#there will be no traces that the forensic experts could have recorded
7finalgirl8 · 1 year
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hi stranger
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coochiequeens · 7 months
“Is it safe for one violent perpetrator, who is biologically male, to disrupt the lives of hundreds of incarcerated women for up to 14 years?"
By Genevieve Gluck December 4, 2023
A trans-identified male in the Netherlands charged with committing a brutal murder has been placed in a women’s prison ahead of his final hearings. Known only as “Daniela D.,” the 32-year-old Chilean national is accused of having stabbed a man 214 times, targeting his eyes, ears, and genitals.
The incident is said to have occurred on December 23 of 2022 during an altercation that took place at the home of Danny Roth. Daniela was reportedly working as a prostitute at the time in the Rotterdam region, with Roth being an occasional client.
Details of the moments leading up to the killing are unclear, though Daniela’s lawyer has attempted to forward “a case of self-defense excess.” with Daniela testifying that Roth had taken drugs which caused him to hallucinate.
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“Danny took a hallucinogenic pill, a coffee-colored capsule. He dragged me by the hair to the kitchen. He threw a knife at me and I deflected it with my hand. He shouted ‘fucking whore’ and proceeded to punch me in the face and it really hurt. I have silicone all over my body and it was causing injuries,” Daniela said. He stated that he repelled the attack with his hand, sustaining an injury, and during the struggle Roth dropped the knife. Grabbing it from the floor, Daniela then began stabbing the man.
However, a forensic expert argued that Daniela’s claims do not align with the blood patterns spattered across the wall. According to an analysis of the crime scene, the victim’s blood was dusted high up across the walls. In Daniela’s version of events, the expert said, the blood would have mainly been on the ground and not “in an upward direction all around.”
An autopsy also showed that while there was alcohol and cocaine in Roth’s body, there were no traces of other substances, such as the purported “hallucinogenic pill” his system.
Additionally, Daniela made a disturbing admission in a recorded phone call shortly after the assault.
“I stabbed both eyes, so that he cannot recognize me when the police show him a photo. I stabbed his ears, so that he cannot hear questions from the police,” Daniela told a friend. “And I broke the bottle on his head. I didn’t want to stop hitting him.”
The Public Prosecution Service presented a different scenario from the story told by Daniela and pointed to the significant amount of cuts all over Roth’s body as an important indication of anger.
“The stabbing was deliberate and targeted. That is not fear, but anger and revenge. It is not self-defense but an attack.” A coroner determined that Roth’s penis was slashed with a knife after he was already dead.
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Roth’s body was found on December 26, three days after the fatal attack, by a friend and a neighbor who stopped by wondering where he was. Roth had not shown up for appointments, and his family had become concerned when they could not contact him over the holidays. Roth’s body was discovered lying on the floor, surrounded by a pool of blood.
The victim’s sister testified in court and strongly condemned Daniela while requesting the maximum possible sentence.
“I hope your hand still hurts every day. When you go to sleep, I hope you see his face. You had an overwhelming anger, from the top of your head to your toes. So bad that the most gruesome horror film is nothing like it,” Roth’s sister told the accused.
Daniela D. has been residing illegally in the Netherlands since February 2022, where he has been involved in the sex industry. The court heard that he came from a broken home and that he had been “bullied” as a youth by peers who did not accept his gender identity.
The Public Prosecution Service is seeking a sentence of fourteen years in prison. The court in Dordrecht will announce its final verdict on December 5.
Despite being fully intact, Daniela is being detained in Ter Peel women’s prison, and it is anticipated that should he be convicted, he will serve his sentence in a women’s institution.
Journalist Sybilla Claus, writing for Brabants Dagblad, called the situation “unacceptable” for female inmates.
“Is it safe for one violent perpetrator, who is biologically male, to disrupt the lives of hundreds of incarcerated women for up to 14 years? The director of the largest women’s prison, Ter Peel, between Venlo and Helmond, thinks it’s fine. He had the extremely violent Chilean suspect, with male genitalia, placed there among the 226 women,” Claus wrote.
“They have the right to their own protection, privacy and dignity… Research shows that a large proportion of imprisoned women have been victims of physical and/or sexual violence as children and afterwards, and end up in an abusive relationship.”
Claus emphasized that “there are few female criminals in the Netherlands. There are three women’s prisons … which house around 3,000 women annually. Most are released within three months, because they commit lighter crimes,” she wrote. “Behavioral scientist Katharina Joosen interviewed about four hundred former women inmates. She described in 2015 that half have a criminal or addicted partner and have been treated for serious psychological problems due to trauma.”
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cryptonewsnetwork1 · 1 month
Binary Options Recovery
Binary options trading has become a popular investment method, offering high returns in a short time frame. However, the popularity of binary options has also attracted numerous scams, leaving many investors devastated and out of pocket. If you’ve fallen victim to a binary options scam, there is hope for recovery. Recuva Hacker Solutions, a leading expert in financial recovery, offers comprehensive services to help you get your money back. This article will guide you through the process and explain how Recuva Hacker Solutions can assist you.
 Understanding Binary Options Scams
Binary options scams often involve fraudulent brokers who manipulate trading platforms to ensure that investors lose their money. Common types of binary options scams include:
- Fake Broker Websites: Scammers create convincing websites that mimic legitimate trading platforms, luring investors with promises of high returns.
- Manipulated Software: Fraudulent brokers manipulate trading software to create artificial losses, ensuring that the investor's funds are lost.
- Withdrawal Issues: Investors find it impossible to withdraw their funds and are often asked to deposit more money under false pretenses.
 Steps to Recover Your Money with Recuva Hacker Solutions
 Step 1: Document Your Case
Before reaching out for professional help, gather all relevant information about the scam. This includes:
- Records of deposits and withdrawals
- Communication with the broker (emails, chat logs, phone call records)
- Screenshots of the trading platform
- Any other evidence that could support your case
 Step 2: Contact Recuva Hacker Solutions
Once you have all your documentation ready, contact Recuva Hacker Solutions for a free consultation. They will review your case and provide an initial assessment. Here are the contact details:
- Email: recuvahackersolutions @ inbox . lv
- WhatsApp: +1 (315) (756)(1228)
 Step 3: Detailed Case Analysis
Recuva Hacker Solutions conducts a thorough analysis of your case. They investigate the fraudulent broker, track the flow of your funds, and identify any possible leads to recover your money. Their team of experts uses advanced tools and techniques to trace transactions and gather critical evidence.
 Step 4: Legal Collaboration
Recuva Hacker Solutions collaborates with legal authorities and financial institutions to enhance the chances of recovery. They assist in filing complaints with regulatory bodies and work with law enforcement agencies to take legal action against the scammers.
 Step 5: Negotiation and Mediation
In some cases, direct negotiation with the fraudulent broker might be possible. Recuva Hacker Solutions leverages its expertise in negotiation and mediation to recover your funds. They communicate with the scammers, presenting evidence and applying pressure to return the stolen money.
Step 6: Recovery of Funds
Once the recovery process is initiated, Recuva Hacker Solutions works diligently to return your funds. This might involve reclaiming the money from the scammers directly or securing a resolution through legal means.
Step 7: Preventive Measures and Support
After successfully recovering your funds, Recuva Hacker Solutions provides guidance on how to protect yourself from future scams. They offer tips on choosing reputable brokers, securing your financial information, and recognizing red flags to avoid falling victim again.
Why Choose Recuva Hacker Solutions?
Expertise and Experience: Recuva Hacker Solutions has a team of seasoned professionals with extensive backgrounds in cybersecurity, financial forensics, and digital investigations. Their expertise ensures a high success rate in recovering stolen funds.
Advanced Technology: The company employs cutting-edge technology to track and trace transactions, ensuring no stone is left unturned in the recovery process.
Transparency and Integrity: Recuva Hacker Solutions is committed to maintaining transparency throughout the recovery process. Clients are kept informed at every stage, ensuring a trustworthy and reliable service.
Client-Centric Approach: The company prioritizes client satisfaction, offering personalized solutions tailored to each case. They provide continuous support and regular updates, ensuring clients are always in the loop.
Real-Life Success Stories
Recuva Hacker Solutions has successfully recovered funds for numerous clients who fell victim to binary options scams. Their track record of success is a testament to their expertise and dedication. By choosing Recuva Hacker Solutions, you join a growing list of satisfied clients who have reclaimed their financial security.
If you’ve been scammed by fraudulent binary options brokers, don’t lose hope. Recuva Hacker Solutions is here to help you recover your money and hold the scammers accountable. With their expert team, advanced technology, and commitment to transparency, they provide the best chance of reclaiming your lost funds. Contact Recuva Hacker Solutions today to start your journey toward financial recovery.
