bibleversegarden · 11 months
The Lord God Almighty Is The Only God
The Lord God Almighty, who made the heavens and the earth, is the only God. There is none beside Him or ever shall be. Praise the name of the Lord, for He commanded and they were created. He owns the breath of every living creature and all mankind. 
"Who gave Him charge over the earth? Or who appointed Him over the whole world? If He should set His heart on it, if He should gather to Himself His Spirit and His breath, all flesh would perish together, and man would return to the dust." (Job 34:13-15)
Idols are worthless. They are a poor substitute and cannot deliver any. In God alone, we must trust and rely on. No one or anything is His equal. The Lord of hosts is His name; worship Him in the beauty of His holiness.
- A Walk In The Garden Devotions
Related Bible Readings:
Exodus Chapter 20; 1 Samuel Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7 and Isaiah Chapter 2
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delightintheway · 3 years
Section 1 of 3: "THE GOD OF ISRAEL, THE ONLY GOD" (From: My Word Is Fire! - Volume 7) ~ 8/6/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/My_Word_Is_Fire *ALL SECTIONS - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmA0fi9LrMo&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkP4Ljrix_obl1uYSx1VNyqE
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rubyrube26 · 4 years
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We are not responsible for keeping God from falling, but he has pledged to keep us from falling ("Now to him who is able to keep You from falling...."[Jude 24] 👀😲🤓🙏 #TheOnlyGod! #Glory! #Majesty! #Dominion! #Forever! #Amen! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDNfot-jUxO/?igshid=15nal2gqi7ot4
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thevolumesoftruth · 3 years
8/6/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear 
Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/My_Word_Is_Fire 
 *ALL SECTIONS - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmA0fi9LrMo
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pabonline · 5 years
When your Christmas involves house cleaning, you play some good church music and worship.. I can stream this video Sha. #now2019 #theonlyGod @myjoshuaville https://www.instagram.com/p/B6feQp1lrhp/?igshid=xk919mxnreya
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yiskashekina · 7 years
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Oh My Lord!!! People do you see how He writes and creates these things through ME?!!! This is absolutely not my idea and I am truly amazed at how HE created These stories and instagram posts through me!!! I'm telling you!!! None of this is my idea HE is soooooo amazing!!! Oh my GOD!!! You are amazing!!! I am astounded until now!!! You never cease to amaze me!!! Hallelujah! Glory to HaShem Yeshua HaMashiach King Jesus!!! Chapter 7: Queen Warrior Bride of Christ Read here: https://stineyu.wixsite.com/yiska/single-post/2017/06/28/Chapter-7---Queen-Warrior-Bride-of-the-King-Yeshua-HaMashiach-Jesus-the-Christ #bestgodever #theonlygod #myshepherd #myking #mylover (at Cebu City, Philippines)
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May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13
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augustocesaraquino · 8 years
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#theway #thelionking #thelight #thetruth #thefather #thesheep #theeverything #thelove #thereason #theverve #thehollyespirit #theson #theonlyone #thesavior #theonlyGod
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The six articles of faith.
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emmsaa-blog · 11 years
But life still goes on...
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powerdevelopment · 12 years
theonlygod started following you
Tara looked up from her desk as she heard footsteps. She was reading the data she had collected earlier. "Hello Wesker. What is it you needed?"
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kawaii-piers · 12 years
theonlygod came into the line of fire.
"My bad..luck.." cursed the brunette and narrowed his eyes. "Of course..." He raised his head. "..Nice to meet you, well actually it is anything, but nice." A smirk formed on his lips.
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Old friends | Theonlygod
First time out of the lab in what could of been weeks- though to ask William he wouldn't know, not even in the faintest- keeping track of time when consumed in his work was practically impossible. He may of had a bit of a one track mind at times- which he had been told when he was younger made him all the more brilliant. 
And.. perhaps this as true of a man with no life- no family- but he had both these things-- well, he had a family at least, the life- not so much. It consisted of a haze of caffeine, documents and research that at times was disappointingly fruitless; leaving an agitated William to wonder what he was doing wrong. Maybe he over-worked himself... 
