a diagnostic chart for common STIs and a spreadsheet on birth control options. Dr. Granger gets excited after a tangent about ovarian cysts and runs to pull out her old copy of Grey's. Hermione spends the whole time fully miserable, wondering why parents couldn't be like, greengrocers or something. (That doesn't stop her from asking questions, obviously.)
Ron, like all Weasley men of his generation, gets a knock on his door sometime around his 14th birthday, and Arthur invites him to "go fishing." This is code for "stand by the river and try to keep a will to live while your dad explains the mechanics of sex, its importance, and the value of waiting until you feel comfortable and safe sharing that level of intimacy with a trusted partner" (sic).
Fred and George got separate talks, because Arthur wanted to emphasize that he sees them as individuals; however, Fred ran back and immediately recounted it all to George, who proceeded to feign extraordinary expertise in it the next morning, to his father's horror.
Ginny's "go fishing" equivalent is Molly taking her out for tea and delivering a well-meant but incoherent combination of abstinence-only sex ed, aggressive body positivity, and highly technical discussions of how to insert a diaphragm. Ginny, who bullied the real story out of Bill years ago, is baffled, and to this day can't say for sure what she was supposed to take away from it.
Harry spends his 14th birthday at the Burrow. Ron and his brothers make a blood pact in advance not to tell him about it, though, so when Arthur invites him out for the day on August 1st, his sole thought is: oh, nice! Can't wait for some fun fishing :)
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sugatrapp · 6 months
「 O b s i d i a n 」
Part I
Pairings: Severus Snape x Gender Neutral Reader
Summary: Professor Greeves’s infatuation with the potions master reaches a breaking point when he begins spending more time with his assistant.
Warnings: Lovesick reader ~ Jealousy ~ Angst ~ Use of “they” pronouns ~ Non-specified gender of reader
A/N: The last name Greeves is given but reader is otherwise not described.
Fridays in Advanced Phylactery Making held a special place in Professor Greeves’s heart. Watching awe light up their students’ eyes after separating the metal from their molds never failed to light a fire of pride in them. The hollow pieces were dim and bare bones, but it was a steppingstone to material that would prove useful beyond their studies.
Sanding was next. Each student was equipped with sheets of wet sandpaper as they hunched over their tables and ran them over their soon to be amulets. Greeves had to correct a few eager ones well on the way to sanding a hole in the frames. It was understandable; they’ve been waiting since fifth year to start crafting. Two whole years of learning theory and writing papers on proper amulet usage left plenty of time to weed out bad apples and encourage those with a genuine interest. Much to their surprise, only two students dropped the course while leaving a majority of thirteen.
They couldn’t ask for better students. It was every professor’s dream to have an engaged, well-behaved class every day. They were the talk around the staff room, including from the potions master. One Monday evening while both professors were heading off to dinner in the Great Hall, he expressed his disbelief after hearing of their students’ accomplishments and quick comprehension.
“Some of the seventh years can hardly brew a Wiggenweld potion, let alone craft a talisman,” he grumbled.
It was a normal day in the Hall. The students talked among themselves while forking down their meals. Greeves noticed a little too late that the only available seats were at his usual end of the table. They struggled to contain the warmth rushing through their face and their trembling hands. Talking with the reclusive dungeon bat was rare in and of itself, but sitting near him during mealtimes was unheard of for them. Even in the three years they’d been at Hogwarts, the opportunity had presented itself only one other time, much less desired back then.
Now, as they piled food onto their plate while continuing to speak about their classes, Greeves was aware of their lingering gaze. It wouldn’t surprise them if he could see the hearts shining in their eyes. His deep drawl caressed their soul with feather light fingers, leaving it a purring mess. His obsidian pools drew Greeves in further into their depths each time their eyes met. They seared their skin when they weren’t looking. And his hair, sleek and majestic, aroused the urge to run their fingers through it.
To say they were smitten was an understatement.
His perfect lips were saying something, yet no words reached their ears.
They wiped the serene smile stretching across their face, attention planted firmly back in the present. Hopefully they weren’t as obvious as they were back then. After a few laps around the rows of tables, the clock hanging above the door signaled the end of class and the end of the school week.
