444names · 3 days
Names generated from feminine French and Lithuanian forenames
Agothériena Agotte Ailinatane Aislaine Aislanne Alangenne Alanika Albie Aldette Alena Alenée Alfrelle Alfrette Aliand’ara Alija Alisoth Alvièvelle Amanienevie Amanoviève Ambeance Ambelle Anadèle Anathe Andra Andrene André Antasse Antine Antinette Arinase Arine Armenie Arute Aspazimeja Aspazine Astile Astitte Aubinija Audrie Audvyra Auralois Aurgine Aurie Ausre Austa Austine Austita Avrienne...
Baresirence Barina Barynabette Beane Beaniquelle Beaulija Berija Berine Bermane Berole Birenchèle Birgine Blaine Blane Blaure Blaux Blava Broline Bronija Béathe Calomaidie Camiluerma Camina Caphaline Carija Carisla Carlonone Carmana Carolaude Cathernine Catja Celase Celette Celija Celle Certhe Chaine Chaitte Chalie Chandre Chanonna Chanta Chargine Charginette Charolie Chlomeja Chlorie Chloé Chrie Chriska Claida Claina Claine Clainice Claitalieda Claitane Clerne Clomine Clotte Clémillence Cléna Clérita Colène Conste Coralerine Corie Corélothe Creda Crele Crenonise Cécija Célie Célon Dairgine Dalija Dalome Dance Daneta Danne Daphaida Daphanie Daphélija Desirune Destia Diandre Diole Dionique Domene Dorie Doron Dorone Dorra Dovite Egiterma Elaina Elénija Emeja Emyne Esmée Estil Eugele Eugérida Euline Evaniquerie Evellerisot Evethane Fabel Fabelle Fande Felle Flerne Flodie Flodine Floémie Fraine Genabrineva Gencija Gennie Geora Georal Georanatane Georija Gerika Gerva Grazija Grâcellette Herine Herra Hervie Hervine Ievika Ilonine Indriska Irene Irielle Irune Iruta Irèce Irèse Isabellette Isabrija Isane Isanique Izance Izane Jandre Jangrie Janiette Janne Jeana Jeane Jeange Jeanique Jeanthanute Jelle Jentika Jolanne Jolavaine Joliane Jolique Josalde Jovie Julette Julina Jurazinique Jurgitte Jurie Jurinetasa Juriquette Justilda Justéphnée Karga Kazija Kazinette Kriste Laelle Laidona Laimonne Laina Laine Lariande Larona Laudethe Laudette Laudija Laudra Laudréline Lauliam Laurgareina Lianija Lilieneta Lille Lilleta Lilothethe Linevette Liucislane Liucrène Liute Lorgantale Lorie Lorija Lorisane Lorisanne Loronsta Louita Lucievika Lucija Luciliette Lucilija Lucilita Lucilute Lucine Lucis Lucrènette Lucrèse Lydil Léandie Léanne Léondre Léondrone Léonne Mabetryna Mabija Mabinade Mabinta Madvyrazimi Maette Magange Maganta Manne Maranina Marbelette Marbelle Marce Margalie Marineve Marislaina Marite Marlette Marlieda Marloisette Marlomelle Marolie Marolija Maronabelle Maryta Maulicolie Maurine Maximondre Migata Migiette Migne Milija Mimande Mimane Mirgita Mirguette Mirute Monicie Monija Monona Musrie Mylva Myralvie Méganue Mélija Mélinta Mélodielija Mélène Nadijolvyra Nadiste Nadivine Nathertine Nathilie Natja Nerista Noemilte Noemy Odellestine Odildelle Odine Ombethetaur Ombette Orélice Orélizée Orélorgie Petine Pette Philda Phine Praliane Prantine Quisèletrie Quita Quitaline Racilis Ramie Rasane Rassa Raymanon Raymona Regita Rencilte Renélaute Rimanija Rimeja Rimildonisa Rimona Rimée Romaida Rosette Rosirgita Roxanaina Roxande Rutance Sabeantine Sabeletteja Sabija Salieva Salinie Saliphie Saloïs Sance Sanchèle Sanisette Sargina Sidine Sidonette Siginatance Sille Silomée Skole Sofijanne Soladèle Solodine Sonie Stanthele Stéphine Stéphisette Stéris Suzabija Suzandine Série Sérine Sérone Tomaisla Tomentina Vaine Vainethe Vainie Vaisa Vaitte Valija Valoma Vernie Vervienne Vervièvette Vidonette Vilentinte Vileximine Ville Viona Viraine Virga Virginetane Virguelle Virute Vitandrorne Vitanne Vitte Vivaitelle Vivine Yantika Yvettelle Yvonika Zemiline Zemine Zinine Zinte Zitine Zittelle Zivaidon Zivance Zivie Zoëlle Zoëllette Èvette Égélitine Égénika Égérija Éliermane Éline Élislasta Élodivie Éloresce Élotte
