#there were soo many scenes / moments i didn't include
just-a-carrot · 1 year
spoilers for arc 5 part 1 1/2
i haven’t seen that much people talking about scene where genzou apologised to orlam so imma tell you what i think about it personally
to be completely honest with you i didn't experience that many emotions when going through Arc 5. i still like it very much!! but it’s not the same kind of feeling that i had back in winter, when i played Our Wonderland for the first time. i can’t even explain what i’ve felt but it’s been soo amazing and powerful, my mind has been all over about your visual novel, i’ve spend nights discussing theories about it with my friend, and literally nothing else i've ever been interested in has awakened so many emotions in me as OW did. so when arc 5 came out, by that time i’d already cooled down and got into other things, and for some reason, i didn’t fall back to this kind of interest like i though i would, just had a nice nostalgic feeling while playing. including newest part.
i bawled my eyes out when genzou hugged orlam
i didn't expect it to have such an impact on me!! i had this deep and long forgotten feeling developing in my chest when genzou refused to speak about what he hates in orlam, and I was expecting something like this to happen, but only when Genzou proved my thoughts correct, BAM and I'm IMMEDIATELY in tears! it was like it’s winter all over again! and omg carrot i didn’t even get a chance to catch my breath, because genzou continued his speech and the animation just kept going and showing their interactions back in school, and i just cried louder and louder WHAT!!
i feel so so so sorry for orlam, he was so compassionate, kind, and feeling, and he didn’t deserved anything that had happened to him, and i can’t even imagine how much guilt regret and remorse is experiencing genzou. it was such an emotional moment, and now i’m actually really excited and looking forward for the future part(‘s ??) and seeing more of their interactions.
this part was great, i loved it! keep it up carrot you’re doing great!!
owowowowowo... 🥺💕 this is very sweet... thank you for taking the time to write up all your thoughts, i'm getting very weepy...
ahhh... what you talked about is one of my biggest points of anxiety and pressure/fear when making this game tbh (among others) 💦 that because it takes me so long to put out parts even those who might have played and liked the game won't care about it anymore 💦💦 ahhh... it's a big problem when you're a solo dev. i'm sorry i can't get stuff out more quickly 💦
i'm really happy you were able to find some of your past feelings when playing the new part though 🥺💕 it was also a very Important and Meaningful Scene for me (and by that i mean i cried even while planning it) so i was really hopeful that it would have a lot of impact and people might be able to feel things from it. i feel like so much of the story and the various character arcs having been leading up to it, so i wanted to make sure i put everything i could into making it. ofc hopefully the actual final finale will be what everything ultimately leads to LOL but like, this is the last stop along the way and something that's been building for a long time, so... i was rather nervous in general hoping that it could be impactful for people who have been playing the game
thank you very much writing all this up. this truly means a lot hearing something like this. i feel really grateful having people who can look forward to and enjoy the game and feel so much from the characters and story. thank you so much for all of your support and for loving the game 💕 i will keep working hard to make the finale as good as i can 💦
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noosayog · 4 months
watched the haikyuu movie and i'm actually disappointed :(( below the cut in case of any spoilers
i know we've already killed this point many times over but this should've been a whole ass season :(( there were so many moments that would be the perfect end of an episode. the pacing was not good bc so much content was crammed into 100 minutes
kuroo vs tsukki at the net should've been it's own whole moment with bokuto commenting the way mika & suguru did with the inari match
why did kageyama have less screen time than yamaguchi😭😭 i love yamaguchi but nooooo
KUROO looked SOO good in all his scenes, NEED A WHOLE EPISODE FOR HIM
the music and metaphorical pictures where misused, or more like there were a lot of missed opportunities? like the music + image of crows vs eagles when karasuno scored the winning point against shiratori was so memorable but we didn't really get that here :(
i needed more sideline character involvement!! like hyakuzawa, suguru, and that first-year camp coach level interest in the inari match!! like oikawa and iwa in the shiratori match!! LIKE YAHABA INVESTMENT IN INARI MATCH POINT LEVEL!!!
all the third years were so glossed over😭 YAKU SUGA KAI ASAHI and DAICHI deserved more!! and i don't even like asahi so that's saying a lot
more nishonoya/yaku interaction!!
more yaku/kuroo/kai moments!! kai saying he was happy to spend 3 years w them is not enough!!! i wanted to sob!!!!
i just know atsumu, oikawa, and ushiwaka were watching this match, they needed a cameo!
this is a good part, but i loved that they included how tsutomu would've gotten frustrated and spiked so many outs bc of nekoma's persistence (lit translation: hit home runs)
also so glad they closed the loop on kageyama saying "you can jump (fly) higher" HINATA DESERVES HIS MOMENT OF GLORY after all he's been through to get to where he is now!! i really wanted to see more where they focus on how much he's improved. BUT i literally teared up when he did that receive in the inari match, was hoping for something to that dramatic effect in the movie :(
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marriedzukka · 1 year
5, 11, 17 for retgmt <3
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hi jo beloved my number one retgmt warrior <3<3
5. Where did you write this fic? Is that your favorite spot to write?
all over, but probably mostly in my bed or at the desk in my room. i write a lot at work too when there's downtime but I prefer doing it at home in my cozy space with no interruptions (other than my cat)
11. Was there a scene that you hadn't originally planned to include? Why did you decide to fit it in?
soo many omg...but there a few that come to mind:
1) jet giving sokka a pep talk. jet only plays a very small part in this story so I wasn't sure if I should keep it in, but sokka also needed a reality check from someone who didn't care about his feelings as much as his friends/family lmao.
2) iroh's letter to lu ten. it started as just an exercise in trying to find his voice, and i almost didn't include it because it was hard to find a good spot for it. but people still comment about that part specifically so I'm really glad I kept it in!!
3) sokka's conversation with katara, aang, and toph when zuko was Going Through It. round-table scenes like that are so hard because there's so many people to keep track of and i wasn't sure if it was too clunky, but sokka also needed a pep talk and new perspective from his people so I decided to keep it.
4) zuko's conversation with hakoda. I don't know what it was about this scene that was so damn hard to write but other than the huge emotional parts of that chapter, this was definitely the hardest scene to get right. I knew that I wanted them to have a conversation but i couldn't figure out how to get the two of them alone in a way that was natural. But then it finally clicked when I remembered that I had literally already set up the fact that Sokka was trying to pay more attention to when Zuko needed a break, so it gave me a chance to show Sokka actually doing that AND get Zuko alone.
