#there will likely be a part 2 too coz I am indecisive and there's a million more moments Fjjd
jisungshotfirst · 1 year
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Murder On The Victorian Express (a lot of Sarah Paulson characters x reader)
a/n: its just the REVIEW of my next project- i guess the actually title should be “Lana Banana and Y/N are Dr. Watson and Sherlock between hot and criminal women” (coz the main ship is Lana Winters x Reader)
summary: obviously inspired by “Murder On The Orient Express” by Agatha Christie- The reader works as a detective and is on vacation with her girlfriend Lana on a victorian Express, which is run by Miss Venable. Everything's nice until one of the passengers, Pete Andrews, gets murdered. 
Here are our suspects:
1. Diane Sherman 
2. Mildred Ratched
3. Ally Mayfair-Richards
4. Tammy Robinson
5. Dr. Ellie Staple
6. Alice Macray
7. Miss Venable 
(8. Lana Winters..she is not a suspect, but definitely a character of this story)
(i dont know who’s the murderer right now lmao-)
as i said, just the review :)) the first chap will be online next week (at least i hope so fkfkkf)
You would have lied, if you said you never dreamed of such a case. The white alpine landscape, a train decorated in Victorian style, 7 dangerous women and a murder, that seemed insoluble.
You had expected to be able to go on vacation with your girlfriend on this express, but instead you had just been embroiled in another murdercase.
You expected to dream of the dreamy landscape of Europe, but instead you dreamed of thick, red blood dripping into the snow.
A murder, as perfect as it could be. A murder, as Agatha Christie once wrote. A murder, that every detective secretly dreamed of.
The loud knock of Miss Venable's cane interrupted your train of thought and reminded you why you were actually in her compartment, which was more or less her office.
"Miss Venable, do you know, that your express is filled with criminals?"
"Be brief, Miss Y / N, I don't have time for this. This train won't run by itself."
The voice of the woman in front of you was cold and brisk as always, but you had spoken to many figures in authority, in solving a case and you were able to deal with it.
"A mother, who poisoned her child. A doctor, who diagnosed and treated healthy people as sick. A fence, who was involved in a jewel robbery. A sadistic nurse and a senator, responsible for the murder of her own wife," you said theatrical and to be honest you had practiced the whole thing before, but as always you had forgotten someone.
"Oh and the nondescript housewife from St. Louis, of course, who's that innocent, that I'd almost class her as a prime suspect."
Of course, your eyes didn't miss the way Miss Venable's hands clenched aggressively around her cane when you mentioned Alice.
"I see Miss Winters did an excellent job with her research." The redhead growled angrily and leaned back in her chair.
"She did," you muttered with a loving smile.
"My girlfriend is like my Doctor Watson."
"Lovely", Miss Venable muttered annoyed and you would have loved to spit in her face for it, but instead you cleared your throat shortly before you continued.
"We have 7 suspects and nobody seems to know the murder victim, Pete Andrew, an elementary school teacher from washington, but still the killer is among us. We-"
"I think I misheard," Miss Venable interrupted and angrily tapped her cane on the wooden floor again.
"7 suspects?"
You nodded slowly and took your cup, filled with black tea, from the woman's desk again.
"Nobody saw you on the night of death, so you don't have a fixed alibi. And besides, my girlfriend found out some things about you, that could be important," you said and paused for a dramatic pause in which you took a sip of the warm tea.
"Except for my girlfriend, I have no one I can trust on this express. Each of the passengers, in my opinion, has the potential of a murderer. I expect every cooperation on your part, because I am solving this case only to save the reputation of your Express. That shit messes up my vacation too. "
Miss Venable nodded curtly.
"I am completely at your disposal."
You put the empty cup back on the table and gave the woman a bright smile.
"Alright," you said as you stood up and held out your hand to her.
The woman took it reluctantly and shook it after she got up.
"There's one more thing," Miss Venable mumbled, looking at you indecisively.
"Your girlfriend, Lana Winters, she is a journalist."
"I know," you said, still smiling.
"I don't want this tragedy to become public. My train is highly regarded in Europe and I want it to stay that way."
There was something threatening about the tone in her voice, and you didn't like it.
You shrugged and withdrew your hand.
"I can't forbid my girlfriend to write," you said and walked to the large ebony door.
"But she is fair and as I told you, Miss Venable, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear."
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ubassembly · 5 years
Hi! I hope you're doing well. For the Pokemon ask meme, would you like to answer the questions for Pokedex, Ultra Ball, and Shadow Ball? Thank you!
