#there are now two edits to the 'i'll get older but your lovers stay my age' which.. hgofsd. alright
fideidefenswhore · 1 year
🔥 whatever you like
So, there's been a few articles in the past decade or so that express distaste at the comparison of Princess Diana & AB (and a fair amount of umbrage in misc comments on social media at any parallels being drawn whatsoever, generally, I'm not gonna lie, from C/oA stans...Catherine was the Princess of Wales, Catherine was the one that was popular and beloved by the people, I think these are the broader strokes they believe should be associated with her more...that Catherine was the older of the pair does not seem to matter, that Catherine was, like Camilla, the one that knew 'the prince' the longest doesn't matter, because Camilla was Other Woman and AB was Other Woman, and as such they were both hated by the public, they will never see past any other elements of the story/stereotypes than those, esp. because ultimately they believe all the animus directed at both of those women was/is entirely deserved and justified);
But what's interesting is it's not even so much on the grounds that there are always pitfalls in sanctifying people in general, it's generally pearl-clutching about how Diana deserves sanctification, deserves every possible iteration to be made of her life, and AB does not...the answer to the 'moral quandary' presented in the The Times' BSR review, "Anne Boleyn is being rebooted — but was the tragic Tudor queen a whore and a witch or the Princess Diana of the Tudor age?" by Alison W/eir was basically that she wasn't a whore or a witch, but again, her oh-the-humanity answer of "she wasn't a very nice person" and deserved her "unpopularity in her own time", and was so far from Princess Di, woe to those that popularize AB, somehow she omits herself from that list, how stupid they are to ever believe otherwise, etc
The implication of the above is more what's funny to me... she shouldn't be treated as Princess Diana, because Anne 'had a mean streak' (using "words as one would not address to a dog", from a source no less than above reproach than that of an ex-flame)... but, Diana didn't? The woman who pushed her stepmother down a flight of stairs? The woman who confronted her children's nanny with an entirely personal, private (and leaked, to her belief, although it was later revealed it was another doctoring by Bashir) medical document? Diana was sanctified because she died tragically; if she were still alive today, she would almost certainly be "cancelled"; famous (women, particularly...they are generally judged more harshly) people have been cancelled for much less.
And then we have author Vanora Bennett, who did compare them, but not favorably, and rather misogynistically (to other women, as well):
[Anne] didn’t have the knack for self-reinvention that has brought modern celebrities such as Victoria Beckham long-term success, or the tight-lipped compliance that saw Kate Middleton claim her prize after eight years of waiting for Prince William to propose.
If anything, Anne reminds me more of Princess Diana – both of them charming and glamorous, yet unable to maintain smooth relations with the royals around them; manipulative and sometimes vindictive, yet posthumously elevated to icons of victimhood; dying too soon and leaving young children to cope with their tragic legacy.
Unfortunately this assessment has also been given academic gloss, but luckily this has mainly been limited to GW Bernard's asinine, quasi-profound remark that since Diana had sex outside of her marriage, AB probably did, too.
Idk, I've honestly just been thinking about this because I've been thinking about fan reactions as I watch The Crown, puzzled by how Peter Morgan is so good at writing those royals, but so bad at writing these royals...
Because, really, I think there are elements of both Camilla and Diana's stories in AB's? On the surface level, you have ebullient, charismatic, cheated on by her husband, husband dated her sister 1st, (honestly, never not going to be a weird thing, it must have been borne out of...I suppose, both the utterly limited society of 'acceptable' people to interact with for those of extreme wealth and the entitlement and belief you're above such provincial concerns as ‘That's Weird’), which is probably what led to that being motif in the Kristen Stewart as Diana movie.
And then, Anne was unpopular, but it was said basically, that...those who knew her, loved her, and those that didn't were, at the least, captivated by her despite themselves.
How much of her contemporary slander was from people that had only ever glimpsed her? I think we forget that when we forget how late the sixth-finger and other misc. deformities were alleged. 'Goggle-eyed whore' is the mark of someone who saw her from enough of an distance that the only feature of note was those infamous, large eyes.
Often people confuse charisma with popularity, very often they go together but they are not interchangeable, not synonymous. Charisma can only take effect within intimate contexts. As such, it's true that Anne had one but not so much the other.
Who knows how she might have fared, popularity-wise, if she'd had the powers of radio, TV, etc at her disposal...they're creative reimaginings out of her control/remit, but she has those now and seems to have done better on that front in immortality than she did in mortality/life.
