#there he is on the third floor entry atrium wall
copperbadge · 3 months
The main floor of the Harold Washington Library Center, Chicago's big flagship downtown public library, has a wall of photos of various famous writers who have visited. Whenever I walk through on my way to the study rooms, I see the photos and think to myself, "Why is Tumblr cryptid and internet friend-to-all Neil Gaiman's giant photo on the wall of the library?"
Then I remind myself that's a silly thing to ask.
Everyone knows Neil Gaiman has no social media.
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purkinje-effect · 5 years
The Purkinje Effect, 34
Table of Contents
“Christ, Geek, you’ve got thrill issues.” Hancock stared down the hole at him. “I’m not afraid of heights. There’s jumping down from someplace, and there’s falling. This is definitely falling.”
“Great, now we have to see this to completion,” ‘Choly moaned. “Angel’s hydraulic thrusters can’t handle that sudden a drop. Not that it matters since I’m not about to leave it behind, but I’m not so good for climbing.”
“I wouldn’t trust me to catch you, either,” Geek snipped with a shit-eating grin. “Guess you’re just gonna hafta double back to that first door an’ see if y’can’t put y’brains together t’break it open.”
“Aren’t you two floors under us?” Hancock continued, increasingly mad that Geek had forcibly divorced himself from the group in such a way, increasingly stressed that the vault was more labyrinthine than any of them had anticipated, and increasingly convinced this was Geek’s way of seizing some kind of control over the situation. “Something tells me there’s a good chance it doesn’t lead anywhere.”
“Well, for your sake and mine, you’d better hope it does. I’ll be fine. I did all kinda a repair work on the maintenance tunnels in 82. I can find my way around without gettin’ caught. Goin’ it alone for now, swear I’ll play it stealthy. Oh hey, there’s another terminal down here.”
“Somethin’ tells me ‘Geek’ and ‘stealth’ don’t belong in the same sentence,” ‘Choly quipped, wanting to wait around to hear what the terminal had to offer.
“Tell me about it,” Hancock agreed, starting into a cigarette and pacing.
Geek shrugged it off, and opened a confidential file paradoxically left unprotected by password. In it summarized the scope of the resident interview process, as it pertained to Vault 114′s planned social experiment. Great. He rolled his eye. Never gonna find a vault that didn’t use the folks for guinea pigs.
“Wow,” he narrated up the shaft aloud. “It wasn’t just Todd Gates. Everybody slotted t’live here was cherrypicked from the rich, the political, and the famous. This one ran an experiment on its people like all the others, but this one was psychological. They sold these rich snobs first class, but would’a sardined ‘em into coach. An’ their original Overseer was supposed to have as little leadership experience as possible, with as strong a hate for authority as possible.”
The chemist bounced his eyebrows once, deadpan.
“So you’re saying that there’s no way to predict just how poorly adjusted these residents’ descendants are.”
“Sounds like the whole tin can could’a used a lifetime supply of Jet, provided the experiment ever got off the ground,” Hancock joked. “From what I understand, though, the only thing we’ve gotta worry about is a mob of Triggermen. They’re bad enough, but also just about as predictable as it gets.”
“What do you mean, ‘from what you understand’? You know about this vault?” ‘Choly glared at the delinquent ghoul, getting to his limit with the situation himself.
“Then it wasn’t weird, that the admissions list didn’t confirm intake of any of the residents. Y’telling us the Vault never opened for use.” Geek stalled in place, everything clicking in that moment, and he slowly picked his head up to glare up in a near-rage at Hancock, who immediately shied from the top of the shaft to pace away from the pink ghoul’s line of sight. “Vault 114. You told me about this place back at the Vault-Tec office. Just how drunk was I that day, not to put it all together until now? You knew. You knew what’s down here. You’re bein’ clean cut straightforward with the two of us right. Now. We deserve it.”
“I’m starting to think both you and Bobbi had the same bad habits.” ‘Choly sniffed with a dismissive sneer. “Come on, Bobbi. Out with it. What were you two doing at a Vault-Tec office?”
“I--” Hancock flustered at the comparison and pursed his cigarette in his lips to shove his hands in his jean pockets stiffly, eyes wide. “I’d hoped you’d catch my drift a lot sooner, is all. I haven’t been lying, just... misleading. Didn’t think I’d have to spell it all out, to be fair. Don’t be too hard on yourself for not rememberin’ everything from the Vault-Tec office, Geek. It was a lot of information to take in at once. Really, I only know what Nick’s told me. It’s not like I had a key inside before now. He and Skinny have history. I think he just finally got unlucky enough to get on Skinny’s bad side.”
“...Hey, nerd.” Geek ate his cigarette filter while he eyed the stuff in the room he’d jumped down into. “That wristwatch keep good time?”
“It’s eighteenth hour,” ‘Choly replied, convinced their entourage had failed.
“Oh, good. We’re in sync.” He dropped his Pip-Boy arm to his side again. “I don’t know how your vault was set up, but I know in my gut that door at the start’s gotta be the main entrance. Gimme two hours with y’all tryin’ t’get it open quiet-like before you go an’ do anything louder, yeah?”
“We’ll give you one,” Hancock insisted, hating the idea of leaving him on his own that long.
“Ideally, we’ll get in easily,” ‘Choly agreed. “If we get in before you get out, meet us in the Overseer’s office. If there is one. Okay?”
“Into the labyrinth.” He blew Hancock a kiss and traversed deeper, down a hall, and through a pocket door around the corner.
