#there are several xampls of this.
spaciebabie · 10 months
hanging out w/me while we are watching The Media is like i make a stupid fart, shit, or sex joke and then laugh hysterically b/c the actor said something that was not even funny at all
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Why I think this is important.
Not everyone wills to create a real language from zero, making it will be hella difficult and it will be a long work. So my alternative for you, m’fellows, is pseudo-languages.
So There are 31 of my cyphers I use to frick-frack people’s heads. All of the languages are speakable, but are all my creation, so if you gonna use them please give credit. 
Aiiabgeah - Simple one way replacement cypher: J-A’, K-Aa, L-Ab, M-Ac, N-Ad, O-Ae, P-Af, Q-Ag, R-ah, S-Ai, T-B’, U-Ba, V-Bb, W-Bc, X-Bd, Y-Be, Z-Bf. (Example - Ebdaacafabe) 
Anguag - Erase the first and the last letters of each word. If one letter is left, use Spelling Cypher, if more - use Talak/Sapezak. (Example - Xampl)
Awaric - All the vowels in the word are replaced by the vowel first written in such a word. (Example - Exemple)
Biujeb/Giweenian - Consonants are replaced by the next vowel standing after them in the latin alphabet, same standing for vowels which are replaced by the next consonant standing to the right. (Example - Fabooof)
Deites - All consonants are replaced by the consonant to the right, all vowels are replaced by the vowel to the right, the letter “H h” in all digraphs (hereinafter H-digraphs) where it’s used is ignored. (Example - Iyenqmi)
Dicode/Atukyt - Write your text in reverse and apply this replacement of the letters in both ways: Aa-Ee, Bb-Pp, Cc-Kk, Dd-Tt, Ff-Hh, Gg-Jj, Ii-Yy, Ll-Rr, Mm-Nn, Oo-Uu, Qq-Xx, Ss-Zz, Vv-Ww. (Example - Arbneqa)
Draned Thonghu - All consonants capable of making a H-digraph turn into such while all the H-digraphs present get the letter “H h” erased. Any two same consonants standing next to each other are replaced by one such, any sequence of vowels gets erased except the first vowel in such. (Example - Examphle)
Edatrel Oscha - Take the original phrase or word and translate every morpheme of it to different languages or other cyphers in this list, after which put all the morphemes in ap[habetical order without spaces between them. (Example = Archtoprimezwei)
Eguangal/Uengot - Consonants and vowels that stand in a group count as one such - put these groups in reverse order. (Example = Emplaxe)
Espelel - Spelling Cypher used on the first and the last letters of one such word. (Example = Ixampli)
Espiielel/Spelling - Replace each letter with the way it’s spelled in the alphabet: A=Ey, B=Bi, C=Si, D=Di, E=I, F=Ef, G=Ji, H=Hi, I=Ay, J=Jay, K=Key, L=El, M=Em, N=En, O=Ow, P=Pi, Q=Que, R=Ar, S=Es, T=Ti, U=Yu, V=Vi, W=Du, X=Ex, Y=Wy, Z=Zi. (Example - Iexeyempieli)
Geagulan - Put syllables of each word in reverse order. (Example - Leampex)
Ikonian - Use Deites on the first and the last letter of each word. (Example - Ixampli)
Inglosh - Replace each vowel with the vowels standing to the right in alphabetical order, with other words Deites used only on the vowels. (Example - Ixempli)
Jareat - Each letter “G g” to be replaced with either digraph “Ja ja” or the letter “J j”. Each letter “J j” to be replaced with the letter “Y y”. Each letter “Y y” to be replaced with the letter “I i”. (Example: Job Guy - Yob Jaui/Jui) 
Juiu-caza - Erase every third letter in each word separately. (Example - Exmpe)
Kagyysheft - Use the russian keyboard layout and replace the russian letters with their english transliteration: Аа=Aa, Бб=Bb, Вв=Vv, Гг=Gg, Дд=Dd, Ее=Ieie, Ёё=Ioio, Жж=Zhzh, Зз=Zz, Ии=Ii, Йй=Jj, Кк=Kk, Лл=Ll, Мм=Mm, Нн=Nn, Оо=Oo, Пп=Pp, Рр=Rr, Сс=Ss, Тт=Tt, Уу=Uu, Фф=Ff, Хх=Hh, Цц=Tsts, Чч=Chch, Шш=Shsh, Щщ=Schsch, Ъъ= -, Ыы=Yy, Ьь= ‘, Ээ=Ee, Юю=Iuiu, Яя=Iaia. If there are too many consonants in one place use Talak/Sapezak. (Example - Uchaf’zdu)
Langeigo - Starting with the first vowel all vowels to be replaced with such in alphabetical with the first vowel in the word. (Example - Eximplo)
Lanuge - No vowels or consonants can be put in a group - thus if two vowels or consonants stand in a row all except the first in such group to be erased. (Example - Exame)
Maphuahe - Every consonant and H-digraph to be replaced with the next such in alphabetical order, in other words Deites used on the consonants and H-digraphs only. (Example - Eyanqme)
Menorius - No two letters can be repeated in a word, thus if two letters repeat the second of them in numerological order must be converted into the next vowel/consonant by alphabetical order. (Example - Exampli)
Pikkekox - Each vowel to be converted into a mirrored alphabet equivalent vowel, same goes to consonants. (Example - Odupmqo)
Pinclang - Using several cyclic groups of letters replace each letter with the letter standing next after it: AI CG BDFH E JLPR KMQ O N STV U WXYZ. (Example - Eyiqrpe)
Spee Eech - Each vowel to be replaced with the whole list of vowels used in the whole word, with each next vowel the first letter of the list to be placed in the end of it. If such groups of vowels become too big, add apostrophe between them. (Example: Failure - Faiue’iuealueaireaiu)
Spikingsimpl - Use no diphthongs, thus the writing system is straight up phonetical. (Example - Ekzampl)
Taentang - Take all the vowels in a word, list them and put each between the consonants. When the list ends, skip one space between the consonants and proceed after. (Example - Xemapel)
Talak/Sapezak - No vowel can stand next to another vowel, same goes to consonants. To do so, between consonants put vowels in alphabetical order and between vowels put consonants in reverse alphabetical order. (Example - Examapele)
Tekitti - All consonants are replaced either with the letter “T t” or the letter “K k” - perhaps the one that is the closest. Letter “P p” is replaced with “K k” bu custom. Letter “Y y” is automatically considered a vowel. (Example - Etakkke)
Tlakneg - Erase the vowels and put vowels in alphabetical order between consonants that stood in a row. (Example - Xmapel)
Yuunknownen - Double the first and the last letters of a word and use Spelling Cypher on them. (Example - Iexamplei)
Zhypro - Similar to Pinclang, but a different list of cyclic letter groups. Thus, AU K BLV CMW DNX EOY FPZ GQ HR I S JT. (Example - Onuwzvo)
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curiosiccusarchived · 4 years
Starstruck; @prime-xample​
Skyfire had a sneaky suspicion he was going to get yelled at for this, if the way Ultra Magnus acted towards him earlier was anything to go off by, but he just couldn't quite shake the feeling that he should check on Rodimus. If he got yelled at or worst, then he would accept any punishment that came his way. No matter what. His friend’s well-being mattered more to him then his own and if that was a bad thing well, so be it.
