#there are people that DON'T like Veilspun??
aberration-abbey · 1 year
shout out to Queenie's tail stripes, which appear and disappear at random apparently
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buff-dunerunner · 1 year
looking for dragons to draw
I wanna draw so bad but my tablet died! Help!
in the mean time, could people drop dragons they might want drawn on this post? I need more examples for my shop! I'm looking for aberration, aether, banescale, bogsneak, fae, gaoler, mirror, nocturne, snapper, sandsurge, spiral, tundra, undertide, and veilspun.
I'm just gonna do like one of each breed and then post them later! Please only show one dragon per person! I'll be picking based off Vibes (and simplicity because I'm probably not drawing their outfits)
this is just for today--september 1st 2023--maybe going into tomorrow if I don't get one of each breed
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secondtolastfr · 1 year
Predictions for the rest of the festival genes
Starfall - I have a couple ideas- obviously there's a meteor shower / falling star type thing they could do. The only issue would be making it better than Sparkle. They could also do some floaty rune-type stuff, but again, it would need to be different than just Runes. I'm rooting for the former, personally.
Obviously, Aethers will get Starfall, but for the second breed it could go to pretty much any of them. I'm betting on Aberrations, Undertides, or Veilspuns.
Rot (Or whatever they end up calling it) - This one is really hard to predict, mostly because of FR's rules on gore and the like. If the Plaguebringer is anything to go off of, I would say maybe a skull mask and sharp, uneven ridges down the back.
Aberrations will of course get it, and I'm betting on Sandsurges getting it too (and maybe Veilspuns and Gaolers).
Rockbreaker - If I had to guess, it'll be a lot of rocks and maybe gems, probably on the feet of the dragon (and maybe the crown? I'm honestly not sure, I'm basing everything off of the Earthshaker). Like with Starfall and Runes/Sparkle, it'll been to be better than just Gembond- which shouldn't be too hard, haha.
Since the Earth ancient won't be out for a while, I'm guessing Sandsurges and Gaolers will get Rockbreaker.
Crystalline - My guess will be icicles on the wings, a crown of ice and spines of ice leading down to the tip of the dragon's tail, kind of like what the Icewarden has going on:
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The only other thing I can think of would be swirling snowflakes, but I don't know how well that would go over.
Gaolers will of course get it- maybe Aethers, or Veilspuns? Not sure.
Trickmurk - I have two ideas here: 1) Pooling shadows beneath the dragon (like with Shadowbinder), and 2) Floating, drifting, abstract shadows (like the Shadow aura). I have high hopes for this one, haha.
Veilspuns, of course, will get the gene. But I could see it going to any other breed, if it's anything like I'm predicting.
Mistral - I've heard people in Wind hope that their gene isn't generic clouds, but I honestly don't know what else the gene would be. I imagine the cloud placement would resemble the Windsinger:
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I bet Aethers will get the gene, and Undertides too because they're noodles like the Windsinger.
Wavecrest - Again, looking at the Tidelord, I'm guessing lots of extra fins, bubbles at the feet (and/or maw), and general water-y things.
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Besides Undertides, I could see Sandsurges getting it because of how shark-like they are.
Greenskeeper - There are a few options here. Vines, coming down the dragon's back. A small tree (or perhaps a bush), growing out of the dragon's back. Small plants coming out of the ground at the dragon's feet. There's a lot of ideas for execution.
Aequorin mentioned that the breed is "anticipated for late 2023," so hopefully the Nature ancient will be released by then. Like my Trickmurk prediction, I could see it going to any of the other ancients, depending on how it's executed.
Another thing I'm wondering: When we get the Light/Wind/Earth ancients, will they be able to get their elemental fest genes? I know that's way, way into the future, but I wonder how they'll go about that.
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demonicduchess · 10 months
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Okay so I've gotten a lot of feedback regarding the Maleficent pairing and while I'm not out to argue with anyone, some of the feedback I've received has made me outright confused as to what people are expecting with this fan pairing.
Biggest point of contention was the gene & color combination. (Obsidian Metallic/Radioactive Bee-Shimmer/Purple Underbelly.) People wanted tertiaries like Flecks or Ghost…
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When that doesn't match Maleficent's dragon design. (Big, long, black-as-night western style dragon with translucent wings and a purple underbelly.)