“Great work today everyone. Please bring your projects to my desk and don’t forget to clean your workstations,” they looked pointedly at the student notorious for leaving her area in a whirlwind. She blushed before sweeping her metal shavings into a bin. The rest scrambled to collect their things and turn in their work.
“Next week we will learn how to infuse them with magic, so make sure to begin reading the section in your textbooks,” they called to their retreating forms.
Excited chatter settled over the group, continuing down the hall. While they pondered their plans for the weekend, Greeves had their own to attend to. They opened their bottom desk drawer, retrieving a small drawstring bag. They turned it over in their hand then stowed it away in their pocket with a deep breath. Very big plans indeed.
An embarrassing bounce plagued their steps on their way to the Great Hall. Their stomach growled angrily at their insolence, empty since the lackluster biscuit and jam breakfast they had. They couldn’t entirely blame waking up later than usual. No, the nerves from haunting thoughts of a certain dark-haired man are partially to blame.
Before he grew to tolerate them, Severus hadn’t made it easy to get close to him. Asking him a simple question about his day seemed like a crime. Greeves could admit they didn’t trust others easily either, but there came a time when they had to realize not everyone had bad intentions. They didn’t know why he was so cautious. All they knew was they wanted him to take a chance on them.
The usual cacophony of chatter greeted them as they entered the Great Hall. A couple of students waved at them while they walked down the aisle, which they reciprocated with a smile. It eased their mind slightly from the task at hand.
It’s not a big deal, they thought, just say you want to talk to him about something privately. But would that be too forward? Too weird? Would he want to talk to me at all? They were so lost in their head that they didn’t realize the seat beside him was already occupied. They almost choked on their next breath. There she was, Clara—his newly appointed potions assistant—munching away on grapes while talking to him. Her animated manner of speaking was hard to ignore. Some days it was infectious to a degree.
Today was not one of those days.
When Clara first joined the Hogwarts staff, Greeves didn’t mind her jovial company. It made grading and trips to Hogsmeade more interesting. The stories she told of her muggle life in America fueled their desire to visit it one day. She made an honest effort to get to know each of her colleagues. Though not everyone appreciated her chipper attitude. Severus scoffed at any mention of her. He gave her the treatment he gave every newcomer: one-word answers and avoidance like they were diseased ridden. Clara didn’t heed their warnings about his standoffishness, pacing furiously in their classroom one day with a frown that didn’t fit her face.
“I mean, he didn’t even let me finish what I was saying!”
Greeves recalled similarly their time as a newbie. They didn’t fully accept him brushing them off either, but they learned when not to push him too hard. Clara, not so much.
“Don’t be too upset,” they patted her shoulder before going back to putting up supplies. “He’s like that with everyone.”
“But I want us to be civil at least. He won’t even give me the time of day!”
Greeves smirked, vaguely remembering having the same conversation with Professor McGonagall.
“He’ll come around eventually. Just don’t bombard him so soon, okay? Ease into it.”
She paused her frantic movements to ponder their words then nodded, a determined expression replacing her frown.
“Okay. Thanks, Professor.”
They wouldn’t have bothered if they knew it would lead to that. Their heart pounded against their chest harder the closer they get to the head table. He didn’t look annoyed or even mildly disinterested. He was actually engaging with her. They rounded the table, pausing to address them.
“Hello Clara,” it came out more strained than they intended. “Professor.”
Greeves barely paid attention to her cheery response and focused their attention on him instead. He glanced over for a second and gave a polite nod.
Ouch. It felt like their every move was being ridiculed and scrutinized as they took the available seat next to Professor McGonagall further down the table. They greeted the older woman and made a bit of small talk between bites of pasta. They went into autopilot mode. They didn’t fully comprehend what they or Minerva were discussing. All they could linger on was the fact that Clara had waltzed in and wormed her way into Severus’s good graces much faster than them. Much faster than they had heard from the other professors.
A sudden giggle reached their ears, startling them from their trance. They looked in that direction, regretting it immediately. Clara was cackling at something he said. But what really left their heart heavy was the expression on his face. His fine lines were smoothed out, the corner of his lips raised in a half smile, and a glint in his eyes that reminded them of stars on a moonless night. They never saw him look so…placid.
Greeves sighed, long and defeated. They turned back to their plate where they’d been pushing and prodding at their food. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a good idea to talk to him after all.