Geek found a box of Abraxo Powder on the ground near some lockers, and he picked it up to absently crack open the corner with a jammed-in thumb. Hancock’s juryrigged fence-muzzle thwarted the attempt to pour some in his mouth and he growled to himself as the soap went everywhere but. With a huffed grunt, he tucked the box open-end-up into his jumpsuit next to his heart and zipped back up.
A glance out the window in the wall showed the first real fixture of a true vault which anyone encountered upon entry: the Atrium, a large open social area with a ceiling at least two stories high. Cafeteria bench tables and unpacked shipping crates littered the floor space at the bottom, and a balcony ran the full perimeter of the second floor. He nearly wondered if he were down here all alone after all, but overheard a one-sided conversation taking place. The pink ghoul crept around the corner hall and out onto the second story balcony, and eavesdropped on a man on the third story balcony, arguing with someone behind a porthole. That has to be the Overseer’s office. Slowly, he crept up the stairs.
“--Feelin’ hungry? Wanna snack?” The Triggerman in a black trilby jeered. The response sobered him, and he sneered. “Don’t gimme that crap, Valentine. You know nothin’, you got nothin’.” Another pause hushed him. “Three strikes...? In the black book...? But I never-- Ohh no. I gotta smooth this out, an’ fast!”
The Triggerman bolted for the stairs, and Geek reflexively jutted his foot out to trip him. With him face-down, Geek grabbed him by a fistful of hair and from behind slashed his throat with Cronus, then tossed down the body and stood back up. From inside the locked office, the sound of a brassy, gruff Chicago accent cut off the pink ghoul’s relieved sigh.
“Hey, you. I don’t know who you are, but we got three minutes before they realize muscles-for-brains ain’t comin’ back. Get this door open.”
He peered through the porthole, to find very little light and the silhouette of a figure in a trenchcoat and fedora. The terminal beside the locked door required a password, and he didn’t trust his luck. Looking for a holotape key, he patted down the Triggerman who’d kept watch on their captive, and snapped his fingers in success before returning to the terminal with it to instruct the computer to disengage the lock. The vertical pocket door slid up and down in two pieces, and Geek stood there a moment taking in the presence of the person he was bailing out. The detective lit a cigarette, but the smell didn’t mask the familiar lubricants and coolants which belied a human silhouette. He stared into the synth’s glowing golden eyes.
“Gotta love the irony of the reverse damsel-in-distress scenario,” the detective quipped wryly. “Question is, why did our hero risk his life and limb for an old private eye?”
“Call... it a favor for a friend.” Geek consciously endeavored to steady his breathing, and he’d already begun to salivate. Damn my luck, that I found him before Hancock and ‘Choly did. Feeling like some kind of feral animal, he squirmed that he could only stare at the exposed armature of the detective’s right hand as it drew the cigarette up to his lips to take another hit. He swallowed his own cigarette butt and shuddered, unable to determine whether nicotine did a thing for a construct that didn’t even have lungs. Let alone that a good bit of the smoke escaped through a gap in the cheek flesh. “Y-- y’not like that other synths I’ve met.”
“One of a kind, he shined with a wink. “The name’s Nick Valentine. To whom do I owe the pleasure of my freedom?”
“I’m the Geek,” he blurted out. “An’ a certain mayor led me, another guy, and the guy’s robot down here under the hunch we’d find you here.”
“Look, I know the skin and the metal parts ain’t comforting, but it’s not important right now.” Out of jaded habit, Valentine tried to distract Geek from the jarring artificial appearance of his weathered, damaged shell leaving swaths of his armature exposed throughout the left side of his face and all down his neck. “I’ve been cooped up in here for weeks. Only so many times a body can listen to the same three holotape interviews. ...Turns out the runaway daughter I came here to find wasn’t kidnapped. She’s Skinny Malone’s new flame, and she’s got a mean streak. Like I said, though, now ain’t the time. Let’s blow this joint. Then we’ll talk.”
“G-- g-- good idea. Nnnowait. I. I. I need t’do somethin’ first.” Shakily, Geek sat at the C-shaped Overseer’s desk and browsed the terminal for a moment. He pocketed the three aforementioned holotapes from the desktop, and stood right back up in frustration. “Damn, it’s just a welcome note for the Overseer. Dunno what I expected. Damn vault never opened for residence.”
“Well that certainly explains why Skinny didn’t have to clear out the previous tenants. An empty vault. Perfect hideout.”
“When they locked you in here, they patted you down, didn’t they?” Geek asked on the way out.
“Unfortunately,” Nick replied. “Hopefully you can keep it hot enough for the both of us.”
“Well, if you’re good with a gun.” Geek handed over a box of .44 bullets and his bull barrel pistol with a sly boredom. “I negotiate with my fists, personally.”
“A pleasant surprise. Appreciate the insurance.”
“Don’t sweat it,” the ghoul grinned.
Geek let Valentine show the way, and the synth detective cut back the way Geek had come, then continued down to the bottom floor to the Atrium. Shipping crates littered the balcony and the space under the stairs, and were piled high against the Atrium walls. Suddenly, Valentine crouched and whispered,
“How do you want to play this?”
The pair peered at the five Triggermen who’d ambled out to investigate the brief commotion from before. Geek let it speak for him, to don his knuckledusters and slip out to dance. Given the element of surprise, he and Valentine dispatched them with the slightest scuff. While Geek caught his breath, he wandered the area and eyed the labels on the crates. One of them had been marked ‘Vault 111: decompression chamber coolant’ and his head tilted askew at the cryogenics warnings all over it. Three rows down, he stopped dead and stared. ‘Vault 82: hydroponics bay kit.’