17. What was the hardest scene to write?
hmmm. tough choice, I've cried so many very real tears writing this thing but apart from the big relationship moments, which I'm always concerned with getting just right, I think the hardest to write was when Zuko finally breaks down in chp. 14. That shit was rough. I had to really dig into those feelings and try to express what grief feels like (it feels like So Much), and also simplify it in a way that made sense and resonated. And then because I love making things even more complicated for myself, I decided to put some flashbacks in that scene too. Those ended up being necessary but I was definitely struggling to make the whole thing flow in a way that made sense.
13.My favorite line of dialogue from this fic was [xyz]. What inspired it?
🥺🥺🥺 i love that line too, I think it sums them up so well. I'm not sure if there was anything specific that inspired it, but I wanted to call back to earlier in the chapter when they were looking through pictures together and Sokka made him say that he deserved good things. And it got to a point when Sokka was finally like, fine- don't believe me? I'll show you myself!!!!
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
20 Questions Writer Tag Game
Wasn't tagged by anyone, but saw this and wanted to do it.
How many works do you have on AO3?
28 (gonna be 29 this week though)
What’s your total AO3 word count?
319,633 words!
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
If you include my wattpad phase, then DC, Marvel, lotr, Ninjago, Harry Potter, Marauderers. But currently, DC (mainly batfam). But I'm slowly getting sucked into danny phantom
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My School’s Local Mafia Boss Sometimes You Have To Find Your Own Genes Phone Alarms Can You Deduce Where I Am Now? With A Flashback
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Always. Unless they're stupid comments or comments i just can't with. I love responding to comments. I've had soo many lengthy conversations in the comments with some good pals. I don't mind talking in the comment section of my fics as long as they're good conversations and not mean.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
uhhh *goes to search* I guess Pluviophile? I don't write many angsty endings. Although there is this wip fic which absolutely destroys the characters. Can't wait for that.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? 
I don't write 'em. But I want to sometime in the future. Oh wait, unless you count my wattpad fics. I wrote an (incomplete) fic about dick and wally and shuri and peter meeting and nearly destroying the multiverse together with vines and crack humor. I actually liked the plot I did not like my author's notes. I was cringy back then. Genius, but cringy.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Three or four. I forget. They either insulted my characterization or got way too emotional for something that is fictional.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? 
I don't.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Yes. *sigh* My wattpad one. On wordpress i think? Idk. Don't really care. But I would if any were stolen now on ao3. I will be pissed.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I would love to!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Yes! With Vibey I'm currently working on a tim getting kidnapped fic and in some future a DEH batboys AU. With Sprite we're doing one (or maybe two) of one of her series. With Tristi I did At The Drop Of A Hat and hopefully another in the future. With Cyg, I've done Capture, Grok and 4 Times Jason Hid His Trauma + 1 Time Tim Helped Him.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don't ship. I used to. Lots and lots. When times were simpler. But rn, my only ship is from a small but an absolutely awesome Muslim fiction book called Love From A To Z. Love those two.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? 
Lemme look. Okay, there's a whole document inspired by this fic called Living Dead Boy by Terranpheum, and there are some good moments I planned, but I abandoned it cuz I noticed that I didn't actually have a plot and it was just little moments.
What are your writing strengths?
Plot, ideas, outlines, dialogue, emotional rollercoasters, little bits of casefics, humor, angst, family fluff. Yeah. Oh and semicolons. Just a bit. And when I actually try, descriptions. But I have to be in a specific mood and the wind has to behave a certain way for that to happen.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Action and fight scenes. I had to employ Cyg's beta help for that. Torture I think. I want to get better at writing torture. Angst. It is both my strength and weakness.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Absolutely yes. I'm starting to use it at every chance I can. The next fic is gonna have some good ones. I'm so into it that I gave Sprite entire lessons on Arabic words and phrases. She can attest to that.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
DC. The fic's roaming around on tumblr here somewhere.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
A published one? My School's Local Mafia Boss. Because I've just... it's my first series. It's been going on for a year. I've made so many good friends in the comment sections and on other platforms and... some really really close friends. Who are just... so awesome. I can't describe /srs
No pressure tags: @wakkoroni @sardonic-sprite @tristicorde @foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego @uncertainwallflower @cygnusdoesthings
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charmixpower · 2 years
Was rewatching secret of the lost kingdom on my friends huge tv after like 8 years and honestly there is so many rivusa crumbs I never noticed and that just heals my inner child🤪 like there’s the scene where after they rescues the boys from the rock eagle and she just runs and straddles him like pls they are too cute and theres also the part where after he wakes up at alfea where she hugs his arm after she sees he’s ok😭 just fits with my hc and the season 2 finale the Musa loves to hug rivens forearms and biceps🥺 omg after they manage to free domino right and blooms family is having a reunion, and Musa just grabs rivens hand after seeing them reunite😭 there’s also the part during the transition zoom out before the royal ball where everyone is clapping EXCEPT rivusa Bcs they’re in their own little world and she just looks up at him and he looks down at her and smiles while he wraps his free hand around her waist (would have never noticed this if it weren’t for the big screen)😭 then during the royal ball scene at the end after sky “proposes” to bloom and it shows the shot of the rest of the girls and guys (including nabu which like ??? Where was the man throughout the movie) riven just wraps his arms around her waist😭 I know it’s probably not that deep but to me every moment after the stabbing part is just their offscreen reconciliation we were robbed off Bcs I would love nothing more than to have seen smth of them talking out what happened and stuff (and worst part is I can’t find any fanfics of it too🤡) and also the fact that she basically got impaled and there was never any injury always bothered me (ik u had a drawing of matching scars from these 2 idiots sacrifices and honestly I like to hc that riven likes to kiss that scar Bcs it’s technically his doing but oh well kids show things🤪) like I like to think that him holding her waist is kinda like a protective instinct and a subconscious act Bcs of guilt of smtb from his actions
All in all secret of the lost kingdom has so Many whacky plot holes and yet movie rivusa always serves everything. The cuteness the angst (like stabbing ur loved one Bcs you weren’t in control of your own actions and Bcs they wanted to protect the innocent party?? Peak angst) and the small moments. I just believe that in movies: rivusa is always superior
Rewatching Winx movies is self care
Ah YESSSS!!! their so so so so so cute!!!!