“Are you alright, dear?” Minerva interrupted their spiraling thoughts.
They blinked, quickly forcing a smile when the question registered.
“Of course, Professor. Just thinking about the assignments I have left to grade.”
They took another bite of food to sell the lie though grimaced afterwards. It had gone cold. Minerva took one look over her shoulder at what they had been transfixed on before a knowing smirk tugged on her lips.
“This wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with a certain professor, would it?”
“No-No, not at all!”
Even they didn’t believe the lie. Their half-hearted denial fell on deaf ears.
“You should tell him how you feel.”
“And if he doesn’t feel the same?”
She placed a warm hand on their shoulder. “Then you’ll know, and you won’t be tormented by constant what-ifs.”
They were still unsure, yet groups of students heading for the exit let them know they didn’t have long to decide. From the corner of their eye, they saw Severus taking his leave, his cloak billowing behind him. Clara was nowhere to be seen.
Perhaps Minerva was right. It made sense for them to get along. It would be counterproductive if they despised one another while working together so closely. Or maybe Greeves was setting themselves up for heartbreak. Maybe they were closer than typical colleagues. Either way, they knew they had to do something.
They had to know for sure.
They thanked Minerva for the advice before heading off to their chambers to freshen up.
Unfortunately for them, patrol duty didn’t wait or care about their prior plans.
The halls were calm apart from the stragglers they caught sneaking around with firecrackers. It was even worse since they now had to serve them with a lengthy detention sentence on Monday. After escorting them back to their respective common rooms, they realized they weren’t far from the potions’ classroom. Past curfew or not, Greeves could count on Severus doing some late-night grading or reading. They figured a slight deviation wouldn’t hurt.
They fished the drawstring pouch from their pocket, a faint blue glow emanating from it in the dim lighting. On they walked toward the dungeons, feeling the gradual shift of temperature to a biting chill. They gave themselves a pep talk the entire way that did nothing to slow their doubts.
The door came into view, left cracked open which he only did when he expected them to drop by. Did he notice their not-so-subtle staring at dinner? Had he been aware of their affection for him the whole time?
They bit their lip as they approached the door, raising their fist to knock when a voice that wasn’t his slashed their resolve.
“It’s refreshing to know someone who’s into the same things as I am. You wouldn’t believe how much I was teased for being a teacher’s pet.”
Clara, Greeves frowned. What was she doing here? They willed their heart to quiet for fear of anyone hearing, leaning closer to hear his response.
“It’s nothing against you personally. Others only fear and envy what they don’t understand.”
“Sounds like you’re speaking from experience.”
“My early days were no walk in the park either, but you can’t dwell on the past lest you prove them right. You have a brilliant mind and potions are a viable medium, personal bias aside of course.”
“That means a lot, Severus.”
Heels clicked further away before a pin drop silence settled in. With feathered steps, they inched the door open enough to see what was happening. The moment their eyes focused, they gasped and covered their mouth with both hands. The pouch hit the ground with a muffled clack. They…
A hellscape realized was the only thing close to describing the scene. Their blurry forms pulled away from each other as they questioned the noise, one of them starting towards Greeves. They forced their legs to work, casting the disillusionment spell then taking off running. Patrol forgotten, they didn’t stop until they reached their chambers. Only when the door was closed and securely locked behind them did they allow the building sob to escape. They slid down the doors length until they were on the floor, hiding their face behind their knees.
At least they finally got an answer.
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eternallyseverus · 1 year
Severus Snape x y/n - A rainy day
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Read on AO3 here | Words 623 Summary: An imagine of how I imagine Severus in an established relationship, his s/o (it’s a she and +18) always doing silly things because she wants him to take care of her. This time it will be y/n getting wet because it’s raining outside.
A/N: This is an imagine of how I would see Severus in certain situations while in an established relationship.
I will post more stuff that I am preparing, others darker than this. And please remember I am not a native english speaker!
Triggers / Warnings: I don’t see anything that should be mentioned, if you think, please let me know.  ----------------------------------------------------
Peeking through the window of the house in Spinner’s End Severus sees y/n walking extremely slowly. Well, it’s not like she has always been fast when it comes to walking, she is always huffing and complaining at the long legs his boyfriend Severus has but this time is different.