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adrianomaini · 1 year
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Le Trottoir Alla Darsena, il tempio del Giallo milanese con Michelle Vasseur e Giovanni Taranto: conduce Laura Marinaro
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A Le Trottoir alla Darsena, il tempio del Giallo milanese che fu casa di Andrea Pinketts un grande giallo e un grande affresco della Napoli di oggi. MERCOLEDI’ 16 NOVEMBRE ospite di Michelle Vasseur e con la conduzione di Laura Marinaro ci sarà lo scrittore partenopeo GIOVANNI TARANTO  e il suo “Requiem sull’Ottava Nota” (Avagliano Editore). Appuntamento il 16 novembre ore 20.00 Le Trottoir A La Darsena Milano. Dopo La fiamma spezzata (Avagliano 2021), Taranto coinvolge i lettori in un’altra appassionante vicenda e svela i meccanismi dei clan. Con la Prefazione di Franco Roberti – Procuratore Nazionale Antimafia dal 2013 al 2017. Giovanni Taranto è giornalista specializzato in cronaca nera, giudiziaria, investigativa. Sue, alcune delle più importanti inchieste sulla camorra del Napoletano. Dal 2019 al 2021 ha presieduto l’Osservatorio permanente per la legalità oplontino. È stato tra i fondatori di Metropolis Network, dal 1995 al 2013 una delle realtà di punta del giornalismo in Campania. Come direttore di Metropolis TV, realizzando programmi con magistratura e associazioni antiracket, ha contribuito a svelare molti retroscena del crimine organizzato e della mafia del Vesuvio. Oggi è condirettore di «Social News», house organ di Auxilia Onlus, e tiene seminari di giornalismo in diversi atenei. Cintura nera 7° Dan di Taekwondo e 4° Dan di Hapkido, è Grand Master Unitam/Song Moo Kwan. Insegna arti marziali nella scuola pubblica, per l’autodifesa femminile e per il recupero dei minori a rischio. È un operativo del Gruppo di Fatto della sezione di Pompei dell’Associazione Nazionale Carabinieri. Con Avagliano editore ha pubblicato La fiamma spezzata (2021). Vive a Torre Annunziata. La trama: Siamo negli anni ’90. Camorra, mafia, estorsioni, droga e microcriminalità sono gli avversari quotidiani del capitano Giulio Mariani, romano de Roma, al comando di una compagnia dei Carabinieri nel Vesuviano. Pochi gli spiragli per la vita familiare. Pasqua è vicina. L’attività del racket si intensifica. Uno showroom viene devastato per costringere il titolare a pagare il pizzo. Gli scontri fra cosche per il controllo dello spaccio si inaspriscono. Un sedicenne, usato come sentinella da una delle “famiglie” rivali, rimane ferito gravemente in un raid. Mariani indaga, affiancato dal Nucleo Operativo, dalla Pm napoletana Clara Di Fiore, e dall’amico Gianluigi Alfano, nerista. Ai due casi si intrecciano omicidi irrisolti e nuovi scontri a fuoco. Ma un mistero complica le indagini. Mariani riceve dei pizzini anonimi, inizialmente incomprensibili. Il mittente sembra voler indicare ai Carabinieri i responsabili di episodi estorsivi, traffici di stupefacenti, boss e killer delle fazioni in guerra. C’è da fidarsi? Chi c’è dietro quelle soffiate? Qual è il suo vero interesse? Al capitano Mariani, l’onere di decifrare le criptiche indicazioni dell’enigmatico informatore e trovare prove concrete che le confermino. Per farlo, dovrà scavare nel ventre della città vecchia e confrontarsi con personaggi particolari, spesso inquietanti. Il tutto tentando di strappare il minorenne ferito e il suo fratellino a un destino segnato, al soldo della camorra. Sullo sfondo, la vita di caserma, le tradizioni pasquali, il folclore e la filosofia del Vesuviano.  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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mehx1000 · 3 years
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“You’re wasted at the Night Court.”