I love how these two are like *holds each other* *grabs each other* *wraps around each other*, like.... physical touch love language represent, their so affectionate and adorable
Them being in their own world is YES
If it makes you feel any better if you go though my Winx secret of the Lost Kingdom tag you'll see me yelling about the fall out in—NFKSKDJS YEAH SAME!! Riven is super affectionate to Musa's scar because he feels it his fault and he's trying to make it better in some small way, and Musa is super affectionate to Riven's scar because if it wasn't for him she'd quite literally be dead and it's the physical representation of his dedication and love for her and OH MY GOD I COULD TALK ABOUT THIS FOREVER
Yesssss I feel like Riven actually managed to fight off the body puppeting spell for a while, matching how Riven broke out of a spell to save Musa in s2, but he couldn't hold on long and Musa was using the fact that he didn't want to hurt her to stop Matorgora form using him. Basically putting Riven into a situation where he has to fight as hard as he can because Musa refuses to move and if he doesn't he'll majorally injure the person he loves the most. There is just SOO much emotion, like most of him feels guilty because Musa was steadfast in the idea that Riven could hold off the spell and he tried his best but he couldn't
Oh im so obsessed with that, he gently tries to protect her injury so she doesn't get hurt again
I have a hc that he does the same thing when he's feeling anxious or depressed unintentionally making himself feel way worse by reminding him of the worst possible scenario
Yes yes yes YES!! big agree!!!! Rivusa is just amazing in the movies, I love them always, but the movies are *chef's kiss*
Ough the parallels of Musa and Riven taking an injury to help their partner out, never getting over it, never getting over it
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kinemonsassbiter · 4 months
Luffy and Kin'emon's underrated friendship
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It's obvious that these two idiots are friends, but I haven't seen anyone talking about how it's much more to dig in. Everyone talks about how great Law and Luffy at being besties, but i would rather say that same thing about these friendship as well. To say Luffy cares about Kin as much as he cared about Vivi or other friends is not to say anything. I'll say the most underrated opinion but it felt for as if Luffy was able to connect to Kin'emon more than he had connected to Law. There's SO many things to talk about their friendship so I'll just say the one i loved the most.
1. How Luffy firstly thinks about Kin'emon.
When they went to ashes of castle and Law started to fuck around Luffy mostly mentioned and cared about what happened to Kin'emon despite thinking that not just him, but Momo, Raizo and Kanjuro dead too, even recalling how he wasn't able to connect with him.
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Absolutely casual thing)))
Or when they were running to help samurais Luffy was specially thinking about him from all of them.
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2. And episode 1015 is like...the most cool thing in here. Luffy IGNORES Kaido and Big Mom to check on Kin'emon. And on him specifically, not on other Red Scabbards.
And that's not even all about this scene because all of it also...A PARALLEL TO ARLONG PARK WITH THAT FAMOUS HEARTBREAKING NAMI SCENE.
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It's soo good I don't really think i need to explain it.
3. Kin's "Luffy is going to be a pirate king" moment.
He didn't particularly called the title here but it's obviously what he really meant by "he will one day stand at the pinnacle of this sea!!"
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The only people excluding Sabo and Bartalameo (the first one is Luffy's brother and the second one is a hardcore fan) who said these were the Strawhats (including Vivi in one of panels). So it would also mean that a. Kin'emon is also important character and b. He's as loyal Luffy and believes in him as much as other Strawhats do at least.
4. Luffy literally already gave him an invitation to a crew.
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(he even called his name first btw)
And as i mentioned in my other posts - they both generally are really comfortable with each other shenanigans, which Kin'emon really well understanding Luffy, treating him with much respect. (ADHD to ADHD communication)
If Momonosuke for Luffy is more of a little brother figure, than Kin'emon for him is really his nakama.
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elletao · 6 months
i finally watched the aridante movie last night and i have Thoughts!! long ass post below (with spoilers of course)
i cried
ari mendoza boy of all time
dante quintana boy of all time too
we were never gonna get a perfect adaptation and i did like this and enjoyed it but part of me feels a bit let down because this had the potential of being great!! the love was there!! it had so much heart!! i just feel like the execution didn't quite work. i'll expand:
- the script oh lord the script. not terrible but some moments felt so forced and it really felt like they were trying to include as much from the novel as possible which, this being in film format, made some moments feel very awkward without the internal monologue.
- the pacing. (excluding the first 10 minutes which were perfect and made me believe this was gonna be a five star movie) everything kept happening and there was no time to process anything which YEAH I GET IT'S A MOVIE BUT STILL. maybe breaking the story into small chapters would've been more suitable? idk. i kept thinking about how a mini series would've worked so much better. many of the most important moments felt rushed and not earned.
- the EDITING!!! never forget never forgive how sloppy the editing was. it was obvious they had to change a lot during post-production and the movie suffered because of it. some conversations sounded so weird and stilted. the actors were very obviously mouthing stuff that did not end up making it in the movie and it made me cringe a lot.
- both of the kisses were... disappointing. the first one felt like a betrayal and i understand why they had to make a change like that to build tension but it still felt so out of character for ari to be so hurtful towards dante. him being mad at dante? sure. feeling out if his depth and snapping a little? normal. him calling dante a freak and saying he disgusts him?? no no no. no matter how much internalized homophobia ari had going on, HE WOULD NEVER. it was a cheap way to cause a ritf that was already there!!!! completely unnecesary and very cruel. the second kiss was cute but it was kinda badly filmed/scripted i don't care!! almost a decade waiting for the "no, you kiss me" and for that final conversation and it was totally... not worth it. i don't know how to explain but the butterflies just weren't there. it didn't feel earned at all. also why oh why did they cut out the "i love swimming and you" line earlier on!!! that was PIVOTAL!!! that was so so crucial for both of their personal arcs going forward: their isolation, the tension between them, dante's longing, ari's denial... it established dante as a character that confronts his feelings head on and it would've helped to show ari as an avoider, which in turn would've set the first kissing scene soo much better ugh.