“Why is this silly girl going so slow under the rain?” he whispered, taking into the form of your clothes getting more wet with each passing second. 
He gently massaged his temples but a small and faint smile appeared on his lips because he knew what would come first: your pouty lips ordering him to take care of you or otherwise you would get sick.
And she knew that Severus would do it over and over again.
You, on the other hand, were enjoying how the rain was pouring over you. So fresh, so different, it was a moment you took to sort your thoughts while coming back home but you took your sweet time knowing that Severus would scold you for a few minutes and then he would concede to your requests of taking care of you. Before you could raise your hand to knock on the door it opened slowly, revealing the form of your boyfriend wearing a serious expression on his face.
You quickly got on your tiptoes to place a kiss on his lips but he grabbed both of your wrist to stop you from doing that.
“You silly girl” he said looking at you raising his eyebrow “What do you think you are doing? Come inside now” He pushed you inside and closed the door leaving you all wet in the middle of the living room.
“How many times have I told you to stop behaving like a child and act like a woman of your age?” There he goes, lecturing you once again about your behavior but you knew that he didn’t really mean that. The reason? He was almost, almost smirking. You knew him too well. If he was serious he would be crossing his arms and looking at you without even flinching but he wasn’t.
That’s why you took the opportunity to try to run to his arms to make his clothes wet as well.
“Don’t you dare or you will sleep on the sofa” He walked backwards raising his fingers towards you trying to look scary.
“It will be you who will be sleeping on the sofa if you don’t help me with these wet clothes. I need to get some dry ones and perhaps… a bath?”
And there it was, your pouty lips looking at him knowing he wouldn’t  say no.
And of course, Severus sighed, feeling defeated, unable to fight your charms. 
“Wait here.” he simply said and he went upstairs.
After a few minutes he carried you to the bathroom in a bridal style, slowly taking off your wet clothes and tossing them on the floor.
He prepared a warm bath for you, full of bubbles and a hint of lavender, exactly as you liked it. You giggled knowing you won this time and he just shook his head, still silent but a smile plastered on his face as he finished undressing you.
You got into the bath closing your eyes at the feeling of the warm water soothing your skin and the feeling of Severus hands combing your hair.
After a few minutes basking into each other's presence and the silence he placed a kiss on the top of your head, whispering softly.
“You will be the death of me, but please, don’t be so foolish to put on risk your health” You nodded slowly, feeling sleepy and promising him that it will be fine as far as he is there to take care of you.
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sofiadragon · 2 months
A Note on Severus Snape as a Teacher
In Order of the Phoenix, Snape makes his O.W.L. warning speech the first day and says he expects the class to maintain his high-pass level. This implies that he has better statistics than previous professors, or perhaps he is comparing to equivalent tests at the other European magic schools. He makes other comments to this effect and nobody contradicts him. Harry takes the fact that Umbridge doesn't go after Snape so much as being because they are both horrible people, but he clearly hates her just as much as the rest of the staff and it seems she's scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to get something to hold against him. If he had poor statistics, an auditor type like that would have been all over it. Either way, the implication is that despite being an absolute trash fire of a person and tearing down student confidence as a hobby, he's managing to actually teach potions well.
I read so many fanfics that imply or directly state that the reason Harry isn't doing well in potions is because Snape is bad at the job: He never learned basic prep skills, Snape only shoots recipes up on the board and doesn't explain, all his lessons are practical with no lectures. I submit that this isn't the case. Never was, as we do hear about lectures even if the books aren't great at giving us any kind of sensible timetable. Harry is distracted in Potions by the hostile environment, and that is Snape's fault, but the curriculum as presented isn't the problem. It's the fact that the class is with the Slytherin students, and that Snape makes a lot of ad-hominem attacks instead of telling Harry or Neville exactly what went wrong. Harry, because he is the living embodiment of all Snape's trauma just walking around giving the man flashbacks. Neville, because Snape gave up on him rather quickly. That's bad, flat out, and he even grades Harry unfairly... but Harry is still learning the material.
In Half-Blood Prince, we can even see that if Harry could learn from a version of Snape who wasn't hostile to him for some reason, he'd do fantastically well. Unfortunately, nobody told Snape to go talk to a therapist after the war, and frankly with how he treats Harry's Gryffindor class that should have been made a requirement for keeping his job. Handle your trauma, do not give it to a new generation of kids.