“Hard and loud, huh? Well, gets the job done. Too bad for whoever cleans up the floors.”
“--Aw fuck me, Hancock owes me a nuke. I told him they never got to 82, half or all.” Geek popped off the lid and looked inside. He peered at the various parts which would have become elevated gardening trays. “Not that it does any good now.”
“Something tells me you came down here for more than little old me.”
“Guilty. If anything else labeled Vault 82 catches your eye, tell me.”
“So some wires got crossed, and shipments ended up unintended places. Not remotely surprised. In case you hadn’t noticed, construction of this place must have been overseen by the Grandchester family.”
“You’ve been to Nuka World!” Geek’s head whipped up with the childlike wonder of a toddler, and he stared at Nick. “Oh man I haven’t been since I was nine!”
“You don’t say.” Valentine clicked his tongue in affirmative. “I’ll keep my eyes peeled. Vault 82.”
As they continued on through the utility section of the vault, Geek felt very small and very distracted. He decided to pop a holotape into his Pip-Boy to listen to one at random. When Nick gave him the stinkeye, he turned it back off with sorry on his face.
“At least you picked the one interesting narrative among them. Got them all memorized, with them being the only thing to keep me sane locked up in the Overseer’s office. That’s the interview with the individual they selected as the Overseer. Soup Can Harry. Thought taxes paid for Illuminati free mason sex parties. Refused to wear pants. And ate soap explicitly to spite the ‘not for consumption’ label. They really picked a diamond in the rough with that one.”
“Part of the Vault-Tec experiment was to put the most infuriating and unrelenting idiot in charge of the vault. Hate to say I halfway fit the bill, if what you said describes the guy accurately. I could’a run the damn place.”
They passed the Depot and Geek detoured at the smell of more soap. The string of lockers that lined all four walls lay open and mostly empty, barring four boxes of Abraxo spilled around a skeleton which looked like its owner had crawled into the locker to eat to his heart’s content. The pink ghoul took one sealed box, but let the poor soul have the rest.
“You, too, huh?” Geek quipped, melancholy, as he shook the box. “Guess I was wrong about none of the residents ever makin’ it here.”
“Come on,” Nick hushed in agitation. “I just got the door to the stairwell open. It was malfunctioning, but we can keep moving now.”
Past the lavatories and showers, they cut to the stairs, to be met with a variety of directional arrows, which indicated to take the stairs if one so desired the residentials, laundry, cafeteria, nursery, or exit zone they sought. Nick hugged a door frame to shoot a Triggerman who’d been seated with his feet kicked up. Geek ambled up to the body to collect the comic he’d been reading, and his eyes lit up again as he skimmed through it.
“‘The Man Who Could Stop Time!’ Ohh man, this is one of the ones I never got. I used t’have a real big Astoundingly Awesome Tales collection.”
“Heh, it’s all yours, kid.”
They cut through the Residential zone, the layout of which connected rooms in such a way as to provide zero privacy and also house as many heads per room as humanly possible. Just the thought of as many as ten people being forced to live in the same tiny room together made Geek’s skin crawl, but the synth seemed to have his mind too much on escaping undetected to hypothesize how the vault experiment might have played out given the chance. A few Triggermen napped on the bunk beds, and the pair eliminated them easily before any woke to the intrusion.
“More stairs?” Nick scoffed as they took another flight. “Who built this damn vault, a fitness instructor?”
Finally, he got a laugh out of Geek, and the tension cut a bit.
Another hallway with the laundromat and storage closets yielded all manner of loot for Geek, who spent hardly any time or hesitation absconding with anything pocket-sized. He stepped into the cafeteria last, disappointed to find it was little more than a restaurant kitchen with an a la carte window. He turned the cafeteria upside-down when he didn’t find a single paste dispenser, and pocketed all the flatware he could put his hands on. Rejoining an exasperated Valentine, he patted his chests contentedly just to hear the fistfuls of utensils jangling together.
“You sure have deep pockets.”
“Deep pockets, and an appetite that won’t quit.”
“Skinny Malone and the rest of his boys are waiting for us, somewhere. The names, uh, ironic, but don’t let that fool you. He’s dangerous.”
Geek frowned. Surely they wouldn’t be ambushed by dozens of Triggermen.
They hit a dead end with another malfunctioning vertical pocket door. When Valentine announced he’d get it open with little effort, Geek inspected the various Vault-Tec shipping boxes for mailing labels which might have indicated anything further. The pink ghoul didn’t find anything but a pair of royal blue vault suits labeled on the back in large bold gold letters ‘114.’ With an eye roll he stuffed them into his jumpsuit along with the Abraxo, and flattened them down down without crushing the boxes so he could zip up. He started pacing and snacking once he no longer sufficiently felt he could distract himself.
“Okay, got it. But I head a big commotion on the other side and everything went quiet. This door was jammed, not locked, so whoever’s out there might have had the same trouble getting in as we are gettin’ out. Once we step through this door, get ready for anything.” He glanced up to catch Geek slipping table knives through the fence-muzzle gaps to swallow them, and the pink ghoul froze red-handed. “I take it the name’s not ironic.”
“I eat when I’m nervous.”
“Suppose that’s fair.”
“--Did y’say a buncha noise out there then silence?” Geek clenched his teeth. “I really hope that’s not the door I think it is.”