: D ! HI! ANd thank you, you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Pokédex (Your perfect/favorite team): this one is kind of tough to answer, coz i dont really use set teams and i am very indecisive! like i just sorta add pokemon whenever i feel like it on an impulse, and switch through them pretty quickly? like ill have a whole other team and a half in the pc that i take out sometimes to mix with whoever im using at the time. so im not really sure how to answer this! sorry for not having a better/more specific response! 
Ultra Ball (Favorite Pseudo-legendary(ies): I’m! gonna use this question to ramble a little, like more than the previous one so sorry in advance this is gonna be long? theres not too many pseudo-legendaries so im just gonna list them! and say stuff that way!! mini list in this ask list! im only talking about the final evolution coz if it was the whole line thisd be WAY too long 
Dragonite: its so round and huggable!! and cute!!!! i really like the darker colour it was in gen 5/dpp! its also super interesting how the wing colour of its shiny has gone back to how it was in gen 2 now. in general dragonite is great i dont think its one of my favourites compared to some of the others but its still very good!!! so cute, so so cute. 
Tyranitar: this one is probably my actual least favourite, its not bad i do like it a lot it just appeals to me less, not really for me yknow? but its very cool!! i wanna hunt one in gen 2, speaking of shinies its interesting to me how its normal mega goes from blue pattern to red, but its shiny is the same colour. its sprite in silver is the best it looks like it missed the bus and is just now processing that D : 
Salamence: its! so! flat! just a squished lizard that has a batarang attached to its back! i love salamence a lot its very very good, its name is hard to spell though. why is its mouth orange in its shiny but its mega has a pink mouth, thats a weird thing to change. they really did change its colours a lot actually just, slowly over time, looking at these sprites. thats cool! i prefer the red to the orange, though the darker blue of gen 3 is very nice : O !salamence!! is very very good! veryverygood/10! 
Metagross: I LOVE METAGROSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE!! METAGROSS!!!!!!! one of my favourite pokemon just in general!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it i love it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the shiny is perfect and how its mega references its normal colours and the normal mega references its shiny? PERFECT!, gold n silver together i love in general!!! and steel and psychic are a couple of my favourite types!!!!!! I love metagross so SO much!! im gonna stop talking here coz if i dont ill just keep repeating my self but i really love metagross a lot a lot alot!! it with the beldum following it that image apart of the pseudo legendary thing its SO cute
Garchomp: garchomp is cool!! i think in my brain its on level with tyranitar? i dont have much of an attachment to it and i sorta forget it exists. but its cool I like it!!!!!!!! its shiny mega is SO good, love that! also pokemon gender differences are so stupid. and it looked better in sprites i think, it looks like they reused its sprite from dpp for black and white, i didnt know that! but, yeah! garchomp is pretty neat! i like its name
Hydreigon: HYDREIGON IS ANOTher one of my super super favourites!!!!! its so cool and its shiny is creepy like zombie colours, love love green and purple together!!! and its a dark type i love dark types!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did you see the deino hand puppet thats a part of the new pseudo legenday thing theyre doing i want it its so cute sfjksfd. YEAH!!! i love hydreigon a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont have much to say though aside from
Goodra: GOODRA I LOVE GOODRA TOO AAH!!!!!! its like dragonite but slime, love that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its shiny and normal both have perfect colours, see i love green and purple i just said that wow!!!!!!!! i dont have much to say with this one either coz its just the model, but i love it a lot alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kommo-o: KOMMO-O is So cool!!!!!!! i used to not like it much but i like it more now!!!!!!!! the shiny is so great and its normal colours are nice as hell too!!!!!!! grey and yellow i love that i love that!!! i have, less to say here than even goodra but thats ok coz holy shit this is long im so so so sorry. kommo-o is great though!!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so like putting that over in my head my favourites are metagross, hydreigon and goodra, followed then by kommo-o, then salamence/dragonite then garchomp/tyranitar at last. but i do love them all a lot!! 
Shadow Ball (Favorite Ghost types(s): all of them? all of them, yes! all. ghost is one of my favourite favourite types so!! all of them!! if i could i would totally list them all like i did the pseudo legendaries and say something about each of them though, i love them all all all a LOT!! dhelmise is worth mentioning though as one of my absolute favourites!! sableye and drifloon and shedinja have a nostalgic attachment, and blacephalon i need to mention just out of obligation coz of my url. also frillish and jellicent deserve more love. and polteageistthis is the truth about it youll learn to never doubt it the whole affair is shrouded in living mystery..and ill stop there, but!! yes i love them all SO much 
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wanderbitesbybobbie · 6 years
#ADULTING: Your Best Friend Knows Better
“You are the most calm person I’ve ever met. It’s like… you don’t give a sh*t if you run out of time.” The scene is very vivid in my memory. I was lying on the grass at Botanical Gardens back in Sydney with my guy BFF while we were enjoying the Autumn breeze. He told me those exact words as we both shared the excitement of being in the pastry kitchen and having the opportunity to share a lot of hustle together. Looking back, I used to be that kind of person; however, living in a fast-paced city like Sydney completely altered my disposition. At times, I would go “YOLOing” and he would tell me, “Stop being a rebel. You’re not 13.” For some reason, I would stop and I’m like OK… Yeah. You’re right. (I always forget I’m an adult.)