Quietly, he wanders towards the speedster's door, having checked the halls first to make sure no one was around and even going the extra effort to set up a small device nearby that basically made it appear as if he wasn’t in the hallway at all.
Once he dropped off his gift, they would turn back to normal and no one would be the wiser... or so he hoped. Pulling a box from his subspace, the shuttle kneels and sets it down in front of Rodimus’ door. It had several bottles of coolant as well as anything else that could aid him in his time of need. Nothing perverse of course, but things of distractions and the likes. It didn’t take long for Skyfire to figure out what Ultra Magnus meant by ‘indisposed’, especially considering that Rodimus hadn’t seen a medic as of yet and wasn’t leaving his quarters. 
Skyfire wasn’t stupid.
Naïve in some senses, but not stupid. He lightly shook his helm at this, but well.. if others wish to perceive him as dumb or likewise then let them. He knew better. Checking the box to make sure he didn’t forget anything, Skyfire gently knocks on Rodimus’ door before standing up and making his way back towards the observation deck. He stops to collect his device and smiles to himself, hoping Rodimus would enjoy the gifts and perhaps feel better. He of course didn’t leave a name attached or anything to leave a trace to him. The shuttle was more concerned that his friend would be alright then receiving gratitude. 
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smokey-prime · 5 years
It was supposed to be a simple bounty collection; another fragging easy score the council had goaded Suffitus into doing, collecting a small outpost of former Decepticons held up on a planet few light-years away from Cybertron. 
What the young Prime didn’t expect was to be chased down by nearly half a dozen other bounty hunter ships once he got off-world. 
His ship had taken heavy damage up to that point; small fires all around the interior, not to mention a few hull breaches in the brig...He had to make a quick move to get out fast. And it needed to be done now. 
“Frag...” he muttered to himself as he started up his ship’s quantum hyperdrive. Suffitus had been warned prior that the setting was not stable; it would almost certainly obliterate his ship, and him along with it. But at this point...what other choice did the Fourteenth have?
Servo firmly on the throttle, Suffitus closed his optic and took a deep sigh before pulling it down. Within in an instant he could feel the ship’s intense speed rip more fragments of the ship apart, but he was getting away. That was it, just a bit more. He just needed to get away some more before-
And then everything went black. 
Unbeknownst to Suffitus, who was unconscious at that moment, he had managed to escape the incoming ships. But not without a great cost. 
Scattered amongst wreckage of his ship and what was his bounty of cons was the young Prime’s frame. Only a torso, an arm, and a helm at this point, his severed arm and legs floated aimlessly beside his frame, currently motionless in the dead stillness of space. 
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Ignoring the fact they’re still discussing the same years old footage because that’s all they have....”So much chemistry. Another huge xample is Bryant Park where D was totally attentive around C for the whole shoot” made me laugh. No he wasn’t! I was at the filming for hours in the freezing cold and Darren was flitting around everyone on set. Rougenutter says Darren got there first before Chris to set things up, no he didn’t! Chris was there a while before Darren appeared....
2/2 as he’d already been filming there. It’s wrong what they’re doing because if you read the nonsense RougeOnion wrote and take it at face value it does make CrissColfer seem totally plausible and make it sound like they were in love but just none of that happened. People deferring to Darren as “Mr Criss & Sir” because he was the producer on that segment and it was a love letter to Chris?!? What?!? No one referred to him as that, they were directed and choreographed as normal! This is mental! Actually a 3rd part about Bryant Park! Darren made sure there was hot chocolate for Chris so he was totally comfortable 😂 OR! You know, there was catering on set? I can totally see how someone could get drawn into the cc cult though, even I had to pause for a minute & think! I know going to the filming was a bit ott but I was young & a huge Klaine fan, I grew out of it thank goodness. Think I’ve messaged you about Bryant Park filming before but I just read new info that I needed to refute!
Hey, I always appreciate people refuting cc balcony- even more than once.  I watched several livestreams that day and Darren and Chris didn’t even spent that much time together from what I saw. Darren certainly wasn’t spending they caring for Chris. Believing nonsense like this is what keeps them alive but it don’ts change Chris and Darren’s relationship or lack there of. 
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signity-solutions · 3 years
Importance of AI Applications in Facial Identification
This blog is originally published at Dzone on October 25, 2021
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the latest buzzword in the modern world. It renders smart machines all over the world the ability to perform cognitive functions expected from humans. These functions could be the ability to think logically or engage in a casual conversation or even recognize facial patterns for mood detection and identification. Backed by tools like Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, etc., Artificial Intelligence is paving the way for machines to think, talk and act like humans.
Facial Identification Technology is one of the front-runner technologies being facilitated through AI applications. It is capable of identifying and verifying the identification of a person using a digital image or a video frame. In general, facial recognition systems work by comparing the selected facial features from an image with the faces available within a database. Such technology has found use in security systems where it enables cameras to grab facial images which can be compared and identified thereafter. It has also recently found uses in commercial and marketing tools.
There are several AI-based techniques used for facial identification. Some face recognition algorithms extract facial landmarks or features from a given subject’s face and compare them for matching features with other images. Others normalize a range of facial images and then compress the facial data. The meaningful data is then saved, and a probe image is compared with the facial data.
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xamples of AI Applications in Facial Identification
Today, various organizations are developing face recognition capabilities based on Artificial Intelligence. Facebook has developed a Deep Learning facial recognition system called “DeepFace.” Deep Learning is an AI-based Machine Learning technique concerned with algorithms inspired by the human brain’s neural networks. Deep Learning makes it possible to use brain simulations and make learning algorithms better and easier to use. Facebook makes use of a nine-layered neural network which has 120 million connection weight and is trained on 4 million connection images uploaded by the Facebook users. The system is said to be 97% accurate.
Similarly, Google’s FaceNet is claimed to be a very accurate method for face identification achieving nearly 86% accuracy. It has an image data set with nearly 260 million images from all over the world, and it can give a name to a face and present images that match the face search.