What we have basically is two elements -- "royal mistress" and "threatening the image of the monarchy", and maybe even a little “marrying for love [when royal]”. These are all broad narrative stripes that are seen as “scandalous”, all seen as disruptive, against status quo, so they are always going to inspire creators. At the end of the day, the hand-wringing over that inspiration rings ... insipid? Naiive? Take your pick. 
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btsgotjams27 · 2 years
All Grown Up ~ JJK | Drabble
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✨ title: all grown up | series ✨ pairing: jungkook x f!reader | ✨ rating: R/18+ ~ minors dni ✨ genre/au: romance, fluff, angst, friends-to-lovers, humor, banter, smut, age gap, best friends little brother ✨ warnings: noona kink, older woman, younger man, kissing, oral (m,f), unprotected intercourse, significant age gap (9 years), confident Jungkook, cocky Jungkook, bratty Jungkook, crappy mom, but overall Jungkook is the sweetest, most romantic boy who's fallen in love | warnings for each chapter will vary ✨ author's notes: I won't be updating this series on Tumblr. This fic is inspired by the k-drama, Something in the Rain. ✨ author's notes 2: okay, so i do plan on editing the rest of this series! i just don't know when it'll be done. ✨ can also read on AO3 or Wattpad
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[ SERIES MASTERLIST ] prev | next ✨ the morning after
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✨ drabble ~ late night snacking | wc: 1.0k ✨ warnings: making out, language
After your shenanigans with Jungkook, you went to clean yourself up in the bathroom as Jungkook waited, sitting butt naked on your bed. Behind closed doors, you still couldn't believe you just sucked off your best friend's little brother. Yeah, this might be something you'd regret later, but was it fun? Fuck yes.
You grabbed whatever you had in the bathroom to slip on - an oversized shirt it is. You weren't sure what was going to happen next. You guessed you'd figure it out later. Now, it was time to face Jungkook.
The door creek loudly when you stepped out. And there sat a fully naked Jungkook, covering his crotch, patiently waiting for you to finish cleaning up. It took everything in you not to laugh at him in this very compromising position. You had to hold your hand over your mouth as you brought him a warm towel, and sat a good two feet away from him.
"What's so funny huh?" he asked while wiping himself down.
You had to look away but you really didn't want to, even his thunderous thighs looked delicious. Good god, woman, you really needed to get fucked, badly. "Hmm...? Nothing." You shook your head. "This is all...just very new to me."
"Giving head? I don't think you had any issues," he said without hesitation, tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek, wondering if it'll happen again.
A loud smack across his chest could be heard echoing throughout your room. His hands flew up to ease the pain you inflicted upon him and your eyes automatically flew down to his cock.
"My god woman--you are so violent." He was going to scold you for always hitting him, but he saw you eyeing his goods. "Gimme thirty minutes and we can go for round two."
You lifted your hand, getting ready for another smack but decided against it. "Go get cleaned up, you nasty man."
"Who are you calling nasty? Didn't you just have my dick in your mouth?" Jungkook cocked his eyebrow, flashing you a shit-eating grin. Oh, what he'd do to have your mouth on him again.
You had to give it to him. He had you there. "Oh--shut up and get your clothes on."
He didn't spend too much time in the bathroom. When he came out, you were sitting up, already underneath the covers. He nervously scratched the back of his head. "I guess I'll talk to you later?"
"Where are you going?"
He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Uh...home?"
"It's late. Just sleep here tonight." Your bed was big enough for the two of you.
Jungkook wasn't expecting you to ask him to stay. "Are...you sure?"
You nodded. "Yeah, we're just sleeping."
He looked at you again, just to make sure. So you waved him down, and removed the blanket for him. He walked over without hesitance and began removing his shirt.
Immediately your eyes widened, looking away, trying not to ogle him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa--what are you doing? We're sleeping, nothing else."
He chuckled at you making a spectacle of him taking his clothes off, as if you didn't do more than that just a little earlier. "I'm getting comfortable."
"Naked?" you asked with a perplexed tone.
"I always sleep in my underwear. I can't sleep in my jeans, that's ridiculous."
You rolled your eyes and tucked yourself under your blanket, and Jungkook did the same, then switched your light off. He was shuffling around, trying to find a good spot.
You peered over, staring blankly at him. "You good yet?" you asked in a sarcastic tone.
"Almost there," he joked and began shuffling even more until he scooted closer towards you, spooning you from behind.