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cryptonewsnetwork5 · 1 month
Can I Trace USDT Transaction?
Yes, you can trace a USDT transaction, and Recuva Hacker Solutions can assist you in this process. Tracing USDT transactions involves following the path of your cryptocurrency through the blockchain to determine its current location or the destination it was sent to. Here’s how Recuva Hacker Solutions can help you trace a USDT transaction:
 How Recuva Hacker Solutions Traces USDT Transactions
1. Initial Information Gathering: The process begins with collecting all relevant transaction details from you. This includes transaction IDs, wallet addresses, timestamps, and any other pertinent information. Providing as much detail as possible will help Recuva Hacker Solutions to accurately trace the transaction.
2. Blockchain Analysis: Recuva Hacker Solutions uses advanced blockchain analysis tools to examine the transaction on the blockchain. Since USDT transactions are recorded on the blockchain, these tools can track the movement of your USDT from one wallet to another.
3. Transaction Mapping: By mapping out the transaction path, Recuva Hacker Solutions can determine the flow of funds. This involves identifying the wallets through which the USDT has passed and tracking its current location or the final destination address.
4. Identifying Patterns and Anomalies: The experts at Recuva Hacker Solutions look for patterns or anomalies in the transaction history that might indicate where the funds have gone. This can include identifying suspicious activity, such as rapid transfers between multiple wallets.
5. Tracing Services: Recuva Hacker Solutions offers specialized tracing services to pinpoint the current status of your USDT. They can track the flow across different exchanges and wallets, making it possible to follow the trail even if the USDT has been split or converted into other cryptocurrencies.
6. Reporting: After tracing the transaction, Recuva Hacker Solutions provides a comprehensive report detailing their findings. This report includes the transaction path, identified wallet addresses, and any significant observations that could assist in recovery efforts.
7. Legal and Recovery Assistance: If the traced USDT has been found in wallets associated with scams or fraud, Recuva Hacker Solutions can help you take further steps. This may involve working with legal authorities, exchanges, and other entities to freeze the assets and pursue recovery.
 Why Choose Recuva Hacker Solutions?
- Expertise: Recuva Hacker Solutions employs a team of professionals with extensive experience in blockchain technology, cybersecurity, and digital forensics.
- Advanced Technology: They use cutting-edge blockchain analysis tools to provide precise and thorough transaction tracing services.
- Client Trust: With a track record of successful recoveries and positive client feedback, Recuva Hacker Solutions is a trusted name in cryptocurrency recovery.
- Ethical Standards: They prioritize ethical practices, ensuring confidentiality and legal compliance in all their operations.
- Comprehensive Support: From initial tracing to legal assistance and asset recovery, Recuva Hacker Solutions provides end-to-end support.
 Contacts for Recuva Hacker Solutions
- Email: recuvahackersolutions @ inbox . lv
- WhatsApp: +1 (315) (756) (1228)
Tracing a USDT transaction is a critical step in recovering lost or stolen cryptocurrency. With the expertise and advanced tools available at Recuva Hacker Solutions, you can effectively trace your USDT transactions and take necessary steps towards recovery. Their professional and client-centric approach ensures that you receive the support and guidance needed throughout the process.
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detectiveagency1 · 10 months
Detective agency in noida
In the contemporary world filled with complexities and uncertainties, the role of detective agencies has grown remarkably. These modern-day sleuths play a crucial part in deciphering enigmas, revealing concealed truths, and providing invaluable insights. In the bustling city of Noida, a detective agency assumes a pivotal role in addressing an array of issues, spanning personal, corporate, and legal domains. In this blog, we will delve into the diverse responsibilities and the importance of a detective agency in Noida.
Personal Investigations
Matrimonial Vetting: In a society where matrimonial bonds are significant, detective agencies aid in scrutinizing potential partners. They meticulously verify personal backgrounds, financial stability, and social standing, offering individuals the assurance they need for important life decisions.
2 Pre-Marital Screening: Detective agencies assist individuals in validating the authenticity of information shared by prospective partners. By conducting thorough checks on employment history, character, and other critical aspects, they provide a layer of security in an uncertain world.
Infidelity Surveillance: Suspicions of infidelity can strain relationships. Detective agencies employ discreet surveillance methods to gather evidence, helping clients confront reality and make informed choices.
Corporate Investigations
Employee Background Checks: The foundation of any successful business is its employees. Detective agencies conduct comprehensive background checks, ensuring the credibility of qualifications, work experiences, and criminal records to create a safe and productive work environment.
Due Diligence for Businesses: In the competitive corporate arena, detective agencies play a crucial role in gathering vital information about potential partners, investors, or collaborators. This assists companies in making informed decisions, minimizing risks, and fostering successful ventures.
Intellectual Property Protection: Preserving intellectual property is essential. Detective agencies contribute significantly in cases of patent or copyright infringement, safeguarding a company’s innovative concepts.
Legal Investigations
Evidence Collection: Lawyers often collaborate with detective agencies to amass essential evidence for legal cases. This could involve locating witnesses, uncovering concealed assets, or substantiating alibis.
2 Criminal Defense Support: Detectives aid in criminal defense by reexamining evidence, identifying gaps, and uncovering new leads that might have been overlooked during initial investigations.
3. Missing Persons Cases: Locating missing individuals requires a blend of resources and expertise. Detective agencies work alongside law enforcement to trace missing persons, providing closure to distraught families.
Technological Expertise
Cyber Investigations: With the surge in cybercrimes, detective agencies provide specialized services to trace digital footprints, unearth online scams, and identify cyber offenders.
2. Forensic Analysis: From analyzing fingerprints to digital data recovery, detectives employ forensic methodologies to provide concrete evidence in diverse cases, be it personal or corporate.
In the fast-paced city of Noida, a detective agency stands as a symbol of modern investigative prowess. These agencies amalgamate technology, strategic thinking, and expert analysis to unearth truths and ensure justice. From validating alliances to protecting businesses, a detective agency in Noida contributes significantly to unveiling mysteries, offering peace of mind, and fostering a safer society.
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strdreambuilder · 1 year
How Do Forensic Engineers Collect Evidence?
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Forensic engineers are highly trained professionals who use a variety of methods to collect evidence from crime scenes. These experts utilize the latest technology, such as 3D imaging and scanning devices, to carefully document each area of a crime scene. They also take photos and videos, which can provide key information about the incident in question. In addition, they often employ special tools to acquire fingerprints, trace evidence (like hair or fibers), and other items that may help identify suspects or victims.
The collected evidence is then analyzed in a laboratory setting to determine its relevance to the case at hand. Forensic engineers must be thorough when collecting evidence so as not to interfere with any ongoing investigations or court proceedings. By taking an unbiased approach and following all safety protocols, forensic engineers can provide the evidence necessary to solve a crime and bring justice.
In addition, forensic engineers may also offer expert testimony in court by providing technical explanations to the jury based on their findings. As experts in their field, they are able to explain complex concepts in a way that is easy for non-technical members of the jury to understand. This makes it possible for them to have an important role in criminal proceedings. Forensic engineering is thus a vital part of the investigative process, helping law enforcement agencies ensure justice is served.
Forensic engineers must adhere to strict standards and best practices when collecting evidence from crime scenes. They must wear proper protective gear and follow safety protocols at all times so as not to contaminate any evidence. They must also be extremely careful not to damage or destroy any of the items they are collecting, as this could influence the outcome of a case. By following these guidelines and using the latest technology, forensic engineers help law enforcement agencies secure justice in even the most complex cases.
Forensic engineers use a variety of methods to collect evidence in order to understand and prove the cause of a particular event. Depending on the exact situation, forensic engineers may use visual inspection, photography, data collection from computers and other electronic devices, or laboratory analysis to acquire evidence.
Forensic engineers use a variety of tools to collect evidence. These can include digital and electronic equipment, physical evidence such as fibers and hairs, and specialized software. The most common forensic engineering tools are the microscope, used to identify small objects or analyze materials on a microscopic level. Other tools used in the field of forensic engineering include chemical analysis kits, cameras, ultraviolet light sources, high-precision measuring instruments, moisture detectors and computers.
Visual inspection is often used in order to assess the scene of an event and identify potential evidence that could then be photographed or collected for further examination. This type of inspection can help determine what happened prior to, during, and after an incident. Photographic evidence can also be collected at the scene in order to provide a permanent record of the incident and its environment.