This is not an excuse for the way he acts as a bully, but Harry being 'bad' at potions isn't because Snape isn't presenting the material to him correctly. When acting like a teacher instead of like a bully, Snape is clearly very good at his job. He puts his everything into it, and can have the high bar of only accepting O students into his N.E.W.T. classes because he has enough students getting Os that the school board never had to call him out for not having enough students in the class.
Finally, Harry isn't bad at potions! This is before grade inflation, look that up if you aren't familiar or have a very different school system to the UK. Getting a top-level grade in any class was HUGE. The tests are hard enough the average person would not know all the answers. I took a science exam in the 90's and placed 4th in my state. I'd gotten 2 questions completely wrong (I'll never forget the differences between types of clouds again) and it was better than the thousands of high-school kids who took the test, except for the one person who got 1 partly wrong and 2 people who got 1 question wrong. Nobody, and I mean nobody, got a perfect score that year. That's what these tests used to look like. Hermione is a BEAST. Harry and even Ron are doing great! Straight Cs (or As in the HP world) used be fine. Average, even, and you could graduate with Ds even if you might not want any potential employer knowing about that if it was relevant.
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astheos · 7 months
so … i shifted ( kind of )
I shifted to a paraelle reality for the first time the other night for two/three hours in my cr time !! 🤭
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schmem14 · 11 months
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...Aaaaand that's a wrap!
31 ficlets 31 days 31 kinks 12 dead doves 32,271 words 30 pairings 27 RARE pairs
Happy Halloween, and thanks to ALL who cheered me on on one way or another! Thanks to @hpkinktober for curating the prompt list and hosting the fest!
***for author's favorites
Schmem_14's HP Kinktober Masterlist:
Day 1: Devil's Snare Summary: Punishments for bad behaviour don't seem to work on Neville. Professor Snape decides to have a go.  Pairing: Severus Snape/Neville Longbottom CW: Dead Dove, Do Not Eat, DH AU, Underage (17), Rape/Non-con (No penetration), Spanking/Whipping, Bondage, Masturbation, Orgasm Denial/Edging Rating: E
Day 2: Orgasm Denial Summary: Colin Creevey lost interest in Harry ages ago. Now that the tables have turned, what's it going to take to get Colin to want him? Pairing: Harry Potter/Colin Creevey CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Dark!Harry, Non-con/Rape, Bondage/Shibari, Imperius curse, Jealousy, Angst, Implied blackmail Rating: E
Day 3: Werewolves Summary: Sirius visits a brothel that specializes in dangerous tastes... he doesn't expect to fall in love. Pairing: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin CW: Edwardian AU, Brothels, Prostitution/Sex Work, Implied bestiality, Dubious consent, UHEA Rating: M
Day 4: Cockwarming Summary: Lucius tires of Draco's entitlement. Harry offers him the perfect revenge. Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Harry Potter, Minor Draco/Harry, Narcissa/Lucius CW: Pseudo-incest, Infidelity Rating: E
Day 5: Firewhisky Summary: Bill asks Ron to look after Fleur while he's away. Little does Ron know what that entails. Pairing: Ron Weasley/Fleur Delacour Weasley CW: Pseudo-Incest, Lactation kink, Consensual Infidelity, Drinking Rating: M
Day 6: Collaring*** Summary: Voldemort celebrates his victory by acquiring a new pet. Pairing: Voldemort/Rubeus Hagrid CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Voldemort Wins AU, MCD, Pet Play, Rape/Non-con, Dubious Consent, Sex Slave, Trauma, Grief, Whipping, Horcruxes, Brainwashing, First Person POV Rating: E
Day 7: Sex Pollen Summary: Percy accidentally knocks over a fungus planter on his way to break up a fight between Oliver and Marcus. Pairing: Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood/Marcus Flint CW: Dubious consent, Possible Underage (17/18), Infidelity, Threesome, Frotting, Masturbation Rating: M
Day 8: Pensieve Summary: Harry has strange dreams and memories that don't feel like his. Weirder still is his sudden craving for MILF... Pairing: Harry Potter/Molly Weasley CW: Dark!Molly, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Memory-tampering, Unreliable narrator, Dubious consent, Arthur dies AU Rating: M