You yelped in surprise. U-jin wasn't a very touchy guy, but you supposed Jungkook was the opposite, which you liked. He snuggled in close, his body mirroring yours, pulling you in towards him. You weren't sure what to do, so you patted his hand awkwardly for a few moments. He couldn't help but find you endearing.
You hummed with heavy eyes, drooping. It was a long day. You needed some shut-eye.
"Can I kiss you goodnight?"
A small smile left your lips before you turned around to face him. Your room was fairly dark except for a small fragment peeking through the moonlight. And there you were, looking into those doe eyes, the ones that held the stars. His thumb gently grazes back and forth along your cheek before he stops at your chin, pulling you towards him. Your lips touched his again, only there wasn't a burning passion or heat behind it - so tender, so sweet, your lips intertwining with his like it was always meant to be.
One thing you could do forever was staying like this, tangled in his arms, your lips on his. He could have easily demanded more, but there was only a playfulness coming from his lips. He smiled into the kiss, loving how close he was to you, loving that after all these years of pining, you were his. If it was only for a moment, so be it. He'll soak up every minute, every second. He kept his eyes half open, sneaking a peek, needing to ensure this was real.
You, him, kissing.
A small moan left your mouth when his tongue begged to enter yours, and you gladly let him. There was a hinge of excitement bubbling deep in your belly as you continued kissing. Again, it was late. You couldn't let yourself get carried away. You brought your palms to rest on his chest, and he cupped your face, closing the distance.
Never in a million years did you think you'd be kissing Jungkook, let alone be in a predicament like this. You pulled away to take a breath, more so to stop yourself from going further tonight. "We should...we should probably get some sleep."
"Sorry...got a little carried away. I just really wanted to kiss you."
Your cheeks became as red as an apple, thankfully it was dark so Jungkook couldn't see it. It wasn't like you to become all vulnerable and giddy in front of him, but here he was making you turn into mush. "Goodnight," you muttered softly before pressing your lips one more time. You turned back around so that you wouldn't be tempted to continue.
He didn't want to stop but he wanted to respect your wishes. Inching closer, pressing himself against your back, he draped his arm over and squeezed you, whispering, "Can I keep you?"
✨ previous chapter ~ dessert has been served
✨ next chapter ~ the morning after
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liss-99 · 2 years
Bridgerswift! Please Don't Blame Me for Michael and Francesca!!!!!!
OH YES. YES. YES. this sexy song for this sexy couple. coming right up ;) this is Michael's pov bc he is a capital S simp
an old school friend once told him he was crazy for letting his heart be taken over by a woman.
he'd said, "don't blame me, love made me crazy, if it doesn't, you ain't doing it right."
and now, down on his knees in front of her, he thinks, "lord, save me, my drug is my baby, I'd be usin' for the rest of my life."
Francesca was addicting, and Michael was an addict.
he'd been breaking hearts a long time, toying with older gals, just playthings for him to use.
but something happened for the first time in the darkest little paradise, when they first connected...shaking, pacing, "i just need you."
for her, he would cross the line, waste his time, lose his mind.
they'd say he's gone too far this time.
his name is whatever she decides, and he's just going to call her "mine."
with her hands on his shoulders, he kisses the inside of her thighs, whispers into them
"i'm insane, but i'm your baby."
francesca, francesca, francesca, francesca
echoes, how he loves her name inside his mind.
a halo, hiding his obsession, dropping the instant he sees her, his lover, naked, in his bed
he once was poison ivy, a vermin to society, but now, he was her daisy; pure and innocent only for her
"baby, for you, i would fall from, just to touch you face," he says as he moves up her body, her hands tangling in his hair.
"michael," she can barely say it.
"if you ever walk away, i'd beg you, on my knees, like I am right now," he breathes into her waist, "to stay."
he got so high off of her
everytime, yeah everytime she was loving him, the trip of his life
every time she was touching him
and now, before they take that plunge, the one they've taken so often before, yet never ceases to bring them the highest of euphoria, he looks francesca right in the eyes before turning his head up, as if to utter a prayer
"Oh Lord, save me, my drug is my baby, I'll be using for the rest of my life"
and before he can capture her lips, take what he so desires, she yanks his head back, and into his neck says
"using for the rest of my life"
and thus, a cacophony of two becoming one
and who could blame them, love made them crazy. after all, if it doesn't, you ain't doing it right.