"So why are the wings radioactive green then?" Because that's the color (along with purple) that's associated with the character:
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Granted, her purple is more of a Plum, but that color combination was impossible to find at the time (2019-2020.) I can work on this for future iterations of the pair.
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I do have other reasons why I chose Radioactive and Bee. Not only is Bee translucent like her wings are in canon, but she also teleports, threatens & transforms via bright green flame:
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She also breathes (technically) green fire. though it does look yellow in some shots:
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The other color choices I could've chosen from the movie were Lemon for the Fire or Olive/Black for wings, which imo, wouldn't look as nice in game and would lead to more confusion as to what/who it's supposed to be.
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People also had a point of contention when it came to the species, (Guardian, a plentiful breed) but, again, I have to ask you:
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What other species could properly fit Maleficent? Noctune, maybe? Ridgeback?
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Granted, those are some really good options that I don't mind changing Malevolent, the male, in to, but Guardian still feels like the most canon accurate, which is the driving force behind all my fan dragons: "How can I make it look as canon accurate as possible?"
As for Mav's shimmer, that was admittedly me trying to save myself 1200g and have a little variety amongst the hatchlings.
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That said, it is rather hideous so I'd be open to changing it for next year. Sadly, one of the reasons I stayed with Shim' is because it was the only gene that didn't drastically change the color/appearance with complicated patterns/accent colors.
If I don't make it Bee for him as well, I'm open to Foam as it's both bright, semi-translucent and fits the "witchy" vibes even though Maleficent is more of a demon fairy, let's no split hairs here
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So yeah, I'm not sure what people want/need from this pair. The one suggestion to make the next pair the inverse and veilspun...
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That idea rocks, ngl 👀
Gonna make a new google (or maybe even tumblr) poll regarding this pair so I know which direction to take them for next Halloween. I want to thank everyone for their feedback and let you know I'll be making other feedback forms (and some responses like this one) soon.
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saltminerising · 10 months
I'm all for people playing the game however but I feel like Ancients just keep spewing low-quality clutter-ass genes all over the game (AH, MP, hoard, and especially scrying) that makes everything suck to navigate.
And for what?
Aberrations are cool. Veilspun are okay. Auraboa are okay, depressing lore SNAFU notwithstanding. I don't even remember the rest despite being a daily player.
I just don't get the point of all these ancient breeds, and really feel like the gene naming and releases could be handled better. And no, I don't think the way they're changing the item names is going to fix how much it's cluttered the site.
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pestilentbrood · 1 year
Very Brief Clans Overview
Figured I should have a sooort of explanation post so people don't get too lost regarding lore things, especially because I hope to actually draw out more Lore Important Things at some point or another hehe.
This is just a quick breakdown of each clan in development so far. The titles of each will have a link to their tag on my blog if you'd like to view posts pertaining to That Clan!
Starting, of course, with:
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The Incompetence
Nestled in a gorge along the Scarred Wastelands' shores, the Incompetence is a ragtag bunch of losers led by an arrogant fae named Patience. Said fae is hellbent on the idea of Fate, claiming he is the universe's specialiest boy of all time, and any that follow him are special as well. The dragons who come here do so under the assumption they are not fit to survive in the Wastelands' treacherous landscape. They are the weak, old, and battered. Surely they are not meant to see another day in this cruel existence, and they will die solemn, bitter, and alone. ...But due to some miracle, they've all gone on to live peacefully here. Together. Alive.
Perhaps there is something to our wacky leader's obsession with Fate...
[many more clans below!]
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The Loyalty
And these are the antagonists.
The Loyalty is an old clan with a history spanning back centuries. Born out of nothing but unadulterated respect and servitude to the Plaguebringer, the Loyalty is a ruthless place that has only worsened over time, and any who disrespect them will meet the cruelest of punishments.
While originally a respectable bunch, the lot has grown merciless over the past few decades, with worse and worse dragons taking the mantle of leader. Our current leader is Cletus, a vindictive aberration dead set on making the Loyalty as vicious as possible.
All I'm saying is, steer clear of the Wyrmwound. There are beasts under there.
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Wandering Threads
The Threads are a traveling group of veilspun led by Nootka. The swarm acts as one massive family, both literally and metaphorically (because nearly everyone involved is part of a big polygamous relationship), and honestly they're just having a great time.