Some models use predictive modeling techniques to incorporate facial data to understand how humans age. The method has been tested by a process named “de-aging,” which involved taking a picture of an old person and running the Deep Learning algorithms backward to create a younger version of the same person. This younger image was then matched with the original image of the person in his younger days and the results were quite accurate. While there were older studies done on age progression work, this one was far more accurate.
Due to the massive amounts of data sets available for research and the Deep Learning algorithms ability to process this data and put it into work, today’s facial identification technology is going places.
Use-Cases for Facial Identification
Facial identification can have extremely relevant use-cases in several industries.
Passport and Visas — It can control fraud detection for passports and visas. Already, the Australian Passport office is using the automatic face-recognition software, reporting 20% more efficiency in detecting fraud.
Banking — It is also useful in financial institutions like banks and their ATMs. China started using this technology in their ATMs. This has ensured a higher level of security for the card user.
Law Enforcement — Law enforcement agencies can deploy facial recognition systems for the identification of criminals. Many countries including the USA are developing their facial recognition database which will aid the criminal investigations making them swifter and more accurate.
Marketing — In 2013, retail giant Tesco rolled out targeted ads based on demographics like the gender and age of the customers at its petrol stations. It used facial recognition to identify these demographics using an AI-based software. Today, many more companies are aiming relevant advertising to its customer’s basis facial identification as they enter the store by changing the display board ads to suit their personal preferences.
AI-powered facial identification can prevent fraud voting, track attendance and many such tasks in an error-free manner which would also be free from human bias. No matter the application and uses, Artificial Intelligence drives the facial recognition systems used across companies. Subsets of Artificial Intelligence such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning are enabling the collation and processing of troves of images which are compared for facial recognition. Without Artificial Intelligence algorithms, facial recognition systems would be far behind in their existence — both in terms of accuracy as well as speed. Artificial Intelligence is at the heart of facial identification.
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wyrmmaster · 7 years
Wyrm, amigo, I come to you since I need counseling on the art of Yuel since I have both, how good is water Yuel and is it good to uncap her and put her in a team?
Divorcing this from my love of Yuel,
She is, utterly, incredible. She shakes up water meta very well.
Water lacks multiattack. She gives multiattack. She reduces enemy fire atk, she reduces enemy water defense, she gives a massive echo and a beastly burn debuff.
Her ougi is essentially a separate def down that stacks with summon def down, which is good if you have limited summon def down.
She can easily slot in to several teams, some xamples:
The team I’m gonna be using is Water Warlock, Silva, Societte, Yuel, that’s 3 stacks of echo, multiple stacking def and atk down, gucci.
Another team she works with is Altair, Silva, and Yuel with Chaos Ruler, very good and strong.
Quatre, Societte, Yuel, also very good, MC class doesn’t matter in that one, especially if Quatre 5-star.
TL:DR she’s very good and very versatile, depending on who you have she’s one of your best options, and you’ll be running her unless you have an AMAZING grid and can feed other more optimal people and need them for super lategame stuff.
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madewithonerib · 5 years
Philippians 3:18-21 | Ways to Oppose GOD [Desiring God] P4-1,2,3,5,6
In this lab, John Piper explains that the cross either turns a rebel into God’s child or confirms that a rebel is God’s enemy.
Step back & ask: What is the design of the cross?
What is the cross meant to do? [2 Corinthians 5:21]
What is the cross meant to be?
If you opposed/resisted it, went the other direction, would make you an enemy of the cross. So I’m going to suggest that out of the infinite # of ripple effects, that flow out from the cross, there are the two basic aims of the cross:
Atonement for sin (covering/solving the sin & guilt problem)
The cross is the door to life eternal
The cross is a place of punishment for sin (CHRIST bore our sins, on the cross)
Example of how to live (it points us to the kind of life that is less sinful)
The cross is a design for living, here & now.
The cross is the power not to sin!
So you see the difference, these are not opposites, they’re not competing with each other (they are compliments, it’s both and)
I’m arguing that we see these in the Bible, which I’ll show you in just a minute.
The question is, when he says these are the enemies of the cross:
Does he mean there are people that are doing things & teaching things that would undo the (1) atonement, by saying there’s another door to eternal life? Say there’s another way to get our sin problem taken care of besides the cross bearing our punishment?
Or is he saying these folks are militating against the example of the cross & saying there’s a better way to live than the life of crucifixion, & saying the cross is not a power to keep us from sinning.
So that’s where we’re going with this; let’s take them one at a time. I just want you to see these, in this session, in the NT. Then next time we’ll step back & say which is going on here.           ___________________________________________________________
1] The cross as an atonement [Colossians 2:13-14]
Colossians 2:13-14 | When you were dead in your trespasses & in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our trespasses, having canceled the debt ascribed to us in the decrees that stood against us. He took it away, nailing it to the cross!
“Having forgiven us all our trespasses” How did HE do that? How can GOD be righteous & forgive us?
“by cancelling the record of debt” [v.14] so the entire record of all our sins, & debts that we owe GOD, which would be hell if we paid it in full.
That record of debt, this HE set aside by nailing it to the cross! So the cross stands for the place where the record of our debts & all our trespasses are nailed through the hand of JESUS onto the cross. What could be more beautiful? Than that picture that the way our sins are forgiven, is by the cross being the place where they were punished.
2] We can see it here in Romans 5:8-9, GOD shows HIS love
Romans 5:8-9 | But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Therefore, since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from wrath through Him! 
     >> So the cross is a place of our guilt being taken care of.           ___________________________________________________________
3] Here’s another one, Galatians 5:2-11,
Galatians 5:2-11 | Take notice: I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all. Again I testify to every man who gets himself circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. You who are trying to be justified by the law have been severed from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. But by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the hope of righteousness. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. All that matters is faith, expressed through love. You were running so well. Who has obstructed you from obeying the truth? Such persuasion does not come from the One who calls you. A little leaven works through the whole batch of dough [v.9]. I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view. The one who is troubling you will bear the judgment, whoever he may be. Now, fellow believers, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished. 
     There’s a big context here, he means, “If you embrace law keeping,      represented by circumcision as the means which you will get right w/ GOD,      >> then CHRIST will be of no advantage to you.
     Not that it’s wrong to circumcise, in & of itself.      Except circumcision, as the means by which you find right-standing with GOD      — that is if law-keeping is the method of your justification, then you’re      obligated to keep the whole law [v.3]
    So if you’re going to make circumcision essential, to that law-keeping method     then you got to keep the whole method; & the method is to keep whole law.
    If you’re going to go the route of law-keeping. as a way of justification,      there’s a way to do it, namely be perfect & keep the whole law.
    >> Only JESUS did that. It won’t work for anybody else.
3a] You are severed from CHRIST [v.4], if you try to go that route of law-keeping.       CHRIST was given to you as an alternative way of justification.