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Nesta couldn’t recall the last time her birthday had truly been celebrated. Over the past several years, it hadn’t taken priority over the other vast changes in her life.
Ironic, she supposed, as birthdays marked the passage of time.
It seemed as though even those who did know her birthday hadn’t bothered to remember.
There was little use mentioning it or bringing it up herself to her sisters. She’d rather her birthday be glanced over or forgotten as opposed to being seen as petulant or petty - causing any new strain or tension between the three of them.
They’d only recently begun to heal their familial wounds after Nesta had accepted Eris’ proposal and taken her place alongside him as his wife.
The healing could not have even started had she stayed in Velaris; pretending to be a part of the Inner Circle and forcing herself to mask her trauma. Had she stayed.. Nesta trembled at the thought. She could only assume they would have followed through with forcing her to work through her experiences their own way. Their, hereby meaning Rhysand and his followers.
It had been a different experience entirely at the Autumn Court.
Processing trauma, it seems, was not uncommon in Autumn. There were healers of physical, mental, and emotional ailments. Nesta assumed that was how the Lady of Autumn was able to stay somewhat sane during her union to Beron.
The Lady was still distant, often times Nesta found her staring out upon the breathtaking scenes of Autumn. Yet she was attentive to Nesta’s own healing.
Admittedly, she would have had a significantly more difficult time healing and processing her thoughts, emotions, and experiences without Eris’ mother. She had become a great comfort.
Eris, too, had become a comfort and trustworthy foundation.
But that was a few years ago.
Nesta now found herself comfortably as Eris’ wife. After their union, they agreed to start as friends and companions - allowing their relationship to naturally flourish as they became more besotted with one another. During the years time, they had formed a close bond.
They had begun to learn so many nuances and subtle details of one another. They learned to read one another and understand the other.
He had asked once about her birthday.
Eris couldn’t recall the last time his birthday had truly been celebrated, either. His mother never forgot, naturally. She would provide him with a gentle reminder and a small gift over the years. Lucien, too, would send a small token of recognition every other year or so.
Since their union, Eris had never forgotten Nesta’s birthday.
No lavish celebration, no decadent gifts. She did not want that for her birthday. Nesta made that abundantly clear. She didn’t mind other opulent celebrations - especially when magnificent galas were held in their honor. Yet never for her birthday.
In a similar fashion to his mother, Eris would provide Nesta with a meaningful gift, always heartfelt and well thought out. He would enclose a letter within the pages of the book she was currently reading, as well as a vibrant red, orange, or yellow leaf he would find on his walks. Often the letter would highlight her strengths, the countless reasons for which he admired her, the ways in which he adored her, loved her, cherished her, respected her.
On occasion, the letter would not be a letter at all. It would be a deliciously worded piece of erotic fantasy where Eris and Nesta were the main characters.
Nesta kept every letter. Nesta kept every leaf.
She couldn’t recall the last time her birthday had been traditionally “celebrated” with a large gathering, far too many presents, and a feeling of emptiness at the end of the celebration.
She also found, with some amusement, she was beginning to have difficulty recalling the time she hadn’t felt so unconditionally loved, respected, and seen for who exactly she was - just as she was - by the one who mattered most to her.
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imiss-theoldme · 3 years
I'd give my firstborn for a Neris allies to friends to lovers fic that completely ignores ACOSF.
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just-a-fangirlmore · 3 years
I made a neris playlist cuz they live in my mind rent free <3
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casssart · 3 years
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alexa play “careless whisper” by george michael
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grimfiendfyre · 3 years
Neris/Nerista modern au where both Nesta and Eris are in competitive ballroom dancing, but their respective partners dropped out last minute so they have to team up with each other as partners for the competition
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nestaarcher0n · 3 years
Recently I've been seeing Nesta x Eris fics a lot more than before and I love every single one of them. I appreciate all of you amazing writers and your incredible works. You guys are the best.
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hlakotaart · 4 years
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Here’s my version of Eris. This was made pre acosf so it’s not perfect
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ekaterinakostrova · 5 years
How would Cassian react to a friendship blooming between Nesta and Eris?
I want this moment in a very epic way.
At the end of Acofas, Nesta is driven out of Velaris. 