Well, like, save for one horrible encounter with the Loyalty that happened recently. But don't worry about it.
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Shadows of Doubt
You wanna commit thievery and have it go so wrong we start replacing our blood with liquid gold? Well come on over to the Foxfire Brambles and join us Shadows! ...Uh. I mean. Actually, don't worry about the liquid gold blood thing. Only Penumbra did that. Gloom, the other leader, is very normal in comparison. And disregard the infestation of bug fae. We're pretty normal here.
We just like to commit theft for these two silly siblings. Don't even worry about it.
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Acolytes of the Arcanist
A mad-scientist prophet in the Starwood Strand has decided that the Arcanist's goals of reaching the heavens and controlling the universe sound really great, actually! Why don't we do that together? Through the limitless bounds of science, we will reach the stars and own them ourselves.
And won't you join us? The stars in your wings shine so... beautifully... :)
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Everyone in this clan is canonically dead by the present day. All you need to know about it is that we tried so hard, and got so far. But in the end, it didn't even matter. Arcane and Light just can't get along for more than two minutes.
(we started a civil war not clickbait gone wrong. etc.)
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The Adherence
Nolan is NOT the leader of the Adherence. I just don't have the leader(s) yet. So for now he's representing this place. Which is fitting enough, honestly.
The Adherence is a city of pearlcatchers that is currently flourishing somewhere in the Sunbeam Ruins. Don't ask me where, exactly. I just know it's in there. They run a very strict society where only light-inborn pearlcatchers can garner any amount of respect. Should you be born of a different flight, or worse, a different breed... You may come in, but you'll get a lot of scorn for it.
Unless you're an imperial. Then you're out of luck. Except for this really nice, not at all suspicious guy named Nolan who is offering you a peaceful sanctuary if you'll just follow him this way.
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Excessive Library Damage
Ok, that's not the name of the clan. It just doesn't really have a name. Not yet.
Anyway, this is a crew of Aethers that crash-landed into the Wastelands, managing to break right through the surface of Sornieth's soil and into an ancient, abandoned library. Likely filled to the brim with incredible history of Sornieth that has been long since forgotten. And countless priceless artifacts.
...Oh. Nevermind. Oh, it's... it's all gone.
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Twisted Waters
A pirate dies. Then she un-dies. It turns out the eldritch creature in the ocean, who is interested primarily in spiting her husband, has chosen this pirate to become queen of an underwater kingdom. And that pirate MUST get EVERYONE in the kingdom to love the eldritch beast unconditionally.
Because while the Tidelord may have abandoned you, Twist never will <3
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Snow Shower Town
There's like multiple different plots happening here. But what's important is that this is MOSTLY based in a small town within the Icefields, wherein a bunch of dragons of varying flights are chilling and hanging out while trying not to die in the regular blizzards.
Also there's like. An ice witch nearby, but you can ignore her, she's totally not important.
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William's Day Out
AHH. The Horrors...
William is a normal guy. The haunted baby is a normal baby. Lutka is a normal guy. The four siblings are all normal. Don't worry about it. STAY FAR AWAY FROM THE WISPWILLOW GROVE. I mean what who said that
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Girl's Night
Hey, what happens in girls night stays in girls night, okay?
Out in the Worldedge Wetlands there's a very sad old man and an old woman who goes "take better care of yourself, old man" and he goes "no i'm depressed." There are vaguely understood nature clan(s?) nearby.
I have in mind a group of Coatls who live in the shadow territory somewhere, but it's VERY loosely defined.
Freaky undead thing hanging out in the rubble of the Hewn City is freaky and undead (NOT an emperor this time)
There's a wanted criminal wandering around in the wastelands but you can ignore him. The person who matters is the Woman he has convinced to join his cause and has since begun eating people
And that's all for now! check back for inevitably 1 million updates.
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Mmm I definitely have Thoughts on site lore and Ancient lore. And I mean, for the most part I (as well as many people) use site lore more as Inspiration/Building Blocks for further lore building.
I've been meaning to get around to writing lore for my Clan and in general, so. I guess I'll just make some notes on the current Ancient Lore and what I think and where I'd go.