      A way of getting your guilt problem solved, & reconciling you with GOD.
You who are trying to be justified by the law have been severed from Christ; you have fallen away from grace [v.4]
     >> The cross is the place where grace is poured out—for forgiveness of sins.
3b] Verse 11, “if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being       persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished.”
      If I were to switch gears, & to preach circumcision, as a way of law-keeping       justification, why am I still being persecuted? The offense of the cross, now       there you see it, has been removed.
      The offense of the cross is that our ability to keep the law is highlighted, it’s       offensive to have to depend on the crucified Savior to cover all our sins,        & admit that we can never keep the whole law.
     >> So the way you become an enemy of CHRIST,              in this case, is to start preaching law-keeping              as a way of justification.
      So that’s my example from the Bible to show that the cross is a means of       (1) atonement, a door to life eternal, a punishment for sin, & if you want an       enemy in that sense, you propose another way of justification & salvation       besides CHRIST crucified (law-keeping).           ___________________________________________________________
4.] Now here’s the second way, to become an enemy of the cross.
      (2) The cross as an example, a design for living, & as power not to sin.
4a] Let’s go first to 1 Peter 2:24, 
1 Peter 2:24 | He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sin & live to righteousness. “By His stripes you are healed.”
      So you can see “the tree” (the cross) bearing our sins on the tree is also       designed (not just as way of atonement) to help us kill sin & live righteously.
4b] Or here is Mark 8:34-35, JESUS said calling the crowd to HIM, w/ HIS        disciples, HE said to them...
Mark 8:34-35 | Then Jesus called the crowd to Him along with His disciples, & He told them, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself & take up his cross & follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake & for the gospel will save it.
     In other words, the cross in JESUS mind is      not only a place where our sins are forgiven,      but where we are shown      how we are going to live like JESUS.
      >> The cross is a way of life, not just a way to life.*****
5.] Or here it is in Galatians 6:13-14,
Galatians 6:13-14 | For the circumcised do not even keep the law themselves, yet they want you to be circumcised that they may boast in your flesh. But as for me, may I never boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, & I to the world.
      By which the world has been crucified (made dead) to me, & I’m dead to it.
      There you can see a LIFE! A lifestyle of crucifixion to the world, & the world        to us [take up your cross & follow JESUS, Mark 8:34].
6.] Or here it is again, Galatians 2:20, where the cross is a place of my       crucifixion, not just CHRIST’s. 
Galatians 2:20 | I have been crucified with Christ, & I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me & gave Himself up for me.
      We can see how the cross defines a new way of life       of faith in JESUS.
7.] One more text to show that, 1 Corinthians 1:17-24,
1 Corinthians 1:17-24 | For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with words of wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”
Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?
For since in the wisdom of God, the world through its wisdom did not know Him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.
Jews demand signs & Greeks search for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews & foolishness to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews & Greeks, Christ the power of God & the wisdom of God.
      If I sought to exalt myself (through use of eloquent Greek wisdom), then       I would nullify the cross. Thus the cross is designed to humble me.***
      It’s a way of life for the word of the cross is folly to those who’re perishing.
      For those who reject CHRIST either demand signs or wisdom, but we preach       CHRIST crucified on a cross [v.23], a barrier to salvation for those who are       arrogant & refuse to humble themselves & admit their need for a Savior.
      But to those who are called by GOD, CHRIST is the power of GOD, for in        HIM, we’re provided the only means for salvation—thanks to GOD’s wisdom.
So the Greeks seek wisdom, but they think GOD’s wisdom is foolishness. ***
And the Jews demand signs of power, yet they think GOD’s power is weakness & a stumbling block. ***
      Therefore what we can see is, that       the cross is designed to humble us.
      We empty it of it’s power, if we seek to be powerful/wise people in the eyes       of the world. If we fear man, rather than fear what GOD thinks.           ___________________________________________________________
CONCLUSION: So I come back here, Philippians 3:18-21, & say:        When Paul talks about being enemies of the cross of CHRIST (v.18), he may       have in mind people whose lifestyle (v.19) or whose doctrine/teaching is       nullifying the cross as a way of atonement, a door to life, punishment for sin.
      And they’re suggesting a different way of getting right with GOD.
      Or he may be saying that the enemies of the cross are people whose       lifestyle is undermining the cross as an example, the cross as a design for        living that humbles us. Or the cross as a power not to sin.
      Which is it? or is it both?       How do they relate?
      Try that next time.
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wholesalestore-blog · 5 years
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benrleeusa · 7 years
[Eugene Volokh] Pseudonymous litigation, and alleged skulduggery in the world of romance novelists
Pseudonymous lawsuits are generally (but not always) disallowed — but what if the pseudonym isn’t just for the purposes of litigation, but is instead the name under which the person is known in the community in which the dispute arose? That’s the hot, exciting subject of Wednesday’s Nevada federal district court decision in Alexander v. Falk; but first, I just can’t resist this quote from “Randi Alexander“‘s site:
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Randi Alexander knows a modern woman dreams of an alpha cowboy who takes the reins, and guarantees they’re rode hard and put up satisfied.
OK, back to the court decision:
The Plaintiffs, “Randi Alexander” and “Jackson Young,” are suing under pseudonyms. “Randi Alexander” is a pen name for an individual romance novelist. “Jackson Young” is a stage name for an individual professional model and country music performer. Plaintiffs allege that they have been defamed by Defendants Kathryn Falk [a romance novel promoter], Romantic Times, Inc. [a romance-novel-related magazine] and … Gracie Wilson [also the pseudonym of a romance author]….
Plaintiffs allege that during the April 2016 convention, Defendants Wilson, Falk and Romantic Times began or continued a malicious campaign to defame and disparage Alexander and Young. Falk and Wilson allegedly made false statements to a group of convention attendees, including romance novel authors and publishers, that: (a) Alexander and Young were involved in secret, inappropriate, illicit, salacious, and scandalous relationships with each other and third parties; (b) were blackmailing publishers and others into using and promoting Plaintiffs’ goods and services; (c) Young was a predator; (d) Wilson was living in fear because of Young’s threats to her; (e) Young had other victims; (f) Young sent inappropriate text messages to various authors, including a big name author whose husband became aware of texts and made threats against Young; (g) Young fraudulently obtained money from authors for services he did not perform; and (h) Young was blackmailing Alexander by using details of their supposed inappropriate relationship to keep her in a business partnership. Plaintiffs allege that the defamatory campaign continued after the convention….