The thing I love most about having a guy BFF like mine is that you get the best of two worlds actually. One is that, in every aspect of your life as a bewildered adult, you have someone to consult with the opposite sex. OK. Let’s not go as deep as “feminism” and “gender-equality”, but it’s genuinely just asking about anything under the sun (like probably, how a guy thinks in certain kinds of situation). Two, someone to share a platonic relationship with. NO DRAMA. Just sincerely caring for each other and pushing each other to be the best of who we may become in the future. But don’t get me wrong… We may be your #friendshipgoals but, WE ALSO FIGHT, OK? Like when we’re both pissed at each other, we seriously don’t talk for like two days max. But, hey, we always end up sorting things out. We probably just know when to keep our mouths shut.
For the past year, it has been my BFF (along side with our other friends) who literally was (and is still) beside me during my “roller coaster ride” in Sydney. If not for them, I probably won’t be alive writing this blog post (LOL. OK. That’s too dramatic). But come to think of it. In a span of 12 months, the person whom I spent my time annoying and teasing actually taught me A LOT about life in more ways than one.
HEALTH COMES FIRST ABOVE ANYTHING ELSE. I have this frustrating habit of just letting things pass when I’m not feeling well and to those of you who have been with me in person, ya’ll know how “sick” I am when I say I’m sick. Let’s not go through my long novel of medical history. I tend to just google my symptoms and hope that my self-medication works, fingers-crossed. My BFF would always push me to go visit the doctor and I always resisted. Apparently, the last time he took me to the doctor… it wasn’t that bad. Just that, I was almost in the brink of “you-can-get-paralyzed” if you don’t do the therapies kind of thing.
Lesson Learned: Do not self-assess. Seek a professional medical practitioner.
PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS SAY SOMETHING ABOUT YOU. In the early stages of our friendship, we always thought we were both  “judgmental” in so many levels. We always tell each other our views about so many things (and people). In that regard, I realized… no matter how hard you try, you can’t just simply please everyone. There will be people who will judge you whatever you do. May I just quote what remained in my memory when I was crying to him over messenger because I felt judged just recently? “Live your life. Do what makes you happy, not what makes them happy. Stop pleasing other people. No matter how hard you try, you can’t live your life just trying to please everyone.” True story, apparently.
Lesson Learned: So dear friends… STOP. TRYING. 
SEEK RELATIONSHIPS THAT ARE OF QUALITY, NOT OF QUANTITY. “If he values his pride like it’s some Prada-shit, then it’s not worth it.” I mean wow. For quite some time, I have been feeling down for all the wrong reasons and people, but this words from him struck me. It makes me laugh every time I remember this though. My BFF is not the type of guy who has a web of friends from all over the universe, but he taught me that he would rather have just a friend or two who are genuine rather than a thousand who knows nothing about his real personality. Don’t take this the wrong way, he’s a friendly and very approachable guy.
Lesson Learned: It takes more than a simple hi and hello to be promoted from “acquaintance” to “friends”. Building relationships takes time, efforts, and a whole-lot of trust.
WHATEVER HAPPENS TO YOU, LIFE GOES ON. There was a point in my life where I have been so depressed that I did not come out of my room for like three days straight. Every little thing that I would see would trigger me of all the bitterness that I could possibly take hold of from my chest. I was crying. My best friend would always ask me how I was each day, and it was probably the most exasperating feeling knowing that the person you used to spend happy times with is just in her room crying and not eating. Let’s all assume that’s how he felt that night. Haha. I’m an assuming person like that. So anyway, after long hours of our conversation, he finally sent me a message that opened my eyes into reality. “Grow up! You are not in a real life K-Drama. Stop being indecisive. You don’t have to make things hard for yourself. Leaving or staying is not supposed to be a tough decision to make. You know what’s best for you. Remember, decide for yourself and think about your well-being. The rest is nothing.” And so I did. I made a tough choice of leaving Sydney for a few months. I thought maybe, if I would try to heal myself from my invisible wounds, perhaps it’s better if I was in a familiar set-up. I told myself, he was absolutely right. It would probably be good for me emotionally, mentally, and physically if I was back in my comfort zone for some time… and yeah, it feels good to be back.