Day 9: Omegaverse*** Summary: Ron has good reasons for keeping Hermione out of public spaces. She convinces him to go out, just this once... Pairing: Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Rape/non-con, A/B/O, dubious consent, watersports, Infidelity, Threesome, Breeding Kink, Cuckolding Rating: E
Day 10: Mandrakes*** Summary: Romilda and Colin find Harry in a compromising position. Pairing: Harry Potter/Romilda Vane, Harry Potter/Colin Creevey CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Rape/Non-con (oral sex only), Somnophilia, Colin lives AU, Hogwarts Eighth-year, Underage (17) Rating: E
Day 11: Dragons/Dragon Eggs Summary: Hagrid was born to be bred by a dragon. Pairing: Rubeus Hagrid/Norwegian Ridgeback CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Breeding Kink, Dubious consent, Monsterfucking, Egg-smuggling, Object-insertion, Thievery, Blood Rating: E
Day 12: Age Play Summary: The voice in Luna's head urges her to comfort Xenophilius in his time of need. Pairing: Luna Lovegood/Xenophilius Lovegood CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Underage, Father/Daughter Incest, Dubious consent, Aging potion, Suicidal thoughts, Blood, First time Rating: M
Day 13: Bathing Summary: Myrtle's crush on Draco escalates beyond anything she thought possible Pairing: Myrtle Warren/Draco Malfoy CW: Non-consensual voyeurism, Dubious consent, Underage (16), Plasmic Penetration Rating: M
Day 14: Voyeurism Summary: Harry has something Horace wants and he'll trade it for his freedom. Be careful what you wish for, Harry... Pairing: Horace Slughorn/Multiple, Harry/Draco CW: Underage (implied), Non-consensual Voyeurism, Unethical behaviour, Masturbation, Bath sex Rating: M
Day 15: Owl Post*** Summary: Percy receives inappropriate notes from an anonymous admirer. What would his girlfriend say? Pairing: Percy Weasley/Marcus Flint CW: Stalking, Harassment, Watersports (mentioned), Infidelity Rating: E
Day 16: Wings Summary: Fleur feels uneasy about her upcoming marriage to Bill. She goes to him for reassurance. Pairing: Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley, Fleur/Multiple CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Rape/Non-con, Whump, Gang Rape, Violence, Canon Divergent AU (Fleur and Bill wait until after the war to get married), Dark Bill, Dark Weasleys and Harry, Dosing/Potions, UHEA Rating: M
Day 17: Closets*** Summary: Percy is trying to lay low at the ministry, but Yaxley has other plans. Pairing: Percy Weasley/Corban Yaxley CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Rape/Non-con, Dubious consent, Lust potion, Extortion, Fuck or Die (sort of), Deathly Hallows AU Rating: M
Day 18: School Uniform*** Summary: There's a new witch in school... Or, Malfoy tries a new look, and it captures Harry and Ron's attention. Pairing: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley/Draco Malfoy CW: None! Rating: M
Day 19: Dungeons Summary: Argus Filch finally has permission to whip rule breakers. His first two targets are already lined up... Pairing: Argus Filch/Fred Weasley, Argus Filch/George Weasley CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Rape/Non-con, Staff/Student, OOTP AU, Whipping, Bondage, Masturbation, Whump Rating: E
Day 20: Breeding Summary: Hermione comes to Arthur with a problem only he can help with. Pairing: Hermione Granger/Arthur Weasley CW: Pseudo Incest, Infidelity, Lactation kink, Pregnancy Rating: M
Day 21: Brooms Summary: George pulls his most devious prank ever on Harry... Pairing: George Weasley/Harry Potter CW: Dubious consent, Public indecency, public masturbation, humiliation, pranks, dildos. Rating: M
Day 22: Legilimency*** Summary: Draco has been craving pastry from Harry's bakery for ages... if only he could pluck the courage to go inside Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy CW: None Rating: E
Day 23: Monsterfucking Summary: Lavender has a plan to seduce the hottest teacher in the school... Pairing: Lavender Brown/Firenze CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Dubious Consent, Consensual Non-Consent, Fuck AND Die, MCD, Lust potion, Non-consensual dosing, Teacher/Student relationship, stomach bulges Rating: E
Day 24: Power Imbalance*** Summary: Cormac has a thing for his assistant. He’s delighted when she plays along… Pairing: Cormac McLaggen/Hermione Granger CW: Employer/Employee, Dubious Consent, Extortion Rating: M
Day 25: Portkey Summary: Draco leaves his dildo on the wall of the shower... he hopes his new flatmate finds it and uses it. Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter CW: Inappropriate Use of Portkey, Exhibitionism Rating: E