However! He was certain he was on the very edge of a breakthrough- one that would change the way they looked at the viral world forever! The excitement had boosted his mood, which had driven him out of the lab and into the city. 
The first thing on William's often scattered mind was to head home, inform Annette of his findings and perhaps, if he was lucky, he would catch Sherry before she was sent off to bed- no doubt she would be pleased to see him; she always was- which brought back that horrible twinge of guilt that he just wasn't there for her as much as he knew he should of been... Soon, when the research was finished and the virus complete they would have all the time in the world.. Or at least, that was the plan.
On the way home, he had decided to stop at a small but reasonably popular drive in restaurant- another strong black coffee was on his mind for the time being, he needed something(else) to keep his swollen dark eyes from closing on him- a disaster waiting to happen. 
Upon entering and getting that coffee prettily packed into a styrofoam cup and ready for the drive home, a familiar something caught his eye.. 
There, alone in the corner of the diner sat a man, all in black, golden blond hair that slicked back neatly without a single strand out of place; he was perfectly prim and proper in his crisp black outfit, almost as though he wasn't real. That was the thing about the unmistakable Albert Wesker, he always, ever since William could remember- and this was going back quite a long time, when he was only 15 and newly recruited into Umbrella- looked surreal. 
When they met, William found him to be quite intimidating and he supposed he still did, even now. Wesker always reminded him of some kind of assassin fresh out of an action movie, especially with the dark shades he always wore- rain, hail or shine, even when they would seem to be a hindrance to him- in fact, William couldn't remember a time when he had taken them off...
Despite the intimidating aura that radiated from the smooth and collected Albert, William couldn't help but feel a slight prick of excitement- seeing him again after what had been quite some time- especially to bump into him in such a casual place! Which he found interesting, to say the least. He wondered what the great Albert Wesker was doing lounging around in a casual dinner. Usually, their meetings took place in far more... Corporate settings. That or somewhere downright shady. 
Which, for a brief moment had William wondering... Did Wesker consider him a friend? Taking everything into account, Will had never actually though about that. He had always thought of Wesker as a friend- but what about Wesker himself? He could never tell what the other man was thinking.. 
Well, friendship or no- Dr.Birkin still had a few questions- IF Albert had the time that was- it was unusual to see him in such a setting after all. 
And so, over slinked a curious William, coffee in hand as he plopped himself down upon the seat across from Wesker, a sudden perkiness to the Doctor as newly widened, but obviously dark, sleep deprived eyes looked onward at the smooth and tidy man before him- a stark contrast to the scruffy and often disheveled scientist himself.  He must of looked like some kind of highly caffeinated, freckled and shaggy puppy, waiting the other man to notice him.  Poor Will was never very good at social situations, so there was no abrupt or even subtle greeting; just a curious and whimsical Dr, sitting across from the other much more suave man, awaiting his attention.  ((OOC: APOLOGIZING FOR THE LENGTH I TRIED TO CUT IT UP IM SORRY. Can you tell I have feels? >o<  Oh also, I suppose this timeline is somewhere after the mansion incident? I imagine Will knows Wesker isn't dead, he was the one who gave him that virus after all- and otherwise Will would be dead I wasn't sure what to do about that. ANYWAY I don't mind, if this is just like some AU and they're floating in space without a time line- I just needed to pull something together to make the start work. Haha. I couldn't put this in tags so feel free to cut it out when you reply!))
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viralobsession · 12 years
((Hmmm the smutt would have been nice XD I kid the reason I am following you is because I have seen your other rps and you are a quality brikin rper and even though we don't really talk you are awesome :3
[Ahahaha! Well, maybe in the future there’ll be some proper smut outside asks and the rare drabble. Iunno if that’s something I could coax Rai into on here. xD! Certainly not my call at all.
But jdfhdjksghs quality? What quality? I’m so slow with replies too aaaaa how do people even put up with me.]
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