Data collection from computers and other electronic devices is also used to obtain evidence in forensic engineering. Through this process, digital artifacts such as documents, emails, photos, text messages, phone logs, browser history and more can be collected and analyzed for important information about an event. Computer forensics technicians are trained professionals who specialize in this type of data acquisition and understand how to properly preserve the chain of custody.
Lab analysis is another tool that forensic engineers may utilize in order to gain additional insight into an event by examining physical objects such as clothing, tools or materials used in constructing something at the scene. By studying these objects through scientific testing techniques like chemical analysis or microscopic examination, investigators can come closer to understanding what truly happened during a particular incident.
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razieltwelve · 3 years
The Sound of Thunder (Spoilers)
This post contains spoilers for the future direction of The Sound of Thunder. If you do not want to read spoilers, stop here.
The Sound of Thunder is basically inspired by Silence of the Lambs with Lightning playing the role of Hannibal Lecter and Fang stepping into the shoes of Agent Clarice Starling. 
The story opens with Fang be sent to interview Lightning in a secure facility. Amodar wants to get her insight into a case since someone has begun to commit murders that are eerily similar to those committed by Lightning. The critical difference is that while Lightning killed sister, she often focused her ire on the younger sister whereas the present murders seem to show greater anger toward the older sister.
Lightning’s sister, Serah, is currently in protective custody, her whereabouts unknown.
After a brief conversation, Lightning taunts Fang but takes an interests in her, revealing the differences between her murders and the present murders.
That’s where the first chapter finishes.
The basic idea of the story is fairly simple. Fang is going to try to put together the clues to identify the murderer while bodies continue to pile up. 
Things get increasingly tense when Yuna and Rikku are abducted. Yuna’s father is a powerful politician, and he demands that something be done. What disturbs Amodar and Fang is that the two aren’t actually sisters. However, when asked about this, Lightning tells Fang that it isn’t necessarily the blood relationship that matters, so much as the bond between the two. After all, she didn’t just target any old pair of sisters. Lightning always went after the sisters that were the closest.
It is during this time that Serah Farron apparently disappears from police custody. After consulting with the witness protection program, Fang discovers that the murders have occurred in areas not far from Serah. She believes that Lightning’s ‘admirer’ is trying to finish what Lightning started by killing Serah.
Lightning just laughs when she’s told this, telling Fang that her ‘admirer’ would never be so crass as to take what’s hers, not if they know what’s good for them. Fang points out that Lightning is stuck behind bars, but Lightning merely smiles and tells Fang that she’ll be out soon enough.
Fang begins to believe that Lightning knows exactly who the killer is. This belief is further bolstered when forensic analysis shows that the weapon and style used to kill the latest victims is archetypical of the veterans from Lightning’s old unit in the military. Many of them simply vanished off the face of the earth after the war, and still others were lost in the conflict but never confirmed dead.
With the days passing and Braska (Yuna’s father) growing more desperate, he decides to use his political clout to force a meeting with Lightning. Lightning was a former soldier, someone who loved the outdoors and a good bit of exercise. These days, she’s cooped up in one of the most secure cells in the world.
His offer is simple. If she can give information that allows them to save his daughter and Rikku, he will have her transferred to a new cell on a deserted island. She will still be confined, and the island itself is so isolated that escape would be meaningless, but she will get more time outdoors, and a cell that allows her to do some indoor exercise.
Amodar urges Braska to reconsider, but Braska is adamant. It is at this point that Fang’s sister, Vanille, disappears. Fang is horrified, especially when a cryptic message left at the scene suggests that the one responsible is indeed the killer. She seeks out Lightning’s advice, only to find that Lightning has already been transferred as is being held in another secure location.
Dr Jihl Nabaat tells Fang that she should hurry. As Lightning’s former warden, she protested the move, but was overruled. She doesn’t think that Lightning’s new minders will be able to hold her. They don’t know what they’re dealing with.
Fang hurries to the location where Lightning is being held.
Meanwhile, Lightning is being wonderfully civil. She has passed on information to Amodar indicating that the killer is a former colleague, someone who grew up in a broken home, someone who grew to blame someone in his life that he viewed as something between a sister and a lover for his ills. During their time on the front, they came to understand one another and she learned that he planned to enact his own bloody vengeance on the world.
His name? Caius Ballad.
During a seemingly uneventful dinner, Lightning begins her escape. Faking a seizure, she lures the inexperienced guards close enough for her to kill them and take the keys. She then takes their weapons and sounds the alarm. As the backup team rushes to her ‘cell’, Lightning begins to systematically hunt them down, wiping out the entire team. She does this by wounding some of the members to lure out the others and erode team discipline while using the bodies of the guards she killed as props to draw attention at critical moments.
Rather than attempt to escape through the front door, Lightning instead takes advantage of the building’s geography to escape first to the roof and then over to a nearby building where she kills someone else, takes their clothes, and disguises herself using a hat to hide her hair. She even changes her gait and simply walks out of the building as reinforcements rush into the original building.
Fang arrives on the scene shortly after, and Lightning actually stays to watch her. When Fang somehow manages to trace Lightning’s steps via intuition and cunning, Lightning ambushes her. Rather than killing her, Lightning knocks her unconscious, but not before leaving her with a few clues.
When Fang regains consciousness, she tells Amodar what she has learned, and she finds out that Caius Ballad isn’t really the one responsible. Instead, when they track him down, they find out that he’s been dead for years. In fact, it looks a lot like Lightning killed him herself. The isolated cabin he was in was also rigged with a trap that killed most of the team sent to apprehend him.
Following Lightning’s tip to investigate the ‘chains of the past’, Fang delves into Lightning’s history. She discovers evidence that after Lightning’s parents died, she and Serah became abnormally close. At this time, they were badly let down by the system. They lost their house. They had to resort to begging to survive, and Lightning ended up joining a gang to make ends meet. It was during this period that Lightning’s kills were believed to have begun. This relationship only deepened until Serah met Snow Villiers. This enraged Lightning who saw it as a betrayal.
Lightning went to war only to return and find that Serah and Snow were going to get married. It was around that time that Lightning’s killings began to ramp up. Fang believes that Lightning saw Serah marrying Snow as the last piece of her family abandoning her and leaving her all alone. It was notable that in the car accident in which Lightning’s parents died, Lightning never lost consciousness whereas Serah did. Lightning spent three days in that ravine trapped next to the dead bodies of her parents trying to get out of the wreck and save her sister. The other driver would escape charges due to political connections but would later be killed during a robbery gone wrong.
Snow would later be killed in a car accident, but the more Fang investigated the matter, the more certain she grew that it wasn’t an accident at all. That was when Lightning’s killings took on an even more gruesome style, culminating in the hideously awful murder scene where Lightning forgot to cover her tracks. Some of her hair was found on the scene, along with fingerprints. This was how Lightning was caught.
But something about the old case files bothers her. Looking more closely at the wounds on that last, pivotal set of murders, Fang notices that the older sister was actually harmed more than the younger one - something closer to the current murders. Moreover, the knife work isn’t quite as expert as in Lightning’s older murders.
She doesn’t know quite what to make of it, but as she delves into the archives containing Lightning’s old records, she finds a note about a location very dear to Lightning: an old beach house in Bodhum. It was never hers, but her family used to walk past it every day. Fang has a hunch, and she follows it to the beach house.
There, she discovers that although it should be abandoned, there are signs that it has been lived in recently. Preparing herself, she makes her way inside. She finds Yuna and Rikku huddled together in a dark pit. She tries to call it in, but there is a jamming device in place. She is about to leave and call for reinforcements when she spots a familiar bit of clothing nearby. It belongs to Vanille.
Fang can’t bear to leave. She presses onward and finds Vanille unconscious and strapped to a chair. However, before she can leave, she is ambushed and knocked unconscious herself. When she wakes up, she finds herself staring into the face of Serah Farron.
Suddenly, it all clicks in Fang’s mind.
Lightning was never the sole killer. She and Serah had been killing people together, right from the start, most likely beginning with the driver who crashed into their car and killed their parents. The reason they’ve been killing sisters is because they don’t very highly of them. They see them as not being close enough, of not caring about each other the way Serah and Lightning do. In fact, Fang remembers that as close as the murdered sisters generally were, there were always rumours of friction and occasional arguments - imperfections in Lightning and Serah’s eyes. After all, alone and with none one else to turn to, Lightning and Serah always had each other. How could they respect people who couldn’t even manage that?
When Fang tells Serah this, the other woman is impressed.
Fang also explains her suspicions about what happened later. Snow’s accident wasn’t an accident. Lightning sabotaged his car. Serah says that is exactly what happened, and she framed Lightning for the last murder to get her arrested and killed. However, Lightning surrendered and avoided being killed, and she was then put out of Serah’s reach for revenge since she genuinely loved Snow.