Taylor Swift Bridgerton Drabbles
umm okay this is maybe one of my favorite things I've ever written and if we get a frannie/michael season I WILL NEED someone to make an edit of them with this song
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anne-white-star · 4 years
Young Jon pertwee x waitress!reader 
Notes: reader is a waitress jon saves her from a scary situation and more will happen read to find out😊
Please ignore any spelling mistakes thank you 😊
There are hystorical mistakes im sorry about that i tried my best
Warnings : cursing nothing bad or explisit
Words : 2067
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It was 1947 2 years After the war of 1945 people wer trying to pick back up their lives. A lot of buildings were destroyed many people died, lots of people fled and fought the war it was a big chaos the last 5 years, but things were calm now.
Jon pertwee came back home from the war after serving as a marine in the navy on the HMS Hood also in the ww2 many of his men died one of the only survivers of his group was him and Ian Fleming. (I hope i got it corect if not my excuses)
"Hey jon! How are you doing mate?" Jon turnd around at the mention of his name.
"Oh hey ian, it has been a few years" jon grabed his hand and shook it "im doing fine how about you?".
"im doing alright, im just trying to pick my life back up you?" They started to walk next to echother.     
"Yes me to the past years have been really tough" as they both crossed the street jon his eyes fell on a bar/restaurant/pub "shall we go get a beer? Than we talk further".
"Sounds good im always if for a cold beer" ian laught
Walking in they were greated by lots of men sitting and drinking their fill, waitresses were serving food the bar tender was filling their beer mug. And there were a few cooks in the back prepairing some food. They sat down at a table and a women walked up to them.
"Hello welkom to the fox and hounds my name is y/n and i will be your waitress this afternoon would you like to eat or drink something?" She grabed a pen and note book out of her apron ready to Wright down their order. (The Fox & Hounds is locaded at 29 Passmore St, Belgravia, London SW1W 8HR, not far from jon his old home at 66 Chester Row it was build around 1960 but lets pretend its older)
"Umm yes" jon looked at the menu
"I'll take a pint" ian said
"I take one as wel"
Y/n looked up from her note book "anything ells?"
"No this is fine" jon smiled at the women
"Alright two pints coming up" she walked back to the bar to get them
"Are you starting to like her don't you?" Ian asked
"I saw the way you looked at her"
"Oh be quiet you" jon punched his shoulder while grining  
"So here you go two pints that be 2s 4d"( its origanaly 1s 2d im not british i Googled it but i really don't know how this works it was after the war) she smiled and put them down on the table before them
"Here you go i pay for both of us" ian said to her and smiled
Y/n took the money from the table and put it in her apron
Jon started to drink his beer and they talked with echoter for about 30 minuts when
"Hey let me go aaahhh!!!"
They both turned around to look where the scream came from, when they turned around they saw y/n being hold back with a gun pointed to her head
"Give me all the money out the register or the pretty girl will pay with her life"   
"Please let me go" she asked while crying softly
Jon put his beer mug back down on the table and stood up "let the girl go"
"Hmpf" "what are you going to....." the man was caught of guard by jon punching him in the face "agh!! you fucking cunt!" the gun fell out of his hand and His hands flew to his nose. Jon grabed the gun from the ground and went to stand in between y/n and the man.
"Now put your hands up turn around and face the wall" jon pointed the gun in the back of the man "someone call the police"
Ian walked up to y/n and sat next to her on the ground "are you alright?"
"Yeah yeah im fine..... i just need a moment" *sigh*
About 30 minuts later Two police officers stept in "Good afternoon we got a call for a attempt of robbery and a hostage"
"Yes sirs here he is" jon said while still pointing his gun at the man.
"Alright we take it from here thank you so mutch for keeping him under controle" one of the police man took handcuffs and arested the man.
"Also here is his gun" jon gave it to the other officer
"Thank you sir, we will take care of all this".
After the police officers took the man away jon turned to y/n sitting on the ground with a blanked over her shoulders. "how are you feeling?"
"Im feeling better now thank you" *sigh* "i just feel a bit scared now to get home"
"Where do you life?"
"About 30 minuts away but i have to be at work tomorow"
"If you want you can stay at my home i don't live far from the restaurant"
"That would be Nice sir"
"Oh please don't be so formal just call me jon"
"Thank you jon" y/n smiled at him.
Ian had been gone for a few hours after the insedent, after y/n her shift they walked to jon's house
"So this is my place" jon unlocked the door and let her in. "Make yourself at home"
"Its quite lovely" she looked around, y/n put her bag down and hung her coat on the coat rack.
"You must be hugry" jon said while walking to the kitchen "what would you like?"
"Hmm is (favorite food) alright?"