And the last scene was really terrible for me, because I could literally feel the burden of her loneliness and confusion. She realized that nobody wanted her. And how painful it is to realize that you have no longer a place that you can call your home. 
Nesta is destroyed as a person, and I cannot forgive the coldness of the members of the Inner Circle.
Nesta does not tell much to other people about herself, and rarely shares her true feelings. She is trying to overcome her fears on her own. And I would love to see the particular scene of her returning to Velaris, but as a strong and confident person. 
I want her back as a woman, who has influence and power. I want her to return to Velaris, not just as a sister of the High Lady, but as a significant figure. A person to be reckoned with.
Keir is going to visit Velaris in the spring, and at this time of the year Nesta has a birthday, and this is also the time that the Blood Rite passes. I sincerely hope that Nesta would not only tame the creatures living in the very depths of the Illyrian Mountains, but also return, accepting a her new self, accepting her new nature.
And I hope that Nesta would be able to become something powerful and important for all of Illyria and its people.
“A city of night and stars that woke up in the night. 
She walked slowly along the snow-white marble, absorbing the silver light of the moon. The night air chilled her bare shoulders, the amethyst material of her bloody red dress flowed down the bright stairs. 
A diadem with large garnet gemstones was heavy. Long ruby ​​earrings in her ears caught the glimmer of light of the awakening city of night.
She heard the sound of music coming from the ballroom. She saw the light illuminating tall marble pillars decorated with lace murals.
Her heart was beating fast, but the anticipation of war was born within her. Excitement, which she had not felt before rising in her. Heavy jewelry in the shape of wings are woven into the golden braids of her hair. A gift from women of the northern clan of Illyria.
The bodice of her red dress encircled her breasts, was embroidered with a myriad of scarlet stones. A dress that she would have considered too frank before. However, when she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she did not recognize herself.
White skin, full red lips. Pride in a dark silver pool of her eyes.
Something inside her broke off, when she peered into her reflection, because a strong female was looking at her. Black tattoos of Illyria covered her back. Emerie made her tp choose the red dress. The colour of fire, power and revolution.
“Now you are the daughter of Illyria,” Devlon kept his face completely expressionless.
He paused before uttering the following words, speaking them softly so that only she could hear them.
"Welcome to the Windhaven, Nesta Archeron".
His words after the Blood Rite. 
And at that moment, something between them changed, as everything in the Windhaven changed. She felt a change in a whisper behind her. Anger and hatred were replaced by admiration ... 
The first female-warrior, who returned from the bonds of dark forests and mountains, who survived in The Blood Rite. The men in the war camp had looked at her before, but now they looked at her differently. She well knew the meaning of this look.
They all looked at her as if she was something ephemeral.
Velaris is a city of night and beauty, a city of midnight pleasures and sin. The city of black magic and shadows, the city of music and love.
She never allowed others to see her weakness, and because of that, when she came out into the light of the ballroom, she raised her chin higher.
She has no master, just as there is no fear of the darkness that longed to devour the city of night.
Gems and gold shone in her silky hair.
Light covered her naked shoulders. And she allowed every look to freeze in this snow-white palace, even the music was quiet.
She took a step forward, stopping at the long stairs leading down. Her dress is like burning blood.
She did not lower her eyes, feeling the gaze of the High Lord of the Night Court.
Everything has changed now. She knows who she is now. There is no monster that her heart would fear, because she was the most dangerous beast of these lands.
The High Lord of the Night Court knows nothing about the true darkness. 
The Shadowsinger knows nothing about whispers of shadows.
The Lord of Bloodshed knows nothing about the Death. 
She is the Mistress of horrible nightmares and dark illusions, and horrific, beautiful shadows are her minions. The most terrible beasts of Illyria are under her control. All of them. She is the core of pure darkness. 
But tonight, she wasn't a witchcrafter. She was something else, a symbol of beauty, a symbol of desire. 
She went down the stairs, and every look was turned only to her alone.
“I'm glad you were able to accept my invitation’.
He smiled and her breath stilled, caught in her lungs as his gaze drifted possessively over her, hot, filled with naked desire.
She has to do it. She will overthrow her enemies, even if it makes all of them hate her. Let them hate, let them despise her.
Eris held out his hand to her.
Nesta remembered what her mother was saying. Always cold, detached... but her hands were warm, when she cuped her crying face. And she vowed that no one would see her tears. No one will hear her suffering, no one will hear her cry of despair. 
She must be strong, she must be stronger than anyone if she wants to protect those, who are dear to her.