Her plan was to then commit more murders knowing that Lightning would be drawn out. This succeeded, and she went after Vanille to get to Fang since she thought Lightning found Fang intriguing, and Lightning hates it when people mess with her stuff.
Sure enough, Serah is still talking when Lightning arrives.
The two sister square off. In the midst of their battle, Fang manages to free herself and Vanille, and they run for it, saving Yuna and Rikku along the way. The beach house is destroyed in an explosion when Serah, who starts losing, detonates a trap she’d set beforehand.
This spells the end of the two sisters.
Or so Fang thought.
A few months later, having received a commendation for her efforts, Fang gets a letter. It’s from Lightning. She thanks Fang for a most interesting adventure, especially the chance to reunite with her sister. Fang doesn’t have to worry. Lightning has other scores to settle and other people to kill, and she wants to see how far Fang can go.
A few days later another letter arrives.
It’s from Serah. In her words, she tells Fang that the world failed her and Lightning. They spent years afraid, wondering what new horror the next day would bring in. She talks about how often Lightning came back home bruised and beaten from her work with the gang, and how often Serah had to steal and lie to get essentials. She tells Fang that she and Lightning are going to settle their score one day. She hasn’t forgiven Lightning for Snow, and she probably never will, but she has other people to go after first.
A few days later, two sets of murders begin. They’re no longer targeting sisters, but Fang knows who is responsible. She joins the special team Amodar is putting together to catch the two sisters.
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
So, yeah, there is an unedited stream of consciousness of the ideas I had regarding where the story would go. Obviously, it’s very rough, but this was the ‘skeleton’ of what I thought might happen. Had I written it in full, I would have fleshed it out and tinkered with it a lot.
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ekaterinakostrova · 5 years
Please write more of that Nesta as a glamorous and high profile lawyer AU, because i love it and its literal goals
You know, dear nonny… IT SEEMS I LOVE IT TOOOOOO!
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“Stop these insignificant attempts to change something, Nesta. You can’t prove anything. In the case file there are protocols with testimony”.
She felt Eris’s cold gaze on her. She  knew that this was a loser case from the very beginning. The second forensic examinationdid not show anything; three witnesses gave testimony in court. Moreover, there was this video recording with the dissolute behavior of a girl.
It doesn’t matter how she dressed, or how she behaved, if the girl didn’t want any relationship and said “no”, then the partner must stop.
It was such a typical party of drunken students.
Nesta sighed heavily, leaning back in her chair. She took a deep breath and exhale. She loved this restaurant. She always came here to calm herself down. She liked the minimalism of the interior, it was clean and bright. She liked the white leather armchairs and black sofas along the windows, the transparent glass tables.
The first time she tried apple strudel with a delicate vanilla cream, she began to cry. She had never tried anything like this before. She was drowned in a fantastic mix of tastes. She liked the feeling of apple pudding and soft cream, baking dough. And for a brief moment she felt herself as a little girl again, licking the cream from the spoon and blissfully closing her eyes.
After this, her heart was never going to beat normally.
Nesta looked at her face in the glass reflection of the window.
“I can’t leave it all this way, Eris. I believe her.”   
“The girl is deceiving you, and you are going on about the emotions,” Eris said grimly.
Nesta kept her eyes closed.
“I respect you as an opponent, Eris, and I enjoy your concern for my reputation as a private lawyer, but I can handle it. We will not sign a settlement agreement. Witnesses were his friends. Why should they expose their best friend? Besides, a guy from a rich family could easily pay them for a good lie in court? There is also a chance that he paid off the medical examiner. Don’t you know how this system works? Affected teenagers are just an excuse that will allow adults to make extra money.”
He frowned.
“Do not be an idiot, reporters and journalists will not leave a trace of you. Your reputation will be ruined”.
Nesta strongly looked at him.
She shook her head.
“I’m not going to abandon my clients.”
He scolwed at her.
“You are making a big mistake, Nesta.”
She inhaled sharply.
“See you in court, Eris.”
It seems that he was a little shocked by her choice. The settlement was beneficial, she understood it. And yet… She could not do this to a girl, who  reminded her so muchof her own self. Rape cases have always been difficult. Sexual intercourse was only the final part. It was necessary to learn information about parents of these teenagers, their environment, to gain the confidence of children, and then legal wars began between lawyers. 
He looked at her for a long time, and then silently rose and left the restaurant, leaving behind the aroma of his expensive Italian perfume.
He wanted her. 
He always wanted to be her lover, to cross the forbidden line, but she never let him. She thought that after this, she would not be able to be honest with him.
A waiter approached her, and she indifferently looked at his name on the badge “Devlon”.
She frowned, rubbing her temples wearily. The headaches got worse.
“What would you like to order?” he asked in a calm and deep voice.
“A cup of black coffee without sugar.”
He wrote down the order in his notebook and left while she was reviewing the documents. Something, she missed something very important. If Eris offered a settlement, then he made a mistake somewhere. She just needs to find out what kind of mistake that was. 
Devlon returned with a silver tray, and, along with a cup of coffee, placed in front of hera plate of chocolate crème brulee with a caramel crust.
“I did not order this”.
Devlon grimaced.
“I was asked to bring the dessertto this table”.
She frowned.
“I do not need this.”
“Then the dessert just go to the trash.”
“That’s ridiculous, I didn’t even touch it.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
She sighed heavily.
“Leave it”. 
She was cursed, without doubt. Why did the Lord only create men? They only think about their ego and dangling genitals between their legs.
She took a sip of the bitter coffee that burned her tongue, and she grimaced.
Nothing worked.
The  case caused a large-scale public outcry, and many people defended the young man, who raped a girl. He is a student of an elite educational institution, from a rich and respectable family, and she is an ordinary girl, who lives with a drunkard father. This also was too familiar to her.
But she remembered her eyes, remembered, how she asked for any help. If she does not believe her, what will happen to her later.
Nesta looked at the dessert and lightly struck the caramel crust with a dessert spoon. The taste was delicious and she closed her eyes.
Yes. So good. That was too good. It was delicious. It was so delicious that she instantly felt addicted.
And then her eyes fell on the name of the medical institution, which prepared a medical report.
She quickly dialed her assistant’s phone.
“Emerie, pick me up. The expert institution was deprived of a license two years ago. We will ask the court for re-examination.”
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thechanelmuse · 5 years
A new investigation finds that police officers across the country destroyed rape kits, in what is estimated to be over 400 cases, and all before the statute of limitations ran out for the kits.
CNN reports in a lengthy, devastating deep-dive using department records that since 2010 rape kits have been shelved and destroyed by many police officers, sometimes just weeks or months after they obtained evidence.
We already know that rape kits across the country are constantly being mishandled, whether they’re left to grow mold, go untested, or simply aren’t offered at all to women in certain areas. What is most startling but not surprising about CNN’s investigation is how it reveals just how little some police offers do to even investigate rape claims. For one woman who reported being gang-raped, the officer assigned to her case did absolutely nothing to move it forward:
Instead, CNN found, the detective assigned to her case did nothing more than interview her. The officer never tried to talk to the men she named as her attackers, misinterpreted the law and concluded that no rape occurred. About a month after speaking with the woman, the detective authorized destruction of the untested rape kit — in a state where there was no time limit to prosecute rape.
An incident like that is horrifying when you consider just how departments defend the destruction of these rape kits. CNN found that 25 agencies in 14 states destroyed kits when they still could have been prosecuted, but police say that’s because they were apparently cases “they believed had no chance of moving forward.”
But the judgment of officers regarding the likelihood of cases to move forward appears to be deeply misinformed. For example, an officer might throw out a rape kit just because a victim didn’t want to continue participating in the investigation:
Destroying kits in those circumstances is misguided, experts said; police are failing to recognize that the passage of time can work on behalf of an investigation. A victim can decide to engage with police after a few years, and new evidence can emerge, making a prosecution possible.
“Even if a victim doesn’t want to be involved now doesn’t mean they won’t change their mind,” said David LaBahn, president of the national Association of Prosecuting Attorneys and a career California prosecutor. “If you have a statute of limitations that is still open, and a victim does change their mind but you’ve destroyed the kit — that’s a problem.”
Reading the piece, you honestly have to wonder if these officers ever do their job!
In North Charleston, South Carolina, a woman reported being raped at knifepoint by a man who had once been a sexual partner. Police noted she’d been arrested for prostitution two years earlier and quizzed her about whether he was a client. She told them no...
