#there is an imposter among them
veveisveryuncool · 1 year
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wawasplosion (it is national off-day for all dees)
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hazelnutnebula · 7 months
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they are of a similar type of beast to me 👽👨‍🚀✨
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maple-and-pie · 1 year
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Behold! They!
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Thinking about poor, doomed Young Griff and how it’s not even important if he is or isn’t Rhaegar’s real son. Because what makes him a fake goes beyond blood - it’s really down to intent and experience. He’s a poor rich man’s Aegon V, but like without the organic hero’s journey.
He’s a lab experiment pretty much. However well intentioned he is, there isn’t much indication that his journey has been authentic. Varys and Illyrio are trying to recreate Aegon V with a fake...literally down to the “let’s hide his hair” scheme. They even gave the boy Aegon’s freaking name (it’s a king’s name after all so I can’t blame them). But they missed like the biggest, most important lesson of all. Aegon V CHOSE to go out. HE made himself, no one else did. His journey was organic as it was derived out of his own autonomous decisions, not manufactured down to the smallest detail (does YG really know what it means to starve and be homeless and hunted?). And there was no promise of a reward (I.e., kingship). Egg didn’t know that he’d be king and even after his dad rose to the throne, there were a ton of people ahead of him. FFS he’s called Aegon the Unlikely. Bro just woke up one day and was like “ay wouldn’t it be nice to actually experience this realm from the perspective of a disenfranchised person?”
Meanwhile, our poor Young Griff is being made to go through all this with the expectation that it’s all going to pay off when he becomes king. BUT (big but!), who’s to say that he actually gets it? Like does he really get why he needs to see how this horrible feudalistic society preys on the smallfolk and makes corpses out of them? Wait, does he even know or recognize that the system needs changing? Like did Varys and Illyrio just tell him “people poor” and leave it at that? Why are they poor Young Griff? How did they get there?! Do Varys and Illyrio even get it? Do they understand that Aegon V was a radical change maker?
How hollow is it that it’s not Young Griff making the conscious decision to actually try and see how his subjects live. He’s not making the conscious decision to be a change maker, no matter what Varys and Illyrio say. People in this fandom will talk about how Young Griff will be the perfect king but…perfect for whom? In what way? In a series that critiques this entire system, what about YG screams that he’s going to actually tackle some of the systemic issues that need tackling - the systemic issues that Aegon V tried to tackle after organically going through his own journey?
WELLLLL….isn’t it cool that Jon and Dany are the true heirs to Aegon V’s legacy not because of blood, but because they actually get to the heart of Aegon V’s journey? Say what you want about them but they are radical as it gets (Jon at the Wall and Dany all over Slaver’s Bay). No one manufactured them. No one told them they had to care about people. No one told them they had to do this lab experiment to become king/queen. They actually did their own thing, while themselves being disenfranchised (GRRM identifies both as outsiders). And without the expectation of a reward (like Jon is literally told that his entire life will basically amount to nothing).
And it’s even better that they were unlikely. Young Griff is meant to happen - well someone is pulling the strings to make sure he works. He’s taking the role of someone who was always meant to be king - for Rhaegar’s son was meant to be king. But Jon and Dany are actually following the Aegon V blueprint because they weren’t meant to happen. Jon is a second son who is presumably a bastard with a contentious claim, and Dany is a daughter who was never meant to survive being sold off to slavery let alone rise to queenship. Neither one of them was meant to be on the throne. No one told them to do the things they did. No one took them and placed them in the positions they’re in. They rose to the occasion by themselves and made changes by their own volition - just as it was with Aegon V. And what makes it even better is that just as Aegon V was chosen to be king, so were Jon and Dany (Jon was literally elected into office and basically won over the wildlings while Dany was dubbed “mhysa” because of her actions in Slaver’s Bay).
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sparkly-caroline · 8 months
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Boredom + free time + drawing software and 100+ wips = drawing and posting a lot
That's how it works, guys, I don't have control on this lmao
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talagalaxies · 2 months
Sure watching something Star Wars isn't in my 2024 bingo card, but neither associating this new red velvet song to Oshamir. Specifically to Qimir.
With the song's beat so lively and bubblegum pop like; it's ironic to associate it to a new Dark Side baddie, yet here we are.
This song is about a narrator who encountered someone who just crash landed on their presences, and narrator finds this someone fascinating that they want to know this new fella more, even form a relationship with them.
Well wasn't that Oshamir's dynamic in Qimir's eyes? Osha just barges in on his life. And now Qimir fixates on her, wants to know her more. Wants her to know him more. Wants them to form a relationship; the power of two, master and pupil.
Why the song sounds jolly? Makes sense in Qimir's pov because he feels jolly when encountering her.
Bonus points that this song has celestial lyrics on it. Which solds not just Oshamir set in Star Wars, but celestial symbols are so associated with them. This is a feast for me let's be real.
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soomanymoths · 3 months
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An apology passed on by Crinkles partner a while back. Posting bcs im not waiting another year for him to own up to his flock how horrendously he treated people. Redacted certain parts bcs im not entertaining excuses and reasoning as to why it was ok to treat his partner and "dear friend" like trash. The stuff i left in (biphobia etc) doesnt realistically make sense and should have never been taken out on me. Even if it did make sense, being nasty to a "friend" as a 30 year old over an oc is pretty goofy. He made his biphobia MY problem and thats inexcusable. He made all of his issues other peoples problems actually. Thats the entire situation imo. This doesnt cover the extent of how terrible crinkle treated people but i dont expect it will ever get better than this and im not waiting anymore
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abyssruler · 2 years
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i don’t have hand fetish bUT HEAR ME OUT
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nightseeye · 2 years
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the ROT the DECAY the DUST and MOLD. I love them
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Writing weird AUs to get to know your characters better
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thestarseersystem · 10 days
I would discuss my opinions more if talking about them wasn't triggering, lmao. I have this one opinion that the people within it are just parroting off of one another and are performative activists. Just tell me you don't know what you're talking about without telling me.
I'm not going to talk about it, because I would get blasted off the face of the earth, but I hope everyone who thinks this way is also blasted off the face of the earth. I'm voting you out, because you're so sus right now.
I sincerely think not everything should be given a moral label to it, maybe people are just doing things to make them happy. If y'all understood people don't need to align with your moral scrutiny, and are just happily living their lives, maybe you'd learn to shut your mouth and leave them alone.
But no, people can't stand anything that's not the milk white bread that they're so used to. Not everything is going to be palatable to you. People are and do things that will make you uncomfortable. Grow up.
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me: *writing my non-smutty yet self-indulgent second-person fic*
everyone else in the server: *smut*
everyone else in the server: *smut*
everyone else in the server: *smut*
everyone else in the server: *SO MUCH SMUT*
me: i cannot write not-smut under these conditions.
me: also nobody's going to enjoy this fic. cool.
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kruxband · 1 month
joel & chick match each other's freak (joel pushes everyone away because of his fear of abandonment while chick speeds through relationships because of his fear of intimacy)
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tomatoluvr69 · 9 months
Love coming home for Christmas and being confronted with the multi-year span where my whole family got matching Christmas ornaments with our names on them and instead of my normal cis girl name there’s the male nickname I requested to be called for years starting at age 5 without an ounce of self awareness or cultural knowledge of the transgender/nonbinary experience lol
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plantmarrow · 1 year
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making some among us oc refs. 3 down 10 more to go
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worstloki · 11 months
what are your opinions on Secret Invasion
I don’t think Zionist goals are very secret 👍
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