#there is also a more cannon complaint verson of this that is running around in my head
kaladinsspear · 5 months
Okay this is super random, but what about a Shallan centric 'Holes' AU. Like, the book where Stanley Yelnats (oh look, a Vorin name) gets sentanced to dig holes for stealing a pair of shoes? Those are the only two connections, but my brain has taken this and is playing with it like a cat plays with its food. This is so ooc. I'm so sorry. (not sorry)
*This is on earth, so heavy on the AU side.
*Shallan gets to play Stanley. She didn't steal the boots from Kaladin, just from a random brightlord.
*She is technically 17 so she gets the choice between actual prison time or the camp for teens. She chooses camp.
*Turns out its not a fun summercamp, it is, in fact, digging holes in a desert.
*Among her fellow inmates are Kaladin, bridge 4, Adolin, Lyn, and the spren as humans
* Relain gets to play Hector Zeroni. illiterate, very quiet, but brilliant and representing one side in mending the sins of the past? Relane can handle that.
* Amaram can play Mr. Sir. Plays up a larger than life persona only for the persona to be ripped away? I'm comfortable with that casting choice.
* Jasna can play Kissing Kate. Burn the system Jasna, burn it all down.
* Sadeas can play the warden. Cruel, efficient, refined? He still a guy but paints his nails with rattlesnake venom anyway.
* Shallan and Relain climb the mountain together, eat the onions, and return to find the tresure.
This is utterly ridiculous, but what else is fandom for? :)
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