Plaintiff Young alleges that as a result of the Defendants’ defamation campaign, promoters of concerts cancelled his scheduled appearances or informed him that they would no longer have an association with him. A book publisher also cancelled a photo shoot with Young, allegedly as a result of defamatory statements made by Defendant Falk. Young alleges that due to the fallout, he was forced to shut down his social media and website. Plaintiff Alexander alleges that her reputation has suffered as well, and that she has lost out on business contracts, relationships and opportunities. Plaintiffs allege claims for violation of the Lanham Act-Trade Libel/Commercial Disparagement, Lanham Act-False Advertising, common law business disparagement/trade libel, defamation, false light, intentional interference with contractual relations and prospective economic advantage, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress, fraud/deceptive trade practices, and civil conspiracy.
Plaintiffs request permission to continue to prosecute this action under their professional pseudonyms because they fear that if their true names are disclosed to Defendants or become publicly known, they will be subjected to harassment and abuse touching on their personal lives which they have kept separate from their professional identities and activities. In support of their motion, Plaintiffs have submitted exhibits showing comments posted on the Romantic Times Facebook account in early May, 2016, in response to a post from an individual who stated that “a certain cover-model has been removed from the group due to multiple allegations of abuse and blackmail. Anyone feeling the need to jump to his defense can certainly do so but I’m not letting him back in.” The responses included a May 3, 2016, post from Defendant Falk which stated that Plaintiff Young was banned from any RT events….
Plaintiff also attached posts from the Facebook account of Defendant Wilson made in early May 2016 setting forth the manner in which she had allegedly been harassed by Plaintiff Young. The comments in response to Defendant Wilson’s posts also appear to have been made in early May 2016. In March 2017, Defendant Wilson posted a request for donations to help her retain counsel to defend this lawsuit. In that post, Defendant Wilson repeated allegations that she had previously made against Plaintiff Young in May 2016. This post drew several contributions from individuals who indicated their sympathy and support for Defendant Wilson….
A plaintiff’s use of a fictitious name runs afoul of the public’s common law right of access to judicial proceedings and the requirement of Fed.R.Civ.P. 10(a) that the complaint include the names of all the parties…. “[T]he normal presumption in litigation is that parties must use their real names…. This presumption is loosely related to the pubic’s right to open courts, … and the right of private individuals to confront their accusers….” … Rule 10(a) “protects the public’s legitimate interest in knowing all of the facts involved, including the identities of the parties…. This creates a strong presumption in favor of parties’ proceeding in their own names. Defendants have the right to know who their accusers are, as they may be subject to embarrassment or fundamental unfairness if they do not.” … [In a Seventh Circuit case] in which the plaintiff sued her ex-boyfriend for illegally distributing a videotape of them having sex when the plaintiff was a minor … [the court] noted that plaintiff had denied defendant the shelter of anonymity in bringing her lawsuit, and “yet it is [defendant], and not the plaintiff who faces disgrace if the complaint’s allegations can be substantiated. And if the complaint’s allegations are false, then anonymity provides a shield behind which defamatory charges may be launched without shame or liability.”
Courts have nevertheless permitted parties to proceed anonymously when special circumstances justify secrecy. A party may be permitted to use a pseudonym “in the ‘unusual case’ when nondisclosure of the party’s identity ‘is necessary … to protect a person from harassment, injury, ridicule or personal embarrassment.’” The court must balance the need for anonymity against the general presumption that parties’ identities are public information and the risk of unfairness to the opposing party. Plaintiffs have been permitted to use pseudonyms in three situations: (1) when identification creates a risk of retaliatory physical or mental harm; (2) when anonymity is necessary to preserve privacy in a matter of sensitive and highly personal nature; or (3) when the anonymous party is compelled to admit his or her intention to engage in criminal conduct and thereby risk criminal prosecution.
In cases where a pseudonym is used to shield the anonymous party from retaliation, the district court should determine the need for anonymity by evaluating the following factors: (1) the severity of the threatened harm; (2) the reasonableness of the anonymous party’s fears; and (3) the anonymous party’s vulnerability to such retaliation…. [E]xamples of plaintiffs who are particularly vulnerable to retaliation … [include] children plaintiffs or a prison inmate who served as a government witness….
In this case, Plaintiffs Alexander and Young do not allege fear of retaliatory physical injury if their true names are disclosed. The potential injury to Plaintiffs if their true names are publicly disclosed in this lawsuit is the reputational and emotional injury that they will suffer in their private lives, which have so far been shielded by their use of professional pseudonyms.
This case differs from any of the … cases cited by the parties, in that the Plaintiffs are known to the Defendants, and to the romantic novel and musical performance communities in which the allegedly defamatory statements have been published, only by their professional pseudonyms. Plaintiff Young alleges that his ability to earn a livelihood as a professional model or country music entertainer under the name “Jackson Young” has been damaged by Defendants’ allegedly defamatory statements. Plaintiff Alexander more generally and vaguely alleges that her reputation as the romance novelist “Randi Alexander” has been damaged by Defendants’ defamatory accusations and she has lost out on business contracts and relationships.
The case for allowing Plaintiffs to proceed under their professional pseudonyms is strengthened by their allegation that Defendants stated that Plaintiffs engaged in an illicit, salacious and scandalous relationship with each other. Plaintiff Alexander is married, and this allegation if connected to her true name could cause injury to her reputation in the community where she is known by her true name. An accusation of marital infidelity is a matter of a sensitive and highly personal nature. Although Plaintiff Young is apparently not married, he could also potentially suffer similar personal harm in his private life if this accusation is connected to his true name.
It is possible that persons who know Plaintiffs by their true names are also aware of their professional pseudonyms and therefore can or already have connected the allegations in this lawsuit to the Plaintiffs. If this is established, then the grounds for permitting Plaintiffs to proceed under their professional pseudonyms will diminish. At this point, the Court accepts Plaintiff’s representations that they have kept their actual identities separate from their professional identities.
Given that Plaintiffs are known to Defendants and the professional communities in which they have allegedly been defamed only by their professional pseudonyms, the public interest in requiring that Plaintiffs sue in their true names is not strong. Assuming that there may be some validity to Plaintiffs’ allegations that they have been defamed, requiring them to sue in their true names would potentially spread the damaging effects of the defamation to the arena of their private lives where it has not yet reached.
Defendants’ counsel had been provided with Plaintiffs’ true identities and is able to conduct discovery relevant to the claims in this case…. Accordingly, … Plaintiffs may proceed with this action under their professional pseudonyms, and without disclosing their true names to the Defendants or the public, up to the time of trial. Prior to trial, the Court will determine whether Plaintiffs should be required to publicly disclose their true names at trial.