Deciding to put this under a read more since it's a lot more than I meant to write lmao
Gaolers - Part of this being because they were the first, and therefore had the most hype around their introduction, but so far lorewise Gaolers still have probably the most impactful story. Them being forgotten by modern society makes sense; withdrawn, a small population of creatures that never evolved into their softer modern counterparts. Which is another thing that makes Gaolers stand out; they're the only Ancient with an explicit connection as being ancestors of one of the Modern breeds. The whole This Thing Is You But Older, More Primal And Dangerous is just. Soooo good. Gaolers as a design have grown on me recently, so it definitely generates some ideas.
Banescales - BANESCALE LORE. BANESCALE LORE. My favorite of the bunch, but this is partially that I am someone who loooves music. The idea of Banescales having been a musical society, and now all that remains is the song that was left to their children as they protected their eggs... god it's just so beautiful to me. Plus the parallel to how Coatls ended up having a notably musical language... The idea of the Flamecaller mourning her first children and passing on their gift. The Coatls and Banes bonding over this similarity. I love them, I need more Banes.
Veilspuns - I'll be honest. I don't remember anything about the Veilspun lore. Legitimately. I love Veil's designs but their lore just Did Not Stick. I'll have to go reread it and probably rebuild it somehow lmaooo
Aberrations - Okay, I also kinda forgot this one, but they literally crawled out of the Wyrmwound, right?? Like, sort of had a "cast away by their god" type of thing? Failed experiment energy? Idk if that was actually what happened, but it's the take I'm going with.
Undertides - They felt betrayed by their god so turned their back on him, and then reintroduced themselves to modern society upon the Surge in the Elements. Cool! Interesting! I think this could be very cool to explore, especially with the modern members of Water Flight who have effectively been abandoned by Tidelord (as far as we know. Dad come back.) Also, strong ties with a specific sect of Maren! Neat! Not as potent of lore to me, maybe, but it's interesting and has potential. Execution was ehhg but I can work with the concepts.
Aethers - I love their lore yes its stupid yes its goofy and I adore them for it. If I go through with my lore crafting I'll keep all this because the other Ancients having cool and fucked up lore next to these dumbass sparkly floofs is hilarious to me.
Sandsurges - Okay I DID. Think the "pay" bit in the story was funny. But I do think a "cooler" take could have been done, with Sandsurges having a better reason to have been unknown to modern dragons aside from "They were underground all along" whsgsgs. I think you can combine the best of both world by saying they return upon seeing the exploitation of modern Lightning society, and the building of something Big and Dangerous, with allusions to this having been done in the past and having had consequences to Ancient Sandsurge society... AKA, they're here to teach the young'uns about unions.
Auraboas - Okay, so. The issues have been brought up several times, and most of us are aware at this point. I can see the angle they were going for, for a sci-fi-esque hivemind tyoe of situation. I also don't necessarily disagree with the decision to make it Nature. While Arcane might make more sense for sci-fi themeing, I think choosing a different Flight makes it a little less on the nose. In any case, I think the concepts are there, but were executed very poorly and with a decent dose of "ignorance and tone-deafness." I think the story specifically should have treated the elder Auraboas with more compassion for their fears for their children and difficulty in communicating with modern dragons. Way less infantilization, and more "person struggling with a language they barely know, reaching out to someone they never would have otherwise out of desperation." (By this I mean I think they could have written the difficulty in communicating far better than they did). The Loop is interesting as well, though very hard to grasp as a concept. This is partially on purpose, and partially because I kind if think staff purposefully left some things vague because they didn't actually want to try and figure out how the concept would work, lol (which I can't entirely blame them for, especially since with Site Lore sometimes less is more, allowing for multiple interpretations by users).
Another note: in both the recent Lightning and Nature ancient stories, they're both stated and/or heavily implied to have already been known about by certain dragons In The Know, so to speak. I have some mixed thoughts on either, and might incorporate them differently. Sandsurges as sort of secret workers was a little funny and backed up the Weird Shady Company Execs thing, but it could be interesting to make it a sort of, deliberately covered up because We Can't Have Them Teaching The New Hires How To Unionize!