“Only one way to find out.”
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kingfisher95 · 7 years
A Little Apology And Then Some
So last year I dropped off of the face of tumblr, basically because uni was absolutely kicking my ass. But sadly that meant I left many things unfinished. One of these was a fic exchange which I got far far too dedicated to and kept saying to myself I would finish. I never did. @avatarquake I am so so so sorry. My prompt was - Daisy/Coulson, their vehicles and car races [fanfic, graphic, fanart]. Here below, for you and every Skoulson and Formula 1 fan, the first 2000 words of my fic which I do hope to keep working on. It’s very close to my heart, but I haven’t even got to the shipping aspect.
I also do not think I will return to tumblr for several more months, probably not until well into 2018.
“Give me an update, where is Loki?” Phil thinks he manages to sound nonchalant even in the heat of battle, bracing his body and throwing the wheel left praying the tyres will grip. Of course they do, 7 laps old and there’s no give at all but it’s always a gamble. They bite and bite and bite and the apex roars around and now he can hit the gas again, franticly climbing gears as he’s pressed back in his seat by the acceleration.
“All good Phil. You’re 6 seconds up, he’s got the edge in sector 3 but you’ve gone purple in sector 1 the past 2 laps. Fuel is on target,” May crackles in his ear, breezily calm, he can almost picture her leaning in to the telemetry screens with that tiny crease of concentration between her brows, working the best way to keep their agile little car ahead of the overpowered Asgardian brutes.
The next corner races at him and he lifts off and he fights the instinct to brake, carrying all the speed he can, deeper, deeper.
NOW. His foot stamps on the brakes and he wrenches right. This time the tyres slip just a millimetre before they catch and he’s flooring it again, racing toward the start-finish line to start lap 45/51 and sector 1, a fast and tight set of corners which test the aero package to the limit and makes his heart race like a derby stallion.
“Purple again, how are the tyres?” May asks as he punches in to sector two.
“Tyres are good,” he manages to grind out as he maxes out and the force of the acceleration pushes him backwards into his seat and the heat of the roaring V12. The back straight wings past the corners of his sight in a blur of colour, eyes fixed on the approaching corner, a vicious left hander where drivers can experience in excess of 4 G.
“Loki closing we need to hit 1:39,” crackles the radio as the force of his braking causes the webbed harness to bite into his shoulders and Coulson hits the confirm button as he flicks the car into the corner just a fraction too late, running wide and setting him up wrong for the sweeping right hander. The tires squeal in protest, smoking and drowned out by the engine’s roar and he runs far too wide onto the curb. Coulson swears violently, wrestling the car back onto the tarmac and hitting the accelerator down the third straight.
“Sorry Phil. Damage report on the lockup?”
“Intact. Tyres will make it to the end of the race if I’m careful.” Honestly he’s not sure if they will and Copse is closing on him, a corner taken almost flat. The sweat is running in his eyes now and he can see a flash of the golden Asgard livery in his right mirror.
Copse is over in a flash and the frantic weave of the next few corners feels all the worse as Coulson starts to feel the back end slide by increments. Around Stowe the back end steps out like an American drifter, smoking violently.
“Box. Box.” May still sounds calm but Coulson can’t believe she’s calling him in, 6 laps to the end. 6 laps, he’ll make it last. “Box Phil, and confirm.”
Coulson wings past the pit lane entry and on to the start finish straight, glancing at the timing board that still shows him in 1st place. He’s in the 1.41’s and suddenly Loki’s car is looming large in his mirrors. The SHIELD engine is vastly underpowered compared to the Asgard team and a tight feeling develops in his chest as he throws the car in to the first set of corners of lap 46. He’s got to rely on his aero package and pray the tires make it.
“Coulson when I give an order, I expect it obeyed. Box this lap unless you want your ass handed to you extra crispy,” the radio booms with Fury’s voice. “Confirm.”
Coulson doesn’t have time to confirm. Loki’s gotten better drive out of Aintree and the superior horsepower is telling. He’s forced to go deep in to go defensive in to Stowe, compromising the right hander for the second time running. It’s a horse race down towards Copse and Coulson doesn’t bother touching the brakes as he flings the car into the pass. Its rear end steps out like a ballet dancer as Loki dives towards the inside line, trying the undercut, the smell of burning rubber is everywhere and all Phil can see is smoke and yellow livery and then black.
A fierce joy rises inside Daisy as she flies through the final corner of the penultimate lap. Spa-francorchamps, the fastest race on the calendar. The black tarmac glistens festively, varnished with rain, and the chunky inters throw plumes of water to her left and right.
“1:55.2,” the radio intones. Daisy flicks the confirm and surges across the line. She needs to shave a quarter of a second off this lap and she knows exactly where to do it. The track is rising beneath her and she punches the gas, following the fading racing line to the crest of the hill in Eau Rouge, a terrifying blind corner and she turns in with a thrill in her heart the same as every time she takes this corner which betters even the bravest of drivers.
All she can see is trees and sky and then the track falls away beneath her as she turns in on faith. With a snap the track comes back in to view but she’s carrying too much speed to make the left hander. She punches the brakes and the tyres lock in protest, skating over the soaking track and the gravel trap spits as she slides to a halt and the screen flickers black.
Daisy slams her hands against the wheel in frustration and rips off the VR headset, revealing the dark room and the cheap plastic of the simulator’s walls. May perches to her left, tablet in hand and a steely look in her eyes.