0 notes
nancyedimick · 7 years
Pseudonymous litigation, and alleged skulduggery in the world of romance novelists
Pseudonymous lawsuits are generally (but not always) disallowed — but what if the pseudonym isn’t just for the purposes of litigation, but is instead the name under which the person is known in the community in which the dispute arose? That’s the hot, exciting subject of Wednesday’s Nevada federal district court decision in Alexander v. Falk; but first, I just can’t resist this quote from “Randi Alexander“‘s site:
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Randi Alexander knows a modern woman dreams of an alpha cowboy who takes the reins, and guarantees they’re rode hard and put up satisfied.
OK, back to the court decision:
The Plaintiffs, “Randi Alexander” and “Jackson Young,” are suing under pseudonyms. “Randi Alexander” is a pen name for an individual romance novelist. “Jackson Young” is a stage name for an individual professional model and country music performer. Plaintiffs allege that they have been defamed by Defendants Kathryn Falk [a romance novel promoter], Romantic Times, Inc. [a romance-novel-related magazine] and … Gracie Wilson [also the pseudonym of a romance author]….
Plaintiffs allege that during the April 2016 convention, Defendants Wilson, Falk and Romantic Times began or continued a malicious campaign to defame and disparage Alexander and Young. Falk and Wilson allegedly made false statements to a group of convention attendees, including romance novel authors and publishers, that: (a) Alexander and Young were involved in secret, inappropriate, illicit, salacious, and scandalous relationships with each other and third parties; (b) were blackmailing publishers and others into using and promoting Plaintiffs’ goods and services; © Young was a predator; (d) Wilson was living in fear because of Young’s threats to her; (e) Young had other victims; (f) Young sent inappropriate text messages to various authors, including a big name author whose husband became aware of texts and made threats against Young; (g) Young fraudulently obtained money from authors for services he did not perform; and (h) Young was blackmailing Alexander by using details of their supposed inappropriate relationship to keep her in a business partnership. Plaintiffs allege that the defamatory campaign continued after the convention….
Plaintiff Young alleges that as a result of the Defendants’ defamation campaign, promoters of concerts cancelled his scheduled appearances or informed him that they would no longer have an association with him. A book publisher also cancelled a photo shoot with Young, allegedly as a result of defamatory statements made by Defendant Falk. Young alleges that due to the fallout, he was forced to shut down his social media and website. Plaintiff Alexander alleges that her reputation has suffered as well, and that she has lost out on business contracts, relationships and opportunities. Plaintiffs allege claims for violation of the Lanham Act-Trade Libel/Commercial Disparagement, Lanham Act-False Advertising, common law business disparagement/trade libel, defamation, false light, intentional interference with contractual relations and prospective economic advantage, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress, fraud/deceptive trade practices, and civil conspiracy.
Plaintiffs request permission to continue to prosecute this action under their professional pseudonyms because they fear that if their true names are disclosed to Defendants or become publicly known, they will be subjected to harassment and abuse touching on their personal lives which they have kept separate from their professional identities and activities. In support of their motion, Plaintiffs have submitted exhibits showing comments posted on the Romantic Times Facebook account in early May, 2016, in response to a post from an individual who stated that “a certain cover-model has been removed from the group due to multiple allegations of abuse and blackmail. Anyone feeling the need to jump to his defense can certainly do so but I’m not letting him back in.” The responses included a May 3, 2016, post from Defendant Falk which stated that Plaintiff Young was banned from any RT events….
Plaintiff also attached posts from the Facebook account of Defendant Wilson made in early May 2016 setting forth the manner in which she had allegedly been harassed by Plaintiff Young. The comments in response to Defendant Wilson’s posts also appear to have been made in early May 2016. In March 2017, Defendant Wilson posted a request for donations to help her retain counsel to defend this lawsuit. In that post, Defendant Wilson repeated allegations that she had previously made against Plaintiff Young in May 2016. This post drew several contributions from individuals who indicated their sympathy and support for Defendant Wilson….
A plaintiff’s use of a fictitious name runs afoul of the public’s common law right of access to judicial proceedings and the requirement of Fed.R.Civ.P. 10(a) that the complaint include the names of all the parties…. “[T]he normal presumption in litigation is that parties must use their real names…. This presumption is loosely related to the pubic’s right to open courts, … and the right of private individuals to confront their accusers….” … Rule 10(a) “protects the public’s legitimate interest in knowing all of the facts involved, including the identities of the parties…. This creates a strong presumption in favor of parties’ proceeding in their own names. Defendants have the right to know who their accusers are, as they may be subject to embarrassment or fundamental unfairness if they do not.” … [In a Seventh Circuit case] in which the plaintiff sued her ex-boyfriend for illegally distributing a videotape of them having sex when the plaintiff was a minor … [the court] noted that plaintiff had denied defendant the shelter of anonymity in bringing her lawsuit, and “yet it is [defendant], and not the plaintiff who faces disgrace if the complaint’s allegations can be substantiated. And if the complaint’s allegations are false, then anonymity provides a shield behind which defamatory charges may be launched without shame or liability.”
Courts have nevertheless permitted parties to proceed anonymously when special circumstances justify secrecy. A party may be permitted to use a pseudonym “in the ‘unusual case’ when nondisclosure of the party’s identity ‘is necessary … to protect a person from harassment, injury, ridicule or personal embarrassment.’” The court must balance the need for anonymity against the general presumption that parties’ identities are public information and the risk of unfairness to the opposing party. Plaintiffs have been permitted to use pseudonyms in three situations: (1) when identification creates a risk of retaliatory physical or mental harm; (2) when anonymity is necessary to preserve privacy in a matter of sensitive and highly personal nature; or (3) when the anonymous party is compelled to admit his or her intention to engage in criminal conduct and thereby risk criminal prosecution.
In cases where a pseudonym is used to shield the anonymous party from retaliation, the district court should determine the need for anonymity by evaluating the following factors: (1) the severity of the threatened harm; (2) the reasonableness of the anonymous party’s fears; and (3) the anonymous party’s vulnerability to such retaliation…. [E]xamples of plaintiffs who are particularly vulnerable to retaliation … [include] children plaintiffs or a prison inmate who served as a government witness….
In this case, Plaintiffs Alexander and Young do not allege fear of retaliatory physical injury if their true names are disclosed. The potential injury to Plaintiffs if their true names are publicly disclosed in this lawsuit is the reputational and emotional injury that they will suffer in their private lives, which have so far been shielded by their use of professional pseudonyms.
This case differs from any of the … cases cited by the parties, in that the Plaintiffs are known to the Defendants, and to the romantic novel and musical performance communities in which the allegedly defamatory statements have been published, only by their professional pseudonyms. Plaintiff Young alleges that his ability to earn a livelihood as a professional model or country music entertainer under the name “Jackson Young” has been damaged by Defendants’ allegedly defamatory statements. Plaintiff Alexander more generally and vaguely alleges that her reputation as the romance novelist “Randi Alexander” has been damaged by Defendants’ defamatory accusations and she has lost out on business contracts and relationships.