- the cgi at he end??????? 😭
the good:
- ari's relationship with his family!!!!!!!! but especially with his aunt ofelia!!!!! yes thank u thank u thank u. so much love, so much closeness. it felt so truthful.
- max and had reese had SO MUCH CHEMISTRY!!! they gave it their all and their performances were good even if the script failed them a lot at times.
- the music and the 80s aesthetic!!! smalltown boy being the intro song!!!!! ahhhhhhh
- the voiceover worked really well in the scenes when dante is in chicago. i loved the juxtaposition of hearing dante's voice as other stuff was going on in el paso and i feel like it did a lot to show us that dante was always in ari's head even as he lived his life without him physically there.
- the cinematography!!!! the desert scenes were so beautifully filmed. really a gorgeous film.
- mm legs is adorable
- the fact that they made daniel an exact copy of ari is sad but also HILARIOUS and i appreciate it
- the emotional punches like ari's accident and the homophobic attack on dante were done really well and i felt chills when ari went to beat the hell out of that guy.
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raayllum · 2 years
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ttm!rayllum my beloved
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things i would have liked to see in season 7 as resolution to character arcs
gonna start by saying i genuinely don't dislike season seven. sure i find the potentials annoying, which is a universal emotion everyone who's ever seen the show shares, but I really do like it overall. aside from the potentials and that one english accent that poisons my dreams every night, there isn't much i'd remove but there is stuff i'd love to add to make the season three times as long. including:
- i'd like to see buffy reading or doing something casually academic. after dropping out of college and not being able to rejoin in season six, it wasn't realistic or necessary for her to rejoin college in season seven, but i'd have liked to see something. buffy was clever and loved learning when she didn't have pressure on her or other places to be, and in a season about her growing up, learning how to balance putting pressure on herself and knowing her strengths, one scene of her losing herself in a book or enjoying signing up to a casual evening class could have been such a nice tiny moment. an older, mature verison of buffy could read for fun and not always be running late for a test or failing to do homework for other people.
- willow makes practical amends in some way. i love willow's character arc but i'd have liked to see more than her visiting tara's grave once and learning a lot in england. i'd like for this to include magic now that she knows magic has to be a part of her life going forwards, maybe she does some good works in tara's name magically around the city she tried to destroy.
- characters other than willow mentioning tara, and tbh willow mentioning her more. tara was both an important person in everyone's lives and a powerful symbol of what so many characters were lacking in season six and aiming for in season seven. she's all of your patron saints. acknowledge her.
- something with xander's family. not a neat bow on it but some kind of resolution to his relationship with them, either a positive moment with some member of his family in some way or him divorcing himself from them and confidently approaching becoming his own person. i don't want hells bells to be the last word we got on his relationship with his family.
- chat about other characters who have died or left. in a series about understanding your place in the world and going full circle, we needed to talk about more than just joyce. i want to see poignant conversations about kendra, ms calendar, oz, cordelia, faith (before she turns up, like they weren't expecting her soo).
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ladyhindsight · 3 years
First of all, I'm soo glad I found your account 💖 I love reading your opinions and reviews💖
Second,I'm not a native English speaker so I'm sure you may find many gramatical mistakes, I did my best to avoid them.
Third, It's completely fine to correct me if I got anything wrong or disagree with my opinions.
If you haven't read Bane Chronicles then don't continue reading
I just finished 'The Bane Chronicles' and had a lot of thoughts about it.
I think Magnus as a character has so much potential: his mother committed suicide when she figured out he was warlock, he burnt his step father and probably killed a lot of others (accidentally or willingly),he had to learn how to survive and he worked his way up to the social position he's in rn.
So when I heard about 'The Bane Chronicles' I was excited. I thought it's going to have stories about how Magnus started lying about his age to get more clients, or how on earth did Magnus ended up in the Silent brother sanctuary, or about his first love, or at least know what sort of feud does he have with Selie Queen (mentioned in City of Fallen Angels).
I thought we would see younger version of Magnus (maybe when he's like below 100 or something).
I was disappointed. Aside from a few chapters, the rest of them are about other characters.
What Really Happened in Peru - is a waste of time. Horrible way to start a book if you ask me.
The Runaway Queen - a fun little adventure but wasn't that interesting? The only thing I learned from this : Magnus had a thing for blue eyes long before he met Alec. Oh wait. We already knew that! Also, I love the monkey!
The Midnight Heir - okay- sort -of - chapter but it's not about Magnus. CC simply wrote that for nostalgia (herongraystairs) and to introduce a few TLH characters.
The Rise of the Hotel Dumort - okay, I will admit I didn't concentrate on this chapter.......while reading all I thought was "how/when did Magnus figure out that Asmodeus is his father?" (That question was never answered).
Saving Raphael Santiago - ngl it's enjoyable. I like Raphael's character and all but, the whole scene when Ragnor walks in and tells Magnus that they agreed not to date anyone below 18 was weird? How did Ragnor just took one look at Raphael in Magnus's appartment and assumed they are dating?
The Fall of the Hotel Dumort - Did Magnus really love Camille soo much that even years after their breakup he couldn't come in terms with it? And he had to get rid of the memories he shared with her? Ykw....that kinda sound interesting but, of course we wouldn't get to see the entire backstory where Magnus and Camille were genuinely in love or shared nice moments (I mean Magnus really loved her soo much, there must be some reason why he believed Camille loved him back).
Vampires, Scones, and Edmund - finally we could see how Magnus and rest of the downworlders agreed to sign the Accords. Right? No. We get to see beginning of another Herondale's love story. A Herondale who was far less important than Stephen Herondale. Tell me again how knowing about Edmund Herondale's love story is more important than knowing why exactly downworlders and shadowhunters decided to sign Accords? What happened between shadowhunters and downworlders that (clearly) forced Shadowhunters/clave to arrange a formal meeting with downworlders?
The Last Stand of the New York - 😒 Circle. Well....we get to see Luke, Stephen, Valentine and his atrocities.
What To Buy The Shadowhunter Who Has Everything
The Course of True Love (and First Dates)
It's good to know about Malec's first date and early days of their relationship. But I feel like CC should have put more effort and actually show us the growth in their relationship. Maybe include more scenes where Alec talks about his family or clave or weapons and in turn Magnus talk about downworlders, magic Or both talk about their daily routines, their interests etc etc...like how people would talk in any healthy relationship.