“You just wasted an hour and half driving time to crash out on the final lap. You knew you were taking eau rouge too fast, that was stupid and reckless.” She clips out in her emotionless voice, reaching for Daisy’s wristband and flicking to her heart rate monitor. It’s hovering around 85, and the older woman makes a noise of approval. “Good recovery. But you can do better.”
May drops Daisy’s wrist and stands up, tapping on her tablet with a small crease between her brows. Daisy unclips the steering wheel and places it in front of her on the nose of the sim. Unbuckling the racing harness, she stands, rolling her shoulders to relieve the tension of being cradled in a carbon fibre cocoon for nearly 4 hours. She hops neatly out, and turns to start unscrewing her seat, a custom made mould of her body, from the skeletal sim car.
“No need for that,” May interrupts, looking up and snatching the steering wheel. “You’re back down here this afternoon.”
That was unusual, usually SHIELD only gave their young drivers half days on the simulator, here and there, crumbs off the tables of the big boys. Now it was Winter break Daisy had expected to have even less time with Barton and Romanoff back and needing to run the predicted spec for next year and learn the new track in Azerbaijan.
“Why’s that?” she asks, tugging off the worn racing gloves and instead tossing them in to the chair. She’s instantly suspicious. “You finally convinced them I’m a rockstar worthy of recognition?”
May doesn’t even look up.
“After that display?” she says coolly. “Not likely. Get some lunch Johnson, I expect you back here at 1.30.”
“Yes ma’am!” Daisy darts up the stairs into the sun-filled atrium, breathing in deep, clean lungfuls of air, wonderfully fresh after the stuffy sim room. The glass the room, like a giant fishbowl, is bedecked in twinkling lights and icicles. A colossal Christmas tree takes pride of place, it’s boughs heavy with silver SHIELD-sponsored baubles and a selection of perfectly wrapped cuboidal presents crowd at its feet in silver and black paper. Daisy pauses to examine the thing with distaste, a heavy-handed tribute to consumerism, and glances round at the clipped sound of heels approaching.
“Hiya Daisy!” Bobbi chirrups, and Daisy spins and hugs a statuesque blonde woman in greeting.
“Bobbi! Long time no see! I didn’t expect to see you here, they running you though the mill too?”
“Yeah, Fury’s giving us some big inspirational speech and then I’ve got sim drills, according to my timetable.”
“Yeah, I spent all morning down there with the cavalry, apparently I’ve got to go back there this afternoon. Don’t fancy a swap do you? Who’ve you got?”
Bobbi chuckles as they cross in to the swinging doors of the canteen.
“No chance girl. I’ve got a hot date with Hunter. Besides, you know May’s the best at what she does.”
Daisy groans and rolls her eyes melodramatically, snatching up a bottle of water with one hand and an apple with another.
“Sure, but would it kill her to crack a smile every so often?”
The plastic canteen chairs scrape on the faux wood lino as they sit by one of the curved bay windows and Daisy bites in to her apple with a crisp crunch. The room is rapidly filling with a buzz of noise as more and more people file in and she glances around curiously. Fury is lurking ominously in a corner, dressed in a black leather biker jacket.
“You gotta remember what she’s been through Daisy.” Bobbi reproves as she pokes her salad with a plastic fork.
“Yeah and what was that exactly,” mutters the smaller woman. “Nobody seems to be able to tell me. And why does that mean she gets to put me through the ringer. She made me drive Spa twice this morning. In the wet.”
Bobbi casts her a sympathetic look and opens her mouth to reply.
“Ok PEOPLE,” comes the bellow. Fury is standing at the front of the room, flanked by Fitz-Simmons, head engineer and biomechanics respectively. He builds the cars and finds the limits of their capabilities, she does the same to the drivers. Daisy hates them both. Neither of them deign to work with anything or anyone below top level, Daisy who gets a morning in the sim a score of times a year is quite beneath their notice.
“I have been informed that we are performing… suboptimally,” he glances fiercely at the gawky Scot on his left who blinks robotically at the attentive crowd. “Our competitors are churning out better, faster and stronger drivers. SHIELD has not had a package to rival for the championship since Rogers. We are going to be making big changes around these parts, starting this afternoon. We are working towards a more integrated, innovative system. The board wants results. You all gotta pull your weight, or you might find you have no weight to pull. Engineers of all descriptions, report to Fitz for debriefing in the garage. Drivers, PR, trainers, personal engineers, report to Simmons right here. “
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
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Genre: Shooter, First-Person Shooter Developer: Obsidian Entertainment Publisher: Bethesda Softworks ESRB Rating: Mature Release Date: October 19, 2010
Infinite Caps
After your restore law in Primm (either with NCR or With the sheriff) go back to the casino and talk to the raiders who show up (however you please). Then leave Primm and return 3 in-game days later and buy chips and the cash them in. You get the caps and keep the chips and you can trade in the chips however much you want.
Unlimited Caps In Lonesome Road
There are many commissaries in lonesome road, they recycle themselves when they get below 100 caps, back to a full bank of 6,000. You can sell everything you want until you empty it, then close, reopen, repeat until you have a million plus caps like I did. They look good next to the 37 gold bars.
Easy Caps
If you go to the strip and go into Tops you can or even in freeside you can gamble in blackjack. Buy 200 chips and go to a table. Save. Then while you are playing bet max. And every time you win stop playing and save again. Every time you lose all you have to do is load. But make sure you save before you play.
