#there shouldnt be any shame after that 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
thecookieshop Β· 7 months
Every time I watch something new and catch wind of a non-canon ship that I enjoy, I have to, like, go through the stages of grief about it before I can post it on main. Like I have catholic guilt about shipping non-canon couples..... on tumblr dot com
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silversnake888 Β· 2 years
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hiii, i just saw your post and i thought i’d ask a couple questions about my birth chart:
1) I really want to become an actress and model, but I guess I’m not sure what I want β€œmy brand” to be, you know? so, i guess my question is is there a specific aesthetic (modeling) or genre (acting) that I should stick to? or like what should the vibe be? lol hope that makes sense
2) I really wanna know how you think my Saturn 6H placement would manifest with my other placements in mind, your thoughts on that would be great :)
3) I’m going through my Saturn in 1st transit right now😭 ik, im a Saturn native so it shouldnt be too crazy, but its gonna be there for a couple years so what do you think I should expect or take away from it? hopefully a glow upppπŸ€’πŸ€’
4) I reaalllyy wanna know more about my Lilith in Taurus in the 4H bc i heard its a β€œbaddie” placement but likkee i still feel like i look like a dork bc i used to be an ugly duckling LMFAO but any if your thoughts on how it would manifest would be greatπŸ’“
tysm in advance if you get to me <333
Hello! Thank you for the ask.
People often neglect the 6th house when it comes to fame. It is your daily life, so like many celebrities' daily life, they are hounded by fans online or outside. Your fama asteroid shines a light on your specific fame daily, which is cancer-related: you might get famous from being vulnerable to your fans. I think relatability is a heavy part of fame, because the 'greats' of any medium had works that were amazing but invoked emotion into the listener/audience. Your moon is in the 11th house too, so social media might be a great place for that. I think any acting work that deals with displaying emotions might work for you.
Your Saturn is trine Uranus, so you are able to balance traditions and non-traditions easily. Likewise, your Juno is trine Saturn so your life partner can help you greatly in your daily life. I can't say that your Saturn will affect your Fama asteroid due to your Fama sign having no aspects at all.
Since I don't know your solar return chart I'm only basing my interpretation of Saturn in the 1st transit strictly. You will be pushed to be independent this year, and go after what you want. Saturn might restrict you at first with your goals, but if you are consistent you will flourish. Your self-identity might feel very 'Capricorn'-like because of Saturn, meaning you might even feel you're getting more serious about yourself and your life destiny. You will most likely be introduced to new people with a distinct Capricorn energy, but in career/business affairs this is great.
Your Lilith sign shows the lack of control over yourself and others. I'm not surprised you were an 'ugly duckling' because Taurus rules venus so naturally you were shamed for your lack of beauty. I assume this is when you're young, so don't take that to heart because anyone thinking your kid-self is hot needs to go to jail lol. Due to his wound in your early life, you will continue to keep this wound about not being attractive enough, so you need to be careful of people who try to manipulate you based on your insecurity. Most likely, you developed this wound at home. However, once you start to break free of feeling 'pretty enough' is when you can excel. You need to shed that wound you developed at home, and work towards your reputation (10th house) shedding that energy. It's not wrong to feel that the pure Lilith energy is something you want to embody, but Lilith is so raw and volatile that it can bite you in the ass too. So, keep cautious with what you wish for haha.
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imanes Β· 2 years
Hi imane! I hope all is well <3 i wanted to ask if you read anything by haruki? Ngl i feel like a fraud sometimes when i know i shouldnt lol. I like reading! I do, but sometimes i dont read at all and i read random things? Like if someone were to ask me oh who do you like or what do you read? I would go mute 😭 like idk? I read whatever. But then i see ppl talk in depth about what they read and im like. I literally forget what i read the moment im done w it. I struggle w my memory tbh i have the same w tv shows and such, i can tell you it was good but i cannot tell you what it was about cause I forgot jwjddkdk sigh. But haruki has been interesting me and kafka too but like. It seems too difficult for me. Idk if any of this makes sense but thanks if you read it all 😭β™₯️ nonetheless i love reading about your recommendations on here and i admire your brain and intelligence sm!!!!
hey babe! if by haruki u mean haruki murakami i gave his fiction a fair shot and put down every single book i picked without completing it bc it was making me both angry AND bored which in itself is quite a feat. but if it intrigues you why not! i detest his writing but so many ppl adore him so i've made my peace with the fact that my opinion is definitely in the majority and at the end of the day it's fun to have different opinions bc otherwise how do we have interesting conversations? :)
to touch upon another topic of ur message i don't think that to be a "reader" u have to absolutely read this or that book, i think it's counterproductive and counterintuitive. only posers think u absolutely HAVE to read specific books to be "respectable" as a reader and like noah fence to people who identify as that kind of book snob but the act of reading makes you a reader nothing more nothing less and making their whole (pretentious) personality about "reading The Booksβ„’ that matter" is so unappealing. so u go ahead and read whatever tickles your fancy atm babe! i think selecting books at random is charming and proves that u have a very curious and open mind. my brother once bought this book that was like "100 books u should read in ur lifetime" and i find the intention behind that kind of list so disingenuous akfjlgk it can be a good starting point to see what grabs ur attention but trying to complete the list just for the sake of it? i don't get it. also if smt seems difficult u don't have to read it now, like before this year if someone asked me if i wanted to read a russian classic i'd be like "i don't have the brain capacity" and i legit didn't but now i trust myself more to appreciate these books for what they are but it took me time to build the right frame of mind for them. picking a book at the right TIME is super important imo, it can change the whole experience. so if kafka sounds appealing to u i think u should go for it, and if after 50 pages u don't feel comfortable continuing there's no shame in putting the book down.
also about remembering things i am literally in the same boat as u like unless it's about books that i spoke at length while reading them i don't remember that much about them and i'm actually terrible at naming favourites on the spot akjdkflg for a while i was relying on my goodreads shelves to provide a proper answer as to what my fave books are and after repeating the list so many times some of them actually clung to my mind but listen we already have a lot of thoughts to tackle our minds are already full a list of books is very trivial!
thank u for ur message and ur kind words babe i hope ur literary path is filled with amazing books that speak to u, even if just for a little while <3
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