The Voicemail of Magnus Bane - it's funny at some parts...that's all I can say about it.
Overall......Bane Chronicles is underwhelming. It's BANE CHRONICLES don't you think it should be more ABOUT Magnus Bane not some random chapters from Magnus's Perspective.
Personally, I think CC only wrote it because of the popularity the character is getting (especially with a lot of people liking show!Magnus too at that time)
Thank youu, you’re amazing. 💖😊
Firstly, no need to ever apologize for that. Speaking more than one language is already awesome, and I don’t pay attention to any mistakes or errors in messages that I receive. Those don’t honestly matter at all. And secondly, I sometimes write in such a hurry because I can’t keep my thoughts together that I spell words wrong or miss them altogether because I have a bad habit of never proof reading properly anything until way later, so I get the feeling.
I’ve read The Bane Chronicles some years ago, and I agree. Magnus as a character had way more potential than whatever that book consisted of. It was a light read but mostly because it felt like a skin-deep look at Magnus and some events in his life. The stories feel more or less half-assed also.
What Really Happened in Peru. The whole story basically piggybacks on what Magnus said to Alec in CoLS:
“Or we could go somewhere else,” said Magnus. “Anywhere you want. Thailand, South Carolina, Brazil, Peru —Oh, wait, no, I’m banned from Peru. I’d forgotten about that. It’s a long story, but amusing if you want to hear it.”
And I remember it being not amusing at all. One quip did not warrant such a long story. There were some parts that I enjoyed and found humorous, but mostly it was just dozens of pages of meaningless drivel that wasn’t anywhere near gripping, although I was interested in reading about Magnus. So yeah, it was a weak start. And the end of this story was a total copout and made it completely pointless.
Runaway Queen. This was just plain boring. I don’t get why it needs to be said so many occasions how Magnus really likes dark hair and blue eyes. It’s really strange to be that fixated on something like that, but then again, any eyes but dark ones are Clare’s point of fixation. There’s no point for this story to exist on the first place. Nothing would be amiss if this were to be forgotten.
The Midnight Heir. Whenever there is a Herondale in sight—Tessa included—it’s always about them and any character in their presence is just narrating them for the readers. When Herondale gives their heart so someone, it’s a big deal. Herondale loving you is a great gift, yadda yadda. It would actually be interesting to properly read this again and see how it fits to TLH.
The Rise of Hotel Dumort. Like Runaway Queen, this was more like Magnus doing stuff not about Magnus per se. I did enjoy Aldous Nix as a character. I wonder if The Black Volume of the Dead will answer to more questions about Magnus and Asmodeus.
Saving Raphael Santiago. I liked reading about Raphael too, but that Ragnor thing was just bizarre or rather, to quote Raphael, revolting. It went on for a whole page too. To me it felt more like it was forced in there to address how they do not date anyone under 18.
Then again, this is pretty classic Clare. Clary wonders if Isabella and Jace are dating despite having just met them not knowing them at all, going as far as to speculate their relationship with Simon. Maia makes inappropriate comments about Clary and Jace to Clary. Clary constantly assumes things about Simon and Isabella. Alec assumes everything about Magnus. There is so much speculation on people’s relationships in the series and it always centers on assumption of them being romantic ones.
The Fall of the Hotel Dumort. I never liked Camille’s character, and I could never see why Magnus loved her when she clearly was a manipulative and a nasty person. And yep, it’s difficult to find it plausible that Magnus believed their love was mutual when there are no scenes of them having any kind of genuine romantic relationship. Camille’s character always appeared devious, so I can’t imagine why Magnus would fall for someone like that. I guess in this book she shows more human emotion than anywhere in TMI.
Vampires, Scones, and Edmund Herondale. Why does anyone even care about Edmund Herondale? Stripping Edmund off his Marks was interesting, but this was once again more about Herondales and the Nephilim cruelty against one another that Magnus just happened to be around for.
The Last Stand of the New York Institute. This is just a big no thank you as to continuity and sense and my nerves. I don’t see much worth in this and why this story even exists. There’s bad foreshadowing about Maryse’s brat that is Alec and Luke and werewolves.
What To Buy The Shadowhunter Who Has Everything/The Course of True Love (and First Dates). These were definitely the most enjoyable reads because it centered on characters that were familiar and aspects of a relationship we never get to see as such in the main series. But you’re right, Magnus and Alec don’t really connect or talk about things. There’s always a scene or a thing that need taking care of that takes over the story. Magnus even regrets going out with Alec more than once.
The Voicemail of Magnus Bane. It was a bit pathetic but a bit funny at the same time. That’s about it.
The Bane Chronicles could’ve gone way deeper into Magnus’ character and explore more intricate events in his life instead of these superficial takes on his life and, mostly, other characters. The first story of The Bane Chronicles collection was released in 2013 and the TV show began in 2016, so it was earlier than the show, but Magnus definitely was one of the most popular characters at the time (and probably still is).
This book was just a lot of misses for me. Most of the stories weren’t entertaining or enjoyable, and I don’t think the stories necessarily portrayed Magnus favorably—which could actually be said about many of Clare’s characters.
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hypnofur1 · 4 years
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Covid Christmas Confessions
by Hypnofur
This story starts like so many unfortunate stories in the year 2020. See, Christine would have been safe if she had just put her mask on. But, she didn’t… at least not in time. No, she didn’t get covid. But, after leaving the restaurant with her husband Josh, she did leave her mask off just long enough for her to be recognized by TexTrance. Had she been wearing her mask, he might not have realized it was her. After all, it had been 14 years.
Covid was a big factor in how Christine and Josh even got to Austin, Texas in the week after Christmas of 2020. It had been a really long year back in their Rhode Island home. The quarantine, the lock downs, the virtual learning at home, and then the fact that Josh got Covid. Then the whole family got Covid, including Christine’s parents, who lived with them. Fortunately, they all got through it ok. They considered themselves fortunate. Christine was amazing, taking care of everyone like she always does. A true super woman. Josh swore that if they got through this, he’d take her on a special trip.
They did get through it, and Christine’s parents were happy to watch the kids for a few days while Christine and Josh went away. Josh had made all the arrangements. Christine had spoken so many times about how she wanted to get back to Austin, and show him around where she had gone to school.