The case for allowing Plaintiffs to proceed under their professional pseudonyms is strengthened by their allegation that Defendants stated that Plaintiffs engaged in an illicit, salacious and scandalous relationship with each other. Plaintiff Alexander is married, and this allegation if connected to her true name could cause injury to her reputation in the community where she is known by her true name. An accusation of marital infidelity is a matter of a sensitive and highly personal nature. Although Plaintiff Young is apparently not married, he could also potentially suffer similar personal harm in his private life if this accusation is connected to his true name.
It is possible that persons who know Plaintiffs by their true names are also aware of their professional pseudonyms and therefore can or already have connected the allegations in this lawsuit to the Plaintiffs. If this is established, then the grounds for permitting Plaintiffs to proceed under their professional pseudonyms will diminish. At this point, the Court accepts Plaintiff’s representations that they have kept their actual identities separate from their professional identities.
Given that Plaintiffs are known to Defendants and the professional communities in which they have allegedly been defamed only by their professional pseudonyms, the public interest in requiring that Plaintiffs sue in their true names is not strong. Assuming that there may be some validity to Plaintiffs’ allegations that they have been defamed, requiring them to sue in their true names would potentially spread the damaging effects of the defamation to the arena of their private lives where it has not yet reached.
Defendants’ counsel had been provided with Plaintiffs’ true identities and is able to conduct discovery relevant to the claims in this case…. Accordingly, … Plaintiffs may proceed with this action under their professional pseudonyms, and without disclosing their true names to the Defendants or the public, up to the time of trial. Prior to trial, the Court will determine whether Plaintiffs should be required to publicly disclose their true names at trial.
Originally Found On: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/09/01/pseudonymous-litigation-and-alleged-skulduggery-in-the-world-of-romance-novelists/
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wolfandpravato · 7 years
Pseudonymous litigation, and alleged skulduggery in the world of romance novelists
Pseudonymous lawsuits are generally (but not always) disallowed — but what if the pseudonym isn’t just for the purposes of litigation, but is instead the name under which the person is known in the community in which the dispute arose? That’s the hot, exciting subject of Wednesday’s Nevada federal district court decision in Alexander v. Falk; but first, I just can’t resist this quote from “Randi Alexander“‘s site:
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Randi Alexander knows a modern woman dreams of an alpha cowboy who takes the reins, and guarantees they’re rode hard and put up satisfied.
OK, back to the court decision:
The Plaintiffs, “Randi Alexander” and “Jackson Young,” are suing under pseudonyms. “Randi Alexander” is a pen name for an individual romance novelist. “Jackson Young” is a stage name for an individual professional model and country music performer. Plaintiffs allege that they have been defamed by Defendants Kathryn Falk [a romance novel promoter], Romantic Times, Inc. [a romance-novel-related magazine] and … Gracie Wilson [also the pseudonym of a romance author]….
Plaintiffs allege that during the April 2016 convention, Defendants Wilson, Falk and Romantic Times began or continued a malicious campaign to defame and disparage Alexander and Young. Falk and Wilson allegedly made false statements to a group of convention attendees, including romance novel authors and publishers, that: (a) Alexander and Young were involved in secret, inappropriate, illicit, salacious, and scandalous relationships with each other and third parties; (b) were blackmailing publishers and others into using and promoting Plaintiffs’ goods and services; (c) Young was a predator; (d) Wilson was living in fear because of Young’s threats to her; (e) Young had other victims; (f) Young sent inappropriate text messages to various authors, including a big name author whose husband became aware of texts and made threats against Young; (g) Young fraudulently obtained money from authors for services he did not perform; and (h) Young was blackmailing Alexander by using details of their supposed inappropriate relationship to keep her in a business partnership. Plaintiffs allege that the defamatory campaign continued after the convention….
Plaintiff Young alleges that as a result of the Defendants’ defamation campaign, promoters of concerts cancelled his scheduled appearances or informed him that they would no longer have an association with him. A book publisher also cancelled a photo shoot with Young, allegedly as a result of defamatory statements made by Defendant Falk. Young alleges that due to the fallout, he was forced to shut down his social media and website. Plaintiff Alexander alleges that her reputation has suffered as well, and that she has lost out on business contracts, relationships and opportunities. Plaintiffs allege claims for violation of the Lanham Act-Trade Libel/Commercial Disparagement, Lanham Act-False Advertising, common law business disparagement/trade libel, defamation, false light, intentional interference with contractual relations and prospective economic advantage, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress, fraud/deceptive trade practices, and civil conspiracy.
Plaintiffs request permission to continue to prosecute this action under their professional pseudonyms because they fear that if their true names are disclosed to Defendants or become publicly known, they will be subjected to harassment and abuse touching on their personal lives which they have kept separate from their professional identities and activities. In support of their motion, Plaintiffs have submitted exhibits showing comments posted on the Romantic Times Facebook account in early May, 2016, in response to a post from an individual who stated that “a certain cover-model has been removed from the group due to multiple allegations of abuse and blackmail. Anyone feeling the need to jump to his defense can certainly do so but I’m not letting him back in.” The responses included a May 3, 2016, post from Defendant Falk which stated that Plaintiff Young was banned from any RT events….
Plaintiff also attached posts from the Facebook account of Defendant Wilson made in early May 2016 setting forth the manner in which she had allegedly been harassed by Plaintiff Young. The comments in response to Defendant Wilson’s posts also appear to have been made in early May 2016. In March 2017, Defendant Wilson posted a request for donations to help her retain counsel to defend this lawsuit. In that post, Defendant Wilson repeated allegations that she had previously made against Plaintiff Young in May 2016. This post drew several contributions from individuals who indicated their sympathy and support for Defendant Wilson….
A plaintiff’s use of a fictitious name runs afoul of the public’s common law right of access to judicial proceedings and the requirement of Fed.R.Civ.P. 10(a) that the complaint include the names of all the parties…. “[T]he normal presumption in litigation is that parties must use their real names…. This presumption is loosely related to the pubic’s right to open courts, … and the right of private individuals to confront their accusers….” … Rule 10(a) “protects the public’s legitimate interest in knowing all of the facts involved, including the identities of the parties…. This creates a strong presumption in favor of parties’ proceeding in their own names. Defendants have the right to know who their accusers are, as they may be subject to embarrassment or fundamental unfairness if they do not.” … [In a Seventh Circuit case] in which the plaintiff sued her ex-boyfriend for illegally distributing a videotape of them having sex when the plaintiff was a minor … [the court] noted that plaintiff had denied defendant the shelter of anonymity in bringing her lawsuit, and “yet it is [defendant], and not the plaintiff who faces disgrace if the complaint’s allegations can be substantiated. And if the complaint’s allegations are false, then anonymity provides a shield behind which defamatory charges may be launched without shame or liability.”