Weapon Locations
.357 Magnum Revolver – LuckyIn Primm, in the floor safe inside the cashier’s area of the Vikki and Vance Casino. .44 Magnum Revolver – Mysterious MagnumOwned by the Lonesome Drifter, by the Sunset Sasparilla Billboard, close to El Dorado Dry Lake. 9 Iron – Nephi’s Golf DriverCarried by a Fiend named Driver Nephi, in his territory. 9mm Pistol – MariaOn Benny, when you kill him. 9mm Submachine Gun – Vance’s Submachine GunIn Win’s Hideout, inside the safe. Alien BlasterAt the Hovering Anomaly. BB Gun – Abilene Kid LE BB GunInside the Fiend’s Shack, lying on a shelf. Bladed Gauntlet – Cram OpenerIn Camp McCarran, owned by Little Buster. Boxing Gloves – Golden GlovesInside Lucky 38 Casino, on the upper bar of the casino floor. Bumper Sword – Blade Of The EastIn Legate’s Camp, carried by Legate Lanius. Cleaver – ChopperOn the stove of Wolfhorn Ranch. Combat Knife – Chance�s KnifeIn Chance’s Grave. Cowboy Repeater – La Longue CarabineIn Camp McCarran, carried by Corporal Sterling. Displacer Glove – PushyInside the Ruby Hill Mine, on the body of a Jackal Gang member. DogTag Fist – Recompense Of The FallenIn Aurelius’ desk, on the upper floor of the main building in Cottonwood Cove. Euclid’s C-FinderOn the Freeside Streets, carried by Max, in and around Nick and Ralph’s. Fat ManIn Quarry Junction, near the skeleton by the southern silt pool. It is also occasionally found on prospector corpses. Fire Axe – Knock KnockIn the Camp Searchlight Fire Station, in the restrooms. Frag Grenade – Holy Frag GrenadeIn Camp Searchlight, in the basement of the eastern church. Wild Wasteland must be taken. Gauss Rifle – YCS/186At the Mercenary Camp; Wild Wasteland trait must not be taken. Grenade Machine-gun – MercyOn the floor of Dead Wind Cavern, near a dead BoS Paladin. Grenade Rifle – Thump-ThumpAt the Nellis Array, lying on the floor near the Ant mound. Hunting Shotgun – Dinner BellAt the Old Nuclear Test Site, inside the shack. Laser Pistol – Pew PewAfter completing “The Legend Of The Star” quest, it will be on the body of Allen Marks. Laser Rifle – AER14 PrototypeInside the Vault 22 Common Area, on the blocked stairwell only accessible from the Food Production level. Lead Pipe – The Humble CudgelInside the Sealed Sewers, near the Prospector Corpse. Machete – LiberatorIn Nelson, carried by Dead Sea. Minigun – CZ57 AvengerIn the Devil’s Throat, inside, at the back of the container trailer, by the dead body. Missile Launcher – AnnabelleIn Black Rock Mountain, carried by the Nightkin Sniper on Black Rock Summit. Marksman Carbine – All-AmericanIn the Armory Cache, Vault 34, on the floor, on an upturned table. Oh, Baby!In the deepest part of Charleston Cave, near a Chewed Stealth Boy. Plasma Rifle – Q-35 Matter ModulatorIn the locked shipping room of REPCONN HQ, in a pod casement. Pulse GunIn the Armory Cache, Vault 34. Sawed-Off Shotgun – Big BoomerIn Gibson Scrap Yard, carried by Old Lady Gibson. Sniper Rifle – Gobi Campaign Scout RifleIn the footlocker of the Sniper’s Nest, overlooking the Cottonwood Cove. Spiked Knuckles – Love and HateIn Bonnie Springs, on the Viper Gang Leader. Straight Razor – FigaroIn the back of King’s School of Impersonation, owned by Sergio. Tesla Cannon – Tesla-Beaton PrototypeOn the ground near the crashed Vertibird. That GunIn Novac, on a shelf in the locked storage room inside the Dino Bite Gift Shop. This MachineAt the end of the “Dealing With Contreras” quest, it will be a reward from Contreras for not turning him in. Varmint Rifle – RatslayerInside the Broc Flower Cave, propped up against the desk. Zap Glove – Paladin ToasterIn Black Rock Cave, near the body of the dead prospector.
Ways to get Into the Strip
Once in freeside, go talk to the woman in the atomic wrangler, if shes not there wait a couple hours. Ask for work, also have the “Lady Killer” perk. She will say she needs debt collected, all of them are in freeside. The lady killer perk is when you talk to Lady Jane, you can persuade her to fork over the caps, plus she gives you a caravan location, I think there is 7000 or so caps inside. Kill everyone at freeside except: The Kings, The Silver Rush people, And Mr. House’s Securitrons. Someone has a C4 charge sell it for 548 caps, take a job at the silver rush guarding the door, you will earn 200 caps, the next job there is also 200 caps. OR if you have awesome weapons, or a death wish kill the Securitron greeter take the key, RUN, or you will DIE. If you want to kill them all visit nellis air force base, kill raquell take the grenade launcher, really fast one, not the ordinary grenade launcher! These ways only take a few minutes! OR do a 100 jobs for the king and he’ll get you a passport and you can use Rex, his dog.
Easiest Way For Unlimited XP
Go to Vault 11 find the overseer’s password for his/ her terminal fight all the robots in the basement and find another terminal in a small room and click on the last entry on the terminal as much as you need to get to level 30 (probably 5 seconds).