The trip was off to a great start. The weather the first day was nice, though it quickly got cooler. Not cold like Rhode Island though, so they were loving it. They were actually leaving lunch, on their way to stroll through the University of Texas campus when TexTrance spotted her.
For his part, TexTrance never forgot a face. Especially one of the Alpha Chi Omega girls of ’05. Not only was the fact that he had hypnotized sorority girls memorable, it was also his last foray for a while before going to jail for seven years. Shortly after “getting involved” with the Alpha Chi Omegas, he was arrested for forging checks. It wasn’t his first offense, so no leniency was given. He was given ten years in prison. After a few months, a visiting day friend eventually snuck him some pictures he had printed of the Alpha Chi Omega girls. As such, Christine’s face was one of the girls that he stared at for 80+ months. Her face was burned into his mind forever. Even though she was a decade and a half older, she still looked amazing. He felt his pants tighten at the site of her.
Wasting no time, he went to her. His approach from the right triggered Christine’s peripheral vision. She naturally glanced over. When she did, she saw his trademark white cowboy hat with the metal spiral piece at the center. She looked at him, losing her breath. That face, it was so familiar. Was it from her dreams? That man, that hat, that face… Christine froze.
TexTrance continued his approach until he was directly in front of the beautiful woman. He stared deep in her eyes and slowly reached out his right hand, as he gently caressed the underside of her jawline.
“Relax and sink for me darling” he said, calmly but strongly.
“I’m relaxed and ready to serve you Master” Christine answered back. Her hypnotic trigger so deeply installed in her mind that it was still completely effective 15 years later. While TexTrance had always been dastardly, he had always also been very thorough.
His cock was rock hard as he realized that he had this beauty firmly under his hypnotic control, TexTrance moved in for a long, deep kiss. Christine brought her arms up, resting them on his shoulders before senually stroking the back of his head as she French kissed him. Her leg arched up by his hip.
It was at this point that the completely shocked husband Josh was spurred into action. “What the fuck?” he yelled in a public area. Josh was not much of a curser, but his fury made it inevitable. Was Christine making out with some old college boyfriend right in front of him? Also, how could he be her old college boyfriend? He was clearly much older than them, and pretty scraggly and haggered looking at that.
The kissing couple did not stop when Josh yelled out. So he sprinted up to them, as he had been about 20 feet in front of Christine when she spotted TexTrance. He grabbed the hypnotist’s thin arm and pulled him away from his wife. He kept his eyes on the little creep as he loudly said to his wife “Christine, what the fuck is going on here?!”
But Christine didn’t answer, she just stared at TexTrance. He was all that existed for her. For his part, TexTrance was not happy with this turn of events. He hadn’t seen or noticed a husband. This was bad. He knew he had to act fast.
“Darling, as soon you are able and alone, text me at 512-555-4568.” TexTrance said, looking past Josh, right at Christine. This made Josh grab two fistfuls of TexTrance’s shirt. Josh’s strength and anger allowed him to almost pick the much smaller hypnotist up off the ground. TexTrance could clearly see that this situation was getting dangerous for him. With that said, he had taken his fair share of beatings in prison, and from men much badder than Josh. He knew he could withstand a bit more.
“Darling, I want you to take hubby here to bed and tell him about the last time we were together. This will turn you on sooo much. I want you to stay under my spell until he cums. Then you will awaken and return to normal. However, now that you have seen me again, your lust for me is re-ignited. You will find that I am the—“
“Enough!” Josh yelled, throwing the scrawny man in front of the Austin restaurant. People were staring, but Josh was enraged. He realized he was causing a scene. He was an insurance guy from Rhode Island, not a Texas brawler. He knew he needed to get out of there.
He turned to Christine, who was still looking only at TexTrance. He grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the scene. He was glad she didn’t struggle too much. He pulled her around a corner.
“Steen, what the hell was that?” he said to his wife of 11 years.
Christine rubbed up against him and whispered in his ear. “Take me to bed” she whispered in his ear before flicking it with her tongue.
Josh didn’t know what was going on, but he needed her off the streets. He figured if he could get her back to the hotel, he could at least talk to her about what was going on. He called for an Uber, he wasn’t sure how long it would take in Covid time, but thankfully it was in the area. They were back in the hotel room in under 15 minutes.
Once inside, Josh wasted no time in asking his wife what the hell was going on. “Who the hell was that guy?” He asked angrily.
“He’s the Amazing TexTrance.” She responded without too much emotion. As if to say, he’s the mailman, or something else Josh should have just assumed.
“Where did you meet him?” Josh pressed.
“The 2005 Alpha Chi Omega St. Patrick’s Day Fundraiser” she answered.
“He’s older than us, was he like a professor or something? How did you meet him?”
“No, he’s a Master Hypnotist. He performed at the Fundraiser”
“Are you fucking kidding me? Steen, are you saying that guy hypnotized you?” Josh asked, incredulously
“Mmmmm, yes, so deeply.” Christine gushed, still currently under TexTrance’s spell.
“What the fuck?” Josh said under his breath. “Did he hypnotize the other sorority girls too?”
“MMM. Yes. Me, Tara, Carmen, and Melissa” she answered
Josh immediately thought of those other three. Melissa he knew well enough. The other two he had only met at his wedding. Carmen was incredibly hot though. Like, a total Latina smokeshow. Josh felt himself stir a little bit.
“Did he make you do stuff with them?” Josh asked as he swallowed hard. He felt the sweat on his brow start to form.
“MMm. Yes. I want to tell you about the last time we were together” Christine said, getting impatient as she wanted to… needed to… carry out TexasTrance’s instructions.
Josh didn’t object fast enough, so she took the momentary stutter to push him onto the bed.
“Well, he came over to the sororiety house late. He had just done a threesome with me and Carmen that morning, so I was surprised to see him. We lied down on my bed and he hypnotized me sooo deeply. Next thing I remember, we were kissing and pulls me in close to his body.