Courts have nevertheless permitted parties to proceed anonymously when special circumstances justify secrecy. A party may be permitted to use a pseudonym “in the ‘unusual case’ when nondisclosure of the party’s identity ‘is necessary … to protect a person from harassment, injury, ridicule or personal embarrassment.’” The court must balance the need for anonymity against the general presumption that parties’ identities are public information and the risk of unfairness to the opposing party. Plaintiffs have been permitted to use pseudonyms in three situations: (1) when identification creates a risk of retaliatory physical or mental harm; (2) when anonymity is necessary to preserve privacy in a matter of sensitive and highly personal nature; or (3) when the anonymous party is compelled to admit his or her intention to engage in criminal conduct and thereby risk criminal prosecution.
In cases where a pseudonym is used to shield the anonymous party from retaliation, the district court should determine the need for anonymity by evaluating the following factors: (1) the severity of the threatened harm; (2) the reasonableness of the anonymous party’s fears; and (3) the anonymous party’s vulnerability to such retaliation…. [E]xamples of plaintiffs who are particularly vulnerable to retaliation … [include] children plaintiffs or a prison inmate who served as a government witness….
In this case, Plaintiffs Alexander and Young do not allege fear of retaliatory physical injury if their true names are disclosed. The potential injury to Plaintiffs if their true names are publicly disclosed in this lawsuit is the reputational and emotional injury that they will suffer in their private lives, which have so far been shielded by their use of professional pseudonyms.
This case differs from any of the … cases cited by the parties, in that the Plaintiffs are known to the Defendants, and to the romantic novel and musical performance communities in which the allegedly defamatory statements have been published, only by their professional pseudonyms. Plaintiff Young alleges that his ability to earn a livelihood as a professional model or country music entertainer under the name “Jackson Young” has been damaged by Defendants’ allegedly defamatory statements. Plaintiff Alexander more generally and vaguely alleges that her reputation as the romance novelist “Randi Alexander” has been damaged by Defendants’ defamatory accusations and she has lost out on business contracts and relationships.
The case for allowing Plaintiffs to proceed under their professional pseudonyms is strengthened by their allegation that Defendants stated that Plaintiffs engaged in an illicit, salacious and scandalous relationship with each other. Plaintiff Alexander is married, and this allegation if connected to her true name could cause injury to her reputation in the community where she is known by her true name. An accusation of marital infidelity is a matter of a sensitive and highly personal nature. Although Plaintiff Young is apparently not married, he could also potentially suffer similar personal harm in his private life if this accusation is connected to his true name.
It is possible that persons who know Plaintiffs by their true names are also aware of their professional pseudonyms and therefore can or already have connected the allegations in this lawsuit to the Plaintiffs. If this is established, then the grounds for permitting Plaintiffs to proceed under their professional pseudonyms will diminish. At this point, the Court accepts Plaintiff’s representations that they have kept their actual identities separate from their professional identities.
Given that Plaintiffs are known to Defendants and the professional communities in which they have allegedly been defamed only by their professional pseudonyms, the public interest in requiring that Plaintiffs sue in their true names is not strong. Assuming that there may be some validity to Plaintiffs’ allegations that they have been defamed, requiring them to sue in their true names would potentially spread the damaging effects of the defamation to the arena of their private lives where it has not yet reached.
Defendants’ counsel had been provided with Plaintiffs’ true identities and is able to conduct discovery relevant to the claims in this case…. Accordingly, … Plaintiffs may proceed with this action under their professional pseudonyms, and without disclosing their true names to the Defendants or the public, up to the time of trial. Prior to trial, the Court will determine whether Plaintiffs should be required to publicly disclose their true names at trial.
Originally Found On: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/09/01/pseudonymous-litigation-and-alleged-skulduggery-in-the-world-of-romance-novelists/
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edivupage · 5 years
15 Teaching Strategies That Will Help You Reach All Learners
We know you want to be the best teacher that you can be and ensure that all of your students succeed. To accomplish this, you need to be a pedagogical and classroom management expert, all while wearing a dozen other hats. To help you develop a peerless teaching reputation, we decided to create a post that discusses 15 teaching strategies that will help you reach all students. You are welcome in advance.
PORPE: A learning strategy based on five steps—predict, organize, rehearse, practice, and evaluate—that helps secondary- and college-level students plan, monitor, and assess their reading.
Herring Bone Technique: A strategy designed to help students organize information in a text using a structured outline based on six basic comprehension questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how.
Structured Overview: A learning strategy for the introduction of new vocabulary and overall organization of a selection by representing key terms visually. The following steps are usually involved: listing the key terms; arranging the terms to highlight relationships between ideas; adding words familiar to the student in order to develop the identified relationships; evaluating the diagram; presenting the diagram and providing reasons for the arrangement therein; and continuing the process of connecting information as the selection is read. 
Worked Examples: A teaching strategy in which a teacher provides an example of how to solve a problem and model the students’ thought processes.
Discussion Circles: A small group strategy where students read a text on their own and then share their personal interpretation, insight, or questions about that text. This can be used to prompt discussion on informational articles, sections of text, or novels.
Facilitating Questions: A teaching strategy designed to encourage learners to think continuously to make a given problem-solving process easier.
Heterogeneous Grouping: A teaching strategy which groups students of different ability levels.
Homogeneous Grouping: A teaching strategy that groups students of the same or similar ability level together.
Between-Class Grouping: A teaching strategy that groups students into low-, middle-, and high-level classes at each grade level based on their abilities. Also known as XYZ grouping or tracking.
Cross-Grade Grouping: Also called the Joplin Plan. A strategy for grouping students in class with students one grade higher for part of their school day.
Monitoring/Clarifying: A reading comprehension strategy where the reader constantly asks whether the text makes sense to them and then implementing strategic processes to make the text clearer.
Within-class Grouping: A teaching strategy that groups student in a class for small-group instruction, usually based on reading or mathematics capabilities.
What are Small Groups: A flexible grouping strategy where three to five students meet to accomplish several different purposes. Small groups typically only last for around twenty minutes.
SQ4R: An abbreviation for survey, question, read, record, recite, and reflect. This is a textbook reading study strategy that incorporates these six skills to learn more about the text.
What are Thick and Thin Questions: A teaching idea that encourages students to ask questions about a given text and then discern what type of questions they are asking. The questions might be memory-level (thin) or evaluative (thick).
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The post 15 Teaching Strategies That Will Help You Reach All Learners appeared first on The Edvocate.
15 Teaching Strategies That Will Help You Reach All Learners published first on https://sapsnkra.tumblr.com
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