Jon laught "sure but i don't know how to make that, perhaps you could help me?"
"Of course i will help you jon its the least i can do" she went to stand next to him.
After they were done preparing the food they both sat down and started to eat
"Hmm this tastes great"
"Im glad you like it jon"
When they were done with eating their food y/n went to prepare herself for bed "where can i sleep jon?"
"you can take the bed y/n i'll take the coutch"
"Are you sure?"
"Its fine don't worry, good night dear"
"Good night".
The next morning both jon and y/n had breakfast with echoter and talked about all kinds of stuff
"i can't thank you enough for helping me out yesterday"
"Oh its nothig i dealed with worse"
"You fought in the war din't you?"
"Unfortanetly yes" jon looked down sadly "so many died, i lost a lot of comerats in battle"
Y/n grabed his hand softly in hers "Im so sorry, that you had to go trough that jon"
Jon smiled at her "Its alright I only hope this never happens again"
Y/n looked at the clock "oh goodness i have to get ready my shift starts in an hour" she stood up and went to get ready for work.
The few days that y/n had to work she would sleep the nights at jon's house so that she could be at work on time when she had off from work y/n would go back to her own home. Jon had to admid the days when she wasn't there during the late afternoon and diner it was quite lonley, but the days she was at his house they enjoyed cooking, reading and playing games to pass the time.
6 months had passed sinds the incedent at the fox and hounds and y/n and jon got very close with echoter they became great Friends even to the point that they both fell in love with one another but both din't know it that they were.
"Hey jon in a few days there will be music at the fox and hounds and i was wondering if you would like to go with me?"
"Sure it sounds like fun"
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The evening came around and people were dressed up formal y/n was wearing a long black dress with long white gloves and golden wristbands plus a pearl necklace around her nek her hair was in pretty waves down her back. They were enjoying them selfs when the bar tender came up to y/n
"Y/n can i talk to you for a moment"
"Alright sure, i be back in a few minuts jon" they both walked to the back of the restaurant "whats wrong?"
"Wel i got the news that the last person who was suposed to sing could't come because their car broke down"
"Oh no what are we going to do"
"Cant you go up there?"
"What me? Really?"
"Yes you, i have heared you sing something while being in the back your voice is very pretty y/n"
"Hmm... Alright i'll do it"
"Thank you y/n you are a life saver"
About 30 minuts later it was time for her to come one the stage
"Ladys and gentelmen may i have your atention for the last act y/n y/l/n"
(Play the song from here if you want)
🎶He was a famous trumpet man from old Chicago way
He had a boogie style that no one else could play
He was the top man at his craft
But then his number came up and he was gone with the draft
He's in the army now, a-blowin' Reveille
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
A-toot, a-toot, a-toot-diddelyada🎶
Y/n looked over the crowd trying to find jon
🎶Ai, ai, ai, ai, ai
Have you ever danced in the tropics?
Well that girl's a fool
With the Gaucho?????
Of the South American way, hey!
Ai, ai, ai, ai. ai
Could you have ever kissed in the moon light
If you never kissed
Who knows what you've missed
In the South American Way🎶
Again looking around she still could't spot him
🎶Bei mir bist du schoen
Please let me explain
Bie mir bist du schoen means you're grand
Bei mir bist du schoen
Again I'll explain
It means you're the fairest in the land
I could say "bella, bella"
Even say "wunderbar"
Each language only helps me tell you
How grand you are
I'll try to explain
Bei mir bist du schoen
So kiss me and say you'll understand🎶
"Okay guys, grab your gal and hit the floor
'Cos here's that beat you've been waiting to swing to" said the bar tender to the crowd of people
🎶Who's the lovin' daddy with the beautiful eyes
What a pair o' lips, I'd like to try 'em for size
I'll just tell him, "Baby, won't you swing it with me"
Hope he tells me, "Baby, what a wing it will be"
So, I said politely "Darlin' may I intrude"
He said "Don't keep me waitin' when I'm in the mood"
In the mood
In the mood
In the mood
It didn't take me long to say "I'm in the mood now🎶
She finaly spoted him in the crowd he was looking at her with a dreamy look.
🎶If you ever go down Trinidad
They make you feel so very glad
Calypso sing and make up rhyme
Guarantee you one real good fine time
Drinkin' rum and Coca-Cola
Go down Point Koomahnah
Both mother and daughter
Workin' for the Yankee dollar🎶
🎶Oh, Tico Tico, tick
Oh, Tico Tico, tock
This Tico Tico, he's the cuckoo in my clock
And when he says "Cuckoo"
He means it's time to woo
It's Tico time for all the lovers in the block
I've got a heavy date
A tete-a-tete at eight
So speak, oh Tico, tell me is it getting late?
