isolaradiale · 5 years
Without prior reserve, I'd like to app Painwheel from Skullgirls! My app can be found under the link titled "File" you see when you open my blog, or by adding /file to my url. Cheers!
Welcome to beautiful Isola Radiale, Painwheel!
You’ll be staying in HOUSE 172!
You will retain your regeneration ability at 1/3 of its usual potency.
You will be able to keep your Gae Bolga Matrix, however, it does nothing for now other than keep you alive.
Enjoy your stay!
– ⋆ capella!
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bigbangsmasher · 5 years
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Intro Quote(Versus): “Y-you’re just a kid! I don’t want to have to do this, but you’re forcing my hand!”Intro Quote(Team Up): “Less talking, more fighting, right? Honestly, making plans isn’t really my style either.”Taunt: "I got one word: moisturize.”Assist: "Don’t forget! You’re not in this alone!”Ultimate Team Attack: “The pain of the past, and our hope for the future…! Stellar Storm Shredder!”Win Quote(Versus): “Holy shit, look what they did to you… You should come with me, I know some people who might be able to help you…”Win Quote(Team Up):  “Filia? Never heard of her. If you want, I could look into it for you. Don’t worry, I’ll consider it a favor!”Lose Quote(Versus): “T-that was close… You almost took more than just a little off the top…”Lose Quote(Team Up): “Hey, you can’t win ‘em all. Please stop yelling, I don’t speak Angry Shouting!”Knock Out Quote(Team Up Self): “H-hey, calm down, I’m alright… I don’t wanna see you lose yourself…”Knock Out Quote(Team Up Partner): “I guess if you’re going full throttle all the time, it’s only a matter of time before you burn yourself out.”
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angelicqualia · 5 years
send 🏡 for a home headcanon
Giselle technically never had a home before the main story happened. It’s never really explained, but the fact that Klaus always seemed to have her tracking down the Harbingers and could easily call her forth whenever he needed to speak implies that she never strayed too far from the outskirts of the kingdom. Klaus must have kept her hidden in the ruins among the countryside after creating her and probably just ordered her to just hide when he wasn’t making her do missions. 
After becoming one of the Tuning Knights and getting her own barrack for herself, I think Giselle took some time to get used to having an actual room for once. It was the most basic room for a soldier, but to Giselle, being able to have a bed to rest on (despite not needing sleep) spokes volumes to her. 
send 😡 for an anger headcanon
Already answered below!
send 💩 for a ridiculous headcanon
Ridiculous? Hmmmmmmm...
Never mentioned in-game, but I think if Giselle does her use polish and tuning grease for her own body, then she must be able to disconnect parts of herself. She does have joints like a normal toy doll. What this means is that Alto and his friends must have at least walked in on Giselle doing some maintenance work on one of her arms or legs... while it’s resting in her lap and still moving.
Imagine one of her hands crawling around now.
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rollingheads-blog1 · 5 years
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“Say, have I seen you before? I could swear I wouldn’t furr-get someone like ya but I can’t quite put my paw on it...”
It’s rather odd to say that you’ve seen so many horrors that something like the girl before you is the norm-- yet she’s, for all intents and purposes, an undead being held together by a gem she swallowed. So Nadia wasn’t much better. Well, at least she was better outwardly than the poor girl in front of her. 
“Canopy Kingdom mean anything to you?”
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isolaradiale · 5 years
Sorry to everyone looking forward to the prospect of threading with her, but the muse didn't stick like I wanted, and other muse plans have emerged! So, dropping Painwheel from Skullgirls; she was housed in House 172, thank you!
She’s been dropped!
– ⋆ betelgeuse.
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