...But when she failed to return a detective’s call in a week’s time, he wrote that she was uncooperative and ended the investigation 17 days after she reported being raped. Her kit — never tested — was destroyed less than a year later, even though testing might have identified the man. There was no statute of limitations on the crime, meaning the woman should have had as much time as she needed to help police pursue her assailant.
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The CNN article: 
How the trashing of rape kits failed victims and jeopardizes public safety
Hours after you are raped, you sit in a hospital room, under fluorescent lights, and consent to a forensic exam.
Your body is the crime scene.
When did it happen, a nurse asks. Where did it happen? Can you tell me who did this to you?
The nurse is trained to interview you and search your body for evidence left behind by your attacker. Knowing the details of your assault guides the examination.
Did he ejaculate inside of you, on you? Where did he touch you? Did he use any objects? Did he kiss you, lick you? Have you had anything to drink? Did you shower?
You’re asked to undress slowly while you stand on a special sheet meant to collect any trace evidence that shakes loose.
For three to five hours, the nurse swabs your mouth, your breasts, a bite mark on your neck. She scrapes under your fingernails, combs your pubic hair. She inserts a speculum inside you and drops blue dye on the tissue there to illuminate any places that are torn.
The nurse cuts a hair from your head. She takes photographs of your face and shoulders to pair with your chart, of you in the clothes you wore when you were attacked. Every injury is photographed, too — far away, close-up, with a ruler to show size.
When the exam is over, the nurse puts hair, fibers, swabs, vials of blood and urine in a container smaller than a shoebox. She seals it — your rape kit — and entrusts it to a police officer.
This is the way DNA evidence is collected. This is what you endure so police can identify your assailant, make him pay for what he did.
No one tells you that the exam may be pointless — that police might treat your kit like trash.
A CNN investigation into the destruction of rape kits in dozens of agencies across the country found that police trashed evidence in 400 cases before the statutes of limitations expired or when there was no time limit to prosecute.
The number is likely higher and was arrived at through an analysis of the departments’ own records.
The destruction occurred since 2010 and followed flawed and incomplete investigations that relegated rape kits to shelves in police evidence rooms until they were destroyed. Dozens were trashed mere weeks or months after police took custody of the evidence, records showed.
Almost 80% were never tested for DNA evidence, a process that can identify a suspect or link that person to other crimes.
For the past several years, public attention has focused on the hundreds of thousands of kits that have languished untested. The Justice Department has awarded more than $150 million to test that backlog.
But destruction of rape kits is a lesser-known and more fundamental problem: The evidence is gone. It can never be used to lock up a rapist or set free the wrongfully convicted.
Marci Hamilton, a professor and attorney who analyzed juvenile cases, and CNN identified 47 children’s and teenagers’ rape kits that were destroyed before the statutes of limitations expired or where there was no time limit to prosecute. At least 39 were untested.
CNN’s analysis did not include “unfounded” cases, those in which police determined that no crime was attempted or occurred. But Hamilton, whose non-profit CHILD USA advocates for sexual abuse victims, argued that given the complexity of child sex abuse, juvenile reports should rarely be labeled unfounded.
In Fallon, Nevada, a detective dismissed a 7-year-old’s case as unfounded, partly because the child looked away from him as he questioned her in 2013. The girl described how a man had assaulted her anally, orally and vaginally the previous night, and then methodically cleansed her body.
Even though the child was consistent in describing the incident to others, the detective said her body language — looking away — indicated she was being deceptive.
The detective suggested to her parents that they get her psychological help.
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Ummmm...Soooo....Was this a big viral story I just so happened to miss or...? ... The fact that this article came out November 2018 and I’m just now coming across it. 
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carnivalofhorror · 5 years
Translated by MCCANN: PJ FILES.
Asked, on May 03, 2007, at 22:00, when she entered the apartment what she saw and did, where he looked, and what she touched [handled], she did not respond.
If she looked inside the cupboard of the couple's bedroom, she said No in response.
Shown two photographs of the cupboard of her bedroom, and asked for a description of the contents, she did not respond.
Asked for what reason the curtain behind the sofa in front of the side window, the photograph of which was shown to her, is moved [disordered] she did not respond. She did not respond to the question if someone [anyone] had passed [had gone; had walked] behind that sofa.
Asked how much time it took for the search that she made in the apartment after the detection of the disappearance of her daughter MADELEINE, she did not respond.
Asked why she said from the outset that MADELEINE was kidnapped [abducted], she did not respond.
 On the assumption that Madeleine had been kidnapped [abducted], why she left the twins alone at home to go to the Tapas to give [raise] the alarm, yet [while] the supposed kidnapper [abductor] could still be in the apartment, she did not respond.
Why she had not asked the twins at that time what had happened to their sister, or why she had not asked them later, she did not respond.
Questioned when she gave the alarm in the Tapas what she said specifically, what words she used, she did not respond.
Asked about what happened after giving the alarm at Tapas, she did not respond. Asked if she had any mobile phone, with her at that moment, she did not respond.
Asked why she went to warn [inform] her friends instead of shouting from the balcony, she did not respond.
Asked who contacted the authorities, she did not respond. Asked who participated in the searches, she did not respond.
Asked who participated in the searches, she did not respond.
Asked if anyone outside the group knew, in the following moments [at the time], of the disappearance of MADELEINE, she did not respond.
 Asked if any female neighbour offered her assistance after the alarm of the disappearance, she did not respond.
Asked what the expression "we let her down" means, she did not respond.
Asked if JANE told her about having seen a man with a child, on that night, she did not respond.
Asked how the authorities were contacted and that police force was alerted, she did not respond.
Asked, during the searches already with the police presence [after the police arrived], in what places she went [and] looked for MADELEINE, how and in what way [manner], she did not respond.
Asked why the twins did not wake up during this search, or when they went to the floor above, she did not respond.
Asked whom she telephoned after the facts, she did not respond.
Asked if she called "Sky News" she did not respond.
Asked about the danger of calling the news media alerting them of the abduction, because it could influence the kidnapper, she did not respond.
Asked if they requested the presence of a priest, she did not respond.
Asked what was the manner of divulging the face of MADELEINE, if photographs or other, she did not respond.
Asked if it is true that during the search she sat on her bed in her bedroom without moving, she did not respond.
Asked what was her behaviour during that night, she did not respond.
And asked if she had managed [been able to] to sleep, she did not respond.
Asked if before the trip to Portugal she made a comment of [about] a bad feeling [presentiment] or bad omens, she did not respond.
Asked about the behaviour of MADELEINE she did not respond.
Asked if she suffered from any infirmity [illness] or took medication, she did not respond.
Asked what was MADELEINE's relationship with the siblings, she did not respond.
Asked what was MADELEINE's relationship with the siblings, friends and school colleagues, she did not respond.
Asked about her professional life, and in how many hospitals and in which she had worked, she did not respond.
Being a doctor, and asked about her speciality, she did not respond.
Asked about if she worked in shifts, in emergencies [the emergency section of a hospital] or other services she did not respond.
If she worked every day, she did not respond.
Asked if at a particular time she stopped working and why, she did not respond.
Asked whether or not it is true that the twins have difficulty sleeping, that they are restless and that that causes her uneasiness, she did not respond.
Asked whether or not it is true that at certain times she felt desperate [driven to despair; angered; exasperated] by the attitude of the children and that that left her much disquiet [unease], she did not respond.
Asked whether or not it is true that in England she was thinking to deliver MADELEINE into the custody [guardianship] of a family member, she did not respond.
Asked if at home (England) she gave medication to the children and what kind of medication, she did not respond.
In this 'auto' [official document recording an official action] there were shown several films of canine inspections, forensic in character, where can be seen the marking by them of indications of human cadaver smell and blood traces also human, and solely human, as well as the comments of the expert responsible for that inspection activity.
The viewing ended and after signs of cadaver odour in her bedroom next to the cupboard and behind the sofa against the window of the living room, she said that she can not explain anything more than that already mentioned.
 Also signalled, now by the dog of the detection of human blood behind the sofa mentioned above, she said that she can not explain anything more than that already mentioned.
Signalled the cadaver odour in the car that they rented about one month after the disappearance, registration 59-DA-27, she said that she can not explain anything more than that already mentioned.
Signalled the presence of human blood in the trunk of the same vehicle, she said that she can not explain anything more than that already mentioned.
Confronted with the result of the collection of DNA from MADELEINE, which analysis was carried out by a British laboratory, from behind the sofa and trunk of the vehicle, situations previously described, she said that she can not explain anything more than that already mentioned.
Asked if she had any responsibility or involvement in the disappearance of her daughter MADELEINE, she did not respond.