Free Plasma Weapons
Go to New Vegas, then go to the Silver Rush (there is a big sign that says “Silver Rush”) There is a bathroom in the back of the shop. Go through the unlocked door and then go and get a gun off of the table. Take it to the bathroom and then put it in your inventory. You will not get caught and you can get all the guns you want.
Scared Deathclaw
If loads of deathclaws are chasing you run into water deathclaws are afraid of water and won’t follow.
Truly Unlimited Experience
I have uncovered the ultimate tip in fallout, new vegas. Down in the south east corner of your map, (Accessed by pip boy) there is a village called cottonwood cove. In cottonwood cove there is a building with a fence on one side of it. (Possibly containing slaves if not yet freed. ) go around to the side opposite if the cage to the side that has stairs leading up the side. Inside you will find a man by the name of Aurelius of Pheonix. Talk to him. He is offering to reward you for each NCR trooper you slay. You must bring back dog tags as proof. Anyway. You have the option to barter instead for weapons supplies. Do this. (Barter of 35+ required. ) after selecting this don’t exit conversation. Keep selecting this. Each time you select this conversation action, you will receive 69XP. Rapidly press X to keep selecting this for infinite XP. (Note: once you exit this conversation, it is no longer accessible) you can gain more than one level at a time. I have already went up 10 levels, now level 41. Good luck gamers.
500+ XP
Goto Vault 11 (northwest of Boulder City) and find the overseers password. Go through the Reactor level to find the password in the Atrium (on the podium: hologram) goto the overseers office and go down to the sacrificial chamber. Watch the movie and kill the robots the goto the computer and click the third option FIRST and continue to click it until desired level. (Note: usable once if you exit the computer or pick another option byebye glitch. ).
Hollow Rock Locations
1. Northern PassageOn the eastern rock wall, near the grave and “The Sun Is Killing Me” graffiti. 2. Ruby Hill MinePart of the rock wall, just to the right of the door. 3. Charleston CavePart of the rock wall, just to the right of the door, by the heart graffiti. 4. Silver Peak MinePart of the wall, just to the right of the shack through which you enter. 5. Vault 22On the north bank, across from the “Keep Out” sign, by the entrance. 6. JacobstownJust outside the perimeter, to the right of the main entrance, where the Super Mutants stand guard. 7. Remnants BunkerAbout 10 feet north of the entrance, part of the rock wall. 8. Chance’s MapAdjacent to the dirt map, with “The Sun Is Killing Me” graffiti on it. 9. Bloodborne CaveJust to the right of the cave entrance. 10. Cannibal Johnson’s CaveJust to the right of the cave entrance. 11. Fisherman’s Pride ShackBy the campfire, north-west of the shack. 12. Camp GuardianNext to the Camp Guardian population sign, at the base of the path up to Guardian Peak. 13. Follower’s OutpostBuilt into the steps of the signal box structure. 14. Boulder Beach CampgroundBy the side of the road, north-west of the jetties, with “The Sun Is Killing Me” graffiti. 15. Cazador NestPart of the rock wall, on the east side of the nest alcove, facing back towards the alcove. 16. Tribal VillageAt the start of the Ravine Path, close to the corpses and tents. 17. Makeshift Great Kahn CampOn the west side of camp, near the desert plants. 18. Yangtze MemorialAt the base of the south steps, with the peace symbol graffiti. 19. Goodsprings CaveJust to the right of the cave entrance. 20. PrimmAttached to a large rock, near the scattered chems and the rock perimeter, above the concrete support wall. 21. Jack Rabbit SpringsSouth of the pools of radiation, on the shore of the Dry Lake. 22. Morning Star CavernBy the entrance to the cavern, by the bones and the explosive crate. 23. Crescent Canyon WestIn the canyon, on the west exit slope, adjacent to a rusting car husk. 24. Crescent Canyon EastOn the east exist slope, just after the rail bridge. 25. Vault 11Just to the right of the entrance. 26. Black Rock CaveJust to the north of the fallen radar dish. 27. El Dorado Dry LakeWest of the Savaged Brahmin, in the sands of the Dry Lake. 28. Hidden ValleyWest of the eastern bunker, with the “no missile” and heart graffiti. 29. Powder Ganger Camp EastNext to a Honey Mesquite Tree, around 20 to 30 feet south of the camp. 30. Primm PassClose to the Brahmin bones, on the western end of the pass. 31. Dead Wind CavernOn the south rock wall slope, around 20 to 30 feet from the entrance. 32. Hidden Supply CaveTo the left of the cave entrance, with the “no missile” graffiti. 33. Walking Box CavernAround 20 to 30 feet east of the cavern entrance. 34. Broc Flower CaveAt the foot of the entrance slope, with “The Sun Is Killing Me” graffiti. 35. Abandoned BoS BunkerWith the small cluster of rocks and shale on the slope leading up to the bunker grating. 36. Techatticup MineTo the right of the entrance, with the white blocks graffiti. 37. Lucky Jim MineSlightly beyond the shack, near the wooden cart. 38. Searchlight North Gold MineOn the flat rock bank to the south of the entrance hole. 39. Searchlight East Gold MineSoutheast of the entrance; climb on the pile of rock and shale to reach it. 40. Cottonwood CaveOn the road between the two sets of crucifixion poles, with “The Sun Is Killing Me” graffiti. 41. Bradley’s ShackOn the west side of the entrance, by the small valley landslide. 42. Fire Root CavernAt the foot of the entrance slope, on the left.
