#there was a table with ace and ritsu from enstars with Floyd’s pose???
I had a dream featuring twst characters so here are the silly parts of it
Both Jack and Rook are in alchemy doing class together, Rook says he needs to sneeze and Jack asks if they should switch so he can. Rook says it’s fine and he can continue but starts to get a bit upset, complaining about how Crewel said he would protect them and they wouldn’t be “overbloting” in class no matter what. He eventually decides to go to Crewel himself to complain about these things, going on about it to him. Crewel says that he’s not overbloting but instead being a “grumpy pants” and needs to go sit in the “time out corner”. Rook is surprised but makes his way over and sits down, knees to his chest. Jack comes over standing against a wall nearby, he says to Rook that, “that was the worst temper tantrum ever”. Rook silently takes out a cherry to eat from a nearby bowl of fruit and finally says, “regrettable.”
Notes: can you tell that this is hardly put together and held by tape and glue? Anyway when I had this dream rook was actually in his club gear so that was cool. Also for whatever reason Rook had like Jacks arms as in they were super like thick or whatever??? Only for the very beginning tho. Dream never actually mentioned overbloting but I had to make it have some sense, also at the very end with the fruit bowl Rook was actually Donkey Kong in the dream
I don’t think that’s right… :
Ace is holding up two apples, one is red while the other is blue. He speaks to Riddle who is standing in Heartslabyul’s kitchen with him. he asks which one represents Deuce, Riddle silently thinks for a bit before pointing at the red apple and saying “this one correct?”. Ace waits for a bit, confused before replying “no, that’s not right..”
Notes: I honestly can’t remember if Ace asked which Apple is him or if he asks which one is Deuce. Anyway I like this one because it implies that Riddle might be colorblind and I think that’s silly/pos
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