#thepanopticon is just azkaban
ckret2 · 4 months
Hi, found you through your Hazbin fic "You've Got A Face for Radio" and just. I've already left a comment on the ao3 about the fic in particular, but I also wanted reach out to another aro ace person, because while I do think I am on the ace spectrum, I am still kind of figuring things out. I've talked to a few people about not experiencing attraction, at least in the form most people do, and what they say almost always boils down to "you'll know it when you feel it" and "maybe you've felt it but repressed it subconsciously", which, I know they mean well but, it's not what I think is the case. I'm just. Kind of stuck on the enjoying NSFW stuff if it's fictional characters bit. What even classifies as sexual attraction anyway? Who defines it when it can vary from person to person?
Anyway, I hope I'm not being a bother, it's just that your fic gave me a lot to think. I'd have sent a dm since this might become a discussion (if you're willing) but I'm not sure what the Internet etiquette is here.
"You'll know it when you feel it" "maybe you've repressed it" lmaooo if that isn't THE MOST COMMON line questioning aces/aros get. Have you got "maybe you haven't met the right person" yet? There probably isn't an ace/aro in the world who's explored their identity without some (hopefully) well-meaning but oblivious allo saying one of those things.
When they DO mean well, it comes from a place of not being able to imagine being ace/aro; it seems more likely to most allos that the attraction is hiding rather than absent entirely. You can rest assured that anybody who says that is expressing something about their own understanding of sexuality, rather than anything about their understanding of your sexuality.
Honestly and sincerely, the "enjoying NSFW stuff if it's fictional characters" bit is what personally delayed me from identifying as ace for, like, a decade longer than it had to. "Well hey, I love thinking about sex if it's some kind of alien or robot, that doesn't seem very ace; so I must not be ace, maybe I just haven't yet met a normal real-life person who's interesting enough for me." But that kind of thinking comes from not understanding what being ace is!
Because the criteria for being ace is actually a lot lower than most people think. It's not "never thinks people are attractive," or "disgusted by sexual situations," or even "never wants to have sex." Those can be part of the experience of asexuality but they aren't necessary. (Some aces think people are attractive, just not sexually attractive! Some aces want to have sex, they just aren't sexually attracted to the people they're having it with, they're interested in the act rather than the partner! It's a spectrum!)
The litmus test I personally use for "sexual attraction," and that's worked for a lot of people I know, is this:
Have you ever looked at somebody, thought they were hot, and automatically thought to yourself that you'd LOVE to have sex with them if the opportunity ever arose? Maybe not even realistically wanted that to happen, but just felt that as a gut feeling? Just thought yeah, it'd be hot to sleep with them with the same instinctive immediate reaction that you might, say, see something delicious and think "ohhh that looks so good I wanna eat that" or see a really cool trailer and think "I SO wanna see that movie"?
That's sexual attraction. You, personally, automatically feel like you wanna have sex with somebody—possibly even a stranger!—possibly even if you know you wouldn't actually really choose to do it IRL for whatever reason—just because they're sexy.
If you haven't experienced that specific feeling before, you're almost definitely some flavor of ace.
(And even if you HAVE experienced that feeling before you might still be ace—possibly some flavor of gray-ace or demi-ace. Some people do experience that feeling, but so so very rarely that they feel like their overall experience of sexual attraction is more ace than allo. Some people experience that feeling but ONLY toward somebody they have a deep emotional connection to, whereas allos can experience that feeling toward strangers. Some people experience that feeling but if actually faced with the OPTION to have that sex they're turned off. All of these are ways to be ace. So the litmus test isn't the be-all end-all; but if that feeling has NEVER happened to you, that's probably ace.)
Based on this ask and on the comment you left me on Ao3, I'm guessing your form of engagement with sexuality is like what I wrote about in the fic: reading about characters having wild nasty sex is great, could read smut and/or smutty comics all day, maybe you fantasize about your blorbos screwing, maybe you've gotten off to these fantasies or to smut... but: all your fantasies are about somebody else having sex. Probably somebody else who isn't even real.