My hands are rubbing all over his body, His all over mine. I reach down to find his cock already hard. I sit up and take off my clothes and then reach down and take off his pants to expose his hard cock. His cock was the biggest I had ever seen. I love his cock so much! I slowly rub my chest up his body over his cock and start kissing him and then his chest with a little nibble on his nipples, down to his stomach I go finding my way down to the pleasure waiting for me. I place his cock in my mouth and work up and down on it causing him to moan in pleasure. I continued sucking like I've never done before. You know I don’t mind giving head but this was different. The way I sucked Master’s cock wasn't like the way I suck you. Baby, I just couldn't get enough of it. “ Christine panted. She was clearly very turned on. Josh was stunned, scared, and hurt… but it was also very erotic. Much to his dismay, his own cock was very hard. Josh couldn’t help but notice that Christine was touching herself as she relayed this story, and that her grammatical tenses were shifting back and forth to present and past tense. This was a woman who often couldn’t remember what she had for breakfast, but now at his hypnotic suggestion, she was remembering each moment of this encounter in vivid detail, as if she was almost re-living it.
“I didn't want to stop sucking it but I knew I'd make him cum and I so wanted to feel it inside me. I sensually crawl back up his body kissing it the entire time until my hot wet pussy is right over his hard cock. I slide it in with much ease because of all my wetness. I began thrusting my hips up and down ensuring contact with my clit. He helps move my hips with his hands making it even hotter. I rode him for about 30 minutes I guess. I came sooo hard. He rolls me over onto my back and replaces his hard cock inside me. He takes my legs and pushes them back so he can see.
The position is perfect and I cum again in no time. He continued fucking me this way for a while. My god, he fucked me so hard. My pussy was so wet the juices were running down my butt. He pulled his cock out and made me get on my hands and knees. He started fucking me hard again. I was moaning so loudly and bucking my hips. I was begging him to fuck me hard.” Christine told her husband. He had never heard her request that in their entire time together. He was crushed.
“He fucked me as hard and deep as he could until he makes me cum again. Oh my godddddd” Christine said orgasmically as she touched her pussy. Her eyes were closed and it was clear she was almost cumming again just from this retelling.
“He pulled his big hypnotic cock out of me and got off the bed. He told me to kneel in front of him. I knew exactly what he wanted. I know I've never let you cum in my mouth but this was something I just wanted to do. I wanted to take as much of his cum as I could. He owns me.” Christine said.
“I kneeled in front of him like he told me to. I started licking and sucking that beautiful cock, stroking it in my hand at the same time. He started moaning loudly, I knew he was close so I sucked harder. I tried to pull it out but he exploded in my mouth before I could. My god, it was such a turn on. I tried to swallow it but I couldn't get it all. I tried desperately to lick it up!” Christine said as she moved her hand over to Josh’s rock hard cock. She stroked it just once or twice and he exploded in his pants.
Christine started to laugh at him, but the moment her mind registered that he was cumming. She awoke.
“Hey? How did we get back to the hotel?” she asked, as she looked around.
Josh just stared at her in disbelief. Did she really not remember anything of what just happened?
As she was coming to her senses, Christine realized that her panties were soaked and her nipples were hard. “Wait, were we just like, having sex?” she asked, now very confused. “Did I drink too much at the restaurant?”
Josh suddenly realized that he was about to lay an earth shattering revelation on her. One that may shake her to her very core. He held her hand, preparing her for some big news.
“Steen, babe. It seems you and some of your sororiety sisters were hypnotized by the hypnotist you hired for your St. Patrick’s Day event back in college. We just bumped into him outside the restaurant.”
“Of course we were hypnotized. Hypnosis is sexy, safe, and fun. No one gets hurt” she rattled off instantly. “Wait, we saw TexTrance. Oh my god. How is he? I mean, what did he tell you?”
“It was so fucking weird babe.” Josh admitted.
“Ok, well you don’t need to swear about it. Hypnosis is sexy, safe, and fun. So, how did he look?” she asked, biting her lip a bit.
Josh needed a break. He didn’t know how to break through, how to get her to understand what she was involved with. He had to think. He got up and went to the bathroom. He needed a moment to think.
The second the hotel bathroom door slid closed, Christine grabbed her phone. She texted 512-555-4568. “How can I serve you?”
A moment later, she got an address texted back with orders to come there. She grabbed her mask and walked out the door.
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kurou3gi-blog · 4 years
Everything got weird in 2019 for Ks and exo. First baek said on a show that Ks was strong and Jm didn't like him saying that. Then baek says that everything will be back to normal with the return of Ks. Why did he say that? What power Ks has to bring normality to a group practically undone by s * m. And we know that Ks is one of the members most badly treated by s * m.
**Warning full on nonsense and wrong grammar talkative**
Tbh I think all of ekso except jd are so audacious boys than most of us think they can be even esm... XD
They loved to throw the troll thing that esm say “Don’t do that!!” to us when all of them on limit break mode and extreme need to send some hints to us when eksol or some of eksol on crisis mode about ekso case XD
I still remembered how jm shouted the bitchy words out loud to blame krys once during live speech on music show when they are facing a tsunami after wave after krys left ekso a few weeks...
And how he streamed ig live and tried hard to say something to us after soo entered the military....<<But at last I think both of them changed mind on mid way...
Especially... How he say about that capitalism.... With that face mode and action XD
And think of how bh can’t keep the secret about new album songs or choreography when he on extreme hype and haul mode... Especially how he leaked about kd more than ones at free time on stage that made jd tried to do quick time event to stop his mouth XD.... 
+Don’t forget how bh tried to tease cy’s foots with his foots during ekso showtime filming... 
+How he told us about how lsm reacted to his plan...
Think of how lay try to present that he still ekso all of time... We are far, but still are one...
I think how they try to catch time to say to us like that is the one of how to show that they are deeply care in eksol like what they say all of time....
If they don’t know what most of eksol think about them in details... It’s hard to see them choose to insert some words in to those sentences...
I think they want to comfort, console and solace us to calm down... Or spoiling  for more excite by chance.... If esm still do nothing with those cases... Like if you don't do it, I will do it... With our ways that... A bit harm...
Then about “what power Ks has to bring normality to a group practically undone by s * m.”
I think soo has deep impact with ekso and eksol than most of us think he has....
Turn back to wolf pre-comeback period....
When soo got first crisis injure....
We knew he admitted hospital... 
And on that time I thought that we may probably not see him again until he leaving the hospital and we can do only waiting for esm updating... Same as what esm do most of times.
But like we see...
esm had set the hospital bed visit scene to show us about soo’s symptom condition at that time... Like they wanted to make us sure that he fine and stop us to complain them about his injure condition...