She took his hand.
“I'm happy to see you again, Nesta Archeron.”
She looked up at him. 
Eris closed his eyes briefly and then opened them to meet her steady gaze. 
His voice was low and compelling, washing through her body like the touch of fingers on skin. 
He whispered then.
"With you, Nesta Archeron, I do not trust myself". 
"There are things you don't know about me, Eris Vanserra".
But then she felt this rage...
She made herself not to turn around, although she felt his closeness. She felt it. He took a deep breath and let it out. She frowned, her pulse thundered in her ears.
He was here...
Nesta tried to quell the panic rising rapidly. 
Cassian was angry. She could feel the anger churning in his gut, riding him hard as he struggled for control.
"There is no time, Eris".
She reached out instinctively to him, gripping his hand. Eris wrapped his arm around her naked shoulders.
"Do not panic. We'll get you through this together as we planned before".
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Le Trottoir Alla Darsena, il tempio del Giallo milanese con Michelle Vasseur e Giovanni Tarantino: conduce Laura Marinaro
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A Le Trottoir alla Darsena, il tempio del Giallo milanese che fu casa di Andrea Pinketts un grande giallo e un grande affresco della Napoli di oggi. MERCOLEDI’ 16 NOVEMBRE ospite di Michelle Vasseur e con la conduzione di Laura Marinaro ci sarà lo scrittore partenopeo GIOVANNI TARANTO  e il suo “Requiem sull’Ottava Nota” (Avagliano Editore). Appuntamento il 16 novembre ore 20.00 Le Trottoir A La Darsena Milano. Dopo La fiamma spezzata (Avagliano 2021), Taranto coinvolge i lettori in un’altra appassionante vicenda e svela i meccanismi dei clan. Con la Prefazione di Franco Roberti – Procuratore Nazionale Antimafia dal 2013 al 2017. Giovanni Taranto è giornalista specializzato in cronaca nera, giudiziaria, investigativa. Sue, alcune delle più importanti inchieste sulla camorra del Napoletano. Dal 2019 al 2021 ha presieduto l’Osservatorio permanente per la legalità oplontino. È stato tra i fondatori di Metropolis Network, dal 1995 al 2013 una delle realtà di punta del giornalismo in Campania. Come direttore di Metropolis TV, realizzando programmi con magistratura e associazioni antiracket, ha contribuito a svelare molti retroscena del crimine organizzato e della mafia del Vesuvio. Oggi è condirettore di «Social News», house organ di Auxilia Onlus, e tiene seminari di giornalismo in diversi atenei. Cintura nera 7° Dan di Taekwondo e 4° Dan di Hapkido, è Grand Master Unitam/Song Moo Kwan. Insegna arti marziali nella scuola pubblica, per l’autodifesa femminile e per il recupero dei minori a rischio. È un operativo del Gruppo di Fatto della sezione di Pompei dell’Associazione Nazionale Carabinieri. Con Avagliano editore ha pubblicato La fiamma spezzata (2021). Vive a Torre Annunziata. La trama: Siamo negli anni ’90. Camorra, mafia, estorsioni, droga e microcriminalità sono gli avversari quotidiani del capitano Giulio Mariani, romano de Roma, al comando di una compagnia dei Carabinieri nel Vesuviano. Pochi gli spiragli per la vita familiare. Pasqua è vicina. L’attività del racket si intensifica. Uno showroom viene devastato per costringere il titolare a pagare il pizzo. Gli scontri fra cosche per il controllo dello spaccio si inaspriscono. Un sedicenne, usato come sentinella da una delle “famiglie” rivali, rimane ferito gravemente in un raid. Mariani indaga, affiancato dal Nucleo Operativo, dalla Pm napoletana Clara Di Fiore, e dall’amico Gianluigi Alfano, nerista. Ai due casi si intrecciano omicidi irrisolti e nuovi scontri a fuoco. Ma un mistero complica le indagini. Mariani riceve dei pizzini anonimi, inizialmente incomprensibili. Il mittente sembra voler indicare ai Carabinieri i responsabili di episodi estorsivi, traffici di stupefacenti, boss e killer delle fazioni in guerra. C’è da fidarsi? Chi c’è dietro quelle soffiate? Qual è il suo vero interesse? Al capitano Mariani, l’onere di decifrare le criptiche indicazioni dell’enigmatico informatore e trovare prove concrete che le confermino. Per farlo, dovrà scavare nel ventre della città vecchia e confrontarsi con personaggi particolari, spesso inquietanti. Il tutto tentando di strappare il minorenne ferito e il suo fratellino a un destino segnato, al soldo della camorra. Sullo sfondo, la vita di caserma, le tradizioni pasquali, il folclore e la filosofia del Vesuviano.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Heeey, of things you would like, and things you would not want to happen to Nesta in the next book?