Are you ever in those fantasies? How do you feel about "character x reader" fics, does being y/n turn you on or does it squick you out to imagine [character] flirting with YOU? Do you ever think "wow I'D like to fuck [character]" or is it only "I wanna see [character] fuck (but I don't wanna be there myself)"? If "you" ever ARE in these fantasies, is it actually YOU, REALLY YOU, or are you just imagining the fantasy from the perspective of another character who isn't you? Do you ever have a sexual interest in the actors/voice actors, or does your sexual interest in them vanish when you aren't viewing them as their (fictional) character?
I can't tell you whether you're ace; but I can tell you that "I'm ONLY interested in FICTIONAL characters doing EACH OTHER, and I would lose interest if they were real people" is not a normal/common allosexual experience.
And if you're into micro labels, there are a couple under the asexual umbrella that describes that exact experience. The current term is aegosexual. (Older term autochorissexual; that was the current term when I learned it so I still tend to use it lmao.) It's for people whose primary experience of sexuality is fantasies that they themselves aren't part of. It's not mentioned on the page I've linked, but a LOT of aegosexuals have reported that they're specifically most into fantasies about cartoon/drawn characters and other fictional characters—the more "real" they are, the less appealing they are.
(And there's the related term "aegoromantic"—I'm focusing on sexuality here since that's mainly what the ask focused on, and also because historically I've seen less people struggle with "I don't want romance, I just enjoy reading love stories; I must be aro" compared to "I don't want sex, I just enjoy reading smut; I must be ace.")
Learning the term autochorissexual/aegosexual and why it made sense to fit under the ace umbrella is what got me over the hurdle of "oh, hey, I guess I am ace"—if you think it describes your experience, I hope it can help you too. If not, it at least shows just how varied the ace experience can be.
(I'm answering this publicly because I've seen SO MANY PEOPLE grappling with "I like FAKE sex; does that mean I can't be ace?"—many of whom have contacted me because of that fic, shocked to see someone else describe their own experiences and call it a flavor of ace—so I'm hoping this might help other questioning aces/aros! But you're also welcome to DM me!)
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pocketramblr · 3 years
I accidentally sent an ask to Gentry about the assassins for one au, but it's yours isn't it? I might be confused 😅
Lol it's ok Gentry and I get each other's mail all the time
Anyway @gentrychild au where Izuku and Shoto keep getting asks sent to each other's blog by accident and friendship or more ensue
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pocketramblr · 3 years
I just checked out your eternal names au (sorry but the actual name is Hard To Spell) and like. Are the names that people give others after their death also present on their skin? The One for All holders die and go to the mindscape-quirk abyss-throne room and realise what various stuff written meant
I sometimes call it semp sob for short
I feel like generally the answer is "no being called that after your death doesn't mark you" but there are exceptions:
- people who die and become nomu
- and people who die but become vestiges
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pocketramblr · 3 years
Idea/hc: Afo and Yoichi were actually twins and Yoichi was actually born first, but when they were like 4 or something AfO somehow convinced him that he was actually the younger one (maybe something about his health and big bros are supposed to protect small bros idk man). Fast forward to when Yoichi was gonna die AfO is like, "btw you're actually older haha" like the petty bastard he is. So like whenever a new vestige enters the OfA dreamscape thingy, he is very annoyed to know that they all think he's younger (hypocritical of Yoichi, seeing as even he himself didn't know until his death). Fast forward more to when Izuku first meets him: no "you are not alone", its just "listen kid, we're twins and I'm older, be a dear and tell everyone who's still living why don't you?"
You know what AfO would gaslight Yoichi into thinking he was the younger- because hey, after all, AfO is the better one, he should have been the oldest! His brother is weak and needs protection, should have been younger. "Our parents say your older because they feel sorry for you, you know. And because they're jerks who will get more condolences if the first son dies. But don't worry, I'll be a good big brother."
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pocketramblr · 3 years
If you've watched the Endeavour internship arc: is it me or are Todoroki's eyes getting bigger? The shape seems to be getting more like Rei's these last few episodes
I haven't watched any of s5 bar the first episode but. Maybe?
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pocketramblr · 3 years
every time I don't open tumblr for a week and boom! someone (you, in this case) has a new bnha au smh
There's one new au yeah I think.... Gotta form the other three ideas more before I can add them to the great spreadsheet of aus
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pocketramblr · 3 years
heard you were sick, get well soon! :D
thanks o/
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