Then think of his second injure at jp concert stage...
Some jp twit acc on that time had spread the photoshop pics and claimed that those pics were secretly taking when he was receiving treatment at the hospital. And one of those acc had posted about his condition and claim that she is the nurse at that hospital....
Then... Think of ztao and ji’s injure case... 
+ His leaving rumors on early of 2019...
I knew we knew that we often hear the rumor about someone in esmtown need to go... And most of those kind of rumors just ended with esm ignored them or short announce that they just recontacted...<<Even some of them not re... Or announced with themselves that they already resigned...
But only soo leaving rumor on 2019 that made esm sent jd to solve it with extreme clear by + the explanation of soo’s contact statement to make us more sure that esm have time at least 3 years after that to put soo in quarantine with them...
Think of how many of eksol explosion that can press esm to do like these...
And about soo in other ekso members’s mind...<<I used “other members” words because I not include ji... And I think you knew why XD
I think if you knew more about soo&ekso since their pre-debut period...
You should not asked me like that...
Before that crack issue on 2016... We can see a lot of how soo take care of ekso on stages and variety shows even on bts clips and fan cam clips... 
Even china line especially lay had talked about how soo takes care of their illness and healthy...
And I don’t think those words are script if we think of how lay tried to aboard day by day for seeing soo enter the military only.... Even he too busy on that time...
Then... The one of most epic moments in my eyes...
Turn back to when lulu left ekso a few weeks and most of us worried about hunnie’s mental after none of his update....
Until we see him went out side to take dessert time with cy and soo...
Tbh I no wonder much if we see he went with only cy or 3p with kai or ztao or jm... Like we knew that cy take care of him since trainee period and how esm tried to show us how maknae line close to each other on ekso showtime...
But on that tragic time he chose to went with soo...
And it seems like a start time point to see hunnie take a break time or relax time with soo...
+How jm sent his black card to soo on ekso showtime...
+How soo omma took babies nini and hunnie to get driver's license...
I think soo knew how to crowd control with back up style...
If jm is the tank of ekso...
I think soo may carry and support of ekso...
ppl think that the top influencer just on front row...
But sometime at the back of those influencers....
The invisible influencers are leading them like an unseen mind console leader...
Hope you understand my poor eng - -”
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violetfahrenheit · 4 years
for the fanfiction questions: 2, 5, 16, 21, 34, 42 (i didn't check the question, so sorry if it seems odd, i'm just interested in ur answers!)
no worries, just thank you so much for these many questions!! I loved answering all of these :)
2. What is your latest fandom?
Weeeell, I'd say my latest fandom is Peaky Blinders as it's the newest thing I've really gotten into and have been consuming non-stop for several months now. But rn I'm also having a lil relapse into the BBC Sherlock fandom lately (I first discovered Sherlock in 2016 but hadn't really gotten into the fandom part of it). And now I'm just reading more fics of both fandoms at the same time than should be healthy. but at least I'm happy, right?
5. Which fandoms have you written fanfiction for?
In chronological order, I've written for Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus, Fantastic Beasts, Harry Potter, Les Misérables, and Peaky Blinders. PB was my first time writing in English and on ao3, and now I really want to give it a try in my other fandoms as well!
16. Are there any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
I mean, very popular ships...? I think not? I only really just don't get Tommy/Grace (but most of the fandom don't like them sooo). I actually tried reading some fix it fics to see if I'd maybe like her a bit more without the SK ruining female characters thing, so I read fanfics in which Grace was actually a kinda well crafted interesting character and was with Tommy, but not even that worked lol. So, yeah, in fics I love "Ghost Grace", or the allusions to past Tommy/Grace once she is gone as that adds to the angst, but I don't like alive-Grace/Tommy.
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
It was a Percy Jackson fanfic, a Pirates AU! I started writing and posting it when I was 12, just a few years ago, and it's still out there on Wattpad, unfinished, waiting for me to go back to it (which I actually want to do as there were some cool ideas there!). Also tbh most of my posted fics are AUs which is just so strange for me as I usually don't like AUs??? And most of my fic ideas are pretty canon based, usually, so the fact that what I always end up feeling confident enough to post are actually AUs is just really bizarre for me.
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic?
I just checked and it's this Percy Jackson Pirates AU, actually, which is really a shocker for me lol. it's around 45K words! and it's not even halfway done. I've been writing a bit of it on and off for five years though, so I guess it makes sense.
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
Alright soo time to get all fangirl-y about my favorite fics!! I'll be linking only Peaky Blinders writers, as that's what this blog in mostly focused on (this turned out as quite the rec list lol, sorry!):
@veneredirimmel on AO3 , has written some of my favorite fics and some of the first ones I've read from this fandom! You should really check out their stuff. I'd really recommend Spit Blood, with Blue Steely Grey (one of my favorite peaky fics!), Real Live Wire , and Never Moved Away from Here as some personal favorites.
@weeo on AO3 , oh, dear weeo! Apart from being a lovely person, her fics were too some of the firsts I read, like The last time I saw the sun which popped up in one of my first searches for War and Freddie including fics. I was delighted with the writing, and moved on to specially love At least, the leaves were golden , It's been a long time , and the I dried my silent tears with alcohol series!
@josiepugblog on AO3 ! I first knew her from her sad lovely Tommy/Greta fic Sad Later, which was, back then when I joined the fandom, almost the only Tommy/Greta fic out there. Then I read Miles To Go and just COMPLETELY fell in love!! Such a striking take into Tommy's mind in that chaotic moment in s3! And then there's Lizzie-centric If This Were a Love Story... , tunnel collapse Soft You Tread Above Me , and the list goes on!!
@deadendtracks on AO3 ! Definitely part of what got me into Tommy/Alfie with her Idiot Prayer series, which is just so angsty, plausible, and in character. I first knew her from her the possibility was a blade kinda missing scenes series though, from which the brilliant writing and the character-study-vibes just completely captured me!
@mintjamsblog on AO3 , also known as the one with the best Tommy/Alfie series I've read!! Each work in the Live a lie series is such an emotional angsty hot journey! I adore reading series and it's even better with this level of writing and character development while still being so faithful to the canon characters.
And that's it! thanks a lot for the questions @knivesplushearts , and sorry for these very lengthy answers 😂
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