Aha thank you for this ask!! I really enjoyed answering it even though you may not agree with all my answers🤗I’m happy to answer any further questions you may have for me from my answers and I may add to them as I think of more.
Things that I don’t want to happen to Nesta in the next book:
Her apologising to others
Mor manipulating more situations
Nesta letting Elain’s behaviour towards her slide. And Feyre’s. And Cassian’s. And Mor’s. And Rhys.
Things that I want to happen to Nesta in the next book:
Accept herself
Find her own inner circle
Never feel intimidated by others
Come into her power
Grieve her father and confront all her feelings about him.
Talk about her mother.
Show her visiting their graves
The beginning of neris/nerista/erista (I’m thinking a healthy slow burn)
Healthy relationships
Confront the others on their isolation of her and on how they treated her.
Not accepting anyone’s BS
Having a completely terrifying familiar that never accepts anyone else, especially not Cassian. Not even Elain. It’s completely hers and only tolerates others. Barely.
For her to learn enough to defend herself and not rely on others but usually save herself by her own wits rather than through physical force.
Leave the Illyrian war camp and claim a place that’s completely her own.
Create a home for herself, completely comfortable, cozy and all her own design with little trinkets reminding her of those she loves (including the wooden carvings of from her father)
To bond with the librarians in every court.
Start a book club in the prison that the Bone Carver was kept in.
Say goodbye to Cassian, even if he apologises.
In fact don’t fully accept anyone’s apologies. But if she does she would forgive but not forget or let things slide.
Not give any member of the IC her complete trust.
Bond with Azriel. I feel like they could have a really good platonic friendship.
Also have friendships with Lucien, Tamlin and those from the winter court.
Have friends from the ‘lesser’ areas of velaris.
Become High Lady in her own right. (Not through marriage, but I won’t turn down her eventually gaining the title of High Lady if the Autumn Court)
Show her ‘creative talent’ if Elain can grow and bake and Feyre can paint then Nesta has a talent.
Find out what’s going on with her and Amren.
Hear her give a full musically lilting belly laugh and watch as a room turns and falls into stunned silence from her bright joy filled smile and sounds.
Come back to a healthy weight
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maka-in-finnland · 2 years
Tag 12 Pyhäjoki - Kalajoki - Kokkula - Vaasa
Mit dem gleichmäßigen Geplätscher des Pyhäjoki haben wir entgegen etwaiger Befürchtungen sowohl im Obergeschoss als auch unten bestens geschlafen👍. Bei schönstem Sommerwetter, um 08:00 Uhr waren es schon 27 Grad, frühst��ckten wir gemütlich im Schatten. Wichtigstes Utensil natürlich Räucherfackel und Spray gegen die Mücken 🦟😅 Obwohl, an dieser Stelle muss ich mal eine Lanze für die finnischen Mücken brechen. Sie sind zwar zahlreich vorhanden und stürzen sich gerne gefräßig auf einen aber es gibt keine juckenden Beulen, also alles halb so schlimm😆. Heute nun also zuerst nach Kalajoki, zu den laut finnischer Eigenwerbung „nördlichsten“ Sanddünen der Welt. Dies stimmt zwar nicht so ganz und sie sind auch kein Vergleich zu den naturbelassenen größeren polnischen Sanddünen in Leba aber beeindruckend sind sie trotzdem. So nutzten wir die Gelegenheit für einen Strandspaziergang und genossen den angenehmen Seewind.