Lesson Learned: It’s OK not to be OK. It’s OK to fall apart, but learn when and where to reset. 
TIME IS ALWAYS VALUABLE, NO EXCUSES. I’m usually late and he hates me for it. If only being late could kill, I am probably dead (multiple times) by now. LOL. There are things my BFF won’t ever trust me with. 1. Going to the doctor when I know I’m sick. 2. Getting to places with just a map (he’s my personal GPS, so I’m too spoiled to even read Google Maps.) 3. Not eating the foods that I’m allergic with. 4. BEING ON TIME. To those of you who knows us personally, you know how early he always is and you know I’m the exact opposite. But, I’m working on my “timing”, OK? Except when unexpected shit happens (like train being delayed for “suicide” reasons which happens in Sydney on a monthly basis, or having to get my house-movers’ truck fit through the parking space which literally has 2 meters vertical clearance while my friends are waiting for me for lunch). MY APOLOGIES. But, aside from unanticipated circumstances like those, there is NOOOO ACCEPTABLE EXCUSE for being late, and that’s what I’m still learning up to this moment. My BFF would always tell me, “You can’t always make people wait for you like your time is the only thing that’s valuable. They have a lot of things on their plate as well. It’s not always about you. That’s another person’s time wasted with you being late, you know?” OK, princess. The-royalty-is-never-late-it’s-just-that-people-arrived-early doesn’t work in reality.
Lesson Learned: Time is valuable. When it’s gone, it’s gone. Time is wealth but unlike money, you can’t replace it. So stop wasting other people’s time. Their time is just as costly as yours. 
To be honest, an entire blog post is not enough with the sooo many lessons I learned (and still learning) by just having a conversation with my BFF. Things like spending money, and how one person can never be too independent, or planning the future wisely ahead, building empires, and sometimes outrageous stuff which I never thought I would ever encounter… I probably already talked about it with him. I am just beyond lucky to have met him in my lifetime. Just like what I said on my previous post, if you meet those people who still believes in you despite what you’ve been through, cherish them. THEY ARE YOUR PEOPLE.
Every time I do something, I would always ask him jokingly, “What would you do without me?” And he would always answer with a laugh, “I would die without you.” Hahaha. It’s funny, because actually it’s the other way around. “Dear Best Friend, I honestly don’t know what to do without you.”
I hope one day, you meet your best guy friend too (and yeah, we also go through that part when everyone thinks he’s my boyfriend or I’m his girlfriend and people think it’s hard to tell coz we’re always together. LMAO). We just laugh it off, but on a serious note… The best part of it is that no matter what happens, you always know that you have someone who listens regardless of how long your rant is and he will hit you back with reality. He will be your partner-in-crime, and though sometimes he may be too “honest” for a guy, you know he is just being logical. This is ADULTING. Life will give you lessons the hard way, it’s up to you who you learn it with.
  #ADULTING: Your Best Friend Knows Better was originally published on WanderBitesByBobbie
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runawayemotions · 7 years
so, it has been 8 days, how do i feel? i still read your last 3 messages many time, daily. But it’s not so often as before. I find myself seeing things clearer and clearer by day. I know who I am, I will always be this girl who wants to be updated daily on how you’re doing, want to see that her questions replied, her story to interest you. Atleast, until I’m secured enough that you like me. The fear of not getting your reply and suddenly bombed with the statement “isn’t it obvious it’s not working out?” is too much, it’s terrifying. I end up always asking to end things coz me ending thing first would be less painful, or so I thought. Little did I know, I’m the one who got hurt more coz I like you more. I hate the fact that I became so attached to you, waiting for your reply every second when God knows what ever you’re doing and you couldn’t be bothered to text me. I know what I need to do, I just couldn’t do it. I end up pushing you to the limit, wanting you to give me a clear no, coz it’s easier to make you say no than yes. And that big no is what I needed, coz I won’t be able to move on as long as the lines are blur. Do I regret doing such thing? Partly, yeah. But bigger part of me know that, this is what I want. Or forever I’ll be annoying you, or torturing myself. 2 more days, is the last hope I have in you. If there’s no more text from you, I will take it as the end, tho I know, I will still hope a little, as usual, until I God knows when. Do I deserve better? Yes. Do you deserve better? Yes. We are just not suitable for each other, you have your ways, I have mine. On the though of if you ever ask if I wanna start over, I’m actually torn and have no definite answer. My answer would be totally different if this were to happen before you give me a big no. I hated myself for acting such way, now no more. Coz I know perfectly well why I acted that way, and I need to stay true to my feelings, and I need it to be clear, and this is what I want. You made me fall for you too quickly and too deep while you’re still indecisive. And I made it easy for you. Perhaps.
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