Day 26: Bondage*** Summary: How long can Marcus resist Percy when he's always such a bossy tease? Pairing: Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley CW: Secretary (Unethical relationship), BDSM, Cock cage/chastity belt, Butt plugs, Orgasm denial Rating: E
Day 27: Room of Requirement Summary: It's too bad the Room of Requirement can't give Sirius what he REALLY wants Pairing: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin CW: drug use (marijuana), UST, unrequited love Rating: M
Day 28: Rememberall Summary: Bellatrix really likes to fuck Longbottoms up Pairing: Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Neville Longbottom CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Rape/Non-con, Torture, Bondage, Fisting, Memory Charms, orgasm denial, blood, WHUMP Rating: E
Day 29: Knotting Summary: Ron wakes to a comforting presence in bed. Pairing: Ron/Hermione, Minor Harry/Draco CW: Somnophilia, Dubious Consent, Werewolf *see additional spoiler tags in end notes Rating: E
Day 30: Formalwear Summary: Harry spots someone lovely at the Malfoy's annual New Year's Eve Gala, and he can't resist... Pairing: Harry Potter/Narcissa Black Malfoy CW: Dubious Consent, Pregnancy, Manipulation, Toxic Relationships Rating: M
Day 31: Object Insertion*** Summary: Arthur receives a tip from Ron about a hidden room at Malfoy Manor and decides to have a look... Pairing: Arthur Weasley/Lucius Malfoy CW: Infidelity, COS Canon-compliant, Come as Lube, Dry orgasm Rating: E
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delumineight · 1 year
shipping one women with countless men is inherently misogynistic. and i’m not just talking about within the harry potter fandom, i’m talking across all fandom but of course i’ll be using hp as my focus point considering that’s what i’m most familiar with. specifically, hermione granger.
she had one (1) canonical boyfriend who she ended up marrying and having two kids with. MAYBE two if you count krum, but they say that they never really label it or anything so we’ll go with one, that being ron. there’s also cormac but she canonically only entertained him because she thought it’d make ron jealous.
of course i get fandom shipping (not specifically with ron and hermione considering they’re canonically soulmates) and wanting them both to be with other people, but in the terms of romione somehow hermione is always the one that people want with somebody else. ron is constantly put with somebody random just as an excuse to get him out of the way, or even worse, made abusive or a cheater which… boy i could go on about that one. but i digress (for now).
despite her canonically not have a s/o until ron she is relentlessly shipped with her oppressors such as lucius malfoy, draco malfoy, tom riddle/voldemort, scabior, and so so so many more. you shouldn’t need an explanation on why that is wrong. then, of course, your regular pro ships like her with sirius black, remus lupin, severus snape, etc. which is appalling that i feel the need to explain that even though she’s an adult by the end of the series (without 19YL) she met these men at 11, 13, and 14. and yes, it’s more than “fiction.”
the urge that people, and sadly specifically women, feel to ship her with these men that sound insane when you explain it in simple terms like “this is a muggle-born and someone who wants her dead” or “this is a man and girl that he met when she was a preteen” is rooted in misogyny in hatred for who hermione really is, a “not like other girls” archetype. and no, i don’t really like the archetype and the portrayal but it’s really and truly who she is. she’s a bookworm and her two best friends are boys, throughout the series she makes fun of more traditionally feminine girls (lavender, fleur).
and while it’s okay for women to do whatever they want, it’s harmful to not allow them to do so, in the case that hermione granger’s character and personality is changed simply for the sake of shipping. passing her around to multiple men, who she canonically hates, is destructive to her character and her stance on political issues as a woman during a war where she is a main target for oppression. it itself is oppressive.
when a woman’s personality is taken away, changed, obstructed, or anything else that takes away from what she really is for the sake of putting her with a man it is misogynistic. dampening a female character’s traits for the sake of putting her with a man is misogynistic. giving hermione granger the personality of a brick to ship her with a death eater is misogynistic. and no, don’t ship hermione with someone other than ron as a “gotcha” moment toward jkr. i’m sure she doesn’t give a shit what you think, ship people who make sense. not ones you think someone would dislike.