As for Auraboas... Not really sure. I can see them being a culture that has been largely self-reliant for their existance, hence the lack of contact with modern dragons. But, given their connection to the Behemoth (and maybe a connection that could be elaborated on), maybe they've appeared or collaborated with moderns in the past over threats to the Behemoth. So, mutual knowledge, but no sustained contact since it was A) difficult and B) outside of curiosity, most on both sides saw little reason to establish further contact. A sort of living alongside one another but never really talking, like neighbors you see sometimes but don't talk to. It's only the disruption of the Loop in the younger generation that both kickstarts a greater Need to connect, but also a bridge for easier communication.
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ruitethewingedfox · 1 year
the stranger
Kunzite slithered through the colony's crowded halls, trying to be as small as he could. The only real hard part with that was his 7-meter-long wings. Through the crowd, Kunzite could see several drones that he'd over his somewhat-short time in the colony he'd grown the ability to recognize; V, a female disassembly drone, was the easiest one, mainly because her energy was very similar to that of his sister, Aurel.
not very far ahead was another one; Uzi. She was...strange. When Kunzite tried to read her, he would get a wall of rebellious, vengeful, cold energy, but then, as he looked deeper, he saw a quick-thinker with a deep fear...of herself.
Kunzite shook his head. He really needed to stop digging so deep into others' energies, but his mind always ended up 34297847329832 miles ahead of him. It'd become a habit after he started hearing that...thing, and as a result started reading every single person around him to see if they were infected. Even after he stopped hearing it, for a while he kept doing that, only to remind himself that it was gone, that he couldn't hear it anymore.
it never helped, not really.
"Hey, K!" Kunzite heard someone call. That would be the so far only friend he'd made while on Copper-9; Ξ. She was a hypershock disassembly drone and was somewhat new there as well.
"Ξ!" Kunzite tried to call back, it seemed impossible for him to raise his voice over a mumble, though.
Kunzite attempted to weave his way through the crowd. But, of course, he ended up nearly tripping a couple people with his tail. Eventually, he was able to spot Ξ in the crowd, perched and clambering around on her wings were the 4 aquatic veilspun siblings that they'd stumbled into and befriended at camp 98-7; Kylara, Percula, Asrah, and Aramoana.
"Hey there, buddy!" Ξ said, and Kunzite set his forehead against her torso as she set her hands on the back of his neck, rubbing the small, fur-like feathers covering his hide.
"Hi, Ξ!" Kunzite softly chirped back, shifting his head so his snout was pointing up at her head. Ξ gave him another rub on his head before letting go and turning to the direction of Goa, Midnight, and now Pneuma's house, where they'd been staying for the last few weeks. Quickly, Kunzite followed.
On the walk back, Ξ did most of the talking. Most of the things she talked about were rather typical for what she typically had going on while Kunzite was trying-and, surprisingly, succeeding-to balance on a worker drone-sized chair, but there was one that caught Kunzite's attention;
"I was wandering around outside the colony when i saw what i thought was a meteor but then it landed in front of me and lo and behold it was a skydancer! Well, not quite. His wings were completely feathered and had a whole bunch of eyes on them, he also had a whole bunch of extra wings and eyes on his tail, crystals on his neck that extended those 6 little numb horns on his cheeks and were also on the end of his tail, which was covered in feathers! he also had a whole bunch of whispy arms coming out of his back which was kinda weird." Ξ rambled, making various motions with her hands as she spoke.
"What was he doing?" Kunzite asked, both intrigued and concerned.
"i don't know, he just stood there, looked around with a weird little mini-meteor circling around him, then walked off in the direction of camp 98-7."
"hmm..." Asrah suddenly spoke up
"you thinkin' what i'm thinkin'?" Aramoana squeaked back
"oh, Gladekeeper..." Kunzite sighed as the veilspun siblings exchanged glances and all piped up;
"TO CAMP 98-7!"