Asked if she is aware that her failure to respond to the questions put in the cause of the investigation, which seeks to know what happened to her daughter, she replied that 
yes, if the investigation so thinks.
Asked if she has anything to add, 
she responded negatively.
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cryptonewsnetwork1 · 1 month
Can I Trace USDT Transaction?
Yes, you can trace a USDT transaction, and Recuva Hacker Solutions can assist you in this process. Tracing USDT transactions involves following the path of your cryptocurrency through the blockchain to determine its current location or the destination it was sent to. Here’s how Recuva Hacker Solutions can help you trace a USDT transaction:
 How Recuva Hacker Solutions Traces USDT Transactions
1. Initial Information Gathering: The process begins with collecting all relevant transaction details from you. This includes transaction IDs, wallet addresses, timestamps, and any other pertinent information. Providing as much detail as possible will help Recuva Hacker Solutions to accurately trace the transaction.
2. Blockchain Analysis: Recuva Hacker Solutions uses advanced blockchain analysis tools to examine the transaction on the blockchain. Since USDT transactions are recorded on the blockchain, these tools can track the movement of your USDT from one wallet to another.
3. Transaction Mapping: By mapping out the transaction path, Recuva Hacker Solutions can determine the flow of funds. This involves identifying the wallets through which the USDT has passed and tracking its current location or the final destination address.
4. Identifying Patterns and Anomalies: The experts at Recuva Hacker Solutions look for patterns or anomalies in the transaction history that might indicate where the funds have gone. This can include identifying suspicious activity, such as rapid transfers between multiple wallets.
5. Tracing Services: Recuva Hacker Solutions offers specialized tracing services to pinpoint the current status of your USDT. They can track the flow across different exchanges and wallets, making it possible to follow the trail even if the USDT has been split or converted into other cryptocurrencies.
6. Reporting: After tracing the transaction, Recuva Hacker Solutions provides a comprehensive report detailing their findings. This report includes the transaction path, identified wallet addresses, and any significant observations that could assist in recovery efforts.
7. Legal and Recovery Assistance: If the traced USDT has been found in wallets associated with scams or fraud, Recuva Hacker Solutions can help you take further steps. This may involve working with legal authorities, exchanges, and other entities to freeze the assets and pursue recovery.
 Why Choose Recuva Hacker Solutions?
- Expertise: Recuva Hacker Solutions employs a team of professionals with extensive experience in blockchain technology, cybersecurity, and digital forensics.
- Advanced Technology: They use cutting-edge blockchain analysis tools to provide precise and thorough transaction tracing services.
- Client Trust: With a track record of successful recoveries and positive client feedback, Recuva Hacker Solutions is a trusted name in cryptocurrency recovery.
- Ethical Standards: They prioritize ethical practices, ensuring confidentiality and legal compliance in all their operations.
- Comprehensive Support: From initial tracing to legal assistance and asset recovery, Recuva Hacker Solutions provides end-to-end support.
 Contacts for Recuva Hacker Solutions
- Email: recuvahackersolutions @ inbox . lv
- WhatsApp: +1 (315) (756) (1228)
Tracing a USDT transaction is a critical step in recovering lost or stolen cryptocurrency. With the expertise and advanced tools available at Recuva Hacker Solutions, you can effectively trace your USDT transactions and take necessary steps towards recovery. Their professional and client-centric approach ensures that you receive the support and guidance needed throughout the process.
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elizabethcariasa · 3 years
Winning Auditor Malpractice Cases
Winning a case against an auditing firm when there is a sizeable fraud (such as the Koss Corp. embezzlement) or the collapse of a Ponzi scheme (such as the Bernie Madoff case) is not easy. Simply because there is a fraud, a business failure, or a pyramid scheme collapse, the auditors are not necessarily at fault.  The auditors may have carried out their professional responsibilities exactly as they should have, but they still did not uncover the fraud.
How does a fraud go undetected by auditors? The first thing to remember is that audits are not designed to find fraud, so they rarely do. Equally important, is the fact that frauds are deliberately (and often effectively) covered up by those perpetrating them. Particularly in the case of executives embezzling or perpetrating financial statement fraud, they are keenly aware of exactly how the auditors do their work, and take careful steps to avoid detection.
Technically speaking, auditors are not engaged to find fraud. They are engaged to give an opinion on the financial statements, and whether they are fairly stated. The auditors are required to perform certain procedures related to fraud, essentially assessing the risk of fraud and increasing the testing of the financial statements as there is a greater perceived risk of fraud. The auditors are not specifically engaged to (or expected to) find fraud, under the current auditing standards.
However, the auditors are still required to carry out their professional responsibilities and complete all testing properly. If they didn’t carry out these responsibilities, then we have to determine whether that failure affected their ability to find fraud. We must assess whether they would have found the fraud if they had fulfilled all their duties.
Here is an example from a case on which I was retained to examine the auditors’ working papers and files to determine whether or not they failed to fulfill their professional responsibilities…
An organization had a large theft of cash receipts from donors.  The first question I asked as a forensic accountant and expert witness was, “How could the auditors have discovered the fraud?” There were several areas of the audit to investigate, and I ended up zeroing in on the testing of cash receipts. What I turned up was disastrous for the auditors.
Typically the testing of cash receipts is fairly straightforward and difficult to screw up. Not so for these auditors. In this case, there was documentation regarding the amount of cash collected. The auditors attempted to trace those cash collections to the bank statements to verify that the funds received were actually deposited.
The bookkeeper retained the records which accurately showed the amount of cash received. She stole the cash, and therefore didn’t deposit the cash to the bank. She didn’t alter or destroy any records, however. A simple comparison of the cash receipts records and the bank statements showed that there was missing cash.
The auditor saw that the cash receipts records did not match the bank statement and asked the bookkeeper why. She told him that sometimes they combined more than one day of cash receipts when making deposits, so the amounts didn’t match. He accepted this explanation and did no further testing or verification.
The auditors had a duty to verify the representation of the bookkeeper in some way, but they did nothing more. If they had examined things more closely, they would have seen the following:
Cash receipts records Day 1: $15,000
Cash receipts records Day 2: $21,000
Bank deposit that week: $9,500
You can see that the bookkeeper’s explanation can’t possibly be true. The bank deposit that week was less than any single day’s cash receipts, so it is obvious that none of the cash receipts could have been combined.
In this case, the auditors were clearly responsible for missing the fraud. Had they discovered the fraud during their first audit after the embezzlement scheme started, the organization would have lost far less to this dishonest employee.
(Note too, that even if the auditors do everything right when they’re auditing something like cash, a fraud may still go undetected.)
Of course, determining whether auditors have any liability for a botched audit isn’t always so easy. Depending on where in the financial statements a fraud is buried, there may be many factors that come into play when assessing liability. For example, overstatement of certain assets or manipulation of reserve accounts might not be so easy to prove, since the balances of these accounts often rely on estimates, assumptions, and the judgment of management. These fall into a gray area in which it is not so simple to assign blame.
0 notes
xtruss · 3 years
The Pegasus Project | A Global Investigation
The Spyware is Sold to Governments to Fight Terrorism. In India, It Was Used to Hack Journalists and Others.
The confirmed infections of seven phones represent a tiny fraction of what may be a vast surveillance net in Modi’s India
— Wall Street Journal | By Joanna Slater and Niha Masih | July 19, 2021
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Rahul Gandhi with his sister Priyanka Gandhi in Kalpetta in southern India in 2019. Rahul Gandhi, the country’s main opposition leader and the great-grandson of India’s first prime minister, is one of the most prominent Indians to appear on a list that includes numbers selected for surveillance by an NSO Group client. (Atul Loke/Getty Images)
NEW DELHI — A powerful surveillance tool licensed only to governments was used to infiltrate mobile phones belonging to at least seven people in India and was active on some of their devices as recently as this month.
The hacks — confirmed by forensic analysis of the phones — represent a tiny fraction of what may be a vast surveillance net, intensifying concerns about the erosion of civil liberties in India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Hundreds of Indian phone numbers appeared on a list that included some selected for surveillance by clients of NSO Group, an Israeli firm. The list contained numbers for Rahul Gandhi, India’s main opposition leader; Ashok Lavasa, a key election official considered an obstacle to the ruling party; and M. Hari Menon, the local head of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Others included on the list were journalists, activists, opposition politicians, senior officials, business executives, public health experts, Tibetan exiles and foreign diplomats. A group of Modi critics accused of plotting to overthrow the government also appeared on the list.
The spyware that infiltrated seven of the analyzed phones is called Pegasus. It secretly unlocks the contents of a target’s mobile phone and transforms it into a listening device. NSO says it licenses the tool exclusively to government agencies to combat terrorism and other serious crimes.
