#there was a little bit of trickery with the syntax when he trails off and the other guy finishes his sentence
taffyvontrips · 2 years
I found this very short interview with Taffy from 1958!
The full video is a little bit longer but it's the other people being interviewed beside him, so I cut it down to just his part. If you'd like to watch the full thing, the link is here:
A translation into English under the cut:
Günter Jendrich (interviewer): We've discussed this before often in private conversation, that you've gained a lot of insight and sometimes think, 'how could we organize these things even better? How could we have even bigger and better events? What could still be done from the organizers' side--or from the drivers' side?'
Wolfgang von Trips: So, you spoke of bigger and bigger events--I have to say, actually, that our two main events in Germany, the thousand-kilometre race and the Grand Prix that we have right here [at the Nürburgring], are very much right up there in terms of international races. What we're lacking are primarily the smaller races, the races that train the drivers--the domestic drivers, the drivers who later might be able to, er, in the international...
Günter Jendrich: --be able to advance into the international scene--
Wolfgang von Trips: --advance into the international scene, and also the cars, the domestic cars--I mean, Herr von Hanstein, he's standing beside me, of course he'll tell you that we have Porsche, but maybe there's something missing there, the competition from the other side of it. And maybe it's also the organization, in a certain sense, that doesn't have the spontaneous joy and enthusiasm directly out of the drivers' circles anymore.
Günter Jendrich: Like how we experienced it in Italy, in Trento, with the Italians. Herr Huschke--
[Here I cut it off because Taffy doesn't speak any more after this]
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