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helicoprinus · 2 months
under the cut: dom-related vent
s2g flameforger's cannot get here soon enough, I have Got to get my vacation started and see how earth does dom. firedom's complete silence cannot be a norm. I've been in the aa discord for months and have said basically nothing bc I have no idea where to offer help bc idk what needs doing bc idk what anyone has covered! who is even an active member? don't know that either! all the information is way out of date, and despite people agreeing that it should be updated, nothing has changed!
over a week ago a short list of potential push themes was put together so the flight could vote. a poll has still not gone out, despite two separate messages today saying it would be done "right now" (this afternoon + a few hours ago)
and the second dom team that was formed last year? not heard a peep! been in that discord too! I donated a fully prepped level25 mire flyer (g1! triple gened! fire themed! I made them a veilspun do you understand the effort that went into this dragon) to their dom bank and absolutely nothing has been done. half tempted to ask for my damn dragon back if they're not going to run a single fucking event...
am i just like. having a Category 5 Autism Moment of the "if everyone just did everything my way, things would definitely run smoothly and efficiently" variety, expecting an unrealistically high level of organization from *checks notes* a completely player-run volunteer-based subsection of a niche virtual pet game. it's entirely likely, I'm certainly known to get caught up in assuming that I could organize things better if I just knew what all the pieces were...
but also like. guys. why does it take five people and over a week to slap together a poll with only three options. that's Gotta be a five minute venture at most
update: the poll options were finalized 07/10 at 8am. the poll Finally went live 07/18 at 11am (an entire twelve hours after "now i'm putting it up"). i have no fucking idea why it took literally 8 days to make and post a three-option google form. not a single explanation for the long silence has been given
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modifiedyincision · 5 months
I don't hate the new dragon breed. i really dont. but i mean.. they're kinda samey. ? Bland? not sure what the word would be. auraboas have only wings and are noodley, undertides are sea serpents, abbies have two heads, banescales are wyverns, gaolers follow the 'basic' four legs two wings body but they LOOK ancient, veils give me vibes of fairies/fae and they have bug wings (i can see them as an ancient breed), sandsurges have those big sail fins, and well. aethers have bug wings and legs, just extra limbs out the wazoo lol
I get why other people say some of the breeds dont feel like ancients, but imo the others FEEL convincingly 'ancient-y' enough. not every ancient needs to be a banescale or auraboa. i am fine with gaolers and veilspuns being ancient.
it's not even that i think dusties should be moderns, because I don't, exactly, I wouldn't want to have the team spending the time to make apparel work on these guys. they're just... hm. hmm. i dunno. fatten them up. more armor. or make them more bald and scaleless looking. bigger digging arms idk man...
they are far from being my least favorite breed, but they do rank below probably snappers/ridgies/most other ancients.
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nyaseoki · 4 years
So far I’ve never managed to hold on to my profits from selling Veilspuns, I’ve always ended up buying other Veilspuns and their genes pretty much instantly
Veilspuns beget Veilspuns I guess
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dragontag420 · 2 years
I'm curious about Harrison's boyfriend!! what killed him? how'd he become undead? did their relationship suffer at all due to the whole dying/undead thing, or did they meet after the fact?
Ah!! Mallon!! The horrible, wonderful [Mallon]!! ;;
Mallon actually belongs to @evanium! He's also based off of a non-fr counterpart but much like Harrison his lore has been entirely overhauled instead of adapted.
Mallon and Harrison were together BEFORE Harrison ended up in the Ward! I'm not entirely sure why he died tbqh, I don't remember if we ever actually had a solid reason 🤔 but he died pre-ward and it was very hard on Harrison.
He's an absolute piece of shit emo motherfucker who in his original iteration was literally the god of Ailment (which I feel says a lot). [See figure on the Right]
It hit Harrison really hard when he died. The only person who'd ever truly understood him and treated him right.
Luckily though, in the town of Torean (also belonging to evanium) a delightful little doctor decided to play Frankenstein and picked up some fun pieces to use. Mallon- once a lovely little skydancer- became an awful little veilspun full of puke and bile and vitriol and a desire to bite and hate anything and everything in sight.
The disgusting little barf bag managed to escape custody a few times (pieces falling off along the way, of course) and at one point was lucky enough to intersect with just a whiff of his boyfriend from his living years (Harrison). Evading capture and arriving in nearly 20 pieces, Mallon found the Ward and pressed himself through some very confused and concerned gaolers into his lover's arms. It took a moment, but even with different vocal cords, there was no mistaking the rasping hiss of his name which came from Mallon's new throat. Stranger things had happened- and sometimes you're so very very desperate to believe.