In India, use of the spyware appears to have gone well beyond those objectives. Five of the phones infiltrated in India belonged to journalists and one to a high-profile political adviser working for Modi’s opponents.
More than 1,000 phone numbers in India appeared on the list, according to a months-long collaborative investigation by The Washington Post and 16 media partners in 10 countries. The consortium verified the identities of the people associated with more than 300 of the numbers in India.
It is not known how many of the phones on the list were actually targeted for surveillance or how many attempts were successful. Forensic analyses performed on 22 smartphones in India whose numbers appeared on the list showed that 10 were targeted with Pegasus, seven of them successfully. Eight of the 12 inconclusive results involved Android phones, which do not log the information needed for the method used to uncover infection.
Sushant Singh, an Indian journalist whose phone number first appeared on the list in 2018, reported extensively on a controversial purchase of fighter jets from France by the Modi government. Pegasus was active on Singh’s iPhone as recently as this month, a forensic analysis showed.
The targeting of journalists creates “an environment of fear and intimidation” where “democracy eventually stands weakened,” Singh said.
Forbidden Stories, a Paris-based journalism nonprofit, and Amnesty International had access to the list of thousands of phone numbers worldwide and shared it with The Post and other outlets. Forbidden Stories oversaw the investigation, called the Pegasus Project, and Amnesty’s International’s Security Lab provided forensic analyses and technical support but had no editorial input.
It is not clear how many of the mobile phones on the worldwide list were ultimately infected by spyware. In all, Amnesty’s Security Lab examined 67 phones where attacks were suspected. Thirty-seven phones showed traces of Pegasus activity: 23 were successfully infected, and 14 showed signs of attempted targeting. For the remaining 30 phones, the tests were inconclusive. Half of them were Android devices, which do not store the types of data needed by Amnesty to indicate infection.
How Pegasus Works
Target: Someone sends what’s known as a trap link to a smartphone that persuades the victim to tap and activate — or activates itself without any input, as in the most sophisticated “zero-click” hacks.
Infect: The spyware captures and copies the phone’s most basic functions, NSO marketing materials show, recording from the cameras and microphone and collecting location data, call logs and contacts.
Track: The implant secretly reports that information to an operative who can use it to map out sensitive details of the victim’s life.
Amnesty has openly criticized NSO’s spyware business and supported an unsuccessful lawsuit against the company in an Israeli court seeking to have its export license revoked.
The numbers from India and to a lesser extent Pakistan that appeared on the list offer a portrait of an NSO client’s priorities in the region. The records included at least one number once used by Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, as well as hundreds of others in the country. Khan did not respond to a request for comment.
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Among the hundreds of Pakistani phone numbers that appear on a list that includes numbers selected for surveillance by NSO Group clients was one once associated with Prime Minister Imran Khan. (Adem Altan/AFP)
Yet there were many more Indian numbers on the list. Citizen Lab, a research group at the University of Toronto that specializes in studying Pegasus, has found evidence that 10 countries represented on the list, including India, have been clients of NSO, according to Bill Marczak, a senior research fellow.
India has neither confirmed nor denied that it obtained Pegasus spyware. In 2019, WhatsApp said it had uncovered a vulnerability through which more than 1,400 of its users worldwide were targeted using Pegasus, a group that included people in India. In a parliamentary debate later that year, then-Indian law minister Ravi Shankar Prasad repeatedly declined to answer questions about whether the country had bought the tool. Prasad said that no “unauthorized” surveillance had occurred.
In response to detailed questions, a statement from India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology said the claim of government surveillance of specific people “has no concrete basis or truth associated with it whatsoever.”
The government did not respond to questions about whether it is an NSO Group client. The statement said that “any interception, monitoring or decryption of any information through any computer resource is done as per due process of law.”
In lengthy responses, NSO called the investigation’s findings exaggerated and baseless. It also said it does not operate the spyware licensed to its clients and “has no insight” into their specific intelligence activities. It added that its technologies have helped prevent terrorist attacks and bombings and broken up rings that trafficked in drugs, sex and children.
“NSO Group will continue to investigate all credible claims of misuse and take appropriate action based on the results of these investigations,” the company said.
More than 30 Indian journalists appeared on the list. Those whose phones were compromised, forensic analysis showed, included Siddharth Varadarajan and M.K. Venu, two co-founders of the Wire, an Indian digital media outlet and a partner in the Pegasus Project.
Another person successfully targeted with Pegasus software was Prashant Kishor, an influential campaign strategist who once worked for Modi but this year helped defeat his party in a crucial state election. Kishor’s phone was compromised as recently as July 14, a forensic analysis showed. He said the apparent surveillance was “really disappointing.” Those responsible “were looking to take undue advantage of their position of power with the help of illegal snooping,” Kishor said.
Some of the Indian numbers on the list belonged to people who could be viewed as legitimate targets of inquiry by Indian law enforcement or intelligence services, including some belonging to people connected to ongoing criminal investigations.
Yet the numbers also included people who did not appear to have had run-ins with law enforcement authorities. In addition to the journalists, there were opposition politicians, activists, several public health experts and business executives. Some were government critics, while others seemed to be allies.
Two ministers in Modi’s government — Ashwini Vaishnaw, the new minister for information technology, and Prahlad Singh Patel, a junior minister for water resources — were among those whose phone numbers appeared on the list. Vaishnaw and Patel did not respond to requests for comment.
Rahul Gandhi, seen in New Delhi in 2019, was Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s chief rival in upcoming national elections when phone numbers he used were added in 2018 to a list that included numbers selected for surveillance by NSO Group clients. (Atul Loke/Getty Images)
One of the most prominent people on the list was Rahul Gandhi, a leading opposition figure and the great-grandson of India’s first prime minister. When numbers used by Gandhi were added to the list in 2018, he was Modi’s chief rival in upcoming national elections.
Those selected included not only Gandhi but some of his staff members and friends. Alankar Sawai and Sachin Rao, two of his close advisers, were among those whose numbers appeared on the list, as were several of Gandhi’s personal friends. Sawai and Rao did not answer requests for comment.
Gandhi responded with a statement. “Targeted surveillance of the type you describe, whether in regard to me, other leaders of the opposition or indeed any law-abiding citizen of India is illegal and deplorable,” he said. “If your information is correct, the scale and nature of surveillance you describe goes beyond an attack on the privacy of individuals. It is an attack on the democratic foundations of our country. It must be thoroughly investigated and those responsible be identified and punished.”
Another person who was an impediment to Modi’s ambitions was also on the list: Ashok Lavasa, a senior official who was in line to lead the powerful Election Commission of India. Lavasa determined that Modi repeatedly violated election guidelines during the 2019 national campaign. He later resigned from the commission. Lavasa declined to comment.
Others had nothing to do with politics. Several people working in India’s health sector are represented on the list, among them Gagandeep Kang, a virologist, and two employees of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention based in Delhi.
In 2018, Kang was helping with aspects of the response to an outbreak of the deadly Nipah virus in the southern Indian state of Kerala. She urged Indian health officials to share blood samples of those infected with a global initiative to develop vaccines against future pandemics, an effort that was ultimately fruitless. Kang struggled to imagine why she would be deemed a target of surveillance. “I lead a very, very boring life,” she said.
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Virologist Gagandeep Kang, one of several people working in India’s health sector whose numbers appeared on a list that includes numbers selected for surveillance, struggled to imagine why she would be of interest. “I lead a very, very boring life,” she said. (Pallava Bagla/Corbis/Getty Images)
M. Hari Menon, the India country head for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as at least one other foundation employee were added to the list in mid-2019. It was a period when the foundation was extending a significant honor to Modi: In September, the prime minister was named a “global goalkeeper” at an annual ceremony in New York for his work on sanitation. Menon did not respond to a request for comment.
Proximity to India’s top officials was also common among some on the list. In 2019, a woman made an explosive complaint against the chief justice of India’s Supreme Court, accusing him of sexual harassment. After she rebuffed his advances, she said, she was dismissed from her job at the court. The justice denied the allegations.
After the woman’s accusations went public, family members said they received anonymous threats. At least 11 phone numbers used by the woman, her husband and two other family members were also on the list of those apparently selected for potential surveillance. The justice is now a member of Parliament with the ruling party.
The breadth of the potential targets in India raises legal questions. The Indian government has the power to “surveil, monitor and decrypt” communications, but hacking is a crime in India.
Lawyers looking to represent people whose phones have been hacked by Pegasus face an imposing hurdle: How can they challenge the legality of a tool that the government has never acknowledged using?