Snow Globe Locations
Goodsprings – Goodsprings Cemetery : Near the water tower is a patch of upturned soil by a small, rectangular grave marker. The Snow Globe is sitting in front of the marker. Hoover Dam – Hoover Dam : Search the visitor center for a terminal near two curved desks. The Snow Globe can be found on a desk here. Nellis AFB – Nellis Air Force Base : Pete’s makeshift museum holds this Snow Globe. It’s on a table in the corner under a mural. Mormon Fort – Old Mormon Fort : Julie Farkas has an office inside a tower at the fort. The Snow Globe is on top of a bookcase here. Mt. Charleston Snow Globe – Jacobstown : In the lodge, search the entrance and reception area. This Snow Globe is sitting on a curved desk by some terminals. Test Site – Lucky 38 Casino : Head to the cocktail lounge and look for the cash register. It’s across from the entrance. The Snow Globe is behind the register. The Strip – Vault 21 : After you access Sarah’s locked bedroom, grab this Snow Globe off of the table between the two beds.
Glitch: Infinite XP
If you can get your speech skill to at least 50 or higher, you can persuade Old Ben to offer his escort services to the local bar. If you succeed in his Speech Challenge, you gain 61 XP. If you follow him back to the bar afterwards and wait until he sits down, you can speak to him again and redo the same Speech Challenge over and over again for unlimited XP. You can find Old Ben sitting by a fire close to the King headquarters in Freeside.
Currently we have no unlockables for Fallout: New Vegas yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Fallout: New Vegas yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Goodsprings Glitch
(Must have barter or speech at 25) Do not leave Goodsprings. After you get finished doing the quest with Sunny Smile follow Joe Cobb and help him take over Goodsprings. Kill Ringo and report back to Joe Cobb and tell him you killed Ringo and he should say you need supplies from town. Kill Joe and the powder gangers and goto talk to Chet. Tell him the Powder Gangers need supplies and use your barter or speech to get the supplies, leather armor, 30 9 mm rounds, and 25 xp. Every perk that is unlockable in level four and up you get to keep when you leave Goodsprings and pick other perks when it takes you back down to level one to level you up.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Trophy List
Ain’t That a Kick in the Head (Bronze)Completed Ain’t That a Kick in theHead. All or Nothing (Bronze)Completed All or Nothing. Arizona Killer (Bronze)Completed Arizona Killer. Artful Pocketer (Bronze)Pick 50 pockets. Blast Mastery (Bronze)Cause 10,000 damage with Energy Weapons. Caravan Master (Silver)Win 30 games of Caravan. Come Fly With Me (Bronze)Completed Come Fly With Me. Crafty (Bronze)Craft 20 items. Desert Survivalist (Bronze)Heal 10,000 points of damage with food. Double Down (Bronze)Play 10 hands of Blackjack. Eureka! (Bronze)Completed Eureka! For the Republic (Silver)Completed For the Republic. G.I. Blues (Bronze)Completed G.I. Blues. Globe Trotter (Silver)Discover all snow globes. Hack the Mojave (Bronze)Hack 25 terminals. Hardcore (Gold)Play the game from start to finish in Hardcore Mode. Jury Rigger (Bronze)Repair 30 items. Know When to Fold Them (Bronze)Win 3 games of Caravan. Lead Dealer (Bronze)Cause 10,000 damage with Guns. Little Wheel (Bronze)Play 10 spins of Roulette. Love the Bomb (Bronze)Cause 10,000 damage with Explosives. Master of the Mojave (Silver)Discover 125 locations. Mod Machine (Bronze)Install 20 weapon mods. New Kid (Bronze)Reach 10th level. New Vegas Samurai (Bronze)Cause 10,000 damage with Melee Weapons. No Gods, No Masters (Bronze)Completed No Gods, No Masters. No Tumbler Fumbler (Bronze)Pick 25 locks. Ol’ Buddy Ol’ Pal (Bronze)Recruit any companion. Old-Tyme Brawler (Bronze)Cause 10,000 damage with Unarmed weapons. One Armed Bandit (Bronze)Play 10 spins of Slots. Outstanding Orator (Bronze)Make 50 Speech challenges. Platinum Trophy (Platinum)Collect all other 50 Trophies for this Trophy. Render Unto Caeser (Silver)Completed Render Unto Caeser. Return to Sender (Bronze)Completed Return to Sender. Ring-a-Ding-Ding (Silver)Completed Ring-a-Ding-Ding. Stim-ply Amazing (Bronze)Heal 10,000 points of damage with Stimpaks. Talent Pool (Bronze)Completed Talent Pool. That Lucky Old Sun (Bronze)Completed That Lucky Old Sun. The Boss (Silver)Reach 30th level. The Courier Who Broke the Bank (Silver)Get banned from all the Strip’scasinos. The House Always Wins (Silver)Completed The House Always Wins. The Legend of the Star (Bronze)Completed The Legend of the Star. The Whole Gang’s here (Silver)Recruit all companions. They Went That-a Way (Silver)Completed They Went That-a Way. Up and Comer (Silver)Reach 20th level. Veni, Vidi, Vici (Bronze)Completed Veni, Vidi, Vici. Volare! (Bronze)Completed Volare! Walker of the Mojave (Bronze)Discover 50 locations. Wild Card (Silver)Completed Wild Card. You Run Barter Town (Bronze)Sell 10,000 caps worth of goods. You’ll Know It When It Happens (Bronze)Completed You’ll Know It When ItHappens.
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