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starsdrs · 4 months
જ⁀➴ about : starsdrs
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*:・゚✧*:・゚ star’s drs admin details other ! *:・゚✧*:・゚
no antishifters pls
hello & welcome to my shiftblr blog !! i had to unfortunately restart my account as i forgot the login to my old one & then got locked out ✨ i’ll be talking about my shifting journey and relationships with shifting as i am currently in the process of restarting after a very long break !! i’m so excited to start again !
here is a little bit about me while i continue to set my account up fully
⊹ you can call me saturn or star — i’ll not be going by my irl name !!
⊹ i am comfortable with male / masc pronouns ( he/they mainly as i am trans )
⊹ i have minishifted several times, but not recently so i hope to again very soon !
⊹ i talk & post lots, be aware of it before following or interacting with me !
⊹ i have a lot of drs & mainly only shift for one/two people, apart from a few other drs. one of my main significant others is severus snape, but also alan rickman. but i also have other s/o’s as well.
⊹ i am excited to make friends on tumblr, so im always down to talk or interact !!
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To add onto the anons idea that Snape doesn't swear at his partner during sex,
I don't think he's into degrading, for he doesn't want the chance if hurting anyone's feelings if it someone he really loves. So I don't think he CALLS his s/o cusses at all, but I do think he lets out some swears or things like "so..so fuckin good for me, love" or somethin idk
Just my take on it 😜
Oh yes... That sounds like Severus... 😏😏😏
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So, when I searched Snape stan you were one of the first blogs to appear and by investigating *coughs* stalking *coughs* for a while *coughs* 15 minutes *coughs* I have decided to submit a fic idea that has been there for a while. I have absolutely no intention on writing it but I want it to be out there in the world.
It may already be, I'm not gonna lie it's pretty basic.
So I want a severitus fic where Jilly is very much alive.
Like, the war happened, but Neville is the boy who lived in this universe. Snape still works for Dumbledore as a teacher and he hates being surrounded by dunderheads all the time.
Harry on the other hand had a much better childhood than the one at the Dursleys. But there are still things.
Lily's fiery right, that translates into a bit of an anger problem when parenting because she usually doesn't have the patience for Harry's major kid fuck up's. So, controversial opinion, she beats him. Hear me out, it's the 80's, people beat their children for discipline today too, imagine what it was like in the 80's when it was actually considered a good thing.
James, on the other hand, I imagine as materialistic, always getting Harry stuff and not understanding that all Harry wants in a hug and "I am proud of you!". So, naturally he gets mad at Harry because he doesn't understand his point of view and of course Harry learns that there are consequences to not being happy all of the time.
So, we have emotional issues wrapped up in a trenchcoat pretending to be a "spoiled" 11 year old.
This mess of a person gets to Hogwarts, proceeds to gain a reputation as the class clown, because he's always happy and is really upset about it, thinking that's a bad thing.
Severus finds him crying in a hallway after his friends start calling him the class clown and comforts him.
What happens after is up to you I think.
I didn't plan this far. I was honestly thinking of Harry accidentally becoming a horcrux, by accidentally absolving the horcrux in the diary in second year. You decide how.
Personally I was thinking he was the one the diary took and when the stealing of magic began, Tom started to feel a little woozy.
The fact that you scrolled through my chaotic blog and thought “yea…he’s the one I wanna tell this to” is amazing 🥲
I like the idea that the events of the second book happened to Harry instead of Ginny 🤔
And I never thought about the normalized discipline in that era…🤯 I feel like the roles would be opposite tho. Considering what we see in canon, I think James would be the one to get fed up and result to whooping and Lily is the parent who lets it happen and compensates by doing the bare minimum and expecting you to “be grateful” because “others have it worse”
Aw man, I already thought of an ending…angst beyond repair
I have too many WIPs, I have too many WIPs, I have too many WIPs, I have too many WIPs, I have too many WIPs, I have too many WIPs…
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