Legal surveillance requests in India are granted by a senior official in the Home Ministry, both at the federal and state levels. They are reviewed by a small committee of civil servants, and there is no oversight by the courts unless there is a challenge in a specific case. Only a minority of surveillance requests are rejected, said G.K. Pillai, former home secretary.
The federal government alone was approving as many as 9,000 telephone interception requests a month in 2014, according to an official reply to the Software Freedom Law Center.
Shashi Tharoor, a member of Parliament who chairs the committee on information technology and belongs to the opposition Congress Party, said hacking is against the law in India, except if the government “invokes a national security exception, which, to my knowledge, they have not done.” Surveillance using a spyware tool like Pegasus “would be illegal unless those who have done it can demonstrate otherwise.”
— Michael Safi of the Guardian contributed to this report.
— The Pegasus Project is a collaborative investigation that involves more than 80 journalists from 17 news organizations coordinated by Forbidden Stories with the technical support of Amnesty International’s Security Lab. Read more about this project.
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orbemnews · 3 years
With Virus Origins Still Obscure, W.H.O. and Critics Look to Next Steps The joint international and Chinese mission organized by the World Health Organization on the origins of Covid released its report last week suggesting that for almost every topic it covered, more study was needed. What kind of study and who will do it is the question. The report suggested pursuing multiple lines of inquiry, focused on the likely origin of the coronavirus in bats. It concluded that the most likely route to humans was through an intermediate animal, perhaps at a wildlife farm. Among future efforts could be surveys of blood banks to look for cases that could have appeared before December 2019 and tracking down potential animal sources of the virus in wildlife farms, the team proposed. Critics of the report have sought more consideration of the possibility that a laboratory incident in Wuhan could have led to the first human infection. A loosely organized group of scientists and others who have been meeting virtually to discuss the possibility of a lab leak released an open letter this week, detailing several ways to conduct a thorough investigation. It called for further action, arguing that “critical records and biological samples that could provide essential insights into pandemic origins remain inaccessible.” Much of the letter echoes an earlier release from the same group detailing what it saw as the failures of the W.H.O. mission. This second letter is more specific in the kind of future investigations it proposes. The group is seeking a new inquiry that would include biosecurity and biosafety experts, one that could involve the W.H.O. or a separate multination effort to set up a different process to explore the beginnings of the pandemic and its origins in China. Jamie Metzl, an author, senior fellow of the Atlantic Council, an international policy think tank and signer of the scientists’ letter, said the renewed calls for a more thorough investigation reflected the need for greater monitoring of and restrictions on what viruses can be studied in labs around the world. “This is not about ganging up on China,” Mr. Metzl said. Mr. Metzl’s group was among those disappointed by the report issued last week, as it dismissed out of hand the possibility of a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, calling it extremely unlikely. The head of the W.H.O., Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said later that the mission’s consideration of a possible lab leak was not “extensive enough.” He continued, “Although the team has concluded that a laboratory leak is the least likely hypothesis, this requires further investigation, potentially with additional missions involving specialist experts, which I am ready to deploy.” From the start, the task of the mission was never to investigate security or procedures at the Wuhan lab, where a great deal of research has been done on bat coronaviruses in recent years, or at any other labs in China. What the member nations of the W.H.O. authorized was a collaborative scientific effort by a group of international experts and their Chinese counterparts to study the origins of the pandemic. The team of international scientists had no power or mandate to act independently of their Chinese colleagues. As the member nations dictated, every word in the report had to be approved by both the Chinese and the international group. They had 28 days in China, two weeks of which were in quarantine in a hotel. The result, which includes an extensive review of existing scientific literature, marshals evidence in favor of the mainstream understanding of the virus’s origins, which is that a bat coronavirus most likely passed it to another animal and then to humans. This is what happened with the earlier coronavirus epidemics of SARS and MERS. Similar viruses have been found in bats and pangolins, although not close enough to have themselves spilled over into humans. The suspicion of a lab leak is built on the notion that labs in China do collect and study these viruses and that the Chinese scientists are lying about the research they do or are unaware of what goes on in their institutions. Shi Zhengli, the director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and other internationally known Chinese scientists have said that SARS-CoV-2 was not present in any Chinese labs. Nor was any virus close enough to it to make a leap to people, they have said. Updated  April 7, 2021, 11:22 a.m. ET Some experts who did not sign either open letter criticizing the W.H.O. think a different kind of investigation is needed. Dr. Daniel Lucey, an infectious disease expert at Georgetown University, said he thought on the basis of the genetics of the virus and the many established precedents of disease spillovers from animals to people that the virus originated in nature. But he also said he thought it was possible that it might have been present in a lab in Wuhan and escaped to start the pandemic, perhaps because someone was accidentally infected. He said that over all, on the question of viral origins, “I’m really not convinced that it came from a lab, but there’s not enough investigation.” He said he thought the report amounted to a “grand slam home run” for China. What China wants, he said, “is to create reasonable doubt that the virus started in China.” And, he said, the report suggests that it is possible the virus originated in other countries in Southeast Asia, and perhaps even Europe. Jesse Bloom, an evolutionary biologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, who did not sign either critical letter, said that he did not see evidence in the report to back a dismissal of the possible role of a laboratory. “I think that natural origins of the pandemic are completely plausible,” Dr. Bloom said, but added that he agreed with Dr. Tedros that the assessment of a lab accident was not extensive enough and requires further investigation. Apart from the lab, the report mentions several promising directions for future study, including tracing the path of animal products or animals that could have carried the virus to markets in Wuhan. Peter Daszak, the head of EcoHealth Alliance, who has been lambasted by lab leak theorists for his previous work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, said the findings so far pointed to wild animal farms as the most likely locales for the spillover from animals to people. There are many such farms in China and Southeast Asia, and the animals on them, like raccoon dogs and civets, have contact with both bats and people. Thousands of tests of animals and animal samples from China, including at seafood and other markets, have yielded no evidence of the presence of SARS-CoV-2, according to the W.H.O. report. The report also mentions that both mink and cats have proved easily susceptible to infection, presumably from humans, and are potential reservoirs of the virus. Cats have not been shown to pass the virus on to humans, but mink have. China has a thriving mink industry but has not reported any mink farm infections to the W.H.O. Dr. Lucey said he referred to the lack of information about China’s mink farms as “The Silence of the Mink.” As to human studies, the report suggests that testing blood in blood bank donations made from September to December 2019 could be very useful. The first recorded outbreak occurred in the Huanan Market in Wuhan in December 2019. Marion Koopmans, a Dutch virologist at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, said that the W.H.O. mission had asked the Wuhan blood bank system to hang on to donated blood from that time period. That was agreed to, she said, and now the Chinese are seeking permission to test the blood for antibodies to the virus that could help to pin down exactly when the virus first appeared in humans. If such studies were extended, it could help with location as well. Dr. Koopmans said that she hoped studies of blood donations could be extended to other provinces and regions outside of China. “My perfect study design would be that you include regions in Italy and France where there were possible indications of the presence of the virus before December,” she said. She said that standardized tests should be done for all regions in question. That in turn might point to isolated pockets of early appearances of the virus. Wildlife tests in such areas might be productive. Dr. Koopmans defended the W.H.O. team’s mission, saying it was always intended to be a scientific study with Chinese colleagues. If an investigation is the goal, she said, “you need to do an inspection or something, but that’s not a scientific study.” On that the critics agree. One of the most telling sections of the letter from W.H.O. critics is about the composition of a team investigating Chinese labs. If the ground rules for a second mission are rewritten, the letter says, the W.H.O. should “ensure the incorporation of a wider skill-set in the international experts team, including biosafety and biosecurity experts, biodata analysts and experienced forensic investigators.” Almost at the very end of the report, in discussing what should be done to learn more about the likelihood of a laboratory incident, the report recommends: “Regular administrative and internal review of high-level biosafety laboratories worldwide. Follow-up of new evidence supplied around possible laboratory leaks.” Mr. Metzl said he couldn’t agree more and said that in the future, such review should include U. S. labs. But, he said, the pandemic is of utmost urgency and he wants to start right away with China. Still, he and the other signers of the two letters, he said, are highly concerned with virus research around the world. Whereas many virologists and disease specialists want to collect and study viruses as a way to learn more and be more prepared for outbreaks, Mr. Metzl said he and others wanted more restrictions on virus studies. “It absolutely makes sense to establish a global regulatory system overseeing aggressive work with dangerous or deadly pathogens everywhere,” he said.W Source link Orbem News #Critics #Obscure #origins #Steps #Virus
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