If I'm on time, cuckoo
But, if I'm late, woo woo
The one my heart is gone to may not want to wait🎶
🎶In Spain they say "Si, si"
In France you hear "Oui, oui"
Ev'ry little Dutch girl says "Ya, ya"
Ev'ry little Russian says "Da, da"
When the song was over people clapped and cheered for her performance. Jon walked up the stairs of the podium.
"That was amazing y/n i din't know you could sing so wel"
"Thank you jon it means a lot" y/n smiled
"I want to ask you a question y/n"
"Yes jon go ahead"
"Would you like to be My girlfriend?"
"I would love to"
Jon kissed y/n a top of her head knowing that this women wil be a great joy in his live.
The end
I hope you all enjoyed reading 😊
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madfantasy · 4 years
Dear blogging
Hello dears, hope your doing well and safe; in the middle of this worldy crisis, may you kept from all the forms of its harm.
It's been awhile I have taken the time to talk, it's a bit of messy rant and stuff I found useful..
I've been too busy with lately, I feel I'm not putting out the tons of idea of hp related stuff I crave to do, wish to take others away with it from the chaos of reality or hope to inspire even by the tiniest measures, and find inspiration and allow it to take me away soaring in its wings..
Art does takes time to make, more importantly, a right or convenient frame of mind to do it. And I haven't been in one of those, tbh.
In any case, I wanted to keep this place, this blog, a safe haven for me and who likes to accompany me, and to share art and thoughts about it. But it seems it gets harder to do so, with life constantly interfering..
It's not the first time I go without net connection for months, it happens all the time because of my unstable life conditions. And I merely used the internet as a way to store my stuff.
But since I found solace, fond company, precious concern, and— actual life, the thought to leave was murdering. I mean, I'm still in awe at the way people reacted when I came just to say goodbye, supported me to stay.. I never knew humanity till now..
Even tho I feel, I have doubts.. if I'm really worth it, keeping me online, I try to do art as fast as possible, but I can't go any faster than days.. and that I wanted to save up for a reliable pc to do much more, now it goes for another bill we can't afford.. not to mention the annoying part about using net for me is that I always have to try as hard as I could not to get anything too obvious leading back to me—so my family wouldn't know about it and get in trouble— but in the same time trying not to be too anonymous so it wouldn't be stolen from me.
It seems it's all pointless, cuz both happened, and I can't help but think that I only harmed myself by splitting my work so much that it keeps leaving me in the shadows without benefits.
Other than that my art was being reposted (not shared, but downloading my art than re-uploading it to another platform without permission); mother saw Older Lover drawing (kissing) and stormed into my room, with a look ready to fry me, and asked me to delete it..
I've been so depressed since then, wishing not to be, to a point I was close to shut down all accounts, as the thought that I can never be free and not able to do something to better myself was smothering me.
But I know things will be better.. I woke up feeling less dead, heh
Like, I found a simple way to stream my art, even tho it's not much:
To log into discord on pc, and go to activity and add your drawing program as a game thingy, it will always detect it as a streamable game afterwards, and show a little button above your icon telling you you're able to stream it. You can go stream it into a server, and up to 10 peeps can watch it.
I was doing everything to do a team thing on twitch, but no luck so far.
Also found a program that speed up long drawing videos, called Oliver. It's free and I love it so far! It enabled me to do mini sketching videos and put them on Tiktok (I like it there only for the easy edit and music) can't do longer vids cuz again, pc has tiny memory.
And if you want to record your art, and using windows:
Push windows +g and Xbox recoding games thingy will show. You make it capture your drawing program and there- got your self easy non crashing screen recording app. One down side to it— no pause. So you'll sit there for an hour or two, and you better know what you'll draw without hesitation, hehe.
I think that's all, it's a result of days of googling and going through lots of free crashing software, I hope it's helps.
And I've decided I'm not splitting my art, safe or suggestive any more. I'll post them all here, and anything not safe will go under the [Read More] underlining thing. Cuz it's a tiring confusing mess on top of everything.
Bless your days with goodness, health and fortune my dears. I hope you well, always.
Good day!
Sun, 6:30 pm, 15.3.2020
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(I'm wearing it cuz I'm sick and you could also imagine I'm not allowed to share my face or comfortable yet, so that's what's available for now, heh)
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