It's actually been a bit of an interesting thing, Mallon showing up. It led to a lot of changes, and concessions being made. It turns out that Harrison was NOT very ready to let someone take Mallon away from him and that perhaps his wardens were NOT ready to deal with the fallout of such an event should it occur. Mallon, unfortunately, is a Creation and is perpetually falling apart. He had to go back to his town of Torean and still lives there, though is allowed to come visit so long as he is accompanied by the doctor's assistant when he comes. (An awful little [nurse] who is now dating the world's [smallest gaoler], another occupant of the Ward. don't worry about it.)
Initially the thought was that no, you obviously can NOT have someone just coming in and out to visit you, that makes NO SENSE- but [Mother] (one of the 3 heads of the ward, and honestly the most respected), decided this was beneficial to his long(er) term internment and proposed an agreement of sorts with the exceptionally reluctant doctor. It's a bit like a split custody thing- where they get a weekend a month and only if the court mandated therapist comes along to maintain the father's interests.
This is too long already without even getting into the meat of what it was like and what it meant and all of the fuckin.... shit regarding the Ward and Harrison's time there and how his jailers feel about it. Because he's been there a while. And maybe certain people have different ideas on how he should be treated and understood but y'know.
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cystalhide-jester · 3 years
don't know about any good places to make polls but I want some input from people.
You know flecks on Veilspun, yeah? And how it looks kinda like snow if you have it on a white tert? I want to make that an accent for other breeds/poses, but what breed would you want to see it on first?
What breed/pose would you like to see a fake gene that looks like Flecks on first?
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stimmy-dragons · 4 years
Hey, denizens of Flight Rising Tumblr! Don't have a Veilspun? Want to change that?
Win THIS cute little bug of a dragon:
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Just hatched today, a pearl/pearl/lavender F-pose Veilspun! Skink/Blend/Diaphanous, with common Ice eyes, and the cutest little face <3
How to enter: 
Simply reblog this post and add your FR username/ID c: For an extra entry, like this post too! 
This ends at 12PM FR server time on the 24th of November, and the results will be drawn using random (dot) org.
You may reblog this up to two times, making (with a like) a maximum of three entries
The winner will be announced in a reblog of this post, and a one-way CR will be sent to them
The winner will have 24 hours to claim their Veilspun
If the CR is not accepted within this time, a new winner will be drawn
Please do not tag as "giveaway"
It is not necessary to follow me! I don't exactly post much original content, haha ^^; So, no need to follow to enter c:
Boosts would be greatly appreciated! Veilspun are lovely, and I want to give something back to a community so wonderful now that I have the chance c:
Aaaand that's it, I think! Hopefully at least a few people will see this.
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saltminerising · 3 years
for those wondering why people are mad about pk’s sales posts on discord, here’s one of them in its entirety (sorry mods if this isn’t allowed!!)
[pk from water]'s **Winter madness** begins now! For the entire month of December, I will be constantly breeding both popular and new pairs and putting them up for sale in my "little bit of everything ™️" hatchery lair sales tab! All dragons have various prices based on tried and true dragon pricing methods I've learned from my time on the site. The lowest price I will go on any single dragon is 30g/kt, but I won't do this for _every_ single dragon in the sales tab, as I'd obviously just lose a lot of money that way! Certain pair's hatchlings are what I consider my "premium" ones, and I won't go to 30g/kt on those. These are pairs such as my koi and veilspun pairs, for your reference. If a dragon is already 30g/kt, I won't go lower. Anyway, when it comes to paying for the dragons, I accept art, eggs, g, kt, and skincents that are equal or greater than the value of the dragon/dragons you're buying! I'm also going to be putting a wish list together this month, so when I have that made, I'll also accept things from it as payment, too! I'll update this sales post with the wish list link once I get time to make it. Anyway, for the higher priced dragons, such as those priced at 200g/kt and etc, I will do buy one, get a second one twenty percent off. I won't do this on more than two dragons at a time, it's only buy one, get one twenty percent off, no more than that. As a reminder, if the dragon is already at a low price, like in the 30-60 range, I won't do this discount on those, as I believe they're already priced low enough as is, and again, **I will not go lower than 30g/kt on a single dragon.** Anyway, that's all. Here's the link to the sales tab! Hope you find something you like, and don't be afraid to ask me to hold a dragon/dragons for you! I will gladly do this upon customer request. 🙂
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saltminerising · 3 years
people who don't like chunky/big/fat breeds are cowards. no more skydancers/veilspun this is a obelisk/gaoler/snapper love zone only
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