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Insgesamt waren hier entgegen den Prophezeiungen des Reiseführers (turbulentes Badeleben) noch erstaunlich wenig Touristen unterwegs. Von Kalajoki fuhren wir weiter auf der E8 nach Kokkola, einem Küstenstädten mit 47.000 Einwohnern, von denen wohl 15% schwedischsprachig sind. Überhaupt fällt jetzt zunehmend auf, dass alle Schilder in finnischer und schwedischer Sprache sind., teilweise die schwedische Städtebezeichnung sogar an erster Stelle steht. Währenddessen in Karelien, wie kann es anders sein, schließlich ist die russische Grenze gleich um die Ecke, die Schilder finnisch - russisch waren. Kokkola (Karleby) wurde 1620 unter Gustav II. Adolf gegründet und ist heute für seinen Hafen, den längsten am bottnischen Meerbusen und für das alte Holzhausquartier Nerista, an dessen Straßenzügen Hunderte von Holzhäusern aus dem 18. und 19. Jahrhundert stehen (schon wieder…🤣) Da wir inzwischen schon „ein paar“ Holzhäuser gesehen, das Staunen darüber zwar nicht verlernt hatten aber so ein Herumwandern zwischen Holzhäusern bei 29 Grad nicht lustig ist, machten wir diesmal „Sightseeing“ aus der Silberhummel😁.
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Auf dem nächsten Teilstück unserer heutigen Etappe Richtung Vaasa verließen wir die E8 und nutzten die vom Reiseführer empfohlene Alternativroute von Kokkola nach Pietasaari (Jakobstadt). Diese führte uns knapp 40km über sieben Brücken durch die wunderschöne Schärenlandschaft.
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Die letzten 50 km bis Vaasa haben wir dann zügig ohne weitere Stopps zurückgelegt. Hier galt es jetzt nur noch einen passenden Stellplatz zu finden, unsere Apps sollten uns dabei in der Großstadt helfen. Der erste Versuch war ganz in der Nähe vom Brahe- Freilichtmuseum, ein kleiner gemütlicher Parkplatz direkt am Wasser. Nach unserem obligatorischen OKG zunächst durchs Freiluftmuseum und anschließendem Spaziergang durch die schöne Parkanlage der Villa Sandviken, merkten wir schnell, dass es sehr laut werden würde. Der Stellplatz lag unmittelbar an einem großen Verkehrskreuz, dass bei Erstellung der Empfehlung in der App noch nicht existierte. Da Matthias nicht davon überzeugt war, dass so ein gleichmäßiges Autosummen doch fast dem Rauschen des Flusses entspricht, übten wir noch ein bisschen Frisby- Spielen im Park und steuerten dann den nächsten Vorschlag an.
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Dieser lag nur knapp 2km entfernt direkt in einem kleinen Yachthafen. Hier war natürlich (noch) deutlich mehr Publikumsverkehr aber es gab direkt am Parkplatz eine Eisbude - ein schlagendes Argument 🤣 Also erstmal eingeparkt, Eis gekauft und wieder OKG gemacht. Da wir nicht direkt in der Öffentlichkeit anfangen wollten, Gnocchis mit Tomatensoße zu kochen…nicht dass noch jemand etwas abhaben möchte…beschlossen wir in das nur 800m entfernte Stadtzentrum zu laufen und mal Finnisch essen zu gehen. Und das war das Ergebnis:
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😂😂😂 was wir nicht wussten, dass am Wochenende nach der Mittsommerfeier mehr oder weniger alles zu hat, die Stadt war wie ausgestorben. Na macht nichts, der Burger hat geschmeckt, wir sind satt und sitzen jetzt gemütlich im Hafen. Das Wetter ist unglaublich, es sind immer noch 24 Grad, vollkommen windstill und das um 21:45 Uhr. Auch das haben wir inzwischen von den Einheimischen gelernt: Üblicherweise ist das Wetter zu Mittsommer immer schlecht, wir haben also wirklich Glück 🍀 👍 Morgen werden wir dann Vaasa unsicher machen.
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hallibahar · 2 years
Nerista (Nero&Callista) friendship headcanons:
They have anti-Valentine's date with each other, which is when they go out together as a 'couple' and do everything people do on 14th of February- from romantic notes to slow dance together. They do this because they are both single and Nero's 'love life' sucks and Calli is a generous person, darling.
He is her personal hair dresser. Whenever they do activities together, especially if the weather is particularly bad, Nero making Calli's hair with interesting designs is normal.
Nero is the only person Calli would ever hug. Except for Hera but you got the point.
Calli used to teach Nero-and she sometimes still does- how to please a woman and how to be discreet around them. Poor Nero might not apply this because of his cougars but it feels good to learn.
If Nero had a list of the people who he'd care for until the end of the world, Calli would easily make into top five or higher but not the first place. (His first would be Bari since his Victor tends to be...demanding for his favouritism.)
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